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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Principals' Role Perception and Implementation of Educational Reform

Hotmire, Jesse 19 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

國民小學補習學校教師內外控信念、角色知覺與教學型態關係的研究 / The Study of Interrelationship Between Locus of Control,Role Perception and Teaching Styles of Supplementary Education Teachers for Elementary Schools

陳雪玉, HSUCH YU CHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以國小補校教師為研究對象,旨在探討國小補校教師內外控信念、角色知覺與教學型態等相關情形,期能根據研究結果,研擬具體可行的建議,以供改進教學及辦理國小補校師資培訓、甄選、評鑑及設計相關師資培育課程之參考。 研究的進行,首先,自有關的文獻及相關研究的探討著手,分析教學型態的意義、分類與內涵,以及內外控信念、角色知覺等變項之意涵、評量工具與相關實證研究,進而再就內外控信念、角色知覺與教學型態關係的相關研究進行探討,以為本研究的理論基礎。其次,設計及選用適當的量表為工具,包括內外控量表、角色知覺量表與教學型態量表等分量表組成「國小補校教學經驗量表」。經抽取擔任八十八學年度國小補校教師800人為對象實施調查,實際有效樣本為557人,並將調查所得資料加以統計、分析和討論之後,獲致結論如下: 一、國小補校教師內外控信念傾向,以本研究受試的教師來看,內控信念傾向者居多。 二、國小補校教師對自身擔任成人基本教育教師的角色知覺程度上,「較明確」者略多於「較不明確」者。 三、國小補校教師教學型態以偏向「學習者中心型」教學取向者略多於「教師中心型」教學取向者。 四、在國小補校教師的人口變項中,以「年齡」、「任教年資」、「補校任教年資」及「有無參加補校教師或成人教學研習」等四項因素,會影響國小補校教師越趨向「學習者中心」型的教師型態。 五、國小補校教師內外控信念傾向不同者,會採用不同教學型態;亦即愈具內控信念傾向者,較會評估學生需求,考慮相關經驗,以及注重個別化教學。 六、國小補校教師「角色知覺」與「教學型態」兩者之間有密切相關。亦即角色知覺愈明確者,愈會傾向「學習者中心」型的教學型態:反之,角色知覺愈不明確者,愈會傾向「教師中心」型的教學型態。 七、對國小補校教師教學型態的影響因素中以「角色知覺」的預測與解釋力最大。 依據研究結論,對國小補校教師、辦理成人基本教育之國小補校、國小補校教師進修教育機構及未來研究提出建議,以供改進教學及培訓國小補校師資之參考。

Team Intervention Program on Role Perception and Task Cohesion on a Swedish Junior Ice-Hockey Team / Effekter av ett laginterventionsprogram på rollupplevelse och uppgiftsinrikatd lagsammangållning i ett junior ishockeylag

Lindström, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
The purposes of this study was to examine what effects a specific team intervention program had on the ice-hockey players’ perceptions of their roles and the teams’ task cohesion. Further the purpose was to examine the benefits from having clear roles and strategies to develop role clarity. It was an intervention study with experimental design and a mixed method approach. Participants were two Swedish male junior ice hockey teams including one experimental team (n=14) and one control team (n=16). The intervention took place during competitive season and was based on communication training, mutual sharing and role development. The results showed that the role clarity decreased in both teams during the time of the intervention. The players in the intervention team felt significant more appreciated than the players in the control team. Overall did the intervention team have more positive trends than the control team. Perceived benefits from role clarity were good cooperation, communication, self-confidence and determination. Suggested strategies to develop role clarity were to communicate with team mates and coach, practice and adjust to the team. Positive effects from the intervention were improved communication, positive attitude, self-confidence, calmness, cohesion and openness. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka effekter ett specifikt laginterventionsprogram hade på spelarnas upplevelse av sina roller och lagets uppgiftsinriktade lagsammanhållning. Vidare var syftet att  undersöka de fördelar som kommer med att ha en klar roll och vilka strategier som används för att skapa rollklarhet. Studien var en interventionsstudie med experimentell design med ett mixat tillvägagångssätt. Deltagare I studien var två juniorishockeylag; ett experimentlag (n=14) och ett kontrollag (n=16). Interventionen pågick under tävlingssäsong och baserades på communikationsträning, ömsesidigt utbyte och rollteori. Resultatet visade att rollklarheten minskade under interventionstiden. Spelarna i interventionslaget upplevde sig sifnifikant mer uppskattade än spelarna i kontrollaget. Överlag hade interventionslaget mer positiva trender i fler variabler än kontrollaget. Upplevda fördelar med klara roller var bra samarbete, kommunikation, självförtroende och beslutsamhet. Föreslagna strategier för utvecklande av rollklarhet var att kommunisera med lagkamrater och tränare, träna och anpassa sig till laget. Positiva effekter av interventionen var förbättrad kommunikation, positiv attityd, självförtroende, lugn, lagsammanhållning och öppenhet.

Dentists' perceptions of their professional roles in the context of referral decisions in Primary Dental Care in England

Allen, Zoe Elizabeth January 2018 (has links)
Background: Within Primary Dental Care (PDC), there is variation in dentists’ views about who should be treated in general dental practices and who should be referred to community dental services (CDSs), creating confusion about where patients can access dental care. Aims: This research aimed to explore the meanings which general dental practitioners (GDPs) and community dentists in England ascribe to their roles. It focused on why they make, accept or decline patient referrals within PDC. Methods: I conducted a configurative systematic review of literature about referrals within PDC in the UK. Data were synthesised using Critical Interpretive Synthesis. I interviewed ten GDPs and twelve community dentists working in England, covering topics informed by the systematic review. Transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: Synthesising the literature showed that referral decisions were influenced by non-clinical factors including policies, financial contracts and dentists’ perceptions and values. Authors rarely reported directly from the perspective of primary care dentists. The interview study findings showed that the business of dentistry defined GDPs’ roles. Obscure rules and complex care systems underpinned community dentists’ roles. Participants depicted vulnerable people within ‘no man’s land’, situated between GDPs and community dentists. Vulnerable people included frail, older people, anxious and socially excluded adults, and children with high levels of disease. I identified three typologies of dentists. ‘Entrepreneurs’ felt no allegiance to the NHS and no obligation to treat vulnerable patients. ‘Altruistic carers’ cared for complex, deserving patients, rather than vulnerable patients. ‘Pragmatic carers’ accommodated some vulnerable patients but felt constrained from doing so by structural barriers. Conclusions: This study adds to our understanding of why dentists make, accept or decline referrals within PDC in England. It suggests that failure to resolve structural barriers or to consider dentists’ values will hinder attempts to reduce inequalities in access to PDC in England.

How teachers conceive their role when working with Generation Z pupils in a technological learning environment

Shmul-Cohen, Sigalit January 2016 (has links)
Teachers have to cope with two main changes. Firstly, they have experienced global technological change and the introduction of new technologies into the education system. Secondly, they have to cope with a new generation of pupils (Generation Z). This thesis argues that these changes necessitate a change in the role of the teacher. This research examines how teachers react to these changes. The main research question is “How do teachers conceive their role when they teach Generation Z pupils in a technological learning environment?”. The research focuses on a case study of a school on the northern periphery of the State of Israel. The research focused on the teachers of the “computer notebook” classes. The school supplies every pupil and every teacher a standard personal laptop while the teachers have been integrating the technology and applications into their lessons for the last twenty years. The data was collected by means of questionnaires (20); personal interviews (24); observations (8); and an analysis of relevant documents. The research compares the category of the “traditional teacher” with that of the “technological teacher”. It finds that (a) teachers view the the two roles of traditional and technological teacher as distinct; (b) they recognise a wide variety of technological changes that influence the education system; and (c) they believe that the present pupil generation (Generation Z) requires a new approach to study in contrast with previous generations of pupils. The research shows that in response to the changes described above, the teachers have changed their perspective through the use of the new technologies and define their role in three dimensions (pedagogical, interpersonal, and technological) and indicate that there are 11 skills and abilities required for the technological teacher. However, the research also found that despite the extensive experience of the teachers in using the new technologies, there is no confidence in realising the full potential inherent in these tools. In particular, the opportunity for cooperative learning which is offered by online technologies is not always exploited efficiently. Moreover, the research found that the challenges and barriers in the application of the new pedagogy in the technological learning environment. The contribution of this research is both theoretical and practical. The theoretical contribution of the research is in the characterisation of the pedagogical, interpersonal and technological dimensions that constitute the role of the “technological teacher”. The practical contribution of the research is detailed in the series of recommendations made in relation to the development of schools and the training and continuing professional development of teachers.

Die grüne Seite: Umweltjournalisten deutscher Tageszeitungen – Eine methodisch verknüpfte Studie zu Arbeitsrealität, Rollenselbstverständnissen sowie deren Handlungsrelevanz

Dietrich, Anne 08 October 2013 (has links)
Während die Zahl journalistischer Veröffentlichungen zu Umweltthemen immer weiter steigt, sind wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu ihren Verfassern in Deutschland immer noch Mangelware. Die Diplomarbeit geht mithilfe einer Online-Befragung der Frage nach, wie die Arbeitsbedingungen von Tageszeitungsjournalisten aussehen. Außerdem wird mit einigen narrativen Interviews exploriert, welchen Rollenselbstbildern sich Journalisten zugehörig fühlen, die sich mit Umweltthemen befassen und ob dieses Selbstverständnis sich auch in den Arbeiten der Journalisten zeigt.:Inhalt 1 Einführung und Relevanz des Themas 1 2 Umweltjournalismus – Stand der Forschung 4 2.1 Der Umweltjournalismus als Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen 4 2.1.1 Wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung in der Vergangenheit 4 2.1.2 Wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung in der Gegenwart 5 2.1.3 Verwendung des Begriffs ‚Umweltjournalismus‘ 6 2.2 Arbeitsrealität des Umweltjournalismus 7 2.2.1 Untersuchung der Medienberichterstattung 8 2.2.2 Untersuchung der Journalisten 9 2.2.3 Schlussfolgerungen aus dem Forschungsstand 10 2.3 Rollenselbstverständnisse von Umweltjournalisten und ihre Handlungsrelevanz 11 2.3.1 Wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung in der Vergangenheit 11 2.3.2 Handlungsrelevanz von Rollenselbstverständnissen 14 2.3.3 Besonderheiten der Rollenselbstverständnisse von Umweltjournalisten. 15 3 Erkenntnisinteresse und weiterer Aufbau der Arbeit 16 4 Umweltjournalismus 19 4.1 Annäherung an das Spannungsfeld von Journalismus und Systemtheorie 19 4.2 Ausbildung journalistischer Spezialisierungen 22 4.3 Umwelt und Ökologie als Termini der Systemtheorie 24 4.4 Umwelt und Ökologie außerhalb der Systemtheorie 27 4.5 Umweltjournalismus: Arbeitsdefinition und Operationalisierung 29 4.5.1 Arbeitsdefinition des Begriffes ‚Umweltjournalismus‘ 29 4.5.2 Operationalisierung des Begriffs ‚Umweltjournalismus‘ 30 5 Arbeitsrealität und Rollenselbstverständnis 31 5.1 Annäherungen an Arbeitsrealität und Rollenselbstverständnis 31 5.2 Bedeutungsdimensionen der Arbeitsrealität 33 5.3 Arbeitsrealität: Arbeitsdefinition und Operationalisierung 35 5.3.1 Arbeitsdefinition des Begriffs ‚Arbeitsrealität‘ 35 5.3.2 Operationalisierung des Begriffs ‚Arbeitsrealität‘ 35 5.4 Bedeutungsdimensionen des Rollenselbstverständnisses 36 5.5 Bedeutungsdimensionen der Handlungsrelevanz von Rollenselbstverständnissen 38 5.6 Rollenselbstverständnis und Handlungsrelevanz: Arbeitsdefinition und Operationalisierung 39 5.6.1 Arbeitsdefinition des Begriffs ‚Rollenselbstverständnis‘ 39 5.6.2 Operationalisierung des Begriffs ‚Rollenselbstverständnis‘ 40 5.6.3 Arbeitsdefinition des Begriffes ‚Handlungsrelevanz‘ 41 5.6.4 Operationalisierung des Begriffes ‚Handlungsrelevanz‘ 42 6 Forschungsdesign 43 6.1 Teil 1: Online-Befragung zur Arbeitsrealität 43 6.1.1 Beschreibung der Methode 43 6.1.2 Begründung der Methodenwahl 45 6.1.3 Konstruktion des Erhebungsinstruments 45 6.1.4 Prüfung und Pretest des Erhebungsinstruments 52 6.1.5 Fallauswahl 54 6.1.6 Datenerhebung und -auswertung 57 6.2 Teil 2: Leitfaden-Interviews zum Rollenselbstverständnis 61 6.2.1 Beschreibung der Methode 61 6.2.2 Begründung der Methodenwahl 62 6.2.3 Konstruktion des Leitfadens 64 6.2.4 Fallauswahl 67 6.2.5 Datenerhebung und -erfassung 70 6.2.6 Methode und Ablauf der Datenauswertung 71 6.3 Teil 3: Inhaltsanalyse zur Bestimmung der Handlungsrelevanz 75 6.3.1 Beschreibung der Methode und Begründung der Methodenwahl 75 6.3.2 Stichprobe 76 6.3.3 Datenerhebung und –erfassung 77 6.3.4 Ablauf der Datenauswertung 78 7 Erkenntnisse zur Arbeitsrealität 81 7.1 Umweltjournalisten bei deutschen Tageszeitungen 81 7.2 Soziodemographische Merkmale 82 7.3 Berufsbezeichnung und Berufserfahrung 85 7.4 Definition des Begriffs ‚Umweltjournalist‘ 88 7.5 Gründe für die Beschäftigung mit Umweltthemen 90 7.6 Ressortzugehörigkeit und Themenschwerpunkte 91 7.7 Wöchentliche Arbeitszeit und Zahl der Umweltjournalisten 93 7.8 Selektionskriterien und Impulse der Berichterstattung 95 7.9 Quellennutzung 98 7.10 Freiheiten und Hürden der Umweltberichterstattung 99 7.11 Zusammenfassung 102 8 Erkenntnisse zum Rollenselbstverständnis 104 8.1 Umweltjournalisten bei überregionalen Tageszeitungen 104 8.2 Selbstbild 104 8.3 Motive und Weg in den Journalismus 105 8.4 Ideale und Anforderungen 106 8.5 Ziele und Absichten 109 8.6 Wirkvorstellungen 112 8.7 Thematischer Schwerpunkt 114 8.8 Zusammenfassung 116 9 Erkenntnisse zur Handlungsrelevanz 118 9.1 Wahrgenommene Erwartungen 118 9.2 Einschätzungen der Handlungsrelevanz 120 9.3 Handlungsrelevanz 124 9.4 Zusammenfassung 127 10 Übergreifende Schlussfolgerungen 129 10.1 Unsicher in der eigenen Rolle 129 10.2 Umweltjournalistische Selbstsichten jenseits von Schwarz und Weiß 133 10.3 Informieren als Basis – Erklären als Kompromiss 136 11 Fazit 139 11.1 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 139 11.2 Methodenkritik 143 11.3 Ausblick 145 12 Literaturverzeichnis 147 VI Anhang 160

“My small contribution to peace on earth.” : An interview study on the role perception of street-level bureaucrats within EU soft law

Åhlén, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to explore how national street-level bureaucrats perceive their role when implementing EU soft law in a Europeanised environment. Existing studies have focused on the role perception of public servants working within implementation of EU hard law, or being diplomats or working on ministerial level. These studies find that there is an additional EU servant role perception, beyond the national servant role perception. It provides the theoretical and empirical expectation that the public servants on the street-level and within EU soft law are national servants and do not hold an additional EU role perception. The study uses theories on Europeanisation, identity and role perception, and street-level bureaucracy to further understand the case. The thesis is based on 13 semi-structured interviews to understand the role perception. The selected case is a least-likely study as it explores role perception of street-level bureaucrats within EU soft law. More precisely, the field of higher education and its internationalisation, as the study selects the Erasmus+ programme and street-level bureaucrats who work with its implementation in Sweden. This, to understand how they perceive their role when implementing an EU programme and in a Europeanised, but also national, environment. The findings of the thesis show that the street-level bureaucrats hold a national role perception but there are respondents who also present a perception of an additional EU role perception, for example five respondents who presented to be working for the EU in addition to the Higher Education Institution. Thus, it does not provide enough support for the theoretical and empirical expectations to be confirmed that street-level bureaucrats within EU soft law only hold a national servant role perception. Hence, it shows that it also exists a perception of also being an EU servant and holding loyalty to the EU.

某少年輔育院管教人員角色知覺之探討 / A Study on the Role Perception of Mentors in A Reform School

李嘉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
有感於少年犯罪人數不斷上升,少年犯罪後可能被送到少年輔育院接受感化教育,而管教人員乃實施感化教育之靈魂人物,但目前有關管教人員角色知覺之文獻尚為缺乏。復以,少年輔育院的現有管教人力甚為有限,相對於總是超收的學生尤為見絀。因此,如何在極為有限的人力支應下,協助輔導迷途青少年回歸正軌、重獲新生,進而改善社會治安,著實仰賴管教人員的經驗、智慧與責任感。本研究探討管教人員之角色知覺,望能裨益少年輔育院實施感化教育之成效。 本研究之目的如下: 一、探討少年輔育院管教人員對本身角色的動機、期望與知覺。 二、探討影響少年輔育院管教人員角色扮演的關鍵要素。 三、探討少年輔育院管教人員工作所遇到的困難與因應方法。 四、提出具體可行的建議,使管教人員更能勝任管教工作。 本研究所得重要結論如下: 一、發現 (一)從事管教工作的動機多非出自個人志趣。 (二)管教人員對管教成效大多抱持悲觀保守的態度。 (三)管教人員對本身角色的知覺程度,聘任者為最高,監獄官考試者次之,借調支援者為最低。 (四)具備特定特質為稱職的管教人員的必要條件,能力則為加分要件。 (五)進用方式與穩定性、工作的認同感、管教成效間具有相關性。 (六)管教成效倚賴經驗,經驗漸增,壓力漸減,但可能有副作用。 (七)管教人力配置不足,負責的學生數過多,戒護風險高。 (八)管教職務職責繁重,職缺陞遷誘因不足,造成陞遷序列斷層。 (九)體罰關鍵在於如何實施,而非是否實施。 (十)賞罰分明、處分個別化是管教工作基本原則。 (十一)管教人員間的歧異是管教實務中的風險因子。 (十二)親職教育是管教工作不可或缺的重點。 (十三)感化教育的成敗關鍵,繫於環境的良窳與學生是否具有一技之長。 二、建議 (一)對矯正主管機關的建議 1.重新開放聘任進用管道。 2.改善陞遷誘因,填補正式人力,減少借調支援。 3.增加各班級管教人力配置。 4.遴選管道增加篩選機制。 5.改善同工不同酬問題。 6.訂定體罰實施原則。 (二)對現職管教人員的建議 1.加強學生技能訓練,培養其一技之長。 2.以法治教育為基礎,品德教育為進階,並輔以親職教育。 3.參加法律或心理學相關訓練進修,以減少隔閡或代溝。 4.加強管教人員間的協調一致性、異中求同。 (三)對未來有意任職管教人員者的建議 1.陞任管教職務前,宜整體評估後審慎決定。 2.檢視自身能力,持續提升補強。 3.宜先作好心理建設,配合完整的實務見習與職務歷練。

Bibliotherapy and Bullying: Teaching Young Childrento Utilize Peer Group Power to Combat Bullying

Spencer, Rebecca Lyn 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Bullying is a major concern for school-age children. This study compares the use of bibliotherapy and didactic instruction techniques for teaching anti-bullying strategies to young children. The study explores 36 first graders' perceptions of bullying and their perceptions of their roles and responsibilities in bullying situations. In comparison to the control group, students who were taught specific bully intervention skills, both through didactic instruction and bibliotherapy, reflected an increased understanding of bullying, used a larger bully vocabulary, and demonstrated more specific and varied actions in response to bullying from pre-test to post-test conditions. Participants in the group who received didactic instruction demonstrated more positive change in both describing the concept of bullying (77.2%) and providing adaptive responses to a hypothetical bullying situation (144%) than the bibliotherapy (33.3%, 44%) and control groups (13.4%, -15%), possibly due to the explicit instruction and repetition of concepts students received in the didactic group. These data suggest that children benefit from explicit instruction and rehearsal about how to combat bullying. Recommendations for practice are to schedule more time when planning to use bibliotherapy, to simplify concepts and use repetition, and to integrate social/emotional concepts into regular class activities.

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