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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capacity Analysis of Åre Ski Resort: A Jackson Network Approach / Kapacitetsanalys av Åre: En modellering av skidsystemet som ett Jacksonnätverk

Siberg, Martin, Rasmussen, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Åre ski resort is the largest and most renowned ski resort in Sweden, offering excellent skiing opportunities, restaurants, and nightlife in a prime location. Meanwhile, it is often subject to heavy traffic during the peak season and has earned a bad reputation for struggling with long lift queues. To address the issue, this paper aimed at analyzing the current capacity of the ski resort with the purpose of identifying areas and cost-efficient measures for improvement. It was done by modeling the ski system as a Jackson Network based on queuing theory, with relevant parameters extracted from actual skier data provided by the operating company Skistar. Several models were constructed to capture varying skiing patterns throughout the day and under different weather conditions. The models suggested that the lift queues first start to form at the lifts VM 8:an, Sadelexpressen, and Bräckeliften when the number of skiers in the system ranges from 3,700 to 6,200. Recommendations were then proposed to Skistar on how to resolve the identified bottlenecks and increase the resort’s capacity to a range of 6,000 to 8,400 skiers. Lastly, the models estimated that the resort could / Åre är en av Sveriges mest populära skidorter, som med utmärkta kommunikationsmöjligheter erbjuder fantastisk skidåkning och ett brett utbud av restauranger och nöjesliv. Skidsystemet belastas samtidigt hårt under högsäsong och har ådragit sig ett rykte om att ofta vara drabbat av långa liftköer. Mot bakgrund av detta ämnade denna rapport att analysera skidsystemets kapacitet och identifiera förbättringsområden för att ta itu med problemet. Analysen grundade sig i en modellering av skidsystemet, utformat som ett Jacksonnätverk i enlighet med köteori. Skistar, som ansvarar för driften av skidsystemet, tillhandahöll data som låg till grund för framtagandet av nätverkets parametrar. Genom jämförelser mellan olika modeller kunde dagliga förändringar i åkmönster och variationer under olika väderförhållanden tas i beaktning i analysen. Modellerna indikerade att liftarna VM 8:an, Sadelexpressen och Bräckeliften först drabbas av köbildning, vilket sker då antalet skidåkare i systemet är mellan 3 700 och 6 200. De identifierade flaskhalsarna låg till grund för de rekommendationer som formulerades till Skistar och som innehöll kostnadseffektiva förslag på förändringar. Dessa skulle förbättra kapaciteten till en nivå mellan 6 000 och 8 400 skidåkare. Till sist estimerade modellerna systemets maximala kapacitet till 14 000 skidåkare, vilket endast uppnås vid ett optimalt nyttjande av samtliga liftar.

Studie přínosů pořádání světového poháru v alpských disciplínách pro město Špindlerův mlýn / Alpine Skiing World Cup Organization Benefits in Relation to Špindlerův Mlýn Municipality

Černý, Petr January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: Alpine Skiing World Cup Organization Benefits in Relation to Špindlerův Mlýn Municipality AUTHOR: Bc. Petr Černý FACULTY: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport SUPERVISOR: Dr.. Libor Flemr, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This study focuses on the town of Spindleruv Mlyn, which is currently the largest, highest- rated, but also the most expensive ski resort in the Czech Republic and holds TOP ski resort, which in recent years as the only winter resort tried to host the World Cup in Alpine skiing women, in the disciplines of slalom and giant slalom women. Spindleruv Mlyn organized racing elite women's series for the first time in December 2005 and again in January 2008. Premiere World Cup Giant was initially held back in 2003, but then defeated the plans of the organizers of the lack of snow. A success for the next SP in Spindleruv Mlyn took place in March 2011. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the benefits for town of Spindleruv Mlyn (hence the whole county, region and Czech Republic) may have held such events as the World Cup in Alpine Skiing. Method: The calculation method was used a questionnaire comprising mainly by promoting the values that the organization of the event took place, but the city at the cost involved only a small fraction, so the effects are huge. I judged only influences the town...

Neige artificielle et ressource en eau en moyenne montagne : impacts sur l’hydrosysteme. Exemple des Préalpes du Nord (France, Suisse) / Artificial snow and water resources in mountains : impacts on hydrosystem. The example of the Northern Alps (France, Switzerland)

Magnier, Elodie 13 November 2013 (has links)
Depuis quelques années le recours à l’enneigement artificiel est de plus en plus courant dans les stations de ski des Alpes mais également dans les autres massifs français et étrangers. Cependant la production de neige nécessite l’utilisation d’un volume d’eau important, souvent pompé dans les réserves d’eau potable, les rivières, les nappes phréatiques, ou bien dans les réserves collinaires, elles-mêmes alimentées par captage des eaux de ruissellement. Or l’enneigement n’est pas le seul usage de l’eau dans les stations de sports d’hiver, et ce nouveau besoin concerne la saison hivernale lors des étiages des cours d’eau et des besoins pour les diverses activités. Depuis quelques années, cette technique fait l’objet de nombreuses controverses au sein de la communauté scientifique, politique et des populations locales, car les volumes d’eau pompés sont particulièrement importants. Notre recherche s’appuie sur des enquêtes auprès des acteurs impliqués, des observations de terrain et des mesures, à différentes échelles de travail. Deux modèles de production de neige sont confrontés : Avoriaz (France) et Champéry (Suisse). Les impacts des usages sur le fonctionnement hydrologique du bassin versant de la Dranse de Sous-Saix, sur le domaine d’Avoriaz, sont aujourd’hui limités et dans les deux stations la ressource est actuellement suffisante pour satisfaire tous les besoins. A ce jour les situations de pénuries d’eau et de conflits autour de la ressource sont rares, et sont dues à des problèmes de gestion. Un ensemble de propositions inspirées d’initiatives locales pour une meilleure gestion de la production de neige et des usages de l’eau a été proposé. / For some years now the use of artificial snow has become increasingly frequent in Alpine skiing resorts as well as in the other French and foreign massifs. Nevertheless, snowmaking calls for a large amount of water, which is often pumped from drinking water reserves, rivers, groundwater tables or else from hill water reserves, themselves supplied from surface water capture. This relatively recent practice, added to the different activities already present, is of concern for the local populations and environmental associations. For several years now, this technique has been the subject of numerous controversies within the scientific and political community and local populations. As things stand, the work performed by researchers and, more particularly, geographers is thin on the ground, because the volumes of water pumped are particularly important. Our research is based on interviews whit those involved in snow production, field observation and measures. Two model of artificial snow are confronted : Avoriaz (France) and Champéry (Switzerland). The impacts of the uses on the hydrological functioning of the Dranse de Sous Saix catchment area, in Avoriaz’s area are now limited and in both resorts, the resource is currently sufficient to satisfy all the needs. At the present time water shortages or conflicts involving the resource are unusual, and are thus due to management problems. A set of proposals inspired local initiatives for a better artificial snow management and water uses management have been proposed.

‘Hot Planet, Cool Athletes’: A Case Study of Protect Our Winters and the Role of Ski Activism in Combating Climate Change

Mihala, Ioana January 2019 (has links)
Despite the high vulnerability of alpine environments to climate change, adaptation and mitigation within the winter sport industry have only recently received consideration. However, the focus has been mainly on the adaptation measures of the ski resort operators (supply side), not taking into consideration other actors (demand side) or attempts aiming for a sustainable form of winter tourism. Through a case study of Protect Our Winters (POW), an environmental group started by a professional snowboarder, this research aims at investigating the role of a new social movement, ski activism, in combating climate change. Interviews with active members of POW Austria and participant observations at events and meetings of this same organisationwere conducted and analysed to gain an overview on the matter. Results show that empirical knowledge of climate change consequences and the concern about the future of lifestyle sports such as skiing and snowboarding can motivate activist behaviour. Furthermore, the variety of outreach tools of an organisation like POW can help raise awareness and inspire to join the ski activist movement. Because the study deals with a new type of movement, further research is needed to explore the effects of this alternative climate mitigation attempt and to analyse more initiatives and organisations started by the demand side of the winter sport industry.

Interakce učitele a žáka v porovnání skupinové a individuální výuky lyžování. / Interaction between a teacher and student in comparasion group and individual skiing lessons.

Punčochář, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Title of the thesis: Interaction between a teacher and a student compared group and individual teaching skiing. Objectives: The aim of this work was to find, what differences are in the didactic interaction in comparison of group and individual ski lessons. Methods: In this work we used the method of observation, data collection was realized using a video camera and the subsequent recording was evaluated using the MADI method (modified analysis of didactic interaction). Results: From the results we found that the greatest difference was in the expression factual purportwhich in individual lessons grow avarage by 20%. Furthermore, in the individual lesson form grow education activity above organizational by on avarage10% and in the type of attitude activity integration has increased on avrage 7%. The results also showed that in the individual form of teaching did not appear activity without direct control. Key words: Individual and group skiing lessons, ski school, analysis of didactic interaction, ADI, MADI

Observation et modélisation des interactions entre conditions d'enneigement et activité des stations de sports d'hiver dans les Alpes françaises / Observations and modelling of interactions between snow conditions and the activity of ski resorts

Spandre, Pierre 05 December 2016 (has links)
Les interactions dynamiques des conditions d'enneigement avec l'activité touristique des stations de sport d'hiver reposent sur de multiples enjeux sociaux, économiques, environnementaux et climatiques intégrés par les élus chargés du développement des territoires de montagne et industriels responsables de l'exploitation des domaines skiables. Depuis l'expérience vécue de la vulnérabilité des domaines skiables au déficit d'enneigement au début des années 1990 et plus encore depuis l'introduction des problématiques du changement climatique dans le débat public au début des années 2000, l'attente de la part des décideurs politiques et des professionnels de la neige pour des éléments fiables et pertinents sur l'impact du climat sur l'activité des sports d'hiver - dans laquelle s'intègre ce travail - n'a cessé de croître.Ce travail s'est attaché à la compréhension du rôle intégrateur de l'opérateur de domaine skiable dans son approche socio-économique d'une part et nivo-climatologique d'autre part de la gestion de la neige dans sa station dans le but de développer une chaîne de modélisation de la dynamique des interactions entre les conditions d'enneigement (variabilité, imprévisibilité) et les activités humaines (objectifs, moyens).Un état des lieux a été établi sur les priorités poursuivies, les moyens mis en œuvre (damage, neige de culture) et les contraintes subies (météorologiques, organisationnelles, structurelles) par les gestionnaires de domaines skiables dans leurs opérations quotidiennes de gestion de la neige grâce à une enquête auprès de 55 stations françaises et aux échanges réguliers avec quatre stations partenaires de ce travail (Autrans, Tignes, Chamrousse et Les Deux Alpes).Une modélisation physique des impacts de la gestion de la neige a été développée sur la base d'un modèle de neige et confrontée à des observations réalisées au cours de deux saisons hivernales consécutives dans ces quatre stations partenaires.Ces éléments ont été intégrés dans une chaîne de modélisation couplée permettant des études spatialisées des conditions d'enneigement et in fine la détermination d'indicateurs de la viabilité de l'enneigement à l'échelle de la station, dans l'ensemble des Alpes françaises. Cette méthode extrapolable à l'ensemble des massifs français a été appliquée dans les Alpes françaises sur la période passée 1958 – 2014 et a révélé la corrélation des indicateurs d'enneigement avec les données économiques des stations de sport d'hiver. Notre approche a ainsi montré sa pertinence pour des études prospectives de l'impact du changement climatique et/ou des infrastructures des domaines skiables sur la viabilité de l'enneigement et ses conséquences pour l'activité économique des stations de sport d'hiver. / The industrial activity of ski resorts is based upon multiple concerns including social, economic, environmental and climatic issues which ski resorts stakeholders have to cope with.In the early 1990's ski resorts experienced several consecutive seasons with poor snow conditions in the European Alps when climate and environmental questions were discussed as a global concern after the United Nations held their first international conferences on climate change. This raised the interest of ski resorts stakeholders and representatives of host communities for reliable and relevant indicators of climate induced impacts on snow conditions and on the related economic activity of ski resorts.This research focused on the role played by ski resorts operators in crossing socio-economic concerns with meteorological and snow concerns, to provide a modelling approach of dynamics and interactions between snow conditions (variability, low predictability) and human activities (defined by purposes and means). The objectives pursued by operators, the means they employ (grooming, snowmaking) and constraints they face (meteorological, structural or organization issues) have been investigated through a survey of 55 French ski resorts and frequent discussions with four partner ski resorts (Tignes, Autrans, Les Deux Alpes, Chamrousse). A physically based modelling approach of the impact of grooming and snowmaking on snow properties was integrated in a snowpack model and evaluated with respect to field observations in the four partner ski resorts over two consecutive winter seasons. This was crossed with a socio economic database of ski resorts to provide an explicit spatial modelling of managed snow conditions on ski slopes for the entire French Alps ski resorts. This method was applied for the 1958 - 2014 period and snow indicators were defined and computed, revealing a significant correlation of snow reliability indicators with economic data on ski resorts. This approach therefore proved its ability to provide relevant indicators of snow conditions in ski resorts with respect to economic implications and may be used for further prospective investigations of evolutions of facilities and/or climate change impacts on snow conditions and the related economy of the ski industry.

Medarbetarnas betydelse i en framgångsrik organisation : En kvalitativstudie om hur skidlärare upplever sitt arbete / The employees importance in a successful organization : A study of how ski instructors experience their work

Ingsmy, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur skidlärare upplever sitt arbete medarbetarnas betydelse i en framgångsrik organisation. Datainsamlingen bestod av nio semistrukturerade intervjuer, och ändamålsenligt urval tillämpades. Ett inklusionskriterium för att deltaga i studien var en anställning som skidlärare i företaget Trysilguidene AS. Data bearbetades och analyserades med tematisk analys. Fyra teman analyserades fram, dessa var Relatera till företagets värderingar, Omgivningen är betydelsefull, Bidra till en nöjd gäst och En rädsla av att inte passa in. Resultatet visade att för att prestera sitt yttersta är det viktigt med ett intresse för skidåkning samt att individens personlighet och dess värderingar går hand i hand med företagets. Vidare är de nära relationerna med de övriga medarbetarna i organisationen av stor betydelse. Utifrån denna studie verkar engagerade, motiverade och välmående medarbetare vara en viktig grund för framgångsrika organisationer. / The purpose of this study was to investigate how ski instructors experience their work. The survey was conducted with a qualitative method in the form of thematic analysis. The data collection consisted nine semistructured interviews, and.  appropriate selection was applied. An inclusion criterion for participation in the study was an employment as a ski instructor in Trysilguidene AS. Data was processed and analyzed with thematic analysis. Four themes were analyzed, these were Related to the company's values, The surroundings are meaningful, Contribute to a satisfied guest and A fear of not fit in. The result showed that in order to achieve its utmost it is important to have an interest in skiing and it is also important that the individual's personality and values go hand in hand with the company. Furthermore, the close relationships with the other employees in the organization are of great importance. Based on this study committed, motivated and prosperous employees appear to be an important foundation for successful organizations.

Josef Aleš-Lyžec (1862-1927): Životopisná freska / Josef Aleš-Lyžec (1862-1927): Biographical fresco

Hatala, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the persona of Josef Aleš-Lyžec - Czech pedagogue, draftsman, translator, tourist, and pioneer and propagator of skiing in the Czech lands. The thesis is created using historical method based on the study of source material of the Aleš hereditament in Literary Archive in Memorial of National Literature in Prague. In the first part we are introduced to a brief biography of Josef Aleš-Lyžec, which summarizes the most important moments of his life. The second part of the thesis aims at describing the key facets of his life, based on surviving writings, especially his endeavors in pedagogy, art and skiing. The analysis of his correspondence is also strongly accentuated, as it sheds light on his relationships with his more famous relative Mikoláš Aleš, his illegitimate son Josef Váchal and his mother Anna Váchalová (Hlaváčková). The intended purpose of the whole thesis is to depict this half-forgotten persona to a present reader, who until now had no Aleš biography available to him. KEYWORDS Josef Aleš-Lyžec, Mikoláš Aleš, Josef Váchal, Anna Váchalová, biography, family correspondence, skiing in the Czech lands, teacher at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Vývoj business modelů v oblasti poskytování sportovních služeb: Lyžařské školy / Development of business models in the field of sports services: Ski schools

Fulierová, Hana January 2017 (has links)
Práce analyzuje vývoj business modelů v oblasti poskytování sportovních služeb. Konkrétně je zaměřena na lyžařské školy. V úvodní rešerši postupně představuje základní pojem business model a jednotlivé přístupy od různých autorů. Dále popisuje postupný vývoj poskytování sportovních služeb v turistických regionech. Výzkumná část práce obsahuje čtyři případové studie konkrétních lyžařských škol z různých oblastí, které odráží současné trendy ve sportovním průmyslu. První tři případové studie analyzují vývoj lyžařských škol, založených před rokem 1990. Případová studie nově vzniklé školy poukazuje na změnu aspektů, které vedou k založení školy v dnešní době, a poskytuje v této oblasti návod pro začínající podnikatele. Pro analýzu business modelů jednotlivých škol byl využit model Canvas. Závěr výzkumné zprávy je zpracován formou specifické analytické techniky cross-case.

Internetová komunikace a propagace horských středisek v Krkonoších / Internet Communication and Promotion of Mountain Resorts in the Giant Mountains

Konvička, Josef January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the Internet activities of mountain resorts in the Giant Mountains and then submit recommendations aimed at improving the marketing on-line communication within these resorts, which can increase the awareness and interest of the public to visit the mountain resorts in the Giant Mountains. Due to the on-line questionnaire survey is then possible to determine the current interest and attendance of each mountain resort based on respondents' answers. Individual goals of the diploma thesis are mainly detailed characteristics of marketing including its on-line form, current forms of marketing communication mix etc.

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