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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vaikų, sergančių onkohematologinėmis ligomis, žemos infekcijos rizikos grupės nustatymas febrilinės neutropenijos metu / Determining a low infection risk group during febrile neutropenia in children with oncohematological diseases

Tarvydienė, Diana 27 June 2014 (has links)
Kraujo vėžys ar/ir intensyvi chemoterapija taikoma sergantiems vaikams sumažina organizmo atsparumą infekcijai. Viena iš pagrindinių infekcinio proceso priežasčių yra gydymo eigoje išsivystanti neutropenija, kurią dažniausiai lydi karščiavimas. Karščiavimą pacientams gali sukelti tiek taikoma chemoterapija, tiek beprasidedantis infekcinės kilmės uždegimas, todėl labai svarbu kuo anksčiau nustatyti karščiavimo priežastį, tuo būdu išvengiant empirinio plataus spektro antibiotikų skyrimo sergantiems vaikams ir iš to išplaukiančių pasekmių – ilgesnės hospitalizacijos ir su tuo susijusios gyvenimo kokybės blogėjimo, rezistentiškos mikrofloros išsivystymo, pavojaus užsikrėsti antibiotikams astparia hospitaline infekcija. Todėl labai svarbu klinikinėje praktikoje turėti jautrius ir specifinius imunologinius žymenis, kurių pagalba vaikus su febriline neutropenija būtų galima priskirti žemai infekcinio susirgimo rizikos grupei, tuo būdu išvengiant nereikalingo antibiotikų vartojimo ir ilgalaikės hospitalizacijos. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti infekcinio proceso ir imuninio atsako sąlygojamus žymenų (citokinų, ūmios fazės baltymų) pokyčius infekcinio proceso pradžioje, siekiant nustatyti vaikų, sergančių onkohematologinėmis ligomis žemos infekcijos rizikos grupę. Tiriamąją grupę sudaro 45 onkohematologiniai pacientai su febriline neutropenija 2009 - 2010 metais besigydžiusių Vilniaus Universiteto Vaikų ligoninės onkohematologijos skyriuje. Išanalizuoti 66 febrilinės neutropenijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Blood cancer and/or related intensive chemotherapy may cause decreased host defense against infection. One of the key factors of infections process is treatment related neutropenia that is accompanied by fever. Patient with chemotherapy – related neutropenia and fever are usually hospitalized and treated on empirical intravenous broad – spectrum antibiotic regimen. Early diagnosis of sepsis in children with febrile neutropenia remains difficult due to non – specific clinical and labaratory signs of infection. Therefore it is very important in clinical practice have a sensitive and specific immunological marker, which helps children with febrile neutropenia attributed to the low risk of infectious disease, thereby avoiding unnecessary use of antibiotics and long – term hospitalization. The objective was to evaluate the process of infection and immune response driven markers ( cytokines,acute phase proteins) changes in the early infections process in order to identify children with low – infection risk group, suffering from oncohematological diseases. The target group consists of fourtyfive oncohematology patient with febrile neutropenia which were treated in Vilniaus University hospital of chidren, from 2009 – 2010. Were analyzed the sixtysix epizodes of febrile neutropenia. According to clinical and microbiological parameters were divided into low risk and high risk groups. Low – risk group included patients with fabrile episodes, a negatyve blood culture and the absence of... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės mokinių ypatumų priklausomybė nuo mokymosi pakopos / The children of the group of the risk

Voicechovskaja, Natalija 08 June 2005 (has links)
Recently in Lithuania from behind the worsen material and social life a decency of the family. Also, tne defence of children is diminished. Children most ofter become the sacrifices of the social development. Families who live in poverty encaunter partycularty with difficulties in the upbringing, in the child – minding and in the control of behaviour of children. There are many children who don,t work, learn. Some children are on the road. They often get mixed up in criminal activity. This is a drug addiction and an alcoholizm. In my work I considired peculiarities of the children of the group of the risk and the dependence of the peculiarities on the surroundings. In order to clear up the age peculiarities of the children of the group of the risk was carried out an experiment and 666 children of the group of the risk from 4 th – 10 th forms were questioned. Having analised the given experiment, it is possible to maintain, that the peculiarities of the children of the risk are different and they depend on the age. In order to help children of the risk, to bring the children up to be fully fledged, that they became the generation of the future, it is necessary to strengthed an influence of the famoly in the life of the child. It is necessary to pay more attention to the employment and leisure of the children.

Rizikos grupės vaikų deviantinio elgesio ypatumai Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje / Die Ahnlichkeiten und Unterdhiede in der Erziehung der polnishen und litaunishen Rizikgruppe Kinder, die durch deviationsverhalten gekennzeichnet sind

Šuškevič, Liucija 05 June 2004 (has links)
Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist Ähnlichkeiten und Untershiede in der Erziehung der polnishen und litaunishen Kinder festzustellen, die durch Deviationsverhalten gekennzeichnet sind. Im Laufe der Arbeit wurde die pedagogische und psychologische Literatur der beiden Länder analysiert, die mit diesem Problem verbunden ist. Damit wurden die Hauptfaktoren festgestellt, die das Deviativnsverhalten der Kinder und Jugendlichen in Polen und Litauen beeinflussen. In der Dimplomarbeit wurden juristische Basys der Kinderrechtschutz in Polen und Litauen sowoll auch der Niveau der prophylastischen Tätigkeit mit den Kindern analysiert, die Veranlagung zur Deviationsverhalten haben.

Mokyklos nelankymo rizikos grupės ugdytinių lyties skirtybės / The sex difference of no attending school risk group students

Kašinskaitė, Kristina 12 June 2005 (has links)
Nonattendance is permanent process which is active or passive in some periods of time. This social problem needs systematic solution and includes education, social, juridical security and many other actions of different institutions. Nonattendance of school may be related to bad behaviour in the classroom, not attending lessons and even crime. The social surrounding of children is differentiated according to sex. Sex is one of the most important differentiate features its background of identity and experience. Scientists say that there is a great difference between girls and boys psychology so the nonattendance of both sex should be researched separately. The researches done in 2003 shows that the boys have more problems in learning, staying calm at the lessons and keep close contacts with teachers. The main problems for girls in studies are kept by not clear explanation of the subject. In conclusion we may say that needs and attitudes of boys and girls in studies are different so it is important to make clear nonattendance reasons by researching students sex differences. While doing researches of many different data it wasn��t noticed so many information about children sex differences. The aim of this paper work is to clear the reasons which determine nonattendance between girls and boys. The subject of the research is no attending school risk group students of the 4th – 10th of secondary and main schools. The aim of the research is to research the sex differences of risk... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės vaikų požiūris į nepilnamečių nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimo būvį mokykloje / Attitude of children from the group of risk towards the state of implementation of crime prevention among under ages at school

Januškienė, Daiva 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama atskleisti rizikos grupės vaikų požiūrį į nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimo būvį mokykloje.Siekiant šio tikslo, pirmiausia buvo apibrėžta rizikos grupei priklausančių vaikų sanprata. Išsiaiškinta nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimo strategija. Darbe aiškiai apibrėžiamas šio tyrimo objektas, suformuluotas svarbiausias tyrimo tikslas, pateikiamos hipotezės, konkretūs tyrimo uždaviniai ir tyrimo metodika. Darbe pateikiami tyrimo duomenys, atskleidžiantys rizikos grupės vaikų požiūrį į nusikaltimų prevencijos įgyvendinimą mokykloje,tai pat yra išaiškinti rizikos grupės vaikams tinkantys nusikaltimų prevencijos organizavimo būdai. / In the project was researched attitude of children from the group of risk towards the state of implementation of crime prevention among under ages at school. In order to achieve this goal, conception of children from the group of risk was defined. Then, implementation of crime prevention strategy was explained. In this project is clearly defined the subject of research; formulated the most important goal; introduced hypotheses and set specific tasks as well as methods of research. The findings of research that demonstrate attitude of children from the group of risk towards implementation of crime prevention at school are included in the project. Also, here are explicated suitable for children from the group of risk methods of crime prevention organization.

Socialinio darbuotojo pagalba rizikos grupės šeimoms / The help of social worker to risk groups families

Kėrienė, Aida 07 July 2010 (has links)
Šio magistrantūros studijų baigiamojo darbo tyrimo tikslas yra išanalizuoti socialinio darbuotojo pagalbą rizikos grupės šeimoms. Tyrimo objektas – tai rizikos grupės šeimų problemos ir socialinio darbuotojo pagalba joms. Tyrimui atlikti buvo panaudotos anketos, kurios buvo skirtos dviem tiriamom grupėm, t. y. socialinės rizikos šeimoms bei socialiniams darbuotojams. Tyrimo metu buvo apklaustos 63 rizikos grupės šeimos, gyvenančios Lazdijų rajono savivaldybėje ir 31 socialinis darbuotojas, dirbantis su tomis šeimomis. Gauti rezultatai buvo apdoroti SPSS 15.0 programa. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad socialinės rizikos grupės šeimos dažniausiai susiduria su tokiomis problemomis, kaip alkoholizmas, bedarbystė, vaikų elgesio problemomis. Tai patvirtina ir atlikta socialinių darbuotojų apklausa. Be to, didžioji dalis rizikos grupės šeimų, kreipiasi pagalbos į socialinius darbuotojus ir priima jų teikiamą pagalbą, tikėdamiesi surasti savo problemų sprendimą. Socialinių darbuotojų pagalba yra svarbi šioms šeimoms. Pasak jų, dirbdami su rizikos grupės šeimomis, dažniausiai naudoja individualų darbo metodą bei teikia kompleksinę pagalbą ir įgyvendina specialias programas, skirtas šioms šeimoms. Be to, tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad minėtieji specialistai turi laikytis konfidencialumo principo, taip pat dalyvauja seminaruose, kurių temos yra siejamos su socialinės rizikos grupės šeimomis ir jų problemomis. Tačiau kaip paaiškėjo, kad ne visi gautas žinias pritaiko praktinėje veikloje. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this master's thesis is to analyse the help of social worker to risk group families. The subject of research – problems of risk group families and help of social worker to them. The were used questionnaires to fulfill this research, which were appointed to two researched groups, i.e. social risk families and socoal workers. During the research there were surveyed 63 risk group families, living in Lazdijai region municipality and 31 social worker, who work with these families. Final results were worked up by program SPSS 15.0. During the research there was foud out that the families of social risk group most often cope with these problems: alcoholism, unemployment, children behaviour problems. It is also approved by the fulfilled survey of social workers. Moreover, the biggest part of risk group families resort to the help od social workers and receive aid in hope to find the solution to their problems. The help of social workers is important to these families. According them, during working with these families they often use individual working method and provide complex help and implement special programs which are appointed to these families. Besides, during the research it turned out that these specialists have to follow the confidentiality principle; they also participate in seminars which themes are related with social risk group families. But as it turned out, not all of them adapt acquired knowledge. Key words: social worker, family of social risk... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo ypatumai įgyvendinant "Savęs pažinimo" programą / The peculiarities of the education of social skills of the children at risk in the implementation of the programme "Self-cognition"

Motiejūnaitė, Jūratė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šalies statistika rodo, kad ne visos šeimos užtikrina vaikų gerovę ir tinkamai atlieka vaikų ugdymo ir socializacijos funkciją. Vaikai, augantys rizikos grupei priklausančiose šeimose, dažnai stokoja socialinių gebėjimų, kurie jiems leistų užmegzti ir palaikyti draugiškus santykius su bendraamžiais, konfliktus spręsti socialiai priimtinais būdais, dalyvauti įvairioje, socialiai prasmingoje veikloje. Neturėdami tinkamai išugdytų socialinių gebėjimų rizikos grupės vaikai dažnai linkę save nuvertinti, jie dažniau nei kiti vaikai patiria mokymosi, adaptacijos sunkumus, linkę užsiimti nusikalstama veikla. Šiame magistriniame darbe bandoma atskleisti rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo ypatumus įgyvendinat „Savęs pažinimo“ programą. Tai svarbu vertinant šios grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų plėtotę juos įtraukus į socialines pratybas. Tyrimo tikslas: išnagrinėti ugdymo programos „Savęs pažinimas“ taikymo ypatumus rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymui. Rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo ypatumams išnagrinėti buvo pasirinktas ugdymo projektas, kuriame dalyvavo septyni 9-12 metų vaikai, lankantys prevencinių programų studiją „Rafaelis“. Vieną mėnesį iki ugdymo projekto pradžios vaikai buvo stebimi įvairioje veikloje. Stebint buvo renkami duomenys apie vaiko psichosocialinius ypatumus. Remiantis surinkta informacija, vaikai suskirstyti į keturias grupes: 1 grupė - „tyleniai“ - tylūs, savimi nepasitikintys, nedrąsūs, neryžtingi vaikai; 2 grupė –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The statistics of the country indicates that not every family guarantees the welfare of their children and carries out the function of children education and socialization in a proper way. The children being brought in families at risk very often lack social skills allowing them to establish and maintain friendly relations with their peers, to solve the arising conflicts in socially acceptable ways, to take part in various socially meaningful activities. Lacking properly educated social skills, the children at risk very often tend to devalue themselves, more often than other children they face learning difficulties or adaptation difficulties; tend to be involved in criminal acts. This final Master’s thesis tries to reveal the peculiarities of the education of social skills of the children at risk in the implementation of the programme “Self-cognition”. This is very important for the evaluation of the development of social abilities of these particular children after their involvement into social trainings. The aim of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of the application of the programme “Self-cognition” for the development of social skills of the children at risk. To analyze the peculiarities of the education of social skills of the children at risk an educational project was chosen which involved seven children aged between 9-12 and attending the club of preventive programmes “Rafaelis”. One month prior to the beginning of the educational project the children... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės vaikų, lankančių dienos centrus, požiūris į nusikalstamumą / Attitude of children at risk to the criminality

Kiseliova, Tatjana 05 July 2006 (has links)
The pedagogical, psychological scientific literature about the problems of children at risk are analyzed, the results of children’s at risk attitude to the criminality and recommendations for the crime prevention programs are presented in this study. The study aimed to investigate the attitude of children at risk to the criminality. There were 98 subjects - children’s at risk (60 perc. – Female; 40 perc. – Male). The method of investigation is questionnaire. The results of study: children at risk understand the concept of crime as single crimes (theft, snatch, murder and etc.) or evaluate the concept as „bad“ or „very bad“. The children at risk have an opinion that the numbers of crimes are higher in the society neither among their peers. 30 perc. of children at risk have made a crime, 51 perc. of children have friends who have made crimes. 62 perc. of children at risk who have made crimes have never been punished for it. The opinion of children at risk to the criminality depends on the category of crime. The children at risk have more positive opinion to the theft, snatch, larceny, having illegal guns, fraud, hooliganism, breaking of traffic rules, neither to the crimes like mayhem, sexual violence, murder, crimes connected to the drugs or racket. The differences are statistically significant. The children at risk make proposals for the youth crime prevention. In their opinions the most useful methods for the crime prevention are leisure time occupations and discussions... [to full text]

Mokyklos nelankančių rizikos grupės vaikų interesų ypatumai / Pecularities of risk group children not atending school

Benkienė, Gidita 07 June 2005 (has links)
Non attendance of school is a worldwide problem. It existed for ages. However it got to be comprehensive when we began to realize the policy (the law of education of Lithuania claims that all children and teenagers under 16 must attend school) of compulsory education. Many teachers and parents encounter unwillingness of children to learn and attend school and face the problem of nonattendance. While taking care of nonattendance of pupils, it is important to characterize them. These pupils usually have no wish to attend or attend not properly, commit crimes or stay in the street. At school they irritate teachers, prevent from giving lessons, have problems in learning. Such children feel repudiated by their friends, avoid showing their feelings and joking, they are unable to concentrate and are impulsive. Very often such children are either super responsible or having no responsibility at all. They are very difficult to communicate, don’t think about possible consequences, difficult to achieve aims. Not full and discordant families, use of drugs and alcohol in families, constant rows and conflicts between parents, lack of emotional relationship between parents and children, various mistakes of upbringing and other possible factors negatively influence child’s personality and forming of his interests. Organizing the activity of children we have to stimulate their interests, excite their curiosity and purposefully direct this activity. Intending to change the attitude of risk... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės ugdytiniai globos namuose / Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home

Mazuronienė, Dalia 08 June 2005 (has links)
Research: Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home. Purpose of research: To revel chilgren' risk group pupils' pecularities of activity and behavieour their types. Task of research: 1.To give a scientific and pedagogical literature analysis about risk group children; 2.To give choldren' survey(including foster home pupils'); 3.To formulate a typology of risk groupe infoster home; Hypothesis: The characterization of children foster home risk group pupils according, their behaviour helps to solve their education problems. Pupil of risk group in foster home are relevant today's theme. Firs of all, speakingof it,we should consider children'care and social work tendencies, the of risk group children, features of their behaviour and reasons of such behaviour. While decreasihg children' busyness more and more children don't attend school and offend. Children who are tending to offend are called children of risk group. Homeless, children who live in asocial, unharmonious families or broken home, who suffer psychical, corporal violence or sex abuse also aggressive and cotemporaries castaway children who already one some small delinquencies are referred to risk group.(R. Žukauskienė, S. Ignotavičienė,1993:3). Lately, the number of minors losing parental care is increasing. One part of the children is taken in charge by public care institutions and another part by social orginazitions and families. More and more children who are ascribable to risk group come into foster home.Each... [to full text]

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