Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rhodopsin."" "subject:"hodopsin.""
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Estudo da sinalização por GMP cíclico em Blastocladiella emersonii / Studies in cyclic GMP signaling pathway in Blastocladiella emersoniiGabriela Mól Avelar Tamaki 10 December 2014 (has links)
O segundo mensageiro cGMP está envolvido em diversas funções celulares incluindo a visão em mamíferos. Embora trabalhos anteriores mostrassem variações nos níveis de cGMP durante o ciclo de vida de Blastocladiela emersonii e evidências da existência de enzimas específicas envolvidas na sua síntese (guanilato ciclase) e degradação (cGMP fosfodiesterase), nenhum genoma de fungo publicado até o momento mostrou a existência de genes codificando estas enzimas. Este fato é atribuído por evolucionistas à completa perda de motilidade dos fungos em geral, já que cGMP está primordialmente associado a células com cílios. Blastocladiomicetos, como Blastocladiella, apresentam células móveis em pelo menos um estágio do seu ciclo de vida, o que poderia explicar a existência dessa via nesses fungos. Uma investigação no banco de ESTs de B. emersonii revelou a existência de cDNAs codificando parte de prováveis guanilato ciclases (BeGC1, BeGC2 e BeGC3) e uma possível cGMP fosfodiesterase (BePDE). Assim, este trabalho buscou confirmar a existência destas enzimas e caracterizar a sinalização por cGMP em B. emersonii. A proteína recombinante selvagem correspondente ao domínio catalítico de BePDE mostrou atividade de degradação sobre cGMP e a mutação E389A foi capaz de alterar a especificidade por cGMP. Com o sequênciamento do genoma de B. emersonii obteve-se as sequências completas das guanilato ciclases. Em BeGC2 não foi possível identificar o ligante responsável por sua ativação. Em BeGC3, a presença de um domínio Heme-Pas sugeriu sua ativação por óxido nítrico. A presença de um domínio rodopsina em BeGC1 sugeriu sua ativação por luz. Experimentos de microscopia por imunofluorescência localizaram BeGC1 no \"eyespot\", BeGC2 no capacete nuclear e BeGC3 no citoplasma de zoósporos de B. emersonii. Verificamos também que zoósporos realizam fototaxia em direção à luz verde e que a adição de hidroxilamina, inibidor de rodopsina, ou do inibidor de guanilato ciclase LY83583 tem efeito negativo na fototaxia, bem como impede o aumento dos níveis de cGMP observado em zoósporos expostos à luz verde. O bloqueio da síntese de retinal por Norflurazon também inibiu a fototaxia sendo esta restaurada quando adicionamos retinalA1. Estes dados, juntamente com o fato de o domínio rodopsina de BeGC1 ser a única rodopsina presente no genoma, indicam que BeGC1 é responsável pela fototaxia nos zoósporos de B. emersonii. O genoma do fungo apresenta ainda um possível canal de potássio ativado por cGMP (BeCNG1) localizado na membrana plasmática de zoósporos, similar ao canal regulado por cGMP envolvido na visão em humanos. Ensaios de microfluorimetria também evidenciaram a presença de um canal ativado por cGMP relacionado com o influxo de potássio e a motilidade dos zoósporos. Um modelo para a via de sinalização da fototaxia em B.emersonii foi proposto e comparado com a sinalização presente na visão de mamíferos, destacando a existência de cGMP e rodopsina em ambos os processos e sugerindo uma possível origem comum. Portanto, os resultados obtidos suportam a existência da sinalização por cGMP em B. emersonii, além de indicar o papel dessa sinalização na fototaxia dos zoósporos, sendo esta a primeira via de sinalização por cGMP caracterizada em fungos. / The second messenger cyclic GMP is involved in a wide array of cellular processes including vision in mammals. Although previous studies demonstrated changes in cGMP levels during the life cycle of Blastocladiela emersonii and evidences of specific enzymes involved in its synthesis (guanylyl cyclase) and hydrolysis (cGMP-phosphodiesterase), no fungal genome published so far shows the presence of genes encoding these enzymes. Evolutionists attribute the absence of cGMP signaling pathways in higher fungi to the sedentary life style of these organisms, since cGMP is primarily associated with ciliated cells. However, blastocladiomycetes like Blastocladiella, have motile cells in at least one stage of their life cycle, which could explain the existence of this pathway in these primitive fungi. Inspection of B. emersonii EST data bank, revealed cDNAs encoding part of three putative guanylyl cyclases (BeGC1, BeGC2 e BeGC3) and one possible cGMP phosphodiesterase (BePDE). Thus, the purpose of this study was to confirm the existence of these enzymes and characterize the cGMP signaling pathway in this model. The recombinant protein containing the wild type catalytic domain of BePDE presented activity towards hydrolysis of cGMP and the E389A mutation of this domain changed the cGMP specificity of this enzyme. The complete nucleotide sequence of the guanylyl cyclases were obtained by sequencing of B. emersonii genome. In BeGC2 we were unable identify the ligand responsible for its activation, but in BeGC3, the presence of a Heme-Pas domain suggested its activation by nitric oxide. The presence of a rhodopsin domain in BeGC1 suggested its activation by light. Immunofluorescence microscopy localized BeGC1 in the \"eyespot\" structure, BeGC2 in the nuclear cap and BeGC3 in the cytoplasm of zoospores of B. emersonii. We found that Blastocladiella zoospores performed phototaxis toward green light and photobleaching of rhodopsin function using hydroxylamine prevented both phototaxis and the increased cGMP levels observed when zoospores were exposed to green light. The same effect was observed using the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY83583. Inhibition of retinal synthesis using Norflurazon prevented the phototaxis response, which could be restored by zoospore complementation with retinalA1. The BeGC1 gene is the only rhodopsin found in the draft assembly of B. emersonii genome, which indicates that BeGC1 is responsible for phototaxis observed in zoospores. We also found in the genome a possible cGMP-activated potassium channel (BeCNG1), localized in the plasma membrane of the zoospores, which is similar to the cGMP-activated channel involved in human vision. In addition, microfluorimetry assays revealed the presence of a cGMP-activated potassium channel involved in potassium influx and zoospore motility. The signaling model of B. emersonii phototaxis was proposed and compared with the mammalian vision system, with cGMP and rhodopsin acting in both signaling pathways, suggesting a common origin. Altogether our data indicate that Blastocladiella emersonii has a cGMP signaling system involved in phototaxis, being the first cGMP signaling pathway characterized in fungi.
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Probing the Photochemistry of Rhodopsin Through Population Dynamics SimulationsYang, Xuchun 06 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Light-Independent Pathology of Rhodopsin MislocalizationRopelewski, Philip Edward 02 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Retinyl Formates and Constrained Retinoids: A New Generation of Apo-Opsin TrapsPlaceres-Beltrán, Ángel Luis 27 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Computational Investigation of the Photoisomerization of Novel N-Alkylated Indanylidene Pyrroline Biomimetic SwitchesRyazantsev, Mikhail N. 19 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Postsynaptic Effectors of Neuron Morphology and Function: Part I. Characterization of Postsynaptic <i>Drosophila</i> Syndapin. Part II. Chimeric Light-Activated Receptors for the Control of 5-ht<sub>1a</sub> SignalingOh, Eugene 15 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Impact of Electronic State Mixing on the Photoisomerization Timescale of Natural and Synthetic Molecular SystemsManathunga, Madushanka 26 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchungen zur Phosphorylierung von Rhodopsin und deren Einfluss auf die Arrestin-Rhodopsin-BindungVogt, Vivien 11 May 2021 (has links)
Die phosphorylierungsabhängige Bindung von Arrestin an G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren (GPCRs) ist ein weit verbreiteter Mechanismus, um aktive Rezeptoren zu inhibieren. Für die Bindung von Arrestin an lichtaktiviertes, phosphoryliertes Rhodopsin (pRho), einem GPCR, der sich in der Diskmembran der Stäbchenzellen der Netzhaut befindet, ist in Lipidmembranen die Phosphorylierung von 2 der insgesamt 7 Phosphorylierungsstellen im Rezeptor-C-Terminus nötig, wohingegen 3 Phosphate das Arrestin quantitativ aktivieren. Welchen Einfluss höhere Phosphorylierungsniveaus auf die Rezeptor-Arrestin-Interaktion haben, ist bisher ungeklärt. In dieser Arbeit wurde daher eine Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Rhodopsin-Phosphorylierung etabliert, die unterschiedlich pRho-Spezies präparativ getrennt und mit den isolierten pRho-Spezies verschiedene Parameter der Rezeptor-Arrestin-Interaktion, wie z.B. die Bindungsstöchiometrie der resultierenden pRho-Arrestin-Komplexe, untersucht. Für die Charakterisierung der Arrestinbindung wurden Titrationen mit 3 verschiedenen fluoreszenzmarkierten Arrestinmutanten und pRho in gemischten Phospholidipd/Detergens-Mizellen durchgeführt. Die in dieser Arbeit gewonnenen Daten zeigen, dass der Phosphorylierungsgrad von Rhodopsin neben der Affinität von Arrestin auch die Bindungsstöchiometrie beeinflusst. So haben die Komplexe bei geringem Phosphorylierungsgrad eine 2 : 1 (pRho : Arrestin) Stöchiometrie, während bei einem sehr hohen Phosphorylierungsgrad bevorzugt 1 : 1 pRho-Arrestin-Komplexe gebildet werden. Zudem weisen ein unterschiedliches Elutionsverhalten bei der säulenchromatographischen Trennung und Abweichungen in der pRho-Arrestin-Stöchiometrie verschiedener pRho-Präparationen mit ähnlicher Gesamtanzahl an Phosphaten auf einen zusätzlichen Einfluss unterschiedlicher Phosphorylierungsmuster hin. Insgesamt deuten die Daten auf eine komplexe Beziehung zwischen dem Phosphorylierungsgrad der Rezeptoren und dem Arrestin-Bindungsmodus hin. / The phosphorylation-dependent binding of arrestin to G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is a widely used mechanism to inhibit active receptors. In lipid membranes, the binding of arrestin to light-activated, phosphorylated rhodopsin (pRho), a GPCR located in the disc membranes of retinal rod cells, requires the phosphorylation of 2 of the 7 phosphorylation sites in the receptor C-terminus, whereas 3 phosphates are required to completely activate arrestin. The influence of higher phosphorylation levels on the receptor/arrestin interaction is still unclear. In this thesis, a method for the quantitative determination of rhodopsin phosphorylation was established, rhodopsin species with varying degrees of phosphorylation were separated preparatively and different parameters of the receptor/arrestin interaction, such as the binding stoichiometry of the resulting pRho/arrestin complexes, were investigated for each isolated pRho species. For the characterization of arrestin binding, titrations with 3 different fluorescently labeled arrestin mutants and pRho in mixed phospholipid/detergent micelles were performed. The data obtained in this work show that the phosphorylation level of rhodopsin influences the binding stoichiometry in addition to the affinity of arrestin binding to rhodopsin. Thus, complexes with a low level of phosphorylation have a 2 : 1 (pRho : arrestin) stoichiometry, whereas 1 : 1 pRho/arrestin complexes are preferably formed at a very high degree of phosphorylation. In addition, a different elution behaviour during chromatographic separation and variances in the pRho/arrestin stoichiometry of different pRho preparations with similar overall number of phosphates indicate an additional influence of distinct phosphorylation patterns. Overall, the data indicate a complex relationship between receptor phosphorylation level and arrestin binding mode.
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Studies on the late rhodopsin activation stepsKnierim, Bernhard 20 March 2008 (has links)
Rhodopsin ist der Photorezeptor der Stäbchenzellen in der Retina von Vertebraten und wird als Prototyp für die gesamte Gruppe der GPCRs beforscht. Trifft ein Photon auf das Protein, so wird der über eine Schiffbase kovalent gebundene Chromophor von seiner 11-cis- in die All-trans-Konfiguration isomerisiert und setzt infolgedessen den Aktivierungsprozess in Gang. Dieser mündet in der aktiven Rezeptorkonformation, die das G-Protein Transducin aktivieren kann und dadurch eine Kaskade weiterer Aktivierungsschritten einleitet, die letztlich ein Nervensignal verursachen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Aufklärung der späten Aktivierungsschritte und ihrer Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Blitzlichtphotolyse, Elektronenspinresonanz (EPR) mit Spinlabeling (SDSL), UV/vis-Spektroskopie, FTIR-Spektroskopie und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie angewandt. Kinetische Messungen wurden unter identischen Bedingungen durchgeführt, um die Abfolge der mit den unterschiedlichen Techniken zugänglichen Aktivierungsschritte aufzuklären. Nach der Bildung des absorptionsspektroskopisch definierten Meta-II-Zustands bewegt sich die Helix TM6 in einem späteren Schritt als ganzes nach außen und markiert damit den Übergang von Meta-IIa zu Meta-IIb. Dadurch wird die bis dahin in der Membran verborgene D(E)RY-Region für das Umgebungsmedium zugänglich und nimmt ohne Zeitverzögerung ein Proton auf, wodurch der Meta-IIb*H+-Zustand gebildet wird. Die verfügbaren Daten sprechen dafür, dass das D(E)RY-Motiv bei der Aktivierung des Transducins sowohl die Alpha- als auch die Gamma-Untereinheit desselben bindet. Die Bindung von zu Transducin-Abschnitten analogen Peptiden kann dann erfolgen, wenn die Helix TM6 im nach außen bewegten Zustand ist, und führt zur Abgabe von bis zu zwei Protonen vom aktivierten Rhodopsin. Sowohl das D(E)RY- und das NPxxY(x)5,6F-Motiv als auch die beiden Zustände Meta-IIb und Meta-IIb*H+ könnten relevant für den sequenziellen Transducin-Aktivierungsmechanismus sein. / Rhodopsin is the photoreceptor in the rod cells of the vertebrate retina. It is considered as a prototype of the whole group of GPCRs. Upon absorption of a photon the chromophore, which is covalently bound through a Schiff base, is isomerized from its 11-cis into the all-trans configuration. This initiates the activation process and finally results in the active receptor conformation which is capable of activating the G protein transducin and thereby triggers a cascade of further activation steps which finally cause a nerve signal. The aim of this work was the clarification of the late activation steps and their cause-and-effect chain. For this purpose flash photolysis, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with spin labeling (SDSL), UV/vis spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy were applied. Kinetic measurements were executed under identical conditions in order to elucidate the sequence of activation steps, which are accessible with the different techniques. After formation of the spectroscopically defined Meta-II state helix TM6 moves outward as a rigid body, thereby marking the transition from Meta-IIa to Meta-IIb. Therefore the D(E)RY region, which is until then buried in the membrane, gets accessible to the surrounding solution. It consequently takes up a proton without delay, thus forming the Meta-IIb*H+ state. Available data argue for the D(E)RY motif binding both the Alpha and the Gamma subunit of transducin during activation of the latter. The binding of peptides which are analogous to sections of transducin is possible when helix TM6 is in the outward position. It causes the release of up to two protons from the activated rhodopsin. Both the D(E)RY motif and the NPxxY(x)5,6F motif as well as both the states Meta-IIb and Meta-IIb*H+ are potentially relevant for the sequential transducin activation mechanism.
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Structural and functional characterization of the arrestin-rhodopsin complexLally, Ciara 24 November 2017 (has links)
Die Aufgabe des Proteins Arrestin ist die Beendigung der Signalweitergabe über den GPCR Signalweg. In Stäbchenzellen bindet Arrestin an Licht-aktiviertes phosphoriliertes Rhodopsin um die Signalweitergabe zu unterdrücken. Die Bindung von Arrestin an Rhodopsin erfolgt in zwei Schritten. Zunächst wechselwirkt Arrestin mit dem phosphorilierten C-Terminus von Rhodopsin und bildet einen prä-Komplex, dies induziert Konformationsänderungen im Arrestin wodurch die Bildung eines High-affinity Komplex unter Kopplung an den helikalen Kern des aktivierten Rezeptors erfolgen kann. Biochemische Untersuchungen und Kristallstrukturen haben einen Einblick in die Konformation des Komplexes aus Arrestin und Rhodopsin ermöglicht. In dieser Arbeit werden site-directed Fluorezenz Experimente angewandt um die strukturellen Änderungen zu untersuchen, die bei der Bindung von Arrestin an Rhodopsin ablaufen und der nterschiedlichen Bindungsmodi innerhalb der Wechselwirkung zwischen Arrestin und Rhodopsin. Insbesondere wird hier eine, bisher nicht beschriebene, Assoziation von Arrestin an die Membran untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden Erkenntnisse über die Struktur des prä-Komplexes gewonnen. Die Konformation vom Arrestin im prä-Komplex scheint die Konformation im Basalzustand nachzubilden unter Beteiligung zweier Kontaktstellen: Interaktion mit dem phosphorilierten C-Terminus des Rezeptors und Assoziation mit der Membran. Beim Übergang in den High-affinity Komplex durchläuft Arrestin eine Konformationsänderung in eine aktivere Konformation: der C-Terminus wird verdrängt, es erfolgt eine Neuausrichtung der zentralen flexiblen Schleifen und die Orientierung des Membranankers ändert sich. Die Aufgabe des prä-Komplexes ist somit Arrestin und den Rezeptor zusammen zu bringen sowie die korrekte Orientierung sicherzustellen um einen schnellen Übergang in den High-affinity Komplex zu ermöglichen. / The protein arrestin is responsible for termination of GPCR signalling. In the rod cell, arrestin binds light-activated phosphorylated rhodopsin in order to block further signal transduction. The binding of arrestin to rhodopsin is a two-step process. Arrestin first interacts with the phosphorylated receptor C-terminus in a pre-complex, which induces conformational changes in arrestin that allow coupling to the helical core of the active receptor in a high-affinity complex. Biochemical studies and crystal structures have provided insights into the conformation of the arrestin-rhodopsin complex. This dissertation describes site-directed fluorescence experiments, which were carried out to further investigate the conformational changes occurring upon arrestin binding to rhodopsin and the nature of different binding modes of the arrestin-rhodopsin interaction. In particular this involved characterization of a previously unidentified association of arrestin with the membrane, as well as further elucidation of the structure of the pre-complex. The conformation of arrestin in the pre-complex is indicated to resemble that of the basal state of arrestin, and involves two sites of contact: interaction with the phosphorylated receptor C-terminus, and association with the membrane. Upon transition to the high-affinity complex, arrestin undergoes a conformational change to a more active conformation: the auto-inhibitory C-tail is displaced, there is movement within the central flexible loops, and the orientation of the membrane anchor changes. The pre-complex therefore most likely functions to bring arrestin and the receptor into close contact, and in the correct orientation, to allow for fast transition to the high-affinity complex.
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