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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kundtjänster för mobilapplikationer : Utveckling av rapportgenerator, symbolgenerator,RevitArchitecture–add-in och metadatahantering / Custumer Services for Mobile Application

Bernau, Maja, Olsson, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this project was to streamline and automate a business system. This was achieved through the implementation of four subtasks. This report describes what parts of the system that needed to be updated and why. It also describes how the development was carried out and what results the project ultimately led to.   The project's tasks were to: Create a report generator designed to generate Excel documents. Develop a symbol generator where a user, through a web-based interface, could generate symbols. The symbols could then be used in the company's mobile application. Create an interface for a web service, and to develop an add-in for the modeling software Revit Architecture 2014. / Målet med detta projekt var att effektivisera och automatisera ett företagssystem. Detta skulle uppnås genom implementationen av fyra deluppgifter. Denna rapport beskriver vilka delar av systemet som behövde utvecklas och varför. Den beskriver även hur utvecklingen genomfördes samt vilka resultat projektet slutligen ledde till.   Projektets deluppgifter var att: Skapa en rapportgenerator för generering av Excel-dokument. Utveckla en symbolgenerator där man genom ett web-baserat gränssnitt kunde generera symboler avsedda att användas i företagets mobila applikation. Skapa ett gränssnitt för en web-tjänst samt utveckla ett add-in till modelleringsprogrammet Revit Architecture 2014.

Building information modeling for MEP

McFarland, Jessica E January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science / Charles L. Burton / Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a new way of approaching the design, construction, and management of a building. It is an innovative method that bridges the communication gap between the architects, engineers, and contractors. By definition Building Information Modeling is a model-based technology linked with a database of project information. BIM builds a virtual model of the building so that architects, engineers, and contractors can all access at anytime. With BIM, architects and engineers are able to efficiently generate and exchange information, create digital representations of all stages of the building process, and simulate real-world performance. By doing this, many errors are eliminated in the field which increases productivity and improves quality. This report defines what BIM actually is and discusses the benefits and challenges that are associated with this new method of design and construction. Specifically, this report will take an in depth look at how BIM affects MEP design.

BYGGPROJEKTERING I TEKLA - REVIT : En jämförelse av programvarorna Tekla Structures och Revit Structures / BUILDING DESIGN IN TEKLA - REVIT

Matini, Sam, Forsberg, Alex January 2020 (has links)
I detta examensarbete studeras programvarorna Tekla Structures och Revit Structures djupgående under projekteringsfasen. En fallstudie ligger till grund för att jämföra programvarorna, med syfte att hjälpa byggkonstruktörer i valet mellan respektive programvara. Examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med Kåver & Mellin Uppsala och jämförelsen ska hjälpa företaget att besluta om det finns skäl att utbilda sina medarbetare inom Tekla. Fallstudien har byggt på ett referensprojekt som utfördes i respektive programvara. Referensprojektet bestod av vanligt förekommande konstruktionselement och utförandet delades upp i två huvudområden, modellering och ritningsframställning. Modelleringen avser de moment som krävs för att skapa en 3D-modell över byggnaden medan ritningsframställning avser de moment som krävs för att framställa kompletta ritningar över byggnaden. Under utförandet upprättades fyra ritningar i respektive programvara, ritningarna utformades efter standarden Bygghandlingar 90.  En viktig faktor för utförandet av fallstudien visade sig vara den rådande kunskapsnivån hos användaren i respektive programvara. Detta speglades i resultatet för tidsåtgången. Eftersom författarna hade större förkunskaper i Revit kunde många av momenten utföras snabbare än för Tekla. Att åstadkomma en rättvis jämförelse mellan programvarorna i tidsåtgång blev följaktligen svår men fallstudien hjälpte författarna att kunna dra slutsatser kopplade till programvarornas styrkor och svagheter samt användarvänlighet. Tekla hade stora styrkor inom stålprojektering och programvarans förmåga att upprätta tillverkningsritningar på ett effektivt var av stor betydelse. Men programmet visade svagheter i ritningsframställningen där verktygen var otillräckliga för att kunna färdigställa referensprojektets detaljritning med korrekt skraffering. För Revit var det just programvarans detaljeringsverktyg i ritningsframställningen som var den stora styrkan. Programvaran hade verktyg för att rita ut alla ingående delar som skulle ingå på detaljritningen. För stålprojektering saknade programvaran verktyg för att effektivt kunna modellera upp alla ingående delar av en stålpelare, och stora delar av projektering för stål fick utföras under ritningsframställningen med hjälp av 2D-grafik. För företaget Kåver & Mellin Uppsala rekommenderas det att utbilda sina medarbetare i Tekla om de avser att ta sig an projekt med omfattande stålprojektering.

Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM

Al-Ayish, Nadia January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ​​up of three layers. Two external high-strength layers and a middle layer of low-strength concrete. The result is compared with three different concrete recipes. The environmental data obtained is then integrated with a building model in the BIM tool Autodesk Revit, using an own developed method. The purpose is to perform a sensitivity analysis in which the bearing walls are replaced with these concrete recipes. By performing a sensitivity analysis the effect the concrete has on an entire building can be seen. The result shows that there are major differences between the concretes. By only replacing the bearing interior walls to greener alternatives of the same material the climate impact is reduced by 10% of the building's overall climate impact. This study also shows that the resource efficient concrete has a lower climate impact than a standard concrete of the same strength class. The advantage is that this type wall construction can be made thicker without getting a significantly higher climate impact.

Compatibility issues with BIM

Kull, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
With the growing demand and use of BIM modeling, there’s also a growing number of competitors. Since every provider of BIM software has their own specific functions and file formats, there is no standard common platform and compatibility issues occur when projects are transferred between each other. Focus for this thesis is this gap and what can be done from preventing the gap to expand even more, this will be done by having a look at the most promising solutions that exists today.  If a way to prevent this from happening is discovered, this will be documented in the report and if possible, a program will be developed that can be used by anyone in order for the programs to communicate with each other in a better way.

Prestandabaserad design genomkonceptuell energianalys : Performance-based design through conceptual energy analysis

Kihlberg, Fredric January 2011 (has links)
This degree project aims to investigate the potential and possibilities for conceptual energyanalyses in the early stages of the design process. Many key decisions are made in theearly stages of a project regarding the shape and orientation of the building. Conceptualenergy analyses can provide the architects with insight regarding different design option’srelative energy performance.As the demands for more sustainable buildings increases, so does the need for earlyenergy analyses. Performing analyses in the early stage requires many assumptions andguesswork which could lead to a large margin of error.The offering from Autodesk is a module in Revit Architecture/MEP and the stand aloneprogram Project Vasari (under development). It is an interesting tool for architects with aneasy and quick work flow and can easily be implemented in today’s design process.The analysis of the results generated shows that the program has a margin of error thatmake some of the features less useful. Comparing the results with an analysis done in amore established and sophisticated software suggests that the result at this stage cannot betrusted.

Effektivitet- och kvalitetsökning vid tillämpning av BIM / Streamlining of constructions processes with BIM

Kazempour, Hamideh January 2020 (has links)
BIM (Building Information Model) utvecklas ständigt inom byggindustrin och är något som innebär stora förändringar inom branschen. Trots detta använder vissa företag fortfarande sig av den traditionella metoden, 2D-ritningar. Med hjälp av ett BIM-verktyg, som exempelvis Revit, kan 3D-modeller skapas och användbar information tas fram. Varje byggnadsdel har i tredimensionella modeller en knuten data som redogör exempelvis material och storlek. Vidare kan tid och kostnadstabeller göras för att skapa 4D och 5D-modeller där två de D:na står för tid och kostnad. Genom detta kan kalkylering och planering ske på ett förbättrat sätt. Dessutom kan kollisioner upptäcktas i tidigt skede, vilket i sin tur medför besparingar av pengar och tid samt undvikande av omarbetning. Genom en fallstudie har det blivit utrett hur en byggnadskonstruktionsfirma kan utnyttja möjligheterna som finns med 5D-modeller jämfört med nuvarande arbetsmetod (2D-ritning). Vidare har en studie genomförts för att undersöka om ett BIM-verktyg (Revit) kan effektivisera processen med att ta fram ritningsunderlag, samt hur effektiviserande modelleringsprogram som Revit kan öka kvaliteten och förenkla för ett konstruktionsföretag vid framtida projekt. / BIM (Building Information Model) is constantly being developed within the construction industry, which means major changes in this industry. Despite this, some companies use the traditional method, 2D-drawing procedure. Using BIM tools such as Revit, 3D-models can be created and extract useful information. Each part of the building in three dimensional models has a linked data as material. Furthermore, time and cost tables can be made to create 5D models where two D's represent time and cost. through this, calculation and planning can be done in improved ways. In addition, collisions in the early stage can be redirected. In turn, saving money and time as well as avoiding reworking. Through a case study, it has been investigated how Stiba can utilize the opportunities that exist with 5D models compared to the current working method (2D drawing). Furthermore, a study has been carried out to investigate whether a BIM tool (Revit) can streamline the process of producing a drawing base, as well as how more efficient modeling programs like Revit can increase quality and simplify for Stiba in future projects.

Mit BIM zum Facility Management: eine Studie zur Modellübergabe von Autodesk Revit nach Spartacus

Pfeifer, Michael 18 January 2022 (has links)
Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist es, in einer Fallstudie die Datenübergabe eines BIM-Gebäudemodells in den Betrieb zu simulieren. Dabei soll das Modell aus der Software „Autodesk Revit“ stammen, die Übergabe erfolgt zur CAFM-Software „Spartacus“. Die Simulation wird sich mit modellspezifischen, softwarerelevanten und vertragsbezogenen Voraussetzungen für die Modellübergabe befassen. Dabei sollen auch softwareneutrale Gesichtspunkt Beachtung finden. Anhand der Ergebnisse der Fallstudie werden allgemeine Voraussetzungen und Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeitet sowie mögliche Fehlerquellen aufgedeckt. Das Ergebnis soll ein Leitfaden sein, der bei der Implementierung des digitalen Gebäudebetriebs unterstützt.:Einleitung 1 Ziele 2 Begriffsdefinitionen 3 Das Facility Management 3.1 Funktionsbereiche des FM 3.2 Voraussetzung für den Einsatz von FM-Software 4 Building Information Modeling 5 Bedeutung des Building Information Modeling für das Facility Management 6 Software 6.1 FM-unterstützende Software am Markt 6.2 Unterschied CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management)/IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management Systems)/FMIS (Facility Management Information Systems) 6.3 Anforderungen an die Software 6.4 Ergänzende Software 7 Fallstudie 7.1 Zu verwendende Software 7.2 Ursprünglich zu verwendendes Gebäude 7.3 Verwendetes Gebäudemodell 7.4 Untersuchte Bauteile und Bereiche des Gebäudes 7.5 Vorstellung der verwendeten Software “Spartacus” 7.6 Übergabe des Modells in die FM-Software 7.7 Verbindung der Revit-Familien mit den Spartacus-Anlagenklassen 7.8 Übergabe eines IFC-Modells 8 Fehlermeldungen 8.1 Fehlermeldung bezüglich der Geschosse 8.2 Fehlermeldung bezüglich der Räume 8.3 Fehler beim IFC-Import in Spartacus 8.4 Untersuchung des Im- und Exports zwischen *.rvt und *.ifc 9 Vertragsrelevante Schlussfolgerungen 9.1 Übersicht über die BIM-relevanten Vertragsbestandteile 9.2 Implementierung der Erkenntnisse in bestehende BIM-Strukturen der Deutschen Bahn 10 Fazit 10.1 Anforderungen an BIM im Facility Management allgemein 10.2 Anforderungen an zukünftig zu übergebende Modelle 10.3 BIM-relevante Leistungsphasen der HOAI für das FM-Modell 10.4 Beispiele für Ausschreibungstexte 10.5 Anforderungen an den Bediener der CAFM-Software 10.6 Anforderungen an den Planer 10.7 Anforderungen an die Software 10.8 Erforderlicher Detaillierungsgrad für das FM-Programm 10.9 Kompatibilität von “Spartacus” mit “Autodesk Revit” 10.10 Anwendung der speziellen Parameter 11 Der Weg für die Implementierung der Spartacus-Software 12 Ausblick 13 Anhänge 14 Literaturverzeichnis Erklärung

Parametric design with Visual programming in Dynamo with Revit : The conversion from CAD models to BIM and the design of analytical applications

Nezamaldin, Darwn January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays, there is a big strive to achieve faster and more accurate results of designing buildings in construction companies. Construction companies that work with the design part are continuously searching for methods to increase efficiency in the working process. Autodesk have introduced a software that uses parametric design to provide input to Revit models and to retrieve and manipulate the outcomes of Revit models. The Dynamo software uses visual programming and is connected directly to Revit where the user can gain access to Revit’s data structure where parameters can be controlled and manipulated. This research consists of two parts. The first part shows how 2D Autocad drawing can be converted into 3D Revit models. This is done by using the 2D geometry as reference lines for placing BIM objects. The second part shows how the BIM model can then be used to analyze different elements with Dynamo. The calculations of element cost, weight and thermal transmission losses of floors, walls and roofs are used to illustrate this possibility. All the main goals were achieved and are presented in the report for engineers to utilize. The report illustrates the basics of Dynamo, shows examples of how to it can be used while sharing the scripts that were used for this research. The report also encourages other competent students to continue where this thesis ended. Even though several tasks were achieved in this thesis, there are still much more to learn about parametric design and visual programming.

Integration of Life Cycle Assessment within Building Information Modeling Environment

Jiayu, Cui January 2020 (has links)
Over the past several decades, increasing awareness of sustainable building has led to the development and maturity of life cycle assessment (LCA) as a method used to assess the environmental impacts and resources through buildings’ life cycle. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent process based on 3D model that enables architecture, engineering and construction designers to collaborate. Because of its advantages and the collaborative alternative, the integrations of BIM and LCA have been studied and developed in many ways. However, none of the integrating approaches have been widely used due to interoperability issues and accuracy problems. Detailed information of LCA and BIM are introduced in this thesis, and then innovated integration of BIM and LCA are proposed. This is done with the direct access to the LCA data in XML format from EPD database by using Dynamo that is a plug-in Revit application, LCA can be conducted within the BIM environment. The results of life cycle impact calculation can be instantly presented in diagram, and users can visualize the results by color coding different materials in BIM model. Future research could focus on how to widely use the integrating method in real project and connect this approach into environmental certification system in order to demonstrate the environmental performance of buildings and projects in a standardized manner.

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