Spelling suggestions: "subject:"light to respect"" "subject:"might to respect""
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Korczak, une vision spécifique de l’enfance : le rôle et la place de l’enfant dans la vie et l’œuvre de Korczak / Korczak, a specific vision of childhood : the child's role and place in Korczak's life and workSmentek, Colette 15 June 2016 (has links)
Les enfants ne sont pas des personnes de demain, mais des personnes d’aujourd’hui (Janusz Korczak). Ce travail de thèse analyse la question de l'enfance dans la pensée et l'œuvre de Korczak. Le thème récurrent de ses travaux, tant dans sa qualité de médecin, poète ou écrivain, reste l'enfance. La recherche projetée prend en compte l'ensemble de ces dimensions, et porte sur la diversité et la constance de la thématique de l'enfance dans la vie et les œuvres du médecin pédagogue. Janusz Korczak est principalement connu comme étant l'homme qui a accompagné les enfants jusqu'à la mort vers le camp de concentration de Treblinka. Mais pourquoi cet acte ultime ? Une biographie de l’auteur a été nécessaire afin de prendre le pédagogue dans son intégralité et de dégager précisément l’essence de sa pensée. Il s’agit de comprendre l’homme Korczak au travers de scènes fondatrices déterminantes pour sa vie et ses choix comme des points de non-retour, l’incitant à réfléchir sur la condition des enfants. Au cours de sa vie Korczak écrit des romans pour enfants, des œuvres autobiographiques mais également des ouvrages plus pédagogiques. Leur questionnement engage dans un second temps l'analyse des représentations de Korczak concernant l'enfance, et permet de comprendre dans toutes leurs dimensions les valeurs qu'il défend, tel que le droit au respect. Enfin, l’objectif est également de situer, sur cette question de l'enfance, les conceptions de Korzack par rapport au mouvement de l'éducation nouvelle, et d'en dégager les spécificités. Il s’agit, tout au long de ce travail, de voir comment la question tout à la fois pédagogique, philosophique, biographique de l’enfance a influencé les choix et les engagements théoriques, éducatifs, personnels de Korczak. / This thesis offers observation and analysis on the topic of education in Korczak’s work. Childhood is the recurring theme in the works of this renowned doctor, poet and writer. This analysis takes into account the theme of childhood throughout the diversity of the works of this doctor educator. Janusz Korczak is mainly known as the man who refused to abandon his Jewish orphans when they were taken to the death camps of Treblinka. Why this ultimate act ? A look into his life has been necessary in order to study the educator in his whole and to extract the essence of his thought. Understanding the man throughout key moments of his life and some of his irrevocable choices which lead him to think about the children’s condition. His works include children’s books, biographical books but also some more educational. Studying them leads us to understand fully the ideas Korzack had about childhood and the values he defended such as the right for respect. Finally, the aim is to analyse Korzack’s ideas in relation to the new education and to identify its characteristics. Throughout this thesis, the objective is to understand how the theme of childhood in its pedagogic, philosophic and biographic aspects has influenced the theoric and educational choices and commitment of Korczak.
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Climate Change Mitigation as the New Human Rights Obligation : Analyzing the 2024 Climate Change Decisions in the European Court of Human RightsHermaja, Usva January 2024 (has links)
In 2020 the European Court of Human Rights received applications KlimaSeniorinnen and Others v Switzerland and Duarte Agostinho and Others v Portugal and 32 Others. Verein KlimaSerioninnen Schweiz is an association of some 2500 elderly Swiss women experiencing health issues due to rising temperatures. Applicants in the Duarte case are six Portuguese children and young people experiencing especially the mental health implications of the insufficient European climate policies. The applications claimed for the respondent governments to violate their human rights under Articles 2 (right to life) and 8 (right to respect for private- and family life) of the European Convention of Human Rights. The Grand Chamber of judges delivered decisions for these cases on April 9th 2024. The Court ruled in favor of the Swiss association KlimaSeniorinnen and rejected the rest of the climate change applicants on grounds of admissibility. In my thesis project, I examine the 2024 decisions focusing especially on questions of victim status and causality. By discussing the rulings this thesis will map out criteria the potential climate change applicants must meet when seeking climate justice from the European Court of Human Rights.
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Právo na respektování soukromého a rodinného života v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva / Right to respect private and family life in case-law of the European Court of Human RightsJandáčková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
R I G H T T O R E S P E C T F O R P R I V A T E A N D F A M I L Y L I F E I N T H E C A S E - L A W O F T H E E U R O P E A N C O U R T O F H U M A N R I G H T S Abstract The aim of the thesis is to explain wording and application of the Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention) from the perspective of the European Court of Human Rights (the ECHR). The scope of Article 8, which guarantees the right to respect for private and family life, is very broad. For this reason the thesis especially deals with the issue of the right of the child to know his/her origin and information about his/her early childhood. In particular it attempts to outline the way how the ECHR deals with the conflict of the right to know one's origin with the right of the parent to stay anonymous. The thesis is divided into five chapters which illustrate the particular aspects of the application of Article 8. These chapters are linked through the judgements Gaskin, Mikulić, Odiévre, Jäggi and Phinirikadou which are related to the right of the child to know his/her origin. Chapter 1 provides with the general introduction to the protection of human rights at the European level and also analyses the Convention and the ECHR. The goal of chapter 2 is to outline the inner...
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Právo na respektování soukromého a rodinného života / The right to respect for private and family lifeKrálová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
(RIGHT TO RESPECT FOR PRIVATE AND FAMILY LIFE) The main goal of this diploma thesis, called Right to respect for private and family life, is to analyze the progress in the issue of the right to respect for private and family life from the perspective of registered partnership. I had to narrow the topic of this diploma thesis to registered partnership, because of the fact, that the scope of the right to respect for private and family life is so broad, that it couldn't be summarized in the mere diploma thesis. Emphasis of this diploma thesis is placed on regulation set out in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention), other regulation is mentioned only marginally. The diploma thesis is divided into four chapters, further it contains the introduction, the conclusion, the list of abbreviation, the list of literature and the Czech and English abstract. The most important part of this diploma thesis is chapter three, which deals with the right to respect for private and family life from the perspective of registered partnership set out in the article 8 of the Convention. Chapter 1 defines the right to respect for private and family life as one of the fundamental human rights and characterizes the international legal protection and legal...
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La démocratie électronique, une notion en construction / Electronic democracy, a concept under constructionShulga-Morskaya, Tatiana 21 December 2017 (has links)
La démocratie représentative reste un régime essentiellement représentatif qui a été conçu précisément pour exclure la participation directe de l’universalité des citoyens à la prise de décisions politiques. L’introduction d’instruments de la participation directe, en forme de l’e-démocratie, crée un conflit au sein de ce régime, conflit qui ne sera résolu que par un aménagement de la notion de démocratie représentative, voire sa substitution par une autre notion, ayant vocation à concilier les exigences de la participation et de la représentation. Cette thèse se propose de réfléchir à un modèle de régime politique-type susceptible de permettre l'intégration de l'e-démocratie.Une telle intégration met en lumière l’interdépendance entre la démocratie et les droits fondamentaux qui sont menacés de manière inédite à l’ère numérique. La possibilité d’introduire l’e-démocratie est donc conditionnée à la protection renforcée des droits essentiels : la liberté d’expression, le droit au respect de la vie privée, ainsi qu’à la reconnaissance de nouveaux droits fondés sur l’autodétermination personnelle. L’introduction de l’e-démocratie peut également remettre en cause certains concepts bien établis, tels que le principe majoritaire, ou exiger leur reconsidération, comme dans le cas de la bonne gouvernance. / Representative democracy remains essentially a representative government that was created precisely to avoid all the citizens to participate directly in political decision-making. Implementation of direct participation’s instruments in form of e-democracy creates a conflict within this government, a conflict which can be solved only by a renewal of representative democracy concept, even its substitution by another idea committed to reconciling representation and participation. This thesis aims a reflection on a concept of government capable of integrating e-democracy.Such an integration highlights the interdependent character of the link between democracy and human rights that are exposed to totally new threats in the digital era. The possibility to introduce e-democracy is conditional upon the reinforced protection of such essential rights and freedoms: as freedom of expression and right to respect for private and family life in the digital environment, as well as recognition of new rights based on personal self-determination. Implementation of e-democracy can also challenge well-established concepts such as majority principle or require their reconsideration, as in the case of good governance.
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Eingriffe in den Internet-Datenverkehr zur Durchsetzung des Urheberrechts / Zur Vereinbarkeit von Netzsperren und Deep Packet Inspection mit europäischen und deutschen GrundrechtenFokken, Martin 28 October 2021 (has links)
Die auf mitgliedstaatlicher und EU-Ebene grundrechtlich verbürgte Freiheit des Eigen-tums verlangt, das Urheberrecht effektiv zu schützen. Staatlich durchgeführte oder ange-ordnete technische Maßnahmen wie Netzsperren (IP- oder DNS-Sperren) und Deep Packet Inspection ermöglichen es u.a., gezielt die Übertragung von Daten zu blockieren, deren unlizenzierter Austausch über das Internet – etwa über Streaming-Portale – das Urheber-recht verletzt. Im Internet besteht ohne derartige technische Maßnahmen ein Durchset-zungsdefizit, da die unmittelbaren („Content Provider“) und mittelbaren Anbieter („Host-Provider“) der Inhalte oft nicht effektiv in Haftung genommen werden können; die techni-schen Betreiber der Infrastruktur des Internets („Internet Service Provider“) hingegen können dem staatlichen Zugriff nicht ausweichen. Die angesprochenen technischen Maß-nahmen greifen jedoch in verschiedene Grundrechte des Grundgesetzes und der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union ein. Betroffen sind insbesondere die unterneh-merische Freiheit (Art. 16 Charta) der Internet Service Provider, die Informationsfreiheit (Art. 11 Abs. 1 Charta), das Recht auf Achtung der Kommunikation (Art. 7 Charta), das Recht auf Schutz personenbezogener Daten (Art. 8 Abs. 1 Charta) der Internet-Nutzer sowie die jeweiligen mitgliedstaatlichen Entsprechungen dieser Grundrechte. Der Gegen-stand dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Vereinbarkeit der Anwendung technischer Maßnahmen zur Durchsetzung des Urheberrechts mit europäischem Primärrecht und dem Grundgesetz. / The Fundamental Right to Property, which is guaranteed at Member State and EU level, requires that copyright be effectively protected. Technical measures implemented by or required by states, such as IP/DNS blocking or Deep Packet Inspection, enable, inter alia, the targeted blocking of transmissions of data whose unlicensed exchange over the inter-net – e.g. via streaming portals – infringes copyrights. Without such technical measures, there is an enforcement deficit in the internet, as the direct ("content providers") and indi-rect providers ("host providers") of the content often cannot be effectively held liable; the technical operators of internet infrastructure ("internet service providers"), on the other hand, cannot evade governmental intervention. The technical measures mentioned, how-ever, affect various fundamental rights of the German Constitution (the “Grundgesetz”) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The rights affected are, in particular, the Freedom to Conduct a Business (Article 16 of the Charter) of internet ser-vice providers, the Freedom of Information (Article 11(1) of the Charter), the Right to Re-spect for Communications (Article 7 of the Charter) and the Right to Protection of Person-al Data (Article 8 (1) of the Charter) of internet users, and the respective Member State equivalents of these fundamental rights. Subject matter of this thesis is to examine whether the use of technological measures to enforce copyrights is in compliance with Eu-ropean primary law and the German Grundgesetz.
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