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Bioenergy, development and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa / pathways towards a more sustainable energy provision in Western Tanzanian settlementsHoffmann, Harry Konrad 12 February 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet eine detaillierte Analyse traditioneller und moderner Bioenergie, sowie deren möglicher Entwicklungspfade und Auswirkung auf Ernährungssicherheit im ländlichen Tansania. Die Arbeit bereichert die wissenschaftlichen Debatten mittels Aufzeigen von Optionen der nachhaltigen Produktion und Verbrauch von Bioenergie. Der Komplex wird in vier separaten und begutachteten Fachartikeln (drei publiziert, einer under review) bearbeitet. Alle Publikationen erzielen Aussagen für vier Einkommensgruppen auf lokaler Ebene. Für eine optimale Analyse ist die Arbeit thematisch in die Forschungsgebiete traditionelle und moderne Bioenergie unterteilt, die sich auch in den Kapiteln bzgl. des aktuellen Forschungsstandes sowie der Abfolge der Fachartikel widerspiegeln. Die erste Publikation beschäftigt sich mit traditionellem Bioenergiekonsum und der postulierten Einführung eines feuerholz-spezifischen, energetisch optimierten Kochers in dem Hauptuntersuchungsdorf Laela. Die Effekte einer Einführung von technologisch optimierten Holzkohlemeilern werden in der zweiten Publikation widergegeben. Nach diesem Fokus auf traditionelle Bioenergie analysiert der dritte Artikel die Effekte auf Nahrungsmittelsicherheit, die sich aus der angenommenen Verstromung von Pflanzenölen ergeben. Der vierte Artikel analysiert die Möglichkeiten einer erhöhten Palmölproduktion und leitet Ergebnisse für die tansanische Region Kigoma ab. Eine finale Empfehlung dieser Dissertation ist, dass die Verbreitung und Nutzung von verbesserten Kochern stark erhöht werden muss. Gleichzeitig sollten politischen Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, die Zugang und Verfügbarkeit von verlässlicher, erschwinglicher und nachhaltiger traditioneller wie moderner Bioenergie garantieren. Zudem muss die Etablierung einer effizienteren wie nachhaltigeren Holzkohle-Wertschöpfungskette vorangetrieben werden. Pflanzenölbasierte Elektrizitätsproduktion dagegen wirkt sich negativ auf die Ernährungssicherheit aus. / This PhD thesis provides a detailed analysis of the traditional and modern bioenergy situation as well as their development pathways and their respective influence on food security in case study villages in rural Tanzania. It adds to the current literature as it provides a profound understanding of how to enhance and sustain bioenergy production and consumption in terms of resource capacity and overall sustainability. For this, it comprises four peer-reviewed papers (3 published, one under review). All papers derive results for four income groups at local level. For an optimized analysis, the dissertation is thematically subdivided into the research areas of traditional and modern bioenergy which is displayed in the state of art research sections as well as the clustering of the papers. The first paper focuses on traditional bioenergy consumption and the potential introduction of a firewood-efficient stove in the major case-study village Laela. The effects of the introduction of more efficient kiln technology on resource consumption in the same village are mirrored in the second publication. After this focus on traditional bioenergy, the third paper investigates food security effects resulting out of the assumed use of vegetable oil for electrification purposes. The fourth paper analyses options for increased palm oil production and derives results for the Tanzanian region of Kigoma. The final recommendation of the thesis is that the prevalence and use of improved stoves needs to be increased substantially. Simultaneously, policy measures that foster the access to and availability of reliable, affordable and sustainable traditional as well as modern energy should be implemented. Furthermore, the establishment of a more efficient and sustainable charcoal value chain needs to be promoted. Vegetable oil based electrification, however, does not contribute towards food security.
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The relationship between stock market returns and inflation : new evidence from Sub-Saharan AfricaMpofu, Bekithemba January 2010 (has links)
The literature investigating the relationship between stock market returns and inflation is long and has produced diverse findings. This thesis examines the nature of stock–inflation relations in Sub-Saharan countries whose stock markets were established before 1992. Evidence in this thesis shows that in the short term there is a positive relationship between stocks and inflation. Using the Johansen (1988) evidence, a long-run stock–inflation relationship is confirmed only in Nigeria and South Africa, where it is found to be negative. However, accounting for structural breaks provides evidence for a long-run relationship in Botswana, Ghana and Kenya. The evidence of the effects of regimes in the relationship is further supported by a nonparametric cointegration analysis which finds a long-run relation in countries where the Johansen (1988) method had failed. Unexpected inflation is also found to be related to stock returns in Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Mauritius, which raises concerns about the use of month-end stock data in analysing this relationship. The thesis confirms the existence of hidden inflation in Kenya, Mauritius, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. Imported inflation, interest rates and the exchange rate are found to have useful information about inflation movements in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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The engineering and optimization of expression of rotavirus-like particles in insect cells using a South African G9P[6] rotavirus strain / by Maria J. van der Westhuizen.Van der Westhuizen, Maria Jacoba January 2012 (has links)
Rotavirus infection causes gastroenteritis, specifically severe gastroenteritis, affecting children younger than five globally, regardless of hygiene and water quality. Current licensed, live, attenuated vaccines do not contain the G9 genotype, which is a prevalent rotavirus strain circulating in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that carries a high rotavirus disease burden. Rotavirus-like particles (RV-VLPs) is an attractive non-live vaccine candidate, which has shown promising results in animal studies. Previously, dsRNA was extracted from a stool sample containing a South African human G9P[6] neonatal strain, and amplified cDNA using a sequence-independent procedure. The consensus sequence was obtained for the genome segments using 454® pyrosequencing. The insect-cell-codon-optimized genome segments 2 (VP2), 4 (VP4), 6 (VP6) and 9 (VP7) were cloned into a modified pFASTBACquad vector (pFBq). Several combinations of the genome segments were cloned to produce double-layered particles (DLP; pFBqVP2VP6) or triple-layered particles (TLP; pFBqVP2VP6VP7). In the current study, a ΔTLP (pFBqdVP2-VP8*VP6VP7) construct was generated. The first 92 amino acids of VP2 are not necessary for the conformation of recombinant RV-VLPs. The ORF of VP8*, which contains immune important epitopes, was fused to the 5’ end of the dVP2 coding region resulting in a dVP2-VP8* fused protein which was expressed in the presence of VP6 and VP7 to produce ΔTLPs. The Bac-to-Bac® Baculovirus Expression System and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf) 9 insect cells were used for expression. All the proteins were successfully expressed. VP2, VP6, VP4 and the dVP2-VP8* fused protein were visible on Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE. Expression of VP7 could only be confirmed with western blot analysis. Particle formation, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), was observed for DLPs. No TLPs of dVP2-8*/6/7 or VP2/6/7 were visualized due to the lower expression level of VP7 and the lack of calcium supplements during the assembly process. In conclusion, it was possible to produce RV-DLPs derived from the consensus sequence determined for a G9P[6] rotavirus directly from stool without prior propagation in cell culture or virus isolation. This strain contains both the G9 and P[6] genotypes that are currently prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. / Thesis (MSc (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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The engineering and optimization of expression of rotavirus-like particles in insect cells using a South African G9P[6] rotavirus strain / by Maria J. van der Westhuizen.Van der Westhuizen, Maria Jacoba January 2012 (has links)
Rotavirus infection causes gastroenteritis, specifically severe gastroenteritis, affecting children younger than five globally, regardless of hygiene and water quality. Current licensed, live, attenuated vaccines do not contain the G9 genotype, which is a prevalent rotavirus strain circulating in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that carries a high rotavirus disease burden. Rotavirus-like particles (RV-VLPs) is an attractive non-live vaccine candidate, which has shown promising results in animal studies. Previously, dsRNA was extracted from a stool sample containing a South African human G9P[6] neonatal strain, and amplified cDNA using a sequence-independent procedure. The consensus sequence was obtained for the genome segments using 454® pyrosequencing. The insect-cell-codon-optimized genome segments 2 (VP2), 4 (VP4), 6 (VP6) and 9 (VP7) were cloned into a modified pFASTBACquad vector (pFBq). Several combinations of the genome segments were cloned to produce double-layered particles (DLP; pFBqVP2VP6) or triple-layered particles (TLP; pFBqVP2VP6VP7). In the current study, a ΔTLP (pFBqdVP2-VP8*VP6VP7) construct was generated. The first 92 amino acids of VP2 are not necessary for the conformation of recombinant RV-VLPs. The ORF of VP8*, which contains immune important epitopes, was fused to the 5’ end of the dVP2 coding region resulting in a dVP2-VP8* fused protein which was expressed in the presence of VP6 and VP7 to produce ΔTLPs. The Bac-to-Bac® Baculovirus Expression System and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf) 9 insect cells were used for expression. All the proteins were successfully expressed. VP2, VP6, VP4 and the dVP2-VP8* fused protein were visible on Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE. Expression of VP7 could only be confirmed with western blot analysis. Particle formation, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), was observed for DLPs. No TLPs of dVP2-8*/6/7 or VP2/6/7 were visualized due to the lower expression level of VP7 and the lack of calcium supplements during the assembly process. In conclusion, it was possible to produce RV-DLPs derived from the consensus sequence determined for a G9P[6] rotavirus directly from stool without prior propagation in cell culture or virus isolation. This strain contains both the G9 and P[6] genotypes that are currently prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. / Thesis (MSc (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Die militêre betrokkenheid van die Verenigde State van Amerika in Sub-Sahara Afrika : 1993-2001 (Afrikaans)Esterhuyse, Abel Jacobus 12 February 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate and analyse the military involvement of the USA in the security of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) during the era of the Clinton administration (1993-2001). The study is based on the assumption that the US did not have that much interest in the security of SSA during the Clinton era and that it did not want to become militarily involved in SSA. Its position as the only remaining superpower in the post-Cold War era, however placed a responsibility on the US to be militarily involved in the creation of a more secure SSA. The study relies on two theoretical constructs. On the one hand the changing nature of security in the post-Cold War world in general, but specifically in SSA, serves as a theoretical starting point. This is, on the other hand, supported by a theoretical focus on the nature of military involvement globally, but also specifically in SSA in the era after the Cold War. The latter is to a large extent related to the changing nature of military force and the use thereof in the post-Cold War era. The military involvement of the US in the management of the security of SSA during the Clinton era is analysed against the background of the US interests, policy, and strategy – specifically its security strategy – in SSA. The reality of the absence of concrete US interests in SSA is highlighted. This lack of interest led to a situation whereby SSA could not be a priority in US foreign policy. The US policy objectives in SSA were nevertheless aimed at the promotion of democracy, the improvement of the security situation and the support of economic progress. The reluctance of the US to deploy military forces in SSA underpins its security strategy and military involvement in SSA. The security strategy of the US was in essence preventive in nature since it aimed at preventing the manifestation of threats from SSA against the US by promoting the stability of SSA. However, the US was still militarily involved in SSA in a variety of ways, from the provision of military training and the conduct of military exercises to military operations. Military involvement centred around the empowerment of armed forces in SSA. It was argued that the capacity of the armed forces of SSA should be developed to support democratic governance and economic progress. The capacity building programmes of the US armed forces in SSA concentrated on defence reform, military professionalism, the creation of indigenous conflict resolution and peace support capabilities, the provision of equipment, and the improvement of health and environmental conditions. / Dissertation (MA (Security Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Political Sciences / unrestricted
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A Comparative Study of Institutional Responses to Sustainable Mobility for Public Transport in cities in Ghana and TanzaniaBonsu, Christine 12 May 2023 (has links)
Städte sind aufgrund der zunehmend negativen Auswirkungen des Verkehrs auf die Umwelt an vorderster Front der nachhaltigen Entwicklung und der nachhaltigen Mobilität. In den Städten Subsahara-Afrikas scheinen jedoch die Akteure und Hauptvertreter nachhaltiger Mobilität den Herausforderungen bei der Erreichung nachhaltiger Mobilitätsziele im öffentlichen Verkehr nicht gewachsen zu sein. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht diese vergleichende Studie die institutionellen Antworten auf das Erfordernis nachhaltiger Mobilitätslösungen im öffentlichen Verkehr in der Stadtregion Accra (Ghana) und der Stadt Dar es Salaam (Tansania) im Hinblick auf die vorhandenen Kapazitäten der Institutionen, Koordinations sowie Kommunikationsmechanismen. Die Studie folgt einem qualitativen Forschungsdesign und wendet Methoden an, die mit den wesentlichen Grundannahmen qualitativer sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung übereinstimmen.
Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass nachhaltiger ÖPNV in beiden Städten als die Nutzung von Fahrzeugen mit höherer Auslastung, klar definierten lokalen Zielen für nachhaltigen ÖPNV und ganzheitlichen Regulierungssystemen wahrgenommen wird. Die vergleichende Analyse der beiden Städte in Bezug auf das Schlüsselthema Governance zeigt, dass im Fall der Stadt Accra das Fehlen eines Stadtrats mit einem entsprechenden Stadtoberhaupt oder einem Champion wie im Fall der Stadt Dar es Salaam ein wichtiger limitierender Faktor ist, der Entwicklungsprogramme, -pläne und -projekte verzögert. Die unzureichende Koordinierung zwischen den Institutionen wiederum führt im Fall von Dar es Salaam trotz des Vorhandenseins eines Stadtrats zu doppelten Strukturen und zur Zersplitterung der knappen Ressourcen. Folglich werden kurzfristige, mittelfristige und langfristige Strategien für Entwicklungsmaßnahmen in der Stadtregion Accra und der Stadt Dar es Salaam vorgeschlagen. / Cities are at the forefront of sustainable development and sustainable mobility due to the rising negative impacts of transportation to the environment. Actors and key stakeholders for sustainable mobility in cities in Sub-Sahara Africa however seem not ready for the associated challenges towards the attainment of sustainable mobility for public transport. It is against this background that this study comparatively investigates the institutional responses to sustainable mobility for public transport in Accra city-region (Ghana) and Dar es Salaam city (Tanzania) in the light of existing capacity of the institutions, coordination and communication mechanisms. This study adopts the qualitative research design and methodological choices that are in conformity with the ideologies of this design in Social Science Research.
Findings from the study reveal that both cities perceive sustainable public transport as use of higher occupancy vehicles, clearly defined local goals on sustainable public transport and holistic regulation regime. The comparative overview analysis of the two cities in line with the key issue of governance indicates that in the case of Accra city region, the absence of a city council with a respective city head or champion as in the case of Dar es Salaam city is a major limiting factor retarding development programmes, plans, and projects. Inadequate coordination among institutions, on the other hand, results in duplication of efforts and dispersal of scarce resources in the case of Dar es Salaam despite the presence of a city council. Consequently, short term policies, medium term policies, and long-term policies are proposed for development interventions in Accra city-region and Dar es Salaam city.
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Reading Population Transfer in International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law through the Principle of HumanityMac Allister, Karine 01 1900 (has links)
Le transfert de population est la cause et la conséquence de plusieurs conflits armés. Il comprend le déplacement arbitraire de la population, le transfert de colons ainsi que le confinement des civiles en temps de guerre. Le transfert de population est un crime en droit international des droits de l’homme, en droit international humanitaire et en droit pénal international. Néanmoins, il est encore considéré comme une solution aux problèmes de minorités et aux conflits ‘ethniques’. Cette thèse étudie comment le crime de transfert de population est défini, interprété et appliqué en droit international et par les tribunaux régionaux et internationaux et la communauté internationale selon l’État de droit. / Population transfer is a cause and consequence of armed conflict. It entails the arbitrary displacement of the population, the implantation of settlers and unlawful confinement. It is a violation of international human rights law and international humanitarian law and a crime in international criminal law. Yet, it is still considered a solution to minority and ‘ethnic’ problems. Using the rule of law as theoretical framework, this thesis assesses how the crime of population transfer is defined, interpreted and applied under international law and by regional and international courts as well as by the international community.
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Financial Analysis and Fiscal Viability of Secondary Schools in Mukono District, UgandaTanner, Janet Jeffery 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Within the worldwide business community, many analysis tools and techniques have evolved to assist in the evaluation and encouragement of financial health and fiscal viability. However, in the educational community, such analysis is uncommon. It has long been argued that educational institutions bear little resemblance to, and should not be treated like, businesses. This research identifies an educational environment where educational institutions are, indeed, businesses, and may greatly benefit from the use of business analyses. The worldwide effort of Education for All (EFA) has focused on primary education, particularly in less developed countries (LDCs). In Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda increased its primary school enrollments from 2.7 million in 1996 to 7.6 million in 2003. This rapid primary school expansion substantially increased the demand for secondary education. Limited government funding for secondary schools created an educational bottleneck. In response to this demand, laws were passed to allow the establishment of private secondary schools, operated and taxed as businesses. Revenue reports, filed by individual private schools with the Uganda Revenue Authority, formed the database for the financial analysis portion of this research. These reports, required of all profitable businesses in Uganda, are similar to audited corporate financial statements. Survey data and national examination (UNEB) scores were also utilized. This research explored standard business financial analysis tools, including financial statement ratio analysis, and evaluated the applicability of each to this LDC educational environment. A model for financial assessment was developed and industry averages were calculated for private secondary schools in the Mukono District of Uganda. Industry averages can be used by individual schools as benchmarks in assessing their own financial health. Substantial deviations from the norms signal areas of potential concern. Schools may take appropriate corrective action, leading to sustainable fiscal viability. An example of such analysis is provided. Finally, school financial health, defined by eight financial measures, was compared with quality of education, defined by UNEB scores. Worldwide, much attention is given to education and its role in development. This research, with its model for financial assessment of private LDC schools, offers a new and pragmatic perspective.
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Contribution à l'intégration d'une liaison avionique sans fil. L'ingénierie système appliquée à une problématique industrielleBerrebi, Johanna 21 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans un avion, un hélicoptère ou un lanceur actuel, des milliers de capteurs, pour la plupart non critiques sont utilisés pour la mesure de divers paramètres (températures, pressions, positions...) Les résultats sont ensuite acheminés par des fils vers les calculateurs de bord qui les traitent. Ceci implique la mise en place de centaines de kilomètres de câbles (500 km pour un avion de ligne) dont le volume est considérable. Il en résulte une grande complexité de conception et de fabrication, des problèmes de fiabilité, notamment au niveau des connexions, et une masse importante. Par ailleurs l'instrumentation de certaines zones est impossible car leur câblage est difficilement envisageable par manque d'espace. En outre, s'il est souvent intéressant d'installer de nouveaux capteurs pour faire évoluer un aéronef ancien, l'installation des câbles nécessaires implique un démantèlement partiel, problématique et coûteux, de l'appareil. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, une idée innovante a émergé chez les industriels de l'aéronautique : commencer à remplacer les réseaux filaires reliant les capteurs d'un aéronef et leur centre de décision par des réseaux sans fil. Les technologies de communication sans fil sont aujourd'hui largement utilisées dans les marchés de l'électronique de grande consommation. Elles commencent également à être déployées pour des applications industrielles comme l'automobile ou le relevé à distance de compteurs domestiques. Cependant, remplacer des câbles par des ondes représente un défi technologique considérable comme la propagation en milieu confiné, la sécurité, la sureté de fonctionnement, la fiabilité ou la compatibilité électromagnétique. Cette thèse est motivée d'une part par l'avancée non négligeable dans le milieu aérospatial que pourrait être l'établissement d'un réseau sans fil à bord d'aéronefs dans la résolution de problématique classiques comme l'allégement et l'instrumentation. Il en résulterait donc : * Une meilleure connaissance de l'environnement et de la santé de l'aéronef * Un gain sur le poids. * Un gain en flexibilité. * Un gain en malléabilité et en évolutivité. * Un gain sur la complexité. * Un gain sur la fiabilité D'autre part, étant donnée la complexité de la conception de ce réseau de capteur sans fil, il a été nécessaire d'appliquer une méthodologie évolutive et adaptée mais inspirée de l'ingénierie système. Il est envisageable, vu le nombre de sous-systèmes à considérer, que cette méthodologie soit réutilisable pour d'autre cas pratiques. Une étude aussi complète que possible a été réalisée autour de l'existant déjà établi sur le sujet. En effet, on peut en lisant ce mémoire de thèse avoir une idée assez précise de ce qui a été fait. Une liste a été dressée de toutes les technologies sans fil en indiquant leur état de maturité, leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients afin de préciser les choix possibles et les raisons de ces choix. Des projets de capteurs sans fil ont été réalisés, des technologies sans fil performantes et personnalisables ont été développées et arrivent à maturité dans des secteurs variés tels que la domotique, la santé, l'automobile ou même l'aéronautique. Cependant aucun capteur sans fil n'a été véritablement installé en milieu aérospatial car de nombreux verrous technologiques n'ont pas été levés. Fort des expériences passées, et de la maturité qu'ont prise certaines technologies, des conclusions ont été tirées des projets antérieurs afin de tendre vers des solutions plus viables. Une fois identifiés, les verrous technologiques ont été isolés. Une personnalisation de notre solution a été à envisager afin de remédier tant que faire se peut à ces points bloquants avec les moyens mis à disposition. La méthodologie appliquée nous a permis d'identifier un maximum de contraintes, besoins et exigences pour mieux focaliser les efforts d'innovation sur les plus importantes et choisir ainsi les technologies les plus indiquées.
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