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Přesný funkční generátor / Precise function generatorSnopek, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the project is to design a concept of function generator with digital synthesis. The device will be controlled using microprocessor which allows synthesizing basic functions (sin, square, raw) as well as arbitrary functions stored in memory. User friendly graphical interface will be controlled by keyboard and rotary switch (IRC). The work emphasizes correct selection of DDS clock source, circuit elements and proper application of signal filtration method with attention to low distortion and low output phase noise.
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High Spurious-Free Dynamic Range Digital Wideband Receiver for Multiple Signal Detection and TrackingSarathy, Vivek 18 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Att förstå konsekvenserna av hållbarhetsrapportering : En studie om införandet av EU:s förordning om hållbarhetsrelaterade upplysningar SFDRTholén, Nicole January 2022 (has links)
The provision of global bank capital and its governance has undergone dramatic changes in the last two decades. There has been a growing awareness among companies to address the environmental, social and governance issues to contribute to sustainable development. Several studies have been conducted that address the need to merge sustainability into business strategies. The banking sector is increasingly taking measures to make banking operations more sustainable, as an important tool for addressing issues of sustainable development, but also as a marketing tool. From 10 March 2021, with an implementation period until 1 January 2023, new rules on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector, were applied in the European Parliament, also known as SFDR (2019/2088/EU). The purpose of SFDR is that the new requirements will lead to a more coherent design of sustainability-related information within the financial market. The requirements refer to, among other things, that finance companies must provide information on the proportion of sales from products or services related to economic activities that are environmentally sustainable. Although the regulation indicates different types of obligations regarding what is to be disclosed and reported, this regulatory framework still lacks a clear path for the application of financial market participants, which generated the research question “What challenges do Swedish credit market companies face related to sustainability risks according to EU regulation SFDR sustainability-related information?” To investigate the subject, a qualitative research method was applied with an abductive research method. In-depth interviews were conducted with a sample of employees at a credit market company that is under the supervision of Finansinspektionen, which are thus affected by SFDR. These interviews were supplemented by an interview with an employee at Finansinspektionen who is active in banking/sustainability. The interviews gave results in the form of identified challenges, the greatest were within; (i) lack of knowledge about sustainability in the financial industry, (ii) the introduction of SFDR in financial institutions, (iii) data management, (iv) maintenance of regulatory compliance, and (v) investment decisions related to sustainability. The analysis provided indications that challenges that were identified in previous research could be confirmed and extended. The analysis illuminated questions such as, there is a difficulty to know how the end customer works with sustainability, how far should the finance companies go in their investigations when granting credit? Several of the respondents agreed that it is difficult to make such an assessment and how far down the chain the analyzes should go; who will be ensuring quality assurance in the next stage and take care of the supervision of it? The conclusions of this study are that the identified challenges are found mainly within; (i) the competence in sustainability in the financial industry, (ii) an increased use of resources, (iii) the collection and creation of data, and (iv) to systematize the sustainability work throughout the businesses. / Tillhandahållandet av globalt bankkapital och dess styrning har genomgått dramatiska förändringar de senaste två decennierna. Det har funnits en växande medvetenhet bland företag att ta itu med miljö-, sociala- och styrningsfrågor för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Det har gjorts ett flertal studier som behandlar behovet av att införliva hållbarhet i verksamheters strategier. Banksektorn vidtar i allt högre grad åtgärder för att göra bankverksamheten mer hållbar, som ett viktigt verktyg för att ta itu med frågor om hållbar utveckling, men även som ett marknadsföringsverktyg. Från och med den 10 mars 2021, med en infasningsperiod fram till och med 1 januari 2023, tillämpades nya regler om lämnande av hållbarhetsrelaterade upplysningar på värdepappersmarknaden i Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning, även kallad SFDR (2019/2088/EU). Syftet med SFDR är att de nya kraven ska leda till en mer sammanhållen utformning av hållbarhetsrelaterad information på värdepappersmarknaden. Kraven avser bland annat att finansbolag ska lämna upplysningar om hur stor andel av omsättningen från produkter eller tjänster relaterade till ekonomisk verksamhet som anses vara miljömässigt hållbar. Trots att förordningen indikerar olika typer av skyldigheter när det gäller vad som ska avslöjas och rapporteras, saknar detta nya regelverk fortfarande en tydlig väg för tillämpning av finansmarknadsaktörer, vilket genererade forskningsfrågan ”Vilka utmaningar står svenska kreditmarknadsbolag inför relaterat till hållbarhetsrisker enligt EU:s förordning SFDR om hållbarhetsrelaterade upplysningar?” För att undersöka ämnet tillämpades en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv undersökningsmetod. Djupintervjuer genomfördes med ett urval av anställda på ett kreditmarknadsbolag som går under Finansinspektionens tillsyn, som således blir berörda av SFDR. Dessa intervjuer kompletterades med en intervju med en anställd hos Finansinspektionen som är verksam inom bank/hållbarhet. Efter de genomförda intervjuerna gav de resultat i form av identifierade utmaningar, de största var inom; (i) brist på kunskap om hållbarhet i finansbranschen, (ii) införandet av SFDR i finansiella institut, (iii) utmaningar vid datahantering, (iv) upprätthållande av regelefterlevnad, och (v) utmaningar vid investeringsbeslut relaterat till hållbarhet. Analysen gav indikationer på att utmaningar som påtalats i tidigare forskning kunde bekräftas och även utvidgas. Däribland, är det svårt att veta hur slutkunden arbetar med hållbarhet, hur långt ska finansbolagen gå i sina undersökningar vid kreditgivning? Flera av respondenterna höll med om att det är svårt att göra en sådan bedömning och hur långt ned i kedjan analyserna ska gå. Frågan blir vem det är som kvalitetssäkrar i nästa led och sköter tillsynen av det? Slutsatserna av den här studien att de identifierade utmaningarna återfinns främst inom; (i) kompetensen inom hållbarhet i finansbranschen, (ii) en ökad resursanvändning, (iii) inhämtning och skapande av data, samt (iv) att systematisera hållbarhetsarbetet i hela verksamheten.
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Hållbarhet inom artikel 9-fonder : En analys av svenska artikel 9-fonders hållbarhetsprestandaBok, Annie, Sohl, Filippa January 2024 (has links)
During recent times, the interest in sustainable investments has significantly increased. One of the factors behind this trend is the implementation of the EU taxonomy, which aims to promote capital allocation to sustainable activities by establishing a unified classification of economic activities that meet sustainability criteria. This initiative aims to create a standardized framework for assessing sustainability, thereby facilitating investment decisions in line with long-term sustainable economic and environmental goals. Another essential legislation contributing to the growing attention towards sustainable finance is the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). This regulation seeks to promote sustainability within the financial sector by introducing comprehensive disclosure requirements for financial actors, including reporting obligations to enhance transparency and enable informed decisions considering sustainability aspects. The aim of the study is to investigate the compliance with SFDR among Swedish Article 9 funds. Through a qualitative research design with a deductive approach, the study examines how SFDR is implemented and its impact on investors’ decision-making. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain insights into the practical application of SFDR. The qualitative approach facilitated a deeper understanding of SFDR’s implementation, fund reporting practices regarding sustainability, and its impact on investors. The results indicate significant variation in fund reporting practices, posing challenges for both investors and fund companies to navigate the financial landscape. Despite shared commitments to adhere to SFDR requirements and sustainability goals, there is room for improvement to increase transparency and comparability between funds.
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Linéarisation des convertisseurs analogique-numérique pour l’amélioration des performances de dynamiques instantanées des numériseurs radioélectriques / Analog-to-digital converter linearization for improving digital radio receiver dynamic rangesMinger, Bryce 18 May 2017 (has links)
Le convertisseur analogique-numérique (ADC), fait fonction d’interface entre les domaines de représentation analogique et numérique des systèmes mixtes de traitement du signal.Il est un élément central en cela que ses performances circonscrivent celles des traitements numériques qui lui succèdent et a fortiori celles de son dispositif hôte. C’est notamment le casdes récepteurs radioélectriques numériques à large bande instantanée. De fait, ces systèmes voient leurs performances de dynamiques instantanées monotonale (DTDR) et bitonale (STDR)– i.e. leur capacité à traiter simultanément des composantes de faible puissance en présence d’une ou plusieurs autres composantes de plus forte puissance – limitées par la linéarité de leur ADC.Ce dernier caractère est quantifié par les performances de dynamique sans raies parasites (SFDR)et distorsion d’intermodulation (IMD) d’un ADC.Les critères de DTDR et de STDR sont essentiels pour les récepteurs radios numériques de guerre électronique conçus pour le traitement des signaux de radiocommunications. En effet, ces dispositifs sont employés à l’établissement de la situation tactique de l’environnement électromagnétique à des fins de support de manoeuvres militaires. La fidélité de la représentation numérique du signal analogique reçu est donc critique. Ainsi, cette thèse vise à étudier la linéarisation des ADC, i.e. l’augmentation des SFDR et IMD, en vue de l’amélioration des dynamiques instantanées de ces récepteurs.Dans ce manuscrit, nous traitons cette problématique selon deux axes différents. Le premier consiste à corriger les distorsions introduites par un ADC au moyen de tables de correspondances(LUT) pré-remplies. À cette fin, nous proposons un algorithme de remplissage de LUT procédant d’une méthode de la littérature par la réduction de moitié du nombre de coefficients à déterminer pour estimer la non-linéarité intégrale (INL) d’un ADC. Sur la base de cette nouvelle méthode,nous développons une approche de correction des non-linéarités dynamiques introduites par un ADC reposant sur une paire de LUT statiques et présentons un exemple d’algorithme permettant de l’opérer. Le second axe du manuscrit repose sur la modélisation comportementale de l’ADC par les séries de Volterra à temps discrets et leurs dérivés. En premier lieu, nous considérons les trois problématiques fondamentales de cette approche de linéarisation : la modélisation ;l’identification de modèle ; et l’inversion de modèle. Puis, nous définissons trois solutions de linéarisation d’ADC aveugles. Enfin, nous analysons l’implémentation sur circuits à réseaux logiques programmables (FPGA) de l’un de ces algorithmes afin d’évaluer la pertinence d’uneopération en temps-réel des échantillons de sortie d’un ADC échantillonnant à une fréquence d’environ 400 MHz. / The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a central component of mixed signal systems as the interface between the analog and digital representation spaces. Its performance bounds that of the device it is integrated in. Indeed, ADC linearity is essential for maintaining in the digital space the reliability of its input signal and then that of the information it carries.Wideband digital radio receivers are particularly sensitive to ADC non-linearities. Single-tone and dual-tone dynamic range (respectively STDR and DTDR) of such systems – i.e. the abilityto process simultaneously signal components with high power ratio – are limited by the spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) and intermodulation distortion (IMD) of their internal ADC.DTDR et de STDR are key metrics for electronic warfare wideband digital radio receivers developed for radiocommunication signal processing. As a matter of fact, these equipments are employed for analyzing the tactical situation of the radiofrequency spectrum in order to support military maneuvers. Hence, signal integrity is critical. This thesis deals with the ADC linearization issue in this context. Thus, it aims to study techniques for increasing ADC SFDRand IMD for the purpose of improving dynamic ranges of electronic warfare wideband digitalr eceivers.In this dissertation, the problematic of ADC linearization is approached in two different ways.On the one hand, we consider distortion compensation using pre-filled look-up tables (LUT). Wepropose an algorithm for filling LUTs that stems from an existing method by halving the numberof coefficients required for the integral non-linearity (INL) estimation. Then, based on this new method, we develop an approach for correcting ADC dynamic non-linearities using a couple ofstatic LUTs and we present an example of algorithm for operating this method. On the other hand,we study linearization solutions that rely on behavioural modelling of ADCs using discrete-time Volterra series and its derivatives. First, we address the three fundamental issues of this approach:modelling ; model identification ; and model inversion. Then, we propose three blind linearization algorithms. Finally, we consider the implementation on field programmable gate array (FPGA) of one of them for the purpose of evaluating the relevance of real-time linearization of an ADC sampling at about 400 MHz.
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"Analogue Network of Converters": a DfT Technique to Test a Complete Set of ADCs and DACs Embedded in a Complex SiP or SoCKerzerho, Vincent 22 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Une nouvelle méthode de test pour les convertisseurs ADC et DAC embarqués dans un système complexe a été développée en prenant en compte les nouvelles contraintes affectant le test. Ces contraintes, dues aux tendances de design de systèmes, sont un nombre réduit de point d'accès aux entrées/sorties des blocs analogiques du système et une augmentation galopante du nombre et des performances des convertisseurs intégrés. La méthode proposée consiste à connecter les convertisseurs DAC et ADC dans le domaine analogique pour n'avoir besoin que d'instruments de test numériques pour générer et capturer les signaux de test. Un algorithme de traitement du signal a été développé pour discriminer les erreurs des DACs et ADCs. Cet algorithme a été validé par simulation et par expérimentation sur des produits commercialisés par NXP. La dernière partie de la thèse a consisté à développer de nouvelles applications pour l'algorithme.
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Reviewing the Non-Financial Reporting Directive : An analysis de lege lata and de lege ferenda concerning sustainability reporting obligations for undertakings in the EUBjörklund, Jacqueline January 2021 (has links)
The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (“NFRD”),[1]is an important contributor to the European Union’s (EU) goal of creating a more sustainable future for all. By requiring large public-interest entities to report non-financial information relating to sustainability matters, the NFRD increases business transparency and gives stakeholders the opportunity to make more informed investment decisions, monitor corporate activities and initiate discussions based on current practices. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the NFRD as it stands today and to analyze in what way the NFRD has the potential to improve by chiefly using the legal dogmatic method. The thesis reached its completion with an appropriate timing (January 2021) as the EU has announced its ambition to revise the NFRD by the first quarter of 2021. The conclusion drawn is that the NFRD should be revised on a series of points. Most importantly, reliability of the provided information should be secured through a stronger verification mechanism. Other areas for improvement concern the enlargement of the scope of the NFRD and the implementation of further measures securing comparable data. [1]Directive 2014/95/EU.
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