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Shear wave elastography with two-dimensional ultrasound transducer. / Elastografia por onda de cisalhamento com transdutor de ultrassom bidimensional.Santos, Djalma Simões dos 30 July 2018 (has links)
Chronic liver diseases are the eighth leading cause of death in Brazil and a major public health problem in the world. Liver biopsy is the best available reference standard for evaluating and classifying stages of liver diseases, but it presents limitations and complications that are common in invasive methods. In recent years, elasticity imaging methods have been the focus of intense research activity with the ability to measure mechanical properties of soft tissues in a non-invasive way. Shear wave elastography is one of the most promising methods because it enables to quantitatively assess tissue elasticity. However, the current depth range of shear wave elastography impedes its application in obese patients, which have a great risk of developing liver disease. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of shear wave elastography in deeper tissues using a two-dimensional ultrasound transducer array. An efficient transducer array arrangement was simulated, fabricated and characterized. The results show that the proposed transducer configuration presents enhanced transmitting capabilities for generating tissue displacement in deeper tissues. In addition, numerical simulations were performed in order to track the tissue deformation and reconstruct its elastic properties. / Doenças crônicas do fígado são a oitava causa de morte no Brasil e um dos principais problemas de saúde pública do mundo. A biópsia do fígado é o melhor padrão de referência disponível para avaliação e classificação dos estágios das doenças hepáticas, mas apresenta limitações e complicações que são comuns nos métodos invasivos. Nos últimos anos, métodos de imagem por elasticidade têm sido o foco de intensa atividade de pesquisa, pois têm a capacidade de medir propriedades mecânicas dos tecidos moles de maneira não invasiva. A elastografia por ondas de cisalhamento é um dos métodos mais promissores, pois permite avaliar quantitativamente a elasticidade do tecido. No entanto, a atual faixa de profundidade da elastografia por ondas de cisalhamento impede sua aplicação em pacientes obesos, que apresentam grande risco de desenvolver doença hepática. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o uso da elastografia por onda de cisalhamento em tecidos mais profundos usando um transdutor de ultrassom bidimensional. Uma configuração eficiente de transdutores matriciais foi simulada, fabricada e caracterizada. Os resultados mostram que o transdutor proposto possui capacidade de transmissão melhorada para gerar deslocamento em tecidos profundos. Além disso, simulações numéricas foram realizadas para monitorar a deformação do tecido e reconstruir suas propriedades elásticas.
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Geostatic stress state evaluation by directional shear wave velocities, with application towards geocharacterization at Aiken, SCKu, Taeseo 09 November 2012 (has links)
Evaluations of stress history and the geostatic state of stress of soils are ascertained on the basis of field geophysical measurements that provide paired complementary types of shear waves. It is well-established that multiple types of shear waves occur in the ground due to their directional and polarization properties. The shear wave velocity (Vs) provides the magnitude of small strain stiffness (G0) which depends on effective stress, void ratio, stress history, and other factors (cementation, age, saturation). Herein, this study examines a hierarchy of shear wave modes with different directions of propagation and particle motion from in-situ geophysical tests (HH, VH, and HV) and laboratory bender element data. A special compiled database from well-documented worldwide sites is assembled where full profiles of stress state, stress history, and several paired modes of Vs profiles have been obtained from crosshole tests (CHT), downhole tests (DHT), and rotary crosshole (RCHT). Reference profiles of the lateral stress coefficient (K0) are available from direct in-situ measurements (self-boring pressuremeter, hydrofracture, and push-in spade cells). Stress history is documented in terms of yield stress ratio (YSR) from consolidation testing and careful engineering geology studies. A methodology is developed that relates both the YSR and K0 to stiffness ratios obtained from directional shear wave velocities. In further efforts, means to extract reliable shear wave profiles from continuous downhole testing via a new GT autosource and seismic piezocone testing are outlined and applied to results from three test sites in Windsor/VA, Norfolk/VA, and Richmond/BC.
A driving impetus to this research involves the geologic conditions at the US Dept. of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina. Here, the overburden soils in the upper 60 m depths consist of very old Miocene and Eocene sediments, primarily layered deposits of sands, clayey sands, silty sands, and interbedded clays which exhibit an apparent and unusual stress history profile. Special geologic conditions include the dissolutioning of old calcareous sediments (Santee Formation) at depths of 40 to 50 m below grade, similar to karstic limestone deposits. As a consequence, caves, voids, and infilled soft soil zones occur within the soil matrix at these elevations, probably resulting in localized collapse of the overlying soil column. Based on conventional laboratory and in-situ test data conducted during geotechnical investigations at SRS, available interpretative relationships for assessing the soil stress history and geostatic stress states show scattered and inconsistent results. Complications abound in the systematic assessments of these geomaterials due to effects of very old ageing, cementation, desiccation, and diagenesis, as evidenced by unusual in-situ shear wave velocity profiles that decrease in magnitude with depth, as measured by CHT and DHT. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that a new set of shear wave velocity measurements be made at SRS to obtain HH waves (and complementary VH waves) needed for an independent assessment of YSR in the upper soil column.
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The Northeastern Gulf of Mexico : volcanic or passive margin? : seismic implications of the Gulf of Mexico Basin opening projectDuncan, Mark Hamilton 03 February 2014 (has links)
The Gulf of Mexico Basin Opening project (GUMBO) is a study of the lithological composition and structural evolution of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) that uses Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) data from four transects in the Northern GoM. I examine 39 OBS shot records in the easternmost transect for shear wave arrivals and pick shear wave travel times from the 11 usable records. I then carry out a tomographic inversion of seismic refraction travel times. I use the resulting shear-wave velocity model in conjunction with a previously constructed P-wave model to examine the relationship between Vp and Vs. I compare velocities in the sediment and basement with empirical velocities from previous studies for the purpose of constraining lithological composition below the transect and make an interpretation of the structural evolution of the eastern GoM.
The seismic velocities for crust landward of the Florida Escarpment are consistent with normal continental crust. Seaward of the Escarpment, velocities in the upper oceanic crust are anomalously high (Vp = 6.5 – 7 km/sec; Vs = 4.0 – 4.6 km/sec). A possible explanation for this observation is that GoM basalt formation consisted of basaltic sheet flows, forming oceanic crust that does not contain the vesicularity and lower seismic velocities found in typical pillow basalts. Increased magnesium and iron content could also account for these high velocities.
Seismic refraction and reflection data provide a means of investigating the nature of the Moho in the northeastern GoM. I use a finite difference method to generate synthetic record sections for data from eight instruments that are part of the two easternmost GUMBO seismic lines (lines 3 & 4). I then vary the thickness of the Moho in these synthetic models and compare the results with the original receiver gather to examine the effects this variability has on amplitudes.
The data from the instruments chosen for these two lines are representative of continental and transitional crust. The finite difference models indicate that the Moho beneath GUMBO 3 is ~1500 m thick based on the onset and amplitudes of PmP arrivals. All five instruments display consistent results. The instruments along GUMBO 4 suggest a Moho almost twice as thick as GUMBO 3 on the landward end of the transect that grades into a Moho of similar thickness (1750 m) in the deep water GoM. The three instruments used to model the Moho in this area show that the Moho ranges from ~1750 to 3500 m in thickness. The sharper boundary beneath continental crust in GUMBO Line 3 supports other evidence that suggests magmatic underplating and volcanism in the northern GoM during the mid-Jurassic. The thicker Moho seen on the landward end of GUMBO Line 4 that is overlain by continental crust was likely unaffected by GoM rifting. Therefore, the Moho beneath the Florida Platform might be as old as the Suwannee Terrane, and complex Moho structure is not uncommon for ancient continental crust. / text
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Caractérisation des propriétés viscoélastiques du placenta par élastrographie ultrasonore transitoire bidimensionnelle / Characterization of the viscoelastic properties of placenta by two-dimensional transient ultrasonic elastographySimon, Emmanuel 22 December 2017 (has links)
Le dépistage et le diagnostic de l’insuffisance placentaire (IP), qu’il s’agisse du retard de croissance intra-utérin (RCIU) ou de la prééclampsie (PE), sont des enjeux majeurs de santé publique. En pratique clinique, les propriétés mécaniques du placenta ne sont pas explorées, pourtant des modifications de son architecture tissulaire pourraient engendrer des variations d’élasticité. Parmi les méthodes d’élastographie ultrasonore (US), l’élastographie transitoire paraît adaptée pour une telle application. Cette technique consiste à calculer la vitesse de l’onde de cisaillement (Cs) générée par une vibration externe se propageant dans le milieu considéré. Les valeurs d’élasticité obtenues à partir des méthodes US actuelles ne sont calculées qu’à une fréquence unique. Une modification structurelle du tissu pouvant correspondre à une loi de puissance particulière de la dispersion fréquentielle de Cs, nous avons évalué l’intérêt d’une approche multifréquentielle pour distinguer l’élasticité des placentas normaux et celle de placentas présentant des signes d’IP au troisième trimestre de la grossesse. Nous avons développé un dispositif préliminaire en onde plane (pour l’exploration ex vivo) permettant de valider le principe de la méthode proposée, puis un dispositif d’élastographie transitoire 2D (exploration ex vivo et in vivo). Les données sont ajustées au moyen d’un modèle rhéologique fractionnaire dans lequel le comportement en fréquence est modélisé par une loi de puissance (exposant n du modèle). Nous avons montré que les placentas RCIU présentent des valeurs de Cs et n inférieures à celles des placentas normaux ou des PE. Cette diminution de n pourrait s’expliquer par les lésions anatomopathologiques du RCIU et la diminution de Cs est cohérente avec l’étude d’un modèle murin de RCIU par ligature utérine. Enfin, l’analyse de la dispersion fréquentielle est faisable chez la femme enceinte. La valeur ajoutée de la méthode développée devrait désormais être testée lors d’une large étude clinique. / Screening and diagnosis of placental insufficiency (PI), whether intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or preeclampsia (PE) are major public health issues. In clinical practice, the mechanical properties of the placenta are not explored; however changes in its tissue architecture could cause variations in elasticity. Among the ultrasound (US) elastography methods, transient elastography seemed suitable for such an application. This technique consists in calculating the shear wave speed (Cs) generated by an external vibration propagating in the medium under consideration. Elasticity values obtained from current US methods are calculated at a single frequency. As a structural modification of the tissue may correspond to a particular power law of frequency dispersion of Cs, we evaluated the interest of a multifrequency approach to distinguish the elasticity of healthy placentas and that of placentas with PI signs in the third trimester of pregnancy. We have developed a preliminary plane wave device (for ex vivo exploration) to validate the principle of the proposed method, and then a 2D transient elastography device (ex vivo and in vivo exploration). The data is adjusted using a fractional rheological model where the frequency behavior is modeled by a power law (exponent n of the model). We have shown that IUGR placentas have Cs and n values lower than those of healthy placentas or PE. This decrease in the n value could be explained by histopathological lesions of IUGR. As for the decrease of Cs in cases of IUGR, this result is consistent with the study of an IUGR rat model by uterine ligation. Finally, the frequency dispersion analysis is feasible in pregnant women. The added value of this method should now be tested in a large clinical study.
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The seismic structures of the U.S. Pacific Northwest and the scaling and recurrence patterns of slow slip eventsGao, Haiying 03 1900 (has links)
xv, 136 p. : ill. (some col.) / The Pacific Northwest of the United States has been tectonically and magmatically active with the accretion of the Farallon oceanic terrane "Siletzia" ∼50 Ma. The accretion of Siletzia terminated the flat-slab subduction of the Farallon slab and initiated the Cascadia subduction zone. In this dissertation, I focus on both the large-scale tectonic structures preserved seismically in the crust and upper mantle, and the small-scale, short-term aseismic processes on the plate interface.
I measure the shear-wave splitting trends around eastern Oregon with a dataset of ∼200 seismometers from 2006-2008 to analyze the upper-mantle anisotropy. The delay times between splitted shear-waves range from 0.8 s to 2.7 s. In the High Lava Plains, the fast polarization direction is approximately E-W with average delay time ∼1.8 s. I infer that there must be significant active flow in a roughly E-W direction in the asthenosphere beneath this area. The splitting pattern is more variable and complicated in NE Oregon, where the crust and mantle lithosphere may be a significant contribution.
In terms of the imaged seismic velocity structures, I infer that the Eocene sedimentary basins in south-central Washington lie above a magmatically underplated crust of extended Siletzia lithosphere. Siletzia thrusts under the pre-accretion forearc, and its southeast termination is especially strong and sharp southeast of the Klamath-Blue Mountains gravity lineament. Magmatic intrusion has increased upper crustal velocity as in the less active Washington Cascades, but the higher temperatures beneath the magmatically active Oregon Cascades have a dominating effect.
To better understand the physical mechanism of slow slip events on the plate interface, I explore the scaling relationships of various source parameters collected mainly from subduction zones worldwide and also other tectonic environments. The source parameter scaling relationships of slow slip events highlight the similarities and differences between slow slip phenomena and earthquakes. These relationships hold implications for the degree of heterogeneity and fault healing characteristics. The recurrence statistics of northern Cascadia events behave weakly time predictable and moderately anti-slip predictable, which may indicate healing between events.
This dissertation includes co-authored materials both previously published and submitted for publication. / Committee in charge: Eugene Humphreys, Chairperson;
David Schmidt, Member;
Ray Weldon, Member;
James Isenberg, Outside Member
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Estudo s?smico no a?ude Tucunduba, Senador S?, CEFran?a, George Sand Le?o Ara?jo de 12 July 1999 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 1999-07-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The Tucunduba Dam, is west of Fortaleza, Cear? State. The seismic monitoring of the area, with an analogical station and seven digital stations, had beginning on June 11, 1997. The digital stations, operated from June to November 1997. The data collected in the period of digital monitoring was analyzed for determination of hypocenters, focal mechanisms, and shear-wave anisotropy analysis. For determination of hypocenters, it was possible to find an active zone of nearly 1 km in length, with depth between 4.5 and 5.2 km. A 60AZ/88SE fault plane was determined using the least-squares method and hypocenters of a selected set of 16 earthquakes recorded. Focal mechanisms were determined, in the composite fault plane solution, a strike-slip fault, trending nearly E-W, was found. Single fault plane solutions were obteined to some earthquakes presented mean values of 65 (azimuth), and 80 (dip). Shear-wave anisotropy was found in the data. Polarization directions and travel time delays, between S spliting waves, were determined. It was not possible to obtain any conclusion on the cause of the observed anisotropy. It is not clear if there is correlation between seismicity and mapped faults in the area, although the directions obtained starting from the hipocentros and focal mechanism are they are consistent with directions, observed in the area, photo, topographic and fractures directions observed in the area / o A?ude Tucunduba est? localizado no munic?pio de Senador S?, a aproximadamente 290 km a oeste de Fortaleza - CE. O monitorarnento s?smico da regi?o, por meio de urna rede sismogr?fica local, teve in?cio em 11 de junho de 1997, logo ap?s a ocorr?ncia de um evento com magnitude 3,2 mb, no dia 09 de junho de 1997. O monitorarnento foi realizado com uma esta??o anal?gica (utilizada na determina??o da magnitude com a dura??o e na contagem do n?mero de eventos por dia), e sete esta??es digitais. As esta??es digitais, com tr?s componentes cada, operaram no per?odo de junho a novembro de 1997. Neste trabalho foram analisados os dados coletados pelas esta??es digitais objetivando a determina??o de hipocentros, mecanismos focais e an?lise de anisotropia s?smica. Na determina??o hipocentral utilizou-se o programa HYPO71, com o modelo de semiespa?o, de par?metros iguais a 5,95, para a velocidade da onda P, e 1,69, para a raz?o Entre as velocidades das ondas P e S. Dessa forma, foi poss?vel detectar urna zona ativa, de aproximadamente 1 km de extens?o e profundidade variando de 4,5 a 5,2 km. Com um conjunto de 16 sismos, registrados na mesmas seis esta??es, foi determinado um plano de falha a partir dos hipocentros, pelo m?todo dos m?nimos quadrados, obtendo-se os valores de 60? para o azimute e 88? para o mergulho. A determina??o de mecanismos focais foi feita de duas formas distintas, utilizando-se os programas FPFIT e FOCMEC. Na solu??o do mecanismo composto (FPFIT), encontrou-se uma falha de dire??o aproximadamente E-W (265? para o azimute, 88? para o mergulho), transcorrente, sinistral, com componente normal.Foram determinados v?rios mecanismos individuais (FOCMEC), tendo-se obtido um valor m?dio de 65? para o azimute e 80? para o mergulho. Estimativas preliminares do esfor?o horizontal m?ximo, a partir da dire??o do eixo P, n?o s?o concordantes com valores anteriormente obtidos para sismos ao sul do A?ude Tucunduba. Na regi?o tamb?m foi feito um estudo de anisotropia, onde se verificou a presen?a de anisotropia na propaga??o da onda S, possibilitando a obten??o das dire??es de polariza??es e dos tempos de atraso entre as ondas S divididas, para duas esta??es. A dificuldade de se ter uma boa estimativa para o esfor?o horizontal m?ximo, na regi?o, impossibilitou qualquer conclus?o sobre a causa da anisotropia observada. N?o se pode concluir, de forma clara, que a atividade s?smica possa estar associada diretamente a falhas mapeadas na regi?o. As dire??es do plano de falha pelo ajuste por m?nimos quadrados, FPFIT e FOCMEC (valor m?dio) est?o no intervalo de NE e EW. Estes valores s?o consistentes com as dire??es de fotolineamentos, lineamentos topogr?ficos, positivos e negativos, e de fraturas secas, observadas na regi?o.
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Shear wave elastography with two-dimensional ultrasound transducer. / Elastografia por onda de cisalhamento com transdutor de ultrassom bidimensional.Djalma Simões dos Santos 30 July 2018 (has links)
Chronic liver diseases are the eighth leading cause of death in Brazil and a major public health problem in the world. Liver biopsy is the best available reference standard for evaluating and classifying stages of liver diseases, but it presents limitations and complications that are common in invasive methods. In recent years, elasticity imaging methods have been the focus of intense research activity with the ability to measure mechanical properties of soft tissues in a non-invasive way. Shear wave elastography is one of the most promising methods because it enables to quantitatively assess tissue elasticity. However, the current depth range of shear wave elastography impedes its application in obese patients, which have a great risk of developing liver disease. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of shear wave elastography in deeper tissues using a two-dimensional ultrasound transducer array. An efficient transducer array arrangement was simulated, fabricated and characterized. The results show that the proposed transducer configuration presents enhanced transmitting capabilities for generating tissue displacement in deeper tissues. In addition, numerical simulations were performed in order to track the tissue deformation and reconstruct its elastic properties. / Doenças crônicas do fígado são a oitava causa de morte no Brasil e um dos principais problemas de saúde pública do mundo. A biópsia do fígado é o melhor padrão de referência disponível para avaliação e classificação dos estágios das doenças hepáticas, mas apresenta limitações e complicações que são comuns nos métodos invasivos. Nos últimos anos, métodos de imagem por elasticidade têm sido o foco de intensa atividade de pesquisa, pois têm a capacidade de medir propriedades mecânicas dos tecidos moles de maneira não invasiva. A elastografia por ondas de cisalhamento é um dos métodos mais promissores, pois permite avaliar quantitativamente a elasticidade do tecido. No entanto, a atual faixa de profundidade da elastografia por ondas de cisalhamento impede sua aplicação em pacientes obesos, que apresentam grande risco de desenvolver doença hepática. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o uso da elastografia por onda de cisalhamento em tecidos mais profundos usando um transdutor de ultrassom bidimensional. Uma configuração eficiente de transdutores matriciais foi simulada, fabricada e caracterizada. Os resultados mostram que o transdutor proposto possui capacidade de transmissão melhorada para gerar deslocamento em tecidos profundos. Além disso, simulações numéricas foram realizadas para monitorar a deformação do tecido e reconstruir suas propriedades elásticas.
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Elastographie ultrasonore des tissus mous du membre inférieur en vue de la caractérisation des effets mécaniques de dispositifs médicaux textiles / Elastographic and biomechanical studies of soft tissues of the leg – Application to elastic compressionFrauziols, Fanny 14 December 2015 (has links)
La compression élastique de la jambe est le traitement de référence des pathologies liées à l’insuffisance veineuse. Bien que l’efficacité ne soit plus à prouver, les objectifs thérapeutiques restent non atteints pour certains patients. Un objectif de la compression élastique est la réduction de la pression pariétale des veines afin de rétablir ou d’augmenter le retour du sang vers le cœur par une transmission de pression au travers des tissus mous. Ce mécanisme est complexe et peut être prédit par des modèles éléments finis personnalisés. Pour être personnalisés, ces modèles doivent prendre en compte la géométrie et la carte des propriétés mécaniques du sujet.Dans cette étude, on développe deux méthodologies permettant d’identifier les propriétés mécaniques des tissus mous. Dans un premier temps, on mesure par élastographie ultrasonore par onde de cisaillement la distribution du module élastique au sein des tissus mous superficiels. Dans un deuxième temps, on identifie par une méthode inverse les propriétés mécaniques des tissus mous profonds. Cette méthode associe l’acquisition de données d’un essai expérimental de compression localisée de la jambe à un modèle éléments finis bidimensionnel. Ces deux méthodologies nous permettent d’évaluer l’hétérogénéité des propriétés mécaniques de la peau au fascia cruris et de caractériser le comportement non-linéaire des tissus mous profonds. Enfin, les résultats de ces deux méthodologies sont couplés afin de générer un modèle biomécanique de la jambe sous compression élastique pour prédire la distribution de pression au sein des tissus mous pour quatre sujets sains. / Elastic compression of the leg is a widely used treatment in case of pathologies related to venous insufficiency. Its benefits are not to be proven, but still, for some patients, the therapeutic goal is not reached. One goal of this treatment is to reduce transmural pressure applied to veins in order to restore or increase blood return to the heart by the transmission of the external pressure through soft tissues. This is a complex mechanism that can be predicted by patient-specific finite element models. To be patient-specific, these models must take into account the geometry and the distribution of mechanical properties of each subject.In this study, two methodologies are developed to identify the mechanical properties of soft tissues. First, the elastic modulus distribution inside the superficial soft tissues is measured by shear wave ultrasound elastography. Second, the mechanical properties of deep soft tissues are identified through an inverse method combining the data acquired from an experimental localized compression of the leg to a bi-dimensional finite element model.These two methodologies allow to evaluate the mechanical properties heterogeneity from the skin to the fascia cruris and to characterize the non-linear behaviour of deep soft tissues. Finally, the results from both methodologies are brought together to generate a biomechanical model of the leg under elastic compression to predict pressure distribution inside soft tissues for four healthy subjects.
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Surface wave tomography and monitoring of time variations with ambient noise in NW-Bohemia/VogtlandFallahi, Mohammad Javad 25 August 2015 (has links)
In this study, ambient noise wavefield was used for the first time to image spatial and temporal upper crustal seismic structures in NW-Bohemia/Vogtland region. The data come from 111 stations and were collected from continuous recordings of the permanent station networks of Germany and Czech Academy of Sciences as well as temporary stations of the BOHEMA and PASSEQ experiments. Rayleigh and Love waves travelling between each station-pair are extracted by cross-correlating long time series of ambient noise data recorded at the stations. Group velocity dispersion curves are obtained by time-frequency analysis of cross-correlation functions between 0.1 and 1 Hz, and are tomographically inverted to provide 2-D group velocity maps. At shorter periods Rayleigh wave group velocity maps are in good agreement with surface geology where low velocity anomalies appear along Mariánské Lázně Fault and Eger rift. A low velocity zone is observed at the northern edge of Mariánské Lázně Fault which shifts slightly to the south with increasing period and correlates well with the main focal zone of the earthquake swarms at 5 s period. We invert the 2-D group velocity maps into a 3-D shear wave velocity model. In this step Love waves were excluded from further analysis because of their high level of misfit to modelled dispersion curves. Horizontal and vertical sections through the model reveal a clear low velocity zone above the Nový Kostel seismic focal zone which narrows towards the top of the seismic activity and ends above the shallowest hypocenters at 7 km depth.
We investigate temporal variation of seismic velocity within and around the Nový Kostel associated with 2008 and 2011 earthquake swarms by employing Passive Image Interferometry method using 7 continuous seismograms recorded by the WEBNET network. The results reveals stable seismic velocities without a clear post seismic velocity change during earthquake swarms in the Nový Kostel area.
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Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of elastic wave propagation in soft tissues with application to cardiac elastography / Modélisation mathématique et simulation numérique de la propagation d'ondes élastiques dans les tissus mous avec application à l'élastographie cardiaqueCaforio, Federica 24 January 2019 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont la modélisation mathématique et la simulation numérique de l’élastographie impulsionnelle basée sur la force de radiation acoustique (FRA) dans un tissu mou précontraint, et en particulier le myocarde. La première partie du manuscript concerne la modélisation mathématique de la FRA, la propagation d’ondes de cisaillement qui en résulte et la caractérisation de la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement pour une loi de comportement générale du tissu myocardique. Nous montrons aussi des applications pour l’estimation de l’orientation des fibres cardiaques dans le myocarde et l’évaluation de “pathologies synthétiques ”. Une des contributions principales de ce travail est le développement d’un modèle mathématique original de la FRA. En particulier, à partir d’un modèle biomécanique tridimensionnel du coeur, nous obtenons, à travers une approche asymptotique, les équations qui régissent les champs de pression et de cisaillement induits par la FRA. De plus, nous calculons une expression analytique du terme source responsable de la génération des ondes de cisaillement à partir d’une impulsion acoustique en pression. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous proposons des outils numériques efficaces pour une simulation numérique réaliste d’une expérience d’élastographie impulsionnelle dans un tissu quasi-incompressible, précontraint et fibré. La discrétisation en espace se base sur des éléments finis spectraux d’ordre élevé. Pour la discrétisation en temps, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode adaptée à l’élasticité incompressible. En particulier, seuls les termes correspondant à des vitesses infinies, associés à la contrainte d’incompressibilité, sont traités implicitement, à travers la resolution d’un problème de Poisson à chaque pas de temps de l’algorithme. En outre, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d’ordre élevé et efficace pour la résolution d’un problème de Poisson, qui se base sur la transformée de Fourier discrète. / This PhD thesis concerns the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of impulsive Acoustic Radiation Force (ARF)-driven Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) imaging in a prestressed soft tissue, with a specific reference to the cardiac setting. The first part of the manuscript deals with the mathematical modelling of the ARF, the resulting shear wave propagation, and the characterisation of the shear wave velocity in a general constitutive law for the myocardial tissue. We also show some applications to the extraction of fibre orientation in the myocardium and the detection of “synthetic pathologies”. One of the main contributions of this work is the derivation of an original mathematical model of the ARF. In more detail, starting from an accurate biomechanical model of the heart, and based on asymptotic analysis, we infer the governing equation of the pressure and the shear wave field remotely induced by the ARF, and we compute an analytical expression of the source term responsible for the generation of shear waves from an acoustic pressure pulse. In the second part of the PhD thesis, we propose efficient numerical tools for a realistic numerical simulation of an SWE experiment in a nearly-incompressible, pre-stressed, fibered soft tissue. The spatial discretisation is based on high-order Spectral Finite Elements (HO-SEM). Concerning the time discretisation, we propose a novel method adapted to incompressible elasticity. In particular, only the terms travelling at infinite velocity, associated with the incompressibility constraint, are treated implicitly by solving a scalar Poisson problem at each time step of the algorithm. Furthermore, we provide a novel matrix-free, high-order, fast method to solve the Poisson problem, based on the use of the Discrete Fourier Transform.
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