Spelling suggestions: "subject:"resonator"" "subject:"eesonator""
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Self-assembled rolled-up devices: towards on-chip sensor technologiesSmith, Elliot John 13 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
By implementing the rolled-up microfabrication method based on strain engineering, several systems are investigated within the contents of this thesis. The structural morphing of planar geometries into three-dimensional structures opens up many doors for the creation of unique material configurations and devices. An exploration into several novel microsystems, encompassing various scientific subjects, is made and methods for on-chip integration of these devices are presented.
The roll-up of a metal and oxide allows for a cylindrical hollow-core structure with a cladding layer composed of a multilayer stack, plasmonic metamaterial. This structure can be used as a platform for a number of optical metamaterial devices. By guiding light radially through this structure, a theoretical investigation into the system makeup of a rolled-up hyperlens, is given. Using the same design, but rather propagating light parallel to the cylinder, a novel device known as a metamaterial optical fiber is defined. This fiber allows light to be guided classically and plasmonically within a single device. These fibers are developed experimentally and are integrated into preexisting on-chip structures and characterized.
A system known as lab-in-a-tube is introduced. The idea of lab-in-a-tube combines various rolled-up components into a single all-encompassing biosensor that can be used to detect and monitor single bio-organisms. The first device specifically tailored to this system is developed, flexible split-wall microtube resonator sensors. A method for the capturing of embryonic mouse cells into on-chip optical resonators is introduced. The sensor can optically detect, via photoluminescence, living cells confined within the resonator through the compression and expansion of a nanogap built within its walls.
The rolled-up fabrication method is not limited to the well-investigated systems based on the roll-up from semiconductor material or from a photoresist layer. A new approach, relying on the delamination of polymers, is presented. This offers never-before-realized microscale structures and configurations. This includes novel magnetic configurations and flexible fluidic sensors which can be designed for on-chip and roving detector applications.
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A Study of Mode Dependent Energy Dissipation in 2D MEMS ResonatorsDoreswamy, Santhosh January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
With the advent of micro and nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), there has been rapid development in the design and fabrication of sensitive resonant sensors. Sensitivity of such devices depends on the resonant frequency and the quality factor (Q). The Q of these devices are dependent on process induced prestress in the structural geometry, interaction with the external environment, and the encapsulation method. For high frequency sensors operating in air and under encapsulation condition, the Q is dominated by structural and fluid-structure interaction losses. In this thesis, we set out to study the dominant energy dissipative mechanisms that are constituent of the experimentally observed loss (Q-factor) in two specific test geometries—uncapped and capped circular MEMS drumhead resonators.
Considering the importance of various factors, we consider four important problems pertaining to the uncapped as well as capped resonators. In the first problem, the most important factors perhaps are the acoustic radiation losses emanating from the annular plate, and the effect of added mass effect on the natural frequencies of the annular plate. The second problem is to investigate the dominant contribution of squeeze film losses and acoustic radiation losses with respect to various natural frequencies of the annular plate. The third problem is to consider the effect of prestress on the natural frequencies of the annular plate and its associated fluid-structure interaction losses (quality factors due to squeeze film damping and acoustic radiation losses). The fourth problem is to study the dominant fluid-structure interaction losses and structural losses that are constituent of experimentally measured Q-factors of the encapsulated annular plate (conceptual representation of MEMS device under packaged conditions).
In the first problem, we study the mode dependent acoustic radiation losses in an uncapped drumhead microresonator which is represented by a annular circular plate fixed at its outer edge, suspended over a fixed substrate. There are two main effects which are associated with such systems due to the fluid-structure interaction. First is the “added mass effect,” which reduces the effective resonance frequency of the structure. The second is the acoustic radiation loss from the top side of the resonator, that affects the quality factor of the vibrating structure. In deriving the analytical solution, we first obtain the exact mode shapes of the structure ignoring any effect of the surrounding fluid (air) on the mode shape. Subsequently, we use these mode shapes to study the effect of the surrounding fluid on the associated natural frequencies and the Q-factor. The effect of “added mass” on the frequencies of the structure is found to be negligible. However, the acoustic radiation losses found to be significant. Additionally, we found that the variation in Qac over the first few modes (< 40 MHz) is marked with a local maximum and a minimum. Beyond this range, Qac increases monotonically over the higher frequency modes. It is also found that such kind of variation can be described using different acoustics parameters. Finally, comparing the acoustics radiation loss based quality factor with the experimental results for the uncapped drumhead resonator, the acoustic damping dominates only at higher modes. Therefore, our second problem forms the basis of finding other fluid-related damping.
In the second problem, we explore the fluid losses due to squeeze film damping in the uncapped drumhead micro resonator. In this case, the squeeze film loss is due to the flow of the fluid film between the bottom surface of the annular plate and the fixed substrate. Based on the literature survey, it is found that the squeeze film damping reduces with increase in the air-gap thickness and the operating frequencies respectively. However, the squeeze film effect can not be ignored at lower frequencies. In order to investigate the contribution of squeeze film damping in uncapped resonator, we determine squeeze-film damping based quality factor Qsq corresponding to different modes of the resonators using FEM based software, ANSYS. On comparing Qsq with the experiments, we found that Qsq matches well with the experiments corresponding to the lower modes. Therefore, it is found that Qsq dominates at low frequencies (< 20 MHz) and Qac plays significant role at high frequencies (> 40 MHz). Both types of damping should be considered while modeling the fluid damping in uncapped resonator. In the next study, we discuss the effects of prestress on the resonant frequencies and quality factor.
In the third study, we discuss the applicability of thin-plate theory with prestress and membrane theory in computing the frequencies and quality factor due to acoustic and squeeze film losses in the uncapped drumhead resonator. In the first two studies, although the quality factor due to acoustic losses and the squeeze film captures the correct trend of the experimental results, there is a mismatch between the experimental and theoretical frequencies computed with added mass effect. In order to improve the computation of frequencies corresponding to measured modes, we first used membrane theory to predict the frequencies, and finally we quantify that there exists discrepancy between computed and the corresponding experimental frequencies with error of about 8–55%. Since, both the membrane as well as thin plate theory without prestress do not correctly model the frequencies, we used the thin plate theory with prestress. For a prestress level of 96 MPa, we found the match between the computed frequencies and the corresponding quality factors with the measured values. However, we also found that there exists strong dependence of prestress on the acoustic radiation loss, with decrease in the acoustic loss based quality factors with increase in the prestress level. In the subsequent problem, we focus on the computation of losses in capped drumhead resonator which leads to a design possibility of improving the quality factor by containing the acoustic radiation losses.
In the fourth problem, we study the structural and fluid-structure interaction losses which are dominant constituent of net Q-factor observed in experiments due to encapsulation of uncapped drumhead resonator. Essentially, the geometry of the capped resonator constitutes upper and lower cavities subjected to fluid-structure interaction losses on both sides of the annular plate. The dominant fluid-structure interaction loss is found to be due to squeezing action acting simultaneously in the upper and lower cavities. However, as we go to the higher modes, squeeze film damping become very small and the damping due to structure related losses such as clamping and thermoelastic losses becomes significant. We found the thermoelastic damping to be the dominant source of structural damping at higher resonant modes, whereas, the clamping losses are found to be relatively smaller. Finally, on comparing the net quality factor with the experimental results, we observed that the squeeze film losses are dominant at lower frequencies, and thermoelastic losses dominate at the higher frequencies. However, there remains some discrepancy between theoretical and experimental Q-factors particularly over higher frequency range. Such discrepancy may be due to some unaccounted factors which may be explored to improve the modeling of damping in capped resonators.
The emphasis of this work has been towards developing a comprehensive understanding of different dominant dissipative mechanisms, classified into the fluid-structure interaction and the structural losses, that are constituent of the Q-factor at various resonant modes of uncapped and capped drumhead resonators.
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Triply-Resonant Cavity-Enhanced Spontaneous Parametric Down-ConversionAhlrichs, Andreas 22 July 2019 (has links)
Die verlässliche Erzeugung einzelner Photonen mit wohldefinierten Eigenschaften in allen Freiheitsgraden ist entscheidend für die Entwicklung photonischer Quantentechnologien. Derzeit basieren die wichtigsten Einzelphotonenquellen auf dem Prozess der spontanen parameterischen Fluoreszenz (SPF), bei dem ein Pumpphoton in einem nichtlinearen Medium spontan in ein Paar aus Signal und Idlerphotonen zerfällt. Resonator-überhöhte SPF, also das Plazieren des nichtlinearen Mediums in einem optischen Resonator, ist ein weit verbreitetes Verfahren, um Einzelphotonenquellen mit erhöhter Helligkeit und angepassten spektralen Eigenschaften zu konstruieren. Das Anpassen der spektralen Eigenschaften durch gezielte Auswahl der Resonatoreigenschaften ist besonders für hybride Quantentechnologienvon Bedeutung, welche darauf abzielen, unterschiedliche Quntensysteme so zu kombinieren, dass sich deren Vorteile ergänzen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine umfassende theoretische und experimentelle Analyse der dreifach resonanten SPF vor. Das aus der Literatur bekannte theoretische Modell wird diesbezüglich verbessert, dass der Einfluss sämtlicher Eigenschaften des Resonators auf die wichtigen experimentellen Größen (z.B. die Erzeugungsrate) gezielt ausgewertet werden kann. Dieses verbesserte und hoch genaue Modell stellt eine wichtige Grundlage für die Entwicklung und Optimierung neuartiger Photonenpaarquellen dar. Im experimentellen Teil dieser Arbeit wird der Aufbau und die Charakterisierung einer dreifach resonanten Photonenpaarquellen präsentiert. Die neu entwickelte digitale Regelelektronik sowie ein hochstabiler, schmalbandiger Monochromator welcher auf monolitischen, polarisationsunabhängigen Fabry-Pérot Resonatoren basiert, werden vorgestellt. Indem diese temperaturstabilisierten Resonatoren als Spetrumanalysator verwendet werden, wird zum ersten Mal die Frequenzkammstruktur des Spektrums der erzeugten Signal- und Idlerphotonen nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss der Pumpresonanz auf die Korrelationsfunktion und die Zweiphotoneninterferenz von Signal- und Idlerphotonen simuliert und vermessen. Abschließend werden Experimente aus dem Bereich der hybriden Quantennetzwerke präsentiert, in welchen Quantenfrequenzkonversion verwendet wird um die erzeugten Signalphotonen in das Telekommunikationsband zu transferieren. Dabei wird nachgewiesen, dass das temporale Wellenpaket durch die Konversion nicht beeinflusst wird und aufgezeigt, wie Quantennetzwerke von kommerziellen Telekommunikationstechnologien profitieren können. / The consistent generation of single photons with well-defined properties in all degrees of freedom is crucial for the development of photonic quantum technologies. Today, the most prominent sources of single photons are based on the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) where a pump photon spontaneously decays into a pair of signal and idler photons inside a nonlinear medium. Cavity-enhanced SPDC, i.e., placing the nonlinear medium inside an optical cavity, is widely used to build photon-pair sources with increased brightness and tailored spectral properties. This spectral tailoring by selective adjustment of the cavity parameters is of particular importance for hybrid quantum technologies which seek to combine dissimilar quantum systems in a way that their advantages complement each other. This thesis provides a comprehensive theoretical and experimental analysis of triply-resonant cavity-enhanced SPDC. We improve the theoretical model found in the literature such that the influence of all resonator properties on the important experimental parameters (e.g., the generation rate) can be analyzed in detail. This convenient and highly accurate model of cavity-enhanced SPDC represents an important basis for the design and optimization of novel photonpair sources. The experimental part of this thesis presents the setup and characterization of a triply-resonant photon-pair source. We describe the digital control system used to operate this source over days without manual intervention, and we present a highly stable, narrow-linewidth monochromator based on cascaded, polarization-independent monolithic Fabry-Pérot cavities. Utilizing these temperature-stabilized cavities as a spectrum analyzer, we verify, for the first time, the frequency comb spectral structure of photons generated by cavity-enhanced SPDC. We further simulate and measure the impact of the pump resonance on the temporal wave-packets and the two-photon interference of signal and idler photons. Finally, we present a series of experiments in the context of hybrid quantum networks where we employ quantum frequency conversion (QFC) to transfer the generated signal photons into the telecommunication band. We verify the preservation of the temporal wave-packet upon QFC and highlight how quantum networks can benefit from advanced commercial telecommunication technologies.
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<div>The allocated frequency bands for the incoming fifth generation (5G) wireless communication technologies spread broadly from sub 6 GHz to K and potentially W bands. The evolution of the future generations toward higher frequency bands will continue and presents significant challenges in terms of excessive system complexity, production and maintenance costs. Reconfigurable radio architecture with frequency-tunable components is one of the most feasible and cost-effective solutions to meet such challenges. Among these technologies, evanescent-mode (EVA) cavity tunable resonator have demonstrated many of the needed features such as wide tunability, low loss and high linearity. Such a technology typically employs a movable membrane that controls the resonant frequency of a post-loaded cavity. </div><div><br></div><div>The first part of this work focuses on advancing such technology into the mm-wave frequency bands and beyond. Manufacturing tolerance and tuner performance are the two main limiting factors addressed here. This work develops a cost-effective micro-fabrication and package assembly flow which addresses the manufacturing related limitations. On the other hand, introducing micro-corrugated diaphragms and gold-vanadium co-sputtered thin film deposition technology, significantly reduces (4 times) the tuning voltage and enhances tuning stability (7 times). We demonstrate a tunable two-pole band-pass filter (BPF) prototype as the first EVA cavity tunable filter operating in the K-Ka band. </div><div><br></div><div>The second part of this work extensively discusses an optimal RF design flow based on the developed manufacturing technology. It considers all technology constrains and allows the actualization of a high Q transfer function with minimum bandwidth variation within an octave tuning range. Moreover, a new fully passive input/output feeding mechanism that facilitates impedance matching over the entire tuning range is presented. The devised RF methodology is validated through the design and testing of a two-resonator BPF. Measurements demonstrate a tuning range between 20-40 GHz, relative bandwidth of 1.9%-4.7%, and impedance matching over the entire tuning range which is upto 2 times better than previously reported state-of-the-art MEMS tunable filters of this type.</div><div><br></div><div>The third part of this work further advances the technology by proposing the first MEMS-based low-power bi-directional EVA tuning approach that employs both the main bias circuitry as well as a new corrective biasing technique that counteracts viscoelastic memory effects. The two key enabling technologies are extensively discussed: a) a new metal-oxide-metal (MOM) sealed cavity that maintains high quality without requiring complicated metal bonding; and b) a new electrostatic bi-directional MEMS tuner that implements the needed frequency tuning without lowering the resonator quality factor. </div><div><br></div><div>Furthermore, we explore important design and fabrication trade-offs regarding sensitivity to non-ideal effects (residual stress, fabrication imperfections). Measurement of the new prototype bi-directional design, prove that this technology readily corrects residual post-bias displacement of 0.1 um that shifts the frequency by over 1 GHz with less than 2.5 V. It takes over 100 seconds to recover this error in the uni-directional case. This correction does not adversely affect the filter performance.</div>
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A flexible coil array for high resolution magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla / Réseau flexible d'antennes miniatures pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique haute résolution à 7 TeslaKriegl, Roberta 17 December 2014 (has links)
L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est un outil d’investigation majeur donnant accès de manière non invasive à des nombreuses informations quantitatives et fonctionnelles. La qualité des images obtenues (rapport-signal-sur-bruit, RSB) est cependant limitée dans certaines applications nécessitant des résolutions spatiales et/ou temporelles poussées. Afin d’améliorer la sensibilité de détection des équipements d’IRM, diverses orientations peuvent être suivies telles qu’augmenter l’intensité du champ magnétique des imageurs, améliorer les performances des systèmes de détection radiofréquence (RF), ou encore développer des séquences d’acquisition et des techniques de reconstruction d’images plus efficaces. La thématique globale dans laquelle s’inscrit cette thèse concerne le développement des systèmes de détection RF à haute sensibilité pour l’IRM à haut champ chez l’homme. En particulier, des antennes auto-résonantes basées sur le principe des lignes de transmission sont utilisées parce qu’elles peuvent être réalisée sur substrat souple. Cette adaptabilité géométrique du résonateur permet d’ajuster précisément sa forme aux spécificités morphologiques de la zone anatomique observée, et ainsi d’augmenter le RSB. La première visée technologique de ce projet concerne le développement, de la conception jusqu’à la mise en œuvre dans un appareil 7 T corps entier, d’un système de détection RF flexible à haute sensibilité, utilisant des antennes miniatures associées en réseau. L’utilisation d’un réseau d’antennes miniatures permet d’obtenir des images sur un champ de vue élargi tout en conservant la haute sensibilité inhérente à chaque antenne miniature. De plus, la technologie de l’imagerie parallèle devient accessible, ce qui permet d’accélérer l’acquisition des images. De surcroît, un nouveau schéma de résonateur de ligne transmission avec un degré de liberté supplémentaire est introduit, ce qui permet de réaliser de grands résonateurs multi-tours pour l’IRM à haut champ. Cette thèse décrit le développement, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation des nouveaux systèmes de détection RF au moyen de simulations analytiques et numériques, et des études expérimentales. / Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), among other imaging techniques, has become a major backbone of modern medical diagnostics. MRI enables the non-invasive combined, identification of anatomical structures, functional and chemical properties, especially in soft tissues. Nonetheless, applications requiring very high spatial and/or temporal resolution are often limited by the available signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in MR experiments. Since first clinical applications, image quality in MRI has been constantly improved by applying one or several of the following strategies: increasing the static magnetic field strength, improvement of the radiofrequency (RF) detection system, development of specialized acquisition sequences and optimization of image reconstruction techniques. This work is concerned with the development of highly sensitive RF detection systems for biomedical ultra-high field MRI. In particular, auto-resonant RF coils based on transmission line technology are investigated. These resonators may be fabricated on flexible substrate which enables form-fitting of the RF detector to the target anatomy, leading to a significant SNR gain. The main objective of this work is the development of a flexible RF coil array for high-resolution MRI on a human whole-body 7 T MR scanner. With coil arrays, the intrinsically high SNR of small surface coils may be exploited for an extended field of view. Further, parallel imaging techniques are accessible with RF array technology, allowing acceleration of the image acquisition. Secondly, in this PhD project a novel design for transmission line resonators is developed, that brings an additional degree of freedom in geometric design and enables the fabrication of large multi-turn resonators for high field MR applications. This thesis describes the development, successful implementation and evaluation of novel, mechanically flexible RF devices by analytical and 3D electromagnetic simulations, in bench measurements and in MRI experiments.
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Détection non-destructive pour l’interférométrie atomique et Condensation de Bose-Einstein dans une cavité optique de haute finesse / Nondestructive detection for atom interferometry and Bose-Einstein condensation in a high finesse optical cavityVanderbruggen, Thomas 13 April 2012 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse étudie diverses méthodes d'amélioration des interféromètres atomiques. Dans la première partie du manuscrit, nous analysons comment une détection non-destructive, au sens où elle préserve la cohérence entre les états internes de l'ensemble atomique, permet d'améliorer la sensibilité des interféromètres. Nous montrons tout d'abord, grâce à une étude théorique, que la projection du vecteur d'onde engendrée par la mesure permet de préparer des états comprimés de spin. Nous présentons ensuite la mise en œuvre de cette méthode à l'aide d'une détection reposant sur la spectroscopie par modulation de fréquence. Finalement, nous exposons quelques premières applications de cette détection non-destructive, plus précisément nous présentons la réalisation du rétroaction quantique qui protège l'état atomique contre la décohérence induite par un basculement du spin collectif, nous montrons aussi comment réaliser une boucle à verrouillage de phase où les atomes servent de référence de phase. Dans la seconde partie du manuscrit, nous présentons la réalisation tout-optique d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein dans une cavité de haute finesse, exploitant les technologies développées pour les télécommunications optiques. Nous commençons par une analyse du résonateur et des méthodes d'asservissement, nous introduisons notamment une méthode d'asservissement originale exploitant la modulation serrodyne. Enfin, nous montrons comment un condensat est obtenu par évaporation dans le mode optique de la cavité. / In this thesis, we study several methods to improve atom interferometers. In the first part of the manuscript, we analyze how a nondestructive detection, that preserves the coherence between the internal degrees of freedom in an atomic ensemble, can be used to increase the sensitivity of interferometers. We first theoretically show how the projection of the wave-function induced by the measurement prepares spin-squeezed states. We then present the implementation of this method with a detection based on the frequency modulation spectroscopy. Finally, some first applications are described, more explicitly we show how to implement a quantum feedback that preserve the atomic state against the decoherence induced by a random collective flip, we also introduce a phase-locked loop where the atomic sample is used as the phase reference. In the second part of the manuscript, we present the all-optical realization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a high-finesse cavity using a laser system based on standard telecoms technologies. We first describe the resonator and the frequency lock of the laser on the resonance, in particular, we introduce a new stabilization method based of the serrodyne modulation. Finally, we show how the condensate is obtained from the evaporation in the cavity mode.
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Étude des concepts de filtrage robuste aux méconnaissances de modèles et aux pertes de mesures. Application aux systèmes de navigation / Study of filtering strategies robust to model ignorance and measurement losses. Application to GPS/INS navigation systemsSircoulomb, Vincent 02 December 2008 (has links)
La résolution d'un problème d'estimation de l'état d'un système nécessite de disposer d'un modèle régissant l'évolution des variables d'état et de mesurer de manière directe ou indirecte l'ensemble ou une partie de ces variables d'état. Les travaux exposés dans ce mémoire de thèse portent sur la problématique d'estimation en présence de méconnaissances de modèle et de pertes de capteurs. La première partie de ce travail constitue la synthèse d'un dispositif d'estimation d'état pour systèmes non linéaires. Cela consiste à sélectionner un estimateur d'état et convenablement le régler, puis à concevoir algorithmiquement, à partir d'un critère introduit pour la circonstance, une redondance matérielle visant à compenser la perte de certains capteurs. La seconde partie de ce travail porte sur la conception, à l'aide de la variance d'Allan, d'un sous-modèle permettant de compenser les incertitudes d'un modèle d'état, ce sous-modèle étant utilisable par un filtre de Kalman. Ce travail a été exploité pour tenir compte de dérives gyroscopiques dans le cadre d'une navigation inertielle hybridée avec des mesures GPS par un filtre de Kalman contraint. Les résultats obtenus, issus d'expériences sur deux trajectoires d'avion, ont montré un comportement sain et robuste de l'approche proposée / To solve the problem of estimating the state of a system, it is necessary to have at one's disposal a model governing the dynamic of the state variables and to measure directly or indirectly all or a part of these variables. The work presented in this thesis deals with the estimation issue in the presence of model uncertainties and sensor losses. The first part of this work represents the synthesis of a state estimation device for nonlinear systems. It consists in selecting a state estimator and properly tuning it. Then, thanks to a criterion introduced for the occasion, it consists in algorithmically designing a hardware redundancy aiming at compensating for some sensor losses. The second part of this work deals with the conception of a sub-model compensating for some model uncertainties. This sub-model, designed by using the Allan variance, is usable by a Kalman filter. This work has been used to take into account some gyroscopical drifts in a GPS-INS integrated navigation based on a constrained Kalman filter. The results obtained, coming from experiments on two plane trajectories, showed a safe and robust behaviour of the proposed method
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Transfert énergétique irréversible grâce à un résonateur acoustique à comportement non-linéaire / Irreversible energy transfer using an acoustic resonator with a nonlinear behaviorAlamo Vargas, Valentin 07 September 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’amélioration des dispositifs pour la réduction de bruit, l’étude sur le transfert d’énergie irréversible en utilisant des résonateurs purement acoustiques à comportement non linéaire a été réalisée. Les résonateurs acoustiques classiques en régime linéaire agissent comme un Amortisseur de Masse Accordée (TMD, en anglais) et ils sont efficaces pour une gamme de fréquence très étroite. Cependant, lorsqu’ils sont soumis à des excitations très fortes (régime non-linéaire) ils peuvent devenir efficaces pour une plus large gamme de fréquences si des termes non linéaires peuvent être activés. Dans un premier temps, une étude sur ce comportement non-linéaire d’un résonateur d’Helmholtz modifié a été réalisée expérimentalement. Ensuite, l’équation dynamique gouvernante de tels résonateurs ont été développées en prenant en compte les non-linéarités de la force de rappel et d’amortissement. Une approximation de la solution analytique de l’équation gouvernante du résonateur acoustique a été déterminée en utilisant les méthodes des échelles multiples du temps et de transformation du temps non régulière. Dans un deuxième temps, une étude du couplage entre un mode acoustique en basses fréquences et un résonateur (celui étudié précédemment) à comportement non-linéaire a été réalisée. Pour ce faire, des mesures expérimentales avec un montage du système couplé ont permis de vérifier l’atténuation acoustique produite par le résonateur en régime forcé et libre. Une modélisation analytique du couplage a permis d’identifier l’expression de la variété invariante lente, ce qui a permis d’étudier les possibles points d’équilibre et points singuliers du système. Les modèles analytiques développés ont également été vérifiés par des simulations numériques. / Nowadays, there is a need of new types of technologies for sound reduction because of the growing of different industries. In this context, we have studied the targeted energy transfer using a purely acoustic resonator. These acoustic resonators act, in the linear regime, as a Tuned Masse Damper (TMD) and they are efficient for a narrow frequency band. But, when they are excited with high forces, in the nonlinear regime, they are efficient for a wider frequency band if the nonlinear terms are activated. First, an experimental study about the nonlinear behavior of a modified Helmholtz Resonator was done. Then, the governing equation of such resonators were developed considering the nonlinearities in the restitution force and damping. An approximation of the analytical solution of the governing equation of the acoustical resonator is derived using the multiples scales of time method and the non-smooth time transformation method. In a second part, a study about the coupling between an acoustic mode in low frequencies and a resonator (the one studied in the previous part) with a nonlinear behavior is done. In order to do this, experimental measurements of the coupled system to confirm acoustic attenuation by the resonator in forced and free regime were done. Then, an analytical modelling of the coupled system allowed to derive the expression of the Slow Invariant Manifold (SIM), in order to identify the possible equilibrium points and singular points of the system. Derived analytical models were verified by numerical simulations.
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Development of an Electromagnetic Glottal Waveform Sensor for Applications in High Acoustic Noise EnvironmentsPelteku, Altin E. 14 January 2004 (has links)
The challenges of measuring speech signals in the presence of a strong background noise cannot be easily addressed with traditional acoustic technology. A recent solution to the problem considers combining acoustic sensor measurements with real-time, non-acoustic detection of an aspect of the speech production process. While significant advancements have been made in that area using low-power radar-based techniques, drawbacks inherent to the operation of such sensors are yet to be surmounted. Therefore, one imperative scientific objective is to devise new, non-invasive non-acoustic sensor topologies that offer improvements regarding sensitivity, robustness, and acoustic bandwidth. This project investigates a novel design that directly senses the glottal flow waveform by measuring variations in the electromagnetic properties of neck tissues during voiced segments of speech. The approach is to explore two distinct sensor configurations, namely the“six-element" and the“parallel-plate" resonator. The research focuses on the modeling aspect of the biological load and the resonator prototypes using multi-transmission line (MTL) and finite element (FE) simulation tools. Finally, bench tests performed with both prototypes on phantom loads as well as human subjects are presented.
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Développement d'un traitement acoustique basses-fréquences à base de résonateurs d'Helmholtz intégrés à membrane électroactive / Low frequency acoustic treatment based on integrated helmoltz resonators with electroactive membraneAbbad, Ahmed 22 February 2018 (has links)
Ce projet de doctorat consiste en la proposition d'une solution technologique d'un résonateur de Helmholtz adaptatif à volume variable, permettant ainsi de s'affranchir du caractère mono-fréquentiel des résonateurs de Helmholtz passifs. Le réglage de volume s'effectue grâce à l'utilisation d'une membrane en polymère électroactif (EAP), permettant ainsi d'accorder les résonances du résonateur de Helmholtz. Le comportement mécanique de ces matériaux est modifié lorsqu'ils sont stimulés par un champ électrique. Des améliorations significatives en perte par transmission acoustique sont obtenues en basses fréquences par deux effets: la variation de raideur de la membrane et l'augmentation de volume due à la déformation de la membrane. Des études numériques, analytiques et expérimentales sont réalisées pour déterminer le potentiel des concepts proposés. Enfin, une structure périodique contenant 9 résonateurs adaptatifs à membranes électroactives est étudiée en champs diffus permettant d'évaluer les performances acoustiques du concept distribué. / This main goal of the project consists in proposing a technological solution of an adaptive Helmholtz resonator with variable volume, which allows to overcome the mono-frequency character of passive Helmholtz resonators. The volume control is achieved by the use of an electroactive polymer membrane (EAP), allowing the resonances of the Helmholtz resonator to be tuned. The mechanical behavior of these materials changes when they are stimulated by an electric field. Significant improvements in acoustic transmission loss are obtained at low frequencies by two effects: the variation of stiffness of the membrane and the increase of volume due to the deformation of the membrane. Numerical, analytical and experimental studies are carried out to determine the potential of the proposed concepts. Finally, a periodic structure containing 9 adaptive resonators with electroactive membranes is studied in diffuse fields to evaluate the acoustic performances of the distributed concept.
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