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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Snowboard - En idrott för alla? : En studie av Svenska skidförbundets satsning på ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund / Snowboard - A sport for everybody? : An analysis of Swedish Ski Association project on youths with foreign background

Houshmand, Babak, Hansson, Anneli January 2007 (has links)
Abstract Aim The aim of this study has been to survey the background of the youths in the selection group which participated in the Dream action day, to evaluate if the project succeeded and support the Swedish Ski Association with their recruiting process. The questions of issue have been: Which ethnical, demographical and economical backgrounds do the youths of the selection group have that participated in the Dream action day? Is there any common denominator among those who was drawn to continue? Do the youths want to contribute to expand the sport? Is Dream action Day a good way to reach out to the target group? Method Through a strategic selection made by the Swedish Ski Association 44 youths participated in a day during which they tried snowboard. They have been a part of our quantitative data collection and we have chosen six to interview. The interviews have been executed in form of semi structured interviews. Results The results clearly show that few of the participants had any connection to the sport, neither from home nor from friends. Most of the ones that caught interest in snowboard had an interest in athletics but not in team sports. Girls were for the most part more hesitant in their answers. Everybody, including the ones that didn’t catch interest, thought the day as a whole was successful and that they would do it again. Conclusions The attempt with Dream action day has been a good way to attract a new target group. The next step in the process will be to maintain interest through continued marketing. What the Ski Association has to have in mind during this project is how important the social aspect is. Snowboard is a unique product, which has to be drawn to attention as a method to draw new youths. Besides the fact that the Ski Association will expand the sport, it will also help to activate youths. / Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att kartlägga bakgrunden hos den urvalsgrupp som deltagit under Dream action day samt att undersöka vilka som lockades av sporten. Vår ambition är även att stödja Svenska skidförbundets i sin rekryteringsprocess samt utvärdera om satsningen varit lyckad. Vår frågeställning har varit följande: Vilken etnisk, demografisk och ekonomisk bakgrund har dem som deltar under Dream action day? Finns det någon gemensam nämnare hos de som lockats fortsätta åka? Vill dessa ungdomar vara med och bredda sporten? Är Dream action day ett bra sätt att nå ut till målgruppen? Metod Genom ett strategiskt urval gjort av Svenska skidförbundet har man lyckats locka 44 ungdomar till en dag där de har fått prova på snowboard. Dessa ungdomar har ingått i vår kvantitativa datainsamling och utifrån den valde vi ut sex personer att intervjua. Intervjuerna har skett i semistrukturerad form. Resultat Resultaten visar att få av de ungdomar som deltog under Dream action day hade någon koppling till sporten vare sig hemifrån eller genom kompisar. Av dem som blev intresserade hade de flesta ett idrottsintresse men inte som lagidrottare. Flickor var överlag mer tveksamma i sina svar om de ville fortsätta eller inte. Alla även de som inte blev intresserade, tyckte att dagen som helhet var lyckad och åker gärna på en liknande dag igen. Slutsats Försöket med Dream action day har varit ett bra sätt att nå ut till en ny målgrupp. Nästa steg i processen är att bibehålla ett intresse genom fortsatt marknadsföring. Vad Skidförbundet måste ha i åtanke när detta görs är hur viktig den sociala aspekten är. Snowboard är en unik produkt och det måste lyftas fram som en metod att locka nya ungdomar. Förutom att man breddar sporten hjälper man till att aktivera ungdomar socialt.

Vývoj olympijských výkonů ve snowboardingu v U-rampě / Development of Olympic snowboarding performances on the halfpipe

Ježek, David January 2021 (has links)
Title: Development of Olympic snowboarding performances on the halfpipe Objective: The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the performance of snowboarders on the halfpipe in the years 1998 to 2018 at the Winter Olympics Games. Methods: The main method was to observe and compare the competitors on the halfpipe. In each year of the Olympic Games, the 3 best athletes in the given category were selected. The method of comparison, observation and content analysis was used in the diploma thesis. Results: The results bring an overview of individual rides in the halfpipe at the Winter Olympics Games from 1998 to 2018, depending on the selected observation criteria. They also compare individual rides and point out the development of performance. Conclusion: The development of selected parameters was noticeable, however not completely continuous. Two hypotheses were refused and one was confirmed. Keywords: snowboard, achievement, competition, development, halfpipe

Traumatologie et systèmes de protection de la tête dans la pratique des sports de glisse alpins / Towards the improvement of head safety devices for alpine skiing users

Bailly, Nicolas 15 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur la compréhension du traumatisme crânien (TC) dans les sports de glisse alpins dans l’objectif d’améliorer et d’encadrer la conception et l’évaluation des casques de ski. Il s’est décomposé en quatre étapes :Etudier les accidents de ski conduisant au TC en identifiant des typologies d’accidents de ski et de snowboard conduisant fréquemment à l’apparition de TC. A partir d’un questionnaire rempli dans 10 cabinets médicaux et 3 hôpitaux, dix scénarios d’accident ont été identifiés ainsi que les zones de la tête les plus impactées. Cette analyse est complétée par des mesures de vitesse des skieurs.Identifier les conditions d’impact de la tête en reproduisant numériquement la cinématique de ces accidents avec un modèle multicorps de skieur. Deux types d’impact ressortent de cette analyse: les impacts sur neige, majoritaires (70%) et plutôt de faibles gravités et les impacts lors de collisions, plus rares, mais souvent plus graves.Évaluer la capacité des casques à réduire le TC en combinant approches expérimentales (impact de tête instrumentée sur neige) et simulations par éléments finis (reproduction d’impacts réalistes avec un modèle d’humain virtuel). Le casque réduit efficacement le risque de TC grave lors d’impact contre un obstacle rigide, mais son efficacité reste limitée lors d’impacts contre de la neige.Explorer des pistes d’amélioration du casque. Trois solutions ont été proposées, évaluées expérimentalement et numériquement et optimisées au regard des deux impacts cibles « neige » et « obstacle ». Le prototype proposé réduit de 30% les niveaux d’accélération de la tête lors de ces impacts par rapport aux casques traditionnels. / The aim of the project was to better understand traumatic brain injury (TBI) in alpine sports in order to improve the design and the evaluation of helmets. The work was divided in four main steps: Study skiing and snowboarding accidents leading to TBI: Ten scenarios were identified with a survey available in 10 medical centers and in 3 hospitals. The frontal and occipital zones were the most impacted parts of the head. Speed measurements were performed on ski slopes to complete the accident conditions analysis.Identify head impact conditions during these accidents: We reproduced the kinematics of these accidents using a numerical model of skier and snowboarder (multibody model). We identified two types of impact: impacts against the snow are the most frequent (70%) and are associated with mild TBI whereas impacts during collision are less frequent but are more likely to induce severe TBI. Evaluate helmet effectiveness in reducing the TBI combining experimental approach (Impacts of an instrumented head against the snow) and finite element simulations (Realistic head impacts reproduced numerically using a human model). Helmets were good at reducing the risk of severe TBI during an impact against a rigid obstacle. However the effectiveness of the helmets at reducing injury risk during an impact against the snow was limited. Improve helmet design: Three solutions were studied. These solutions were proposed, evaluated experimentally and numerically and optimized regarding the two targeted impacts “snow” and “obstacle”. The prototype of the optimized helmet reduces by 30% the acceleration of the head during these impacts compared to traditional helmets.

Alpina freestylelandslagens perspektiv på Fysprofilens relevans för idrotten : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / The alpine freestyle national teams perspective on the relevance of Fysprofilen : a qualitative interview study

Sundqvist, Christoffer, Söderberg, Per January 2020 (has links)
By better understanding the physical demands placed on specific sports, the understanding of which physiological assessment methods that are most relevant will increase. In line with this notion, The Swedish Olympic Committee has designed a general test battery (Fysprofilen) that aim to identify the sub-capacities of athletes. However, because the test battery is not sports-specific its feasibility has been questioned by both researchers and users. Also, relatively little is known about the athlete’s perception of the relevance of Fysprofilen, or their motivation and attitude towards training and performing on these tests. Thus, the overall purpose of the present study was to investigate how athletes in the National Swedish snowboarding and freesski teams perceive Fysprofilens feasibility. Semi-structured interviews based on the theoretical frameworks Theory of planned behavior and Self-determination theory were conducted with four male participants, and later interpreted by means of thematic analysis. The results indicate that Fysprofilen is generally considered to be relevant and important for evaluating the training effects and future development areas. The tests are generally considered to be fun and rewarding to perform, but certain parts of the test battery such as the upper body tests are considered to be of no relevance to the sports, which also has a negative effect on their motivation and attitude to perform at these tests. Furthermore, it is expressed that it is more motivating to perform on tests that feel meaningful, which also contributes to making these tests more prioritized. Lower extremity and aerobic tests are considered to be most relevant to performance in the sport. Against this background, Fysprofilen is considered to be an important part of an athlete’s development but it should be further examined if the including tests could improve its relevance to the specific sport. / Genom att förstå den specifika idrottens fysiska krav, kan också förståelsen öka kring vilka fysiologiska mätmetoder som är mest relevanta. Sveriges Olympiska kommitté har i linje med detta utformat ett generellt testbatteri (Fysprofilen) för att identifiera dessa delkapaciteter hos idrottare. Dock har testbatteriet fått kritik från såväl forskare som användare eftersom den inte är idrottsspecifik. I tillägg vet vi relativt lite om idrottarnas upplevelse av Fysprofilens relevans för deras specifika idrott, eller om deras motivation och inställning till att träna och utföra dessa tester. Således var det övergripande syftet med denna studie att undersöka detta hos utövarna i det svenska snowboard- och freeskilandslaget.Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra manliga deltagare och utgick från två teoretiska ramverk (Theory of planned behaviour och Self determination theory), och tolkades sedan utifrån en tematisk analys. Resultatet i studien visade att Fysprofilen upplevs generellt sett vara ett relevant och viktigt verktyg för att utvärdera träningseffekter och kartlägga utvecklingsområden. Testtillfällena upplevs överlag vara roliga och givande att utföra, men vissa moment som exempelvis överkroppstesterna upplevs sakna relevans för idrotten, vilket har en negativ effekt på deras motivation och inställning till att prestera på dessa tester. Det ges vidare utryck för att det är mer motiverande att genomföra och prestera på de tester som känns meningsfulla, vilket också bidrar till att dessa tester prioriteras mer. Tester för nedre extremiteter och konditionstester anses vara mest relevanta för prestation inom idrotten. Mot denna bakgrund anses Fysprofilen vara en viktig del i idrottarnas utveckling, men bör vidare granskas om de inkluderande testerna kan förbättra sin relevans till den specifika idrotten.

"Det är mer att det blir en riktig sport än att det blir en cirkus" : En kvalitativ studie om coaching och ledarskap på elitnivå inom freeskiing och snowboard / "It is becoming a real sport and not a circus" : A qualitative study concerning coaching and leadership on elite level in freeskiing and snowboard

Sjögren, Stina January 2019 (has links)
Freeskiing och snowboard, med alla sina tre tävlingsgrenar; slopestyle, big air och halfpipe introducerade i olympiska spelen, är två snabbt växande idrotter som etablerar sig i idrottsvärlden. Sverige ligger i framkant på både freeski- och snowboardscenen där två starka landslag kan mäta sig med världseliten. I och med det ökade intresset och möjligheten att tävla i idrotterna så ställs det högre krav på ett fungerande ledarskap och coaching för åkarna.   Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och öka förståelsen för hur coaching och ledarskap inom freeskiing och snowboard kan definieras och komma till uttryck på elitnivå. Baserat på sju djupintervjuer, relevant tidigare forskning och självbestämmandeteorin så har det undersökts hur både coacher och utövare ser på nuvarande coaching och ledarskap samt vilka utvecklingspotentialer som finns. Det undersöks även hur den rådande idrottskulturen ser på prestationsutveckling.   Slutsatsen visade att nuvarande coaching och ledarskap fungerar tillfredsställande för både coacher och åkare, främst när det kommer till självbestämmande och självreglerat lärande för åkarna. De ser gärna utvecklingsmöjligheter i utökad kunskap kring kost, träning, mental träning och andra delar som främjar prestationsutveckling. Trots att idrottskulturen i vissa fall kan verka motsättande moderniseringen av idrotten så visade coacherna och de aktiva en positiv inställning till idrotterna utveckling. / Freeskiing and snowboard, with its three branches; slopestyle, big air and halfpipe now introduced in the Olympic games, are two fast-growing sports establishing themselves in the sporting world. Sweden, on top of the freeski- and snowboard scene with two solid national teams who can compete with the world elite. With the increased popularity and the opportunity to compete in both sports requires higher demands of a functional leadership and coaching for the riders.   The aim of this study was to describe and develop deeper understanding of how coaching and leadership in freeskiing and snowboard can be defined and expressed on an elite level. Based on seven interviews, earlier relevant research and the self-determination theory it has been examined how coaches and athletes view the existing coaching and leadership together with potential development. It is also investigated how the prevailing sports culture view performance enhancement.   The conclusion showed that coaches and athletes were satisfied with the current coaching and leadership, especially when it comes to self-determination and self-regulated learning for the riders. They see possible development in educating riders and coaches about performance enhancing tools like diet, training, mental training and other factors. Despite the sports’ culture opposing the modernization of freeskiing and snowboarding, coaches and riders were still positive about the development.

Catalyst Action Sports Camp at Copper Mountain Resort

Carlson, Benjamin Charles January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Eric A. Bernard / Many mountain resorts lack balance in revenue from season to season. Mountain resorts are most often geared toward, and capitalize on, peak ski season, receiving much less visitation and revenue in the summer season and even more so in the spring and fall. Due to projected climate changes, “increasing temperatures will affect important winter activities such as downhill and cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling, which require snow on the ground. Projections indicate later snow and less snow coverage in ski resort areas” (Karl, Melillo, Peterson, 133). This indicates an even greater need for a shift to year-round attractions for visitors in order to balance the revenue stream of mountain resorts. The infusion of an all-season action sports camp is a catalyst to generate an increase in year-round visitation and profit for the resort. Examples of action sports include skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, BMX biking, and mountain biking. When integrating an action sports camp into the existing resort, striving for balance, harmony, and oneness between the existing and proposed is imperative to success. These principals are present in the sports and allow for the connection from the athletes to the landscape. With any proposed development, specifically in mountain environments, potential environmental impacts are an issue, especially at a site where the natural scenic beauty is in such high demand. “It is the resort’s environment that draws the customer” Schwanke, 119). The relationships between the mountain, resort, camp, and users must be balanced and work in harmony with each other. Copper Mountain Resort provides an ideal location to implement this strategy. Catalyst Action Sports Camp plays on the tension between the mountain and the human, capitalizing on the balance, harmony, and oneness between them. Campers are connected to the surrounding mountain majesty through directed views, inspiring and exciting them to progress their skills and challenge their fears and become one with the mountain. Catalyst is infused into the existing resort, harmonizing with resort operations and stimulating life in the village in all seasons. Ultimately,Catalyst Action Sports Camp helps balance the revenue stream and provide additional stability given changing climate scenarios.

Le risque sur les domaines skiables alpins. Analyse des représentations sociales des pratiquants.

Vermeir, Kévin 27 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le contexte des stations de sports d'hiver, l'émergence du mouvement des « sports de glisse » dans les années 70 a mené à l'apparition de nouveaux engins tels que le snowboard. Ces nouvelles pratiques ont véhiculé des cultures originales notamment basées sur la transgression des normes et la prise de risque, faisant l'objet d'un sentiment d'appartenance groupale au sein de la communauté des pratiquants. Néanmoins, depuis une vingtaine d'années, il semble que le « style de glisse » (freeride et freestyle) revendiqué par certains pratiquants devienne un référent identitaire marqué et qu'il apporte de nouveaux éléments culturels influençant les perceptions du risque des pratiquants. Afin d'analyser ces perceptions, nous avons eu recours à la théorie des représentation sociales (Moscovici, 1961). Cette thèse a permis, entre autres, de révéler que la pratique du snowboard et l'adhésion à un style de glisse sont génératrices de prises de position particulières par rapport au risque en station. Ces différentes populations de pratiquants valorisent davantage le risque bien que l'on ne puisse pas conclure à une inclination pour le risque. Enfin, la pratique du snowboard est toujours porteuse d'une culture particulière par rapport au risque même si cette variable semble aujourd'hui moins différenciatrice que le sentiment d'appartenance à un « style » de pratique.

Spår : Om brädsportkultur, informella lärprocesser och identitet / Traces : On board sports culture, informal learning processes and identity

Bäckström, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Today’s society is subject to an increased importance of aesthetics and an increasing individualism. New trends are adopted early by young people, which make it interesting to focus on how identity is formed and meanings are constructed in a youth culture context and in relation to ongoing societal processes of change. The purpose of this dissertation is to interpret and analyse the construction of meaning within the skateboard and snowboard communities in the social and cultural contexts. In particular, this dissertation is about the relationship between three levels, cultural, practice and individual. The title “Traces” alludes to four analytical themes taking different tracks in the book; consumption, gender, place and identity that are reflected in different chapters. However, the individual leaves traces in culture as culture does in the individual. Furthermore, skaters and snowboarders leave actual tracks in their local geography. Theoretically the study has a culture analysis approach with a semiotic base where five theories are intertwined. Johan Fornäs contributes with his interpretation on culture as system of signs and signifying practices, Stuart Hall adds the concept of representations, Kirsten Drotner provides her argumentation regarding aesthetic practices whilst Ulf Hannerz enriches the dissertation with his discussion on transnational culture-flows and the social diffusion of culture. Roger Säljö proposes a socio-cultural perspective of learning where learning is about participation in knowledge and skills. The method used is ethnographical. The multifaceted empirical material, from field studies and interviews, Swedish skateboard and snowboard magazines between 1978 to 2002, skateboard and snowboard videos, press articles, and websites, has been triangulated. In addition, there are three personal albums of skateboarder, snowboarder and surfer Ants Neo. The study shows that there are stereotyped notions about what boarding means and what it means to be a boarder. These notions both create and are created by the boarders themselves but are also used by advertisers for products not related to board sports at all. These notions, based as they are on ideas of resistance and radicalism, serve to emphasise that boarding is masculine. Resistance takes concrete form in its attitude to organized sports and to multinational brands and in the unusual use of places in the urban environment. To be a boarder is, apart form the boarding skills required, to be also part and parcel of these attitudes. The study explains how meaning and identity are created through informal learning processes in youth culture contexts. In these group-forming processes, both the individual and the community are formulated in social, cultural and aesthetic terms.

Determining optimal staffing levels at the Whistler Blackcomb Ski and Snowboard School

Tse, Stanley 05 1900 (has links)
Whistler Blackcomb Resort experiences the highest skier visits of any resort in North America and consequently demand at the ski school is high. Due to various factors, the daily number of lesson participants is highly variable and the best number of instructors to staff each day is correspondingly difficult to estimate. The consequences of scheduling incorrectly could lead to either overstaffing or understaffing. Overstaffing results in unnecessary costs; understaffing results in lost sales and customer dissatisfaction. A scheduling tool that can assist the Ski School in staffing decisions, therefore, is developed to minimize excess costs. Daily demand predictions are made using a forecasting model and a staffing policy is applied to it to obtain a recommended staffing level. The demand forecasting model is a regression model that takes into account pre-bookings, day of the week, holidays, and yesterday's demand. The staffing rules are determined through a Newsvendor-type model derived from a marginal cost analysis of the trade-off between overstaffing and understaffing applied to the daily demand forecasts. The project is intended to formalize a systematic approach to staffing for certain lesson types (pods) one day in advance. It will assist the Whistler Blackcomb Ski and Snowboard School, as a decision support tool, in the development of daily instructor schedules that rninimize any unnecessary costs.

Návrh inovace konstrukční skladby dřevěného jádra snowboardu

Bátěk, Silvestr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the comparison of two different kinds of structures of snowboard wooden core. One is a combination of ash and poplar (long known and reliable structure currently used by the company Hackboards Ltd.). The other is tested combination when abele is replaced by lighter balsa wood. For both types of core the same types of fibreglass, base and top sheet are used (triaxial fibreglass, sintered base, protective top sheet). The individual mouldings were cut to the required sample on which the tests were made for the determination of bending strength according to ČSN EN 310 and impact bending according to ČSN EN ISO 179-1. Then according to ČSN EN 322 and ČSN EN 323 the moisture and density of used wooden boards were set. The measured results were evaluated and presented in charts and tables in the experimental part of this work.

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