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A case study of InterAdria; regarding security strategy of a SMEKajtazi, Ariana January 2008 (has links)
Today, security strategy has a crucial role in society, which does not imply only to large companies, but also and especially to Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s). The intention of this thesis is to provide instructions and help enterprises that need assistance in applying proper security strategy. This thesis comprises the most crucial areas of security within an enterprise. Its aim is to study more deeply the situation of the current security strategy, of a telecom and a software development enterprise, by which the enterprise can extract enough information to provide a proper system. The purpose is to study, analyze, explore and bring some conclusions with new ideas on how to improve and propose a new security strategy that can fit and that can be appropriate for this enterprise. Regarding the exploration and research for the enterprise, “fragile assets” are the target to be taken in consideration such as “software”, “databases” and “important data”. The method which is used in this thesis, is the case study method, which has best suited the purpose of this thesis by covering the logic of design, data collection techniques and data analysis. As a theory the OCTAVE-sm approach was applied. This approach has three phases which each contains its own processes. These processes were followed and used for the evaluation of the current state in one Small Medium Enterprise (SME) called InterAdria. The use of OCTAVE-sm approach in this thesis can be a guide to all other Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s) that struggle with their security strategy same as the enterprise mentioned above. The conclusion was based on the entire data gathering that was done by following the steps of the Octave-sm approach.
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Návrh strategie rozvoje rodinného podniku / Proposal of the Family-owned Company DevelopmentObhlídalová, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
Following work deals with evaluation of current situation in a company PRUMHOR s.r.o. and brings some suggestions for improvement of its management. The first part considers the analysis of the potential of family business and small and medium enterprises at the theoretical basis and points out to the most important specifics concerning the general principle. The second part is focused on its environment and analysis of factors with which is the company influencing its market surroundings. The third part includes the proposal of support of future development.
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Partnering with Competitors : SMEs’ Relationships in the Western European Defence sectorsRiihikoski, Roope, Chuecas, Fernando January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship variables of Western European defence-related SMEs when they cooperate with their competitors (coopetition). In particular, how do these various relationship variables affect these SMEs when partnering with competitors? Many researchers have examined partnering with competitors however, this concept has been widely overlooked in the Western European defence sector. The research proceeds as follows: 1. Qualitative research with five different defence-related SME manufacturers in Western Europe. 2. Perceptions and answers of our interviews were further analysed, and 3. the empirical data is interpreted to support our research findings. The study concludes that, based on the empirical data, the relationship variables that can affect negatively to the SMEs are customer power, political forces, SME size, and coopetition in the defence sector. Also, coopetition itself can affect a relationship in a positive way. Moreover, the political landscape plays a critical role, by acting as a force of intervention when partnering. Additionally, the lack of resources has a decisive role in the decision-making process when choosing to collaborate.
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Overcoming Capital Constraints and Challanges of Fast Growth as an IT SMEHelmersson, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Problem: High wage countries depend on SME's to lower unemployment, to trigger economic growth and to utilize the 'knowledge waste' created by large investments in human capital. However, due to their limited access to capital markets SME's are seen as unfavourably dependent on their own generation of internal funds to grow. Among SME's, IT firms are seen as most representative for this struggle, since they have i) a bad reputation within the public and institutional sector due to the dot-com era, and ii) assets with low collateral value (e.g. immaterial assets, human capital, knowledge, prototypes and ideas that all have unknown, unsecure and hard to predict second-hand or future values). Despite these unfavorable characteristics, some IT firms are growing considerably fast. What can we learn from them? Purpose: Describe the financial situation of IT SME's. Investigate how those IT firms that are fast growing have grown and financed their growth, and how they have managed the effects of growth. Method: Due to the nature of the purpose a mixed method research approach was adopted. The quantitative investigation aimed at describing their fi-nancial situation and took the form of a statistical analysis of the entire IT firm population, using data from the Swedish database 'Affärsdata'. The qualitative approach took the form of telephone interviews with a sample of fast growing IT firms, to get closer to the reasoning behind their growth and it’s financing. This research approach enabled cross referencing, strengthening some of the empirical evidence found. Conclusion: Evidence was found on IT firms growing with assets of less collateral value resulting in low amounts of long term debt. Indications were found on the traditional life cycle perspective regarding SME finance has to be changed to fit IT firms; after surviving the first years of internal funding and years of overdependence on short term debt, they reach a stage (e.g. in a financial crisis, facing international expansion, or substantial R&D costs) when financial assistance is needed. Indications were also found on IT firms operating in a highly unpredictable environment demanding advanced cash management routines that today are not prioritized in favor of growth. To handle this, and to reach financial assistance when needed (most likely by involving a risk capitalist in exchange for firm ownership), those firms showing stability (i.e. through low personnel turnover, high profitability or a large cash buffer) seem to have been more successful.
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Overcoming Capital Constraints and Challanges of Fast Growth as an IT SMEHelmersson, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem: </strong>High wage countries depend on SME's to lower unemployment, to trigger economic growth and to utilize the 'knowledge waste' created by large investments in human capital. However, due to their limited access to capital markets SME's are seen as unfavourably dependent on their own generation of internal funds to grow. Among SME's, IT firms are seen as most representative for this struggle, since they have i) a bad reputation within the public and institutional sector due to the dot-com era, and ii) assets with low collateral value (e.g. immaterial assets, human capital, knowledge, prototypes and ideas that all have unknown, unsecure and hard to predict second-hand or future values). Despite these unfavorable characteristics, some IT firms are growing considerably fast. What can we learn from them? <strong></strong></p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong><strong> </strong>Describe the financial situation of IT SME's. Investigate how those IT firms that are fast growing have grown and financed their growth, and how they have managed the effects of growth.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Method: </strong>Due to the nature of the purpose a mixed method research approach was adopted. The quantitative investigation aimed at describing their fi-nancial situation and took the form of a statistical analysis of the entire IT firm population, using data from the Swedish database 'Affärsdata'. The qualitative approach took the form of telephone interviews with a sample of fast growing IT firms, to get closer to the reasoning behind their growth and it’s financing. This research approach enabled cross referencing, strengthening some of the empirical evidence found.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Evidence was found on IT firms growing with assets of less collateral value resulting in low amounts of long term debt. Indications were found on the traditional life cycle perspective regarding SME finance has to be changed to fit IT firms; after surviving the first years of internal funding and years of overdependence on short term debt, they reach a stage (e.g. in a financial crisis, facing international expansion, or substantial R&D costs) when financial assistance is needed. Indications were also found on IT firms operating in a highly unpredictable environment demanding advanced cash management routines that today are not prioritized in favor of growth. To handle this, and to reach financial assistance when needed (most likely by involving a risk capitalist in exchange for firm ownership), those firms showing stability (i.e. through low personnel turnover, high profitability or a large cash buffer) seem to have been more successful.</p>
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Analyse des mécanismes de captation et d’exploitation des connaissances pour accompagner l’innovation / Analysis of knowledge capture and exploitation mechanisms to support innovationGitchenko, Hélène 16 December 2016 (has links)
A partir d’une problématique de compréhension des mécanismes d’acquisition et d’exploitation des connaissances pour innover, nous avons initié des travaux de recherche ciblés sur les PME. Des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de consultants nous ont mené à considérer le rôle de l’apprentissage individuel dans la gestion des connaissances et à identifier six pratiques spécifiques soutenant les apprentissages organisationnels dans un contexte d’innovation. A partir d’un questionnaire en ligne, nous avons questionné les dispositifs de gestion des connaissances mis en œuvre sur chacune des six pratiques. Les analyses nous ont permis d’identifier cinq classes parmi les répondants et d’orienter la suite de notre recueil vers l’identification des liens entre dispositifs mis en œuvre et types d’activités innovatives réalisées. Nous avons investigué cette question à travers des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de chefs d’entreprises. Les résultats nous permettent de définir un nouveau cadre d’analyse des pratiques de gestion des connaissances pour innover. Notre proposition finale met en lien les activités de Création, de Développement et de Recherche avec des pratiques spécifiques des gestions des connaissances et les mécanismes d’expression des compétences, en appui sur les théories de l’activité mobilisées dans la didactique professionnelle / Aiming to understand knowledge collecting and using processes to support innovation, we initiated a research work focused on SME’s. Semi-structured interviews with consultants lead us to consider the role of individual learning in knowledge management and to identify six different and specific practices to support organizational learning in an innovation context. Based on an online survey, we investigated knowledge management devices implemented to complete each of the six practices. The analysis allowed us to discriminated five different categories among survey participants and guided further collecting with the aim to describe links between knowledge management devices and sorts of innovative activities. We questioned this point through semi-structured interviews nearby SME’s entrepreneurs. Results allow to define a new analytical framework for knowledge management practices to innovate. This final proposal links Creation, Development and Research activities with specific knowledge management practices and competencies mechanisms, supported by activity theory mobilized in professional learning
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Att lyckas med strategisk planering och strategisk kontroll – En fallstudie på två svenska företag / How to succeed with strategic planning and strategic control – A case study on two Swedish companiesAxengren, Josefine, Petersson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
En konkurrenskraftig strategi kan vara en avgörande faktor för ett företags framgång. En formell företagsstrategi ser till att både de som deltar i den strategiska planeringen och i genomförandet följer samma mål. Det riktas kritik mot hur företag använder sig av strategisk planering och den största utmaningen för företagen ligger i att implementera strategin i verksamheten. Ett problem som är kopplat till strategier är att organisationers sätt att skapa konkurrensfördelar förändras snabbt. Företagen måste på grund av detta skapa förutsättningar för en ständigt pågående strategisk dialog.Syftet är att undersöka hur små och medelstora företag (SMF) arbetar med den strategiska planeringen i verksamheten och hur de kontrollerar att de strategiska aktiviteterna verkar i linje med det långsiktiga målet. Syftet med studien är även att ta reda på vilka faktorer som bidrar till en lyckad strategisk planering och implementering hos SMF. För att besvara vårt syfte har en multipel fallstudie gjorts på två SMF i Sjuhäradsområdet. Personliga intervjuer har genomförts med personer från företagens ledningsgrupp och styrelse.SMF har gemensamma karaktärsdrag gentemot stora företag och följande områden har undersökts: omgivningsfaktorer, organisationsmiljö och ledningen. Storleken på företaget har en betydande roll när det kommer till hur stor påverkan omgivningen har på ett företag. SMF har mer begränsade resurser vilket bidrar till större osäkerhet i omgivningen och att hålla koll på bland annat andra konkurrenter. Organisationsstrukturen hos SMF kännetecknas av en platt struktur med få ledningsnivåer vilket bidrar till en hög flexibilitet och förmåga att anpassa sig till marknaden. De få ledningsnivåerna bidrar till att antalet mellanchefer är färre och kravet på Vd:ns ledningsexpertis ökar.The Closed-Loop Management System är en modell som föreslås användas vid strategisk planering hos företag. Modellen består av fem steg: utveckla strategin, översätta strategin, planera handlingar, kontrollera och lär samt testa och anpassa strategin. Modellen beskriver hur företag ska gå tillväga från att formulera och uttala strategin till att implementera och kommunicera den i verksamheten och har använts som underlag för att undersöka hur SMFs arbetar med strategisk planering och strategisk kontroll i praktiken. För att säkerställa att implementering av strategin blivit lyckad behöver företagen utföra strategisk kontroll. Ett sätt att utföra strategisk kontroll är genom att använda sig av integrerad prestationsmätning. Det innebär en balanserad styrning mellan finansiella och icke-finansiella mått där orsak- och verkansamband mellan de olika måtten kartläggs och har undersökts på företagen i studien.Slutsatser som kan dras av studien är att tre viktiga faktorer som bidrar till strategisk framgång i SMF är: inställningen hos de anställda, val av organisationsstruktur och tydlig kommunikation. För att genomföra den strategiska planeringen används ett metodiskt arbetssätt för att strukturera upp aktiviteter och delmål som finns för att uppnå det övergripande målet. Genom att bryta ned det övergripande målet i delmål och aktiviteter säkerställer företagen att de kortsiktiga handlingarna verkar i linje med den långsiktiga strategiska planen. Det är även viktigt för företagen att kontrollera och mäta dessa aktiviteter. Finansiella och icke-finansiella mått används för strategisk kontroll men studiens resultat visar att de finansiella måtten är dominerande. / A competitive strategy is essential for a corporate’s success in their industry. The challenge is not only to design the strategy; it is to spread it throughout the organization. An integrated measurement system refers to support and control the activities and goals that leads to strategic success. Thus, earlier studies have shown that integrated measurement systems have contributed to improve large enterprises’ performances when applied in their businesses. However, this study refers to the gap of research on the use of integrated measurement systems and its impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). This study focusses on two Swedish SMEs and research what characterize their qualities that contributes to strategic success. The study will also focus on how the SMEs apply strategic planning and strategic control in their business’s.The study was based on previous studies in the context of strategy. The interviews were conducted on two Swedish SMEs, and the respondents were people that are a part of each company’s management team that possess both knowledge and insight to the company’s strategic work.Our findings suggest that factors contributing to strategic success in SME’s are: the communication approach, the attitude of the employees and the organizational structure. The strategic planning in SME wasn’t based on a specific model to support the strategic planning. However, they use a similar methodical approach to implement the activities in the strategic planning process. Finally, the study also shows that SMEs use integrated measurement in terms of financial and non-financial measurements, where the financial measurements had a greater impact on the SME business’s.
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Desenvolvimento colaborativo de novos produtos: fatores críticos para pme’s de áudio profissional da américa latinaSouza, Bruno de 30 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-12-18T12:37:52Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-30 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso a respeito dos fatores críticos no desenvolvimento colaborativo de novos produtos em PME’s do setor de áudio profissional da América Latina, utilizando duas empresas do segmento como unidades de análise. O mesmo se justifica devido à importância econômica das PME’s para o Brasil, as dificuldades enfrentadas por elas para inovar, e as lacunas verificadas na literatura no que se refere à inovação aberta e o desenvolvimento colaborativo de novos produtos no contexto destas organizações. Seu principal objetivo foi identificar os fatores críticos no desenvolvimento colaborativo de novos produtos, verificar a aderência das organizações objeto de estudo a eles, e identificar as lacunas existentes. Para cumprir este objetivo, primeiramente, em revisão da literatura, identificaram-se as melhores práticas no desenvolvimento de novos produtos, e os fatores críticos para a colaboração neste processo. Em um segundo momento, através da pesquisa documental, observação direta, e entrevistas semiestruturadas foram coletados dados em duas empresas, uma brasileira e uma argentina. A análise destes dados permitiu a verificação das lacunas existentes entre suas estruturas, processos e práticas, e aquelas recomendadas para o sucesso no desenvolvimento colaborativo de novos produtos. Com o estudo, foi possível constatar que os principais fatores críticos são o poder ou tamanho das organizações, ganho mútuo, motivações e objetivos estratégicos, confiança, comunicação, cultura, equipes, processos de DNP, controle e apoio da alta gerência, e experiências passadas. Verificou-se que os principais descolamentos destas organizações estão na formatação das equipes, informalidade dos processos de DNP, e baixo controle, e poucas experiências passadas. / The current essay presents a case study on the critical factors for collaborative product development on Latin American SME’s of the professional audio segment. It is justified by the economic relevance of SME’s in Brazil, the difficulties they find to innovate, and the lack of studies regarding open innovation and new product development in the context of these organizations. Its main objective was to identify the critical factors on collaborative new product development, verify the adherence of the companies being studied to them, e identify the existing gaps. To achieve this goal, firstly, a review of the literature was made, and was able to identify the best practices in new product development, and the critical factors for collaboration in this process. Secondly, through a documentary research, observation, and semi-structured interviews, data from a Brazilian and an Argentine company was gathered. The analysis of this data allowed the identification of the existing gaps between their structures, processes and practices, and those recommended for successful collaborative new product development. Through this study, it was possible to verify that the main critical factors are power or size of the companies, mutual gains, motivations and strategic objectives, trust, communication, culture, teams, NPD processes, control and support from management, and past experiences. It has been found that the main gaps in these organizations are on the team composition, NPD processes informality, lack of control, and lack of past experiences
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KAPITALSTRUKTUR I SVENSKA SMÅ OCH MEDELSTORA FÖRETAG : Variablers påverkan under finansiell lågkonjunktur / CAPITAL STRUCTURE IN SWEDISH SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES : Variables impact of the financial crisisHellman, Eric January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Instrumentos de promoción comercial de Promperú como factores relacionados a las oportunidades de exportación en las MiPymes del sector No Tradicional en el periodo 2011 - 2019 / Trade promotion instruments of PromPerú as factors related to export opportunities in the MSMEs of the Non-traditional sector between 2011 - 2019Chumpitaz Garretón, Royce Kevin, Malpartida Flores, Yoly Ann 22 July 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo determinar la relación entre los instrumentos de promoción comercial de la agencia de promoción de las exportaciones del Perú - Promperú y las oportunidades de exportación que tienen las MiPymes del Sector No Tradicional durante los años 2011 – 2019. En el primer capítulo, se desarrolla el marco teórico, en el cual se repasa algunas contribuciones a la literatura acerca del comercio internacional y los programas de promoción de las exportaciones del estado peruano. En el segundo capítulo, se explica el plan de investigación, la situación problemática, las preguntas de investigación, los objetivos de la investigación e hipótesis planteadas. En el tercer capítulo, se define la metodología de la investigación, en la cual se especifica el enfoque y diseño de la investigación, recolección de datos e instrumentos. En el cuarto capítulo, se muestra la realización del enfoque cuantitativo, donde se ejecuta el modelo relacional transversal. Y finalmente en el quinto capítulo, se explican los resultados del análisis; a su vez, se detallan las conclusiones y recomendaciones de la presente investigación. / The main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the trade promotion instruments of the Peruvian export promotion agency - PromPerú and the export opportunities that the MSMEs of the Non-traditional sector had between 2011 - 2019. In the first chapter, the theoretical framework is developed, in which some contributions to the literature on international trade and export promotion programs of the Peruvian state are reviewed. In the second chapter, the research plan, the problematic situation, the research questions, the objectives, and hypothesis are explained. In the third chapter, the research methodology is defined, in which the focus and design of the research, data collection and instruments are specified. In the fourth chapter, the quantitative approach is shown, where the relational cross-sectional model is executed. And finally, in the fifth chapter, the results of the analysis are explained; in turn, the conclusions and recommendations of this investigation are detailed. / Tesis
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