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As a??es das equipes volantes dos Centros de Refer?ncia de Assist?ncia Social no Rio Grande do NorteNascimento, Mar?lia Noronha Costa do 27 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-04-22T23:30:25Z
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MariliaNoronhaCostaDoNascimento_DISSERT.pdf: 7558165 bytes, checksum: 7133426c254bd52348ae8dd1f77dd1e0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-23T00:04:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
MariliaNoronhaCostaDoNascimento_DISSERT.pdf: 7558165 bytes, checksum: 7133426c254bd52348ae8dd1f77dd1e0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-23T00:04:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MariliaNoronhaCostaDoNascimento_DISSERT.pdf: 7558165 bytes, checksum: 7133426c254bd52348ae8dd1f77dd1e0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-05-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A compreens?o da Assist?ncia Social como pol?tica p?blica tem como um dos principais pressupostos o princ?pio da territorializa??o, que significa o reconhecimento de que as particularidades do territ?rio fazem diferen?a no manejo da pol?tica. Para operacionalizar esse e outros princ?pios, a Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social organiza-se no Sistema ?nico da Assist?ncia Social (SUAS) que, por sua vez, hierarquiza-se em prote??o social b?sica e especial. A organiza??o da prote??o social b?sica ? de responsabilidade dos CRAS, cujo objetivo ? atuar no ?mbito da preven??o de riscos sociais por meio do desenvolvimento de potencialidades e do fortalecimento de v?nculos familiares e comunit?rios. Em contextos em que o territ?rio possui grande extens?o, espalhamento, dif?cil acesso e ou presen?a de popula??es tradicionais, como comunidades ind?genas e quilombolas, Equipes Volantes s?o implantadas para compor a equipe dos CRAS. No Rio Grande do Norte, essas equipes est?o presentes em munic?pios de pequeno porte e pr?ximas a ?reas rurais, onde est?o os grandes focos da pobreza extrema. Diante dessa realidade, o objetivo geral desta disserta??o foi investigar como as a??es das equipes volantes de CRAS respondem ?s demandas de seus territ?rios de abrang?ncia no Rio Grande do Norte. Para isso, foram mapeadas todas as equipes volantes existentes e em funcionamento no estado e, em seguida, realizadas oito entrevistas semiestruturadas com equipes atuantes em sete munic?pios de pequeno porte do RN. As informa??es foram sistematizadas e agrupadas em categorias gerais para an?lise qualitativa do conte?do textual, na tentativa de apreender a realidade investigada em sua totalidade e processualidade. Os resultados apontam que as equipes volantes investigadas ainda s?o recentes no estado, compostas predominantemente por assistentes sociais, mas profissionais da psicologia e pedagogia tamb?m fazem parte de algumas delas. De um modo geral, diante da recenticidade, da falta de infraestrutura e da quantidade de comunidades rurais espalhadas pelos territ?rios, a presen?a das equipes nas ?reas rurais se torna espor?dica e acaba por fragilizar a continuidade das a??es. Aliado a isso, o conhecimento das profissionais sobre a realidade dos territ?rios ainda aparenta ser prec?rio, pois a busca pelas demandas e necessidades das fam?lias n?o ? sistem?tica e organizada. Por outro lado, foi poss?vel identificar que algumas equipes realizam estrat?gias e a??es que buscam romper com os limites existentes e com as pr?ticas assistencialistas tradicionais, promovendo articula??o com organiza??es comunit?rias, movimentos sociais e outros equipamentos sociais que est?o mais pr?ximos ?s fam?lias. / One of the main assumptions for understanding the s
ocial assistance as a public policy is the
principle of territorialization, which means recogn
izing that the particularities of the territory
make a difference in the management of the policy.
To operationalize this and other
principles, the National Social Assistance Policy i
s organized in the Unified Social
Assistance System (SUAS) which, in turn, is divided
between basic and special social
protections. The organization of basic social prote
ction is a responsibility of the CRAS,
whose purpose is to act in the prevention of social
risks through the development of
potentials and the strengthening of family and comm
unity ties. In contexts in which the
territory has great extent, spreading, difficult ac
cess and/or presence of traditional
populations, such as indigenous communities and qui
lombolas, the mobile teams are
deployed and integrated into the staff of the CRAS. I
n Rio Grande do Norte, they are present
in small cities and near rural areas, where there i
s a higher incidence of extreme poverty. By
associating the work of the mobile teams and the co
ntext of the fight against poverty in rural
areas of Rio Grande do Norte, some questions emerged
: how has this work been? What is its
basis? Who is involved? Are the demands private? Ar
e there differences between the work of
the mobile teams and of the CRAS? What are the diffic
ulties? How is the work done? Thus,
the general objective of this study was to investig
ate how the performance of CRAS? mobile
teams meets the demands of the territories they cov
er in Rio Grande do Norte. For this, all
existing mobile teams in the state were mapped and
then we made eight semi-structured
interviews with teams that work in seven small town
s in RN. The information was
systematized and grouped into general categories fo
r qualitative analysis of textual content in
an attempt to understand the reality investigated i
n its entirety and processuality. The results
show that the mobile teams investigated are still r
ecent in the state. They are composed
predominantly of social workers, but professionals
of psychology and pedagogy also take part in some teams. In general, given the recency,
lack of infrastructure and the number of
rural communities scattered throughout the territor
y, the presence of the teams in rural areas
becomes sporadic and ultimately the continuity of a
ctions is undermined. In addition, the
knowledge of the professionals about the reality of
the territories still appears to be
precarious, as the search for demands and the famil
ies? needs is not systematic and organized.
Nevertheless, we found that some teams perform stra
tegies and actions that seek to overcome
the existing limits and the traditional assistencia
lism, working in partnership with community
organizations, social movements and other social eq
uipments that are closer to the families.
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Nanorevestindo fibras de PET com TiO2 dopado com metal de transi??o para aplica??o autolimpanteFelipe, Brenno Henrique Silva 19 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-10T21:07:58Z
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BrennoHenriqueSilvaFelipe_DISSERT.pdf: 3323797 bytes, checksum: c0441882551b254732cc3dec33b910be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-12T22:52:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / O presente projeto visa a s?ntese e caracteriza??o de um nanorevestimento de di?xido de tit?nio dopado com prata em tecido de poli?ster arom?tico, a fim de desenvolver um material t?xtil funcional com aplica??oself-cleaning. Uma t?cnica de deposi??o f?sica de vapor (PVD) foi utilizada como m?todo de s?ntese. A sele??o do material suporte e a t?cnica utilizada na obten??o dos nanorevestimentos s?o vari?veis que podem influenciar nas suas propriedades funcionais, homogeneidade e ades?o. As fibras t?xteis s?o materiais muito empregados como substrato por possu?rem uma maior flexibilidade, serem facilmente adapt?veis a qualquer geometria e baixo custo. A presen?a de Ag e TiO2, bem como sua cristalinidade, foi comprovada atrav?s das an?lises de difra??o de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia fotoeletr?nica de raios-X (XPS) e fluoresc?ncia de raios-x (FRX). A morfologia de superf?cie foi avaliada atrav?s das t?cnicas de microscopia de for?a at?mica (AFM) e microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV). A efici?ncia da atividade fotocatal?tica do material foi comprovada pela descolora??o do corante acid blue 113 em meio a fontes de radia??o UV, com uso da t?cnica de espectroscopia de absor??o (96%). A degrada??o da mol?cula do corante acid blue 113 foi confirmada atrav?s da t?cnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). O car?ter hidrof?bico do nanorevestimento foi confirmado atrav?s da t?cnica de medida de ?ngulo de contato. O car?ter anti UV foi confirmado foi confirmado de acordo com a metodologia normativa AS/NZS 4399:1996. Os resultados comprovam que o material desenvolvido apresenta uma alta capacidade autolimpante, bem como protetora UV. / Innovative methods in the textile segment is currently responsible for increase in production processes, development of new materials and add new technologies in an area that was one of the major participants in the industry revolution. Thus, much research has been responsible for putting the textile industry in the new era of technological revolution watching so, the dynamism of microelectronics companies, food, and mechanics, among others. To this end, this PhD project aims to add value research involving new textile materials. Thus, this project aims to make the synthesis and characterization of a silver doped titanium dioxide nanocoating on polyester fabric in order to develop a functional textile material with self-cleaning application. A physical vapor deposition technique (PVD) was used as the method of synthesis. The selection of the support material and the technique used in obtaining the nanocoatings are variables that can influence their functional properties, uniformity and adhesion. The textile fibers are materials used as substrate by having greater flexibility to be easily adaptable to any geometry and low cost. The efficiency of the photocatalytic activity of the material was confirmed by discoloration of the dye Acid Blue 113 through UV radiation sources, using absorption spectroscopy (96%). The presence of Ag and TiO2 was confirmed by analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray (XPS) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF). The surface morphology was evaluated through the techniques of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Degradation of Acid Blue 113 dye molecule was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy Fourier transform (FTIR). The hydrophobic character of nanocoating was confirmed by contact angle measurement technique. The results show that the developed material has a high capacity self-cleaning pro perties
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Artes de viver: a tenda do conto: recorda??es, dores e sensibilidade no cuidado em sa?deGadelha, Maria Jacqueline Abrantes 30 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-30T23:30:21Z
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MariaJacquelineAbrantesGadelha_TESE.pdf: 6588612 bytes, checksum: ddc48ea47fcdd306616eb67e82362d43 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-02T20:26:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
MariaJacquelineAbrantesGadelha_TESE.pdf: 6588612 bytes, checksum: ddc48ea47fcdd306616eb67e82362d43 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:26:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MariaJacquelineAbrantesGadelha_TESE.pdf: 6588612 bytes, checksum: ddc48ea47fcdd306616eb67e82362d43 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-04-30 / A pesquisa explora uma pr?tica n?o convencional, inventiva, de cuidado na Aten??o B?sica ? a Tenda do Conto ? onde trabalhadores e usu?rios do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de revelam atitudes que apontam para abertura de possibilidades de outros modos de produ??o de sa?de, em dire??o ? constru??o de novas modalidades de v?nculos institucionais e sociais. Produ??o de afetos e processos de subjetiva??o ganham relev?ncia nesse enfoque. A pesquisa-interven??o, na qual saberes do cotidiano e saberes acad?micos se entrela?am est? circunscrita na referida experimenta??o em que usu?rios e trabalhadores compartilham sentidos de vida, pela circula??o de relatos de experi?ncias comuns. No percurso da pesquisa acompanhamos os movimentos micropol?ticos produzidos nos lugares onde a pr?tica vem sendo experimentada por meio da viv?ncia em ato, atrav?s de entrevistas e junto aos participantes da Rede HumanizaSUS (rede colaborativa de pessoas envolvidas na humaniza??o da gest?o e aten??o do SUS), de modo a compreender como essas experimenta??es se desdobram em meio ?s conting?ncias do modelo institu?do homogeneizador e medicalizante das pr?ticas em sa?de. Procuramos, assim, identificar tanto os limites impostos quanto as capacidades de promo??o de micro transforma??es no processo de trabalho, evidenciando as linhas de tens?es que afetam tanto o plano objetivo das pr?ticas institucionais como o plano subjetivo dos usu?rios e trabalhadores. Concebendo como arte ? o fazer, o contar e o inventar ? o estudo explora os percursos da experimenta??o Tenda do Conto no per?odo de 2008 a 2014, destacando que a escuta de narrativas de vida reverte figuras an?nimas de desejo de reconhecimento em figuras de reconhecimento do (seu) desejo. Pelo recurso narrativo, nota-se a tentativa de, por um lado, alcan?ar-se a almejada amplia??o do di?logo entre saberes de diferentes registros e, por outro, conseguir o necess?rio deslocamento de olhares sobre a sa?de em dire??o a uma partilha de sentidos, tendo a vida e a afetividade como ingredientes primordiais. / This research explores an innovative and non-conventional Basic Attention caring practice ? Tenda do Conto (Tale Tent) ? where workers and users of the Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (Brazilian Public Healthcare System) reveal attitudes that point to new possibilities of making healthcare promotion towards the building of new social and institutional bonds. Creating affections and subjectivity processes gain importance in this focus. The research-intervention, in which daily and academic knowledge intertwine, is outlined in the referred experimentation where users and workers share life senses through facts and common experiences. During this research, we followed the micropolitical movements produced in the places where the practice has been experimented through act in experience, interviews and along with the Rede HumanizaSUS members (a collaborative network of people involved in SUS?s management and care humanization), in a way to understand how those experimentations unfold through the limitations of a standardizing and medicalizing healthcare model. Thus, we look forward to identify the limits imposed and the promotion capabilities of micro transactions in the work processes, highlighting tension lines that affect both the institutional practice objective plan and subjective plan of workers and users. Conceived as art ? doing, telling, inventing ? the study explores the paths of the Tenda do Conto, from 2007 to 2014, showing that listening to life narratives turns anonymous characters into recognized ones. Through narrative source, we are able to notice the attempt to reach the desired expansion of dialogue between different records and, on the other side, achieve the look displacement in health towards sharing senses, having life and affection as primordial ingredients.
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Estudo da absor??o das esp?cies pesadas do g?s natural em octanol: efeitos da temperatura e vaz?o / Study of absorption of the heavy components from natural gas in octanol: effects of the temperature and flowFarias, Ariano Brito de 28 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-08T21:11:24Z
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ArianoBritoDeFarias_DISSERT.pdf: 1699559 bytes, checksum: 34e87398edd5ddd9e4071c66e736ef1a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-12T20:56:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ArianoBritoDeFarias_DISSERT.pdf: 1699559 bytes, checksum: 34e87398edd5ddd9e4071c66e736ef1a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-12T20:56:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ArianoBritoDeFarias_DISSERT.pdf: 1699559 bytes, checksum: 34e87398edd5ddd9e4071c66e736ef1a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Na ind?stria do petr?leo, o g?s natural ? um componente vital no suprimento de energia do mundo e uma importante fonte de muitos hidrocarbonetos. ? uma das mais limpas, mais segura e mais aplic?vel de todas as fontes de energia, e ajuda a conhecer a crescente demanda mundial por energia limpa no futuro. Com a crescente participa??o do g?s natural na matriz energ?tica no Brasil, o principal objetivo de seu uso tem sido o abastecimento de energia el?trica atrav?s da gera??o de energia t?rmica. No processo de produ??o atual, como em uma Unidade de Processamento de G?s Natural (UPGN), o g?s natural passa por diversas unidades de separa??o visando ? produ??o de g?s natural liquefeito e g?s combust?vel. Este ?ltimo deve ser especificado para atender as m?quinas t?rmicas. No caso dos po?os remotos, o processo de absor??o dos componentes pesados visando o seu ajuste ? uma alternativa para de aumentar a malha energ?tica do pa?s e/ou local. Atualmente, devido ? elevada demanda por este g?s processado, a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de t?cnicas que visam o ajuste do g?s natural s?o estudados. M?todos convencionais hoje empregados, como a absor??o f?sica, possuem bons resultados. O objetivo do trabalho ? avaliar a remo??o dos componentes pesados do g?s natural. Nesta pesquisa foi utilizado como absorvente f?sico o ?lcool oct?lico. Foi estudada a influ?ncia dos par?metros, como temperatura (5?C e 40?C) e vaz?o (25 e 50 ml/min) sobre o processo de absor??o em termos de capacidade de absor??o, expresso pela quantidade absorvida; e em termos cin?ticos, expresso pelo coeficiente de transfer?ncia de massa. Conforme esperado pela literatura, foi observado que a absor??o das fra??es pesadas de hidrocarbonetos ? favorecida em baixas temperaturas. Por outro lado, tanto a temperatura como a vaz?o favorece a transfer?ncia de massa, efeito cin?tico. A cin?tica de absor??o de remo??o dos componentes pesados foi acompanhada atrav?s de an?lise cromatogr?fica e os resultados experimentais mostraram elevado percentual de recupera??o dos componentes pesados. Al?m disso, foi observado que o emprego de ?lcool oct?lico como agente absorvedor demonstrou ser vi?vel o processo de separa??o. / In the oil industry, natural gas is a vital component of the world energy supply and an important source of hydrocarbons. It is one of the cleanest, safest and most relevant of all energy sources, and helps to meet the world's growing demand for clean energy in the future. With the growing share of natural gas in the Brazil energy matrix, the main purpose of its use has been the supply of electricity by thermal power generation. In the current production process, as in a Natural Gas Processing Unit (NGPU), natural gas undergoes various separation units aimed at producing liquefied natural gas and fuel gas. The latter should be specified to meet the thermal machines specifications. In the case of remote wells, the process of absorption of heavy components aims the match of fuel gas application and thereby is an alternative to increase the energy matrix. Currently, due to the high demand for this raw gas, research and development techniques aimed at adjusting natural gas are studied. Conventional methods employed today, such as physical absorption, show good results. The objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the removal of heavy components of natural gas by absorption. In this research it was used as the absorbent octyl alcohol (1-octanol). The influence of temperature (5 and 40 ?C) and flowrate (25 and 50 ml/min) on the absorption process was studied. Absorption capacity expressed by the amount absorbed and kinetic parameters, expressed by the mass transfer coefficient, were evaluated. As expected from the literature, it was observed that the absorption of heavy hydrocarbon fraction is favored by lowering the temperature. Moreover, both temperature and flowrate favors mass transfer (kinetic effect). The absorption kinetics for removal of heavy components was monitored by chromatographic analysis and the experimental results demonstrated a high percentage of recovery of heavy components. Furthermore, it was observed that the use of octyl alcohol as absorbent was feasible for the requested separation process.
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A constru??o da identidade profissional de licenciados em M?sica da UFRN: um estudo de narrativas autobiogr?ficasAlves, Gislene de Ara?jo 17 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-11T18:12:27Z
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GisleneDeAraujoAlves_DISSERT.pdf: 1753058 bytes, checksum: 542c03d11cf6807744a613afa1348d17 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-19T17:55:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
GisleneDeAraujoAlves_DISSERT.pdf: 1753058 bytes, checksum: 542c03d11cf6807744a613afa1348d17 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-19T17:55:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
GisleneDeAraujoAlves_DISSERT.pdf: 1753058 bytes, checksum: 542c03d11cf6807744a613afa1348d17 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-17 / Esta disserta??o teve por objetivo compreender a constru??o da identidade profissional dos licenciandos em m?sica da UFRN, atrav?s do estudo das fontes autobiogr?ficas destes sujeitos, verificando as suas dimens?es formativas e as suas (re)significa??es constitu?das ao longo de hist?rias de vida. Para uma melhor organiza??o das discuss?es propostas para esta pesquisa, a estrutura??o das ideias deu-se em seis cap?tulos, acrescida das considera??es finais: no primeiro cap?tulo, exprimi a minha hist?ria de vida e os meus percursos formativos na carreira musical; no segundo, analisei o panorama hist?rico sobre os percurso da Pesquisa (Auto)biogr?fica como abordagem de investiga??o e forma??o (JOSSO,2010; DOMINIC?, 1992; N?VOA, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI, 2010 e DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); no terceiro, apresento algumas reflex?es e discuss?es sobre a constru??o da identidade, al?m dos conceitos e percep??es sobre a forma??o e as representa??es desta constru??o profissional. (DUBAR, 19997, 2005;); no quarto, discorro sobre o percurso hist?rico a respeito da forma??o de professores no Brasil e na Educa??o Musical como nossa revis?o de literatura; no quinto, descrevo os caminhos e os recursos utilizados para concretiza??o desta pesquisa; e, por fim, no sexto cap?tulo, apresento as hist?rias de vida dos estudantes de licenciatura do Curso de M?sica e as suas dimens?es formativas e musicais. Em rela??o aos objetivos espec?ficos desta pesquisa, todos estavam direcionados a analisar as fontes autobiogr?ficas escritas dos licenciandos sobre a pr?pria trajet?ria formativa, desde as primeiras experi?ncias musicais, como a escolha do curso e a forma??o profissional dentro da licenciatura, bem como as atividades pr?ticas formativas nos contextos informais e formais. Dessa forma, atrav?s da narrativa das hist?rias de vida dos estudantes universit?rios em M?sica, as dimens?es formativas e as principais rela??es socioculturais que se tornaram processos cont?nuos de forma??o e de constru??o da identidade profissional s?o poss?veis de serem conhecidas e trilhadas. Por meio desta investiga??o, ? poss?vel a compreens?o de como os futuros professores de m?sica passam a (re)significarem suas trajet?rias de vida pessoal e profissional, trazendo ? tona suas indaga??es, certezas e incertezas das experi?ncias formativo-musicais dentro e fora do contexto acad?mico. Os resultados deste estudo apontaram que os ensaios autobiogr?ficos possibilitam compreender os caminhos e as rela??es sociais nas diversas dimens?es formativas identificadas, al?m de que tamb?m fez-nos perceber que os contextos familiares e os primeiros contatos sociais musicais, em contextos informais, possibilitam aos licenciandos, uma identifica??o com a poss?vel carreira docente em m?sica, assim como as principais motiva??es para essa escolha. Conclui-se, assim, que as experi?ncias e viv?ncias musicais ao longo da vida favorecem a constru??o da identidade profissional e que, no decorrer da forma??o, tais experi?ncias tornam meios de (re)sign / Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; N?VOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.
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Evolu??o dos sistemas de falhas de borda do Rifte Potiguar com base em curvas de crescimento de falhasMelo, Alanny Christiny Costa de 04 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-25T19:35:25Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
AlannyChristinyCostaDeMelo_DISSERT.pdf: 4456971 bytes, checksum: 8caf70bc14125d0010bb4e21e9d3aa55 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-28T20:49:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
AlannyChristinyCostaDeMelo_DISSERT.pdf: 4456971 bytes, checksum: 8caf70bc14125d0010bb4e21e9d3aa55 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-28T20:49:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
AlannyChristinyCostaDeMelo_DISSERT.pdf: 4456971 bytes, checksum: 8caf70bc14125d0010bb4e21e9d3aa55 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / N?s estudamos a Bacia Potiguar Cret?cea na margem Equatorial do Brasil para entender a geometria das grandes falhas e a influ?ncia da heterogeneidade crustal e o fabric estrutural preexistente na evolu??o da arquitetura interna bacia. Estudos anteriores apontaram que o rifte ? um meio graben assim?trico alongado de dire??o NE-SW. Para determinar o deslocamento m?ximo (Dm?x) e comprimento (L) dos principais segmentos de falha de borda do Rifte Potiguar foram usados s?smica 2D, dados de po?os e modelagem gravim?trica 3D. A modelagem gravim?trica 3D foi parametrizada com os dados de po?os e interpreta??es das se??es s?smicas. O grau de incerteza do modelo gravim?trico foi da ordem 10% aos dados s?smicos e de po?os. Atrav?s das curvas de crescimento de falhas foi poss?vel dividir as falhas de borda do rifte em quatro segmentos principais, os quais forneceram valores Dm?x/L da mesma ordem de grandeza. As curvas de crescimento de falhas sugerem que um mecanismo tect?nico uniforme regional teria influenciado o crescimento dos segmentos dessas falhas. As varia??es dos deslocamentos m?ximos ao longo dos segmentos de falha indicam que estes segmentos se desenvolveram de forma independente durante o in?cio do rifteamento e, posteriormente, foram unidos por liga??es rig?das e flex?veis. Este ?ltimo, chegou a formar uma rampa de al?vio entre as falhas de Baixa Grande e Carnaubais. Nos pontos de interliga??o entre falhas as taxas Dm?x / L s?o mais elevadas devido ? interfer?ncia do crescimento dos segmentos de falha adjacentes. A evolu??o do Rifte Potiguar foi dividida em cinco etapas com base nas rela??es Dm?x/L, que foram correlacionadas com as principais fases tect?nicas da separa??o entre a Am?rica do Sul e ?frica no Cret?ceo Inferior. / The discussion about rift evolution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin during the South America-Africa breakup in the Jurassic/Cretaceous has been focused in many researches. But rift evolution based on development and growth of faults has not been well explored. In this sense, we investigated the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin in the Equatorial margin of Brazil to understand the geometry of major faults and the influence of crustal heterogeneity and preexisting structural fabric in the evolution of the basin internal architecture. Previous studies pointed out that the rift is an asymmetrical half-graben elongated along the NE-SW direction. We used 2D seismic, well logs and 3D gravity modeling to analyze four major border fault segments and determine their maximum displacement (Dmax) and length (L) ratio in the Potiguar Rift. We constrained the 3D gravity modeling with well data and the interpretation of seismic sections. The difference of the fault displacement measured in the gravity model is in the order of 10% compared to seismic and well data. The fault-growth curves allowed us to divide the faulted rift border into four main fault segments, which provide roughly similar Dmax/L ratios. Fault-growth curves suggest that a regional uniform tectonic mechanism influenced growth of the rift fault segments. The variation of the displacements along the fault segments indicates that the fault segments were formed independently during rift initiation and were linked by hard and soft linkages. The latter formed relay ramps. In the interconnection zones the Dmax/L ratios are highest due to interference of fault segment motions. We divided the evolution of the Potiguar Rift into five stages based on these ratios and correlated them with the major tectonic stages of the breakup between South America and Africa in Early Cretaceous.
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An?lise de sedimentos associados ? atividade de perfura??o na plataforma continental externa, Bacia Potiguar - BrasilSouza, Claudete Rodrigues de 03 April 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-25T19:35:28Z
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ClaudeteRodriguesDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 7248197 bytes, checksum: 517f3832b2c0793432a194051a3ea304 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-28T22:35:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ClaudeteRodriguesDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 7248197 bytes, checksum: 517f3832b2c0793432a194051a3ea304 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-28T22:35:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ClaudeteRodriguesDeSouza_DISSERT.pdf: 7248197 bytes, checksum: 517f3832b2c0793432a194051a3ea304 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-04-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma ?rea localizada na plataforma externa da Bacia Potiguar, margem equatorial brasileira. A amostragem de sedimentos foi realizada em tr?s campanhas, em torno de um po?o explorat?rio, para comparar as propriedades dos sedimentos do fundo marinho, incluindo granulometria, composi??o, conte?do de carbonato e mat?ria org?nica, anterior a perfura??o do po?o, com amostras coletadas 3 e 12 meses ap?s a perfura??o. O planejamento amostral utilizou 16 esta??es localizadas em 4 radiais distantes 50 m, 100 m, 250 m e 500 m do po?o. Os sedimentos foram analisados nas camadas 0-2 cm e 0-10 cm. Os resultados mostraram que a cobertura sedimentar em torno do po?o era pobre a muito pobremente selecionada, com granulometria predominante na fra??o areia grossa com granulo e cascalho, seguida por cascalho e lama. O conte?do de carbonato de c?lcio foi maior que 96%, associado a sedimentos biocl?ticos, e o conte?do de mat?ria org?nica foi menor que 12%. Apenas pequenas varia??es sedimentol?gicas ocorreram na ?rea afetada pelas opera??es de perfura??o. A principal diferen?a foi observada em amostras da segunda campanha, em termos de uma mudan?a na distribui??o granulom?trica associada a um aumento no conte?do de sedimentos silicicl?sticos. Este impacto ocorreu nos sedimentos mais superficias (0-2 cm), no raio mais pr?ximo ao po?o (50 m), e poderia sugerir o efeito da perfura??o. Entretanto, os sedimentos coletados na campanha 3, um ano ap?s a perfura??o, voltaram a apresentar as mesmas caracter?sticas da primeira campanha. Estes resultados indicam que n?o houve varia??es sedimentol?gicas significantes devido a atividade de perfura??o, e que a din?mica oce?nica na ?rea de estudo foi forte o suficiente para recuperar as caracter?sticas originais do ambiente.
This study was developed in an area located on the outer shelf in the Potiguar Basin, Brazilian equatorial margin; this tropical shelf represents a modern, highly dynamic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system. Field sampling was carried out during 3 cruises surrounding a shallow-water exploratory well to compare sediment properties of the seafloor, including grain-size, texture, mineral composition, carbonate content, and organic matter, prior to drilling with samples obtained 3 and 12 months after drilling. The sample grid used had 16 stations located along 4 radials from 50 m the well up to a distance of 500 m. Sediments were analyzed in the first 0-2 cm, and 0-10 cm layers. The results show that sedimentary cover around the well is poor to very poorly sorted, with the particle size predominantly in the medium to coarse sand fraction, followed by gravel and mud. The content of calcium carbonate is greater than 96%, associated to bioclastic sediments, and the content of organic matter is less than 12%. Only minor sedimentological variations occured ?in the area affected by drilling operations. The most noticeable effects were observed during the second cruise, in terms of a change in grain size distribution associated to an increase in siliciclastic content, This impact occurred in the most surficial sediment (0-2 cm), in the radial closest to the well (50 m), and could suggest the effects of drilling. However, in the third cruise, one year after drilling, the sediments return to show the same characteristics as in the first cruise. These results show no significant sedimentological variations due to drilling activity, and indicate that ocean dynamics in this area was high enough to recover the environment original characteristics. / This study was developed in an area located on the outer shelf in the Potiguar Basin,
Brazilian equatorial margin; this tropical shelf represents a modern, highly dynamic mixed
carbonate-siliciclastic system. Field sampling was carried out during 3 cruises surrounding a
shallow-water exploratory well to compare sediment properties of the seafloor, including grainsize,
texture, mineral composition, carbonate content, and organic matter. Cruise 1 (C1) was
carried prior to drilling, while Cruise 2(C2) and 3 (C3) respectivelly 3 and 12 months after
drilling. The sample grid used had 16 stations located along 4 radials from 50 m the well up to a
distance of 500 m. Sediments were analyzed in the first 0-2 cm, and 0-10 cm layers. The results
show that sedimentary cover around the well is poor to very poorly sorted, with the particle size
predominantly in the medium to coarse sand fraction, followed by gravel and mud. The content
of calcium carbonate is greater than 96%, associated to bioclastic sediments, and the content of
organic matter is less than 12%. Only minor sedimentological variations occured in the area
affected by drilling operations. Mainly observed during the second cruise, in terms of a change
in grain size distribution associated to an increase in siliciclastic content, This impact occurred in
the most surficial sediment (0-2 cm), in the radial closest to the well (50 m), and could suggest
the effects of drilling. However, in the third cruise, one year after drilling, the sediments return to
show the same characteristics as in the first cruise. These results show no significant
sedimentological variations due to drilling activity, and indicate that ocean dynamics in this area
was high enough to recover the environment original characteristics.
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Foramin?feros como ferramenta de estudo na geologia ambiental do estu?rio do Rio Potengi e da plataforma interna, RN, BrasilFarias, Cristiane Le?o Cordeiro de 16 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-25T19:35:28Z
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CristianeLeaoCordeiroDeFarias_DISSERT.pdf: 6033643 bytes, checksum: 958aa1ad7170e354d48b68819bbeaf94 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-28T23:04:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
CristianeLeaoCordeiroDeFarias_DISSERT.pdf: 6033643 bytes, checksum: 958aa1ad7170e354d48b68819bbeaf94 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-28T23:04:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CristianeLeaoCordeiroDeFarias_DISSERT.pdf: 6033643 bytes, checksum: 958aa1ad7170e354d48b68819bbeaf94 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-11-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Os estu?rios tem grande import?ncia como abrigo e ber??rio natural de animais marinhos, prov?m peixes para o homem,sustenta a cadeia alimentar, controla as a??es erosivas e alagamentos, atua nosistema de filtragem natural da polui??o e purifica??o do ar. O Rio Potengi temsido afetado por diversos fatores antr?picos ao longo dos anos, com v?riosdesastres ambientais que mataram peixes, aves e outros animais. Para analisar asitua??o recente do estu?rio do Rio Potengi, foram coletadas 42 amostras, 18 emOutubro/2011 ao longo do Rio Potengi e sua foz, e 24 em Janeiro/2012, inclu?mosa plataforma interna. An?lises univariadas (?ndices ecol?gicos) e multivariadas(PCA, MDS, CLUSTER e BIOENV) foramaplicadas ? matriz dos dados biol?gicos de foramin?feros e abi?ticos (CaCO3,salinidade, profundidade, temperatura e granulometria). Os resultados mostram a domin?ncia deforamin?feros oportunistas A. tepida,B. striatula, Q. patagonica e Q. milettiespecialmente nas regi?es pr?ximas ?s fazendas de carcinicultura e ao esgoto doCanal do Baldo em ambientes de granulometria fina, e Q. lamarckiana indicadora da penetra??o da cunha salina e ambientesde alta hidrodin?mica associada a sedimentos de areia grossa a muito fina. A presen?a de esp?cies caracter?sticasmarinhas H. boueana, E. discoidale, P. atlanticum, T. earlandie T. gramen na Foz do Rio Potengi ena plataforma interna indicam ambientes de altas salinidades. A ocorr?ncia dealgumas esp?cies tolerantes ? baixa salinidade como T. inflata e T. squamatano Canal do Rio Potengi sugerem que provavelmente devem ter sido transportadosdo manguezal pr?ximo ? foz do Rio Potengi para as regi?es de plataformainterna, sugerindo que o contribuinte fluvial ? capaz de exportar organismos de?gua doce preferivelmente em dire??o sul do que em dire??o norte. / The Potengi River estuary has been affected by various anthropogenic factors over the years, as periodic dredging, industrial and domestic waste, traffic and other factors, causing various environmental disasters, including the notorious ecological accident in July 2007, which covered the municipalities of S?o Gon?alo do Amarante, Maca?ba and Natal. Foraminifera serve as viable study tools in these environments; they are able to identify ecologically stressed environments, pointing out hydrographic changes and depositional environments in estuaries. The necessity to check the differences in environmental gradients in places anthropically impacted in Potengi River and adjacent inner shelf through species of foraminifera, and, the responses of these organisms to physical, chemical and geological factors is to provide baseline in the diagnosis of environments. The results show the dominance of opportunistic Ammonia tepida, Bolivina striatula, Quinqueloculina patagonica and Q. miletti especially in regions close to shrimp farms and Baldo Channel sewage in fine grain environments; and Q. lamarckiana indicates penetration of the saline waters in Potengi River. The occurrence of low-salinity tolerant foraminiferal species typical of mangrove environments as Trochammina inflata and T. squamata in Potengi River Channel suggest they probably could have been transported from mangrove area near the Potengi river mouth to the inner shelf regions. These findings suggest Potengi River is able to export mixohaline and mangrove organisms to inner shelf. Two distinct environments were observed, the outermost area is more influenced by marine influence and the innermost area is less influenced. Calcareous and agglutinated species dominate Potengi River, while mouth and inner shelf areas are dominated by calcareous, agglutinated and porcelaneous species, which are typical of highly saline and hydrodynamic environments and the contributive factors that controls foraminiferal distribution were balance of marine and freshwater currents, grain size, availability of CaCO3 and organic matter.
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Utiliza??o de sismos regionais para a determina??o de um modelo 1D de velocidades da onda P na Prov?ncia Borborema - NE do BrasilShihadeh, Hasan Lopes 08 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-25T19:35:29Z
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HasanLopesShihadeh_DISSERT.pdf: 4749062 bytes, checksum: 5c56d7aad70a0d9ccc2eba27d546688b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-28T23:45:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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HasanLopesShihadeh_DISSERT.pdf: 4749062 bytes, checksum: 5c56d7aad70a0d9ccc2eba27d546688b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-09-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo para a obtenc?a?o de para?metros para um modelo regional de velocidades 1D va?lido para a Provi?ncia Borborema, NE do Brasil. Para tanto, foram utilizados eventos que ocorreram na mesma entre 2001 e 2013 com magnitude acima de 2.9 e que tiveram epicentros bem determinados por redes locais de estac?o?es ou back azimuth, quando os dados sa?o de boa qualidade. Foram escolhidos 7 eventos ocorridos nas principais a?reas si?smicas da Provi?ncia Borborema. Os eventos selecionados foram, ao todo, registrados em 74 estac?o?es das redes: RSISNE, INCT-ET, Mile?nio, Joa?o Ca?mara - RN, Sa?o Rafael - RN, Caruaru - PE, Sa?o Caetano - PE, Castanha?o - CE, Santana do Acarau - CE, Taipu - RN e Sobral - CE e a estac?a?o RCBR da rede IRIS/USGS - GSN. Para a determinac?a?o dos para?metros do modelo realizou-se a inversa?o do tempo de percurso atrave?s de um ajuste de retas aos tempos observados. A validac?a?o deste modelo se deu de modo independente atrave?s da comparac?a?o com outros modelos conhecidos (globais e regionais para o Brasil).
O modelo final, nomeado MBB, apresenta um modelo crustal lateralmente homoge?neo composto por duas camadas com crosta superior de 11,45 km de espessura e uma crosta com espessura total de 33,90 km, sendo a base da segunda camada limitada pela descontinuidade de Moho. A velocidade da onda P na crosta superior foi estimada em 6,00 Km/s e na crosta inferior 6,64 Km/s. A velocidade da onda P no manto superior foi estimada em 8,21 Km/s com uma raza?o VP/VS de aproximadamente 1,740 ? 0,002. / In this work it was performed a study to obtain parameters for an 1D regional velocity model for the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. It was used earthquakes occurred between 2001 and 2013 with magnitude greater than 2.9 mb either from epicentres determined from local seismic networks or by back azimuth determination, when possible. We chose seven events which occurred in the main seismic areas in the Borborema Province. The selected events were recorded in up to 74 seismic stations from the following networks: RSISNE, INCT-ET, Jo?o C?mara ? RN, S?o Rafael ? RN, Caruaru - PE, S?o Caetano - PE, Castanh?o - CE, Santana do Acarau - CE, Taipu ? RN e Sobral ? CE, and the RCBR (IRIS/USGS?GSN). For the determination of the model parameters were inverted via a travel-time table and its fit. These model parameters were compared with other known model (global and regional) and have improved the epicentral determination. This final set of parameters model, we called MBB is laterally homogeneous with an upper crust at 11,45 km depth and total crustal thickness of 33,9 km. The P-wave velocity in the upper crust was estimated at 6.0 km/s and 6.64 km/s for it lower part. The P-wave velocity in the upper mantle we estimated at 8.21 km/s with an VP/VS ratio of approximately 1.74.
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Petrologia do Plut?o Bom Jardim de Goi?s (PBJG): implica??o na evolu??o neoproterozoica da Prov?ncia TocantinsCoimbra, Keyla Thayrinne Oliveira 25 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-25T19:35:29Z
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KeylaThayrinneOliveiraCoimbra_DISSERT.pdf: 21184106 bytes, checksum: cd5ec307de2601ec684062fb512f9165 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-29T00:13:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
KeylaThayrinneOliveiraCoimbra_DISSERT.pdf: 21184106 bytes, checksum: cd5ec307de2601ec684062fb512f9165 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-29T00:13:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
KeylaThayrinneOliveiraCoimbra_DISSERT.pdf: 21184106 bytes, checksum: cd5ec307de2601ec684062fb512f9165 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / O plut?o Bom Jardim de Goi?s (PBJG) ? um corpo de geometria semi-circular, situado na por??o central da Prov?ncia Tocantins, intrusivo em ortognaisses e metassupracrustais do Arco Magm?tico Aren?polis. Estas metasupracrustais apresentam um bandamento / xistosidade de ?ngulo baixo a moderado, definido por micas, andalusita, silimanita e cordierita, caracterizando um metamorfismo na f?cies anfibolito. Tal estrutura ? truncada pela coloca??o das rochas do PBJG. O car?ter abrupto dos contatos e a aus?ncia de estruturas d?cteis demonstram que a intrus?o se deu em crosta relativamente fria. Em termos petrogr?ficos, o plut?o comp?e-se de monzodioritos, tonalitos e granodioritos, seguindo a trajet?ria evolutiva c?lcio-alcalina de pot?ssio baixo a intermedi?rio. As rochas do PBJG possuem hornblenda e biotita como fases m?ficas principais, al?m da ocorr?ncia subordinada de clinopirox?nio, titanita, ep?doto e opacos. Diques tardios de leucogranito cont?m apenas biotita como mineral acess?rio relevante. Uma data??o U-Pb em zirc?o do monzodiorito forneceu uma idade de 550?12 Ma (MSWD = 1,06). Dados litogeoqu?micos e de qu?mica mineral sugerem que as rochas em foco s?o c?lcio-alcalinas, tendo evolu?do por cristaliza??o fracionada de minerais c?lcicos e ferro-magnesianos, sob condi??es de alta fugacidade de oxig?nio. Utilizando o geoterm?metro do par anfib?lio-plagiocl?sio e o geobar?metro de Al em anfib?lio, foram determinadas temperaturas e press?es em torno de 692-791 ?C e 2,4 e 5,0 kbar para a intrus?o do PBJG, o que ? corroborado por associa??es metam?rficas pr?-existentes nas encaixantes. As caracter?sticas geol?gicas, geoqu?micas e a geocronologia do PBJG demonstram sua natureza p?s-tect?nica ou p?s-colisional, com coloca??o em crosta j? soerguida e relativamente fria, ao final da orog?nese brasiliana nesta por??o da Prov?ncia Tocantins. / The Bom Jardim de Goi?s Pluton (PBJG) is a semi-circular body, located in the central portion of the Tocantins Province, intrusive into orthogneisses and metassupracrustals of the Aren?polis Magmatic Arc. These metasupracrustals present a low to moderate dipping banding or schistosity, have a low to moderate angle of banding / foliation, defined by mica, andalusite and sillimanite and cordierite, which characterize an amphibolite facies metamorphism. This structure is crosscut by the emplacement of the PBJG rocks. The abrupt nature of the contacts and the absence of ductile structures indicate that the intrusion took place in a relatively cold crust. Under petrographic grounds, the pluton consists mainly of monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite, following the low to medium-K calk-alkaline alkaline trend. Rocks of the PBJG have hornblende and biotite as the main mafic phases, besides subordinate clinopyroxene, titanite, epidote and opaque. Late dikes of leucogranite contain only mineral biotite as relevant accessory mineral. One U-Pb zircon dating of a monzodiorite yielded an age of 550 ? 12 Ma (MSWD = 1.06). Whole-rock and mineral chemistry suggest that the studied rocks are calc-alkaline, having evolved by fractional crystallization of Ca- and Fe-Mg minerals under high oxygen fugacity. Using the amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer and the Al-in amphibole geobarometer, we calculate temperatures and pressures of, respectively, 692-791 ?C e 2.4-5.0 kbar for the intrusion of the PBJG, which is corroborated by previous metamorphic assemblages in the country rocks. The geological, geochemical and geochronological features of PBJG demonstrate their post-tectonic or post-collisional nature, with emplacement into an already uplifted and relatively cool crust at the end of brasiliano orogeny in this portion of the Tocantins Province.
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