Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ringresonator"" "subject:"ringresonators""
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Neuartige nanostrukturierte Halbleiterlaser und Mikroringresonatoren auf InP-Basis für Wellenlängenmultiplexsysteme in der optischen Nachrichtenübertragung / New types of nanostructured semiconductor lasers and micro ring resonators based on InP for dense wavelength division multiplexing systems in optical telecommunication applicationsBach, Lars January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung und Untersuchung von neuartigen nanostrukturierten Halbleiterbauelementen. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch den Einsatz von optischer und hochauflösender Elektronenstrahl- und Ionenstrahllithographie verschiedene optoelektronische Bauelemente (Laser und Filter) definiert werden können. Die Kombination dieser Definitionsprozesse mit speziellen nass- und trockenchemischen Ätzverfahren erlaubt die Herstellung von Bauelementen mit sehr hoher Genauigkeit, Reproduzierbarkeit und monolithischer Integrationsfähigkeit mit verschiedensten Geometrien und Bereichen innerhalb der Bauelemente. Die Grundlagen zum Verständnis der Funktionsweise und der Hochfrequenzeigenschaften der einzelnen Resonatorarten, Gitterstrukturen und der Laser mit diesen Gitterstrukturen sind in Kapitel 2 zusammen gefasst. Nach einer kurzen Abhandlung des Laserprinzips und des Aufbaus einer Laserdiode, werden die statischen und dynamischen Kenngrößen und Prozesse in den Lasern ausführlich vorgestellt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei den dynamischen Grundlagen und der Erläuterung eines zusätzlichen Wechselwirkungsprinzips, genannt „Detuned Loading“, im Laser und die sich daraus ergebenden neuen Eigenschaften. Die Auswirkungen der Resonatorgeometrien und Gitterstrukturen auf die spektralen Eigenschaften der Laser sind Bestandteil des zweiten Teiles von Kapitel 2. In Kapitel 3 werden die technologischen Prozesse zur Herstellung der verschiedensten präsentierten Bauelemente im Detail vorgestellt. Die Vorstellung der Charakterisierungsmethoden und der verwendeten Messplätze schließen dieses Kapitel ab. Kapitel 4 beschäftigt sich ausschließlich mit den elektrischen und spektralen Eigenschaften der einzel- und gekoppelten Quadrat-Resonator-Lasern. Kapitel 5 beschäftigt sich mit monomodige DFB- oder DBR-Lasern für Wellenlängenmultiplexsysteme im Wellenlängenbereich um 1.55 µm, als Einzelkomponenten oder in Arrays, die eine exakt einstellbarere Wellenlänge und hoher Modenstabilität aufweisen. Durch die Verwendung des DBR-Prinzips kann eine signifikante Verbesserung der statischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften gegenüber dem DFB-Prinzip erreicht werden. Die Verbesserungen der statischen Eigenschaften beruhen hauptsächlich auf der räumlichen Trennung von Verstärkungs- und Gitterbereich im Fall des DBR-Lasers und der damit verbundenen Erhöhung der Reflexion des Rückfacettenbereiches. Die Trennung bewirkt eine Reduktion der Absorption im Verstärkungsbereich, keine gitterimplantationsbedingten Erhöhung der internen Absorption wie im DFB-Fall, und damit eine Erhöhung der Effizienz was sich wiederum in einer geringern Wärmeproduktion äußert. Aufgrund der aufgeführten Ursachen ist es möglich durch Größenoptimierung der jeweiligen Bereiche Schwellenströme von 8 mA, Effizienzen von 0.375 W/A, Ausgangsleistungen bis zu 70 mW, Betriebsbereiche bis zum 12fachen des Schwellenstromes, Verschiebungen der Wellenlänge mit dem Betriebsstrom von 0.01 nm/mA, eine thermische Belastbarkeiten bis zu 120°C und Seitenmodenunterdrückungen bis zu 67 dB durch das DBR-Laserprinzip zu realisieren. In Kapitel 6 wird ein neues Konzept eines hochfrequenzoptimierten Lasers vorgestellt. Das Prinzip des „Detuned Loading“ ist sehr sensitiv auf die Phasenlage der umlaufenden Welle im Laser und auf die Lage der Hauptmode auf der Reflexionsfunktion des Gitters. Da eine Phasenänderung von 2einer Längenänderung von einigen 100 nm entspricht und dies außerhalb der Herstellungstoleranz liegt, ist eine gezielte Kontrolle dieses Prinzips im DBR-Laser nicht möglich. Dies führte zu einer Weiterentwicklung des DBR-Lasers in einem Laser der einer Phasenkontrolle ermöglicht, genannt CCIG-Laser. Dieser Laser besteht aus einer Lasersektion, einer zentralen Gittersektion und einer angeschlossenen Phasensektion. Durch Strominjektion in die Phasensektion ist es möglich über eine Änderung des Brechungsindexes eine gezielte Einstellung der Phasenlage zu gewährleisten. Die Phasensektion hat keine Auswirkungen auf die statischen elektrischen und spektralen Eigenschaften der Laser. Diese sind sehr gut mit denen der DBR-Laser vergleichbar. Damit war es möglich durch einen CCIG-Laser mit Sektionsgrößen von 500 µm für jede Sektion eine Steigerung der Bandbreite auf einen Rekordwert von 37 GHz, dass entspricht einem Steigerungsfaktor von 4.5 gegenüber Fabry-Perot-Lasern gleicher Länge, zu steigern. / Summary This dissertation occupies with the fabrication and investigation of new types ofnanostructured semiconductor devices. It will be shown that the use of high resolution e-beam and focused ion beam technologies enables the fabrication of several types of optoelectronic devices (laser and filter). The combination of these methods with specific wet- and drychemical etching procedures allows the fabrication of devices with high accuracy, reproducibility and the potential of monolithic integration. The theoretical background for a better understanding of the functionality and the high frequency properties of the several resonator types, grating structures and lasers with these gratings will be given in chapter 2. After a short explanation of the laser principle and the geometry of a laser diode the static and dynamic parameters and processes inside the lasers will be explained. The main focus of this chapter is the explanation of the detuned loading principle in the lasers. This principle is responsible for the new dynamic properties of these lasers. In the second part of chapter 2 the affects of the resonator geometries and grating structures at the spectral properties will be discussed. The technological processes for the fabrication of the several-presented devices will be discussed in detail in chapter 3. Also the measurement methods and setups will be presented in this chapter. Exclusive in chapter 4 the spectral and electrical properties of the single- and coupled squareresonator lasers will be shown. The specific analysis of the geometrical parameters (width, radius) allows a reduction of the size of these lasers down to diameters of D = 30 µm. The square like geometry of these lasers with the four 45° facets results in 8 singularities at the corners of these facets. The content of chapter 5 are the single mode emitting DFB- and DBR-lasers for dense wavelength division multiplexing systems at the 1.55 µm wavelength region. These lasers have a high potential as single devices or in arrays. Based at the in fabrication technology presented in chapter 3 these types of lasers were fabricated at InGaAsP/InP quantum well and InGaAlAs/InAs/InP quantum dash laser structures. Using the FIB technology a wavelength tuning of the emission wavelength over a 100 nm wide wavelength region could be obtained. The DBR-principle leads to a significant improvement of the static and dynamic properties in comparison to the DFB-principle. The enhancement of the static properties results in the separation of the gain- a grating-section and the higher reflectivity of this section. Further this separation leads to a reduction of the absorption inside the gain-section due to the absent of the grating like in the DFB case. A lower absorption results in a higher efficiency and this leads to a lower heat production. Using all these effects it is possible to fabricate DBR-lasers with threshold currents of 8 mA, efficiencies of 0.375 W/A, output powers of more than 70 mW, side mode suppression ratios up to 67 dB and a three times thermal stability. Due to the fact that lasers are key components for telecommunication applications their dynamic properties are of major importance. To get access to the high frequency properties small signal measurements are necessary. Out of these measurements the resonance frequency and the modulation bandwidth can be determined. DBR-lasers show resonance frequencies up to 14 GHz and modulation bandwidths up to 22.5 GHz, which is a rise of 2.5 in comparison to Fabry-Perot-lasers. In chapter 6 the detuned loading principle will be presented in a new type of laser called “CCIG-laser “ (coupled cavity injected grating). This laser consists of three sections: the gain-, the grating- and the phase-section. Due to the fact that this principle is very sensitive to the phase conditions of the waves at the facets a phase section was added. By current injection in this section the phase conditions can be controlled by a variation of the refractive index via the injected current. The spectral and electrical properties of the CCIG-laser are the same like the DBR-laser. Due to the complexity of the CCIG-laser exist a lot of cavities inside of them, which are correlated to the current level of each section. These cavities are of major importance because of the position of the photon-photon-resonance depended on them. For an increase of the modulation bandwidth the three current levels must optimized. The exact influence of each section at the bandwidth will be given in detail in chapter 6. With the CCIG-laser it was able to increase the modulation bandwidth by a factor of 4.5 in comparison to Fabry-Perot-lasers. The best value was 37 GHz which is the highest value world wide up today on InP.
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Realization of optical filters using ring resonators with integrated semiconductor optical amplifiers in GaInAsP-InPRabus, Dominik G. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2002--Berlin.
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Design Guidelines for a Tunable SOI Based Optical Isolator in a Partially Time-Modulated Ring ResonatorZarif, Arezoo, Mehrany, Khashayar, Memarian, Mohammad, Jamshidi, Kambiz 22 April 2024 (has links)
In this paper, we present the design guidelines for a tunable optical isolator in an SOI-based ring resonator with two small time-modulated regions. By considering a physical model, the proper geometrical and modulation parameters are designed, based on a standard CMOS foundry process. The effect of the variation of the key parameters on the performance of the isolator is explained by two counter-acting mechanisms, namely the separation between the resonance frequencies of counter-rotating modes and energy transfer to the side harmonic. We show that there is a trade-off between these parameters to obtain maximum isolation. Consequently, by applying the quadrature phase difference one can obtain the maximum separation between the resonance frequencies and hence the minimum insertion loss, while the maximum isolation is obtained at the modulation phase difference of −0.78π , which leads to a higher insertion loss. Robustness of the design is investigated through a sensitivity analysis for the fabrication variations in the distance and width of the modulated regions. We demonstrate that there is a trade-off between isolation and insertion loss, and by varying the modulation parameters, we can achieve isolation of 18 (5) dB with 7 (1.8) dB insertion loss.
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Titanium Dioxide Based Microtubular Cavities for On-Chip IntegrationMadani, Abbas 03 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Following the intensive development of isolated (i.e., not coupled with on-chip waveguide) vertically rolled-up microtube ring resonators (VRU-MRRs) for both active and passive applications, a variety of microtube-based devices has been realized. These include microcavity lasers, optical sensors, directional couplers, and active elements in lab-on-a-chip devices. To provide more advanced and complex functionality, the focus of tubular geometry research is now shifting toward (i) refined vertical light transfer in 3D stacks of multiple photonic layers and (ii) to make microfluidic cooling system in the integrated optoelectronic system.
Based on this motivation, this PhD research is devoted to the demonstration and the implementation of monolithic integration of VRU-MRRs with photonic waveguides for 3D photonic integration and their optofluidic applications. Prior to integration, high-quality isolated VRU-MRRs on the flat Si substrate are firstly fabricated by the controlled release of differentially strained titanium-dioxide (TiO2) bilayered nanomembranes. The fabricated microtubes support resonance modes for both telecom and visible photonics. The outcome of the isolated VRU-MRRs is a record high Q (≈3.8×10^3) in the telecom wavelength range with optimum tapered optical fiber resonator interaction. To further study the optical modes in the visible and near infrared spectral range, μPL spectroscopy is performed on the isolated VRU-MRRs, which are activated by entrapping various sizes of luminescent nanoparticles (NPs) within the windings of rolled-up nanomembranes based on a flexible, robust and economical method. Moreover, it is realized for the first time, in addition to serving as light sources that NPs-aggregated in isolated VRU-MRRs can produce an optical potential well that can be used to trap optical resonant modes.
After achieving all the required parameters for creating a high-quality TiO2 VRU-MRR, the monolithic integration of VRU-MRRs with Si nanophotonic waveguides is experimentally demonstrated, exhibiting a significant step toward 3D photonic integration. The on-chip integration is realized by rolling up 2D pre-strained TiO2 nanomembranes into 3D VRU-MRRs on a microchip which seamlessly expanded over several integrated waveguides. In this intriguing vertical transmission configuration, resonant filtering of optical signals at telecom wavelengths is demonstrated based on ultra-smooth and subwavelength thick-walled VRU-MRRs.
Finally, to illustrate the usefulness of the fully integrated VRU-MRRs with photonic waveguides, optofluidic functionalities of the integrated system is investigated. In this work, two methods are performed to explore optofluidic applications of the integrated system. First, the hollow core of an integrated VRU-MRR is uniquely filled with a liquid solution (purified water) by setting one end of the VRU-MRRs in contact with a droplet placed onto the photonic chip via a glass capillary. Second, the outside of an integrated VRU-MRR is fully covered with a big droplet of liquid. Both techniques lead to a significant shift in the WGMs (Δλ≈46 nm). A maximum sensitivity of 140 nm/refractive index unit, is achieved.
The achievements of this PhD research open up fascinating opportunities for the realization of massively parallel optofluidic microsystems with more functionality and flexibility for analysis of biomaterials in lab-on-a-tube systems on single chips. It also demonstrates 3D photonic integration in which optical interconnects between multiple photonic layers are required.
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Microeletromechanical Systems for Tunable Ring Resonators on a Silicon PlatformNguyen, Chris Phong Van January 2021 (has links)
Advancements in photonic integrated circuits, so-called PICs, have progressed fast in the last decades. More complex PICs are getting developed, which are promising in possibly offering advantages like low power consumption and high-performance computing. Re-programmable photonic FPGAs are one of these candidates. To make these PICs viable, fundamental building blocks based on photonics need to be developed. Some of those fundamental building blocks are tunable silicon ring resonators, which can be used to filter signals in the transmission of light through photonic circuits. Fabrication of PICs is developing and those components are getting smaller, which leads to a strong sensitivity of their behavior to nanometer-scale variations. That has created a need for active tuning of those devices to recuperate those variances. One promising way to tune silicon ring resonator devices is to integrate microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) into the tuning section of the devices, because of their local and low power actuation. They are prospective to eliminate drawbacks from usual actuation methods like thermal actuation, which comes with high power consumption and cross talk while heating the functional sections of the ring. In this thesis, we have measured and analyzed MEMS-tunable silicon ring resonators, featuring two different designs, being an all-pass ring resonator and an add-drop ring resonator. The MEMS in the design are used to change the gap between the waveguides in their directional coupler and phase shifter section to control the position and extinction ratios of the ring resonance dips, which has been successfully demonstrated for the all-pass ring resonator. For the add-drop ring resonators, we have obtained performance parameters of their resonances with an average Q-factor of 3000 over the measured wavelength ranged from 1460nm to 1580nm and the characteristic behavior of their transmission has been shown without actuation. Further investigation with MEMS actuation of add-drop ring resonators and passive measurements on all-pass ring resonators can be done for a better understanding of their behavior and functionality. This can be achieved by characterizing all-pass ring resonators in terms of obtained performance parameters and by active measurements on add-drop ring resonators, as we expect that their MEMS could enable similar functionalities as all-pass ring resonators. Our first characterization results confirm the potential of MEMS for ring resonator tuning and could enable future circuits based on ring resonators with low power consumption. / Framsteg inom fotoniska integrerade kretsar, så kallade PIC, har utvecklats snabbt under de senaste decennierna. Mer komplexa PIC utvecklas, vilket lovar att möjligen erbjuda fördelar som låg strömförbrukning och högpresterande datorer. Omprogrammerbara fotoniska FPGA är en av dessa kandidater. För att göra dessa PICs livskraftiga måste grundläggande byggstenar baserade på fotonik utvecklas. Några av dessa grundläggande byggstenar är avstämningsbara kiselringresonatorer, som kan användas för att filtrera signaler vid överföring av ljus genom fotoniska kretsar. Tillverkning av PIC utvecklas och dessa komponenter blir mindre, vilket leder till en stark känslighet för variationer, även på nanometer skala. Det har skapat ett behov av aktiv inställning av dessa enheter för att återhämta dessa avvikelser. Ett lovande sätt att ställa in kiselringresonatoranordningar är att integrera mikroelektromekaniska system (MEMS) i enhetens stämningsdel på grund av deras lokala och lågeffektaktivering. De kan eliminera nackdelar med vanliga manövreringsmetoder som termisk aktivering, som kommer med hög strömförbrukning och termisk överhöring. I denna avhandling har vi mätt och analyserat MEMS-avstämbara kiselringresonatorer, med två olika designer, som är en all-pass ringres-onator och en add-drop ringresonator. MEMS i konstruktionen används för att ändra gapet mellan vågledarna i deras kopplare och fasskiftarsektion för att styra positionen och djupet på ringresonaserna, vilket har visats framgångsrikt för allpassningsresonatorn. För add-dropringresonatorer har vi erhållit prestandaparametrar för deras resonanser med en genomsnittlig Q-faktor på 3000 över den uppmätta våglängden som varierar från 1460 nm till 1580 nm och det karakteristiska beteendet för deras överföring har visats utan aktivering. Ytterligare undersökning med MEMS-aktivering av add-drop-ringresonatorer och passiva mätningar på all-pass-ringresonatorer kan göras för en bättre förståelse av deras beteende och funktionalitet. Detta kan uppnås genom att karakterisera allpassningsresonatorer i termer av erhållna prestandaparametrar och genom aktiva mätningar på add-drop-ringresonatorer, eftersom vi förväntar oss att deras MEMS kan möjliggöra liknande funktioner som all-pass-ringresonatorer. Våra första karakteriseringsresultat bekräftar MEMS potential för ringresonatorinställning och kan möjliggöra framtida kretsar baserade på ringresonatorer med låg strömförbrukning.
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Rolled-up microtubes as components for Lab-on-a-Chip devicesHarazim, Stefan M. 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Rolled-up nanotechnology based on strain-engineering is a powerful tool to manufacture three-dimensional hollow structures made of virtually any kind of material on a large variety of substrates. The aim of this thesis is to address the key features of different on- and off-chip applications of rolled-up microtubes through modification of their basic framework. The modification of the framework pertains to the tubular structure, in particular the diameter of the microtube, and the material which it is made of, hence achieving different functionalities of the final rolled-up structure. The tuning of the microtube diameter which is adjusted to the individual size of an object allows on-chip studies of single cells in artificial narrow cavities, for example. Another modification of the framework is the addition of a catalytic layer which turns the microtube into a self-propelled catalytic micro-engine. Furthermore, the tuneability of the diameter can have applications ranging from nanotools for drilling into cells, to cargo transporters in microfluidic channels. Especially rolled-up microtubes based on low-cost and easy to deposit materials, such as silicon oxides, can enable the exploration of novel systems for several scientific topics. The main objective of this thesis is to combine microfluidic features of rolled-up structures with optical sensor capabilities of silicon oxide microtubes acting as optical ring resonators, and to integrate these into a Lab-on-a-Chip system. Therefore, a new concept of microfluidic integration is developed in order to establish an inexpensive, reliable and reproducible fabrication process which also sustains the optical capabilities of the microtubes. These integrated microtubes act as optofluidic refractrometric sensors which detect changes in the refractive index of analytes using photoluminescence spectroscopy. The thesis concludes with a demonstration of a functional portable sensor device with several integrated optofluidic sensors. / Die auf verspannten Dünnschichten basierende „rolled-up nanotechnologie“ ist eine leistungsfähige Methode um dreidimensionale hohle Strukturen (Mikroröhrchen) aus nahezu jeder Art von Material auf einer großen Vielfalt von Substraten herzustellen.
Ausgehend von der Möglichkeit der Skalierung des Röhrchendurchmessers und der Modifikation der Funktionalität des Röhrchens durch Einsatz verschiedener Materialien und Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen kann eine große Anzahl an verschiedenen Anwendungen ermöglicht werden. Eine Anwendung behandelt unter anderem on-chip Studien einzelner Zellen wobei die Mikroröhrchen, an die Größe der Zelle angepasste, Reaktionscontainer darstellen. Eine weitere Modifikation der Funktionalität der Mikroröhrchen kann durch das Aufbringen einer katalytischen Schicht realisiert werden, wodurch das Mikroröhrchen zu einem selbstangetriebenen katalytischen Mikro-Motor wird.
Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es Mikrometer große optisch aktive Glasröhrchen herzustellen, diese mikrofluidisch zu kontaktieren und als Sensoren in Lab-on-a-Chip Systeme zu integrieren. Die integrierten Glasröhrchen arbeiten als optofluidische Ringresonatoren, welche die Veränderungen des Brechungsindex von Fluiden im inneren des Röhrchens durch Änderungen im Evaneszenzfeld detektieren können. Die Funktionsfähigkeit eines Demonstrators wird mit verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten gezeigt, dabei kommt ein Fotolumineszenz Spektrometer zum Anregen des Evaneszenzfeldes und Auslesen des Signals zum Einsatz. Die entwickelte Integrationsmethode ist eine Basis für ein kostengünstiges, zuverlässiges und reproduzierbares Herstellungsverfahren von optofluidischen Mikrochips basierend auf optisch aktiven Mikroröhrchen.
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Self-assembled rolled-up devices: towards on-chip sensor technologiesSmith, Elliot John 13 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
By implementing the rolled-up microfabrication method based on strain engineering, several systems are investigated within the contents of this thesis. The structural morphing of planar geometries into three-dimensional structures opens up many doors for the creation of unique material configurations and devices. An exploration into several novel microsystems, encompassing various scientific subjects, is made and methods for on-chip integration of these devices are presented.
The roll-up of a metal and oxide allows for a cylindrical hollow-core structure with a cladding layer composed of a multilayer stack, plasmonic metamaterial. This structure can be used as a platform for a number of optical metamaterial devices. By guiding light radially through this structure, a theoretical investigation into the system makeup of a rolled-up hyperlens, is given. Using the same design, but rather propagating light parallel to the cylinder, a novel device known as a metamaterial optical fiber is defined. This fiber allows light to be guided classically and plasmonically within a single device. These fibers are developed experimentally and are integrated into preexisting on-chip structures and characterized.
A system known as lab-in-a-tube is introduced. The idea of lab-in-a-tube combines various rolled-up components into a single all-encompassing biosensor that can be used to detect and monitor single bio-organisms. The first device specifically tailored to this system is developed, flexible split-wall microtube resonator sensors. A method for the capturing of embryonic mouse cells into on-chip optical resonators is introduced. The sensor can optically detect, via photoluminescence, living cells confined within the resonator through the compression and expansion of a nanogap built within its walls.
The rolled-up fabrication method is not limited to the well-investigated systems based on the roll-up from semiconductor material or from a photoresist layer. A new approach, relying on the delamination of polymers, is presented. This offers never-before-realized microscale structures and configurations. This includes novel magnetic configurations and flexible fluidic sensors which can be designed for on-chip and roving detector applications.
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Rolled-up microtubes as components for Lab-on-a-Chip devicesHarazim, Stefan M. 09 November 2012 (has links)
Rolled-up nanotechnology based on strain-engineering is a powerful tool to manufacture three-dimensional hollow structures made of virtually any kind of material on a large variety of substrates. The aim of this thesis is to address the key features of different on- and off-chip applications of rolled-up microtubes through modification of their basic framework. The modification of the framework pertains to the tubular structure, in particular the diameter of the microtube, and the material which it is made of, hence achieving different functionalities of the final rolled-up structure. The tuning of the microtube diameter which is adjusted to the individual size of an object allows on-chip studies of single cells in artificial narrow cavities, for example. Another modification of the framework is the addition of a catalytic layer which turns the microtube into a self-propelled catalytic micro-engine. Furthermore, the tuneability of the diameter can have applications ranging from nanotools for drilling into cells, to cargo transporters in microfluidic channels. Especially rolled-up microtubes based on low-cost and easy to deposit materials, such as silicon oxides, can enable the exploration of novel systems for several scientific topics. The main objective of this thesis is to combine microfluidic features of rolled-up structures with optical sensor capabilities of silicon oxide microtubes acting as optical ring resonators, and to integrate these into a Lab-on-a-Chip system. Therefore, a new concept of microfluidic integration is developed in order to establish an inexpensive, reliable and reproducible fabrication process which also sustains the optical capabilities of the microtubes. These integrated microtubes act as optofluidic refractrometric sensors which detect changes in the refractive index of analytes using photoluminescence spectroscopy. The thesis concludes with a demonstration of a functional portable sensor device with several integrated optofluidic sensors. / Die auf verspannten Dünnschichten basierende „rolled-up nanotechnologie“ ist eine leistungsfähige Methode um dreidimensionale hohle Strukturen (Mikroröhrchen) aus nahezu jeder Art von Material auf einer großen Vielfalt von Substraten herzustellen.
Ausgehend von der Möglichkeit der Skalierung des Röhrchendurchmessers und der Modifikation der Funktionalität des Röhrchens durch Einsatz verschiedener Materialien und Oberflächenfunktionalisierungen kann eine große Anzahl an verschiedenen Anwendungen ermöglicht werden. Eine Anwendung behandelt unter anderem on-chip Studien einzelner Zellen wobei die Mikroröhrchen, an die Größe der Zelle angepasste, Reaktionscontainer darstellen. Eine weitere Modifikation der Funktionalität der Mikroröhrchen kann durch das Aufbringen einer katalytischen Schicht realisiert werden, wodurch das Mikroröhrchen zu einem selbstangetriebenen katalytischen Mikro-Motor wird.
Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist es Mikrometer große optisch aktive Glasröhrchen herzustellen, diese mikrofluidisch zu kontaktieren und als Sensoren in Lab-on-a-Chip Systeme zu integrieren. Die integrierten Glasröhrchen arbeiten als optofluidische Ringresonatoren, welche die Veränderungen des Brechungsindex von Fluiden im inneren des Röhrchens durch Änderungen im Evaneszenzfeld detektieren können. Die Funktionsfähigkeit eines Demonstrators wird mit verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten gezeigt, dabei kommt ein Fotolumineszenz Spektrometer zum Anregen des Evaneszenzfeldes und Auslesen des Signals zum Einsatz. Die entwickelte Integrationsmethode ist eine Basis für ein kostengünstiges, zuverlässiges und reproduzierbares Herstellungsverfahren von optofluidischen Mikrochips basierend auf optisch aktiven Mikroröhrchen.
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Titanium Dioxide Based Microtubular Cavities for On-Chip IntegrationMadani, Abbas 16 February 2017 (has links)
Following the intensive development of isolated (i.e., not coupled with on-chip waveguide) vertically rolled-up microtube ring resonators (VRU-MRRs) for both active and passive applications, a variety of microtube-based devices has been realized. These include microcavity lasers, optical sensors, directional couplers, and active elements in lab-on-a-chip devices. To provide more advanced and complex functionality, the focus of tubular geometry research is now shifting toward (i) refined vertical light transfer in 3D stacks of multiple photonic layers and (ii) to make microfluidic cooling system in the integrated optoelectronic system.
Based on this motivation, this PhD research is devoted to the demonstration and the implementation of monolithic integration of VRU-MRRs with photonic waveguides for 3D photonic integration and their optofluidic applications. Prior to integration, high-quality isolated VRU-MRRs on the flat Si substrate are firstly fabricated by the controlled release of differentially strained titanium-dioxide (TiO2) bilayered nanomembranes. The fabricated microtubes support resonance modes for both telecom and visible photonics. The outcome of the isolated VRU-MRRs is a record high Q (≈3.8×10^3) in the telecom wavelength range with optimum tapered optical fiber resonator interaction. To further study the optical modes in the visible and near infrared spectral range, μPL spectroscopy is performed on the isolated VRU-MRRs, which are activated by entrapping various sizes of luminescent nanoparticles (NPs) within the windings of rolled-up nanomembranes based on a flexible, robust and economical method. Moreover, it is realized for the first time, in addition to serving as light sources that NPs-aggregated in isolated VRU-MRRs can produce an optical potential well that can be used to trap optical resonant modes.
After achieving all the required parameters for creating a high-quality TiO2 VRU-MRR, the monolithic integration of VRU-MRRs with Si nanophotonic waveguides is experimentally demonstrated, exhibiting a significant step toward 3D photonic integration. The on-chip integration is realized by rolling up 2D pre-strained TiO2 nanomembranes into 3D VRU-MRRs on a microchip which seamlessly expanded over several integrated waveguides. In this intriguing vertical transmission configuration, resonant filtering of optical signals at telecom wavelengths is demonstrated based on ultra-smooth and subwavelength thick-walled VRU-MRRs.
Finally, to illustrate the usefulness of the fully integrated VRU-MRRs with photonic waveguides, optofluidic functionalities of the integrated system is investigated. In this work, two methods are performed to explore optofluidic applications of the integrated system. First, the hollow core of an integrated VRU-MRR is uniquely filled with a liquid solution (purified water) by setting one end of the VRU-MRRs in contact with a droplet placed onto the photonic chip via a glass capillary. Second, the outside of an integrated VRU-MRR is fully covered with a big droplet of liquid. Both techniques lead to a significant shift in the WGMs (Δλ≈46 nm). A maximum sensitivity of 140 nm/refractive index unit, is achieved.
The achievements of this PhD research open up fascinating opportunities for the realization of massively parallel optofluidic microsystems with more functionality and flexibility for analysis of biomaterials in lab-on-a-tube systems on single chips. It also demonstrates 3D photonic integration in which optical interconnects between multiple photonic layers are required.
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Self-assembled rolled-up devices: towards on-chip sensor technologiesSmith, Elliot John 29 August 2011 (has links)
By implementing the rolled-up microfabrication method based on strain engineering, several systems are investigated within the contents of this thesis. The structural morphing of planar geometries into three-dimensional structures opens up many doors for the creation of unique material configurations and devices. An exploration into several novel microsystems, encompassing various scientific subjects, is made and methods for on-chip integration of these devices are presented.
The roll-up of a metal and oxide allows for a cylindrical hollow-core structure with a cladding layer composed of a multilayer stack, plasmonic metamaterial. This structure can be used as a platform for a number of optical metamaterial devices. By guiding light radially through this structure, a theoretical investigation into the system makeup of a rolled-up hyperlens, is given. Using the same design, but rather propagating light parallel to the cylinder, a novel device known as a metamaterial optical fiber is defined. This fiber allows light to be guided classically and plasmonically within a single device. These fibers are developed experimentally and are integrated into preexisting on-chip structures and characterized.
A system known as lab-in-a-tube is introduced. The idea of lab-in-a-tube combines various rolled-up components into a single all-encompassing biosensor that can be used to detect and monitor single bio-organisms. The first device specifically tailored to this system is developed, flexible split-wall microtube resonator sensors. A method for the capturing of embryonic mouse cells into on-chip optical resonators is introduced. The sensor can optically detect, via photoluminescence, living cells confined within the resonator through the compression and expansion of a nanogap built within its walls.
The rolled-up fabrication method is not limited to the well-investigated systems based on the roll-up from semiconductor material or from a photoresist layer. A new approach, relying on the delamination of polymers, is presented. This offers never-before-realized microscale structures and configurations. This includes novel magnetic configurations and flexible fluidic sensors which can be designed for on-chip and roving detector applications.
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