Spelling suggestions: "subject:"root causes"" "subject:"foot causes""
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Poor choices : An empirical study of terrorism in Europe during the economic crisisFrisk, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This study deals with empirical collection and analysis regarding terrorist attacks in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain during the Economic crisis and the effects of the economic crisis on certain types of terrorist groups. The aim of the study is to contribute empirically to the “root causes” debate within Terrorism studies. It also contributes by making certain adjustments to existing categorisation of terrorist groups. The research methods used are both quantitative and qualitative and the research strategy is of a hypothetical-deductive nature. Findings conclude that the Puritanical Anarchist type of terrorism has seen an increase during the crisis, but only the Social Revolutionary type shows a propensity for using the crisis as a reason behind attacks. The study contributes to the barren empirical and theoretical landscape within Root causes.
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Understanding and preventing construction conflict, claims and disputes : a critical in-depth study into their causes and recommendations to control in the United Arab EmiratesTaher, Nadhem Asaad bin Asaad January 2009 (has links)
Construction claims are considered by many project participants as one of the most disruptive and unpleasant events of a project (Ho & Liu, 2004). Researchers like Kumaraswamy (1996) argue that claims managers should focus not merely on the significant claims categories but also on the avoidable ones, to minimize the damaging effects on a given project. It becomes apparent that the causes underlying different claims categories have to be identified so that controllability and avoidability may be established. This research examines the issues by looking at the construction industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the second largest single industry after oil and gas sector, where claims and disputes are a major problem in the country. 51 leading construction participants including clients, consultants and contractors alike in the UAE were sampled for the study. The analytical results of the survey were further examined, compared and validated via the analysis of the data collected from 45 construction projects. The main findings of the first phase of study lead to the establishment of an index system called Claim Focus Index (CFI) that further establishes the finding of the 16 most significant types of claims and disputes in the UAE. The study continues to examine the underlying causes of the most significant types of claims and disputes and has identified unique sets of the root causes specific to each significant type of claims and disputes. These shall establish the basis to formulate strategies to focus on avoidability and minimization of claims and disputes.
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Francouzský mal-être: Zkoumání kořenových příčin a dalších vysvětlujících faktorů způsobujících vzestup radikalizace ve Francii / France's mal-être: Exploring the root causes and other explanatory factors behind the rise of radicalization in France.Gallard, Alice Mathilde January 2019 (has links)
This thesis will provide readers with an in-depth understanding of the root causes and risks factors of Islamic radicalisation in France. It argues that Islamic radicalisation in France cannot solely be explained through one factor. This research argues that mental illnesses, deception, trauma and relative deprivation do not give a solid impetus for individuals to radicalize. Rather, radicalisation in France should be understood as an association of socio-economic, psychological, and political factors. Given the misuse of the term, the first chapter has been dedicated to its definition and to the differences between cognitive and behavioural radicalisation. Such differentiation is necessary for a thorough understanding of the topic. The second chapter gives a clear and concise overview of the different models and theories of radicalisation, contributing to a quick introduction to the different root causes and risk factors of radicalisation. The third chapter consists of a review and analysis of the available literature on the risk factors of radicalisation while the fourth and final chapter consists of an analysis of said factors in light of the French case, ultimately aiming to understand which root causes and risk factors are of high relevance in the case of France. All in all, this thesis sheds...
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The key reasons why or why not prescribing providers of opioids access the Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS)Nibert, Mary E. 23 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Rotorsaker till dödsolyckorI bygg- anläggnings- och installationsbranschernaBrile, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
The work of this master thesis, at the Royal Institute of Technology, is primarily a study of rootcauses of fatal injuries at work, related to building and construction industries includinginstallation. As a term, root cause has not only obvious synonyms, since the meaning can vary fromword to word. The author of the thesis is discussing how a root cause should be defined with somealternatives. Here, a common nominator can be that the level of impact caused should not be builtinto the term. Moreover, the definition must not hinder the practical use of root causes through unintentional misunderstanding. Fundamentally, this study is to determine whether a root cause is appropriate for use related toaccident prevention at work. Consequently, the author found 19 of them organised under theseprincipal headings: responsibility, risk analysis, communication, and protective measure. This study is accomplished through a qualitative research methodology only, based on aliterature study. A substantial part of it was to analyse court judgments related to fatal, and workrelatedaccidents, and if possible, find root causes. There were two interviews by focus groups withone employer organisation, Byggföretagen, and one trade union, Byggnads, represented. Since one of the purposes was to make a suitability assessment of the root causes and seriouslydiscuss these in the light of the introduced trails, a major part of this thesis is about the underlyingreasons for the fatal accidents of the industries. Hence, the result section of the report is worthwhileto read since it is based on wide and deep knowledge by the interviewed representatives in workenvironment related issues of the building and construction industries. Another part of the thesis is highlighting how useful statistics of accidents, from the SwedishWork Environment Authority (SWEA) and related sources, are. From the authors side, there arepoints of view about how precise the data of the registers are, since there is a growing labour importconsisting of posted workers and a workforce within the black-grey market. Some conclusions that are drawn: Societal actors would benefit from more suitable data androot causes, possible to use as tools, in both proactive and reactive purposes. / Detta masterarbete, vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, är primärt en studie av så kallade rotorsaker,eller grundorsaker till arbetsrelaterade dödsfall inom branscherna bygg, anläggning och installation.Begreppet rotorsak har inte enbart självklara synonymer, utan betydelsen kan skifta något från ordtill ord. Författaren till detta arbete diskuterar vad som bör definiera en rotorsak: det finns fleraalternativ, men en gemensam nämnare kan vara att dessa inte anger i vilken grad de påverkar, somtill exempel huvudorsak gör. Definitionen får inte heller ”stå i vägen” för den praktiskaanvändningen av rotorsaker genom att syftet missuppfattas. Fundamentalt i denna studie var att utröna vilka rotorosaker som är användbara för proaktivtarbetsmiljöarbete inom nämnda branscher. Författaren fann 19 stycken sorterade underhuvudrubrikerna ansvar, riskbedömning, kommunikation och skyddsåtgärd. Studien genomfördes som en, helt och hållet, kvalitativ studie baserad på genomläsning avtillgänglig litteratur. En väsentlig del var att studera domslut avseende arbetsmiljörelateradedödsolycksfall i brottsmål och där eventuellt finna rotorsaker. Två fokusgruppintervjuer gjordes, enmed representanter från Byggföretagen, en arbetsgivarorganisation, och en annan med deltagarefrån fackföreningen Byggnads. Eftersom ett av syftena var att lämplighetsbedöma rotorsakerna och verkligen diskutera dessa iljuset av de i fokusgrupperna presenterade rättsfallen, så handlar merparten av denna rapport omvad som ligger bakom dödsolycksfall inom branscherna. Den här resultatdelen är verkligen värd attläsa då den bygger på erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap av intervjudeltagare, med bred såväl som djupkunskap i arbetsmiljöfrågor, inom bygg och anläggning. En annan del av studien belyser användbarheten av olycksstatistik från Arbetsmiljöverket ochrelaterade källor. Här finns synpunkter på hur exakt informationen är på grund av att det finns enökande andel utstationerad arbetskraft i Sverige, liksom en grå-svart arbetskraftssektor samt hurstatistiken är indelad i registren. En slutsats är att flera samhällsaktörer skulle tjäna på en mer ändamålsenlig statistik samt påatt ha tillgång till relevanta rotorsaker, att använda som analysverktyg både för proaktiva ochreaktiva syften.
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Terrorismens orsaker : Om skapandet av generella kausalteorier när det gäller uppkomsten av terrorismEriksson, Råbert January 2007 (has links)
<p>The first of the dual purposes of this work has been to describe the research that has been done regarding the root causes of terrorism and second, using a general causal theory and examining the political dimensions of it, to discuss whether or not general causal theories (grand-theories) are helpful for researchers and policy-makers when reacting to social developments in the form of terrorism. The essay is a qualitative literature analysis and I have based my studies on mostly new books treating root causes of terrorism. I have concentrated on discussing international terrorism and how political dimensions may impact the occurence of this form of political violence. The conclusions I have made is that there is no widespread consensus among researchers and scholars as to what really causes terrorism. Neither can the general model examined in chapter 5 be used to predict when and where terrorism will occur next. The author of the model says that different types of political systems may act as catalysts for terrorism, although some democracys are targeted by terrorists and some are not. That strongly indicates to me that there is no strong causality between type of political system and terrorism, at least not between type of political system and international terrorism.</p><p>The above leads me to believe that there is no way of constructing a grand-theory that can explain all occurence of terrorism. There will always be factors that cannot be charted and that no one can predict. If one were to continue mapping the political factors that catalyst terrorism one would do well by looking at the relationship between policy and the occurence of terrorism. What political factors do the countries that have been attacked have in common?</p><p>Instead of trying to manufacture grand-theories explaining why terrorism occurs I conclude that researchers and scholars studying the political causes of terrorism ought to approach terrorismstudies in an intense empirical way, analyzing specific cases in depth. Policy-makers would also be better off analyzing the specific political factors of their time and geographical location rather than trying to adopt a view that all terrorism can be charted and prevented in a universal way.</p>
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Risking it to Libya : Irregular Migration from the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana to LibyaNtenhene, Felix January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores the phenomenon of irregular migration from the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana to Libya. It draws on migration theories to explain the underlying drivers of the phenomenon in the region. Many studies on irregular migration in Sub-Saharan Africa have predominantly attributed it to the push/pull theory. The objective here is to go beyond this stereotypical way of theorizing irregular migration in Sub-Saharan Africa by drawing on a wide range of migration theories to explain the underlying drivers of irregular migration from the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana to Libya. The evidence suggests that the drivers of irregular migration in the area under study are complex and nested in a broad-spectrum of social, cultural, moral, economic, historical, etc. context. Therefore, a single theory is inadequate to present a comprehensive explanation for the underlying drivers of the subject. It is revealed that there is the emergence of contemporary competing factors such as sports betting and internet fraud with some of the root causes of the phenomenon in the region. Hence, some of the root causes are weakened by these contemporary factors.
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Visualizing potential for improvements in the information flow for road haulages : Exploratory case study on two Swedish road haulage firms / Visualisera potential för förbättringar av informationsflödet för vägtransport åkerier : Explorativ fallstudie av två svenska vägtransport åkerierKhateeb, Yones, Atta, Mahmoud January 2022 (has links)
Background: The understanding of the inefficiencies that the road haulages suffer from is more important than ever, specifically in today's society where the environmental problems and technological development are rapidly increasing. The perception of the inefficiencies could support road haulage firms to improve their operations. In addition, industry and commerce can develop new technology to decrease the inefficiency in the industry. This master thesis will contribute to more knowledge regarding the inefficiencies that road haulages suffer from to favour road haulage firms and the society’s economic development. Purpose: The purpose of the master thesis is, to identify and visualize the root causes in information flow that leads to inefficiencies. The impact the inefficiencies have on the physical flow, will also be investigated.Methods: The research strategy adopted to fulfil the purpose of the thesis consist of a detailed empirical case study at two road haulage firms. The data were collected through semi- and un- structured interviews. The data were analysed with the data reduction approach. Furthermore, numerous adopted frameworks 7-waste framework, RCA & Ishikawa matrix, and data flow diagram from previous studies were used to analyse the derived data from the interviews. Results: The results revealed that road haulages were operating in similar processes and the conveyed information during an operation was similar between the two case firms. Most of the root causes in the information flow occurred during upstream operations for both case firms, which affected the downstream operations. There were 4 different types of inefficiencies that were similar in both case firms. The manual handling of information, misunderstanding during operations, customer requirements, and incorrect runs. Conclusions: The findings of this study prove that (1) the road haulage industry has a similar conveyed information flow throughout the conducted operations. (2) The root causes in the information flow that leads to inefficiencies, appeared foremost in the upstream operations for the road haulage industry. (3) The inefficiencies inhibited mostly the utilization of time and cost during operations for the road haulage industry, which was a subjective judgment from the authors based on adopted frameworks. / Bakgrund: Att förstå den ineffektivitet som åkerierna lider av är viktigare än någonsin, särskilt i dagens samhälle där miljöproblem och den tekniska utvecklingen ökar snabbt. Förståelsen av ineffektivitet kan stödja åkeriföretag i arbetet mot att förbättra sin verksamhet. Dessutom kan industri och handel utveckla ny teknik för att minska ineffektivitet i branschen. Detta examensarbete kommer att bidra till mer kunskap om ineffektivitet som åkeriföretag lider av, med målet att gynna åkeribranschen och samhällets ekonomiska utveckling.Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera och visualisera rotorsakerna i informationsflödet som kan leda till ineffektivitet samt undersöka dess påverkan på det fysiska flödet.Metod: Den forskningsstrategi som använts för att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen bestod av en detaljerad empirisk fallstudie på två åkeriföretag. Data samlades in genom semi- och ostrukturerade intervjuer för att sedan analyseras med den så kallade data reduktion metoden. Vidare har ett flertal ramverk från tidigare studier, så som ”7-waste framework”, ”data flow diagram” och ”RCA & Ishikawa matrisen” använts för att analysera data från intervjuerna för att uppfylla syftet med studien.Resultat: Resultatet påvisade att åkerier inom branschen opererade med snarlika processer. Den information som förmedlades under en operation var likartad mellan de två firmorna i fallstudien. De flesta rotorsakerna i informationsflödet inträffade i uppströmsverksamheten för båda firmorna i fallstudien, vilket påverkade nedströmsverksamheten. Det fanns fyra olika ineffektivitetsproblem som var likartade i de båda fallstudierna. Manuell hantering av information, missförstånd under drift, kundkrav och felaktiga körningar.Slutsatser: Slutsatserna av denna studie visar, (1) att informationsflödet som förmedlas under operationer för åkeribranschen är likartade, (2) att rotorsakerna i informationsflödet som leder till ineffektivitet visade sig förekomma uppströms under operationer för åkeribranschen, (3) ineffektivitetsproblemen som förekom från informationsflödet påverkade det fysiska flödet med högre ledtider och ökade kostnader för åkerinäringen, vilket var en subjektiv bedömning av författarna baserat på de adopterade ramverken.
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Modelo de avaliação para apoiar a preparação de um sistema produtivo para a implantação do sistema de produção enxutaGehres, Fernando Fischer 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-12-06T13:34:53Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-31 / Nenhuma / Com o quadro recessivo apresentado pela economia brasileira nos últimos dois anos, houve uma exacerbação da concorrência no setor industrial. Assim, muitas empresas buscaram sua sobrevivência através de ganhos em produtividade e eficiência. Uma alternativa a ser considerada nesta situação é a implantação dos Sistemas de Produção Enxuta (SPE), derivados do Sistema Toyota de Produção. No entanto, a literatura reporta baixas taxas de sucesso na implantação dos SPE (entre 10 e 20%). Esta pesquisa investiga os motivos para esta baixa taxa de sucesso através de estudo de caso em duas empresas industriais do setor metal-mecânico. Para determinar as causas-raízes da baixa taxa de sucesso, utilizou-se a ARA – Árvore da Realidade Atual – ferramenta lógica pertencente ao Processo de Pensamento da Teoria das Restrições. A partir das causas-raízes foi proposto um Modelo de Diagnóstico para determinar a condição da empresa que pretende iniciar a implantação do SPE, indicando suas deficiências e aumentando suas chances de sucesso, caso ações corretivas sejam aplicadas. / Brazilian economy recession in the last two years led to a growing competition in the industry. Companies based their survival on productivity and efficiency enhancement. One possible alternative is Lean Manufacturing implementation, based on Toyota Production System. Nevertheless, literature reports low success rates on Lean Manufacturing implementation (between 10 and 20%). This research investigates the reasons for such a low success rate thought a case study on two metal industries. In order to identify the failure root causes, Current Reality Trees, derived from Theory of Constraints Thinking Process, were used. Based on the root causes, a Self-assessment Model was proposed to grade company situation before Lean Manufacturing implementation process starts. This way, deficiencies can be timely identified and actions taken, incresing success opportunity.
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Terrorismens orsaker : Om skapandet av generella kausalteorier när det gäller uppkomsten av terrorismEriksson, Råbert January 2007 (has links)
The first of the dual purposes of this work has been to describe the research that has been done regarding the root causes of terrorism and second, using a general causal theory and examining the political dimensions of it, to discuss whether or not general causal theories (grand-theories) are helpful for researchers and policy-makers when reacting to social developments in the form of terrorism. The essay is a qualitative literature analysis and I have based my studies on mostly new books treating root causes of terrorism. I have concentrated on discussing international terrorism and how political dimensions may impact the occurence of this form of political violence. The conclusions I have made is that there is no widespread consensus among researchers and scholars as to what really causes terrorism. Neither can the general model examined in chapter 5 be used to predict when and where terrorism will occur next. The author of the model says that different types of political systems may act as catalysts for terrorism, although some democracys are targeted by terrorists and some are not. That strongly indicates to me that there is no strong causality between type of political system and terrorism, at least not between type of political system and international terrorism. The above leads me to believe that there is no way of constructing a grand-theory that can explain all occurence of terrorism. There will always be factors that cannot be charted and that no one can predict. If one were to continue mapping the political factors that catalyst terrorism one would do well by looking at the relationship between policy and the occurence of terrorism. What political factors do the countries that have been attacked have in common? Instead of trying to manufacture grand-theories explaining why terrorism occurs I conclude that researchers and scholars studying the political causes of terrorism ought to approach terrorismstudies in an intense empirical way, analyzing specific cases in depth. Policy-makers would also be better off analyzing the specific political factors of their time and geographical location rather than trying to adopt a view that all terrorism can be charted and prevented in a universal way.
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