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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação de indicadores para a psicopatologia do Luto / Training indicators for the psychopathology of mourning

Tania Maria Alves 05 December 2014 (has links)
Introdução: luto complicado é caracterizado pela procura persistente pelo falecido, tristeza e dor emocional intensos em resposta à morte de ente querido. Luto complicado é frequentemente pouco reconhecido e subtratado. O Texas Inventory Revised of Grief (TRIG) é um instrumento de alta confiabilidade e validade na medida de avaliação do luto. Nosso objetivo foi traduzir, adaptar e validar o TRIG para Português do Brasil e verificar se o mesmo, em uma população enlutada, é capaz de distinguir entre os que têm e os que não tem luto complicado assim como identificar quais elementos da escala contribuem para isso. Métodos: o trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas: a) tradução e adaptação transcultural do TRIG para o português do Brasil e b) estudo em corte transversal para análise da confiabilidade e validação desse instrumento. Participantes: 165 pacientes adultos foram recrutados de: a) Ambulatório de Luto do Departamento e Instituto de Psiquiatria - Universidade de São Paulo, b) Ambulatório de convênio e Particulares no mesmo departamento e, c) Colegas de trabalho que perderam um ente querido. Todos os pacientes foram entrevistados com o TRIG e de acordo com critérios clínicos, 69 dos 165 pacientes enlutados foram diagnosticados com luto complicado. Resultados: quanto à tradução e adaptação transcultural, o TRIG foi traduzido para o português, feito a retrotradução para o inglês e adaptado à cultura local. Esse processo foi realizado por dois psiquiatras bilíngues. A confiabilidade e consistência interna do instrumento foram medidos pelo coeficiente de Alpha de Cronbach que alcançou 0,735 para parte I e 0,896 para a parte II do instrumento. A sensibilidade, especificidade e ponto de corte para identificar enlutados com e sem luto complicado foram medidos pela Curva ROC. Viu-se que usando o ponto de corte encontrado de 104 (escore total das partes I, II, III + variáveis psicográficas), é possível classificar corretamente 71,3% dos indivíduos com e sem luto complicado. A validação do instrumento foi realizada pela análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. Pela regressão logística demonstrou-se que nível educacional, idade do falecido, idade do enlutado, perda de filho(a) e morte do tipo inesperada são fatores de risco para luto complicado. Nossos resultados também sugerem que religião pode influenciar luto complicado. Conclusões: a versão traduzida e adaptada do TRIG para o português é confiável e válida como medida do luto tanto quanto a versão original. O TRIG foi capaz de distinguir pacientes com e sem luto complicado. Nós sugerimos o uso do TRIG com ponto de corte igual a 104 para identificar enlutados com luto complicado / Background: Complicated grief is characterized by persistent yearning for the deceased, intense sorrow and emotional pain in response to death causing significant distress. Complicated grief is often underrecognized and under treated. The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (TRIG) is a questionnaire that has been demonstrated to have high validity and reliability in the assessment of complicated grief. Our objective was to translate, adapt, and validate the TRIG to Brazilian Portuguese and to verify whether the TRIG, in a bereaved population, is able to distinguish between those with and those without complicated grief and to identify which elements in the scale contribute to this. Methods: Two stages: a) cross-culture adaptation of a questionnaire, and b) crosssectional study of reliability and validity. Setting and Participants: 165 adult patients were recruited from a) the Grief Outpatient Clinic at the Department and Institute of Psychiatry - University of São Paulo, b) private practice at the same department, and c) co-workers who have lost a loved one. All the patients were interviewed with the TRIG. According to clinical criteria 69 of 165 bereaved patients were presenting complicated grief. Results: Cross-culture adaptation: the TRIG was translated from American English, then back-translated and finally compared with the Brazilian Portuguese version by two bilingual psychiatrists. Reliability: the Cronbach\'s alpha coefficients (internal consistency) of the TRIG scales were 0,735 (part I) and 0,896 (part II). Sensitivity, specificity as well as cutoff points to identify complicated and non-complicated grief, were measured using the ROC curve Using the total score of 104 (part I + part II + Part III + psychographics variables), we can correctly classify 71.3% of individuals with and without complicated grief. The construct validity was assessed by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory analysis. Furthermore, by logistic regression, our study demonstrated that a low education level, age of the deceased and age of the bereaved, loss of a son or daughter, and unexpected death were all risk factors for complicated grief. Our results also suggest that religion may influence complicated grief. Conclusions: The TRIG adapted to Brazilian Portuguese is as reliable and valid as the original version. In the evaluation of Brazilian bereaved, it was able to distinguish individuals with and without complicated grief. And, we suggest a cut-off value of 104 for complicated grief

Paramètres cliniques, électroencéphalograhiques et biologiques pour optimiser les critères diagnostiques de la narcolepsie / Clinical, electroencephalographic and biological parameters to optimise narcolepsy diagnostic criteria

Andlauer, Olivier 11 December 2014 (has links)
La narcolepsie est une maladie rare, touchant une personne sur 2000. Elle se caractérise par l'association d'une somnolence diurne excessive, d'épisodes de cataplexie, de paralysies du sommeil, d'hallucinations hypnagogiques. et d'une fragmentation du sommeil. La narcolepsie sans cataplexie constitue un sous-type hétérogène. Le diagnostic de narcolepsie peut être clinique, mais bien souvent un Test Itératif de Latence d'Endormissement (T1LE), précédé d'une polysomnographie nocturne (NPSG). sont utilisés pour porter le diagnostic.La cause de la plupart des cas de narcolepsie avec cataplexie a été découverte au début des années 2000: la destruction, probablement d'origine auto-immune. des neurones à hypocrétine de l'hypothalamus. Un déficit en hypocrétine à la ponction lombaire constitue désormais un test de référence pour établir le diagnostic, ce qui offre l'opportunité d'optimiser les critères actuels et de tester de nouvelles hypothèses diagnostiques en regard de ce test de référence. Peu d'études ont à ce jour spécifiquement porté sur la narcolepsie sans cataplexie et son diagnostic. Nous avons donc cherché à identifier les prédicteurs du déficit en hypocrétine dans la narcolepsie sans cataplexie. De plus, dans la narcolepsie-cataplexie, l'utilisation comme critère diagnostique d'une latence courte d'apparition du sommeil paradoxal à la NPSG n'a jamais été évaluée en utilisant comme test de référence le déficit en hypocrétine, et nous avons donc cherché à en déterminer l'utilité diagnostic et la valeur-seuil optimale.Afin de mener à bien ces projets de recherche, nous avons initié et participé au développement du logiciel d'analyse ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) SoftROC. Dans la narcolepsie sans cataplexie. nous avons montré que les paramètres électrophysiologiques, plus que cliniques, différaient entre les patients avec un taux bas d'hypocrétine et ceux avec un taux normal. Dans la narcolepsie avec cataplexie. nous avons établi qu'une latence courte (< 15 minutes) d'apparition du sommeil paradoxal à la NPSG était un test diagnostique spécifique, mais peu sensible, pour la narcolepsie avec déficit en hypocrétine. Nos résultats ont contribué à la révision des classifications internationales des troubles du sommeil. / Narcolepsy is characterised by excessive diurnal sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations andsleep fragmentation. Narcolepsy without cataplexy is a heterogeneous subtype. Diagnosis can be established clinically,but a Mulitple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) following a Nocturnal PolySomnoGraphy (NPSG), is used most of the time.Auto-immune loss of hypocretin cells is responsible for narcolepsy with cataplexy. Hypocretin deficiency at lumbarpuncture is a gold standard for diagnosis.Few studies have focused specifically on narcolepsy without cataplexy. Our aim was to identify predictors of hypocretindeficiency in this condition. Moreover, in narcolepsy with cataplexy, a short REM sleep latency at NPSG has never beenevaluated as a diagnostic test using hypocretin deficiency as a gold standard, and we therefore have aimed at assessing itsdiagnostic utility and optimal cut-off.In order to conduct our research, we have contributed to developing a ROC analysis software (SoftROC).In narcolepsy without cataplexy- objective (NPSG and MSLT) more than clinical parameters were predictors ofhypocretin-deficiency. In narcolepsy-cataplexy, a short (< 15 mins) REM latency at NPSG was a specific, but notsensitive. diagnostic test. Our results contributed to the revision of international diagnostic classifications.

Use of data analysis techniques to solve specific bioinformatics problems / Apport de techniques d'analyse de données pour résoudre des problèmes spécifiques en bio-informatique

Moulin, Serge 12 December 2018 (has links)
De nos jours, la quantité de données génétiques séquencées augmente de manière exponentielle sous l'impulsion d'outils de séquençage de plus en plus performants, tels que les outils de séquençage haut débit en particulier. De plus, ces données sont de plus en plus facilement accessibles grâce aux bases de données en ligne. Cette plus grande disponibilité des données ouvre de nouveaux sujets d'étude qui nécessitent de la part des statisticiens et bio-informaticiens de développer des outils adaptés. Par ailleurs, les progrès constants de la statistique, dans des domaines tels que le clustering, la réduction de dimension, ou les régressions entre autres, nécessitent d'être régulièrement adaptés au contexte de la bio-informatique. L’objectif de cette thèse est l’application de techniques avancées de statistiques à des problématiques de bio-informatique. Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons les résultats de nos travaux concernant le clustering de séquences génétiques via Laplacian eigenmaps et modèle de mélange gaussien, l'étude de la propagation des éléments transposables dans le génome via un processus de branchement, l'analyse de données métagénomiques en écologie via des courbes ROC ou encore la régression polytomique ordonnée pénalisée par la norme l1. / Nowadays, the quantity of sequenced genetic data is increasing exponentially under the impetus of increasingly powerful sequencing tools, such as high-throughput sequencing tools in particular. In addition, these data are increasingly accessible through online databases. This greater availability of data opens up new areas of study that require statisticians and bioinformaticians to develop appropriate tools. In addition, constant statistical progress in areas such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, regressions and others needs to be regularly adapted to the context of bioinformatics. The objective of this thesis is the application of advanced statistical techniques to bioinformatics issues. In this manuscript we present the results of our works concerning the clustering of genetic sequences via Laplacian eigenmaps and Gaussian mixture model, the study of the propagation of transposable elements in the genome via a branching process, the analysis of metagenomic data in ecology via ROC curves or the ordinal polytomous regression penalized by the l1-norm.

Messung der Vulnerabilität der Armut - Eine statistische Analyse mit deutschen Paneldaten / Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty - A Statistical Analysis Using German Panel Data

Landau, Katja 24 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Nichtparametrische Analyse diagnostischer Gütemaße bei Clusterdaten / Nonparametric analysis of diagnostic accuracy measurements regarding clustered data

Lange, Katharina 04 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Nichtparametrische Analyse von diagnostischen Tests / Nonparametric Analysis of diagnostic trials

Werner, Carola 07 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

L'évaluation du risque de récidive chez les agresseurs sexuels adultes

Parent, Geneviève January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Comparison of the Clinical Value of Complexed PSA and Total PSA in the Discrimination between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer

Fröhner, Michael, Hakenberg, Oliver W., Koch, Rainer, Schmidt, Uta, Meye, Axel, Wirth, Manfred P. 14 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: To compare the clinical value of the measurement of complex and total PSA in the discrimination between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Methods: In serum samples collected from 166 men with histopathologically proven clinically localized prostate cancer and of 97 men with BPH, total prostate-specific antigen (PSA), complexed PSA and the free to total PSA ratio were determined. The statistical analysis was done by the comparison of the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: The areas under the ROC curves were 0.776 for total PSA, 0.799 for complexed PSA (total PSA vs. cPSA: p < 0.0001) and 0.812 for the free to total PSA ratio. With a cut-off of 3.0 ng/ml for complexed PSA, the sensitivity was 90%, the specificity 58%, the positive and the negative predictive values 79 and 78%, respectively. With a cut-off of 4.0 ng/ml for total PSA, the sensitivity was 87%, the specificity 59%, the positive and the negative predictive values were 78 and 72%, respectively. Conclusions: There was a statistically significant advantage for complexed PSA compared to total PSA in the discrimination between BPH and prostate cancer. The difference was, however, small and its clinical relevance is questionable. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Jämförelse av två enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays : mätning av diabetesspecifika autoantikroppar i en adult population / Comparison of two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays : measurement of diabetes-specific autoantibodies in an adult population

Gashi Krasniqi, Lauresha January 2018 (has links)
Typ- 1 diabetes (T1D) är en autoimmun sjukdom med insulinbrist orsakad av nedbrytning av insulinproducerande betaceller i pankreas. Fyra olika antikroppar har identifierats som är riktade mot betacellsspecifika antigen; insulinautoantikroppar (IAA), glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA), islet antigen2-antikroppar (IA-2A) och antikroppar riktade mot zinktransportören 8 (ZnT8A). I denna studie gjordes en jämförelse av metoderna 2screen islet cell autoantibody ELISA-kit (RSR, Cardiff, UK) och 3screen islet cell autoantibody ELISA- kit (RSR, Cardiff, UK), vars brunnar är coatade med GAD65/IA-2 antigen respektive GAD65/IA-2/ZnT8 antigen, för att undersöka ifall dessa båda kit ger jämförbar sensitivitet och specificitet i en adult population av nydebuterade patienter med T1D och friska vuxna blodgivare. RSR 2screen erhöll 1 % högre specificitet (98 %) jämfört med RSR 3screen (97 %) vid samma sensitivitet (92 %) och rekommenderas i första hand för screening av autoantikroppar i en population av vuxna patienter med ökad risk för T1D och friska vuxna blodgivare. / Type- 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease with insulin deficiency caused by degradation of insulin- producing betacells in pancreas. Four different autoantibodies that target beta- cell specific antigenes have been identified: insulinautoantibodies (IAA), glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA), islet antigen2-antibodies (IA-2A) and antibodies against zinktransporter 8 (ZnT8A). In this study, a comparison between 2screen islet cell autoantibody ELISA-kit (RSR, Cardiff, UK) coated with GAD65/IA-2 and 3screen islet cell autoantibody ELISA- kit (RSR, Cardiff, UK) coated with GAD65/IA-2/ZnT8, was performed to investigate whether results from these two kits provide comparable sensitivity and specificity in an adult population of new onset patients with T1D and healthy adults. RSR 2screen obtained 1 % higher specificity (98 %) in comparison to RSR 3screen (97 %) on the same sensitivity (92 %) and is recommended primarily for screening of autoantibodies in a population of adult patients at increased risk for T1D and healthy adults blood donors.

Métodos de adequação e diagnóstico em modelos de sobrevivência dinâmicos / Methods of diagnostic and goodness-of-fit in dynamic survival models

Jaqueline Aparecida Raminelli 29 January 2016 (has links)
A análise de dados de sobrevivência tem sido tradicionalmente baseada no modelo de regressão de Cox (COX, 1972). No entanto, a suposição de taxas de falha proporcionais assumida para esse modelo pode não ser atendida em diversas situações práticas. Essa restrição do modelo de Cox tem gerado interesse em abordagens alternativas, dentre elas os modelos dinâmicos que permitem efeito das covariáveis variando no tempo. Neste trabalho, foram revisados os principais modelos de sobrevivência dinâmicos com estrutura aditiva e multiplicativa nos contextos não paramétrico e semiparamétrico. Métodos gráficos baseados em resíduos foram apresentados com a finalidade de avaliar a qualidade de ajuste desses modelos. Uma versão tempo-dependente da área sob a curva ROC, denotada por AUC(t), foi proposta com a finalidade de avaliar e comparar a qualidade de predição entre modelos de sobrevivência com estruturas aditiva e multiplicativa. O desempenho da AUC(t) foi avaliado por meio de um estudo de simulação. Dados de três estudos descritos na literatura foram também analisados para ilustrar ou complementar os cenários que foram considerados no estudo de simulação. De modo geral, os resultados obtidos indicaram que os métodos gráficos apresentados para avaliar a adequação dos modelos em conjunto com a AUC(t) se constituem em um conjunto de ferramentas estatísticas úteis para o próposito de avaliar modelos de sobrevivência dinâmicos nos contextos não paramétrico e semiparamétrico. Além disso, a aplicação desse conjunto de ferramentas em alguns conjuntos de dados evidenciou que se, por um lado, os modelos dinâmicos são atrativos por permitirem covariáveis tempo-dependentes, por outro lado podem não ser apropriados para todos os conjuntos de dados, tendo em vista que estimação pode apresentar restrições para alguns deles. / Analysis of survival data has been traditionally based on the Cox regression model (COX, 1972). However, the proportionality of the hazards required by this model may not be attended for many practical situations. This restriction of the Cox model has generated interest in alternative approaches, among them dynamic models that allow covariates with time-varying effect. In this work, the main dynamic survival models with additive and multiplicative structures were revised under the nonparametric and semiparametric settings. Graphical methods based on residuals were presented in order to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of these models. A time-dependent version of the area under the ROC curve, denoted by AUC(t), was proposed to evaluate and compare the predictive accuracy of additive and multiplicative survival models. The performance of the AUC(t) was evaluated by means of a simulation study. Data from three studies described in the literature were also analyzed to illustrate or complement the scenarios that were considered in the simulation study. Overall, the results indicate that the graphical methods presented to assess the goodness-of-fit of the models together with the AUC(t) provide a useful set of statistics tools for the purpose of evaluating dynamic survival models in the nonparametric and semiparametric settings. Moreover, applying this set of tools in some data sets showed that on the one hand dynamic models are attractive because they allow time-dependent covariates, but on the other hand they may not be appropriate for all data sets since estimation may present restrictions for some of them.

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