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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo com o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach sobre o funcionamento psíquico de pacientes que realizaram tratamento para a obesidade / A study with Rorschach Psychodiagnostic on the psychological functioning of patients who underwent obesity treatment

Lívia Kondrat Pinto 05 December 2011 (has links)
As mudanças ocorridas na sociedade e nos padrões de comportamento das últimas décadas, impulsionadas pelo crescimento econômico, globalização e urbanização contribuíram para a atual epidemia de obesidade, considerada hoje um problema de saúde pública e fator de risco para inúmeras doenças. Por ser uma doença multifatorial, seu tratamento é complexo e envolve a necessidade de mudanças nos hábitos e comportamentos alimentares, bem como do estilo de vida, devendo ser desenvolvido por uma equipe interdisciplinar. O Balão de Ar é um dos tratamentos disponíveis dentro do modelo médico, em especial, o Balão da BioFlex. Contudo, a adesão ao tratamento para a obesidade por parte dos pacientes é considerada baixa. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar traços e características da estrutura e da dinâmica da personalidade de pacientes obesos e verificar a relação entre os resultados obtidos e a adesão ao tratamento. A amostra foi composta por 19 participantes, sendo 15 mulheres e quatro homens, independentemente dos níveis socioeconômico e educacional. Os participantes foram encaminhados pela equipe médica responsável e pelos próprios pacientes que já estavam em tratamento. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach e as observações clínicas das avaliações psicodiagnósticas e dos encontros psicoeducativos grupais mensais. Os pacientes foram divididos em três subgrupos: aqueles com perda maior de 10% do peso inicial (Grupo A), os com perda menor de 10% (Grupo B) e aqueles com ganho de peso (Grupo C). A avaliação psicológica ocorreu no hospital em que o tratamento e a própria pesquisa foram realizadas e no consultório da psicóloga pesquisadora, conforme a disponibilidade de horários dos pacientes. O acompanhamento em grupo ocorreu exclusivamente no próprio hospital, em local adequado para sua realização e autorizado pelo médico responsável pela pesquisa. Verificou-se que os pacientes do Grupo A apresentam flexibilidade cognitiva e possuem recursos psíquicos para lidar com as demandas, no entanto estão vivenciando algum grau de estresse subjetivamente sentido, o que dificulta a mobilização adequada e suficiente desses recursos, contribuindo para a diminuição da tolerância à frustração e o aumento da impulsividade. Observa-se, ainda, a presença de traços narcisistas de personalidade e o uso da intelectualização como principal mecanismo defensivo. Os pacientes do Grupo B possuem poucos recursos psíquicos, maior rigidez cognitiva, apresentam dificuldades em identificar as necessidades básicas internas primárias e secundárias e lançam mão da fantasia como principal defesa psíquica. Tanto os pacientes do grupo A como os do Grupo B delegam aos outros as responsabilidades pelas suas escolhas, possuem uma postura mais passiva e menos assertiva nos relacionamentos interpessoais, bem como imaturidade emocional, além de dificuldades em estabelecer vínculos significativos e nos processos de simbolização. Já aqueles pacientes do Grupo C são imaturos emocionalmente e apresentam dificuldades em estabelecer vínculos significativos com os outros e em identificar aquilo que sentem. Conclui-se, com base no que foi observado, que há algumas 9 semelhanças e diferenças no funcionamento psíquico entre aqueles que perderam mais peso daqueles que perderam menos ou ganharam peso, assim como em relação à adesão ao tratamento / The changes in society and in patterns of behavior in recent decades driven by economic growth, globalization and urbanization have contributed to the current epidemic of obesity, which is considered, nowadays, a public health problem and a risk factor for numerous diseases. Because it is a multifactorial disease, its treatment is complex and involves needs for changes in eating habits and behavior as well as lifestyle and should be carried out by an interdisciplinary team. The Air Balloon is one of the treatments available within the medical model, and the BioFlex Balloon is one of them. However, adherence to treatment for obesity by the patients is considered low. This research aims to identify personalitys traces and characteristics of the structure and psychic dynamics of obese patients and to investigate the relationship between the results and the adherence to treatment. The sample consisted of 19 participants, 15 women and four men, regardless of socioeconomic and educational levels. Participants were referred by medical staff in charge and by those patients who were already receiving treatment. The instruments used were the Rorschach Psychodiagnostic and clinical observations of psychodiagnostic evaluations and of psychoeducational monthly group meetings. Patients were divided into three subgroups: those with more than 10% loss of initial weight (Group A), those with less than 10% loss of initial weight (Group B) and those with weight gain (Group C). The psychological evaluation occurred at the hospital where the treatment and the research itself took place and at the researchers office, according to patients availability schedules. The monthly group meetings occurred exclusively in the hospital in an adequate place for its realization and authorizes by the physician responsible for the study. It was found that patients from Group A have cognitive flexibility and psychological resources to cope with the demands imposed on them by internal and external events in their lives, but they are experiencing some level of subjectively felt stress, which hinders the mobilization of adequate and sufficient coping resources, contributing to limited tolerance for frustration and to impulsive actions. There is also the presence of narcissistic personality traces and the use of intellectualization as the main defensive mechanism. Patients from Group B have fewer resources, cognitive inflexibility, difficulties in identifying their primary and secondary basic internal needs and they use fantasy as the main defensive mechanism. Both patients from Group A and from Group B place on others the responsibility for their choices, have more passive and less assertive behavior in interpersonal relationships as well as emotional immaturity and difficulties in symbolization process and in establishing meaningful bonds with others. Patients from Group C are emotionally immature individuals and have difficult establishing meaningful bonds with others and in identifying their feelings. It is concluded, based on what has been observed, that there are some similarities and differences in psychological functioning among those who lost more weight as well as in relation to adherence to treatment

Test Order Effects on Children's Rorschachs

Coyle, Edward L. (Edward Louis), 1965- 05 1900 (has links)
Thirty-three children from a community sample, ages 5 to 13, were administered the Rorschach Inkblot Test, along with projective Draw-an-Animal and Draw-a-Person tasks and other psychological measures. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three test order conditions: Draw-an-Animal followed by the Rorschach, Draw-a-Person followed by the Rorschach, and Rorschach before any other projective test. The number of Human and Animal contents in the test records was examined. Analysis showed no significant differences among the three groups for production of the content variables, suggesting that the Rorschach Inkblot Test is relatively robust with respect to test order effects.

The Effects of Cognitive Flexibility on Rorschach Interpretation

Walters, Terry L. (Terry Lynne) 08 1900 (has links)
Although the Rorschach is one of the most widely used psychological assessment techniques, its empirical support has been equivocal. One possible explanation for this lack of empirical support is the tendency for researchers to study only the assessment tool with little regard for the clinician using it. In order to examine the relationship between accurate Rorschach interpretation and attributes of the clinicians employing the technique, 46 psychology graduate students were tested in terms of cognitive flexibility. Torrance's Thinking Creatively with Pictures and Cattell's 16-Personality Factor Questionnaire were used to derive various measures of cognitive flexibility. A two-stage multiple linear regression analysis was done. The most statistically reliable result was that flexibility of thought was found to be the single best mediator of accuracy of Rorschach interpretation. Other individual findings were noted and interpreted.

Análisis de la autopercepción en gemelos idénticos entre 22 y 26 años de Lima, Perú / Analysis of self – perception in a group of identical twins between 22 and 26 years old from Lima, Peru

Cassana Abad, Carla Estefanía 13 November 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación busca describir las características de la autopercepción en gemelos entre 22 y 26 años. Para ello se evaluó a nueve parejas de gemelos idénticos con el Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach y fue codificado según el Sistema Comprensivo de Exner. Se estableció un grupo de estudio, conformado por los gemelos considerados mayores por haber nacido antes que sus hermanos gemelos, y un grupo de comparación, conformado por los gemelos menores. Para comparar los datos obtenidos se utilizaron estadísticos descriptivos así como la U de Mann Whitney, para el análisis principal. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en las variables de Contenido Mórbido (MOR), Detalle Humano (Hd) y el Índice de Inhabilidad Social (CDI) Además, se encontró que los gemelos de la muestra presentan una autopercepción saludable. / The main purpose of this investigation is to describe the characteristics of self-perception in a group of identical twins between 22 and 26 years old. To achieve this goal, nine pairs of twins were assessed with the Rorschach Test, using Exner’s Comprehensive System. The twins were divided into two groups, the older twins formed the study group and the younger twins formed the comparative group. To compare groups, descriptive statistical analysis, as well, as the U of Mann Whitney were used as main statistical analysis. Results reflect significant differences only in the following variables: Morbid Content (MOR), Human Detail (Hd) and Coping Deficit Index (CDI). Also, all the twins who were assessed showed a healthy self-perception. / Tesis

Le corps éprouvé, entre désir et douleur : étude psychodynamique comparative du trouble de conversion et du trouble douloureux chez l’enfant et l’adolescent / Experiencing one’s body, between desire and pain : a comparative psychodynamic study of conversion disorder and pain disorder in children and adolescents

Docquir, Camille 28 November 2013 (has links)
Les symptômes de conversion, que Freud a jusqu’à la fin de sa vie qualifiés de « mystérieux », continuent aujourd’hui de susciter de nombreux questionnements. L’un d’entre eux concerne le rapport qu’ils entretiennent avec la douleur : si les douleurs sans étiologie médicale retrouvée sont parfois considérées comme des symptômes de conversion au même titre que les symptômes sensori-moteurs, elles semblent pouvoir correspondre à des pathogénies variées (névrose d’angoisse, hypocondrie, manifestations psychosomatiques…). À l’appui de ce constat, nous faisons l’hypothèse que là où les symptômes sensori-moteurs représenteraient le résultat d’un mécanisme de conversion pouvant être sous-tendu par des registres conflictuels divers mais impliquant nécessairement une dimension d’expression symbolique de ces conflits, les symptômes douloureux pourraient quant à eux s’inscrire le long d’un continuum allant d’un pôle conversif, marqué par cette valeur symbolique, à un pôle non conversif, porteur d’une valeur moins symbolique qu’économique – étant cependant entendu qu’il existerait des possibilités de passage d’un pôle à l’autre. Au pôle conversif, les symptômes seraient sous-tendus par de bonnes capacités d’élaboration psychique de l’excitation, des enveloppes psychiques relativement solides et souples et de bonnes capacités à s’appuyer sur un objet psychique interne ; au pôle non conversif, ils seraient sous-tendus par des difficultés d’élaboration psychique de l’excitation, des enveloppes psychiques marquées par la fragilité et des difficultés à s’appuyer sur un objet psychique interne.Afin de mettre nos hypothèses à l’épreuve, nous avons, dans le cadre d’une vaste recherche mise en place par le Dr Lisa Ouss à l’hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, rencontré 27 enfants et adolescents âgés de 8 à 15 ans et présentant un trouble de conversion ou un trouble douloureux (diagnostics DSM-IV-TR) ; 8 présentaient des symptômes exclusivement sensori-moteurs, 11 des symptômes à la fois sensori-moteurs et douloureux, et 8 des symptômes exclusivement douloureux. Nous avons recueilli et analysé les données issues des entretiens et des épreuves projectives (Rorschach et TAT) de chaque patient dans une perspective psychodynamique, puis avons procédé à des comparaisons inter-groupes.Les résultats montrent que les patients présentant des symptômes sensori-moteurs (accompagnés ou non de symptômes douloureux) disposent de capacités d’élaboration psychique et de capacités à s’appuyer sur un objet psychique interne significativement meilleures que les patients présentant des symptômes exclusivement douloureux, ce qui tend à confirmer notre hypothèse de départ ; il n’existe en revanche pas de différence significative entre les groupes en matière de qualité des enveloppes psychiques. Les résultats montrent en outre que les (pré)adolescents (11-15 ans) disposent de capacités d’élaboration psychique et de capacités à s’appuyer sur un objet psychique interne significativement meilleures que les enfants en période de latence (8-10 ans), et que les filles disposent de capacités d’élaboration psychique, de capacités à s’appuyer sur un objet psychique interne et d’une solidité des enveloppes psychiques significativement meilleures que les garçons. / Conversion symptoms have been considered “mysterious” by Freud until the end of his life. They still raise numerous questions. One of them deals with their relation to pain: whereas medically unexplained pain symptoms are sometimes considered to be conversion symptoms in the same way as sensorimotor symptoms, they can correspond to various pathogeneses (anxiety neurosis, hypocondria, psychosomatic symptoms...).We thus hypothesize that whereas sensorimotor symptoms result from a conversion mechanism (which might be underlied by various conflicts but necessarily imply a symbolical expression of these conflicts), pain symptoms, as for them, may range along a continuum extending from a conversive end characterized by this symbolical dimension to a non conversive end characterized by a more economical than symbolical dimension (including possibilities of moving from an end to another). On the conversive end, symptoms would be underlied by good abilities in psychical elaboration of excitation, strong and supple psychical envelopes and good abilities to rely on a psychical internal object. On the non conversive end, symptoms would be underlied by difficulties in psychical elaboration of excitation, fragile psychical envelopes and difficulties to rely on a psychical internal object.In order to test our hypotheses, we have met 27 children and adolescents (8 to 15 years old) diagnosed as having a conversion disorder or a pain disorder (DSM-IV-TR diagnoses), in the framework of a wide research set up by Dr Lisa Ouss at the Necker-Enfants malades hospital (Paris). Among these patients, 8 had exclusively sensorimotor symptoms, 11 had both sensorimotor and pain symptoms, and 8 had exclusively pain symptoms. We have gathered and analysed the data of clinical encounters and projective tests (Rorschach and TAT) of each patient in a psychodynamic way. We then have made intergroup comparisons.The results show that patients with sensorimotor symptoms (accompanied or not by pain symptoms) have significantly better abilities in psychical elaboration of excitation and significantly better abilities to rely on a psychical internal object than patients with exclusively pain symptoms, which tends to confirm our initial hypothesis. Yet there is no significant difference between the groups as far as psychical envelopes’ quality is concerned. The results also show that (pre)adolescents (11 to 15 years old) have significantly better abilities in psychical elaboration of excitation and significantly better abilities to rely on a psychical internal object than latent children (8 to 10 years old), and that girls have significantly better abilities in psychical elaboration of excitation, significantly better abilities to rely on a psychical internal object and significantly stronger psychical envelopes than boys.

Le traitement psychique de la perte dans les schizophrénies : approche psychanalytique et projective / The psychological treatment of loss within schizophrenics : a psychoanalytic and projective approach

Camps, François-David 29 November 2013 (has links)
L’ensemble des travaux psychiatriques actuels se concentre essentiellement sur l’aspect symptomatiquement de la dépression chez les sujets schizophrènes. A l’inverse, nous avons tenté d’étudier non pas la dépression clinique, mais les problématiques de perte dans les fonctionnements psychiques des sujets marqués par le processus schizophrénique. Autrement-dit, nous avons interrogé le rôle et les fonctions de la perte au sein d’un moi ayant perdu ses frontières et le sentiment de son existence, dans un fonctionnement psychique où les limites soi/non-soi sont aléatoires, les défenses narcissiques précaires ou inefficaces. A travers l’examen de la perte chez le schizophrène, c’est donc l’étude des diverses modalités de la relation d’objet et des affects associés dans cette pathologie que nous avons étudié. Il s’agissait donc de passer au-delà de l’aspect purement symptomatologique et phénoménologique de la dépression chez le sujet schizophrène pour interroger sa fonction au niveau métapsychologique. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux diverses opérations psychiques mises en œuvre par les sujets atteint de schizophrénie pour faire face aux divers problématiques de perte. Par problématiques de perte, nous entendons toutes les situations où le sujet a perdu un objet, ou doit y renoncer, que ce soit dans les problématiques de séparation d'avec l'objet primaire, l’abord de la position dépressive, de mélancolie, de deuil. Nous avons donc interrogé les articulations et intrications entre problématiques de perte et problématiques dissociatives.Notre recherche est animée par l’idée que la schizophrénie est un processus qui détruit les liens objectaux et les représentations d’objet mais surtout qui empêche d’en reconstruire de nouveaux, en cela il s’attaque à l’objectalité même. Persuadé que les schizophrénies procèdent d’une incapacité à utiliser le dipôle narcissisme-objet, nous souhaitions observer les diverses « constellations relationnelles » au sein des fonctionnements psychiques marqués par la schizophrénie, à travers leur représentations. Notre idée était que les différentes formes de schizophrénies témoignaient des différentes modalités d’approche de l’objet ou de la relation à l’objet.Notre première hypothèse postule que, plus les fonctionnements psychiques marqués par le processus schizophrénique sont habités par des représentations d'objet, même si ces objets sont partiels, persécuteurs, mal différenciés ou incestueux, plus la pensée reste « vivante » même si elle est désorganisée. Une seconde hypothèse postule que chez les sujets atteints par un processus schizophrénique il n'y a pas de possibilité d'élaborer les problématiques de perte, même si on observe de grandes différences individuelles. Cependant la présence d’éléments témoignant de problématiques de perte peut venir signer un assouplissement partiel des défenses psychotiques et révéler un fonctionnement de l’appareil psychique moins abrasé. Une sous-hypothèse propose l’idée que la reconnaissance de problématiques de perte est possible, chez certains sujets atteints de schizophrénie, le traitement de la perte diffère alors de celui du deuil ou de la mélancolie. Enfin une troisième hypothèse porte sur l’existence d’un processus mélancolique que nous pourrions repérer dans certaines formes de schizophrénies (les formes dysthymiques) qui ne peut pas se constituer véritablement pour autant. / Our thesis does not deal with clinical depression but with the issue of loss within the psychic functioning of patients marked by a schizophrenic process. By issues of loss we mean all situations in which the patient has lost something, but also separation, depression, melancholy and grief. In order to examine the standard metapsychological function and to observe the articulations and entanglements existing between issues of loss and dissociative problems we surveyed the functions of loss associated with a personality that had lost its sense of confines and existence beyond the purely symptomatic aspect of depression. Our first hypothesis is that the more psychic functions are marked by a schizophrenic process inhabited by object representations, even if these representations are partial, persecuting, poorly differentiated or incestuous, the more the thought remains " alive " even if it is disorganised. A second hypothesis is that in schizophrenic patients there is no possibility of developing issues of loss. The presence of depressive elements can however signal a partial easing of psychotic defenses. A sub-hypothesis is that the recognition of the problem of loss is possible in dysthymic patients but that the treatment differs from that aimed at grief and melancholy. A third hypothesis centres around the existence of a melancholic process in some schizophrenics (dysthymia). To test these hypotheses we studied the psychic functioning of twenty patients diagnosed as " schizophrenic "according to CIM 10. This was based on projective mediation tests (Rorschach and TAT) looking at differences and invariables associated with the treatment of loss and depression. We demonstrated the specificity of psychic functioning for each schizophrenic in terms of relationships, emotions and sensations relating to the issue of loss. Our results demonstrate that the functioning of patients affected by schizophrenia, far from remaining focused on one object tends instead to defend itself from the influence of the object upon the ego. Behind a more delusional and hallucinatory appearance the mental functioning of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and dysthymia is more disorganised, but paradoxically " more alive ", more driven by representations of objects that appear as an outward expression of less deadly psychic functioning, this despite the noisier symptoms in the form of simple undifferentiated or hebephrenic schizophrenia. Our work shows that if problems and depressive effects can be seen they lead to different defensive treatments which are invariably underpinned by denials. The presence of isolated depressive effects does not lead to recognisable problems associated with loss for the patient. We therefore conclude that if schizophrenics recognise situations of loss then that cannot be the work of psychic integration. This impossibility depends on the intensity of the destructive schizophrenic process and the capacity to implement a narcissistic reinvestment in itself, even if only transitory, albeit with significant individual differences. Finally, if we examine the outlines of the melancholy movements within our participants, they cannot be carried through to the end because of the inconsistency of the object lost, its potentially persecuting character and the absence of self/non-self limits.

The Effects of Response Set on the Structured-Objective Rorschach Test

Moody, Richard Y. 01 May 1967 (has links)
The normal forced-choice Structured-Objective Rorschach Test (SORT) and a modified free-choice SORT were administered to sixty high school students to determine the effects of response set (e.g. social desirability). The results were inconclusive. The following trends, however, were observed: (1) The free-choice modification was more resistant to response set distortion than the normal forced-choice SORT. (2) The free-choice administration showed greater flexibility in enhancement and resistance to social desirability. (3) There was little sex difference in factor scores with respect to choice administration. Females, however, gave more responses than males on the free-choice SORT.

Some Rorschach Factors as Related to Sociometric Status in a Second Grade

Haynes, Jack Read 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if the W%, F%, H, P, and Experience Balance on the Rorschach were related to sociometric status in the second grade.

Fenomenologia da Vivência da Identidade em Gêmeos Idênticos através do Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach.

Santana, Nádia Cristina Oliveira 08 December 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:21:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nadia C O Santana.pdf: 1908284 bytes, checksum: e5d659c9bbc5a85d72247df974333858 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-12-08 / Being Identical Twins is much more than something interesting, it is a living experience, a way of being, that faces advantages and difficulties. The present study had as objective to know this way of being, and, with that, to contribute with the education and with the twins' psychotherapy. The existence of four Identical Twins, two men and two womem, with ages between 20 and 21 years, was revealed through the psychodiagnosis of Rorschach, of the written statement and of the interview. The revealed data indicated that the Identical Twin has an excellent capacity of interpersonal relationship, however, it presents identity conflicts, living the drama between the symbiosis and his twin brother's differentiation. / Ser Gêmeo Idêntico é muito mais do que algo interessante, é uma vivência, um modo de ser, que encerra vantagens e dificuldades. O presente estudo teve como objetivo conhecer este modo de ser, e, como isso, contribuir com a educação e com a psicoterapia de gêmeos. A vivência de quatro gêmeos idênticos, dois homens e duas mulheres, com idades entre 20 e 21 anos, foi desvelada através do psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach, do depoimento escrito e da entrevista. Os dados revelados indicaram que o Gêmeo Idêntico tem uma excelente capacidade de relacionamento interpessoal, no entanto, apresenta conflitos de identidade, vivendo o drama entre a simbiose e a diferenciação do seu irmão gêmeo.

Avalia??o da personalidade de gerentes de alto desempenho por meio do m?todo de Rorschach

Santos, Seille Cristine Garcia 20 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:21:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 418903.pdf: 1083718 bytes, checksum: 4b79b564133b97b17494850a44caebf0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-20 / A excel?ncia humana ? uma das ?reas de estudo mais atuais da Psicologia. ? entendida, pela maioria dos pesquisadores do tema, como a performance elevada ou desempenho superior de um indiv?duo numa determinada ?rea de atua??o, podendo resultar tanto de um conjunto de tra?os predisponentes como da experi?ncia e pr?tica em um dom?nio de atua??o ou conhecimento. Em raz?o do advento da Psicologia Positiva, na ?ltima d?cada, muitos estudos passaram a ser desenvolvidos com a inten??o de cercar o que promove e mant?m a excel?ncia. Nesse sentido, pesquisas sobre a superdota??o/altas habilidades, expertise/per?cia e sabedoria v?m sendo realizadas em v?rias partes do mundo. No Brasil, n?o existem muitos estudos sobre esta tem?tica; a ?rea das superdota??o/altas habilidades vem sendo mais contemplada. Esta tese de doutorado teve como objetivo avaliar indiv?duos considerados muito competentes, exitosos em suas fun??es e, portanto, de alto desempenho na ?rea da ger?ncia, na tentativa de tratar o tema expertise no trabalho, a partir de dados de brasileiros. Dividida em tr?s se??es, re?ne e associa informa??es sobre a fun??o gerencial na Administra??o, da excel?ncia humana sob o enfoque da Psicologia Positiva e os conceitos de avalia??o da personalidade da Psicologia. A primeira se??o traz informa??es te?ricas acerca da excel?ncia, enfatizando as caracter?sticas de personalidade como um dos determinantes da excel?ncia humana; baseando-se em publica??es que tangenciam o tema, oferece a compreens?o de que al?m das vari?veis de intelig?ncia, hereditariedade, atributos f?sicos, contexto, de oportunidade/sorte e conhecimentos, ? o jeito de ser singular de um indiv?duo sua personalidade que o predisp?e a resultados excepcionais em um determinado dom?nio. As duas se??es seguintes apresentam os resultados da avalia??o de 43 gerentes, considerados de alto desempenho por seus superiores imediatos e pares, de empresas ga?chas, todas de grande porte e de capital nacional; o instrumento utilizado foi o M?todo de Rorschach Sistema Compreensivo, al?m de uma Ficha de Dados S?cio-demogr?ficos. Os gerentes indicados pelas empresas como refer?ncia foram contatados por meio de uma carta-convite e ap?s o aceite responderam aos instrumentos individualmente. Os protocolos do Rorschach foram codificados por dois ju?zes independentes para c?lculo do grau de concord?ncia na avalia??o, que foi altamente satisfat?rio (Kappa=0,85 para determinantes, 0,94 para conte?dos e 0,98 para localiza??es). Mais especificamente na segunda se??o s?o focados os aspectos da personalidade relativos ?s capacidades de an?lise, de planejamento, de iniciativa, de relacionamento interpessoal e de integra??o humana (trabalho em equipe), como caracter?sticas do gerente de sucesso conforme o proposto pela literatura da Administra??o. Ao final deste estudo considera-se que algumas caracter?sticas de personalidade s?o peculiares aos gerentes de alto desempenho. Na ?ltima se??o, s?o consideradas as vari?veis relativas ao processamento da informa??o dos gerentes, tendo em vista que esse ? um diferencial desta fun??o que tem como papel predominante o de comunicador de informa??es entre os n?veis hier?rquicos da organiza??o e para fora dela; o gerente trabalha todo o tempo processando, filtrando e difundindo informa??es. Buscou-se entrela?ar tr?s modelos te?ricos: a Teoria dos Pap?is Gerenciais de Henry Mintzberg, a Teoria do Processamento da Informa??o e o Modelo de Processo de Resposta ao Rorschach de John Exner. Os resultados mostram que esses gerentes possuem condi??es de coletar dados, avali?-los e estabelecer rankings de maneira adequada; possuem condi??es de ser objetivos e precisos na avalia??o dos problemas, o que lhes favorece o processamento das informa??es e possibilita a interpreta??o do mundo ao seu redor a partir de um modo de processamento, ou um estilo cognitivo, pr?prio e caracter?stico de solucionar problemas.

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