Spelling suggestions: "subject:"romantic love"" "subject:"somantic love""
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[pt] Esta dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a construção e o desenvolvimento dos relacionamentos afetivos heterossexuais entre os jovens, tendo como base ilustrativa a série da Netflix Areia Movediça. A partir da representação do relacionamento amoroso entre os personagens principais da série, Maja e Sebastian, foi proposto um debate sobre as transformações sofridas pelo amor romântico na contemporaneidade, a forma como as juventudes lidam com essa área da vida e, por fim, como a interlocução desses dois aspectos pode resultar em uma relação abusiva. Para isso, a pesquisa é dividida em três partes. Na primeira, discutem-se as juventudes e a importância da prática de se assistir a séries na perspectiva dos jovens. Na segunda, há uma breve introdução a Areia Movediça, com o objetivo de contextualizar o leitor. Por meio da análise das cenas, são debatidas temáticas intrínsecas ao universo juvenil consideradas tabus, até se chegar ao tema dos relacionamentos amorosos. Na terceira parte, discutem-se a desigualdade entre gêneros e como ela atua na construção dos relacionamentos abusivos, a partir da história sobre o amor vivido pelos protagonistas de Areia Movediça. / [en] This thesis aims to reflect upon the construction and development of teen romantic heterosexual relationships having the Netflix s Quicksand series as background for the analysis. Maja and Sebastian s relationship helps shed light into the transformations romantic relationships have underwent in modern times, and on how teenagers deal with this aspect of their lives. Quicksand shows us that the combination of romance and teenagers may eventually trigger abusive relationships. In order to elaborate on those topics, the research has been divided into three different parts. The first part debates youth and the relevance of watching television series for teens. The second part is a short introduction on Quicksand. Scene analysis reinforces themes intrinsic to the teen universe that are still considered taboo. The third part reflects on gender inequality and its role in the construction of abusive relationships as depicted in the Quicksand protagonists love story.
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"En siäl, som fint och starkt och ömt och häftigt känner" : Kärlek, förfeminism och preciöst tankestoff i Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflychts diktningSundin, Vera January 2017 (has links)
The poet Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht (1718–63) wrote extensively on the subject of love. Often, her texts discuss love in relation to Enlightenment subjects, such as female emancipation and education. Her works bear traces of so-called précieuse ideas – an adjective sometimes used to pack together learned French aristocratic women who frequented the Parisian salons in the mid seventeenth century. The précieuses have become famous for their original and radical thoughts on the role of women. This thesis examines the view of love expressed in a selection of pastorals, fairy tales and lyric poems by Nordenflycht, bringing the précieuse protofeminist heritage into focus. Nordenflycht was an extremely assured debater who, throughout her life, consistently advocated practically the same ideological messages. Her advocacy of female emancipation runs through nearly all her texts in some form and is, as this thesis demonstrates, apparent even in her pastorals, fairy tales and lyric poems. In this respect, she bridges differences of genre. Nordenflycht used the realm of fiction to create and promote an alternative to the traditional amorous attachments: tender, equal and spiritual friendships, inspired by Madeleine de Scudéry’s amitié tendre. She portrayed ideal love as a relationship between two free souls, helping each other reach true wisdom. Interestingly, this emphasis on ethereal affection seems to have led to the complete exclusion of sexuality from her writings. Furthermore, by depicting love as path to individual self-realisation, Nordenflycht heralded romantic love. This thesis provides a comprehensive picture of Nordenflycht’s philosophy of love and the way it relates to early modern protofeminist ideas.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa constitui uma análise do ideal de amor romântico como um dos possíveis determinantes à denominada feminização do vírus do hiv-aids, tomando como ponto de partida a experiência em pesquisa com mulheres atendidas no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto. De acordo com dados do Ministério da Saúde (Boletim UNAIDS 2013) a mortalidade entre mulheres infectadas já supera a de homens no Brasil, e em especial no campo da presente pesquisa – Estado do Pará. Nesta realidade, por meio da prática em pesquisa como psicólogo, inúmeros questionamentos foram delineados: O que essas mulheres escutadas nas enfermarias do hospital nos dizem acerca de sua exposição a essa enfermidade? Suas demandas poderiam nos dar indícios acerca da feminização da síndrome? Diante destas questões, tem-se como problema de pesquisa a possível relação entre o ideal de amor romântico imaginariamente tomado como completude e proteção e o fenômeno da crescente exposição de mulheres ao vírus do hiv-aids em Belém-PA. Para tanto, utilizou-se como método a pesquisa documental em relatos de caso estudados no Laboratório de Psicanálise e Psicopatologia Fundamental (LPPF/UFPA) entre os anos de 2009 a 2013, que resultaram em ampla produção científica. Com esta abordagem, possibilita-se uma análise tanto cultural quanto individual acerca das construções referidas ao amor romântico como ideal. Da revisão crítica das construções culturais acerca do amor, com enfoque no romance/mito de Tristão e Isolda, na metafísica amorosa d O Banquete de Platão e na pedagogia de Rousseau em Emílio, notou-se a existência de diversos elementos culturais que funcionam como aporte necessário à construção de uma mitológica individual presente no discurso das mulheres escutadas no referido espaço de pesquisa. Além disso, uma revisão crítica do amor romântico como ideal em psicanálise se mostrou necessária, pois nele se desenha a ilusão de uma satisfação narcísica pela via da completude, na qual o sujeito pode se colocar em uma postura vulnerável justamente por sentir que o amor o salvaguardaria de todos os males da existência. Por fim, verificamos, na releitura dos casos estudados, que este discurso se faz presente, pois em inúmeros casos, elas se acreditavam protegidas pelo amor, tanto no caso de um súbito apaixonamento, quanto em relações estáveis com seus parceiros sexuais. Como resultado desta pesquisa, e a partir do que consta nos relatos de caso clínico dessas mulheres, pode-se considerar que o ideal de amor romântico constitui um fator decisivo, que pode influenciar no crescente número de mulheres vivendo com aids. / [en] This research analyzes the ideal of romantic love as one of the possible determinants of the so-called feminization of the HIV-AIDS virus, taking as a starting point a research experience involving female patients of the University Hospital João de Barros Barreto. According to data by the Ministry of Health (UNAIDS Bulletin 2013), mortality among infected women already exceeds that of men in Brazil, especially in the area covered by the present research, the state of Pará. Given that situation, a wide range of questions were outlined based on our research practice as a psychologist, such as What do these women, who were interviewed at the hospital wards, tell us about their exposure to that disease? and Can their needs provide us with clues about the feminization of the syndrome? Given these questions, the research subject is about the possible relationship between the ideal of romantic love imagined as completeness and protection and the phenomenon of increased exposure of women to the HIV-AIDS virus in Belém-PA. Regarding the method, a documental research involving case reports was carried out at the Laboratory of Psychoanalysis and Fundamental Psychopathology (LPPF/UFPA) from 2009 to 2013, which resulted in a large scientific production. This approach allowed us to perform both a cultural and an individual analysis of the constructions that refer to romantic love as an ideal. The critical review of cultural constructions about love, taking into account especially the novel/myth of Tristan and Iseult, the metaphysics of love in Plato s Symposium, and Rousseau s pedagogy in his Émile, allowed us to survey various cultural elements that operate as required contributions to the construction of an individual mythology present in the discourse of the interviewed women. In addition, a critical revision of romantic love as an ideal in psychoanalysis turned out to be necessary as well, since it encourages the illusion of narcissistic satisfaction by means of completeness, allowing the subject to put himself in a vulnerable position precisely because he feels that love would protect him from all the evils of existence. Eventually, as we reread the cases studied, we concluded that this discourse is actually present, since in many cases, those women actually believe they are protected by love, both in the event of a sudden passion and of stable relationships with their sexual partners. As a result of this research, and based on what the clinical case reports of these women contain, the ideal of romantic love may be considered a decisive factor that could influence the growing number of women living with AIDS. / [fr] Cette recherche analyse l idéal de l amour romantique comme l un des déterminants de la soi-disant féminisation du virus VIH-SIDA, ayant comme point de départ une recherche auprès de femmes traitées à l hôpital universitaire João de Barros Barreto. Selon le Ministère de la Santé (Bulletin UNAIDS 2013), la mortalité des femmes infectées dépasse déjà celui des hommes au Brésil, en particulier dans la région de cette recherche, l état du Pará. Cette situation, ainsi que notre pratique en tant que psychologue, suscite de nombreuses questions: Qu est-ce que les femmes interviewées dans les différentes cliniques de l hôpital nous disent au sujet de leur exposition à cette maladie? et Leurs besoins peuvent-ils nous fournir des indices au sujet de la féminisation du syndrome? Face à ces questions, le problème de recherche porte donc sur le rapport possible entre l idéal de l amour romantique imaginairement pris pour la complétude et la protection et le phénomène l exposition croissante des femmes au virus du VIH-SIDA à Belém-PA. En tant que méthode, une recherche documentaire de rapports de cas a été menée au Laboratoire de Psychanalyse et de Psychopathologie Fondamentale (LPPF/UFPA) entre 2009 et 2013, dont le résultat a été une vaste production scientifique. Cette approche nous a permis de réaliser une analyse à la fois culturelle et individuelle des constructions qui se référent à l amour romantique comme idéal. L examen critique des constructions culturelles de l amour, prenant en compte particulièrement le roman/mythe de Tristan et Iseult, la métaphysique de l amour du Banquet de Platon et la pédagogie de Rousseau dans Émile, nous a permis de noter l existence de divers éléments culturels qui agissent comme contribution nécessaire pour construire une mythologie individuelle que l on retrouve dans le discours des femmes interviewées. En outre, un examen critique de l amour romantique comme idéal dans la psychanalyse s est avéré nécessaire, car il contient l illusion d une satisfaction narcissique par la voie de la complétude, dans laquelle le sujet peut se placer dans une position vulnérable justement parce qu il sent que l amour le protégerait de tous les maux de l existence. En somme, la relecture des cas étudiés montre que ce discours est effectivement présent, car dans de nombreux cas, ces femmes se croyaient protégées par l amour, non seulement dans le cas d un coup de foudre, mais aussi des relations stables qu elles entretiennent avec leurs partenaires sexuels. Les résultats de cette recherche, ainsi que le contenu des rapports de cas cliniques de ces femmes nous mènent à conclure que l amour romantique idéal est un facteur décisif qui pourrait effectivement influencer le nombre croissant de femmes qui vivent avec le SIDA.
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Love SongStillman, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Love Song is an essay about romance, passion, obsession, attraction, Eros, intoxication, infatuation, to fall in love and love. Love songs, as artworks, are almost always directed towards a nameless “you” and this essay wants to talk to you. The text might be seen as a way to create and rewrite something, a performance to understand other performances, a dwelling on past relationships, a love letter, or just a text for me to vent you with others that have been thinking about you. I would love to hear Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Chris Kraus, Beyoncé, Bell Hooks, Anaïs Nin and Taylor Swift talk to each other about art and romances, but because that is an impossible dream I try to connect them and many other thinkers, artists and singers through language. One of them, Roland Barthes once wrote: "Language is a skin: I rub my language against the other. It is as if I had worlds instead of fingers, or fingers at the tip of my worlds."[1] Love Song is, more than anything else an attempted to touch you, a strategy to better understand the way you made and make me feel. [1] Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse – Fragments, original: Fragments d’un discours amoureux, 1977, translation from French: Richard Howard, Edition du Seuil, 1978, p. 73.
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Tipos de amor representados en Tangled Before Ever After según jóvenes de entre 18 a 35 años que consumen este producto audiovisual / Types of love represented in Tangled Before Ever After according to young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 years that consume this audiovisual productRodriguez Ueno, Harumi Odaisa 09 September 2020 (has links)
El género romántico en el cine, sobre todo cuando está dirigido a menores, puede imponer ideales amorosos irreales, por el lado más inofensivo, y tóxicos llegando a un extremo que puede glamorizar daños físicos o psicológicos. En el caso de las películas infantiles, las más influyentes son aquellas hechas por las grandes productoras. A pesar del nivel de producción, alto presupuesto y de la admiración que la productora tenga, sus historias y sus personajes tengan, el contexto del consumidor determinará el poder de influencia que el contenido tenga en él mismo.
El objetivo de este estudio es hallar la forma en la que se representa el amor en Tangled Before Ever After (2017). Este largometraje es la ambiciosa secuela lanzada siete años después de su predecesora Tangled (2010), la famosa adaptación de Disney de la clásica historia de Rapunzel, la princesa en la torre. Por esto, la pregunta de investigación es la siguiente: ¿qué tipos de amor se representan en Tangled Before Ever After? Se hace referencia a tipos de amor específicamente en el ámbito romántico para este caso.
La respuesta se obtendrá a través del análisis de contenido aplicado al material audiovisual (dividiendo el mismo en escenas) y del uso de focus group (los grupos se dividirán por el lenguaje principal con el que se comunican). Los hallazgos se contrastarán con la información recaudada de autores como Berit Brogaard y Dorothy Tennov. / Romance as a genre in movies, furthermore when it’s meant for a very young audience, can impose unrealistic love ideals, at its least offensive side, and can go to the extreme of glamorizing physical and psychological harm. In the case of movies made for children, the most influential are those made by big production companies. Despite the quality of the production, big budget and the admiration that the company, it’s stories and it’s characters hold, the context in which the consumer lives will decide how much influence the content has on him or herself.
The objective of this sturdy is to find the ways in which love is represented in Tangled Before Ever After (2017). This feature film is the ambitious sequel premiered seven years after it’s predecessor, Tangled (2010), the famous Disney adaptation of the classic Rapunzel story, the princess in the tower. Therefore, the investigative question is: which types of love are represented in Tangled Before Ever After? In this context, we are referencing love in a romantic way.
The answer will be obtained through the content analysis applied to the audiovisual product (dividing this by scenes) and the use of focus groups (the groups will be separated by the main language in which they communicate). The findings will be contrasted with the information collected from authors like Berit Brogaard and Dorothy Tennov. / Trabajo de investigación
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Analýza genderových vztahů a konceptu romantické lásky v románu Milana Kundery Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí / The Analysis of Gender Relations and the Concept of Romantic Love in the Novel of Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of BeingKubová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis discusses gender relationships, construction of romantic love, and questions of infidelity in the novel Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. These concepts are examined by means of feminist literary theories that deal with gender as an analytic category and that draw on resistant reading and reader response criticism as major theoretical and methodological points of analysis. The first analytical part focuses on the ways in which femininity and masculinity of the main characters are constructed within the context of patriarchal society under socialism. The second part of the analysis is devoted to various forms of love that appear among the characters. It investigates the role of these love schemes within the presented relationships and focuses on motives of infidelity while considering the gender identity of the characters. By employing gender analysis, this diploma thesis offers a new perspective that reflects on the reproduction of gender stereotypes and departs from existing interpretations of Kundera's major novel.
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A qualitative inquiry into how romantic love has been portrayed by contemporary media and researchersGriffin, Stephanie A. 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating radical contradictions of original lovemaps: therapeutic implicationsLake, Tracy Melanie 31 August 2006 (has links)
Years of psychotherapy practice at university, state, and military hospitals developed the author's interest in the presentation of love relationship problems. Mood and anxiety disorders, as the most prevalent pathologies, were often co-morbid with or secondary to partner relationship issues. Most vexing for clients was a situation of repeated dysfunctional partner selections in which similar problems arose each time. This incubated the idea of a process, probably outside of awareness, that functioned to perpetuate self-defeating partner selection patterns. The author was introduced to Money's `lovemap' concept during studies and identified readily with its principles and mechanisms. The lovemap is defined as a highly individualised, developed, mental template or cognitive blueprint of the ideal lover. It is assumed that every person has a lovemap, and would be able to describe it if asked the right questions. The concept promised to be a useful vehicle for studying self-defeating partner selection patterns, as `errors' might be coded into the lovemap that are expressed in such a presentation. The author identified the need to ground the lovemap concept in recognised psychological theory in order to motivate for its relevance. Kelly's theory of cognitive constructs provided robust links for lovemap as a sophisticated construction system, and the developmental theories of Freud and Erikson situated lovemap genesis within recognised periods of emerging human capacities to love and relate sexually; the stages of puberty to young adulthood. Lovemaps are assumed to function optimally when love and lust co-operate in pairbonding, or the capacity to couple. Extensive literature reviews cover the research fields of romantic love, human sexuality, and pairbonding, affording hypotheses as to lovemap pathology. A qualitative, Phenomenological research design of case studies with six adult persons, who had experienced radical contradictions of original lovemaps, identified when and how lovemap change took place. Thematic analysis of the attributions for change distilled a number of implications for therapy that would encourage certain indicated change processes. An integrative psychotherapy model recognises the cognitively- and socially constructed nature of lovemaps and proposes intervention components that blend cognitive-behavioural and narrative approaches. This model will be tested extensively with a suitable client population. / Psychology / D. Litt. ET Phil. (Psychology)
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Figura rerum : 'the pattern of the glory' : the theological contributions of Charles WilliamsBlair, Paul S. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis seeks to show that Charles Williams makes a significant contribution to theology, and it demonstrates the nature of that contribution. A pattern of theological themes centering on the Incarnation, emphasizing the humanity of Christ, is repeated throughout his works. For Williams, human beings are images of the coinherent Godhead. His theological anthropology further develops through his understanding of imaging, as shown for instance in the Incarnation, and in Dante's characterization of Beatrice as a God bearer. His view of images is built from Coleridge's understanding of the nature of a symbol. This picture of imaging is widely applied, first and foremost to relationships of love, seen as potential incarnate images of grace. Williams seeks to extend his picture to all relationships and, further, to whatever man must do to go beyond himself to an encounter with God. He believes that man is responsible for his brother, in practice by bearing his brother's burdens, with substitutionary acts of vicarious love. A further part of his thinking then views people as living in coinherent relationships, and the universe as a web of coinherent relations. He draws his examples of natural coinherent relations from the world of commerce with its exchange and substitution of labors and from the child living within its mother, and builds a picture of what he calls the City, a broader coinherent society. Coinherence begins and flows from the Trinity and the Incarnation and then is found in relationships between God and man: in the Church, in the future City of God, and in all Creation. The Fall brings about the breakdown of the coinherence of God and man and man and man, and that breakdown is a central characteristic of sin. Williams believes that a regenerated coinherence in Christ brings about a renewal of mankind.
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Seguindo as orientações \"politicamente corretas\" do desejo: o ser e o ter que... a participação da subjetividade dos jovens no exercício de sua sexualidade e em sua atuação como agente de prevenção / Following the politically correct orientations of the will: to be and to have to... the participation of the subjectivity of the youth in the exercise of their sexuality and in their action as agents of preventionMoraes, Teresa Cristina Lara de 24 April 2009 (has links)
A epidemia do HIV/AIDS vem mobilizando nas últimas três décadas muitos pesquisadores de diversas áreas do conhecimento (medicina, psicologia, educação, sociologia, antropologia, dentre outras), visto ser um problema sério de saúde pública e a prevenção, a principal arma que a ciência lança mão para o seu combate. Nesse sentido, muita se produziu nos últimos anos visando contribuir para o aprimoramento das propostas de intervenção na área da saúde e educação, com o intuito de combater e prevenir a disseminação das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis em geral, e em especial, a AIDS, sobretudo junto à juventude. Vale observar que dentre as propostas de intervenção, algumas privilegiaram uma concepção biomédica de saúde, centrando suas preocupações na fisiologia do corpo humano e na prescrição e transmissão de conhecimentos e formas de comportamentos, cujos argumentos enfatizavam a utilização pura e simples do preservativo masculino, sem grande preocupação em trazer para o debate questões de ordem social e cultural que determinam e conduzem o desejo e as práticas afetivas e sexuais dos indivíduos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo refletir, por meio de uma leitura psicossocial, a respeito das estratégias de intervenção que aponta o jovem como o promotor de ações de prevenção às DST/AIDS junto a seus pares da mesma faixa etária. Entender a subjetividade dessas jovens lideranças das camadas populares na sociedade contemporânea, frente a seu papel como agente de prevenção no combate às DST/AIDS e de como se percebem no exercício de sua própria sexualidade, foi uma de nossas preocupações centrais. Outra questão envolveu o questionamento sobre até que ponto o investimento na formação, preparação e instrumentalização desses jovens em relação a questões ligadas à sexualidade favorecem suas tomadas de decisões com maior segurança em suas relações afetivas e sexuais. As contribuições teóricas de Pichon-Rivière foram fundamentais para trazer aos grupos de discussão as representações individuais e coletivas acerca de temas que os agentes discutem e problematizam nas oficinas de sexualidade junto a outros jovens, possibilitando um processo de ressignificação das representações que fazem acerca de concepções fortemente enraizadas em nossa cultura envolvendo, desde as desigualdades de gênero, o amor romântico até os preconceitos e tabus em torno da sexualidade e de como têm essas concepções interiorizadas, a despeito de toda a crítica que tecem sobre as mesmas. / The HIV/AIDS epidemic has been mobilizing several researchers from several areas of knowledge (medicine, psychology, education, sociology, anthropology, among others), during the last three decades, as this is a serious public health problem and prevention the leading weapon that science can take hold of to struggle against it. In this aspect, a great deal of work has been produced in the last years aiming to contribute to the betterment of the proposals to intervene in the health and education areas, with the purpose of fighting and preventing dissemination of sexually transmitted diseases as a whole and AIDS specially, above all to the young.That is worth observing that among the intervening proposals, some have privileged a biomedical health conception, focusing the concerns on human body physiology and on the prescription and transmission of knowledge and types of behavior, which arguments have emphasized only the use of male condoms without a great concern to bring into the debate issues of social and cultural aspects that determine and conduct the desire and the affective and sexual practices of individuals. The present work has the purpose of pondering, by means of a psychosocial reading, over the intervention strategies that point out the young as the promoter of the prevention action for STD/AIDS next to his/her peers of the same age group. To understand the subjectivity of such young leadership in the popular groups of our contemporary society, in face of his/her role as an agent of prevention in the battle against STD/AIDS and how they perceive themselves in the practice of their own sexuality, was one of our central concerns. Another issue brought into question was in which extent the investment on education, preparation, and instrumentalization of this young group, in relation to the issues connected to sexuality, assist them to safely reach decisions in their affective and sexual relationships. The theoretical contributions of Pichon-Rivière were fundamental to bring into the discussion groups the individual and collective representations for the issues that the agents discuss and problematize in the study groups about sexuality next to other young people, making possible a re-signification of the representations they do about extremely rooted conceptions of our culture covering from gender disparities, the romantic love, to the prejudices and taboos around sexuality - and how these conceptions are internalized despite of all criticism they comment on them.
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