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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of team web site content and college choice factors of NCAA Division III cross country runners

Finley, Peter S. January 2025 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Northern Colorado, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [148]-160)

Traumeel S : the sportman's answer to enhanced exercise performance and the overtraining syndrome?

Jordaan, Dirk Pieter. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.(Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Summary in English and Afrikaans. Includes bibliographical references.

The efficacy of the Graston technique instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilisation (GISTM) in the treatment of plantar fasciitis in runners

Maartens, Kirsten January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)-Dept. of Chiropractic, Durban Institute of Technology, 2005 12, xiii, 84 leaves / Plantar Fasciitis (PF) or “painful heel syndrome” is an inflammation of the plantar fascia at its insertion on the medial calcaneal tubercle. Accounting for 7-9% of total sports injuries, this condition is predominantly due to overuse and is notoriously difficult to treat. Traditionally treatment focused on the resolution of the inflammation with the application of such modalities cross frictions / transverse frictions being the modality of choice. With such modalities there are however limitations which include the detection of the appropriate areas in which treatment should be given as well as the treatment depth achieved. The GISTM, however is an advanced form of soft tissue mobilisation that employs the use of specifically designed stainless steel instruments that, when manually brushed over the skin of the affected area, are thought to detect and release scar tissue, adhesions and fascial restrictions. This complementary technique is hypothesized to work in the same manner as cross friction massage, and is thought to achieve quicker and improved outcomes by its detection of the treatment area(s) as well as improving the depth of treatment application. This assertion was however untested. Therefore the purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of the Graston Technique Instrument-assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (GISTM) in the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis in runners.

Caracterização de parâmetros biomecânicos e fisiológicos da fadiga durante corrida de intensidade supramáxima intermitente com suplementação de creatina / Biomechanical and physiological characterization of supramaximal intermittent running during fatigue and the effects of creatine supplementation

Fernanda Michelone Acquesta 14 July 2010 (has links)
A dissertação tem por objetivo central caracterizar, através de parâmetros biomecânicos e fisiológicos, a corrida de intensidade supramáxima intermitente em situação de fadiga, e o possível efeito da suplementação com creatina sobre esses parâmetros. Para a indução da fadiga, 8 atletas voluntários (16,3 ± 0,5 anos de idade; 1,78 ± 0,059 m de altura, 70,7 ± 4,16 kg de massa) realizaram teste intermitente (i.e. 5 séries de corrida) com carga constante (i.e. 120% da vVo2max -10% de inclinação da esteira) até a exaustão. Logo ao início da primeira série de corrida realizaram-se coletas da Força de Reação do Solo, do sinal eletromiográfico, da frequência cardíaca e da percepção de esforço. Nas séries 2, 3, 4 e 5 tais parâmetros foram novamente coletados em condição de iminente impossibilidade em manter o exercício. Foram realizadas coletas da concentração de lactato antes das 5 séries de corrida, imediatamente após, e depois de 3 e 5min de descanso. Os voluntários realizaram o protocolo de indução de fadiga em três ocasiões distintas: sem suplementação, com placebo, com suplementação de monoidrato de creatina, seguindo o modelo cross-over, uni-cego. Os resultados apontam para uma clara tendência de aumento da carga externa na situação de fadiga, associada a um consistente aumento da pré-atividade muscular. Provavelmente em função das características do protocolo, observou-se que a maioria dos músculos estudados evidenciou uma tendência de redução na intensidade recrutamento muscular durante a fase de apoio em resposta à fadiga. Observou-se, ainda, uma clara tendência de redução da freqüência mediana para os músculos extensores e flexores da coxa em decorrência da fadiga. Ainda que o efeito da suplementação de creatina sobre os parâmetros eletromiográficos não tenha sido claro, observou-se uma significativa redução da sobrecarga mecânica induzida pelas forças externas em resposta a esta suplementação / The main purposes of this study were to provide a biomechanical and physiological characterization of supramaximal intermittent running during fatigue, and also, to investigate the possible effects of creatine supplementation on the running characterization parameters. To induce fatigue, 8 athletes (years of age=16,3 ± 0,5; height=1,78 ± 0,059 m; weight=70,7 ± 4,16 kg) underwent an intermittent running protocol (i.e. 5 running bouts to exhaustion, interspersed by a 90 s interval) at a fixed load (i.e. 120% of the vVO2max 10% treadmill slope). Ground reaction force, electromyographic signal, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion were obtained at the beginning of the first running bout and at the imminence of exercise interruption due to fatigue on the remaining four bouts. Blood lactate concentration was evaluated prior the beginning of the first running bout and immediately after, 3 and 5 min after the completion of the last running bout. The participants underwent the fatigueinducing protocol under three different conditions: no supplementation, placebo, and creatine supplementation in a single-blind cross-over design. Our results suggest that the subjects experienced a higher external load during fatigue, associated to a consistent increase in muscle pre-activity. It is possible to speculate that the protocol characteristics (i.e. supramaximal running) may have influenced the observed decrease in the muscular activity during fatigue. We have also observed a trend for the decrease in the median frequency for the hip flexors and extensors, possibly influenced by fatigue. Even though no significant effects of creatine supplementation on the electromyographical parameters were observed, a significant decrease in the mechanical overload was observed in response to its supplementation

Influence de la chaussure sur le patron biomécanique de course à pied : adaptations court terme aux caractéristiques géométriques de la semelle / Shoe influence on the biomechanical running pattern : short-term adaptations to geometrical features of the midsole

Chambon, Nicolas 30 January 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse étudie l'effet des caractéristiques spécifiques des semelles de chaussures de course à pied minimalistes sur le patron de course. La première partie de ce travail tente de déterminer les condition expérimentales idéales et préconise l'utilisation de la course sur piste plutôt que sur tapis ainsi qu'un temps de 5 à 7 minutes de course nécessaires à la stabilisation du patron de course lors d'une session de course en chaussures minimalistes. Contrairement à l'épaisseur globale de la semelle, l'augmentation du drop a une influence sur le patron de pose du pied augmentant la flexion dorsale et diminuant la force de réaction du sol à l'impact. Le port de chaussures minimalistes ne présenterait pas d'avantage d'un point de vue de la prévention des blessures. Les études futures devront se concentrer sur les évolutions à long terme du patron de course lors de l'utilisation de chaussures minimalistes. / This thesis work study the specific features of the minimalist shoe sole on running pattern. The first part of this work tried to determine ideal experimental conditions and preconize utilisation of overgound running rather than treadmill running. An adaptation duration of 5 to 7 minutes is also required to the running pattern stabilisation when running in minimalist shoes. Opposite to the sole thickness, increasing the drop affect de foot strike pattern increasing dorsiflexion and decreasing ground reaction force at impact. Running in minimalist shoe would not be advantageous concerning injury risk. Future studies should focus on the long-term evolution of the running pattern when using minimalist shoes.

Comparação das variáveis cinemáticas, eletromiográficas e do conusmo de oxigênio da corrida no triathlon com uma corrida prolongada e uma corrida isolada / Comparison of kinematic and electromyographic variables and oxygen uptake of the triathlon running with a prolonged run and an isolated run

Fraga, Carina Helena Wasem January 2006 (has links)
A corrida representa um importante segmento do triathlon, sendo precedida pela prova de ciclismo. A compreensão dos efeitos do ciclismo sobre o desempenho da corrida, portanto, se torna indispensável para a otimização dos resultados finais de uma prova. O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar as variáveis cinemáticas, eletromiográficas e o consumo de oxigênio da corrida no triathlon com àquelas de uma corrida isolada e de uma corrida prolongada. As seguintes variáveis foram avaliadas no presente estudo: (1) freqüência e amplitude de passada; (2) o valor RMS (root mean square) médio do sinal EMG dos músculos bíceps femoral, reto femoral, vasto lateral, gastrocnêmio medial e tibial anterior; e, (3) o VO2. Participaram desse estudo nove triatletas do sexo masculino. O protocolo de avaliação foi realizado em três etapas: (1) teste para obtenção do VO2 máx, realizado em esteira ergométrica; (2) teste que envolveu a sucessão ciclismo-corrida da prova de triathlon (CT), com 40 km de ciclismo, seguidos de10 km de corrida – em um contexto de prova simulada; e (3) teste de corrida prolongada (CP), em que o atleta correu o tempo correspondente aos 40 km de ciclismo somado a 10 km de corrida. Os primeiros 10 km dessa corrida prolongada constituíram a corrida isolada (CI). Os dados cinemáticos, eletromiográficos e o VO2 foram coletados e analisados a partir de três intervalos: 1°, 5° e 9° km de corrida. O nível de significância dos testes estatísticos aplicados foi de α < 0,05. Os resultados não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre as diferentes corridas. Já entre os intervalos, foi verificada uma diminuição da amplitude de passada entre os intervalos 1 e 2, e entre os intervalos 1 e 3, bem como um aumento do valor RMS do músculo vasto lateral do intervalo 1 para o intervalo 3. A partir da análise específica da corrida do triathlon, foi encontrado um aumento da freqüência e da amplitude de passada entre os intervalos. A inexistência de diferenças entre as corridas se contrapõe aos resultados de estudos encontrados na literatura. Entretanto, os presentes resultados podem ser justificados à medida que o VO2 de teste se manteve abaixo do VO2 correspondente ao segundo limiar ventilatório. A existência de diferenças significativas entre os intervalos para algumas das variáveis analisadas pode sugerir a incidência de fadiga no transcorrer da atividade. / Running represents an important segment of triathlon and is preceded by cycling. Therefore, studying the influence of cycling in running performance is essential for performance optimization. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic and electromyographic variables and oxygen uptake of the triathlon running with a prolonged run and an isolated run. The following parameters were analyzed and compared: (1) the kinematic variables stride frequency and stride length; (2) mean value of the RMS signal of EMG of the biceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis and tibialis anterior muscles; and, (3) the VO2. Nine male triathletes performed the tests, which were performed on three stages: (1) VO2 max test, performed on a treadmill; (2) 40km of cycling followed by 10km of running time-trial (CT), with 40 km of cycling, followed by 10 km of running – simulated race; (3) prolonged run test (CP): the athletes ran the time corresponding to the 40 km of cycling and more 10 km of running after it. The first 10 km of this prolonged run test was considered the isolated run (CI). Kinematic and eletromyographic variables and VO2 variables were collected and analyzed at three distinct moments: 1°, 5° e 9° km of the run. Statistical tests were applied for an α < 0.05. No significant differences were found between the running types. Between moments, decreased on stride length between moments 1 and 2, and between moments 1 and 3, was observed. There was an increase in the EMG signal RMS of the vastus lateralis from moment 1 to moment 3. In the comparison of triathlon running moments, were found increase in stride frequency and in stride length between moments. No differences were found in literature between running types, a completely opposite result compared to our results. However, these results can be justified for the VO2 values, which remained bellow the VO2 values corresponding to ventilatory threshold. The significant differences between moments of some variables may suggest a fatigue effect in the results.

A method for measuring human foot shape during running stance

Blenkinsopp, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Knowledge of the three dimensional shape of the human foot is important in the design of shoes to facilitate correct fit. Currently only the static shape of the foot is considered despite the fact that the foot undergoes changes in its shape, particularly in athletic pursuits, due to associated movements and loadings. Attempts, presented in research, have been made to measure dynamic foot shape. However, to date, measurements have been limited in detail as well as restricted to walking gait, as a result of the method. The work of this thesis aimed to develop a methodology that would be capable of measuring the three dimensional shape of the human foot during the stance phase of gait, in locomotion speeds associated with running.

Modeling Motivation: Examining the Structural Validity of the Sport Motivation Scale-6 among Runners

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Two models of motivation are prevalent in the literature on sport and exercise participation (Deci & Ryan, 1991; Vallerand, 1997, 2000). Both models are grounded in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Ryan & Deci, 2000) and consider the relationship between intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation in explaining behavior choice and outcomes. Both models articulate the relationship between need satisfaction (i.e., autonomy, competence, relatedness; Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000; Ryan & Deci, 2000) and various cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes as a function of self-determined motivation. Despite these comprehensive models, inconsistencies remain between the theories and their practical applications. The purpose of my study was to examine alternative theoretical models of intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation using the Sport Motivation Scale-6 (SMS-6; Mallett et al., 2007) to more thoroughly study the structure of motivation and the practical utility of using such a scale to measure motivation among runners. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate eight alternative models. After finding unsatisfactory fit of these models, exploratory factor analysis was conducted post hoc to further examine the measurement structure of motivation. A three-factor structure of general motivation, external accolades, and isolation/solitude explained motivation best, although high cross-loadings of items suggest the structure of this construct still lacks clarity. Future directions to modify item content and re-examine structure as well as limitations of this study are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Educational Psychology 2012

Comparação das variáveis cinemáticas, eletromiográficas e do conusmo de oxigênio da corrida no triathlon com uma corrida prolongada e uma corrida isolada / Comparison of kinematic and electromyographic variables and oxygen uptake of the triathlon running with a prolonged run and an isolated run

Fraga, Carina Helena Wasem January 2006 (has links)
A corrida representa um importante segmento do triathlon, sendo precedida pela prova de ciclismo. A compreensão dos efeitos do ciclismo sobre o desempenho da corrida, portanto, se torna indispensável para a otimização dos resultados finais de uma prova. O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar as variáveis cinemáticas, eletromiográficas e o consumo de oxigênio da corrida no triathlon com àquelas de uma corrida isolada e de uma corrida prolongada. As seguintes variáveis foram avaliadas no presente estudo: (1) freqüência e amplitude de passada; (2) o valor RMS (root mean square) médio do sinal EMG dos músculos bíceps femoral, reto femoral, vasto lateral, gastrocnêmio medial e tibial anterior; e, (3) o VO2. Participaram desse estudo nove triatletas do sexo masculino. O protocolo de avaliação foi realizado em três etapas: (1) teste para obtenção do VO2 máx, realizado em esteira ergométrica; (2) teste que envolveu a sucessão ciclismo-corrida da prova de triathlon (CT), com 40 km de ciclismo, seguidos de10 km de corrida – em um contexto de prova simulada; e (3) teste de corrida prolongada (CP), em que o atleta correu o tempo correspondente aos 40 km de ciclismo somado a 10 km de corrida. Os primeiros 10 km dessa corrida prolongada constituíram a corrida isolada (CI). Os dados cinemáticos, eletromiográficos e o VO2 foram coletados e analisados a partir de três intervalos: 1°, 5° e 9° km de corrida. O nível de significância dos testes estatísticos aplicados foi de α < 0,05. Os resultados não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre as diferentes corridas. Já entre os intervalos, foi verificada uma diminuição da amplitude de passada entre os intervalos 1 e 2, e entre os intervalos 1 e 3, bem como um aumento do valor RMS do músculo vasto lateral do intervalo 1 para o intervalo 3. A partir da análise específica da corrida do triathlon, foi encontrado um aumento da freqüência e da amplitude de passada entre os intervalos. A inexistência de diferenças entre as corridas se contrapõe aos resultados de estudos encontrados na literatura. Entretanto, os presentes resultados podem ser justificados à medida que o VO2 de teste se manteve abaixo do VO2 correspondente ao segundo limiar ventilatório. A existência de diferenças significativas entre os intervalos para algumas das variáveis analisadas pode sugerir a incidência de fadiga no transcorrer da atividade. / Running represents an important segment of triathlon and is preceded by cycling. Therefore, studying the influence of cycling in running performance is essential for performance optimization. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic and electromyographic variables and oxygen uptake of the triathlon running with a prolonged run and an isolated run. The following parameters were analyzed and compared: (1) the kinematic variables stride frequency and stride length; (2) mean value of the RMS signal of EMG of the biceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis and tibialis anterior muscles; and, (3) the VO2. Nine male triathletes performed the tests, which were performed on three stages: (1) VO2 max test, performed on a treadmill; (2) 40km of cycling followed by 10km of running time-trial (CT), with 40 km of cycling, followed by 10 km of running – simulated race; (3) prolonged run test (CP): the athletes ran the time corresponding to the 40 km of cycling and more 10 km of running after it. The first 10 km of this prolonged run test was considered the isolated run (CI). Kinematic and eletromyographic variables and VO2 variables were collected and analyzed at three distinct moments: 1°, 5° e 9° km of the run. Statistical tests were applied for an α < 0.05. No significant differences were found between the running types. Between moments, decreased on stride length between moments 1 and 2, and between moments 1 and 3, was observed. There was an increase in the EMG signal RMS of the vastus lateralis from moment 1 to moment 3. In the comparison of triathlon running moments, were found increase in stride frequency and in stride length between moments. No differences were found in literature between running types, a completely opposite result compared to our results. However, these results can be justified for the VO2 values, which remained bellow the VO2 values corresponding to ventilatory threshold. The significant differences between moments of some variables may suggest a fatigue effect in the results.

Análise da potencialidade ergogênica e riscos associados ao uso do antiinflamatório não-esteroidal ibuprofeno em corredores de endurance / Analysis of the ergogenic potential and risks associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ibuprofen in endurance runners

Silva, Eduardo Ramos da January 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Devido ao fato dos antiinflamatórios serem amplamente utilizados no meio atlético, da suposta melhora de desempenho pelo efeito analgésico, independentemente da presença ou não de lesão, e, por fim, em razão dos extensos relatos de efeitos adversos associados a esta classe farmacológica, o objetivo da presente Tese Doutoral foi verificar a potencialidade do antiinflamatório não-esteroidal (AINE) Ibuprofeno em enquadrar-se como doping segundo o Código Mundial Antidoping da Agência Mundial Antidoping (WADA-COI), segundo critérios de ergogenia e risco à saúde em atleta em corrida de duração. Para tanto, foram realizados um estudo observacional e três ensaios clínicos, randomizados e duplo-cego. Materiais e Métodos: No primeiro trabalho (laboratorial), 14 atletas especialistas em provas de longa duração realizaram dois testes progressivos de corrida em esteira rolante com 72 horas de intervalo (modelo cruzado), sendo administrada em cada teste dose única e por via oral de 1,2g de AINE ou Placebo (lactose). Os resultados indicaram que o uso de AINE reduziu a percepção de esforço no segundo limiar ventilatório (p 0,01), todavia com diminuição da velocidade associada (p=0,01) e redução do VO2máx (p=0,04). No segundo estudo, 20 sujeitos (2x10 sujeitos) condicionados e saudáveis, após determinação da velocidade associada ao segundo limiar ventilatório, foram submetidos a um protocolo de tempo limite para exaustão (tlim) em corrida antes e 48h após indução de dano muscular com exercícios concêntricos e excêntricos (em dinamômetro isoscinético) nos grupos musculares do compartimento anterior e posterior da coxa. No segundo teste (pós-dano) um grupo recebeu, em dose única e por via oral, 1,2g de AINE e o outro grupo Placebo. Os resultados indicaram redução significativa do tlim em ambos os grupos (p 0,01), contudo sem atenuação de queda pelo AINE (p=0,55). No terceiro e último experimento, 14 atletas realizaram duas provas simuladas (PS) de 10 km em pista com sete dias de intervalo. Em cada dia os sujeitos receberam tratamento farmacológico idêntico aos estudos anteriores (modelo cruzado) tendo sido monitorados a filtragem glomerular (FG) pela técnica de clearance de 51CrEDTA, assim como o desempenho (tempo total de teste). Em ambas PSs foi observada redução significativa da FG (p 0,01), porém sem diferenciação entre as situações de uso de AINE e Placebo (p=0,235). O desempenho foi impactado negativamente pelo fármaco (p=0,02). Conclusões específicas: em corredores condicionados e atletas, a administração profilática de Ibuprofeno em dose única por via oral possui potencial chance de redução do desempenho por impactar possivelmente a distribuição volêmica ao tecido ativo (efeito associado à redução de hiperemia tecidual e à resposta cronotrópica frente ao exercício). Não restou assegurada sua eficácia analgésica sobre a atenuação do desconforto agudo (gerado pela corrida) ou tardio (gerado por dano prévio) no que tange a relação dor X desempenho. E por fim, a administração de dose única deste Ibuprofeno antes da corrida (nas condições de análise), não potencializa a condição de insuficiência renal aguda gerada pelo próprio exercício. Conclusão geral: O presente modelo experimental indica que o uso do antiinflamatório não-esteroidal Ibuprofeno não apresenta potencialidade de enquadrar-se como doping segundo Código Mundial Antidoping da WADA. / Introduction: Considering that anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used in the athletic community because of their supposed improvement of performance due to their analgesic action, either in the presence of lesion or not, and the numerous reports of the adverse effects associated with this pharmacological class, the aim of the present Doctoral Dissertation was to investigate the possibility of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ibuprofen being fit to be considered as doping according to the World Anti-Doping Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA-COI), by the criteria of ergogeny and risk to health in athletes in long duration run. To that purpose, three randomized, double blind clinical trials were performed. Materials and Methods: In the first trial (laboratory setting), 14 athletes experienced in long duration runs were submitted to 2 progressive tests of running on treadmill with a 72-hour interval between the tests (crossover design), with oral administration of a single dose of 1.2g NSAID or placebo (lactose) before each test. The results showed that the use of NSAID reduced the perceived exertion at the second ventilatory threshold (p 0.01), yet with decreased associated speed (p=0.01) and reduced VO2máx (p=0.04). In the second trial, 20 fit healthy subjects (2x10 subjects), after determination of the speed associated with the second ventilatory threshold, were submitted to a limit time protocol for exhaustion (tlim) in run before and 48h after inducing muscle damage with concentric and eccentric exercises (in isokinetic dynamometer) in the muscle groups of the anterior and posterior thigh compartment. In the second test (postdamage), one group was given a single oral dose of 1.2g NSAID and the other, placebo. The results showed a significant reduction in tlim in both groups (p 0.01), still without attenuation of fall by the NSAID (p=0.55). In the third and last test, 14 athletes performed two 10-km simulated runs (SRs) on track with a 7-day interval. On each day the runners received the same pharmacological treatment as in the previous trials (crossover design) and had their glomerular filtration rate (GFR) monitored by the 51CrEDTA clearance rate technique as well as their performance (total time of test). In both runs a significant reduction in the GFR (p 0.01) was observed, yet with no difference between the situations of using NSAID and placebo (p=0,235). Performance was negatively affected by the drug (p=0,02). Specific conclusions: In experienced, fit runners and athletes, prophylactic Ibuprofen administration in oral single dose is potentially able to reduce performance as it is likely to adversely affect volemic distribution to the active tissue (an effect associated with reduction in tissue hyperemia and chronotropic response resulting from exercise). Its analgesic efficacy on attenuating acute (caused by the run) or late (caused by previous damage) discomfort Is not guaranteed as the pain X performance relation is concerned. Finally, a single dose of Ibuprofen administered before the run (in the conditions investigated here) does not potentialize the acute renal failure condition caused by the exercise itself. General conclusion: The present experimental model indicates that the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Ibuprofen cannot be considered as doping according to the World Anti-Doping Code of the WADA.

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