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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Business car owners are less physically active than other adults: A cross-sectional study

Koornneef, Maarten, Bernaards, Claire M., Hofstetter, Hedwig, Hendriksen, Ingrid J.M. 11 November 2020 (has links)
Active transport contributes to increased daily physical activity (PA). Car ownership is associated with less frequent active transport and less PA. For business car ownership this relation is unknown. Therefore, we explored whether business car owners and their adult household members comply less with the Dutch moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) guideline and are more sedentary than private car owners and persons without a car. From October 2011 to September 2012 questions about use and availability of cars in the household were included in the survey Injuries and Physical Activity in the Netherlands. Multiple linear regression was used to compare six mutual exclusive groups of ownership and availability of (business and/or private) cars in the household. Business car owners complied less (15.8 percent points) with the MVPA guideline than the other respondents. They also reported 1.5 h more sitting time during workdays than the other respondents, but after adjusting for covariates, this difference was no longer significant. We concluded that owners of a business car in the Netherlands are at higher risk of not complying with the MVPA guideline and tend to spend more hours sitting during workdays than other adults. Further research in this group, e.g. with objective instruments to measure physical activity and sedentary behavior, is recommended. Policy makers on transport and fiscal arrangements, employers, employees, occupational health professionals and car lease companies should be aware of this possible health risk.

Reconfigurable traffic grooming with differentiated reliability in DWDM mesh networks

Hu, Weiwei 01 May 2010 (has links)
Optical networks employing wavelength division multiplexing technology have been well recognized as the core networks for the next generation Internet. In such networks, any fiber cut or node failure may lead to huge data loss. Thus, reliability is of great importance in the design of modern high-speed networks. At the same time, traffic grooming is another important design objective since it addresses multi-granularity traffic. The traditional routing approaches with differentiated services do not consider the traffic grooming case or reconfiguration method. Therefore, they are not resource-efficient for the next generation Internet. In this dissertation, an effective reconfigurable traffic grooming with differentiated reliability scheme is proposed to efficiently use network resources. Compared with the conventional rerouting method, the proposed scheme makes the network more robust and immune from service interruptions. An integer linear programming (ILP) formulation is presented first. By solving the ILP formulation, an optimal solution is obtained for each incoming connection request. However, the solution is so time consuming, a heuristic algorithm is introduced to get an approximate optimal solution. The performance evaluation indicates that the connection blocking probability can be decreased greatly by the proposed scheme.

Sexual Risk Behaviors: Who is Vulnerable? An Extensive Literature Review of Sexual Risk Practices and the Development of a Pamphlet for an At-Risk Community

Cohen, Amanda January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinio darbo su socialinės rizikos grupės vaikais organizavimas / The organization of social work with children of social high-risk groups / Организация социальной работы с дктьми группы риска

Rudel, Anna 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiandien viena aktualiausių Lietuvos problemų yra socialinės rizikos grupės asmenų atsiradimas. Lietuvai atgavus nepriklausomybę, atsirado daug socialinių, ekonominių sunkumų, dėl kurių daug mūsų šalies gyventojų pateko į socialinės rizikos grupę. Šioje grupėje atsidūrė daug šeimų, auginančių mokyklinio amžiaus nepilnamečius vaikus. Yra manoma, kad mokykloje, būtent šių šeimų vaikai dažniausiai patenka į socialinės rizikos grupes. Mokykloje, rizikos grupės vaikai- tai viena aktualiausių temų. Vis daugiau ir daugiau vaikų praleidinėja pamokas, tarp jų atsiranda vis daugiau pažeidžiančių mokyklos tvarką, tokie vaikai automatiškai patenka į rizikos grupę. Taip pat vis dažniau ir dažniau kalbama apie jaunėjanti alkoholizmo amžių, atsiranda vis daugiau ir daugiau vaikų vartojančių psichotropines medžiagas, nusikalstančių vaikų skaičius daugėja ir jaunėja, bet kol kas šioje srityje matomų poslinkių į gerąją pusę beveik nėra, o juk vaikų ir jaunimo nusikalstamumas, anot G.Sakalausko(2000) jau seniai tiek Lietuvoje, tiek ir visame pasaulyje yra opi diskusijų tema. / Nowadays one of the most important problems of Lithuania is the appearance of social high- risk groups. After the restoration of independence in Lithuania a lot of economic difficulties arose because of which the inhabitants of Lithuania got info social high- risk groups. In these groups there young and schoolagechildren. Especially children from such families are likely to get into a school social high- risk group. This is one of the main problem in Lithuanian schools. More and more schoolchildren play truant from the lessons, get abused of drugs and alcohol, commit crimes. All these children become school high- risk group. Furthermore, observing such children and their families, it because clear that even ate pre school period they lack love, attention, care and respect. When they come to school they try to get all they need from the surrounding the people in all possible ways. As a result, a lot of problems appear as one teacher can pay enough attention to every individual. Such specialists as a social teacher and psychologist most often work with such children at school. Their work primarily is based in individual or personal consultations with children. Sometimes the community is also involved into the social work. These are the police, the Children’s Rights Protection Service and day canters. The main peculiarity in the organization of the social work is to pay to such children as much attention as possible, surround them with care and kidness which are their basic... [to full text] / На сегодняшний день одна из наиболее важгых проблем Литвы- это появление групп социального риска. После восстановления независимости в Литве появилось иного экономических проблем и многие жители Литвы попали в группы социального риска.В это число попало много семей, воспитывающих малолетних детей. Дети группы социального риска- это одна из наиболее важгых проблем школ Литвы.

Groupes à Haut Risque du VIH en République Centrafricaine : Classification et interventions précoces / Group High Risk of HIV in Central African Republic : Classification and arly Intervention

Longo, Jean de Dieu 15 September 2016 (has links)
Mots clés : Groupe à Haut risque - Typologie - TS - HSH –VIH -IST- Afrique CentraleProblématique : Les femmes travailleuses du sexe (TS) et les hommes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) constituent les populations les plus à risque d’infection au VIH dans différents pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. A ce jour, très peu d’interventions sont menées pour réduire le risque d’infection en influant sur les facteurs de risque dans ces deux populations en Afrique Centrale et particulièrement en République Centrafricaine. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient d’établir une typologie documentée des transactions sexuelles féminines à Bangui et de mesurer la prévalence du VIH et des comorbidités associées dans ces deux populations.Méthodologie : D’abord de 1384 femmes volontaires sensibilisées ont été recrutées sur les lieux de leurs activités et orientées au niveau du site de l’enquête. Parmi lesquelles 345 ont été identifiées comme travailleuses du sexe. Et, par effet « boule de neige », 131 Hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des Hommes (HSH) ont été recrutés pour constitués la deuxième population de l’étude. Des analyses biologiques ont été effectuées. Un volet d’entretien est réalisé auprès de 20 TS.Résultats : Les résultats en ce qui concerne les TS montrent que cette pratique est très hétérogène et que la prévalence du VIH varie selon les catégories. Ainsi, la prévalence du VIH était de 6 fois plus élevé chez les "katas" que chez les "pupulenge" (39,1% contre 6,3%). Parmi les TS non professionnel, les «élèves/étudiants», «fonctionnaires ou salariées » et «femmes au foyer» étaient moins infectées par le VIH (6,1%, 9,8%, 13,0%, respectivement), tandis que les «vendeuses ambulantes», constituait la catégorie la plus touchées par le VIH (31,9%). Et, l'infection à VIH était fortement associée à la pratique du sexe anal avec les clients (OR ajusté, 4.3), à l'utilisation ou non du préservatif avec les clients (OR ajusté, 24.9), à la consommation d'alcool avant le travail du sexe (OR ajusté, 2.8) et à la notion d’antécédents d'IST (OR ajusté, 4.2).La population de HSH à Bangui est identifiée pour la première fois comme un groupe à haut risque pour l’infection à VIH, étant 5 fois plus infectées par le VIH que la population générale d'adultes hétérosexuels. Parmi eux 20 % étaient infectés par le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB) (Ag HBs), dont 6 cas étaient co- infectés par le VIH et le VHB et dans 3,8 % cas la sérologie positive pour la syphilis. Les HSH à Bangui ont donc besoin d'interventions d'urgence spécifiques de prévention et de soins de santé.Conclusion : Les résultats de ce travail permis de mieux caractérisés et documentés les populations des femmes TS et les HSH à Bangui. Deux groupes de populations « originales » pour la République Centrafricaine, vulnérables et à haut risque d’infection à VIH. / Keywords : high risk group- typology - FSW - MSM –HIV -STD- Central AfricanBackground: The population of female sex workers (FSW) and the group of men who have sex with men (MSM) constitutes a priori an important core group of HIV transmission. In the context of the Central African Republic the situation of FSW and MSM is yet unknown. The objectives of this thesis were to establish a documented typology of female sexual transactions in Bangui and to measure the prevalence of HIV and associated comorbidities in these two populations.Materials and Methods: First 1384 sensitized female volunteers were recruited to the site of their activities and oriented at the survey site. Finally, 345 FSW questionnaires were selected for study analysis. MSM were recruited on a voluntary basis by the way of local network of nonprofit organizations working in the field of HIV infection. Included MSM were referred to the National STD center of Bangui for social, behavioral and medical evaluation. After collection of social and behavioral characteristics, each participant received a physical examination and a blood sample was taken for HIV and STD testing.Main results: Female prostitution in the CAR is remarkably heterogeneous. Risk-taking regarding HIV infection is very different between each category of female prostitution. HIV varied according to FSW categories, Thus, HIV prevalence was 6-fold higher among « kata » than « pupulenge » (39.1% versus 6.3%).Among non professionnal FSW, « students », « civil servants » and « housewifes » were the less infected (6.1%, 9.8%, 13.0%, respectively), whereas « sellers » constituted the category of highest HIV prevalence (31.9%).HIV infection in the whole study FSW population was strongly associated with anal sex practice with last clients (adjusted OR, 4.3), condom use in last 3 months (adjusted OR, 24.9), alcohol consumption before sex (adjusted OR, 2.8) and past history of STIs (adjusted OR, 4.2). The population of MSM in Bangui is identified for the first time as a yet unexpected high-risk group for HIV, being 5-fold higher HIV-infected than the general adult heterosexual population. The 131 (100%) MSM accepted blood sampling: 24 % were HIV-1-infected; 20% were infected by hepatitis B virus (HBV) (Ag HBs), including 6 cases of co-infection by HIV and HBV; 3,8 % showed positive syphilis serology. The MSM in Bangui, needing urgently specific interventions for prevention and heath care.Conclusion: The results of this work led to better characterized and documented populations of women and TS MSM in Bangui. Two groups population "original" for the Central African Republic, vulnerable and at high risk of HIV infection.

Psychologická intervence u problémových řidičů / Psychological interventions for risk group drivers

Šmolíková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
5 Abstract The dissertation thesis in the first part is focused on psychological causes of accidents and the possibilities of psychological prevention. The advantages of various theories and the importance of intervention programs are emphasized. Author bring the overview of knowledge for two focus group, about changes of abilities of older driver and knowledge about risky driving, which can lead to negative effects during driving. In the second empirical part attitudes and behavior of 655 drivers using three questionnaires were explored. Czech version of Driver Anger Scale Questionnaire, used for discovering frustration and type with frequency of anger in traffic situations, Driver Behaviour Questionnaire, used for discovering different kinds of errors of behavior and their frequency, and Brief Inventory of Small Errors, which is concerned on smaller errors and their frequency. The purpose of present study was also to test DBQ and DAS through correlations with the SPARO Personality Inventory and WRBTV test for risky behavior. The results show that these methods can be recommended for risky driving assessment and intervention programs.

Riskgruppspatienters kunskap och upplevelser av munskydd under covidpandemin / Risk group patients' knowledge and experiences of mask during the covid pandemic

Holgersson, Zoja January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion:Pandemier hotar folkhälsan och kan ge allvarliga konsekvenser på individ och befolkningsnivå. Munskydd ses som en förebyggande åtgärd för att skydda sin egen hälsa och förhindrar smittspridning till medmänniskor i samhället. Patienter i riskgrupp var goda samhällsmedborgare och visade en god efterlevnad till munskyddsanvändning. Syfte: Att undersöka riskgruppspatienters kunskap och upplevelser av användning och hälsoinformation om munskydd under Covid 19-pandemin i Sverige. Metod:En kvalitativ metod användes och datainsamlingen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer. Deltagarna (n=7) var riskgruppspatienter av svenskt ursprung och använde munskydd under covidpandemin. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes enligt Graneheim & Lundman (2004) för att analysera data. Temaidentifieringen genomfördes enligt Nutbeams(2000) beskrivning av tre dimensioner av health literacy. Resultat:Studiedeltagarna har varierande erfarenheter kring munskyddsanvändning. Under covidpandemin använde inte många i allmänheten munskydd, vilket resulterade i att riskgrupper upplevde att de skiljdes ut när de bar munskydd. De upplevde rädslor när de befann sig ibland folk som inte bar munskydd, vilket påverkade patienterna negativt. Bärandet av munskyddet försvårade kommunikationen med omgivningen. Riskgrupper som prioriterades av myndigheter var de riskgrupper som löpte störst risk att drabbas av en allvarlig sjukdomsutveckling av covid-19. Enligt studiedeltagarnas erfarenhet fanns inte information för resterande riskgrupper, vilket resulterade i att patienterna inte trodde att de tillhörde någon riskgrupp. Riskgruppspatienter har fått en ökad förståelse om virusets smittvägar och använder munskydd på ett korrekt sätt. Slutsats: Studiedeltagarna har en varierande erfarenhet kring munskydd men de önskade strängarerekommendationer kring munskyddsanvändning, baserat på deras upplevelser kringmunskydd samt deras goda kunskaper om munskyddets nytta på individ och samhällsnivå. / Introduction:Pandemics threaten public health and can have serious consequences at the individual and population level. Face masks are seen as a preventive measure to protect one's own health and prevent the spread of infection to other people in society. Patients in the risk group were good citizens and showed good compliance with mouth protection use and social distancing. Aim:To investigate risk group patients' knowledge and experiences of use and health information about mouth protection during the Covid 19 pandemic in Sweden. Methods:A qualitative method was used, and the data collection was carried out through semi-structured telephone interviews. The participants (n=7) were risk group patients of Swedish origin and used mouth protection during the covid pandemic. Qualitative content analysis was used according to Graneheim & Lundman (2004) to analyze the data. Theme identification was carried out according to Nutbeam's (2000) description of three dimensions of health literacy. Results:The study participants have varying experiences regarding face masks use. During the covid pandemic, many members of the public did not use masks, resulting in at-risk groups feeling singled out when wearing masks. This gave rise to negative feelings. They also experienced fears when they were around people who did not wear masks. Wearing the mask made communication with the environment difficult. At-risk groups that were prioritized by authorities were the groups that ran the greatest risk of being affected by a serious disease development from covid-19. According to the study participants belief there was no information for the remaining at-risk groups available, which resulted in the patients not believing that they belonged to any risk group. Risk group patients have gained an increased understanding of the virus's transmission routes and use mouth protection correctly. Conclusion:This study strengthens the perception of the study participants' mixed physical and psychological experiences related to face masks use. The study participants' desire for stricter recommendations regarding face masks use is due to their experiences with face masks and their good knowledge of the benefits of face masks on an individual and societal level.

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