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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Association of Sleep Quality and Loneliness with Perceived Physical and Mental Health Status in Autistic Adults

Russell, Nicholas Charles Clark 10 August 2020 (has links)
Autistic individuals report a greater prevalence of physical and mental health difficulties, compared to the general population. This study examines factors which impact physical and mental health in the general population to evaluate whether they potentially underlie this increased prevalence in autistic individuals. We compared twenty-two autistic adults, twenty-three adults reporting symptoms of insomnia, and twenty-one neurotypical adults. The primary factors were sleep quality and insomnia; secondary factors were level of autistic traits, alexithymia, and prosocial behavior. Participants completed self-report measures looking at each of these factors as well as their perceived physical and mental health. Participants also wore an actigraphy watch for up to fourteen days to characterize their sleep behavior. This actigraphy data suggested that autistic adults slept longer than those with symptoms of insomnia and the neurotypical group. Multiple regressions identified which primary or secondary factors were associated with change in perceived physical and mental health. Transdiagnostic dimensional analyses suggested that both lower sleep quality and higher levels of loneliness predicted lower perceived physical and mental health, with the effect being greater for perceived mental health. The addition of secondary factors identified higher levels of alexithymia as a significant predictor of lower levels of perceived mental health but did not improve the model. For the autistic group, no factors were predictive of change in perceived physical health; however, follow-up analyses identified more insomnia symptoms as predicting reduced perceived physical health. Both reduced sleep quality and greater loneliness predicted lower perceived mental health in the autistic adults. More sleep impairment and more symptoms of insomnia also predicted lower perceived mental health but did not better explain this change when included together over when included separately. These study findings suggest that sleep quality and loneliness are salient factors in the mental health of autistic adults and that understanding these, and sleep factors in general, may help to explain mental health challenges in these individuals.

Barns upplevelser av att sova på sjukhus : en enkätstudie

Bark, Sanna, Karlsson, Emmy January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Barn på sjukhus får inte tillräckligt med ostörd nattsömn. Sömntiden är kortare, sömnkvaliteten sämre och barn har fler uppvaknanden under natten på sjukhus jämfört med hemma. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka barns upplevelse av sin sömn och vilka faktorer som barn uppgav var främjade samt hämmade deras sömn under sjukhusvistelsen. Metod: Studiens design är mixad metod och urvalet samlades in konsekutivt. Fyrtiofyra barn besvarade en enkät med slutna och öppna frågor. Resultat: På en ansiktsskala (FPS-R), bedömde 52 % av dem sin sömn på sjukhus som“mycket bra” eller “bra”. På frågan “Hur bra tycker du att du sover hemma?” bedömde fler (84 %) att de sov “mycket bra” eller “bra” (p = 0,016). Korrelationsanalys visade att det inte fanns något samband mellan hur barnen skattade sömnen hemma och sjukhuset (p = 0,138). Det fanns ett samband mellan hur barnen skattade sin sömn under vårdtiden och barnens ålder (rs= 0,307, p = 0,042). Ju yngre barnen var, desto bättre skattade de sin sömn. I det kvalitativa resultatet framkom att barnen upplevde att personalens närvaro både kunde ha främjande och hämmande inverkan på deras sömn, samt att även den fysiska sjukhusmiljön var av betydelse för barnen. Slutsats: Barnen skattade sin sömn sämre på sjukhuset jämfört med hemma. De flesta barn som sov på sjukhuset var nöjda med sin sömn. Det som främst störde barnens sömn under natten på sjukhuset var vårdpersonalen, dock bidrog personalen även till en känsla av trygghet för barnen. / Introduction: Hospitalized children do not get enough sleep. Both sleep quality and amount of sleep was affected. More awakenings occurred during the night at the hospital compared to at home. Aim: To investigate children's sleeping experience at hospitals and what factors they stated promoted and inhibited their sleep. Method: The study was performed using a mixed method. Data was collected prospectively and consecutively. Fourty-four children completed a questionnaire with closed and openended questions. Results: On the Faces Pain Scale (FPS-R), 52% answered that their sleep in the hospital was "very good" or "good". 84% answered that they slept “very good” or “good” at home (p = 0.016). There was no correlation between how the children rated their sleep at home and at the hospital (p = 0.138). There was a correlation between how the children estimated their sleep during the care period and the children's age (rs = 0.307, p = 0.042). The younger the children the better they appreciated their sleep. The children experienced that the nursing staff's presence and the physical environment both had a promoting and an inhibiting effect on their sleep. Conclusion: Most of the children were satisfied with their sleep. The sleep experience during the hospital stay was inferior to their sleep at home. The children were primarily disturbed by the nursing staff during the night. Although the staff also contributed to a sense of security for the children.

Omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar sömnen hos äldre : En litteraturstudie / Nursing measures that promote sleep for the elderly : A literature study

Avdic, Arna, Axelsson, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Background: Common sleeping problems in the elderly are difficulties falling asleep and waking up several times during the night. Waking up several times during the night means that the important recovery that takes place during deep sleep is absent. Longer stretches of bad sleep negatively affect feelings of hunger and the immune system. Lack of sleep can also lead to memory problems and severe fatigue during the day, which increases the risk of falling and fall injuries. At high age, the body's conditions for distributing drugs change and side effects become more common, which justifies non-pharmacological nursing measures that promote sleep for the elderly. Aim: The aim was to describe nursing measures that promote sleep for the elderly. Method: A literature study. Result: Measures that were shown to promote sleep were aromatherapy, chamomile extract, relaxation exercises, acupressure, hand bath with hand massage, yoga, physical activity and natural daylight. Relaxation exercises should be performed in the evening to give the best effect. Physical activity of the degree recommended by the WHO is sufficient to have an effect on sleep quality. Staying in daylight during the morning proved to be the best time to contribute to a better sleep. Conclusion: Many of the elderly get a better quality of sleep from non-pharmacological nursing measures, and in addition, they do not cause any side effects. This suggests that they should be used by nurses in the care of the elderly with sleeping problems. / Bakgrund: Sömnstörningar kan vara av olika karaktär. De vanligaste sömnproblemen äldre har är svårigheter med att somna och även att de vaknar flera gånger under natten. Att vakna flera gånger under natten leder till att den viktiga återhämtningen som sker under djupsömnen uteblir. Sömnbristen påverkar hungerkänslor och immunförsvar negativt. Sömnbrist kan även leda till minnesbesvär och svår trötthet dagtid, vilket ökar risken för fall och fallskador. Vid hög ålder ändras kroppens förutsättningar att distribuera läkemedel och biverkningar blir vanligare, vilket motiverar icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar sömnen hos äldre. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar sömnen hos äldre personer. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Resultat: Åtgärder som visade sig vara sömnfrämjande var aromaterapi, kamomillextrakt, avslappningsövningar, akupressur, handbad med handmassage, yoga, fysisk aktivitet samt dagsljus. Avslappningsövningar ska utföras på kvällen för att ge bäst effekt. Fysisk aktivitet av den grad som WHO rekommenderar är tillräckligt för att ge effekt på sömnen. Vistelse i dagsljus under förmiddagen visade sig vara bäst tidpunkt för att bidra till en bättre sömn. Konklusion: Många av de äldre får en bättre sömn av icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder, dessutom ger de inga biverkningar. Detta talar för att de bör användas av sjuksköterskor i vården av äldre med sömnproblem.

Subjective Sleep Quality of Isolated Sleep Paralysis: Fear Parameters and Psychosocial Correlates

Kushkituah, Yudyahn 01 January 2019 (has links)
The bidirectional link between insufficient sleep and the distress related to a parasomnia known as isolated sleep paralysis (ISP) might lead to chronic health effects. The impact of fear-ridden hallucinations related to this REM sleep disorder can be both distressful and embarrassing for individuals often resulting in a reticence to seek help. This quantitative study was guided by a biopsychosocial approach with an integrated theoretical framework. One aim of the study was to determine if fear parameters of ISP (low and high) differ when considering psychosocial factors and sleep quality, based on the Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes About Sleep Scale, the Social Phobia Inventory, the Locus of Control (LOC) subscales, and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Inventory. Predictive associations between psychosocial factors and subjective sleep quality (SSQ) were also investigated. Retrospective online data from a sample of 159 participants ages 18 and over were analyzed via MANOVA, multiple regression, and independent samples t-tests. Findings from the MANOVA were significant and showed that participants who experience ISP with more fear scored higher on two measures, external other LOC and social phobia. The MANOVA regarding differences in SSQ in relation to psychosocial variables were not significant, and independent sample t-tests did not differentiate fear parameters for DBAS and SSQ (poor sleep was found for both parameters). Providers of therapeutic treatments should take factors of social phobia and external other LOC into account with regards to poor sleep quality for those distressed by ISP. Sleep quality assessments might benefit those who are afraid to disclose about ISP sleep distress, as long term poor sleep can place some at risk for negative health outcomes.

Predicting Subjective Sleep Quality Using Objective Measurements in Older Adults

Sadeghi, Reza 19 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Do burnout and sleep quality interact when being treated for burnout? : Results from a student led, psychoeducative stress intervention

Kasianchuk, Lidiia January 2023 (has links)
Stress, burnout, and sleep problems are linked with negative health outcomes and are increasingly common globally and among the Swedish population. To strengthen mental health response at the primary health care level, the students of the Programme for Master of Science in Psychology give psycho-educative, CBT-based stress- and sleep treatments at health care centres in Umeå as part of their training. To understand what affects the treatment outcome, this study aimed to investigate whether burnout and sleep quality interact after a stress intervention. One hundred sixteen residents of Umeå, who went through treatment in the form of a stress school, participated in the study. The stress school treatment was delivered in four weekly sessions that lasted 90 minutes each including a break. The Shirom Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ), the Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire (KSQ) and the Swedish version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) were used before and after the intervention to assess its effects. The findings of the study showed no interaction effect between burnout and sleep quality at the beginning of the treatment and burnout as a treatment outcome. At the same time, it revealed main effects for both burnout and sleep quality, showing that high level of burnout and poor quality of sleep at the beginning predict higher levels of burnout after the treatment in the stress school. These findings suggest that addressing stress and sleep problems at the beginning may be important in improving burnout treatment outcomes in stress treatments. / Stress, utbrändhet och sömnproblem är relaterade till negativa hälsoutfall och har blivit allt vanligare globalt och bland den svenska befolkningen. För att stötta vården ger psykologstudenter på Umeå Universitet, som del av sin utbildning, psykoedukativ, KBT-baserade stress- och sömnbehandlingar på hälsocentraler i Umeå. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå vad som påverkar resultatet av behandlingen genom att undersöka om utbrändhet och sömnkvalitet påverkar varandra vid behandling av stress-relaterad ohälsa. Ett hundrasexton invånare i Umeå, som fullföljde behandling i form av en stress-skola, deltog i studien. Stressskolebehandlingen levererades i fyra veckovisa sessioner som varade 90-minuter var, inklusive en paus. Shirom Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ), Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire (KSQ) och den svenska versionen av Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) användes före och efter interventionen. Studiens resultat visade ingen interaktion mellan utbrändhet och sömnkvalitet i relation till utbrändhet som behandlingsutfall. Samtidigt visade resultatet att det fanns en huvudeffekt för både utbrändhet och sömnkvalitet, då högre nivåer av utbrändhet och sämre sömn vid inledningen av behandlingen vid predicerade högre nivåer av utbrändhet efter behandlingen i stresskolan. Dessa resultat tyder på att det kan vara viktigt att ta itu med stress och sömnproblem i början för att förbättra resultaten av utbrändhetsbehandling i stressbehandlingar.

Sömnkvalitet hos patienter inlagda på sjukhus : en litteraturöversikt ur patientperspektiv / Quality of sleep in hospitalized patients : a literature review from patient’s perspectives

Kisakye, Anitah, Negash, Eleni January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund För människan är sömn ett grundläggande behov och därmed en förutsättning för överlevnad samt för upplevelsen av välbefinnande. Sömn spelar en viktig roll i olika livssituationer och påverkar både mental och fysisk hälsa såväl som immunförsvaret. Sömn och sömnmönster kan störas av fysiska faktorer som ljus, ljud och annat i den omkringliggande miljön, men likväl av faktorer relaterade till hälsa, som smärta och ångest.  Syfte  Syftet var att beskriva vuxna patienters upplevelse av sömnkvalitet i sjukhusmiljö. Metod  Denna studie genomfördes i form av en icke systematisk litteraturöversikt där 15 originalartiklar som publicerats mellan åren 2010 och 2020 inkluderades. I databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed skedde artikelsökningar i november 2020 och alla artiklar kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Sophiahemmets högskolas bedömningsunderlag för vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat Resultatet av genomförd litteraturöversikt indikerade att det fanns stora svårigheter att upprätthålla god sömnkvalitet hos patienter som var inlagda på sjukhus. Faktorer som upplevdes som sömnstörande grundade sig i aspekter kring sjukhusmiljön, vårdrutiner samt individuella faktorer. I sjukhusmiljön inbegreps hur patienters sömnkvalitet påverkades av sjukhussängar, ljud, ljus och omvårdnadsrutiner. Vårdrutiner som exempelvis blodprovstagningar och kontroller av vitalparametrar upplevdes som sömnstörande. Vidare framkom ytterligare individuella faktorer såsom smärta, oro och rädsla vilket påverkade sömnkvaliteten hos en del patienter. Slutsats I litteraturöversikten studerades vuxna patienters upplevelse av sömn i sjukhusmiljö. Gemensamt för flertalet studier var att patienter upplevde bristande sömnkvalite under sjukhusvistelsen. Hos vissa patienter var sömnkvaliteten bättre i sjukhusmiljö medan ett antal patienter som inkluderades inte upplevde någon skillnad i upplevelsen av sömnkvaliten i sjukhusmiljö jämförelsevis med sömnkvaliten i hemmet. / Background For a human being, sleep is a basic need and thus a requirement for well-being and survival. Sleep plays an important role in various life dimensions, such as mental and physical health as well as immune function. Sleep / sleep patterns can be disturbed by both physical factors such as light, sound and everything else in the physical environment as well as abstract factors related to health such as pain and anxiety. Inpatients have repeatedly during their hospital stay reported impaired or (and) poor sleep quality and its negative impact on life and health, where various factors that affect sleep are highlighted.  Aim The aim of this study was to describe adult patients' experiences of sleep quality in a hospital environment. Method This study was conducted in the form of a non-systematic literature review where 15 original articles published between the years 2010 and 2020 were included. In the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed, article searches took place in November 2020 and all articles were quality checked based on Sophiahemmet University's assessment basis for scientific articles. Results The results show that there is an undeniable difficulty in maintaining good sleep quality in hospitalized patients. Factors that were perceived to be sleep-disturbing varied from hospital environment and included hospital beds, sound, light, nursing routines. Some factors are such that can be remedied, such as light levels. Nursing routine related factors, blood samples for instance were also disturbing factors. Furthermore, individual factors such as pain, anxiety and fear also emerged in some patients as sleep disturbing. Conclusions In this literature review study, adult patients' experiences of sleep in a hospital setting were presented. Common to several studies was that some patients/participants experienced poor sleep quality during the hospital stay. According to some patients however, the quality of sleep was better in a hospital environment, while a number of patients who were included in different studies experienced no difference in sleep quality in a hospital environment in comparison with the quality of sleep at home.

The Impact of Relationship Functioning on Cortisol in Married Couples: A Dyadic Exploration of Sleep as a Potential Mediator

Clark, Benjamin D 01 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Relationship functioning in couples has been linked to numerous health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between 1) marital functioning and sleep dimensions, 2) marital functioning and cortisol, and 3) sleep dimensions and cortisol. The sample consisted of 108 heterosexual, married couples and was part of a larger marital intervention study. As predicted, poor marital functioning was related to negative sleep outcomes. However, these effects were only significant for wives. There was also evidence to suggest that poor marital functioning was associated with increased cortisol levels in husbands. These effects were independent of age and BMI. Contrary to our hypotheses, cortisol was not linked to sleep outcomes and, therefore, not a mediator of effect between marital functioning and cortisol. However, we did find evidence to suggest that stress and depressive symptomology could mediate the association between dyadic adjustment and sleep. Together, these findings provide evidence for how marital functioning can affect both physical and psychological health.

Patienters upplevelser av sin sömn på sjukhus : en litteraturöversikt / Patients experiences of their sleep in hospital : a literature review

Arou, Azik, Navarro Cerda, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
Sömnen har vitala effekter på hjärnfunktion såväl som många andra av människans kroppsorgan. Av denna anledning så kan sömnbrist orsaka och leda till allvarliga fysiologiska konsekvenser. Studier visar att patienters sömn, dess varaktighet och kvalitet äventyras vid sjukhusinläggningar. För att minska denna risk är det viktigt att sjuksköterskan har goda kunskaper om sömn. Detta möjliggör för sjukvårdspersonal att kunna vidta viktiga åtgärder i de fall där patientens sömnmönster rubbas. / Sleep has vital effects on brain functions as well as many other of the human organs. For this reason, sleep deprivation can cause and lead to serious physiological consequences. Studies show that patients sleep, and its continuity and quality is placed at risk when being hospitalized. To reduce this risk, it is important for nurses to have a basic knowledge about sleep. This enables healthcare professionals to be able to take important actions in cases where patients sleep patterns are disturbed.

Examining the Role of Emotion Dysregulation and Rumination in the Relationship between PTSD Symptom Severity and Sleep Disturbances

Dolan, Megan A. 08 1900 (has links)
Emotion dysregulation and rumination are involved in the development, maintenance, and treatment of both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sleep disturbances. We examined if and how these factors influenced the nature of the relationship between PTSD symptom severity and subjective sleep disturbances among trauma-exposed individuals. Using data gathered from a community sample of 199 trauma-exposed individuals (Mean age = 35.48; 59.80% female), we examined whether there were stronger significant associations between greater PTSD symptom severity and poorer sleep quality/lower sleep quantity at higher (vs. lower) levels of (1) negative emotion dysregulation and positive emotion dysregulation (both included in the same model) and (2) rumination. Participants recruited via Amazon's Mechanical Turk completed the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5, Brief Version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale – Positive, Ruminative Thought Style Questionnaire, and sleep quality/quantity items from the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Results of simple and additive multiple moderation analyses showed that neither negative/positive emotion dysregulation nor rumination moderated the relationships between PTSD symptom severity and sleep quality/quantity. Exploratory analyses showed that negative emotion dysregulation (when examined independently) moderated the relationship between PTSD symptom severity and sleep quality. There were also significant associations between poorer sleep quality/lower sleep quantity and greater PTSD symptom severity at low to average levels of negative emotion dysregulation coupled with any level of positive emotion dysregulation. Findings inform theoretical perspectives on the PTSD-sleep relationship and clinical applications of targeting emotion dysregulation and rumination in the treatment of PTSD symptoms and sleep disturbances for trauma-exposed individuals.

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