Spelling suggestions: "subject:"couting"" "subject:"douting""
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Vehicle Routing Problem for the Collection of Information in Wireless Network / Un problème de tournées de véhicules pour la collecte des informations dans un réseau sans filFlores Luyo, Luis Ernesto 15 February 2018 (has links)
Les progrès dans l'architecture de réseau informatique ajoutent continuellement de nouvelles fonctionnalités aux problèmes de routage des véhicules. Dans cette thèse, le problème de tournée des véhicules avec la collecte de donnée sans fil (WT-VRP) est étudié. Il recherche un itinéraire pour le véhicule chargé de collecter des informations auprès des stations ainsi qu'un planning efficace de collecte d'informations. La nouvelle fonctionnalité ajoutée ici est la possibilité de récupérer des informations via une transmission sans fil, sans visiter physiquement les stations du réseau. Le WT-VRP a des applications dans la surveillance sous-marine et la surveillance environnementale. Nous discutons les critères pour mesurer l'efficacité d'une solution et proposons des formulations de programmation linéaire en nombre entier mixte pour résoudre le problème. Des expériences computationnelles ont été réalisées pour accéder à la complexité numérique du problème et pour comparer les solutions selon les critères proposés. Ensuite, nous avons renforcé certains modèles ainsi que considéré différentes suppositions pour le réseaux sans fils. Finalement, pour être capable de résoudre le problème dans des réseaux de grande échelle, nous avons développés des méthodes heuristiques pour le WT-VRP. / The vehicle routing problem is one of the most studied problems in Operations Research.Different variants have been treated in the past 50 years and with technologicaladvances, new challenges appear. In this thesis, we introduce a new variation of theVRP appearing in wireless networks. The new characteristic added to this well-knowproblem is the possibility of pick-up information via wireless transmissions. In the contextconsidered here, a unique base station is connected with the outside and a vehicleis responsible for collecting information via wireless connection to the vehicle when it islocated in another sufficiently close station. Simultaneous transmissions are permitted.Time of transmission depends on the distance between stations, the amount of informationtransmitted, and other physical factors (e.g obstacles along the way, installedequipment). Information to be sent outside of the network is continuously generatedin each station at a constant rate. The first contribution of this thesis is the introductionof a mixed ILP formulation for a variation in which it is only possible to send all theinformation or nothing during a wireless transmission. For this model three differentstrategies are investigated: maximizing total amount of information extracted an theend of the time horizon; maximizing the average of the information in the vehicle ateach time point; and maximizing the satisfaction of each station at the end of the timehorizon. Each strategy is translated as a different objective function for the mixed ILPformulation. The problem is then reformulated by accepting the option of sending onlypart of the information during a wireless transmission and considering only the firststrategy,(i.e. maximizing the amount of information extracted at the end of the horizontime). For this new version, we present three mixed ILP formulations, each one withadvantages and disadvantages. These mixed ILP models are compared according to theCPU time, amount of information collected, gap of unresolved instances, etc. Becausein real life we need to solve problems with a large number of stations, in this thesis,we also propose heuristics methods for the second version of the problem introduced.We build some heuristics that do not depend on the mixed ILP model (as for exampleGreedy heuristics) and also matheuristcs. In our matheuristics our best model (a vehicleevent model) is used as a base for the development of construction of Heuristics aswell as local search heuristics.
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Résolution de problèmes de tournées avec synchronisation : applications au cas multi-échelons et au cross-docking / Solving vehicle routing problems with synchronization constraints : applications to multi-echelon distribution systems and to cross-dockinGrangier, Philippe 08 December 2015 (has links)
L’interconnexion croissante dans les systèmes de transports a conduit à la modélisation de nouvelles contraintes, dites contraintes de synchronisation, dans les problèmes de tournées de véhicules. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à deux cas dans lesquels ce type de problématiques apparaît. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une méthode heuristique pour un problème à deux échelons rencontré pour la distribution de marchandises en ville. Dans un second temps, nous étudions l’intégration d’un cross-dock dans des tournées de collectes et livraisons. Une première contribution à ce sujet concerne le problème de tournées de véhicules avec cross-docking, et une seconde contribution intègre, en plus, des contraintes de ressources au cross-dock dans le problème de routage. Une méthode pour un problème de chargement 3D, étudié lors d’un stage doctoral en entreprise, est également présentée. / Transportation systems are more and more interconnected, this has lead to a new kind of constraints, called synchronization constraints, in vehicle routing problems. In this thesis, we study two cases in which this type of constraints arises. First, we propose a heuristic method for a two-echelon problem arising in City Logistics. Second, we study the integration of a cross-dockin pickup and delivery vehicle routing problems. To that end we propose a matheuristic for the vehicule routing problem with cross-docking, and we propose an extension of this problem that integrates specific resource synchonization constraints arising at the cross-dock. A method for a 3D loading problem is also presented.
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Budování bankovního kontaktního centra / Building a contact center in banking industrySeifrt, Ladislav January 2006 (has links)
Budování kontaktního centra je velmi rozsáhlou a komplexní problematikou. Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na aspekt efektivního využití dostupných technologií pro podporu procesů kontaktního centra (CC), především pak v bankovním sektoru. V práci je zpracován multidimenzionální model obslužnosti kontaktního centra zachycující procesní stránku řízení. Model obslužnosti je poté zasazen do kontextu současných technologií pro CC a výsledkem je model, který zachycuje vliv jednotlivých technologií na proces řízení interakcí. Tento model je v závěru teoretické části aplikován na podmínky bankovnictví. Součástí diplomové práce je i praktická (neveřejná) část, která aplikuje předchozí model na podmínky kontaktního centra společností GE Money v ČR a SR. Do kontextu modelu je zasazen vývoj kontaktního centra GE Money po vybrané období, začínající před zahájením a končící dokončením několika projektů, které byly během zpracování této práce ve fázi realizace. Tato konfrontace CC GE Money s modelem je pak výchozím bodem pro doporučení dalších kroků v budování a rozvoji tohoto CC.
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Scenarios preprocessing for efficient routing reconfiguration in MPSoC fault tolerance Noc based / PrÃ-processamento de cenÃrios para reconfiguraÃÃo de roteamento eficiente em MPSOC baseado em NoC tolerante a falhasJarbas Aryel Nunes da Silveira 30 September 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / The latest technologies of integrated circuit manufacturing allow billions of transistors to be arranged on a single chip, enabling us to implement a complex parallel system, which requires a communications architecture with high scalability and high degree of parallelism, such as a Network-on-Chip (NoC). These technologies are very close to physical limitations, which increases the quantity of faults in circuit manufacturing and at runtime. Therefore, it is essential to provide a method for fault recovery that would enable the NoC to operate in the presence of faults and still ensure deadlock-free routing. The preprocessing of the most probable fault scenarios allows us to anticipate the calculation of deadlock-free routing, reducing the time that is necessary to interrupt the system during a fault occurrence. This work proposes a technique that employs the preprocessing of fault scenarios based on forecasting fault tendencies, which is performed with a fault threshold circuit operating in agreement with high-level software. The technique encompasses methods for dissimilarity analysis of scenarios based on cross-correlation measurements of fault link matrices, which allow us to define a reduced and efficient set of fault coverage scenarios. Experimental results employing RTL simulation with synthetic traffic prove the quality of the analytic metrics that are used to select the preprocessed scenarios. Furthermore, the experiments show the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed dissimilarity methods, quantifying the latency penalization when using the coverage scenarios approach. / As Ãltimas tecnologias de fabricaÃÃo de circuitos integrados habilitam bilhÃes de transistores a serem postos em um Ãnico chip, permitindo implementar um sistema paralelo complexo, o qual requer uma arquitetura de comunicaÃÃo que tenha grande escalabilidade e alto grau de paralelismo, tal como uma rede intrachip, em inglÃs, Network-on-Chip (NoC). Estas tecnologias estÃo muito prÃximas de limitaÃÃes fÃsicas, aumentando a quantidade de falhas na fabricaÃÃo dos circuitos e em tempo de operaÃÃo. Portanto, à essencial fornecer um mÃtodo para recuperaÃÃo de falha que permita a NoC operar na presenÃa de falhas e ainda garantir roteamento livre de deadlock. O prÃ-processamento de cenÃrios de falha mais provÃveis permite antecipar o cÃlculo de rotas livres de deadlock, reduzindo o tempo necessÃrio para interromper o sistema durante a ocorrÃncia de uma falha. Esta tese propÃe uma tÃcnica que emprega o prÃ-processamento de cenÃrios de falha baseado na previsÃo de tendÃncia de falhas, a qual à realizada com um circuito de limiar de falha operando em conjunto com um software de alto nÃvel. A tÃcnica contempla anÃlises de mÃtodos de dissimilaridade de cenÃrios baseadas na correlaÃÃo cruzada de matrizes bidimensionais de conexÃes com falha, que permite definir um conjunto reduzido e eficiente de cenÃrios de cobertura de falhas. Resultados experimentais, empregando simulaÃÃo com precisÃo em nÃvel de ciclo e trÃfego sintÃtico, provam a qualidade das mÃtricas analÃticas usadas para selecionar os cenÃrios prÃ-processados. AlÃm do mais, os experimentos mostraram a eficÃcia e eficiÃncia dos mÃtodos de dissimilaridades propostos, quantificando a penalizaÃÃo de latÃncia no uso da abordagem de cenÃrios de cobertura.
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Problema de roteamento de veículos com custos de fronteira / Vehicle routing problem with border costsLucas Esperancini Moreira e Moreira 14 May 2018 (has links)
O problema de roteamento de veículos é um dos problemas de otimização combinatória mais estudados nas últimas décadas. Neste trabalho, é estudada uma variante do problema de roteamento de veículos capacitado em que são considerados custos adicionais em viagens que cruzam fronteiras entre estados. Duas abordagens foram apresentadas para considerar tal característica: adicionar custos fixos às viagens de clientes de estados diferentes e adicionar custos que consideram a carga do veículo ao cruzar a fronteira e, para ambas, foram apresentados modelos matemáticos. Um solver comercial foi utilizado para resolver instâncias conhecidas da literatura e devido à resolução ter atingido o tempo máximo computacional para grande parte dos testes, uma Variable Neighborhood Descent com múltiplos inícios foi desenvolvida para a resolução do problema. Os múltiplos inícios são gerados perturbando a solução inicial gerada para a heurística. Como esperado, tanto para a resolução via modelagem quanto a resolução via heurística, considerar custos de fronteira proporcionais a carga apresentaram soluções de melhor qualidade. Essa nova proposta para abordar custos reais de fronteira abre novas possibilidades para considerar custos de fronteira fixos e proporcionais a carga concomitantemente para melhor representar aplicações reais. / The vehicle routing problem is one of the most studied combinatorial optimization problems in the last decades. In this paper, a variant of vehicle routing problem was studied in which the border costs was added to trips that cross borders. In order to consider such characteristic, two approaches were made: add fixed costs for the trips which clients are from different states and add costs that consider the amount of cargo in the vehicle when it crosses the border. In order to consider such characteristics, models were presented. Instances of literature were solved with a commercial solver and due to high computational time obtained from the exact method, a heuristic with Variable Neighborhood Descent as the local search in a multiple start environment was implemented. The multiple starts were generated making a perturbation in the initial solution obtained for the heuristic. As expected, approaching the problem considering the border cost proportional to the cargo in the vehicle presented better results. This study gives the first results for solving the vehicle routing problem considering real border costs and gives the possibility for solving the problem considering real fixed and proportional costs simultaneously in order to better represent real applications.
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Formulação algébrica para a modelagem de algoritmos de roteamento multi-restritivo hop-by-hop. / Algebraic formulation for modeling hop-by-hop multi-constrained routing algorithms.Walmara de Paula Herman 04 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma nova estrutura matemática para a álgebra de caminhos, que permite analisar a convergência dos algoritmos de roteamento multi-restritivos hop-by-hop e, sob o ponto de vista da engenharia de tráfego e da Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) na arquitetura Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS), garantir de maneira confiável a incorporação de novas métricas de roteamento aos algoritmos de roteamento baseados em múltiplas restrições. Baseando-se nessa nova álgebra de caminhos, são analisadas as propriedades de monotonicidade, isotonicidade e liberdade, conhecidas por garantir a convergência dos algoritmos de roteamento e, ao contrário do indicado na literatura até o momento, verifica-se que a propriedade de monotonicidade não e condição necessária e nem suficiente para garantir a convergência dos algoritmos de roteamento multi-restritivos hop-by-hop. Sendo assim, este trabalho propõe uma nova propriedade, denominada coerência, para a garantia da convergência do roteamento hop-by-hop e um novo algoritmo de roteamento hop-by-hop com convergência garantida. Para avaliar os resultados teóricos obtidos, s~ao analisados dois estudos de casos de aplicação do roteamento multi-restritivos hop-by-hop com o uso de uma ferramenta de simulação desenvolvida em MATLAB e baseada no algoritmo Eliminação de Loop pelo Nó de Destino (ELND) também proposto. Como resultado das simulações desses estudos de casos, verifica-se que as diferentes estratégias de otimização, necessárias as redes (GMPLS), impõem a necessidade de trabalhar com algoritmos de roteamento que permitam a definição de mais de duas métricas de roteamento com diferentes critérios de otimização para cada uma delas, comprovando, portanto, a necessidade do desenvolvimento e da continuação deste trabalho. / This work presents a new mathematical structure for paths algebra that allows the convergence analysis of hop-by-hop multi-constrained routing algorithms and, under the traffic engineering and quality of service perspectives in the Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) architecture, trustily ensures the aggregation of new routing metrics in a constrained-based routing. Based on this new paths algebra, we analyze the monotonicity, isotonicity and freeness properties, known as ensuring routing algorithms convergence, and despite of what has been indicated in the literature, we verified that the monotonicity property is not sufficient to ensure the hop-by-hop routing convergence. Therefore, this work proposes a new property, called coherence, as a necessary and sufficient condition to ensure it, as well as, a new multi-constrained hop-by-hop routing algorithm with ensured convergence. In order to evaluate the theoretical results obtained, two study cases of the hop-by-hop multi-constrained routing applications are analyzed in the present thesis by using the Eliminação de Loop pelo Nó de Destino (ELND) simulation tool, developed in MATLAB and also presented as a product of this work. As result of these study cases simulations, we verified that different optimization strategies, requested by the (GMPLS) networks, compel the use of routing algorithms that allow the specification of more than two routing metrics with different optimization criteria for each one of them, thus proving the necessity of this work and its continuation.
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Avaliação de roteamento em redes P2P visando obtenção de QoS na busca de serviço em nuvem / Evaluation of routing in P2P networks in order to obtain QoS in search of cloud serviceDionisio Machado Leite Filho 25 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a avaliação de diferentes algoritmos de roteamento utilizados na camada lógica ponto a ponto (P2P) adotada por um Metaescalonador que provê Qualidade de Serviços (QoS) na Computação em Nuvem. Experimentos mostram a superioridade de três algoritmos de roteamento P2P (BCR, Chord e Pastry) em relação à utilização de Round Robin, analisando-se o tempo de resposta e a variabilidade entre os resultados obtidos em diferentes testes. Os experimentos consideram, além dos algoritmos de roteamento, a influência do número de usuários e do tipo de serviço requisitado e como esses fatores interagem entre si. É apresentado ainda um estudo sobre a melhor métrica a ser adotada para representar as informações da rede. As métricas consideradas foram latência e número de saltos. Os resultados obtidos permitem determinar, com base nos objetivos especificados, qual o impacto dos sistemas P2P utilizados pelo metaescalonador na busca e descoberta de serviços em relação à forma como a qualidade de serviços é abordada / This work presents an evaluation of different routing algorithms that are employed in a logical layer peer-to-peer (P2P) that are adopted by a Metascheduler that provides quality of services (QoS) in Cloud Computing. The experiments show the superiority of three P2P routing algorithms (BCR, Chord, Pastry) in relation to Round Robin utilization, analysing the response times and the variation between the results obtained results in different tests. The experiments consider, besides the routing algorithms, the influence of the number of the users and the type of requested services and how these factors interact between themselves. Besides of this, it is presented a study about the better metric to be adopted to represent the network information. The considered metrics were the latency and number of hops. The obtained results allow to determine, based on specific objectives, the impact of the utilization of P2P systems by the metascheduler in the search and discovery of services in relation to the way that the QoS is performed
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Um sistema de roteirização via internet para o campus da USP de Ribeirão Preto / A system of internet routing service for addresing at campus of University of São Paulo in Ribeirão PretoAirton Manoel Romero Costa 26 March 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho uma metodologia é proposta para disponibilizar, via internet, um serviço de roteirização de endereços para o campus da USP de Ribeirão Preto, com a determinação do menor caminho entre duas localidades. Esta metodologia pode ser aplicada não apenas ao campus da USP de Ribeirão Preto, mas ela poderá ser estendida às cidades e/ou regiões que possuam um mapa digital correspondente. Um sistema, denominado SIGRIB, foi desenvolvido para implementar a metodologia proposta. Utiliza o software ARCVIEW como suporte na manipulação de dados geográficos e cadastrais. Para facilitar a interação do usuário com o sistema SIGRIB, uma interface foi desenvolvida para que se possa fornecer duas localidades para as quais se deseja obter o menor caminho. O resultado desta consulta é uma figura ou conjunto de figuras contendo o menor caminho correspondente destacado. O sistema SIGRIB está disponível na internet ( e vários testes são apresentados neste trabalho que demonstram o seu bom desempenho. / In this work a methodology is proposal to turn available, through internet, a routing service for addressing at campus of University of São Paulo, in Ribeirão Preto, including the determination of shortest way between two localities. This methodology can be applied not only to this campus but it can be extended to various cities and/or regions that have a corresponding digital map. A system, called SIGRIB, has been developed for implementing the proposed methodology. It utilizes ARCVIEW software as support for manipulation of geographical and cadastral data. To turn easy the interaction of user with SIGRIB system, a interface has been also implemented for that can provide two localities for which it desires to obtain the shortest path. The result of this search is a figure or set of figures containing the corresponding shortest path highlighted. The system SIGRIB is available in the internet ( and several tests are presented in this work that demonstrate its good performance.
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Roteamento global de circuitos VLSI / Global routing for VLSI circuitsReimann, Tiago Jose January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a implementação de um roteador global de circuitos integrados capaz de tratar os problemas de roteamento atuais, utilizando como referência para avaliação os circuitos de benchmark publicados durante as competições de roteamento global realizadas no ACM International Symposium on Physical Design 2007 e 2008. O roteador global desenvolvido utiliza como ferramenta principal a técnica de ripup and reroute associada às técnicas de roteamento monotônico e maze routing, ambas com grande histórico de uso nas ferramentas acadêmicas descritas também neste trabalho. O desenvolvimento da ferramenta também possui características diferenciadas e únicas, com um novo método de ordenamento das redes durante a fase de rip-up and reroute. Para a geração dos resultados foram definidas duas versões diferentes da ferramenta, sendo estas duas versões analisadas com duas diferentes técnicas de construção das árvores de roteamento, gerando no total quatro configurações da ferramenta. Como decisão de projeto, a versão principal utilizada no desenvolvimento e discussão dos resultados é a versão que prioriza a qualidade do roteamento, utilizando MSTs para construção das árvores de roteamento. Os resultados mostram que o roteador global desenvolvido é capaz de gerar resultados com boa qualidade mesmo sem fazer uso de técnicas de identificação de áreas de congestionamento, sem otimizações pós-roteamento e sem nenhuma forma de ajuste (tuning) para os diferentes circuitos de benchmark, apesar de ainda ter tempo de execução acima dos apresentados por outras ferramentas acadêmicas. O foco durante o processo de desenvolvimento e implementação da ferramenta foram os circuitos mais recentes, entretanto a ferramenta obteve ótimos resultados também para os circuitos publicados no ISPD 1998, gerando soluções com qualidade similar ou melhor que as reportadas na literatura. A diferença dos resultados deste trabalho em relação aos melhores resultados dos roteadores globais com código disponível, para circuitos 3D lançados no ISPD 2008 é de, em média, 1,78%1 na métrica de comprimento de fio sem considerar o custo das vias e de 15,56% considerando o custo da via como uma unidade de comprimento de fio (ISPD 2008), para a versão voltada a qualidade de roteamento. Já para a versão da ferramenta que busca a convergência o mais rápido possível a diferença foi de 3,39% e 16,32%, respectivamente. As maiores diferenças são encontradas nos circuitos mais difíceis de gerar uma solução sem violações. Isso mostra como as técnicas de identificação de região podem contribuir tanto para uma convergência mais rápida quanto para evitar que fios passem por rotas desnecessárias durante a fase de negociação. Na métrica que avalia as vias como custo de uma unidade de comprimento, os resultados obtidos apresentam em média 18,67% maior comprimento de fio que os melhores resultados da literatura, sendo que dois circuitos com solução sem violações2 apresentam resultado com violações utilizando a ferramenta desenvolvida neste trabalho. / This work describes the implementation of an integrated circuit global router capable of handling the current routing problems, using as a reference the evaluation of benchmark circuits from the two global routing contests held in ISPD 2007 and 2008. The developed global router uses rip-up and reroute as the main technique associated with monotonic and maze routing techniques, both with large history of use in academic tools, also described in this work. The tool also has distinctive and unique characteristics, with a new method of net ordering during the rip-up and reroute stage. In order to generate the results were defined two different versions of the tool analyzed with two different techniques of routing tree construction, generating a total of four configurations. As a design decision, the major version used in the development and discussion of results is the version that prioritizes the routing quality, using MSTs for tree construction. The results show that the global router developed is able to generate good results even without making use of techniques to identify congestion areas, without post-routing optimizations and without any form of tuning for the different benchmark circuits, despite having run time above other academic tools. The focus during the development and implementation of the tool were the newer circuits, however the tool also obtained excellent results for the circuits released in ISPD 1998, generating solutions with similar quality or better than those reported in the literature. The difference in the results of this work over the best results generated with the available code global routers for 3D circuits released in ISPD 2008 is, on average, 2.53% in wirelength metric without considering the cost of vias and 18.34% considering the cost of the vias as one wirelength unit (ISPD 2008), for the best routing quality version. As for the version of the tool that seeks convergence as soon as possible the difference was 3.82% and 17.03%, respectively. The largest differences were found in the most difficult circuits to generate a solution without violations. This shows how the techniques of congested region identification can contribute to both a faster convergence and to avoid unnecessary wire detours during the negotiation phase. In the metric that evaluates the cost of vias as one wirelength unit, the results show an average of 22.5% greater wirelength than the best results found in literature. Also, the developed global router was unable to find a violation free solution for two circuits that are known to have a violation free solution3.
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Hybridation d’algorithme génétique pour les problèmes des véhicules intelligents autonomes : applications aux infrastructures portuaires de moyenne taille / Hybrid genetic algorithm for autonomous intelligent vehicles problems : Applications to middle size of container terminals.Zaghdoud, Radhia 17 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de développer un système d’affectation des conteneurs aux véhicules autonomes intelligents (AIVs) dans un terminal à conteneurs. Dans la première phase, on a développé un système statique pour résoudre le problème multi-objectif optimisant la durée totale des opérations de déplacement des conteneurs, le temps d’attente des véhicules aux niveaux de points de chargement et de déchargement et l’équilibre de temps de travail entre les véhicules. L’approche proposée est l’algorithme génétique(AG). Une extension de cette approche a été ensuite effectuée pour corriger les limites de la précédente. Pour choisir la meilleure approche, une étude comparative a été réalisée entre trois approches : AG, AG & DIJK et AG & DIJK & HEUR. Les résultats numérique ont montré que l’approche AG & DIJK & HEUR est meilleure. Dans la deuxième phase, on a étudié la robustesse de notre système dans un environnement dynamique. Un retard de l’arrivée d’un navire au port ou un dysfonctionnement de l’un des équipements peutperturber le planning des opérations et donc influencer sur les opérations d’affectation des conteneurs. L’idée était d’ajouter les nouveaux conteneurs aux véhicules qui sont déjà non disponibles. D’autres cas de perturbation comme la congestion routière, la non disponibilité de certaines portions de la routes ont été étudiés expérimentalementEt les résultats numériques ont montré la robustesse de notre approche pour le cas dynamique.Mots-clés : Conteneurs, AIV, routage, optimisation, algorithme génetique, environnement dynamique. / The objective of our work is to develop a container assignment system for intelligent autonomous vehicles (AIVS) in a container terminal. Given the complexity of this problem, it was proposed to decompose it into three problems: The problem of dispatching containers to AIVS, the AIVS routing problem and the problem of scheduling containers to queues of AIVS. To achieve this goal, we developed in the first phase, a static system for multi-objective problem to optimize the total duration of the containers transportation, the waiting time of vehicles at loading points and the equilibrium of working time between vehicles. The approach used was the genetic algorithm (GA). This approach was applied to optimize only the assignment operation without influence on the choice of the path traveled by each AIV. An extension of this work was then made to improve the results found. For this purpose, a comparative study was carried out between three approaches: The first approach is the AG, the second approach is the GA and the Dijkstra algorithm (DIJK) that was used to find the shortest path for each vehicle and the third approach is the AG and DIJK and heuristic (HEUR) which was proposed to choose the nearest vehicle of each container. The numerical study showed the best performance of the AG & DJK & HEUR approach over the other two approaches. In the second phase of our project, the robustness of our system in a dynamic environment has been studied. A delay of the arrival of a ship at the port or malfunction of one of any equipment of the port can cause a delay of one of the operations of loading or unloading process. This will affect the container assignment operation. The idea was to add new containers to vehicles that are already unavailable. The traffic can also cause a delay in arrival of the vehicle at the position of the container or the unavailability of one of the paths crossing point. These cases were investigated experimentally, numerical results showed the robustness of our approach to dynamic case.
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