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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


19 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Método de identificação e quantificação de peptídeos, através da otimização de estratégias para a marcação de peptídeos com metais e subsequente separação por nano-HPLC-UV, MALDI MS. Primeiramente, peptídeos foram marcados com 3 diferentes metais lantanídeos usando um reagente funcional NHS-DOTA. Os resultados demonstraram que a reação de derivatização usando o reagente quelante DOTA foi eficiente para peptídeos simples e misturas dos mesmos, verificada através do MALDI MS a partir da relação m/z. Em paralelo, análises ambientais foram realizadas pela otimização de um procedimento de extração de metalotioneína em bílis de peixe, uma vez que esta matriz tem sido reportada como um biomarcador ambiental de contaminação por metal. Diferentes procedimentos e agentes de redução foram aplicadas para a extração de metalotioneína em bílis e fígado de peixe (Oreochromis niloticus. Análises espectrofotométricas foram realizadas a fim de quantificar os extratos de MT, e gel SDS-PAGE foi usado para avaliação qualitativa dos diferentes procedimentos usados. Cada procedimento foi avaliado estatisticamente. Metodologia de superfície de resposta foi aplicada para amostras de bílis, a fim de avaliar a resposta desta matriz. Em um contexto ambiental, concentrações de MT biliar foi mais baixa que MT do fígado, no entanto, a primeira mostrou-se mais adequada para um monitoramento ambiental. / [en] This work developed a new method for the identification and quantification of peptides, by optimizing some of the available strategies suitable for labeling peptides with lanthanide metals with subsequent separation by nano-HPLC with UV detection, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). First, peptides were labeled with the three different lanthanide metals using a functional DOTA-based reagent. The results demonstrate that the derivatization reaction using the chelating reagent DOTA-NHS-ester was effective for single peptides and peptide mixtures, verified from the m/z relation obtained by MALDI MS. In parallel, environmental analyses were conducted, by performing the standardization of metalloprotein purification in fish bile, since this matrix has been reported as a biomarker for environmental metal contamination. Different procedures and reducing agents were applied to purify MT isolated from fish (Oreochromis niloticus) bile and liver. Spectrophotometrical analyses were used to quantify the resulting MT samples, and SDS-PAGE gels were used to qualitatively assess the different procedure results. A response surface methodology was applied for bile samples. In an environmental context, biliary MT was lower than liver MT, and, bile MT seems to be more adequate in environmental monitoring scopes. / [fr] Ce travail a développé une nouvelle méthode pour l identification et la quantification des peptides, par l optimisation de certaines stratégies disponibles appropriées pour le marquage des peptides avec des métaux lanthanide, une séparation par nano-HPLC et détection UV, et suivi par MALDI MS. Tout d abord, les peptides ont été marqués avec les trois métaux lanthanides différents et un réactif fonctionnel - DOTA. Les résultats montrent que la réaction de transformation en dérivé à l aide du réactif chélateur DOTA-NHS-ester a été efficace pour des peptides individuels et des mélanges de peptides, vérifiées à partir de la relation m/z obtenue par MALDI MS. En parallèle, nous avons effectué l optimisation pour la purification de métalloprotéine dans la bile de poisson, qui est signalée entant que biomarqueurs de contamination métallique de l environnement. Des procédures différentes et les agents réduisant ont été apliqués pour purifier les MT isolées de la bile et du foie des poissons (Oreochromis niloticus). Des analyses spectrophotométriques ont été utilisées pour quantifier les échantillons de MT, et le gel SDS-PAGE a été utilisé pour évaluer qualitativement les différents résultats de la procédure. Chaque procédure a en suíte été évaluée statistiquement, une méhtode des surfaces de réponse a été appliquée. Les MT de la bile semblent être plus adéquate pour la surveillance de l environnement en ce qui concerne l exposition récente à des xénobiotiques qui peuvent influer sur l expression protéomique et metalloproteomique de cette matrice biologique.

Einfluss der Entkeimung von Lupinensaatgut und Lupinenproteinisolaten auf ausgewählte ernährungsphysiologische, sensorische und technofunktionelle Eigenschaften

Melde, Denise 30 June 2017 (has links)
Nach den Ergebnissen der zweiten Nationalen Verzehrsstudie sind in Deutschland bereits 66 % der Männer und 51 % der Frauen übergewichtig (BMI > 25) oder adipös (BMI > 30) [BMELV, 2008]. Bisher auf dem Markt befindliche „Light-Lebensmittel“ mit Fettaustausch- bzw. Fettersatzstoffen weisen jedoch häufig sensorische Mängel auf. Im Kooperationsprojekt „Pflanzliche Fettaustauschstoffe aus sphärischen Proteinmizellen“ (Universität Leipzig: Institut für Lebensmittelhygiene; Freising: Fraunhofer IVV) wurde ein Lupinenproteinisolat entwickelt, welches micellare Strukturen mit hydrophober Oberfläche ausbilden kann und sich aufgrund seiner fettähnlichen Eigenschaften als neuer proteinbasierter Fettaustauschstoff in Lebensmitteln eignet. Aufgrund der geringen mikrobiologischen Stabilität und einer hohen Belastung mit sporenbildenden Bakterien, z. T. Bacillus cereus, waren jedoch Maßnahmen zur Entkeimung der Rohstoffe sowie des Proteinisolats notwendig. Die Arbeit stellt diese Maßnahmen und deren Einfluss auf die mikrobiologische Beschaffenheit sowie sensorische, technofunktionelle und ausgewählte ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine physikalische Methode der Saatgutentkeimung etabliert (130 °C/60 min), welche die mikrobielle Stabilisierung des lupinenproteinbasierten Fettaustauschstoffes sicherstellte, wobei die sensorische Qualität (Geschmack, Cremigkeit, Farbe) nur minimal, die ernährungsphysiologische (in-vitro-Verdaubarkeit, Maillard-Produkte, Polyphenolgehalt) jedoch nicht beeinflusst wurde. Starke Veränderungen der technofunktionellen Eigenschaften (z. B. Gelbildung, Wasserbindung, Emulgierbarkeit, Schaumbildung etc.) konnten sowohl im positiven als auch im negativen Sinne nicht beschrieben werden. Lichtmikroskopische Aufnahmen und Untersuchungen der Proteine mittels SDS-PAGE und DSC bestätigten eine nur geringfügige Beeinflussung der micellaren Struktur und Proteinzusammensetzung. Die Anwendung als Fettaustauschstoff in Lebensmitteln würde somit nicht beeinträchtigt. Der Einfluss der Saatgutbehandlung auf das Protein war wesentlich geringer als eine direkte thermische Behandlung des Proteinisolats. Im Hinblick auf den Gesamtprozess sollte eine Pasteurisierung der feuchten Proteinisolate im nichtproteinschädigenden Temperaturbereich (75 °C/5 min) dennoch durchgeführt werden, um während des Prozesses eingetragene Mikroorganismen zu inaktivieren.:1 Einleitung und Zielstellung 1 2 Stand des Wissens 4 2.1 Die Lupine 4 2.1.1 Anbau und Verbreitung 4 2.1.2 Einsatz von Lupinenprodukten und -proteinen in der Humanernährung 5 2.1.3 Inhaltsstoffe und deren Verteilung 5 2.1.4 Lupinenproteine 10 Einteilung und Struktur der Lupinenproteine 10 Lupinenproteine und Allergenität 12 2.1.5 Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Lupinenproteinfraktionen 13 Ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften 13 Funktionelle Eigenschaften 15 Modifikation der Proteinstruktur 15 Herstellung verschiedener Lupinenproteinpräparate 16 Micellare Proteine 17 2.2 Möglichkeiten der Fettreduktion in Lebensmitteln 18 2.2.1 Fettaustauschstoffe 18 Fettaustauschstoffe auf Proteinbasis (Mikropartikulierte Proteine) 18 Fettaustauschstoffe auf Kohlenhydratbasis 19 Quellstoffe 19 2.2.2 Fettersatzstoffe 19 Spezielle Triglyceride 20 Kohlenhydratpolyester 20 Retrofette 20 2.3 Herstellung des lupinenproteinbasierten Fettaustauschstoffes 20 2.4 Saatgutbehandlung 21 2.4.1 Methoden der Lebensmittelkonservierung 22 2.5 Proteinfunktionalität 25 2.5.1 Definition und Zusammenhang zu Proteinen 25 2.5.2 Ausgewählte funktionelle Eigenschaften 26 Wasserbindevermögen 26 Ölbindevermögen 26 Löslichkeit 27 Emulgiervermögen 27 Schaumbildungsvermögen 28 Gelbildungsvermögen 29 Oberflächenhydrophobität 30 Bedeutung für die Lebensmittelentwicklung 30 3 Material und Methoden 32 3.1 Material 32 3.1.1 Saatgut 32 3.1.2 Geräte, Chemikalien, Verbrauchsmaterial, Software 32 3.1.3 Pufferlösungen 39 3.1.4 Herstellung Bradford-Reagenz, 5-fach 39 3.1.5 Auswahl der Vergleichssubstanzen 39 3.2 Methoden 40 3.2.1 Herstellung der Proteinisolate 40 3.2.2 Mikrobiologische Analysen 41 3.2.3 Bestimmung der Trockenmasse 41 3.2.4 Bestimmung des Proteingehalts 42 3.2.5 Thermische Behandlungsmethoden im Prozess 42 UHT-Erhitzung des Extraktes 42 Pasteurisierung des Isolats 44 3.2.6 Saatgutentkeimung 44 UVC-Bestrahlung 44 Trockene Erhitzung 45 Autoklavieren 46 3.2.7 Sensorische Untersuchungen 46 3.2.8 Proteinfunktionalität 47 Ölbindevermögen 47 Wasserbindevermögen 47 Gelbildungsvermögen 47 Emulgiereigenschaften 47 Schaumbildungsvermögen 48 Proteinlöslichkeit 48 Oberflächenhydrophobität 49 3.2.9 Ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften 50 in-vitro-Verdaubarkeit 50 Maillard-Produkte 50 Nachweis reduzierender Zucker .50 Nachweis von Glykoproteinen 50 Polyphenolgehalt der Lupinenflocken und Proteinisolate 51 3.2.10 Proteincharakterisierung 51 Lichtmikroskopie 51 Dynamische Differenzkalorimetrie 51 Natriumdodecylsulfat-Polyacrylamidgelelektrophorese 52 4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 54 4.1 Thermische Behandlungsmethoden im Prozess 54 4.1.1 UHT-Erhitzung des Extraktes: Einfluss auf Mikrobiologie und Proteinausbeute 54 4.1.2 Pasteurisierungsversuche: Einfluss auf Mikrobiologie und Proteinqualität 55 4.2 Saatgutentkeimung - Mikrobiologie und Proteinausbeute 56 4.2.1 Versuchsreihe I 56 4.2.2 Versuchsreihe II 61 4.3 Sensorische Untersuchungen 63 4.3.1 Verkostungen 64 4.3.2 Farbmessung der Proteinisolate und Flocken 65 4.4 Proteinfunktionalität 69 4.4.1 Wasser- und Ölbindevermögen 69 4.4.2 Gelbildungsvermögen 72 4.4.3 Emulgiereigenschaften 74 4.4.4 Schaumbildungsvermögen 78 4.4.5 Proteinlöslichkeit 81 4.4.6 Oberflächenhydrophobität 83 4.5 Ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften 86 4.5.1 Maillard-Produkte 86 4.5.2 Nachweis reduzierender Zucker 87 4.5.3 Nachweis von Glykoproteinen 87 4.5.4 Verdaubarkeit 88 4.5.5 Polyphenolgehalte 89 4.6 Proteincharakterisierung 91 4.6.1 Lichtmikroskopie 91 4.6.2 Dynamische Differenzkalorimetrie 95 4.6.3 Natriumdodecylsulfat-Polyacrylamidgelelektrophorese 98 5 Zusammenfassung 105 Anhang 109

Phenotypic and biochemical characterisation of the causal agent of bacterial leaf streak of maize / Nienaber

Nienaber, Jesse Jay January 2015 (has links)
Maize is the staple food for a majority of people in Southern Africa, but plant diseases are responsible for at least 10% of crop production losses. Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) of maize was first reported in South Africa in 1949 and has not been reported elsewhere. Very little is known about the pathogen involved and therefore it is deemed necessary to compile a characteristic profile for the pathogen to prevent the possibility of major crop losses as a result of this disease. This study aimed to use biochemical and phenotypic methods to determine the specific characteristics of the causal agent of BLS. Diseased plant material showing symptoms of BLS were collected during the maize production seasons of 2012 and 2013 within South Africa’s maize production regions namely the North West, Free State, Gauteng and Northern Cape provinces. To prevent contamination, maize leaves were surface sterilised thoroughly before bacterial isolation commenced. Sections of the infected maize leaves were placed on GYC agar plates on which yellow, mucoid bacterial colonies after incubation for 24 to 48 hrs. The isolated bacteria were purified and the molecular identification of the bacteria was conducted in a related study. Although literature indicates that Xanthomonas campestris pv. zeae is the causal agent of BLS, pure cultures obtained from maize leaves showing characteristic symptoms of BLS were identified as species of Xanthomonas, Pantoea, and Enterobacter. To elucidate the pathogenicity of the isolated strains, pathogenicity tests based on Koch’s postulates were performed. Results from the pathogenicity tests confirmed that only the isolate Xanthomonas species was capable of inducing the characteristic BLS symptoms when healthy maize plants were inoculated with the suspected pathogens. It is important to inoculate the maize seedlings at the correct age (four-leaf stage) and the spray method is recommended. Re-isolation was repeated from the same plant material used during the initial isolation process but the isolation method was amended. The optimised isolation method involved the use of a dilution range and spread plate method. Colonies from this isolation technique grew as bright yellow colonies that were identified as Xanthomonas spp. This outcome indicates the importance of surface sterilisation, pulverisation and subsequent dilution of plant materials for isolation of bacterial pathogens from diseases plants. These isolates were used to create protein profiles with SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and carbon utilisation patterns with the Biolog® GN2 system. Protein profiling banding patterns was assessed based on presence/absence criteria. Highly similar protein profiles were observed among the X. campestris pv. zeae isolates but groupings of different protein profiles were determined when minor differences in the protein profiles was taken into account. Xanthomonas campestris pv. zeae was successfully distinguished from the X. axonopodis pv. vasculorum reference strain through unique SDS banding patterns. Banding patterns obtained from cultures grown in a liquid medium (tryptic soy broth) were of a higher quality than the banding patterns obtained from bacteria harvested from solid media (CYG agar plates). Carbon source utilisation data was used to evaluate the average well colour development obtained from each isolate. Statistically significant differences were found among some of the isolates, with some isolates being metabolically more active than other isolates. Substrate utilisation patterns produced by the isolates corresponded to previously published studies on various Xanthomonas species. The cell count of the samples used during carbon utilisation patterns must be standardised in order to obtain reliable results. During this study, the application of Koch’s postulates and two inoculation techniques confirmed that Xanthomonas campestris pv. zeae is the pathogen responsible for bacterial leaf streak of maize. Members of the Pantoea and Enterobacter genera were found on the leaf surface of maize plants infected with BLS but inoculations of healthy maize plants with these bacteria did not result in bacterial leaf streak symptoms on the maize plants. These bacteria were not pathogenic and were considered endophytes. The identified pathogen was characterised through protein and metabolic profiling. The protein profiles of the pathogen obtained through analysis of the major bands of the SDS-PAGE gels were highly similar and distinguishable from the Xanthomonas reference culture. Groupings within the X. campestris pv. zeae group was found when major and minor bands were considered, this may however be altered when the intensities of the bands are used during analysis. Carbon utilisation patterns were assessed using Biolog® GN2 plates. A metabolic fingerprint was created for the pathogen of BLS, it was possible to distinguish between X. campestris pv. zeae and other Xanthomonas strains based on the fingerprint. This fingerprint could be used to identify the pathogen. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Phenotypic and biochemical characterisation of the causal agent of bacterial leaf streak of maize / Nienaber

Nienaber, Jesse Jay January 2015 (has links)
Maize is the staple food for a majority of people in Southern Africa, but plant diseases are responsible for at least 10% of crop production losses. Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) of maize was first reported in South Africa in 1949 and has not been reported elsewhere. Very little is known about the pathogen involved and therefore it is deemed necessary to compile a characteristic profile for the pathogen to prevent the possibility of major crop losses as a result of this disease. This study aimed to use biochemical and phenotypic methods to determine the specific characteristics of the causal agent of BLS. Diseased plant material showing symptoms of BLS were collected during the maize production seasons of 2012 and 2013 within South Africa’s maize production regions namely the North West, Free State, Gauteng and Northern Cape provinces. To prevent contamination, maize leaves were surface sterilised thoroughly before bacterial isolation commenced. Sections of the infected maize leaves were placed on GYC agar plates on which yellow, mucoid bacterial colonies after incubation for 24 to 48 hrs. The isolated bacteria were purified and the molecular identification of the bacteria was conducted in a related study. Although literature indicates that Xanthomonas campestris pv. zeae is the causal agent of BLS, pure cultures obtained from maize leaves showing characteristic symptoms of BLS were identified as species of Xanthomonas, Pantoea, and Enterobacter. To elucidate the pathogenicity of the isolated strains, pathogenicity tests based on Koch’s postulates were performed. Results from the pathogenicity tests confirmed that only the isolate Xanthomonas species was capable of inducing the characteristic BLS symptoms when healthy maize plants were inoculated with the suspected pathogens. It is important to inoculate the maize seedlings at the correct age (four-leaf stage) and the spray method is recommended. Re-isolation was repeated from the same plant material used during the initial isolation process but the isolation method was amended. The optimised isolation method involved the use of a dilution range and spread plate method. Colonies from this isolation technique grew as bright yellow colonies that were identified as Xanthomonas spp. This outcome indicates the importance of surface sterilisation, pulverisation and subsequent dilution of plant materials for isolation of bacterial pathogens from diseases plants. These isolates were used to create protein profiles with SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and carbon utilisation patterns with the Biolog® GN2 system. Protein profiling banding patterns was assessed based on presence/absence criteria. Highly similar protein profiles were observed among the X. campestris pv. zeae isolates but groupings of different protein profiles were determined when minor differences in the protein profiles was taken into account. Xanthomonas campestris pv. zeae was successfully distinguished from the X. axonopodis pv. vasculorum reference strain through unique SDS banding patterns. Banding patterns obtained from cultures grown in a liquid medium (tryptic soy broth) were of a higher quality than the banding patterns obtained from bacteria harvested from solid media (CYG agar plates). Carbon source utilisation data was used to evaluate the average well colour development obtained from each isolate. Statistically significant differences were found among some of the isolates, with some isolates being metabolically more active than other isolates. Substrate utilisation patterns produced by the isolates corresponded to previously published studies on various Xanthomonas species. The cell count of the samples used during carbon utilisation patterns must be standardised in order to obtain reliable results. During this study, the application of Koch’s postulates and two inoculation techniques confirmed that Xanthomonas campestris pv. zeae is the pathogen responsible for bacterial leaf streak of maize. Members of the Pantoea and Enterobacter genera were found on the leaf surface of maize plants infected with BLS but inoculations of healthy maize plants with these bacteria did not result in bacterial leaf streak symptoms on the maize plants. These bacteria were not pathogenic and were considered endophytes. The identified pathogen was characterised through protein and metabolic profiling. The protein profiles of the pathogen obtained through analysis of the major bands of the SDS-PAGE gels were highly similar and distinguishable from the Xanthomonas reference culture. Groupings within the X. campestris pv. zeae group was found when major and minor bands were considered, this may however be altered when the intensities of the bands are used during analysis. Carbon utilisation patterns were assessed using Biolog® GN2 plates. A metabolic fingerprint was created for the pathogen of BLS, it was possible to distinguish between X. campestris pv. zeae and other Xanthomonas strains based on the fingerprint. This fingerprint could be used to identify the pathogen. / MSc (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Proteomická a funkční charakterizace izoforem PsbO / Proteomic and functional characterization of PsbO isoforms

Duchoslav, Miloš January 2012 (has links)
PsbO (manganese-stabilizing protein) is the largest extrinsic protein of photosystem II, located on the lumen side of photosystem. It is present in all known oxyphototrophic organisms. PsbO facilitates photosynthetic water splitting, which takes place in an oxygen evolving center (Mn4CaO5 cluster) of photosystem II. This work is focused on PsbO of higher plants and its isoforms, particularly their evolution and functions. Bioinformatic analyses revealed that majority of higher plants express exactly two psbO isoforms. A phylogenetic tree of PsbO sequences has an unusual topology. The two paralogous isoforms do not diverge at the base of the phylogenetic tree, as anticipated, but rather at the end of particular branches, at the level of family or lower taxonomic unit. In this work we propose and discuss several hypotheses concerning evolution of PsbO isoforms. The work further includes detailed analysis and identification of protein spots assigned to PsbO on 2D IEF-SDS PAGE gels of potato thylakoid proteins. We identified predominant version of PsbO isoform in most of the spots. We did not succeed to find any posttranslational modification. We optimized a method of psbO expression in E. coli and subsequent purification, which yielded relatively big amount of properly folded recombinant protein. Analysis of...

Utiliza??o da t?cnica de western blotting para diagn?stico da infec??o por Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon, 1923) Frenkel, 1977 (apicomplexa: Cystoisosporinae) em coelhos (Oryctolagus cuniculus) / The use of Western Blotting technique to determine Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon, 1923) Frenkel, 1977 (Apicomplexa: Cystoisosporinae) infection in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Meireles, Gisele Santos de 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:15:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Gisele Santos de Meireles.pdf: 1867896 bytes, checksum: 50898c1a65b34d41d9d4352322ce8d1e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This work aimed, to determine the phenotypic analysis from sporulated oocysts of Cystoisospora felis by using a sequential method of cleaning techniques. By using SDS-PAGE at 10 and 12 % were separated 22 protein groups as: 26.65; 29.71; 31.79; 36.41; 44.03; 50.09; 56.08; 62.64; 73.65; 77.55; 85.34; 97.62; 98.66; 101.24; 104.21; 109.23; 110.56; 113.21; 138.48; 180.50; 206.81 and 244.51KDa belonged to estrutucture from C. felis sporulated oocysts. Western Blotting technique was performed after SDS-PAGE and were identified these antigenic proteins: p39.39; p42.18; p44.40; p47.82; p55.46; p58.75; p66.08; p77.41; p92.85; p99.58; p104.10; p112.84; p203.15 and p37.25; p38.80; p67; p69; p77; p93; p99; p103; p111.19; p202.66 KDa from hyperimmune and natural infected rabbits by C. Felis respectively. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo, tra?ar um perfil prot?ico de oocistos esporulados de Cystoisospora felis, recuperados a partir do uso seq?encial de v?rias t?cnicas de purifica??o adaptadas para o uso em oocistos esporulados de C. felis. Com o aux?lio do SDS-PAGE a 10 e 12 % resultou na identifica??o de 22 grupos prot?icos de 26; 29; 31; 36; 44; 50; 56; 62; 73; 77,55; 85,34; 97,62; 98,66; 101,24; 104,21; 109,23; 110,56; 113,21; 138,48; 180,50; 206,81 e 244,51 KDa, pertencentes a estrutura dos oocistos esporulados e esporozoitas de C. felis. Com base nesse resultado e em soro de coelho heter?logo anti-C. felis foi poss?vel desenvolver uma t?cnica de diagn?stico imunoenzimatico com western Blotting para identifica??o de animais infectados de maneira natural ou experimental com C. felis, identificando os seguintes prote?nas antig?nicas: p39.39; p42.18; p44.40; p47.82; p55.46; p58.75; p66.08; p77.41; p92.85; p99.58; p104.10; p112.84; p203.15 e p37.25; p38.80; p67; p69; p77; p93; p99; p103; p111.19; p202.66 KDa, respectivamente.

Diagn?stico da infec??o por Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon, 1923) Frenkel, 1977 (Apicomplexa: Cystoisosporinae) pelo "Western Blotting" em animais de produ??o: bovinos / Diagnosis of Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon, 1923) Frenkel, 1977 (Apicomplexa: Cystoisosporinae) infection by Western Blotting in farm animals: bovines

MEIRELES, Gisele Santos de 27 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-10-24T18:46:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Gisele Santos de Meireles.pdf: 16741114 bytes, checksum: 1d4b03cbd2287a0984257f70efb149da (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-24T18:46:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Gisele Santos de Meireles.pdf: 16741114 bytes, checksum: 1d4b03cbd2287a0984257f70efb149da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / CAPES / FAPERJ / This study aimed to determine from the protein profile of oocysts of Cystoisospora felis recovered from the sequential use of various purification techniques adapted for specific use in sporulated oocysts of C. felis. With the aid of SDS-PAGE 12% resulted in identification of 25 groups of protein: 266, 240, 186, 165, 140, 119, 112, 105, 98, 90, 78, 55, 47, 42, 37, 35, 30, 27-28, 25, 22, 19, 18, 16, 14 kDa belonging to the structure of sporulated oocysts and sporozoites of C. felis. Based on this results and heterologous bovine serum anti-C. felis was possible to determine polypeptides dominant relevant to diagnostic immunoassay technique with "Western Blotting", these being immunodominant bands: P208, P138, P113, p106, p62, p56, p51, p48, p44, p38, p36, and p33 p27. In order to avoid misdiagnosis from cross-reactivity a positive control serum anti-C. felis was compared to with positive serum anti-Toxoplasma and Neospora in order to exclude the common protein bands, probably markers of gender and group to identify cattle infected naturally or experimentally with C. felis. As showed, the following specific antigenic protein units: p 206-208, P137-139, p112- 113, p104-107, p27-28 are responsible for determining the animal tested positive or not for Cystoisospora felis. Of the analysis of the variables could be observed that the presence of felines related to the handling, size and type of milking properties facilitates dispersion C. felis. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo, diagnosticar a infec??o por Cystoisospora felis em bovinos atrav?s do Western Blotting, apartir de oocistos obtidos com o uso sequencial de v?rias t?cnicas de purifica??o adaptadas para o uso em oocistos esporulados de C. felis. Com o aux?lio do SDS-PAGE a 12 % resultou na identifica??o de 25 grupos proteicos de: 266; 240; 186; 165; 140; 119, 112, 105, 98, 90, 78, 55, 47, 42, 37, 35, 30, 27-28, 25, 22, 19, 18, 16, 14 KDa, pertencentes a estrutura dos oocistos esporulados e esporozoitas de C. felis. Com base nesse resultado e em soro de bovino heter?logo anti-C. felis foi poss?vel determinar os polipept?deos dominantes relevantes ? t?cnica de diagn?stico imunoenzimatico com ?Western Blotting?, sendo estas, as bandas imunodominantes: p208, p138, p113, p106, p62, p56, p51, p48, p44, p38, p36, p33 e p27. A fim de evitar o diagn?stico equivocado a partir de rea??es cruzadas foi feita a compara??o do soro controle positivo anti-C. felis com o soro positivo anti-Toxoplasma e Neospora com o intuito de excluir as bandas proteicas comuns, prov?veis marcadoras de g?nero e grupo para identifica??o de bovinos infectados de maneira natural ou experimental com C. felis. Sendo evidenciadas, as seguintes unidades proteicas antig?nicas espec?ficas: p 206-208, p137-139, p112-113, p104-107, p27-28 respons?veis por determinar a positividade dos animais testados para C. felis. A partir das an?lises das vari?veis foi poss?vel observar que a presen?a de felinos associados, ao manejo, tipo de ordenha e tamanho das propriedades facilita a dispers?o de C. felis.

Characterization and expression patterns of five Winter Rye β-1,3-endoglucanases and their role in cold acclimation

McCabe, Shauna January 2007 (has links)
Winter rye produces ice-modifying antifreeze proteins upon cold treatment. Two of these antifreeze proteins are members of the large, highly conserved, β-1,3-endoglucanase family. This project was designed to identify glucanase genes that are expressed during cold acclimation, wounding, pathogen infection, drought or treatment with the phytohormones ethylene and MeJa. Additionally, a more detailed proteomic analysis was to be carried out to evaluate the glucanase content of the apoplast of cold-acclimated (CA) winter rye. Results of 2D SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that non-acclimated whole leaf protein extracts contain at least two β-1,3-endoglucanses while CA whole leaf protein extracts contain at least three β-1,3-endoglucanses. Subsequent 2D SDS-PAGE analysis was conducted on the apoplast extracts of NA and CA winter rye plants revealed the limitations of standard 1D SDS-PAGE. The 2-dimensional gel analysis revealed that there is a minimum of 25 proteins within the apoplast of CA winter rye, including at least 5 β-1,3-endoglucanases. Genome walking was used to isolate cold-responsive glucanase genes. The five genes isolated were designated scGlu6, scGlu9, scGlu10, scGlu11 and scGlu12. The cis-element pattern within the promoter of each gene was evaluated using online databases of documented plant cis elements. As expected, all of the promoters contained elements associated with cold, biotic and abiotic stresses, light regulation, and development. The expression patterns predicted by the cis elements in each promoter were compared to the mRNA abundance produced by each gene as detected by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. In most cases, the abundance of transcripts arising from each gene loosely corresponded to the expression pattern predicted by the cis elements the corresponding promoter. Transcripts of scGlu9, 10 and 11 were present in cold-treated tissues and are candidates for β-1,3-endoglucanases with antifreeze activity. The results presented in this thesis provide additional insight into the apoplast proteome of CA winter rye plants as well as the complexity of the signals controlling the proteins that reside there. Although there are still a number of unresolved questions, this research opens new directions for future studies in the cold acclimation process in winter rye and specifically for the contribution of β -1,3-endoglucanses.

Aeromonas hydrophila vaccine development using immunoproteomics

Poobalane, Saravanane January 2007 (has links)
Aeromonas hydrophila is an opportunistic pathogen that causes a wide range of symptoms and diseases in fish. Development of a commercial vaccine has been problematic due to the heterogenicity between isolates of A. hydrophila. A new approach using immunoproteomics was used in this study to try to develop a vaccine that would protect against a wide range of A. hydrophila strains. The virulence of 14 isolates of A. hydrophila from different geographical regions was determined in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) indicating that 6 isolates were virulent, while 8 isolates were avirulent. Expression of cellular and extracellular products (ECP) of six of these isolates (4 virulent and 2 avirulent isolates) were examined following culture of the bacterium in vitro, in tryptic soy broth, and in vivo, in dialysis tubing placed within the peritoneal cavity of carp. Two types of molecular weight cut off tubes (25 and 100 kDa) were used for the implants. Whole cell (WC), outer membrane protein (OMP) and ECPs of the bacteria grown in vitro and in vivo were analysed by 1 dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D SDS-PAGE). Additionally, 2D SDS-PAGE was used to analyse WC preparations of A. hydrophila grown in vitro and in vivo. The production of unique proteins and up and down-regulation of protein expression were observed in all the preparations of bacteria grown in vitro and in vivo. Unique bands were seen in the 1D SDS-PAGE at 58 and 55 kDa for WC and OMP preparations, respectively, for all the isolates cultured in vivo. Bands of increased intensity were observed at 70, 55, 50 and 25 kDa with WC preparations for the virulent isolates cultured in vivo. Analysis of WC preparations by 2D SDS-PAGE indicated differences in the expression of spots between bacteria cultured in vitro and in vivo. A number of unique spots, mostly between 30 and 80 kDa with pI values ranging from 5.0-6.0 were observed in the bacteria grown in vivo. The protein profiles of different preparations (WC, OMP, ECP) of bacteria cultured in vitro and in vivo were screened by 1D Western blot using antibodies from carp artificially infected with different isolates of A. hydrophila to identify potential vaccine candidates. The WC preparations of A. hydrophila (T4 isolate) grown in vitro were also analysed by 2D Western blot. A 50 kDa protein of A. hydrophila was found to be the most immunogenic molecule in both WC and OMP of bacteria grown both in vitro and in vivo. The protection efficacy of this protein was determined in goldfish by vaccinating fish with electro-eluted 50 kDa protein then challenging the fish with A. hydrophila. Fish were also passively immunised with fish sera raised to the 50 kDa protein and then challenged. The relative percentage survival (RPS) was 67 % in the vaccination trial, while the results were inconclusive for the passive immunisation trial. The 50 kDa protein was confirmed to be the S-layer protein of A. hydrophila following identification using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Recombinant S-layer protein was then produced and the cross-protection efficacy of this protein against six virulent isolates of A. hydrophila was confirmed in a large scale vaccination trial using carp. The RPS value for the 6 isolates of A. hydrophila ranged from between 56 and 87 %. The results of this project suggest that the immunogenic S-layer protein of A. hydrophila could be used as a common antigen to protect fish against infection by different isolates of this pathogenic bacterium.

Purification Of Glutathione S-transferases And Genetic Characterization Of Zeta Isozyme From Pinus Brutia, Ten

Oztetik, Elif 01 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Glutathione S-transferases (GST, EC2.5.1.18) are a family of multifunctional, dimeric enzymes that catalyse the nucleophilic attack of the tripeptide glutathione (&amp / #947 / -L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-L-glycine) on lipophilic compounds with electrophilic centres. The primary function of GSTs is generally considered to be the detoxification of both endogenous and xenobiotic compounds. Cytosolic GSTs have been grouped into eleven distinct classes as: (A) / Alpha, (M) / Mu, (P) / Pi, (S) / Sigma, (T) / Theta, (Z) / Zeta, (F) / Phi, (U) / Tau, (B) / Beta, (O) / Omega and (L) / Lambda. iv In this study, the total RNAs from Pinus brutia needles were isolated, GST Zeta cDNA was prepared by RT-PCR, the length of the insert was elongated by applying 5&#039 / RACE (Rapid Amplification for cDNA ends) method and the identity of the insert was checked by sequencing. The amino acid sequence of GST-Zeta was deduced as composed of 226 amino acids. The genomic DNA was also isolated from Pinus brutia needles, amplified by PCR and sequenced, and compared to the sequence of cDNA. The expression level of GST-Zeta in individual trees of Pinus brutia were examined by Northern blot analysis, and compared to their thiol contents. The mRNA levels varied up to three-fold, whereas GSH amounts varied approximately 1.8 fold, and there were no correlation between the GST-Zeta expression and GSH concentration. GST enzyme with activity towards CDNB was isolated and purified from Pinus brutia needles in 1.95 % yield with a purification factor of 15.45-fold. The purification protocol included a sequential chromatography on Sephadex G-25 column, DEAE cellulose anion exchanger liquid chromatography column, and S-hexylglutathione agarose affinity columns. The purified GST showed specific activity towards CDNB as 2022 nmole/min/mg. The GST purified from needles had a molecular weight (Mr) value of about 24.000 which was confirmed by SDS-PAGE.

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