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The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 on Google search resultsBrorsson, Martin, Lindhom, Hampus January 2016 (has links)
Syfte - Detta examensarbete utreder vad som påverkar vilken länk studenterna på Jönköping University väljer att klicka på i Googles sökresultat vid en produktsökning. För vissa e- handelsföretag kan det vara avgörande att användarna klickar på deras länk i sökresultatet. Men vad väljer studenter att klicka på? Väljer de en länk i det organiska sökresultatet eller väljer de att klicka på en annons? Arbetet har utförts med syftet att hjälpa e-handelsföretag som säljer produkter med målgruppen studenter. Under arbetes gång besvarades följande frågeställningen: • Vad påverkar vilken länk Jönköping Universitys studenter väljer att klicka på i Googles sökresultat? Metod - För att kunna besvara frågeställning har tre olika metoder används för att samla in data. Metoderna som används är tre intervjuer med experter inom SEO-branschen, 114 observationer med studenter och i samband med observationerna fick studenterna också genomföra en digital enkät. Resultat - Utifrån den insamlade datan från intervjuer, observationer, digitala enkäter och sekundärdata har ett resultat tagits fram gällande vad som påverkar studenters val av länkar på sökmotorn Google. I resultatet framkommer det att sökmotoroptimering är viktigt för att ett e- handelsföretag skall synas på Google, finns du inte med på förstasidan finns du inte. Även att igenkänningsfaktorn spelar störst roll i valet av vilken länk studenter klickar på. Där framkommer det två olika typer av beteenden båda med igenkänningsfaktorn i baktanke. Antingen klickar studenterna på första länken de känner igen eller så väljer de medvetet bort annonserna och klickar på första vanliga länken de känner igen. Implikationer - Arbetet är endast genomfört på studenter från Jönköping University. Ett representativt urval gjordes från den teoretiska populationen för ett generaliserbart resultat. Men för att kunna generalisera resultatet på studenter i en större utsträckning krävs det att samma undersökningen görs på olika högskolor/universitet i Sverige. Begränsningar - Fokus och mest tid lades på att genomföra observationerna vilket gav mindre tid till att genomföra flera intervjuer. Detta är en avgörande faktor som påverkade studiens omfång och resultat. Om det funnit mer tid hade även en undersökning på andra sökmotorer varit genomförbar. Alla sökningar gjordes på Google som är den största och den ledande sökmotorn i världen. Om Google skulle förändra något väsentligt i deras sökmotor kan resultatet bli oanvändbart. / Purpose - This examination paper examines what affects which link students at Jönköping University choose to click on the Google search results when they do a product search. For some e-commerce companies, it may be crucial that users click on their link in the search results. But which link do students choose to click on? Are they choosing to click on a link in the organic search results or are they choosing to click on an ad? This examination has been carried out with the aim to help e-commerce companies that sells products that target students. During this paper has following question has been answered: • What affects the link Jönköping University students choose to click on the Google search results? Method - To answer the question three different methods has been implemented to collect data. The methods conducted three interviews with experts in the SEO industry, 114 observations with students and in connection with the observations did the students answer a digital survey. These three methods gave a good and comparable results that ultimately strengthen each other. Results - Based on data collected from interviews, observations, digital surveys and secondary data have a result been developed shrill guessed what affects students' choice of the links on the search engine Google. The result shows that search engine optimization is important for an e- commerce business that must appear on Google, if you are not on the front page you are not existing. Although the recognition factor plays the most important role in the choice of which link students click. Where it appears two different kinds of behaviour both with the recognition factor of ulterior motive. Either the students click on the first link they recognize or choose them consciously remove the ads and click on the first common link them recognize. Implications - This work is only carried out on students from Jönköping University. A representative selection was made from the theoretical population of a generalizable results. But to generalize the results of the students to a greater extent it is required that the same survey conducted at various colleges / universities in Sweden. Limitations - Focus and most time was spent on implementing the observations which gave less time to conduct more than three interviews. This is a crucial factor that affected the study's scope and results. If there were more time had an investigation on other search engines would have been feasible. All searches were made on Google, which is the largest and the leading search engine in the world. If they are doing any big changes or updates our results may be unusable.
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En studie om sökmotoroptimering och användarvänlighet : Google vs användare / A study about Search Engine Optimization and User ExperiencePersson, Josefine, Ollander, Lotta January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this survey has been to investigate whether there are contradictions between user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO), also called Google versus users. Professionals, in UX and SEO, have been asked to respond to a questionnaire regarding text and images within these two aspects. In addition to the professionals, users have also been asked to answer questionnaires and taken part in two different websites to investigate how text and images related to the previously mentioned aspects. The content on the sites has been the same but the design itself has been different, one has focused on UX - user experience and the other has been towards SEO - search engine optimization. The results of the study have not been distinctwhether there are contradictions between Google and users among professionals. Even in the relationship with users, how they experienced the different sites, there were contradictions between these two aspects. The conclusion is thus that it depends a lot on who views the website and his or her personal preferences. / Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att undersöka om det finns motsättningar mellan användarupplevelse (UX) och sökmotoroptimering (SEO), även kallat Google mot användare. Yrkesverksamma, inom UX och SEO, har fått svara på en enkät angående text och bild inom dessa två aspekter. Förutom yrkesverksamma har även användare fått svara på enkätfrågor och tagit del av två olika sajter för att undersöka hur text och bild förhåller sig mot tidigare nämnda aspekter. Innehållet på sajterna har varit detsamma men själva utförande har varit olika, den ena har fokuserat på UX –användarupplevelse och den andra har varit mot SEO – sökmotoroptimering. Resultatet av studien har inte varit entydigt om det finns motsättningar mellan Google och användare hos yrkesverksamma. Även i förhållandet med användare hur de upplevde de olika sajterna fanns det motsättningar mellan dessa två aspekter. Slutsatsen blir således att det beror mycket på vem som betraktar webbplatsen och dennes personliga preferenser
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Podnikatelský záměr - založení fitness centra StrongLife / Business Plan - Fitness Center StronglifeČupr, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation gives an analysis of the contemporary condition in the area of fitness centres. The business plan for introducing a new fitness centre in the market follows. Based on research and analyses appropriate strategies and tools have been chosen, so that the enterprise could bring added value to the owners and above all customers´needs.
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Marketing v elektronickém obchodě / Marketing in Electronic CommerceBártová, Dana January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on marketing in the relatively new spere specifically marketing on the Internet. Specifies the specific deficiencies shop and proposes a number of essential steps for the advanced operation of an existing Internet business. Contains several design solutions that help increase visits in online store, and consequently also increase sales shop.
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Návrh marketingové strategie v elektronickém obchodě / Purpose of Marketing Strategy in E-commerceKulhánek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Work deals with marketing strategy of e-shop www.vune24.cz. Containing the theoretical basis for describing the problem and analysis of the selected company. Draft marketing strategy is focused primarily on product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and promotion. It also included an economic evaluation of the proposal.
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Webdesign och SEO i praktiken : Utvecklande av webbplats och optimering för sökmotorer åt ett företag / Web design and SEO in practice : Development of a website and search engine optimization for a companySwenson, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
This report describes my work with a website for a company that helps other companies book conferences. Creating this website, I have worked from a Mobile First perspective to create an interface. The interface was then tested on potential users. I then used guidelines from Googles own documentation on search engine optimization. The purpose of this work is to create and deliver a website where users can turn to MH Konferens and let them handle booking and planning of their conferences. / Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med en webbplats för ett företag som jobbar med att boka konferenser åt andra företag. Jag har i framtagandet av webbplatsen utgått från Mobile First och skapat ett gränssnitt. Gränssnittet har sedan testats på användare och slutligen har jag utgått från Googles egen dokumentation för att optimera webbplatsen för sökmotorer. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa en webbplats som leder till att användare kan vända sig till MH konferens och låta dem ta hand om bokning och planering av deras konferenser.
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David vs. Goliath : En kvalitativ studie om hur mikroföretag kan använda sökmotorer i sin marknadsföring / David vs. Goliath : A qualitative study about how micro enterprises can use search engines in their marketingHenriksson, Johannes, Ågehäll, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Titel: David vs. Goliath Författare: Henriksson, Johannes & Ågehäll, Adam Institution: Linnéuniversitetet, Ekonomihögskolan Program: Ekonomprogrammet inriktning Marknadsföring Kurs: Företagsekonomi III – Marknadsföring, Examensarbete, 15hp Handledare: Leif Rytting Examinator: Kaisa Lund Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka huruvida mikroföretag kan skapa marknadsfördelar av att implementera Search Engine Marketing. Ytterligare en avsikt är att uppsatsen skall bidra med kunskap kring hur mikroföretag kan stärka sitt varumärke genom Search Engine Marketing. Metod: Kvalitativ studie innehavande en mix mellan induktiv- och deduktiv forskningsansats. Även kallad abduktiv forskningsansats. Den empiriska datan är insamlad genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer bestående av tio respondenter. Slutsats: Sökmotormarknadsföring är en grundkomponent i den digitala marknadsföringen. Mikroföretag skapas möjlighet att konkurrera mot större varumärken genom skapad synlighet. Marknadsföring via en nischad marknad visar sig fördelaktig. En sammanstrålad varumärkesidentitet och varumärkesimage bör avspeglas i content. Nyckelord: Sökmotormarknadsföring, SEO, PPC, Google, mikroföretag, sökmotorer, sociala medier, varumärken. Fördelning av arbete: Båda författarna har varit lika delaktiga under alla delar av studien. / Title: David vs. Goliath Authors: Henriksson, Johannes & Ågehäll, Adam Institution: Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics Programme: Business Administration and Economics, specialization Marketing Course: Business Administration III – Marketing, Bachelor Thesis, 15hp Supervisor: Leif Rytting Examiner: Kaisa Lund Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how micro enterprises can create market advantages by implementing Search Engine Marketing. Further intention is that the study will provide knowledge about how micro enterprises can invigorate they brand through Search Engine Marketing. Method: Qualitative study using a mix of both inductive- and deductive research approach. Also known as abductive approach. The empirical data is collected using semi-structured interviews, with ten respondants. Conclusion: Search Engine Marketing is a basic component in digital marketing. Micro enterprises creates the opportunity to compete against larger brands through visibility. Niche marketing is found valueable. A converged brand identity and brand image should be mirrored in content. Keywords: Search engine marketing, SEO, PPC, Google, micro enterprises, search engines, social medias, brands. Allocation of work: Both authors have been equally involved in all parts of the thesis.
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Sökmotorsoptimering – Från nyckelord till relevant innehåll : Fem företags SEO-praktik i förändringPettersson, Linda January 2010 (has links)
<p>I all teori om sökmotorsoptimering finns det många olika tankar om hur man ska sökmotorsoptimera. De flesta berättar mest om den tekniska biten och har endast som en kort punkt förklarat att innehållet på en webbplats också är viktigt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka webbföretags förhållningssätt till både hur de arbetar och resonerar kring sökmotorsoptimering och webbstatistik, men även gå djupare in på hur förhållandet mellan kund och företag påverkar vart marknaden är på väg. Genom att utföra kvalitativa intervjuer med webbföretag där främst marknaden för sökmotorsoptimering, sponsrade länkar och webbstatistik diskuterats har ett resultat utformats.</p><p>Baserat på de senaste artiklarna, respondenternas svar och mina egna personliga reflektioner av situationen, visar det att det blivit en förskjutning i vad definitionen av sökmotorsoptimering är. Den tekniska biten är kvar men inte alls lika viktig längre då sökmotorerna hela tiden ändrar sina algoritmer och blir smartare, utan fokus läggs istället mer på innehållet. Ett rikt innehåll med bra skriven text samt ett intressant video- eller bildmaterial är mycket viktigare än att ändra på småsaker i strukturen av webbplatsen. Sökmarknaden idag ser annorlunda ut mot bara några år sedan. Det innebär att sökmotorsoptimering inte enbart handlar om att förbättra den egna hemsidan, utan även innefattar all marknadsföring på webben.</p> / <p>In all theory about Search Engine Optimization there are lots of different ideas on how to optimize search engines. Much of the theory concerns the technical aspects and only offers a short explanation on the importance of the actual content of the website. In this essay I will examine how web companies think and act around search engine optimization and web statistics, but also go deeper into how the relationship between customer and company affects where the market is heading. By doing qualitative interviews with web companies where the subject search engine optimization, paid ads and web statistics were discussed, a result has been formed.</p><p>Based on the latest articles, the answers from the respondents and my own personal reflections of the situation, there are clear signs that the definition of Search Engine Optimization has changed. The technical aspect is still there, but with less importance since the search engines keeps changing the algorithms in order to become smarter. Instead the focus is on the content. Rich content, good written text, interesting videos and images has a larger impact than changing the little things in the structure of a website.</p><p>The search market looks different today than it did a few years ago. The term Search Engine Optimization has changed its meaning into something more than just improving your own homepage. Now it also includes all the marketing your company does outside of the web.</p>
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A influência do marketing timing e do estágio do ciclo de vida na realização de ofertas públicas de ações.Costa, Vilma Sousa Ismael da 25 January 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study aimed to analyze whether the market timing and stage of life cycle influence the decision to perform a Public Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO) in Brazilian companies traded. The analysis focused on whether the probability of a company conduct a SEO is positively
related to the index MB (market-to-book), size and stock returns and profitability prior to completion of SEO, and negatively related to the stage lifecycle, profitability and stock return after completion of SEO. Initially we sought to examine the influence of the index market-tobook
and returns and future steps in conducting a SEO. dditionally, we sought to examine the influence of firm age and number of years listed in BMFBOVESPA in making an SEO.
And, in parallel, we attempted to verify the relationship between SEO and realization of the variables size and profitability. The population consisted of all n-financial companies, publicly traded, with shares traded on the Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo - BM & FBOVESPA, in the period from 2002 to 2010. The model follows the methodology used by
H. Deangelo, L. Deangelo and Stulz (2010). Analyzing whether there is a relationship between the logistics company conduct a SEO and variable rate market-to-book, stage of life cycle, past returns and future profitability and size. About the variables we can conclude that
there is a relationship between the attainment of SEO content and market-to-book, firm size and profitability after the completion of SEO. The relationships of the variables expected market-to-book and size, were confirmed as positive, however the variable profitability after
completion of SEO obtained a negative relationship, thus diverging from the expected. Therefore, hypotheses 1 and 5 of the thesis, that the probability of performing SEO is
positively related to the index market-to-book and size, can not be rejected. Descriptive statistics already pointed in this direction, about 81% of the operations were performed by SEO companies that presented index market-to-book more than 1, which indicates some sort of recovery, and the largest proportion, about 55% of the achievements were made by companies that were with index greater than 2.10 MB. Regarding the size, descriptive statistics already presented a preliminary support when showed that most of the offers, about 51% were held by companies that met the range of values of total assets (14 <log assets <16).
Furthermore, there were no evidences that confirm the relationship of the stage of the life cycle, the stock return both the previous and subsequent to the achievement of SEO, and the operational performance before and the day of the year with the decision of SEO conduct a public seasoned equity offerings. Although the stage of the life cycle has not been found statistically significant evidence that shows that the vast majority of SEO s, about 57% were
held by companies with up to 20 of the constitution, these data are confirmed when we used years BM & FBOVESPA's listing as a proxy for alternative stage of the life cycle, about 79% of SEO s were made by companies that have up to 15 years of listing. Regarding the stock performance of the ANOVA tests indicated an average return of shares a year before the superior achievement in comparison with stock returns one year after the completion of the SEO and the average stock returns in the subsequent year, the SEO companies that made and the companies that did not perform, are equal. The results point toward in favor of market
timing theory as an explanation for the conduct of bids, i.e., companies realized the SEO when its shares were valued by the market, taking advantage of the time factor. / Esta dissertação teve como objetivo analisar se o market timing e o estágio do ciclo de vida influenciam na decisão de realizar uma Oferta Pública de Distribuição de Ações Subsequentes
(SEO) em empresas brasileiras de capital aberto. A análise se centrou em saber se a probabilidade de uma empresa realizar uma SEO está positivamente relacionada com o índice
MB (market-to-book), tamanho e ao retorno acionário anterior à realização da SEO e negativamente relacionado ao estágio do ciclo de vida e ao retorno acionário posterior a realização da SEO. Inicialmente, buscou-se analisar a influência do índice market-to-book e dos retornos acionários passados e futuros na realização de uma SEO. Adicionalmente, procurou-se analisar a influência da idade da empresa e do número de anos listados na
BM&FBOVESPA na realização de uma SEO e, paralelamente, verificar a relação entre a realização da SEO e a variável tamanho. A população foi composta por todas as empresas
não-financeiras, de capital aberto, com ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BM&FBOVESPA, no período de 2002 a 2010. O modelo seguiu a metodologia utilizada por
Deangelo, Deangelo e Stulz (2010), analisando se há uma relação logística entre a empresa realizar uma SEO e as variáveis índice market-to-book, estágio do ciclo de vida, retornos passados e futuros e tamanho. Quanto às variáveis, conclui-se que existe relação entre a realização da SEO, o índice market-to-book e o tamanho das empresas. As relações das varáveis market-to-book e tamanho foram positivas, como esperado. Diante disso, as hipóteses 1 e 5 da dissertação, de que a probabilidade de realização de SEO é positivamente
relacionada ao índice market-to-book e tamanho, não podem ser rejeitadas. A estatística descritiva apontou que cerca de 81% das operações de SEO foram realizadas por empresas que apresentavam índice market-to-book superior a 1, o que indica algum tipo de valorização e a maior proporção. Cerca de 55% das realizações foram feitas por empresas que se encontravam com índice MB maior que 2,10. No tocante ao tamanho, a estatística descritiva também apresentou um suporte preliminar, quando evidenciou que cerca de 51% das ofertas, foram realizadas por empresas que se encontraram na faixa de valores do ativo total (14< log do ativo < 16). Por outro lado, não foram observadas evidências que confirmem a relação do estágio do ciclo de vida e retorno acionário, tanto no ano anterior quanto no ano subsequente à realização da SEO com a decisão de realizar uma oferta pública de distribuição de ações subsequente. Muito embora o estágio do ciclo de vida não tenha tido significância estatística, foram encontradas evidências, apontando que a grande maioria das SEO s, cerca de 57%,
foram realizadas por empresas que possuem até 20 de constituição. Esses dados são corroborados, quando utilizou-se anos de listagem da BM&FBOVESPA como proxy alternativa para estágio do ciclo de vida. No tocante ao retorno acionário, observou-se uma média do retorno das ações de um ano antes da realização superior em comparação com os retornos das ações um ano após a realização da SEO e que as médias do retorno das ações no ano posterior das empresas que realizaram SEO e das empresas que não realizaram eram iguais. Em relação ao desempenho operacional, encontraram-se evidências de diferenças entre o ROA antes e após a realização da SEO e igualdade entre o ROA posterior de empresas emissoras e não-emissoras. Os resultados obtidos apontam na direção a favor da teoria do market timing como explicação para a realização de ofertas, ou seja, as empresas realizaram a
SEO quando suas ações estavam valorizadas pelo mercado.
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La production journalistique et Google : chercher à ce que l’information soit trouvée / Google and journalistic production : making news findableSire, Guillaume 18 November 2013 (has links)
Nous cherchons dans ce travail à détricoter la relation à la fois compétitive et coopérative, indifféremment technique, économique, juridique, sociale, politique et résolument communicationnelle de Google et des éditeurs de presse. Pour cela, après avoir historicisé la rencontre de deux univers singuliers, nous décrivons ce que les éditeurs peuvent faire pour franchir le prisme du moteur de recherche et y optimiser la visibilité de leur production. Nous tâchons ensuite de décrypter ce que la firme Google peut faire faire aux éditeurs en analysant leurs relations de pouvoir, leurs incitations, leurs projets et leurs environnements informationnels respectifs. Enfin, nous rendons compte de ce que les éditeurs français issus de la presse imprimée font effectivement : ce qu’ils communiquent à Google, par quels moyens et à quel prix, pour quels résultats espérés, à l’issue de quelles concessions, quels détours, quelles contestations. Nous expliquons comment les conditions et les modalités de captation du trafic sont susceptibles d’influencer la valorisation du contenu, l’organisation e sa production, la structure du site, les pratiques journalistiques et les lignes éditoriales. Nous montrons qu’un aller-retour performatif se crée entre énoncés et conditions d’énonciation, agissant par et sur les textes, les architextes et les hypertextes. En somme, c’est à la compréhension de ce que deviennent l’actualité et eux qui la mettent en récit, dès lors qu’ils cherchent à ce que l’information qu’ils produisent soit trouvée par les utilisateurs de Google, que notre thèse est consacrée. / In this thesis, we aim to disentangle the cooperative but also competitive relationship between Google and news publishers, which is at the same time technical, economic, legal, social, political and certainly communicational. In order to do so, we trace the historical development of two singular universes, describing what publishers can do to overcome the search engine and optimize their ranking. We then analyse how Google can influence publishers’ conduct, by studying power relations, respective incentives, aims, and informational and socio-economic backgrounds. Finally, we report on actual practices of French traditional news publishers: what they communicate to Google, by which means and at what price, for which expected results, after which concessions, detours and controversies. Thus, we explain how search engine optimization is likely to affect the way content is valued, its production organisation, the website’s structure, journalists’ prac tice an editorial policy. We show a back and forth movement between performative utterances and performed circumstances, having an effect on and by texts, architexts and hypertexts. To sum up, this thesis is dedicated to understanding what happens to news and publishers once they strive for their information to be found by Google's users.
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