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Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la propagation de fissures à partir d'anomalies de surface dans le René 65 / Experimental Study and Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth from Surface Anomalies in the Nickel Based Superalloy René 65Gourdin, Stéphane 01 December 2015 (has links)
Les motoristes aéronautiques doivent désormais montrer que la présence de petites anomalies de surface, pouvant être introduites lors d’opérations de maintenance, ne mènent pas à la rupture des pièces, et ce sur toute la durée de vie du moteur. Cette étude concerne la caractérisation de la nocivité d’anomalies de surface de type rayure et choc sur la tenue en fatigue du superalliage à base nickel René 65.Afin de découpler les effets de géométrie des effets de contraintes résiduelles, les rayures et les chocs possèdent un profil géométrique identique en V. Une technique de suivi de potentiel 3 points a été mise en place dans le but d’améliorer la détection de l’amorçage et d’avoir une information sur la morphologie du front de fissure. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent un amorçage rapide et un fort ralentissement de la vitesse de propagation dans les premiers stades. Nous avons également observé, par le biais de marquages thermiques, une évolution particulière de la forme du front de fissure s’amorçant au fond des rayures.L’utilisation de traitement thermique de relaxation a alors montré que c’est le champ mécanique hétérogène créé lors de la fabrication de ces anomalies qui contrôle la durée de vie et que c’est le paramètre physique d’ordre un à modéliser.Une stratégie de modélisation de la propagation de fissures à partir d’anomalies de type choc a été proposée. Celle-ci est basée sur la connaissance du champ de contraintes résiduelles par des simulations numériques, et sur l’application de ce champ dans un modèle numérique de propagation. Les résultats ont permis de confirmer que les contraintes résiduelles étaient bien la source du ralentissement de la propagation et également responsables de l’évolution de la forme du front de fissure. Ils ont également permis d’identifier les paramètres qui doivent être mesurés lors des contrôles non destructifs. / Anomalies, introduced during maintenance operations, are not critical for in-service life of a component. This study was undertaken to characterise the harmfulness of scratch and dent anomalies on the fatigue behaviour of the nickel based superalloy René 65.In order to separate the effects of the geometry and the residual stresses, scratches and dents have the same V-type profile. A 3 points DCPD method has been used to improve the detection of the initiation and also to have information about the crack front morphology. Experimental results showed that the initiation fatigue life is short and a slowdown of the fatigue crack growth in the first stages. We also observed, thanks to heat tints marking, aparticular crack front morphology for cracks initiating from scratches. Heat treatment has been used and showed that the heterogeneous mechanical field induced by the fabrication of the anomalies controls the fatigue life and that it constitutes one of the parameters to be taken into account in a future modelling. A modelling strategy of the crack propagation from dent anomalies has been developed. This model is based on the knowledge of the residual stress field by finite elements simulations, and the application of the calculated stress field in a numerical crackgrowth model. The results confirmed that the residual stresses were the physical source of the fatigue crack growth slow-down and also responsible for the evolution of the crack front morphology. They also allowed us to identify the parameters which have to be measured during non-destructive testing.
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Výuka základů programování v prostředí Scratch / Education of basic programming in Scratch environmentKREJSA, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with programming education on primary schools in Scratch programme. Investigation was carried out by questionnaire on primary school in theoretic part. The investigation shows the facts relating to teaching programming. Scratch is compared with Baltík and Imagine Logo, which are the most commonly used on primary schools. The work also includes an analysis of teaching materials that are available for teaching Scratch. Results of the analysis of teaching materials are shown in a graph. Procedure of teaching was made on the basis of this analysis. The procedure of teaching is divided into twelve subjects. Pupil sheet and guideline for teacher is created for each subject.
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Programmeringens betydelse i grundskolan : En intervju- och observationsstudieKarlsson, Dennis January 2016 (has links)
Med anledning av utbildningsdepartementets förslag att införa programmering som skolämne utfördes en undersökning för att avgöra vad elever och lärare i grundskolan anser om betydelsen av programmering i grundskolan (Utbildningsdepartementet, 2015). Avsikten med undersökningen är att visa om och i så fall hur elever får kunskap genom programmering samt vilken typ av kunskap som kan erhållas. Observationer och kunskapstester genomfördes med grundskoleelever i de tidigare årskurserna. Därtill genomfördes intervjuer med barn och lärare. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att elever och lärare är positivt inställda till programmering i skolan och till de webbaserade blockprogrammeringsprogrammen Code.org och Scratch. Lärare hävdande att programmering kan förbättra elevernas förmåga att kunna lösa vardagliga problem på olika konkreta sätt, en förmåga som sedan kan användas i framtida lärosituationer och i förlängningen även under yrkesutövning. Förskollärare som använder Blue-bot-programmering i sin verksamhet menar att Blue-bot-övningarna ökar barns kunskaper och förståelse i problemlösning.
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Seleção de materiais plásticos resistentes a riscos para componentes automotivos. / Selection of scratchresistant plastic materials for automotive components.Aline Cristina Ferreira Ventura 28 March 2018 (has links)
Este estudo se refere a um método para selecionar os materiais plásticos resistentes a riscos mais adequados para peças automotivas. Estabelecer este procedimento é fundamental para as montadoras devido à versatilidade, qualidade e custo competitivo que os polímeros apresentam. Contudo, essa é uma atividade árdua, pois nota-se a ausência de profissionais familiarizados em trabalhar com materiais plásticos e a existência de milhares de materiais disponíveis para utilização. Deste modo, formular um processo estruturado para facilitar a seleção de plásticos tem como objetivo minimizar os riscos e erros do projeto. Portanto, o processo concebido para esta pesquisa foi gerado a partir da estratégia de seleção desenvolvida por Ashby, método tido como referência na área. Além deste, também foram utilizados conceitos da matriz de decisão de Pahl & Beitz, incluindo índice de mérito. Dois exemplos de aplicação da metodologia são apresentados através de estudos de caso, com os componentes tampa do porta-luvas e base do espelho lateral. / This dissertation work is focused on a method to select the most suitable plastic material with scratch resistance for automotive parts. This process is essential for the automakers due to the versatility, improved quality and cost competitiveness of resin materials. Nonetheless, the lack of professionals specialized in plastic materials and the large variety of polymeric materials makes the proper material selection challenging. In this way, it is necessary to define a systematic method to simplify polymeric materials selection in order to reduce the project risks and errors. For this reason, the process proposed in this study was generated based from the selection strategy developed by Ashby, as this is a reference in the field. In addition, two other concepts were adopted: Pahl & Beitz decision matrix and merit index. In order to evaluate this systematic method, two case studies were analyzed: glove compartment and side mirror base.
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Mécanismes d'endommagement d'empilements de faible adhésion sous contact glissant / Failure mechanisms of weak adhesion coatings under sliding contactQuarré De Boiry, Aymar 19 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, les mécanismes de rayures en contact glissant sur des empilements de couches minces de faible adhésion ont été étudiés grâce à un tribomètre bille/plan à vision in-situ. Dans le cadre de ce travail, des expériences ont été menées sur un empilement modèle : verre/ZnO/Ag/ZnO/Si3N4 et l'impact de plusieurs paramètres a été étudié : force, taille de la bille, épaisseur de la surcouche, adhésion et coefficient de frottement.Nous avons montré que la rayure se déroule en trois phases successives : initiation, développement et régime stationnaire. L'initiation débute par une fissuration transverse de l’empilement suivi par un délaminage due à la bifurcation de la fissure à l’interface au-dessus de l’argent. Seule la taille caractéristique de ces phénomènes dépend de paramètres comme l'épaisseur des couches ou l'adhésion. Après l'initiation, un phénomène de plissage en milieu confiné se produit et permet de débuter la construction d'un tas de débris à l’avant du frotteur par accumulation. Finalement, en régime stationnaire, on constate que la rayure est uniquement pilotée par l’interaction entre le tas de débris et la couche. On a montré que la complexité de cette interaction rend toute mesure d’adhésion à partir des caractéristiques post-mortem de la rayure quasi-impossible.Finalement, il a été montré qu'il est possible d'améliorer la résistance à la rayure d’un empilement en texturant à l'échelle nanométrique sa couche d'argent. L’origine de cette amélioration vient d’une augmentation de l'adhésion par un effet de piégeage qui a été étudié à l'aide d'expériences de clivage. / In this PhD thesis, the scratch mechanisms during sliding contact on thin layers with low adhesion have been investigated with a ball on plane tribometer that allows in-situ microscopic observations. In this work, experiments were carried out on glass/ZnO/Ag/ZnO/Si3N4 model stacks and the impact of several parameters was studied: force, size of the ball, thickness of the overcoat, adhesion and friction coefficient.We have shown that the scratch process has three successive phases: initiation, development and steady state. Initiation begins with transverse cracks in the stack followed by delamination due to crack bifurcation at the interface above the silver layer. Only the characteristic size of these phenomena depends on parameters such as the thickness of the layer or its adhesion. After initiation, a phenomenon of pleating occurs even if confined under the contact and leads to the building of a pile of debris at the front of the contact zone by accumulation. Finally, in steady state, the scratch is only driven by the interaction between the pile of debris and the layers. It has been shown that the complexity of this interaction makes quasi-impossible any measure of adhesion based on the post mortem characteristics of the scratch.Finally, it has been shown that it is possible to improve the scratch resistance of a stack by patterning its silver layer at nanoscale. The origin of this improvement derives from an increase of adhesion due to pinning effect which has been demonstrated by using cleavage experiments.
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Implementering av programmering i matematik åk 7-9 : En litteraturstudie om tre olika programmeringsspråks lämplighet i olika matematikområden / Implementation of programming in secondary school mathematics : A literature study of three programming languages and their compatibility to mathematics educationBalla, Ulrika January 2018 (has links)
Hösten 2018 inrättas det en ny version av läroplanen från 2011 med mer fokus på programmering. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att sammanställa forskningslitteraturens resultat om olika programmeringsspråks lämplighet för högstadiets matematikundervisning, samt lämpliga matematikområden. Frågeställningarna jämför tre programmeringsspråk med avseende på deras lämplighet och för- och nackdelar i matematikundervisningen. Programmeringsspråken, som jämförs, är Scratch, Python och VBA (Visual Basics of Application, programmering i Microsofts kalkylprogram Excel). Litteraturstudiens resultat visar att Scratch och Python anses vara lämpliga för nybörjare och är utvecklade för att de ska vara lätta att lära sig och förstå medan VBA är det programmeringsspråk som är utvecklat för att utföra matematiska beräkningar med. Programmeringsspråken kan användas i matematikundervisningen på likvärdiga sätt och i de flesta matematikområdena beroende på elevernas kompetens och lärarens val av uppgifter och tillvägagångssätt. Vidare är det möjligt att eleverna kan bli mer motiverade till att lära sig matematik om de har tillgång till digitala hjälpmedel eller programmering inom matematikundervisningen
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Influence des longueurs internes sur la tenue mécanique d'un film anti-rayure / Influence of internal lengths on the mechanical strength of a scratch-resistant filmBourrel, Tristan 13 April 2017 (has links)
Notre connaissance des effets d'une rayure sur les surfaces polymères reste à approfondir. L'expérimentation donne des observations précieuses des phénomènes qui apparaissent durant la rayure, cependant, l'accès aux champs de contraintes et de déformations dans le matériau n'est pas possible, ce qui est pourtant un élément clé pour la prédiction de l'amorce des fissures.Nous utilisons un essai de rayure sur des matériaux transparents, qui permet la visualisation in situ des endommagements, des dimensions de la zone de contact et du frottement. Les endommagements, en termes de craquelures, fissurations et bandes de cisaillement sont identifiés sur trois polymères massifs (PMMA, CR39 & PC). En parallèle, nous utilisons la modélisation 3D par éléments finis pour étudier la réponse mécanique pendant la rayure de ces trois matériaux polymères, afin d’identifier des critères d'amorçage de fissures. Enfin, des systèmes revêtus sont étudiés et le délaminage et la fissuration du film sont discutés. Ces considérations font entrevoir les perspectives possibles en termes de pistes d'amélioration pour la protection des substrats par dépôt de films minces. / Our knowledge of scratch effects on polymeric surfaces is still limited. The experimental approach gives precious observations of phenomena which occur during scratching, however, it does not allow to get insight the stress distribution within the material, a key feature for crack initiation prediction.A scratch test is used on transparent materials, that allows to visualize in situ damages appearance, the dimension of the contact zone and friction. The damages, in terms of crazing, cracking and shear bands are identified on three bulk polymers (PMMA, CR39 & PC).In parallel, we use 3D finite element modelling to study the mechanical response during a scratch test on these three polymeric materials, in order to identify crack initiation criteria.Finally, coated systems are studied and delamination/cracking of thin films are discussed. These considerations point to possible prospects in terms of improvement paths for the protection of substrates by thin films coating.
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Determination of Wear in Polymers Using Multiple Scratch Test.Damarla, Gowrisankar 08 1900 (has links)
Wear is an important phenomenon that occurs in all the polymer applications in one form or the other. However, important links between materials properties and wear remain illusive. Thus optimization of material properties requires proper understanding of polymer properties. Studies to date have typically lacked systematic approach to all polymers and wear test developed are specific to some polymer classes. In this thesis, different classes of polymers are selected and an attempt is made to use multiple scratch test to define wear and to create a universal test procedure that can be employed to most of the polymers. In each of the materials studied, the scratch penetration depth s reaches a constant value after certain number of scratches depending upon the polymer and its properties. Variations in test parameters like load and speed are also studied in detail to understand the behavior of polymers and under different conditions. Apart from polystyrene, all the other polymers studied under multiple scratch test reached asymptotes at different scratch numbers.
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Teaching Introductory Programming Concepts: A Comparison of Scratch and ArduinoBeug, Anne 01 June 2012 (has links)
Computing has become an integral part of modern America. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that between 2008 and 2018, the United States will have 1.4 million job openings in computing fields [1]. Since the early 2000's (just after the "dot com bust"), the number of students enrolled in computing majors (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, etc.) dropped precipitously by over 50%, only starting to rise again in 2009 [2]. One way to rectify to this gap between demand and supply is to start training students in computational thinking during high school. While the Computer Science Advanced Placement AB test has been retired, a new AP test called "CS Principles" has been added to the suite of tests [3], highlighting the importance of computing to a modern education. Not only will we need more computing professionals, people in other professions will need to have computing skills. We propose in this thesis a comparison of two computing platforms. Scratch is a well-proven platform that teaches core programming concepts through a graphical programming interface. Arduino boards are open-source microcontrollers with an accompanying development environment and C-like language. We develop a parallel curriculum in Scratch and Arduino and compare the two. While we are unable to draw conclusive results from our quantitative study, from our qualitative research we see that Arduino is unsuitable for teaching core programming concepts to computing novices.
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Depozice a analýza tenkých vrstev DLC / Deposition and analysis of DLC thin filmsRudolf, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
Diplomová práce nastiňuje problémy spojené s výrobou a analýzou tenkých vrstev DLC:H. Tyto vrstvy jsou ve středu zájmu mnoha vědeckých pracovníků již po několik desetiletí. V současné době existuje mnoho technik pro přípravu a analýzu. Příprava DLC vrstev má zásadní vliv na jejich vlastnosti a možnosti použití. Je zde mnoho kritérií jak vrstvy posuzovat. V této práci jsou studovány vlastnosti DLC:H vrstev připravených na substrát krystalického křemíku metodou RF-PECVD a následně jsou studovány mechanické, tribologické a optické vlastnosti. Jsou zde využity techniky jako XPS, Ramanova spektroskopie, reflektometrie, měření tvrdosti a adheze. Část práce se zabývá modelováním DLC z prvních principů. Pro tento účel je využito prvoprincipiálního programu Abinit který je šířen pod GPL. Je studována otázka přípravy vstupních dat s ohledem na konvergenci výsledků. Pozornost je také věnována výpočtu vibračních spekter ve středu Brillouinovy zóny ( bod) a celkové hustotě elektronových stavů clusteru DLC v supercele tvaru krychle. Tyto výsledky mohou být porovnány s experimentálně získanými daty z Ramanovy spektroskopie, respektive z XPS spektra valenčního pásu
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