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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Padrão de qualidade do ensino: desafios institucionais e bases para a construção de uma teoria jurídica / Standard of quality education: institutional challeges and bases to the construction of a legal theory

Salomão Barros Ximenes 29 May 2014 (has links)
A Constituição Federal brasileira estipula um conjunto de princípios a serem realizados na educação escolar, dentre eles a garantia de padrão de qualidade. A Tese se propõe a analisar o sentido de tal previsão quanto à educação básica e a estabelecer um marco conceitual para o seu conteúdo normativo. Nossa premissa é que vivenciamos no Brasil um forte impulso à regulação jurídica da qualidade da educação básica e que esse movimento tem como base a crescente complexidade das ferramentas que o direito disponibiliza para a mudança social. Ao mesmo tempo, carecemos de um marco conceitual ampliado para a análise dessa questão jurídica. Inicialmente, articulamos algumas proposições básicas do Estado social à teoria dos direitos fundamentais e ao fenômeno da juridificação no campo da educação escolar, com o objetivo de compreender a relação entre modelos de juridificação e concepções político-pedagógicas de qualidade do ensino. No segundo capítulo, o enfoque analítico a partir da teoria dos direitos fundamentais como princípios é a base para uma proposição normativa geral sobre o conteúdo ampliado do direito à qualidade do ensino. Nossa proposição básica, nesse ponto, é que o princípio estudado visa proteger a máxima qualidade do ensino em função das condições fáticas e jurídicas que se apresentem em determinado contexto. Estudamos então, no capítulo seguinte, o conteúdo jurídico do direito humano à educação, daí extraindo as obrigações do Estado quanto à sua realização e o seu conteúdo normativo geral. Nos últimos capítulos, propomos que os componentes do direito à qualidade da educação básica sejam definidos a partir do enfoque de direitos humanos educacionais, incluindo as dimensões de proteção relacionadas às características dos alunos, ao ambiente escolar, às condições de infraestrutura e insumos básicos, aos conteúdos, aos processos educacionais relevantes, aos resultados e ao financiamento público. Cada uma dessas dimensões deve ter como objetivo a plena realização, com o máximo de recursos disponíveis. Devem ser juridicamente protegidas, observando-se a necessária modulação quanto ao tipo de juridificação que mais se adequa ao paradigma de direitos humanos. Devem ainda compor um sistema amplo de indicadores de realização, que venha a substituir os enfoques reducionistas que sobrevalorizam resultados padronizados em detrimento dos demais elementos / The Brazilian federal Constitution stipulates an ensemble of principles to be realized in the education sector (or in school education), the guarantee of a standard of quality being one of them. The thesis analyses the meaning of this constitutional provision Regarding compulsory basic education and establishes a conceptual framework for its normative content. The thesis premise is that Brazil experiences a strong legal regulatory impulse regarding the quality of compulsory basic education and that its base s go back to the increasing complexity of the tools law provides for social change. Meanwhile, we lack a conceptual framework applied to the analyses of this legal issue. Initially, this thesis articulates some basic propositions from the welfare state to the theory of fundamental rights and the phenomenon of juridification in the field education sector. The goal is to understand the relationship between the models of juridification and political and pedagogical concepts of quality in education. In the second chapter, the analytical focus based on the theory of fundamental rights as principles is the basis for a general normative proposition about the amplified content of the right to quality in education. Our basic contention is that this principle aims to protect the maximum quality of education according to factual and juridical conditions of a given context. The following chapter presents the juridical content of the human right to education, extracting the content of States obligation to realize this right and its basic normative content. In the last chapter, the thesis argues that the components of the right to quality compulsory basic education have to be defined from educational human rights, including the protective dimensions related to students personal characteristics, the schools environment, infrastructural conditions and basic inputs, contents, relevant educational processes, results and public funding. Each one of these dimensions must have the full realization of education as a goal with the maximum use of the resources available. Each dimension must be legally protected observing the necessary adjustment to the type of juridical regulation that is more adequate to the paradigm of human rights. Moreover, [the dimensions] must part of a wide range system of indicators that measure levels of your realization that will substitute reductionist views that overvalue standardized results to the detriment of other elements.

Implementação de Políticas Públicas: um estudo de caso sobre a ampliação do ensino fundamental para nove anos no município de São Bernardo do Campo / Implementation of Public Policies: case study about the extension of basic education to nine years in São Bernardo do Campo

Lara Gonzalez Gil 10 December 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação são analisados os desdobramentos das Leis Federais nº 11.114/05, que instituiu o início da obrigatoriedade do ensino fundamental aos seis anos de idade, e da Lei nº 11.274/06, que ampliou a duração do ensino fundamental para nove anos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi realizar um estudo sobre a implementação do ensino fundamental de nove anos em uma escola da rede municipal de São Bernardo do Campo, verificando a articulação da política educacional nacional, sua adequação em nível municipal e a sua efetivação no cotidiano escolar. Para tanto, foi realizada a observação em uma turma de 1º ano em uma escola da rede municipal, durante todo o ano letivo de 2010. O estudo contou, ainda, com a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os diversos segmentos da comunidade escolar: Secretária Municipal de Educação, diretora, professoras, membros do Conselho de Escola, pais e, em especial, com as crianças do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de nove anos. As considerações apresentadas são baseadas nos dados obtidos na pesquisa de campo, em dados estatísticos, na análise dos documentos oficiais e no levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema. A análise dos dados permitiu o levantamento de opiniões dos sujeitos da Pesquisa sobre diversos aspectos da implantação do ensino fundamental de nove anos e a comparação com as intenções anunciadas nos documentos oficiais, tendo como base três princípios educacionais: direito à educação, gestão democrática e qualidade do ensino. O estudo realizado permite afirmar que não houve aumento no número de matrículas no município pesquisado, que a comunidade escolar não participou de discussões referentes ao tema, sendo apenas informados sobre a mudança e que a política da Secretaria Municipal de Educação apareceu pouco na escola pesquisada, tendo-se a sensação que as escolas ficaram meio sem rumo, conduzindo o trabalho com os 1º anos de modo mais ou menos adequado, dependendo da sorte de haver profissionais mais ou menos qualificados para trabalhar com as crianças de seis anos. / In this thesis the developments of Federal Law nº 11.114/05, that instituted the beginning of the basic education at six years old and Federal Law nº 11.274/06, that expanded the basic education to nine years of duration, are analyzed. The aim of the research was to realize a study about the implementation of nine years basic education at a São Bernardo´s municipal school, checking the joint of national educational policy, the adequacy at municipal level and the effectuation at daily school. So, it was made an observation in a first year class of a municipal school, during all the year of 2010. The study also counted with semi structured interviews with the different school community segments: Secretary of Education, principal, teachers, member of School Concil, and especially the children of the first year class from the nine years basic education. The presented considerations are based on field research and statistic data, the official documents analysis and bibliography about the theme. The data analysis allowed getting the opinions from research participants about the different aspects of nine years basic education and comparing with the intentions annunciated at official documents, having as basis three educational principles: right of education, democratic management and education quality. The study allows to affirm that there was no matriculation´s grow in the researched city, that the school community didn´t participate in this theme discussions, being just informed about the changing and that the Municipal Secretary of Education policy almost didn´t shows at the researched school, having the feeling that schools was adrift, leading the work with the children in more or less appropriate way, depending of the luck of having more or less qualified professionals to work with six years old children.

O ensino superior como atividade empresarial e o cidadão mínimo no Brasil: o peso da mão liberal e a marca de uma aliança não visível. Uma análise do ensino superior brasileiro a partir dos dilemas que envolvem as políticas públicas / Higher education as business activity and the \"minimum citizen\" in the Brazil: the weight of liberal\'s hand and the print of an invisible alliance.

Allan Aroni 29 February 2008 (has links)
Com a presente dissertação de mestrado, tivemos o objetivo de analisar o essencial das políticas destinadas ao Ensino Superior no Brasil, principalmente as implantadas no século XX e início do XXI, tendo em vista a persistência dos dilemas e desafios que permeiam os comportamentos e as ações sociais no país. Partimos da perspectiva de que o sistema de ensino enfrenta, de um modo geral, uma série de entraves institucionais, repercutindo na falta de qualidade da educação, na contenção e evasão dos estudantes, no baixo reconhecimento e remuneração dos profissionais da área, no oportunismo político que nada de positivo acrescenta ao país etc. Na metodologia, utilizamos pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais. Em termos bibliográficos, consideramos as áreas de contato entre a sociologia, a ciência política, a filosofia, a economia e a física; no que diz respeito às políticas públicas, a importância da sociedade civil organizada, o liberalismo, a ciência etc. No aspecto documental, por sua vez, utilizamos leis, decretos, relatos, enfim, registros que, quando observados conjuntamente, resultaram em evidências e hipóteses que se entrelaçam e que foram organizados em três momentos do trabalho. No primeiro, a consideração da \"realidade\" histórica, social, política e econômica em que as políticas para o Ensino Superior estão sendo implantadas, corroborando uma hierarquia social autoritária. No segundo, a necessidade de se conceituar as políticas públicas num contexto de relativo avanço democrático, revelando estratégias destinadas a limitar a participação social no que diz respeito à deliberação sobre a destinação dos fundos públicos. No terceiro momento, a análise do conjunto das políticas adotadas, tendendo a reafirmar uma sociedade excludente e desigual. Concluindo, o enfretamento das questões prementes para o Ensino Superior a partir do conjunto das políticas, que poderiam ser pensadas com a perspectiva da sociedade na qual estão inseridas, indicou uma continuidade de princípios e diretrizes, de cunho liberal, a ser superada. Sem a perspectiva de uma ruptura política profunda, pode-se considerar que a atualização, em termos de políticas educacionais, tem sido totalmente contrária às demandas que pautam o país. Na ausência de uma transformação ampla desse quadro, a lógica que tem pautado as políticas no Brasil continuará respondendo a um projeto de país subordinado, contrário aos interesses da sociedade e, portanto, de nada adiantando tal ou qual política sem a consideração da \"força das coisas\" na sua totalidade e a sua aceitabilidade interna. / With the present dissertation, we had the goal of analyze the essential of the policies addressed to higher education in the Brazil, mainly those implanted at XX and earlier XXI century, considering the persistence of dilemmas and challenges that permeate the human behavior and social actions in the country. We started from the perspective that, in a general way, the educational system faces a range of institutional bridles, rebounding on the lack of educational quality, on the students hold and school evasion, on the low recognition to and payment for the professionals of this area, on the political opportunism that nothing of positive adds to the country, and so on. At the methodology, we utilized bibliographic and documental researches. In terms of bibliography, the study considered contact areas between the sociology, the politic science, the philosophy, the economy, and the physics; what was concerned about public policy, the importance of organized civil society, the liberalism, the science and so on. At the documental aspect, for your turn, we utilized laws, decrees, accounts, in short, records that, when observed jointly, resulted in evidences and hypothesis that interlace themselves and that were organized in three moments of the work. At the first, the consideration of the historical, social, political and economical reality in what the policies for the higher education are been implanted, that corroborates an authoritarian social hierarchy. At the second, the necessity of making conception of the public policies in a context of relative democratic advance, revealing strategies destined for limiting the social participation concern decision about the destination of public founds. At the third moment, the analyses of the policies set adopted, tending to reaffirm an excluding and unequal society. Concluding, the confront of pressing questions to the higher education starting from the policies set, that could be thought with the perspective of society in whose they are insert, indicated a continuity of principles and guidelines, with liberal matrix, to be overcome. Without the perspective of a deep politic rupture, we can consider that the update, in terms of educational policies, has been totally contrary to the demands that rule the country. In the lack of a broad transformation of this frame, the logic that has ruled the policies at Brazil will keep responding to the subordinated country project, opposed to the society interests and, therefore, its not worth this or that policy without the consideration of the things power in its totality and its intern acceptability.

O ensino de geografia no contexto da inclusão educacional / The Geography teaching in educational inclusion context

Vicente, Tatiana Roncador 28 August 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho levanta questionamentos acerca do ensino de Geografia no contexto da Inclusão Educacional no Brasil. Também caracteriza este contexto a partir da percepção de professores de Geografia sobre a realidade da Inclusão na escola pública de São Paulo, identificando os problemas que estas enfrentam para realizar a Educação Inclusiva. A caracterização do contexto estudado também considera aspectos jurídicos além dos aspectos pedagógicos verificando até que ponto os primeiros circulam na esfera educacional e as suas implicações. Apresenta um estudo de caso de situação educacional inclusiva e suas implicações para os efeitos da Inclusão Escolar para os alunos envolvidos. Examina também as questões de dificuldades de aprendizagem, sua natureza e suas implicações para a Educação Inclusiva. Expõe apontamentos para repensar o ensino de Geografia no contexto atual da Educação Inclusiva. A metodologia da pesquisa se desenvolveu com estudos bibliográficos, aplicação de questionários, entrevistas no formato roda de conversa, sendo as últimas técnicas citadas registradas em áudio e vídeo. Como resultado do trabalho realizado constatou-se a distância que há entre a formação de professores de Geografia para a Educação Inclusiva, a necessidade de repensar o modelo pedagógico de divisão do conhecimento sem resolução de problemas e interdisciplinaridade que não tem conseguido promover o desenvolvimento das altas funções intelectuais que envolvem a leitura e a escrita de alunos de Inclusão. Mas, mesmo com todos os problemas apontados e analisados há uma tendência de expansão da educação Inclusiva no ambiente educacional geral. / This work raises questions about geography education in the context of Educational Inclusion in Brazil. Also features this context from the perception of Geography teachers on the reality of inclusion in public school in São Paulo, identifying the problems they face to achieve inclusive education. The characterization of the studied context also considers legal aspects beyond the pedagogical aspects extent to which the first circulating in the educational sphere and its implications. It presents a case study of inclusive educational situation and its implications for the effects of school inclusion for students involved. It examines the issues of learning disabilities, their nature and their implications for Inclusive Education. Exposes notes to rethink the geography teaching in the current context of Inclusive Education. The research methodology was developed with bibliographical studies, questionnaires, interviews in conversation wheel format, with the latest techniques mentioned recorded audio and video. As a result of work done found the distance that exists between the formation of Geography Teachers for Inclusive Education, the need to rethink the pedagogical model of knowledge sharing unresolved issues and interdisciplinarity that has been unable to promote the development of high intellectual functions that involve reading and writing Inclusion of students. But even with all the problems identified and analyzed there is a tendency to expand inclusive education in the general education environment.

O direito à educação básica no âmbito do MERCOSUL: proteção normativa nos planos constitucional, internacional e regional / The right to basic education in the Mercosur: normative protection in the constitucional, international and regional levels

Babinski, Daniel Bernardes de Oliveira 03 May 2010 (has links)
O direito à educação básica conforma direito de tipo especial, visto que sua proteção é condição necessária para o usufruto de todos os outros direitos fundamentais. A presente dissertação de mestrado procura analisar a extensão da proteção normativa concedida a esse direito nos Estados-Partes do MERCOSUL. Tal análise será feita mediante uma pesquisa conduzida em três níveis distintos, nomeadamente, o plano constitucional, internacional e o regional. Em virtude de sua natureza individual e coletiva, fundamental e humana, o direito à educação básica é tutelado nestes três planos, ensejando uma necessária apreciação de suas interelações. Desta forma, o presente estudo analisa não apenas as normas constitucionais em matéria educacional, mas se amplia para toda a produção de documentos internacionais tratados e declarações - que tutelam o direito à educação básica. Por último, analisaremos o papel da educação no fenômeno da integração mercosulina, concluindo que é inegável que a estruturação do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL ainda não foi capaz de incrementar a proteção normativa do direito à educação básica, resumindo suas atividades à compilação de informações estatísticas, reconhecimento de diplomas e títulos de grau entre os Estados-Partes e fomento de uma mentalidade favorável à integração. Infelizmente a ousadia das declarações internacionais contrasta com a timidez das atividades mercosulinas. / The right to basic education conforms a special right, given that its protection is a necessary condition for the enjoyment of all other fundamental rights. This dissertation aims to analyze the extent of juridical protection granted to the right to basic education in the Member States of MERCOSUR. This analysis shall be done through a survey conducted at three different levels, namely, the constitutional level, international and regional. Because of their juridical nature as individual and collective, as fundamental and human, the right to basic education is protected in these three planes, allowing for a necessary appreciation of their interrelations. Thus, this study is not reduced to the educational provisions located on the constitutional plain, and contemplates the entire production of international documents - treaties and declarations - which protect the right to basic education. Finally, we analyze the role of education in the phenomenon of integration conducted in the MERCOSUR, concluding that it is undeniable that the structuring of the Educational Sector of MERCOSUR has not yet been able to increase the legislative protection of the right to basic education, summarizing its activities to the compilation of statistical information, recognition of degree certifications among States Parties, and promoting a spirit of integration. Unfortunately, the boldness of the international declarations contrasts with the timidity of the regional activities.

Accentuating the right to ample access to quality education in rural South Africa : legal analysis

Sefoka, Isaiah Mmatipe January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / This mini dissertation seeks to articulate the issues and challenges being faced by the rural South Africa pertaining to the aspect of providing ample access to quality education. The structures, policies and programs of the flows of apartheid are therefore compered and contrasted to the post-apartheid (1994) structures, policies and programmes. It further argues that any impediment to the right is in contrast to the spirit and purport of the provisions of the Bill of Rights enshrined in the South African Constitution of 1996 which provides for this constitutional right. Although there was a radical transition in educational policies and programmes from apartheid to postapartheid, till to date there are still numerous challenges within the basic and higher educational sectors within and between institutions. This mini dissertation recommends that government should make education completely free from levels such as primary, tertiary and the postgraduate levels, and to use education as an investment tool. In this regard, government will be investing in youth to contribute in developing solutions to aid the rural masses. It recommends that education be made compulsory from grade 1 to grade 12.

A critical appraisal of the right to primary education of children with disabilities in Malawi

Chilemba, Enoch MacDonnell January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The significance of article 24(2) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the right to primary education of children with disabilities: a comparative study of Kenya and South Africa

Murungi, Lucyline Nkatha January 2013 (has links)
<p>The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is the latest human rights treaty at the UN level. The process leading to the adoption called attention to the plight of persons with disabilities, and redefined approaches to issues of disability. Fundamentally, the CRPD embodies a paradigm shift in thinking about disability. It embraces the social model of disability, in terms of which disability is a function of the interaction between a person with impairment and his or her environment as opposed to an inherent limitation of functioning. The social model is, in turn, anchored in a human rights approach to disability. No doubt, the adoption of the CRPD triggered immense optimism for the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. One of the rights recognised under the CRPD is the right to education. Article 24(1) of the CRPD recognises the right of persons with disabilities to education and sets out the aims of such education. Article 24(2) sets out a number of principles to guide the implementation of the right. These include: non-exclusion from the general education system including non-exclusion of children with disabilities from free and compulsory primary education / access to inclusive quality and free primary education on an equal basis with other children in the communities in which children with disabilities live / reasonable accommodation of a student&rsquo / s needs / provision of support necessary to facilitate effective education / and provision of individualised support measures in environments that maximise academic and social development of the students with disabilities. It is generally accepted that the right to education is one of the most essential rights, particularly in light of its empowerment function that helps to facilitate the exercise of other rights. The primary level of education has particularly attained global recognition and priority in resource allocation and implementation. Primary education contributes significantly to the maximum development of the full human potential of children. There are therefore differentiated obligations for the right to primary education in international human rights. Nevertheless, there are still significant barriers to access to primary education, particularly in the African region. While children with disabilities have been excluded from education for a long time the world over, their exclusion in the African context is particularly endemic. The core purpose of this thesis is to determine how article 24(2) of the CRPD affects or is likely to affect primary education of children with disabilities, particularly in the context of developing countries. The focus of the enquiry is mainly the law and policy in this regard. The subject spans three main spheres of rights: children&rsquo / s rights, socioeconomic rights (particularly the right to education), and finally disability rights. Children&rsquo / s rights, especially since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), are generally accepted. The right to education also has a long standing history, and whereas debate regarding the appropriate approaches to its implementation still abides, there is apparent normative and jurisprudential consensus on some aspects thereof, particularly at the primary education level. It is essential to determine the relational framework of these spheres with the disability rights established under the CRPD. The thesis finds that the CRPD does in fact redefine the parameters of the right to education as previously understood in international human rights instruments. Particularly, the expanded aims of education under article 24 call for education systems that recognise non-academic learning, such as the development of the talents or creativity of the learner. This provision is particularly significant to the child with disabilities. Also, while not establishing an entirely new right, the principles under article 24(2) establish actionable sub-entitlements that enhance the justiciability right to education for children with disabilities. However, it is apparent from the comparative studies that it is the implementation of these provisions that presents the greatest challenge for the realisation of primary education for children with disabilities. This suggests that whereas norm creation as under the CRPD may have the value of triggering and sustaining discourse on appropriate responses in the context of the education of children with disabilities, it is the translation of these norms into practical action points that is the determining factor for realization of the right.</p>

A critical appraisal of the right to primary education of children with disabilities in Malawi

Chilemba, Enoch MacDonnell January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The significance of article 24(2) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the right to primary education of children with disabilities: a comparative study of Kenya and South Africa

Murungi, Lucyline Nkatha January 2013 (has links)
<p>The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is the latest human rights treaty at the UN level. The process leading to the adoption called attention to the plight of persons with disabilities, and redefined approaches to issues of disability. Fundamentally, the CRPD embodies a paradigm shift in thinking about disability. It embraces the social model of disability, in terms of which disability is a function of the interaction between a person with impairment and his or her environment as opposed to an inherent limitation of functioning. The social model is, in turn, anchored in a human rights approach to disability. No doubt, the adoption of the CRPD triggered immense optimism for the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities. One of the rights recognised under the CRPD is the right to education. Article 24(1) of the CRPD recognises the right of persons with disabilities to education and sets out the aims of such education. Article 24(2) sets out a number of principles to guide the implementation of the right. These include: non-exclusion from the general education system including non-exclusion of children with disabilities from free and compulsory primary education / access to inclusive quality and free primary education on an equal basis with other children in the communities in which children with disabilities live / reasonable accommodation of a student&rsquo / s needs / provision of support necessary to facilitate effective education / and provision of individualised support measures in environments that maximise academic and social development of the students with disabilities. It is generally accepted that the right to education is one of the most essential rights, particularly in light of its empowerment function that helps to facilitate the exercise of other rights. The primary level of education has particularly attained global recognition and priority in resource allocation and implementation. Primary education contributes significantly to the maximum development of the full human potential of children. There are therefore differentiated obligations for the right to primary education in international human rights. Nevertheless, there are still significant barriers to access to primary education, particularly in the African region. While children with disabilities have been excluded from education for a long time the world over, their exclusion in the African context is particularly endemic. The core purpose of this thesis is to determine how article 24(2) of the CRPD affects or is likely to affect primary education of children with disabilities, particularly in the context of developing countries. The focus of the enquiry is mainly the law and policy in this regard. The subject spans three main spheres of rights: children&rsquo / s rights, socioeconomic rights (particularly the right to education), and finally disability rights. Children&rsquo / s rights, especially since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), are generally accepted. The right to education also has a long standing history, and whereas debate regarding the appropriate approaches to its implementation still abides, there is apparent normative and jurisprudential consensus on some aspects thereof, particularly at the primary education level. It is essential to determine the relational framework of these spheres with the disability rights established under the CRPD. The thesis finds that the CRPD does in fact redefine the parameters of the right to education as previously understood in international human rights instruments. Particularly, the expanded aims of education under article 24 call for education systems that recognise non-academic learning, such as the development of the talents or creativity of the learner. This provision is particularly significant to the child with disabilities. Also, while not establishing an entirely new right, the principles under article 24(2) establish actionable sub-entitlements that enhance the justiciability right to education for children with disabilities. However, it is apparent from the comparative studies that it is the implementation of these provisions that presents the greatest challenge for the realisation of primary education for children with disabilities. This suggests that whereas norm creation as under the CRPD may have the value of triggering and sustaining discourse on appropriate responses in the context of the education of children with disabilities, it is the translation of these norms into practical action points that is the determining factor for realization of the right.</p>

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