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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza příjmů venkovských obcí / Analysis of the incomes of rural municipalities

DUŠÁKOVÁ, Alena January 2012 (has links)
Thesis on the analysis of incomes of rural municipalities will assess the amount, structure and dynamics of the incomes of rural municipalities in the Czech Republic. Incomes are analyzed in the period 2001 ? 2008 and are dividend into tax, non-tax, capita and received subsidies. The thesis presents the theoretical basis for the analysis, particularly for the legislative influences that cause ganges in incomes of minicipal budgets. The central charter of municipal budgets as tax revenues that are derived from existing law on budgetary determinativ of taxes. Tax revenues of municipalities consist of shared taxes, entrusted taxes and local fees. The most significant change in tax revenues occurred in 2008, which inceased income, especially in smaller communities. In terms of structure are the most signifiant tax revenues from shared taxes. Non-tax revenues mainly comprise revenues from their business. Capital incomes follow from sale of fix assets and it is the smallest share of the total incomes. The second most important income are received subsidies. They are dividend according to the purpose of investment and common. Rural municipalities are dividend into five categories because of comparison. And there is salso introduced one category of non-rural municipalities. The analysis of incomes shows that municipalities in the suburban zones have a different structure of their income.

Análise do desempenho de uma motobomba de superfície acionada por um motor CA indução tipo shaded pole alimentado por painel fotovoltaico / Analysis of a centrifugal surface pump supported by a shaded pole AC motor connected to photovoltaic panel

Barin, Wilson Antonio 29 March 2012 (has links)
The proposed work evaluates the technical viability of a photovoltaic pumping system and presents the main characteristics of the system application. The pumping system uses a lead acid battery and a photovoltaic panel. The battery supplies energy to an alternating current motor, namely Shaded Pole, which feeds the centrifugal surface pump. The energy from the battery is changed to AC voltage by a DC-AC inverter, 12/220 V. The voltage level applied on this battery is monitored by a load controller (solar power regulator). The whole proposed system is made in Brazil, which facilitates the purchase, alteration and building of the system. The amount of water pumped is related to the solar radiation, the solar exposition period, the manometric height and the pumping power. By evaluating the proposed system is possible to find the volume of pumped water and how this amount will be applied at small rural municipalities, as human and animal water consumption, irrigation, among others. / O presente trabalho tem por finalidade determinar o comportamento e a viabilidade técnica e energética de um sistema de bombeamento fotovoltaico utilizando uma bateria do tipo chumbo-ácido, estacionária ou usada em veículos automotores, alimentada por um painel fotovoltaico. A bateria fornecerá energia elétrica para um motor elétrico CA, tipo Shaded Pole, que por sua vez acionará uma bomba centrífuga de superfície. A transformação da CC da bateria em CA, para alimentar o motor da bomba, se dará através de um Inversor CC-CA, 12/220 V. A tensão elétrica aplicada na bateria, pelo painel, será monitorada por um Controlador de Carga Solar. O conjunto motobomba será de fabricação brasileira, de modo a facilitar a aquisição, reposição e montagem do sistema proposto. A quantidade de água diária a ser bombeada pelo sistema dependerá da radiação solar do local, das horas em que o painel alimentará a bateria, da altura manométrica e da potência da motobomba. A partir da avaliação deste sistema de bombeamento em questão, com a motobomba alimentada pela luz solar que incide no painel fotovoltaico e pela bateria, será possível determinar o volume de água bombeado e como este será utilizada em pequenas propriedades rurais ou assentamentos, visando atender as diversas necessidades destas localidades, como irrigação de produtos hortigranjeiros, consumo humano, animal (bebedouro), entre outros.

Dichotomies of Utility : Experiences of Refugee Reception and Demographic Challenges in Rural Sweden

Andersson, Axel January 2020 (has links)
In the years immediately following the so-called “refugee crisis”, Swedish municipalities that had received many refugees improved their financial position in a quite remarkable way. Overall, 2016 might have been the best financial year ever for the municipal sector. In sharp contrast to this, 2019 saw an estimated third of all municipalities run deficits. In the public debate, this has generally been explained as a result of refugee reception and integration, which are seen as major cost factors draining the municipalities of funds. Other issues which have seen less prominence in the public debate include ongoing demographic challenges stemming from birth deficits, emigration and the continued ageing of the population. These are particularly sensitive areas in the case of smaller, rural municipalities, which generally have smaller populations than the major towns and cities. The purpose of this thesis is thus to examine how municipalities within this category have experienced refugee reception and the integration process during and in the aftermath of the refugee crisis. This has been achieved through a qualitative approach centred around thematic and qualitative content analysis frameworks. Theoretical concepts based around citizenship, integration, welfare studies and macroeconomics have been consulted. The macroeconomic framework employed stems from the heterodox school of economics, primarily centred around the school of thought known as Modern Monetary Theory. The empirical material consists of various documents published by the central government, government agencies and municipalities in order to frame what has turned out to be a contradictory and conflict-ridden account of refugee reception. During the crisis, an overwhelming majority of the Swedish municipalities saw unprecedented economic growth as a result of government spending, which has since stagnated as a result of the central government returning to its pre-crisis fiscal policy framework. In 2015, the Swedish central government turned from a relatively open asylum policy towards a very restrictive one, a shift primarily motivated with reference to financial concerns. However, this turn resulted in decreased opportunities for rural municipalities to benefit from increased migration inflows, which has turned out to be a decisive factor for economic growth and demographic sustainability. The results show that municipalities that have worked actively with integration have not only managed to accommodate the sudden needs of refugees, but actively benefitted from population growth and increased tax revenue. While the ensuing result does not necessarily advocate for increased immigration, it challenges established macroeconomic principles and the presumption that a stricter migration regime would mend the financial woes of all Swedish municipalities.

Bilden av landsbygden : Hur landsbygdskommuners visioner återskapas på Instagram / The representation of the rural : How the visionary goals of rural municipalities in Sweden get re-created on Instagram

Antonsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Utifrån situationen att befolkningen i Sveriges landsbygdskommuner minskar trots att landets befolkning i stort ökar (Erlingsson, Syssner & Ödalen, 2015), blir det allt svårare för dem att upprätthålla en tillfredsställande nivå av service och utveckling (Bjerke & Mellander, 2017; Stockdale, 2004). Attraktionen av intressenter blir därför en förutsättning för att kommunerna ska kunna bedriva sin verksamhet (Fredriksson, Färdigh & Törnberg, 2018). För att vända trenden arbetar allt fler kommuner med platsmarknadsföring (Niedomysl, 2004). Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur pendlings- och landsbygdskommuner i Sverige återskapar sitt platsvarumärke i sociala medier med fokus på Instagram. Undersökningen har gjorts utifrån frågeställningarna: Hur återskapas kommunernas officiella bild via deras officiella Instagramkonton? Vilka likheter och skillnader kan ses mellan de olika kommunernas platsvarumärken och hur de återskapas?  Studiens teoretiska ramverk har satts samman i en modell för gemensamt platsskapande. I modellen visas hur platsen, kommunen och intressenterna samarbetar för att tillsammans skapa ett gemensamt platsvarumärke, vare sig kommunikationen är planerad eller inte. Modellen kompletteras med teorier kring dialogskapande mellan organisationer och deras intressenter. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och har genomförts med en semiotisk innehållsanalys för att ta reda på hur sex olika kommuner har formulerat sina erbjudanden i ett platsvarumärke eller en vision och hur detta varumärke återskapas via kommunens officiella Instagramkonto. Resultaten jämförs sedan utifrån referenspunkterna (1) kommungrupp och (2) befolkningssituation.   Undersökningen visar att de kommuner som skiljer sig mest åt i förutsättningar trots det har flest likheter i sin kommunikation. Positionering görs genom att visa att man gör rätt saker men på ett annorlunda sätt. Fokus ligger genomgående på att visa en god livskvalitet. Man kan också se att hållbarhet blir ett allt viktigare område. Undersökningen kan också se att kommunerna interagerar med sina intressenter på olika nivåer utifrån ett aktivt, reaktivt och passivt deltagande. De kommuner som lyckas bäst med att återskapa sin officiella bild via sitt Instagramkonto är de som har ett varierande innehåll som förstärker de delar man beskrivit i platsvarumärket. Förutom slutsatser utifrån referenspunkterna kan studien även visa på likheter ur ett geografiskt perspektiv. / Based on the situation that the population of Sweden's rural municipalities is declining despite the fact that the country's population is increasing at large (Erlingsson, Syssner & Ödalen, 2015), it becomes difficult for them to maintain a satisfactory level of service and development (Bjerke & Mellander, 2017; Stockdale, 2004). The attraction of stakeholders is therefore a prerequisite to be able to conduct their operations (Fredriksson, Färdigh & Törnberg, 2018). To reverse this trend, more and more municipalities are using place marketing (Niedomysl, 2004). The purpose of the study is to show how commuting and rural municipalities in Sweden recreate their place brands in social media focusing on Instagram. The survey is based on the questions: How are municipalities' official image recreated through their official Instagram accounts? What similarities and differences can be seen between the different municipalities' place brands and how they are recreated? The study's theoretical framework has been put together in a model for joint place making. The model shows how the place, the municipality and the stakeholders work together to create a joint place brand, whether the communication is planned or not. The model is complemented by theories about dialogue between organizations and their stakeholders. The survey is qualitative and was conducted with a semiotic content analysis to find out how six municipalities have formulated their offers in a place brand or vision and how this brand is recreated through the municipality's official Instagram account. The results are then compared based on the reference points (1) municipality group and (2) population situation. The survey shows that the municipalities that differ most in terms of conditions, have the most similarities in communication. Strategic positioning is made by showing that they are doing the right things but in a different way. There is a consistent focus on quality of life and you can also see that sustainability is becoming more important. The survey also shows that the municipalities interact with stakeholders at different levels of active, reactive and passive participation. The municipalities that are most successful in recreating their official image on Instagram have a varied content that reinforces the parts described in the place brand. In addition to conclusions based on the reference points, the study also shows similarities from a geographical perspective.

Att planera och utveckla landsbygden : En fallstudie av två landsbygdskommuner i Sverige / How to plan and develop rural areas : A case study of two rural municipalities in Sweden

Johansson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Det finns många olika typer av landsbygder och därmed olika förutsättningar för den kommunala planeringen och utvecklingsarbetet. Denna uppsats syftar därför till att undersöka hur två landsbygdskommuner med olika förutsättningar – med och utan dominerande besöksnäring – planerar och utvecklar sin landsbygd. Uppsatsen baseras på två fallstudier. Den ena är en fallstudie av Vetlanda kommun och den andra av Rättviks kommun, där Vetlanda är en industrikommun och Rättviks kommun har dominerande besöksnäring. / There are different kinds of rural areas and by that there are also different conditions for the municipal planning and development. This essay aims to investigate how two rural municipalities with different conditions, in this case with or without tourism as its largest industry, plan and develop their rural areas. The essay is based on two case studies. One case study of the municipality of Vetlanda and one case study of the municipality of Rättviks, where Vetlanda is an industrial municipality and Rättvik is the municipality with tourism as its dominating industry.

Planning and development in fragmented city-regions : a case study of Saskatoon's Willows Residential Development (1992-2004)

Thomarat, Jacqueline Anne 20 August 2007
This thesis examines a protracted planning process in the Saskatoon city-region. More specifically, it examines the planning process which occurred between 1992 and 2004 regarding a residential housing development on The Willows Golf Course. This thesis reveals that the protracted planning process was the result of several factors including: the fragmented character of governance; the planning and development policies and decision-making process in the Saskatoon city-region; the multiplicity of actors; and the political dynamics that arose in an intermunicipal conflict between the City of Saskatoon and the Rural Municipality of Corman Park. <p>The thesis concludes that this case study provides some important lessons for both governments and planners in the Saskatoon city-region as well as other city-regions on opportunities and obstacles for improving planning processes. The first major lesson is that problems emerge when an innovative proposal lands in the context of an antiquated policy framework that cannot adequately deal with it. The second major lesson is that the current regional planning mechanisms are not conducive to comprehensive long-term planning for the city-region. The third lesson is that in some cases the opposition is to changes to the traditional decision-making processes as much as it is to the proposed project. The fourth major lesson is that timely and effective communication is very important for determining character of the political dynamics surrounding a development proposal. Miscommunication can create problematic political dynamics. The fifth major lesson is that economic considerations are inextricably tied to the politics of planning and development.<p>This study concludes with two major recommendations. The first recommendation is that in order to overcome the negative outcomes of fragmented governance systems, formal structures and protocols must be improved to ensure that municipalities continue to communicate effectively with one another in difficult circumstances created by increasing development pressure, especially when they are likely to disagree on a particular development proposal. The second recommendation is that given that there is no guarantee that neighbouring municipal governments can always reach agreement between them, legitimate and efficient dispute settlement mechanisms are required both at the regional level and at the provincial level.

Planning and development in fragmented city-regions : a case study of Saskatoon's Willows Residential Development (1992-2004)

Thomarat, Jacqueline Anne 20 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines a protracted planning process in the Saskatoon city-region. More specifically, it examines the planning process which occurred between 1992 and 2004 regarding a residential housing development on The Willows Golf Course. This thesis reveals that the protracted planning process was the result of several factors including: the fragmented character of governance; the planning and development policies and decision-making process in the Saskatoon city-region; the multiplicity of actors; and the political dynamics that arose in an intermunicipal conflict between the City of Saskatoon and the Rural Municipality of Corman Park. <p>The thesis concludes that this case study provides some important lessons for both governments and planners in the Saskatoon city-region as well as other city-regions on opportunities and obstacles for improving planning processes. The first major lesson is that problems emerge when an innovative proposal lands in the context of an antiquated policy framework that cannot adequately deal with it. The second major lesson is that the current regional planning mechanisms are not conducive to comprehensive long-term planning for the city-region. The third lesson is that in some cases the opposition is to changes to the traditional decision-making processes as much as it is to the proposed project. The fourth major lesson is that timely and effective communication is very important for determining character of the political dynamics surrounding a development proposal. Miscommunication can create problematic political dynamics. The fifth major lesson is that economic considerations are inextricably tied to the politics of planning and development.<p>This study concludes with two major recommendations. The first recommendation is that in order to overcome the negative outcomes of fragmented governance systems, formal structures and protocols must be improved to ensure that municipalities continue to communicate effectively with one another in difficult circumstances created by increasing development pressure, especially when they are likely to disagree on a particular development proposal. The second recommendation is that given that there is no guarantee that neighbouring municipal governments can always reach agreement between them, legitimate and efficient dispute settlement mechanisms are required both at the regional level and at the provincial level.

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