Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cunninghan"" "subject:"cunninghamin""
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The Effect Of Different Impact Exercise Training On Deformational Behavior And Functional Adaptation Of Articular CartilageCelik, Ozgur 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of the present study was to investigate deformational behavior and functional adaptation of articular cartilage by comparing the changes of biochemical osteoarthritis markers&rsquo / concentrations due to 30-min exercise after 12-weeks of regular high impact, impact or non-impact exercise.
Blood samples were drawn from 44 healthy sedentary males immediately before, immediately after and 0.5 h after a 30-min moderate walking exercise. Osteoarthritis biomarkers&rsquo / (Serum COMP and CTX-I) concentrations were determined with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. After the first measurements, participants were randomly assigned to running, cycling, swimming, and control groups. All groups except for control group trained for 12 weeks. After 12-weeks, post tests were applied.
Multivariate tests indicated a significant fatigue and resting effect on serum COMP concentration in all groups at pre- and post-tests. Therefore, pair wise comparisons were conducted in order to assess the differences across all groups and conditions. Results indicated significant differences in post-test measurements among phases of groups except for running group. However, fatigue or resting did not change the concentration of serum CTX-I in any groups during the tests.
According to results, moderate walking activity has an influence on the increase of serum COMP concentrations of young sedentary men. However, 12 weeks regular weight-bearing high impact physical exercise decreases the deformational effect of walking activity by functional adaptation of articular cartilage to specific environmental requirements.
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Modelling and laboratory investigations on freight wagon link suspensions with respect to vehicle-track dynamic interactionJönsson, Per-Anders January 2004 (has links)
<p>The link suspension is the most prevailing suspension system for freight wagons in central and western Europe. The system design is simple and has existed for more than 100 years. However, still its characteristics are not fully understood. This thesis emphasizes freight wagon dynamics and comprises three parts:</p><p>In the first part a review of freight wagon running gear is made. The different suspension systems are described and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The review covers the running gear standardized by UIC and the conventional so-called three-piece bogie. Additionally five improved three-piece bogies and twelve novel running gear designs are presented.</p><p>The second part focuses on the lateral force-displacement characteristics in the link suspension. Results from stationary measurements on freight wagons and laboratory tests of the link suspension characteristics are presented. To improve understanding of the various mechanisms and phenomena in link suspension systems a simulation model is developed. Link suspension systems have strongly nonlinear characteristics including a hysteresis loop. The loop exhibits usually three characteristic sections with different tangential stiffnesses. The actual contact geometry of the links and end bearings has a significant influence on the characteristics. By wear in ordinary service - as well as by geometric tolerances on new components - the contact geometry may deviate considerably from nominal geometry. Further, it seems that elastic deformation in the contact surfaces has considerable effects on the suspension characteristics, in particular on the initial rolling stiffness for small displacements. Also, flexibilities in links and end bearings influence the characteristics. It is also observed that new components after a short period of dynamic testing can exhibit a very low amount of energy dissipation, a phenomenon that is also indicated in some stationary measurements on wagons.</p><p>To summarize the second part, it appears that the link suspension characteristics are very sensitive to several factors being hard to control in the real world of freight wagon operations. The various stiffnesses and hysteresis loops have a considerable variation and may have a strong influence on the ride qualities of vehicles. As long as the characteristics can not be controlled within closer limits than found in this study, there is a strong need for sensitivity analysis to be made, both in predictive multibody simulations of vehicle dynamics, as well as in verification and acceptance tests.</p><p>In the third part a study on the possibility to improve ride qualities of freight wagons with link suspensions is presented. Parametric studies with multibody dynamic simulations on freight wagons equipped with link-suspension bogies are performed. The effect of supplementary friction and hydraulic damping is investigated under various running conditions: speed, loading, tangent and curved track, wheel-rail contact geometry, track gauge and track irregularities. Substantial improvements of the lateral running behaviour of wagons with link suspension bogies can be achieved - both at ordinary speeds and at increased speeds - by using a proper combination of supplementary hydraulic dampers. Speeds up to 160 km/h could be realistic.</p>
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Tilting trains : Technology, benefits and motion sicknessPersson, Rickard January 2008 (has links)
<p>Carbody tilting is today a mature and inexpensive technology allowing higher speeds in curves and thus reduced travel time. The technology is accepted by most train operators, but a limited set of issues still holding back the full potential of tilting trains. The present study identifies and report on these issues in the first of two parts in this thesis. The second part is dedicated to analysis of some of the identified issues. The first part contains Chapters 2 to 5 and the second Chapters 6 to 12 where also the conclusions of the present study are given.</p><p>Chapters 2 and 3 are related to the tilting train and the interaction between track and vehicle. Cross-wind stability is identified as critical for high-speed tilting trains. Limitation of the permissible speed in curves at high speed may be needed, reducing the benefit of tilting trains at very high speed. Track shift forces can also be safety critical for tilting vehicles at high speed. An improved track standard must be considered for high speed curving.</p><p>Chapters 4 and 5 cover motion sickness knowledge, which may be important for the competitiveness of tilting trains. However, reduced risk of motion sickness may be contradictory to comfort in a traditional sense, one aspect can not be considered without also considering the other. One pure motion is not the likely cause to the motion sickness experienced in motion trains. A combination of motions is much more provocative and much more likely the cause. It is also likely that head rotations contribute as these may be performed at much higher motion amplitudes than performed by the train.</p><p>Chapter 6 deals with services suitable for tilting trains. An analysis shows relations between cant deficiency, top speed, tractive performance and running times for a tilting train. About 9% running time may be gained on the Swedish line Stockholm – Gothenburg (457 km) if cant deficiency, top speed and tractive performance are improved compared with existing tilting trains. One interesting conclusion is that a non-tilting very high-speed train (280 km/h) will have longer running times than a tilting train with today’s maximum speed and tractive power. This statement is independent of top speed and tractive power of the non-tilting vehicle.</p><p>Chapters 7 to 9 describe motion sickness tests made on-track within the EU-funded research project<i> Fast And Comfortable Trains (FACT).</i> An analysis is made showing correlation between vertical acceleration and motion sickness. However, vertical acceleration could not be pointed out as the cause to motion sickness as the correlation between vertical acceleration and several other motions are strong.</p><p>Chapter 10 reports on design of track geometry. Guidelines for design of track cant are given optimising the counteracting requirements on comfort in non-tilting trains and risk of motion sickness in tilting trains. The guidelines are finally compared with the applied track cant on the Swedish line Stockholm – Gothenburg. Also transition curves and vertical track geometry are shortly discussed.</p><p>Chapters 11 and 12 discusses the analysis, draws conclusions on the findings and gives proposals of further research within the present area.</p>
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Samkörning av databaser-Är lagen ett hinder?Ankarberg, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
<p>Title:Comparison of databases – Is the law an obstacle?</p><p>Authors:Alexander Ankarberg, Applied Information Science.</p><p>Tutors:Lars- Eric Ljung</p><p>Problem: Cross running databases is getting more and more significant during the development of the information flow. There are huge benefits if we start to use the technique that already exists. The law is today an obstacle, so what would happen if the law wasn’t so stern. My question is:” why don’t we cross run databases more efficient between parts of institutions”</p><p>Aim:The purpose of this essay is to evaluate why institutions does not cross run databases and start a discussion. There are possibilities that we today does not use. One aim is also to find solutions so that we can start to use the techniques. The essay will explain the fundamentals and discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages in depth.</p><p>Method:The author has approached the problem from two ways. From induction and deduction which combined is abduction. The author hopes that this results in as many points of angles as possible. And the answers will be as complete as possible. The essay also includes an inquiry which is based on interview with ordinary people.</p><p>Conclusions:The law is not up to date nor made for today’s technique. It is in some ways an obstacle for a more efficient system and it could save enormous amounts of money for both the government and common man. There is hope though, and small revolutions happen every day. There is also ways to go around the law and make things possible and make the system more efficient. That is with agreement from the person that the information is about. There is also one possibility with safety classes, to put a number on information.</p>
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Advertising to female runners : a comparative evaluation of Nike and Brooks Running, Inc. in Runner's world magazineMartin, Elizabeth Jane 26 September 2012 (has links)
This research report aims to examine and evaluate the ways in which two leading running product companies, Nike and Brooks Running, Inc., target female runners in the context of Runner’s World magazine (the world’s leading running-related magazine). It presents relevant past research, theories and methodologies and applies them to the analysis. From the analysis and comparisons, a collection of best practice recommendations are determined in order to inform and advise any company’s future advertising efforts directed at female runners. / text
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Habitat ecology and long-term development of the macrophyte vegetation of north-west German streams and rivers since the 1950sSteffen, Kristina 28 May 2013 (has links)
Diese Arbeit behandelt die Charakterisierung der Habitate und die Langzeit-Entwicklung über sechs Jahrzehnte der Makrophytenvegetation nordwestdeutscher Bäche und Flüsse, um zum Wissen über die Ökologie aquatischer Makrophyten beizutragen und sie als Bioindikatoren zu nutzen. Siebzig Bäche und Flüsse der Regionen Ems-Hunte Geest, Lüneburger Heide, Allerflachland, nördliches Harzvorland, Fuß des Weser-Leine Berglandes und ostholsteinisches Hügelland sind Bestandteil der Studie, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der überregionalen Betrachtungsebene liegt. Aus der Analyse der Zusammensetzung und Verbreitung der Makrophytengesellschaften im Zusammenhang mit Gewässergröße und physikalischen und chemischen Wasser- und Sedimenteigenschaften schlossen wir, dass Gewässertiefe und Fließgeschwindigkeit von den gemessenen Variablen den größten Einfluss auf die heutige Gesellschaftszusammensetzung haben, gefolgt vom Gehalt pflanzenverfügbaren Phosphors im Sediment. Es ist jedoch nicht auszuschließen, dass vor der im Untersuchungsgebiet seit den 1950ern stattfindenden, starken Intensivierung der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung, als noch ausgeprägtere Gradienten bei den Nährstoffgehalten der Fließgewässer existiert haben, chemische Größen einen stärkeren Einfluss auf die Makrophytenvorkommen hatten als heute.
Mittels semi-permanenter Dauerflächen haben wir den Vegetationswandel zwischen den 1950ern und 2010 untersucht und einen dramatischen Rückgang der Artenvielfalt festgestellt (der Gesamtartenpool sank um 27.5 % von 51 auf 37 Hydrophytenarten, die Artenzahl pro Aufnahmefläche um 19.4 % von 4.7 auf 3.8 Arten), begleitet von einem umfassenden Bestandsumbau vom Vorherrschen wurzelnder (v.a. potamider) Arten zur Dominanz freischwimmender (v.a. lemnider) Arten. Oligotraphente Arten wie Potamogeton gramineus und P. polygonifolius sind in den Probeflächen ausgestorben und die mesotraphenten Arten Myriophyllum alterniflorum und Ranunculus peltatus in ihrer Auftretenshäufigkeit um mehr als 50 % zurückgegangen, während die eutraphenten Arten Myriophyllum spicatum und Spirodela polyrhiza um mehr als 100 % zugenommen haben. In den Artmerkmalen Blattausdauer und spezifische Blattfläche (SLA) wurden Änderungen festgestellt: In den historischen Makrophytenbeständen der 1950er waren immergrüne Arten und Arten mit dünnen Blättern oder solchen mit viel arenchymatischem Gewebe häufig (große SLA), während die rezenten Bestände von 2010 durch sommergrüne Arten und solche mit robuster Struktur (geringe SLA) gekennzeichnet sind. Die Veränderungen in der Arten-zusammensetzung waren am tiefgreifendsten in der Region Ems-Hunte Geest, wo weitläufige Niedermoore durch Entwässerung insbesondere seit der Eindeichung des Dümmer Sees (1953) intensiv bewirtschaftetem Agrarland gewichen sind, und weniger ausgeprägt in der Lüneburger Heide, einer der wenigen Tieflandsregionen Deutschlands, in der noch Fließgewässer mit kaum durch den Menschen veränderter Struktur zu finden sind.
Auf der syntaxonomischen Ebene zeigte die Anwendung zweier unterschiedlicher pflanzensoziologischer Klassifikationssysteme tiefe Veränderungen in der Struktur der Makrophytengesellschaften über sechs Jahrzehnte auf. Alle dokumentierten Vegetations-bestände konnten einer der Klassen Potamogetonetea, Lemnetea, Phragmitetea oder Fontinalietea zugeordnet werden. Während Batrachietalia/Batrachion und Potamogetonetalia /Potamogetonion-Bestände stark zurückgegangen sind, haben Nymphaeetalia/Nymphaeion-Gesellschaften zugenommen. Die beobachtete Zunahme pflanzensoziologisch schwach charakterisierter Bestände (Fragmentgesellschaften) deutet auf Verluste bei den hoch-spezialisierten Arten hin. Im Schnitt waren sich die rezenten Vegetationsbestände signifikant ähnlicher (SBC=0.25) als die historischen (0.22), was eine Homogenisierung der Fließgewässervegetation Nordwestdeutschlands offenbart.
Beschleunigte Eutrophierungsprozesse in den Gewässern und wasserbauliche Maßnahmen in der intensiv genutzten Kulturlandschaft haben zu einer Uniformierung der Fließgewässerhabitate geführt, worin neben häufigen Störereignissen die Hauptursache für die Verluste in Artenreichtum und Vielfalt der Makrophytenvegetation gesehen werden kann. Weitere Anstrengungen zur Reduzierung der Nährstofffrachten, sowie eine Erhöhung der Habitatheterogenität durch strukturverbessernde Renaturierungsmaßnahmen und ökologisch verträgliche Unterhaltungstechniken und -zeitpunkte sind notwendig, um den Diversitäts-rückgang in der Makrophytenvegetation nordwestdeutscher Bäche und Flüsse aufzuhalten und umzukehren. Eine artenreiche Vegetation ist ein wichtiger Baustein in Fließgewässer-Ökosystemen, deren Funktionsfähigkeit nicht zuletzt auch für das menschliche Wohlergehen von Bedeutung ist.
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Eating disorder symptoms and exercise motivations across exercise investment levels among female distance runnersCanady, Andrea. January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of eating disorder symptoms and differences in exercise motivations in female distance runners at various exercise investment levels. One hundred and seven distance runners, aged 19 to 59 years, who run a minimum of five kilometers, three times per week, were asked to complete three questionnaires. The runners across exercise investment levels were not found to differ in Eating Disorder Inventory sub-scale scores. They differed from college women only in exhibiting fewer symptoms on Drive for Thinness (p < .05), Body Dissatisfaction (p < .001), and Interoceptive Awareness (p < .001). Significant differences in the Exercise Orientation Questionnaire sub-scale scores were found between the least and most exercise-invested runners with the latter scoring significantly higher on Exercise Orientation (P < .0001), Identity (p < .004), and Competition (p < .002). It was concluded that while eating disorder symptoms among female distance runners at various investment levels are no different, exercise motivations are different across levels of exercise.
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Narcissism, physical self-efficacy and exercise addiction : a comparative study of runners and aerobics exercisers.Leask, Zia. January 1997 (has links)
Narcissism and physical self-efficacy and exercise commitment were investigated in 'addicted' and
'non-addicted' runners (n = 112) and aerobics exercisers (n = 57) and compared to a control
group of non-exercisers (n = 42). Runners and aerobics exercisers were assigned to an 'addicted'
or 'non-addicted' group using Hailey and Bailey's (1982) Negative Addiction Scale. All subjects
completed biographical questionnaires, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Physical
Self-Efficacy Scale (PSE). Although both narcissism and physical self-efficacy were found to play
a significant role in exercise adoption, narciss\ism was the only significant variable when comparing
'addicted' and 'non-addicted' exercisers. Differences between the runners and aerobics exercisers
were found with the aerobics exercisers exhibiting higher narcissistic tendencies than the runners.
The runners were assigned to one of four quadrants based on their level of commitment and
addiction to running and the Perceived Physical Ability subscale of the PSE and the Self-Sufficiency
subscale of the NPI produced significant differences between the four quadrants. Taken together,
the results suggest that addicted exercisers have the tendency to exhibit narcissistic traits, however
the interaction with physical self-efficacy is equivocal. The findings are discussed with reference
to relevant personality theory and implications for future research in this area. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1997.
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Trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikių ir nesportuojančių merginų greitosios raumenų ir širdies adaptacijos ypatumai kartotiniams anaerobiniams krūviams / Sprint athletes and non athletes girls acute muscle and heart adaptation peculiarities to multiple anaerobic loadsDagelytė, Audra 15 May 2006 (has links)
The objective of this study was to determine sprint athletes and non–athletes girls acute muscles and heart adaptation peculiarities to multiple anaerobic loads. The study‘s participants were girls of similar age: 5 trained athletes in sprint events and 5 non–athletes. There were estimated their antropometric parametres, assessed body mass index (BMI) and heart rate at rest. Also participants performed multiple anaerobic workloads. The results of this research showed that girls well–trained athletes managed to perform greater extent of physical load, were less tired and managed faster to recover between reiterations. The non–athletes performed significantly lower extent of physical load and before the third workload their heart rate‘s indices and results of running 10 m distance with 10 % of body mass weighting indicated considerable fatigue. In consideration of long term adaptation effect we propose, that well–trained athletes have lower body mass, BMI, heart rate at rest, higher running velocity and greater increase of velocity compare to non–athletes. Eaqual duration, intensity, rest pauses and the number of reiterations with and without weighting have different effect on muscle working ability. Athletes showed greater running velocity and it remained unaltered during reiterations in performing eaqual workload without weighting. Participants reached lower velocity and there were obtained velocity reduction in performance with weighting.
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Didelio meistriškumo trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičio įvairiomis sąlygomis analizė / The Analysis of Running Speed on Various Conditions of Great Technique Short – Distance RunnersAdomavičius, Žilvinas 27 May 2010 (has links)
Efektyvus didelio meistriškumo sprinterių treniruotės valdymas galimas tik turint objektyvią informaciją apie įvairius pasirengimo aspektus. Tai reikšmingi veiksniai, tiesiogiai įtakojantys sprinterio rezultatą.
Mes savo darbe pabandėme netik palyginti ir išsiaiškinti geriausių pasaulio bei Lietuvos trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų privalumus bei trūkumus, bet ir pabandėme tyrimais atrasti pratimus, kurie padidintų sportininkų bėgimo greitį bei greičio prieaugį. Mūsų darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti didelio meistriškumo trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičio įvairiomis sąlygomis rodiklius. Darbe iškėlėme šiuos uždavinius:1) išanalizuoti geriausių pasaulio ir Lietuvos trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičio skirtumus bėgant 40m nuotolį; 2) išanalizuoti bėgimų greičio skirtumus bėgant 5 kartus po 40m per 5min poilsio; 3) išanalizuoti bėgimo greičio skirtumus bėgant su sunkmena; 4) išanalizuoti bėgimo greičio skirtumus bėgant su palengvinimu; 5) išanalizuoti bėgimo greičio skirtumus po jėgos ugdymo treniruotės; 6) išanalizuoti skirtingų treniruočių mikrociklų įtaką trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų bėgimo greičiui.
Mūsų darbe buvo atliekami 6 tyrimai. Pirmojo tyrimo metu buvo lyginami Lietuvos ir pasaulio geriausių trumpųjų nuotolių bėgikų 40 m bėgimo greičio rezultatai kas 10 m. Antrojo, trečiojo, ketvirtojo ir penktojo tyrimo metu tiriamieji prieš treniruotę ir po jos bėgo 40 m, tik skyrėsi taikytas krūvis treniruotėje. Buvo taikytos tokios treniruotės: a) 5 kartai po 40 m kas 5min poilsio; b)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective information about various aspects of preparation is essential for efficient management in great technique sprinters’ training. These are very important factors, which influence sprinter’s result directly.
In our work we tried not only to compare and find out advantages and disadvantages of the best sprinters in Lithuania and the world but also, according to our researches, to find out exercises, which increase runners speed and acceleration. The aim of this work is to analyse the indicators of running speed on various conditions of great technique short – distance runners. Following tasks have been set: 1) to analyse Lithuania’s and world’s best sprinters speed differences in 40 metres distance; 2) to analyse speed differences while running 40 metres distance 5 times with 5 minutes brakes; 3) to analyse speed differences while running with weights; 4) to analyse speed differences while running with abatement; 5) to analyse speed differences after strength training; 6) to analyse the influence of different training micro cycles on sprinters’ speed.
6 researches have been accomplished. In the first research, the world’s and Lithuania’s best sprinters results of 40 metres distance every other 10 metres were compared. In the second, third, fifth research, subjects of investigation had to run 40 metres distance before and after the training, only conditions of training were different. Following training systems were applied: a) 5 times of 40 metres distance with 5... [to full text]
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