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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas e reológicas de composições de borracha nitrílica vulcanizadas com resina fenólica / Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas e reológicas de composições de borracha nitrílica vulcanizadas com resina fenólica / Evaluatin of mechanical and rheological properties of vulcanized nitrile rubber compositions with phenolic resin / Evaluatin of mechanical and rheological properties of vulcanized nitrile rubber compositions with phenolic resin

José Luiz Leite Sanchez 26 June 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho de Dissertação de Tese, composições do copolímero de butadieno-acrilonitrila (NBR) foram vulcanizadas utilizando como agentes de vulcanização, a resina fenólica e o enxofre, com diferentes proporções de resina fenólica e uma única proporção de enxofre. O sistema ativador foi composto por policloropreno e óxido de zinco para as composições com resina fenólica, enquanto que por ácido esteárico e óxido de zinco para a composição com enxofre. Os materiais foram vulcanizados em uma temperatura de 190C. Foi avaliada a influência da variação dos componentes das composições sobre as propriedades reométricas, físico-mecânicas e reológicas dos materiais. Para auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados obtidos para as propriedades reométricas e físico-mecânicas, foi utilizado um planejamento estatístico de análise de variância para verificar a possibilidade da influência das variáveis e suas possíveis combinações nas propriedades avaliadas. Para as composições vulcanizadas com resina fenólica, os resultados mostraram que a composição de borracha nitrílica se tornou mais rígida com a presença da resina. Também foi observada a ocorrência de pós-cura nas composições vulcanizadas com resina fenólica. Os ensaios reológicos revelaram uma homogeneidade nas amostras submetidas aos testes de varredura de deformação, com desvio de linearidade a partir de 10% de deformação. / In this Thesis Dissertation, acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) compositions were vulcanized using phenolic resin and sulfur as vulcanization agents with different proportions of phenolic resin and only one proportion of sulfur. The activator system was composed of polycloroprene and zinc oxide to phenolic resin compositions, while stearic acid and zinc oxide to sulfur composition. The materials were vulcanized in a temperature of 190C. The influence of the components content on rheometric, physico-mechanical and rheological properties of the materials was evaluated. In order to assist in the interpretation of the to physico-mechanical and rheometric properties results, a statistical planning of variant analysis was used to observe a possible influence of the variables and also their possible associations into the evaluated properties. The results showed that the nitrile rubber become more stiffness with the presence of phenolic resin. It was also observed the occurrence of post-vulcanization on the compositions vulcanized with phenolic resin. The rheological results showed homogeneity of the samples submitted to a strain sweep test, with a linear plateau until 10% of strain.

Influence de l'amidon sur les propriétés rhéologiques, mécaniques et multiphysiques de formulations terre-paille / Influence of starch on the rheological, mechanical and multiphysics properties of earth-straw mixes

Alhaik, Ghaith 27 March 2017 (has links)
Les techniques de l'éco-construction répondent au besoin de réduire l'empreinte environnementale du secteur de la construction grâce à l'utilisation de ressources de proximité (filières courtes), sans transformation énergivore et grâce à la capacité de régulation thermo-hydrique des parois. La terre crue seule ou associée à de la paille fait office de symbole. Mais ses caractéristiques variables selon son origine, le long temps de séchage, et de faibles résistances mécaniques sont des freins à son utilisation. L'association de la terre avec des adjuvants biosourcés, tel que l'amidon déjà utilisé dans la fabrication de plaque de plâtre, représente une voie intéressante d'amélioration des performances. La thèse a pour objectif d'étudier l'influence de l'amidon sur le comportement physico-mécanique de la terre seule ou mélangée à de la paille. L'application envisagée des formules est la préfabrication de produits de construction non-porteurs. Les formulations incluent des fines argilo-calcaires (FAC), de la chènevotte ou des anas de lin, et différents amidons. La première partie de la thèse porte sur les mélanges terre-amidon. Des essais au viscosimètre ont défini le comportement rhéologique des mélanges de type Bingham modifié et ont montré une augmentation de la thixotropie. A l'état durci, les résistances mécaniques ont été meilleures avec l'amidon. La deuxième partie porte sur des mélanges terre-paille-amidon. L'amidon améliore l'ouvrabilité et les résistances mécaniques mesurées selon différentes conditions de stockage. A l'échelle d'un carreau, les performances mécaniques, thermiques, et acoustiques de certaines formules sont comparables à celles de carreaux de plâtre. / The eco-construction responds to the need to reduce the environmental footprint in the sector of construction through the use of proximity resources (e.g. earth, straw, etc.), without energy-intensive transformation and through the thermohydric regulation capacity of walls. Raw earth alone or in association with straw is a symbol. But variable characteristics according to its origin, a long drying time and low mechanical strengths are brakes to its use. Earth material in association with biosourced admixtures such as starch, already used in the manufacturing of plasterboard, represents an interesting way to improve its performances.The thesis aims to study the influence of starch on the physico-mechanical behavior of the earth alone or with straw. The intended application of the study is the prefabrication of non-load-bearing construction products. The designed mixes include quarry fines (QF), hemp or flax straw and various starches.The first part of this work deals with earth-starch mixes. Viscometer tests were defined modified Bingham as the rheological behavior of mixes and showed an increase in thixotropy. In hardened state, the mechanical strengths are better with starch.The second part deals with earth-straw-starch mixes. Starch improves the workability and the mechanical strengths measured under different storage conditions. At the scale of a block, the mechanical, thermal and acoustic performances of some mixes are comparable to those of plaster blocks.


EDSON JOSE SOARES 10 April 2002 (has links)
[pt] O escoamento de fluidos imiscíveis em tubos ocorre em diferentes processos industriais, como a extração de óleo em meios porosos, a cimentação de poços de petróleo e o revestimento de superfícies internas de tubos. Para uma boa compreensão e otimização destes processos, é extremamente relevante o estudo da influência da capilaridade, da inércia e da razão de viscosidades no padrão de escoamento. Além disso, os materiais envolvidos são frequentemente polímeros de moléculas flexéveis, portanto, o estudo dos efeitos dos parâmetros reológicos faz-se igualmente importante. Os diferentes padrões de escoamento são caracterizados pela fração de massa depositada na parede do tubo, pelo perfil da frente da interface e pela presen¸ca de recirculações. Analisa-se o problema através de uma abordagem experimental e outra numérica. A comparação dos resultados obtidos pelas duas abordagens mostra uma boa concordância para o caso com fluidos Newtonianos e qualitativamente boa para o caso não Newtoniano. / [en] There are many important processes in industry that use liquid displacement of imiscible fluids in tubes. Some practical applications include enhanced oil recovery, ce- mentation of drilling wells and coating of internal surfaces of the tubes. For a good understanding of these problems, it is extremely important to study the effect of cap-illarity,inertia and viscosity ratio in these flows. Furthermore, the materials used are frequently flexible polymer molecules. Hence, the study of rheological properties is very important as well. The focus of the thesis is to analyze the fractional mass deposited on the tube wall and the configuration of the interface. The analysis followed two approaches: theoretical and experimental study. The comparison of the two approaches shows a good agreement for Newtonian fluids and a qualitatively good agreement for Non-Newtonian.

Production et caractérisation de farine de patate douce (Ipomoeabatatas.Lam) : optimisation de la technologie de panification / Production and characterisation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) flours : optimisation of the technology of breadmaking

Ndangui, Chancelle Betty 13 April 2015 (has links)
La patate douce est un tubercule appartenant à l'ordre des polémoniales et à la famille des convolvulacées. Il contient de l’amidon, qui est l’élément principal, des dextrines, du ß-carotène, puis d’autres éléments nutritifs en quantités variables. L’objectif de la thèse a été de valoriser la patate douce sous forme de farines et de mettre en évidence les potentialités technologiques de ces farines. Deux études complémentaires ont été réalisées au cours de ce travail de thèse, la première concerne l’étude de l’impact des prétraitements thermiques et chimiques sur les propriétés physicochimiques, thermiques, rhéologiques et fonctionnelles des farines issues de patates douces ayant : TPD (tranche de patate douce non prétraitée), TPDCaCl2 (tranche de patate douce prétraitée au CaCl2) et enfin TPDB (tranche de patate douce prétraitée par blanchiment). Il en résulte une légère augmentation de la teneur en sucres réducteurs dans les farines TPDCaCl2 par rapport aux farines TPDB et TPD. Cependant, la valeur de L* (luminance) dans la farine TPDB était inférieure à celles des farines TPDCaCl2 et TPD. La teneur en calcium était relativement élevée dans la farine TPDCaCl2 (120,6 mg/100g) par rapport aux farines TPD et TPDB (respectivement, 77,8 et 67,6 mg/100g). Les valeurs d’enthalpie de gélatinisation et de module élastique (G’) étaient supérieures dans la farine TPDCaCl2. La capacité de gonflement était élevée dans les farines blanchies. Il a également été constaté une légère augmentation de la constante d'énergie de liaison d'eau du modèle BET dans les farines traitées au CaCl2 et une augmentation marquée pour les farines blanchies. De cette étude, on déduit que les farines traitées au CaCl2 possèdent les propriétés physicochimiques les plus intéressantes pour une application en panification et dans la formulation alimentaire. Dans une seconde étude, les essais de panification ont été réalisés avec différents taux d’incorporation à la farine de blé (0, 10, 15, 20, 25 et 30 %) des farines de patate douce traitées au CaCl2 afin de déterminer le taux d’incorporation optimal permettant de réaliser un compromis entre l’amélioration des propriétés nutritionnelles et la diminution des propriétés rhéologiques de la pâte à pain, suite à l’incorporation de farine de patate douce. Les paramètres texturaux des pâtes ont été déterminés. Il en résulte une diminution de la cohésion, la valeur de a* (échelle de couleurs rouge-vert) a augmenté avec l’augmentation du taux de substitution, contrairement aux valeurs de la luminance L* qui ont diminué. Finalement, la farine de patate douce pouvait être incorporée dans une formulation de panification jusqu’à 25 % sans dépréciation notable des qualités organosensorielles des pains / Sweet potato is an edible tuber belonging to the order of Solanales and Convolvulaceae family. It contains starch, which is the main component, dextrins, ß-carotene, and other nutrients in varying amounts. The thesis aimed promoting the use of sweet potato as flour by highlighting its nutritional potential. Two complementary studies were carried out in this thesis work, the first concerned the study of the impact of thermal and chemical pretreatments on physicochemical, thermal, rheological, and functional properties of sweet potatoes flours obtained after different pretreatments : TPD (unpretreated sweet potato slices), TPDCaCl2 (CaCl2- pretreated sweet potato slices) and finally TPDB (bleached sweet potato slices). These results show a slight increase in reducing sugar content in TPDCaCl2flour compared to TPDB and TPD flours. However, the value of L* (luminance) in the TPDB flour was below the ones ofTPDCaCl2 and TPD flours. The calcium content was relatively high in TPDCaCl2 flour (120.6 mg / 100 g) compared to TPD and TPDB flours (respectively, 77.8 and 67.6 mg / 100g). The gelatinization enthalpy and elastic modulus (G’) were higher in the TPDCaCl2 flour. The swelling capacity was high in bleached flour. It was also noticed a slight increase in the water binding energy constant of the BET model in CaCl2-pretreated and blanched. In this study, it was deduced that the flours pretreated with CaCl2 have physicochemical properties interesting for bakery and food formulation applications. In the second part of the thesis study, baking tests were carried out with different levels of incorporation to wheat flour (0, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 %) of the CaCl2-pretreated sweet potato flour in order to determine the optimal incorporation level allowing the compromise between improved nutritional properties and the decreased rheological properties of the dough, due to the sweet potato flour incorporation. Textural parameters of doughs were determined. This resulted in a decrease in cohesion and an increase in the value of a* (red - green color scale) with increasing the degree of substitution, in contrast to the luminance L * values which felt. Finally, sweet potato flour could be incorporated into a bread formulation up to 25 % without significant impairment of sensory organic qualities of bread

Essai d’optimisation du procédé de fabrication de la poudre de kishk libanais : conséquences sur les propriétés physicochimiques, microbiologiques, rhéologiques et sensorielles / Optimization of the manufacturing process of Lebanese kishk powder : effects on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties

Salameh, Christelle 12 July 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de caractériser la poudre du kishk libanais, un lait fermenté traditionnel, et d’optimiser sa technologie de transformation dans une démarche d’industrialisation. Des échantillons de poudre de kishk traditionnel ont été collectés, et leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, rhéologiques, microbiologiques et sensorielles ont été étudiées, en fonction du type de lait utilisé. Il en résulte que le kishk préparé à base de lait de chèvre est plus riche en matières grasses que les autres types. La distribution granulométrique est très large, quel que soit le type de lait, avec présence simultanée de fines particules à forme irrégulière et d’agrégats de grande taille. Les particules de poudre sont revêtues d’une épaisse couche de lipides leur conférant un caractère cohésif et une grande résistance au cisaillement. Il s’avère aussi que la soupe de kishk présente un comportement rhéofluidifiant, et ses propriétés sensorielles sont fortement liées à la région de production et au type de lait. L’effet des conditions de production optimisée sur les propriétés de la poudre et de la soupe de kishk a été également étudié. Les résultats sont prometteurs et montrent que la structure de la poudre de kishk et son comportement rhéologique n’ont pas été altérés. En effet, les deux poudres de kishk présentent des propriétés rhéologiques quasi similaires, avec une faible aptitude à l’écoulement, malgré des différences au niveau de la composition chimique et la taille des particules. Au niveau rhéologique et sensoriel, la soupe de kishk issue de la production optimisée semble plus épaisse et consistante que la soupe traditionnelle, sans dépréciation notable des qualités organoleptiques du kishk. / The aim of this thesis is to characterize Lebanese kishk powder, a traditional fermented milk, and to optimize its processing technology. Samples of traditional kishk powder were collected, and their physicochemical, rheological, sensory and microbiological properties were studied based on the type of milk. As a result, kishk prepared with goat milk is richer in fat than other types. The particle size distribution is very wide, regardless of the type of milk, with simultaneous presence of fine irregularly shaped particles and large aggregates. Powder particles are coated with a thick layer of fat conferring a cohesive character and a high shear strength. Kishk soup has a shear-thinning behavior, and its sensory properties are strongly related to the production region and the type of milk. The effect of optimized production conditions on the properties of kishk powder and soup was also studied. The results are promising and show that the structure and rheological behavior of kishk powder were not altered. Indeed, the two kishk powders exhibit almost similar rheological properties, with low flowability, despite slight differences in chemical composition and particle size. Finally, kishk soup resulting from the optimized production seems thicker and consistent than traditional soup, without significant loss of the organoleptic properties of kishk.

Approches bio-inspirées du caoutchouc naturel par polymérisation cationique et modification chimique / Towards a bio-inspired synthesis of polyterpenes and biorubber homologues by cationic polymerization and chemical modification

Ouardad, Samira 19 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer une nouvelle approche bio-inspirée des processus de polymérisation conduisant à la formation de polyterpènes et ultérieurement du caoutchouc naturel, un polyisoprène de structure purement 1,4-cis de forte masse molaire dont les propriétés sont encore inégalées par ses homologues synthétiques. Pour cette raison la production mondiale de caoutchouc naturel demeure stratégique et est toujours proche de 10 millions de tonnes, soit environ 45% de la demande mondiale annuelle en élastomères. Alors que les voies de synthèse développées jusqu’à présent pour accéder à des homologues du caoutchouc naturel sont basées sur la polymérisation par voie anionique ou par coordination de l’isoprène,l’approche suivie par la nature pour synthétiser les polyterpènes est basée sur la polymérisation à caractère cationique d’un autre monomère, le pyrophosphate d’isopentényle (IPP) qui est la brique de construction universelle de la famille des terpènes. Le projet a pour objet de tenter de reproduire au plus près le procédé naturel et d’utiliser, d’une part, la voie cationique pour polymériser des modèles de l’IPP et l’isoprène en utilisant des homologues du pyrophosphate dediméthylallyle (DMAPP, amorceur employé par la nature) comme amorceurs et des acides de Lewis pour mimer les cations divalents (Zn2+, Mg2+ or Mn2+) qui assistent les enzymes au cours des étapes d’ionisation et d’activation mises en jeu au cours de la biosynthèse, afin d’accéder à des polyterpènes approchant la structure des produits naturels. Contrairement à la nature, nous avons obtenus des oligomères de structure 1,4-trans avec de plus, de nombreuses structures cyclisées. D’autre part, nous avons également cherché à améliorer les propriétés d’un polyisoprène 1,4-cis obtenu par polymérisation anionique afin d’approcher celles du caoutchouc naturel. Nous avons développé une fonctionnalisation des chaines de polyisoprène 1,4-cis permettant d’ancrer des groupements urées susceptibles d’établir un réseau physique de liaisons hydrogènes. Nous avons montré que les polyisoprènes modifiés possèdent des propriétés viscoélastiques comparables à celles du caoutchouc naturel non vulcanisé obtenu par coagulation du latex. / Although synthetic rubbers, including high cis-content polyisoprene (PIP), are used in a broad range ofapplications, they are far from achieving the performances of natural rubber (NR), a 100% 1,4-cis polyisoprenewith very high molar mass. Therefore, NR produced exclusively by hevea (whereas more than 2,500 plant species are known to produce polyterpene-based polymers) is still dominant in many engineering applications since its exceptional properties grants this polymer a strategic resource material which holds a significant marketshare (about 45%).. The only alternative plant species under cultivation, Parthenium argentatum, also calledguayule, produces a latex yielding rubber with properties close to those of hevea rubber, and marketed as “non allergenic natural rubber” but with a higher cost complex extraction processes The NR biosynthesis process isdescribed as a polymerization process involving a series of enzymatic reactions using isopentenyl pyrophosphate(IPP) as elementary building brick. Besides, synthetic PIPs with high cis-content were already produced fromisoprene monomer by Ziegler-Natta, lanthanide-based or anionic-type polymerizations. Currently, no syntheticPIPs mimics the performance of NR, maybe because 100% 1,4-cis PIP could so far not been produced synthetically. A close inspection of the NR biosynthesis process led us to postulate that this latter is consistent with a transferless, stereospecific carbocationic-type polymerization mechanism. We then propose to develop this new bio-inspired cationic-like polymerization approach with the aim to produce polyterpenes and then NR homologues of tailored molar mass and microstructure that could exhibit properties close to natural polyterpenes by using IPP homologues and isoprene as monomers, DMAPP homologues asinitiators and Lewis acids to mimick the divalent cations (Zn2+, Mg2+ or Mn2+) that assist the enzymes during the initiation end activation steps. For the cationic polymerization of isoprene, oligomers with 1,4-trans and cyclized structures were obtained. We also develop new routes to modify polyisoprenes obtained by anionic polymerization in order to establish hydrogen interaction. To this end, different urea groups were grafted and the modified polyisoprene exhibite delastomeric properties close to the one of a non-vulcanized NR obtained by latex coagulation

Reologické vlastnosti modifikovaných polymer-kompozitních kostních past / Rheological properties of modified polymer-composite bone pastes

Hlináková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Předložená diplomová práce je zaměřená na studium viscoelastického chování kostních past na bázi fosforečnanu vápenatého a vodného roztoku termosenzitivního triblokového kopolymeru, zlepšujícího tokové vlastnosti pasty. V teoretické části je zpracována stručná charakteristika cementů na bázi fosforečnanu vápenatého. Rovněž se zabývá charakteristikou reologických vlastností injektabilních kostních past. Součástí je také stručný přehled aditiv ovlivňujících právě reologické a mechanické vlastnosti past. Experimentální část je zaměřena na charakterizaci triblokového kopolymeru pomocí nukleární magnetické rezonanční spektroskopie a reologie. Dále byly připravovány modifikované fosfátové cementy, u kterých byly posléze studovány viskoelastické vlastnosti. Kostní pasta byla modifikována přídavkem adhezivních sloučenin (dopamin a jodičnan sodný) a antibakteriálním činidlem (selenové nanočástice). Analýza viskoelastických vlastností byla provedena reologickou analýzou, během níž byl primárně sledován proces vytvrzování a tixotropní chování jak nemodifikovaných, tak modifikovaných fosfátových past. Proces vytvrzování probíhal při teplotě 23 °C a 37 °C, imitující fyziologické prostředí. Morfologie fosfátové keramiky byla charakterizována pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie a velikost částic byla zjištěna pomocí laserového analyzátoru částic. Bylo prokázáno, že výše zmíněná aditiva mají pozitivní vliv na kinetiku procesu vytvrzování kostních past. Selenové nanočástice navíc vylepšily tixotropní chování polymer-fosfátových past. Z tohoto důvodu jsou tyto nové injektabilní kompozitní pasty vhodné pro miniinvazivní chirurgii. Díky aditivům, vykazujících adhezivní vlastnosti, mají potenciál uplatnit se při léčbě zlomenin. Stejně tak se nabízí možnost využít pasty při léčbě osteomyelitidy, a to díky možnému uvolňování antibakteriálních nanočástic.

Studium vlastností betonů s „green cementy“ / Study of properties of concrete with "green cement"

Matyk, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on collecting available information about possible ways of using and usage restriction of portland blended cements and portland cements with limestone for production of concrete. The experimental part of the thesis describes the behavior of portland blended cements and portland cements with limestone in aggressive environments. Furthermore, the thesis concerns the dependence of rheological properties of cement pastes of portland cements and portland cements with limestone on type of plasticizing additives.

The Control of Microstructural and Crystallographic Orientation via Ceramic Forming Methods for Improved Sintered Transparency

William J Costakis (8787950) 01 May 2020 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>Transparent alumina is a candidate material for ballistic applications where visible or infrared wavelength transmission is required. However, the transparency of polycrystalline alumina can be limited due to the rhombohedral crystal structure being inherently birefringent. Birefringence causes light scattering at grain boundaries and is detrimental to the transparency. It has been shown experimentally that the application of a high magnetic field during processing can lead to crystallographic alignment and the reduction of birefringent light scattering. This alignment method is effective but is limited in terms of scalability. This research addresses these limitations through the use of simple and cost-effective shear and elongational forming processes such as uniaxial warm pressing and direct ink writing (DIW) for the improvement of final sintered transparency. To further support the improvement of these processes as alternatives and to evaluate the possibility of using powder ratios to improve the alignment, this research will also investigate the sintering behavior during hot-pressing of equiaxed and platelet powders. </p> <p>Platelet ceramic-filled thermoplastic blends were developed and formed into sheets through uniaxial warm pressing. The solids loading (30 – 40 vol.%) and platelet diameter (1.2 and 11μm) were varied to compare effects on viscosity, percent reduction, and final alignment. All ceramic- filled thermoplastic polymer blends exhibited pseudoplastic behavior. Crystallographic alignment of green body samples was quantified by the orientation parameter (r) and grain misalignment angle (full width at half maximum, FWHM) obtained from rocking curve analysis. Blends with 11μm diameter platelets displayed a higher temperature sensitivity constant, better flow properties, and higher alignment compared to blends with 1.2μm diameter platelets. Optimal samples produced with blends containing 30 vol.% of 11μm diameter platelets demonstrated an alignment of r = 0.251 +/- 0.017; FWHM = 11.16° +/- 1.16°. A sample with optimal alignment was hot-pressed to transparency and obtained an in-line transmission of 70.0% at 645nm. The final alignment of this pre-aligned hot-pressed sample (r = 0.254 +/- 0.008; FWHM = 11.38° +/- 0.54°) improved when compared to a non-pre-aligned sample (r = 0.283 +/- 0.005; FWHM = 13.40° +/- 0.38°).</p><p>Additionally, the use of direct ink writing, an additive manufacturing technique, as a viable alignment process for producing transparent alumina was investigated. Highly loaded (> 54 vol.%) equiaxed alumina suspensions were developed with platelet additions ranging from 0-20vol.% of the total solids loading. An increase in the amount of platelet powders from 5-20vol.% increased the dynamic yield stress from 104Pa to 169Pa and decreased in the equilibrium storage modulus from 17,036Pa to 13,816Pa. It was found that the DIW process significantly increased the alignment in one orientation when compared to samples cast from the same suspensions and this behavior may be connected to the rheological properties. Lastly, an optical analysis showed that sample developed with 5vol.% platelet suspensions had higher in-line transmission values across the visible spectrum when compared to samples developed with 20vol.% suspensions. A sample cast from a 5vol.% platelet suspensions had the lowest grain alignment but possessed an in-line transmission of 42.8% at 645nm, which was the highest of the samples produced in this study. An optical loss analysis showed, that this sample has the lowest backwards scattering losses due to residual porosity and this result was supported by the density data. It is suggested that the alignment of the DIW samples is more complex and a more advanced texture analysis will need to be conducted to properly characterize the grain alignment.</p><p>Lastly, the densification behavior of equiaxed and platelet powder ratios with no intentional pre-alignment was investigated. An initial sintering investigation identified the optimum maximum pressure selected for the hot-pressing process as 20MPa. Under the selected hot- pressing parameters, the effects of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100wt.% equiaxed powder additions on the sintering behavior, optical properties, and grain alignment was investigated. The data showed that an increase in the amount of equiaxed powders decreased the initial powder compact displacements rate. Additionally, an increase in the wt.% equiaxed powders from 0wt% to 75wt% decreases the in-line transmission from 70.9% to 40.2%, respectively at 645nm. Lastly, an increase in the wt.% equiaxed powders from 0wt% to 75wt decreased the alignment from (r = 0.321 +/- 0.005; FWHM = 16.26° +/- 0.40°) to (r = 0.509 +/- 0.022; FWHM = 34.63° +/- 2.61°), respectively.</p></div></div></div>

Développement d'un composite à base d'un polymère biodégradable et de fibres extraites de la plante d'Alfa / Development of composite based on biodegradable polymer and fibers extracted from the Alfa plant

Borchani, Karama 26 February 2016 (has links)
Cette étude constitue une contribution à la recherche de nouveau matériau composite originaire des ressources naturelles végétales. Elle vise alors à l’exploitation des fibres naturelles extraites de la plante d’Alfa avec une matrice biopolymère thermoplastique de type Mater-Bi® afin d’élaborer des biocomposites. Trois types de fibres courtes extraites de la plante d’Alfa sont préparés ; non traitées et traitées par un traitement alcalin à 1 et 5%. Les diverses techniques utilisées pour la caractérisation des fibres ont révélé une augmentation de la rugosité, du taux de cellulose, de l’indice de cristallinité ainsi de la stabilité thermique après le traitement alcalin. Les matériaux composites sont préparés par extrusion bivis suivi d’une opération d’injection en faisant varier le pourcentage des fibres de 0 à 25%. Les analyses thermiques des biocomposites ont montré un accroissement significatif de la vitesse de cristallisation suite à l'incorporation des fibres d’Alfa ainsi une amélioration de la stabilité thermique pour les matériaux à base de fibres traitées. La résistance à la traction et le module de Young des biocomposites ont augmenté alors que la ténacité et l’allongement à la rupture ont diminué avec l'augmentation du taux de fibres. Les micrographies MEB des surfaces fracturées indiquent une bonne adhésion entre la matrice et les fibres d’Alfa traitées ou non. L’étude de la cinétique de cristallisation des différents biocomposites a prouvé le fort effet nucléant des fibres d’Alfa traitées ou non / This study is a contribution to the search for new composite material from vegetable natural resources. It aims at the exploitation of natural fibers extracted from the Alfa plant with a bioplastic of the Mater-Bi® type in order to develop biocomposites. Three kinds of short fibers extracted from Alfa plant were prepared; untreated, 1% and 5% alkali treated. The various techniques used for fibers characterization showed an increase in the roughness, cellulose level, crystallinity index and thermal stability after the alkali treatment. The composite materials were prepared by twin screw extrusion flowed by an injection operation by varying the fiber contents of 0 to 25%. Thermal analysis showed significant increase of the crystallization rate with the incorporation of Alfa fibers and enhancement of thermal stability by alkali treatment. Modulus and tensile strength of biocomposites also improved whereas toughness and elongation at break decreased upon increasing the fibers fraction. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on fractured surfaces indicated good adhesion between the matrix and the treated or untreated Alfa fibers. The study of crystallization kinetics of biocomposites showed strong nucleating effect of treated or untreated Alfa fibers.

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