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新世代電信級網路電話(VoIP)客戶服務之研究 / The study of customer service for carrier grade next generation network (VoIP)徐志得, Hsu, Heigen Unknown Date (has links)
在電信獨占市場的時代,語音及訊務都架設在TDM (時間分割多工)的系統上,其客戶服務比新世代網路系統較為簡易。1997年,政府開放行動電話營運執照申請,在2008年第一季末,手機門號(包含2G+PHS+3G)幾乎與人口(2300萬戶)ㄧ樣多。2000年,政府開放固網執照申請,因為固網路鋪設到last-mile的速度緩慢及成本較高,「新進業者」(CLEC)比「既有經營者」(ILEC)較不具備競爭力,加上無killer application (殺手級應用)及差異性的客服,因此至今CLEC沒有爭取到太多的顧客,一直到Skype進入台灣,大家才看到電信語音市場另一塊新版圖。
近年來VoIP (Voice Over IP)技術進步,將通訊協定信號(SIP)與媒體語音訊務(RTP/RTCP)分開處理。因此,全世界各通信製造業者及服務商(SP)開始運用此技術在行動電話多媒體服務及IP多媒體子系統(IMS)的架構上。不僅如此,有很多網路用戶與互聯網企業也因為開始分享資訊,造成一些新興內容產業--(UGC用戶產生內容、SNS社會網絡服務) 的誕生。所以預料在新世代電信網路(NGN)新科技的環境之下,將會有不少新興產業如海星組織一般的誕生、滋長及蔓延,這對電信業者、服務供應商及用戶將會帶來更多維護及服務的衝擊。
因此本研究將參考現有電信客戶服務跟未來20年通信技術,建議如何使用混合式(集權/分權)的客戶服務來協助電信級固網業者及服務開發者去創造企業價值、突破現有困境、達到永續經營的目的,以因應未來電信自由化及新電信技術。 / In the monopoly era, the telecom network was implemented on TDM (Time Division Multiplexer) system, whose customer service of voice call is comparatively simpler and easier than NGN (Next Generation Network) system. In 1997, government opened the application of mobile network operation license. By end of 1Q of 2008, the subscriber count (includes 2G, PHS and 3G) of mobile network was almost as many as population (23 millions). In the year of 2000, government opened the application of fixed network operation license. Because of the slower speed and higher cost of last-mile network implementation, up to now, new Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC) were less competitive than Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC). Plus, not having the killer-application and the differentiated customer services, CLECs did not have too many subscribers in these years. Until Skype was introduced to Taiwan, all of us, then, saw the other new territory of voice telecom market.
These years, VoIP (Voice over IP) technology was improved to have communication protocol (SIP Session Initialization Protocol) and voice traffic (RTP/RTCP Real-time Transport Protocol/Real-time Transport Control Protocol) been handled separately; i.e., the development of voice application software and debug became easier. Thus, the world-wide telecom manufacturers and service providers started to use this technology on the architecture of mobile voice multimedia service and IP Multi-media Subsystem (IMS). Even amount of network users were sharing information with enterprises who owned inter-connection network, and created the new content businesses (UGC User Generated Content, SNS Social Network Services). Therefore, under the new technology environment of NGN, we foresee some new businesses will be created, then, growing and expanding like the starfish organization. For telecom operators, service providers and users, this will bring some more new impacts of maintenance and service.
Therefore, this study will refer the existing telecom customer service and the telecom technologies may have in next coming 20 years to propose how to use the hybrid (centralized/de-centralized) customer service to help both carrier-grade fixed network operators and service developers to create business value, break through current dilemma to reach business continuity goal in response to the telecom liberalization and new telecom technologies.
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Etiketa v prostředí sociálních sítí / Social media etiquetteStehlíková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the etiquette within social media and social network sites as a part of network media. First section focuses on the phenomenon of etiquette in historical context and deals with associated terms such as courtesy and politeness. Second part deals with documents concerning so called netiquette - network etiquette. Finally the third part focuses on the etiquette within social network sites (SNS). The paper analyses three SNS - Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and their official rules concerning appropriate user behaviour. Furthermore there are also unofficial rules created by users, enthusiasts, bloggers and journalists defined in the paper. Last part focuses on some phenomena that are significantly related to the topic of social media etiquette. The finding of the thesis shows that there are certain SNS etiquette rules and suggestions that are repetitive. It was also discovered that there is lack of uniform official etiquette rules within the SNS whereas the membership of users plays an important role in shaping those rules, advice and suggestions.
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Ingen reklam tack! Men gärna Ikea-katalogen : En studie kring vad som händer när marknadsföringen kliver in i sociala forum på InternetWidén, Sofia, Sundkvist, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
The social network services (SNS) on the Internet are becoming more common, and are starting to have a higher range of users, which is affecting Internet marketing. We (the authors) have a feeling that a growing online marketing within social networks could interrupt the order of social standards. That is why we in this paper have tried to figure out what position marketing has – and might have – within SNS, and what impact it will have on social relations. During qualitative interviews along with both representatives of public relation offices as well as with SNS users, we became aware of the occurring strategies of online marketing, and the users understanding of it. In the information from the interviews, we found some interesting contradictions on which this paper underlies. As a tool to try to sort the information from the interviews out, we had a closer look on what networking really is, and its significance for both relations as well as marketing, since networking is a keyword for both PR offices and SNS users. We also needed to find out more about client relations since it to companies is very much important to manage to keep their clients and create a trust among themselves. They have to know how and where to find their target group and learn their language, otherwise they will easily be seen through. The PR offices stress sincerity and honesty, so do the users. The difference, however, is the definition of its meaning. The offices say that it is most important to be sincere in the first contact, and as soon as the word-of-mouth (WOM) takes form it is no longer in their hands. This WOM method creates a ripple effect which gives the main message a push. The users, on the other hand, want sincerity by being given the opportunity to choose what commercial message they would want to take part of. But they have no idea that the recommendation from the friend really is a well-laid marketing plan. The fact that the SNS users really don’t know how it all works is something we see as an ethical problem. Mostly because the rules of friendship is changing, and that the social life of the human being is becoming a part of marketing. Something that can be prevented – through awareness. / De sociala nätverken på Internet blir allt fler och får allt fler användare, något som i sin tur även påverkar marknadsföringen på Internet. Genom att marknadsföringen tar allt större plats på de sociala nätverken, anar vi att det kan störa relationers sociala ordning. Därför undersöker vi i den här uppsatsen vilken roll marknadsföring har, och kan få, inom sociala nätverk på Internet, och vilken konsekvens det kan få för sociala relationer. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från PR-byråer och användare av sociala forum på Internet, tog vi del av de förekommande strategierna och användarnas uppfattning av dessa. I intervjumaterialet hittade vi intressanta motsägelser, och det är det som uppsatsen är byggd på. Som verktyg för att reda ut intervjumaterialet har vi tittat närmre på vad nätverk egentligen är och vad det har för betydelse för både relationer och marknadsföring, eftersom det är lite av ett nyckelord båda parter. Gemensamt är bland annat att olika roller är något som vi människor klär i oss varje dag, hela tiden, för att fungera i relationer. Och företagens kundrelationer är a och o för att lyckas bevara kunderna och skapa förtroende sinsemellan. I kapitlet om just kundrelationer får vi veta att det primära för företagen gällande Internetmarknadsföring är att hitta målgruppen och lära sig deras språk, annars kan de lätt bli genomskådade. PR-byråerna betonar öppenhet och ärlighet, lika så användarna. Skillnaden är däremot att de har olika definitioner på vad det egentligen innebär. Från byråernas sida menar man att öppenhet i det första steget är det viktigaste och att då mun-till-mun-metoden tar fart är det inte längre i deras händer. Denna mun-till-mun-metod blir en ”ringar på vattnet”-effekt och budskapet får sig en rejäl skjuts. Användarna å andra sidan vill ha öppenhet och ärlighet genom att få möjlighet att välja vilket reklambudskap de tar till sig. Att tipset från vännen är en del av en genomarbetad marknadsföring har de ingen aning om. Att användarna inte har riktigt koll på hur det hela funkar är något som vi ser som ett etiskt problem. Främst för att vänskapens regler ändras, och att människans sociala liv blir en del av marknadsföringen. Något som kanske kan förhindras – genom medvetenhet.
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MyLikes : utveckling av ett rekommendationssystem med utgångspunkt i informationen från sociala medierRiedberg, Sanni January 2012 (has links)
I takt med att Internet blir mer och mer tillgängligt och att informationsmängden på Internetkonstant ökar, har ett behov för rekommendationssystem uppkommit. Ett problem på internet äratt veta vem och vad man kan lita på. Ett sätt att komma runt det här tillitsproblemet är attanvända sig av social media. Samtidigt har sociala medier ständigt ökat i populäritet de senasteåren. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur rekommendationssystem och socialamedier kan dra nytta av varandra samtidigt som ett praktiskt problem om att fårekommendationer från sina (online) vänner löses. Detta uppnås genom att forskningsstrategindesign science används och en IT-artefakt utvecklas. IT-artefakten är en prototyp av en ny etjänst.Utifrån en enkätundersökning på prototypen och grundidén, dras slutsaser om hur detgår att skapa ett generellt personligt rekommendationssystem. Forskningen visar att det går attskapa ett sådant system och att det finns ett behov av ett generellt personligtrekommendationssystem med utgångspunkt i den information som finns lagrad i sociala medier. / As the Internet becomes more and more available, and that the amount of information on theInternet is constantly increasing, a need for recommendation systems has emerged. A problemon the Internet is knowing who and what you can trust. One way to get around this trust issue isto use social media. Meanwhile, social media have consistently increased in popularity in recentyears. The purpose of this paper is to examine how recommendation systems and SNS canbenefit from each other while the practical problem of getting recommendations from one’s(online) friends are solved. This is achieved by using the research strategy design science anddeveloping an IT artifact. The IT artifact is a prototype of a new online service. Based on asurvey of the prototype and the main concept, conclusions are drawn about how a generalpersonal recommendation system can be created. The research shows that it is possible tocreate such a system and that there is a need for a general personal recommendation systembased on the information stored in social media. This essay is written in Swedish.
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Ingen reklam tack! Men gärna Ikea-katalogen : En studie kring vad som händer när marknadsföringen kliver in i sociala forum på InternetWidén, Sofia, Sundkvist, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
<p>The social network services (SNS) on the Internet are becoming more common, and are starting to have a higher range of users, which is affecting Internet marketing. We (the authors) have a feeling</p><p>that a growing online marketing within social networks could interrupt the order of social standards. That is why we in this paper have tried to figure out what position marketing has – and might have – within SNS, and what impact it will have on social relations.</p><p>During qualitative interviews along with both representatives of public relation offices as well as with SNS users, we became aware of the occurring strategies of online marketing, and the users</p><p>understanding of it. In the information from the interviews, we found some interesting contradictions on which this paper underlies. As a tool to try to sort the information from the interviews out, we had a</p><p>closer look on what networking really is, and its significance for both relations as well as marketing, since networking is a keyword for both PR offices and SNS users. We also needed to find out more</p><p>about client relations since it to companies is very much important to manage to keep their clients and create a trust among themselves. They have to know how and where to find their target group and</p><p>learn their language, otherwise they will easily be seen through. The PR offices stress sincerity and honesty, so do the users. The difference, however, is the definition of its meaning. The offices say that it is most important to be sincere in the first contact, and as soon as the word-of-mouth (WOM) takes form it is no longer in their hands. This WOM method creates a ripple effect which gives the main message a push. The users, on the other hand, want sincerity by being given the opportunity to choose what commercial message they would want to take part of. But they have no idea that the recommendation from the friend really is a well-laid marketing plan.</p><p>The fact that the SNS users really don’t know how it all works is something we see as an ethical problem. Mostly because the rules of friendship is changing, and that the social life of the human</p><p>being is becoming a part of marketing. Something that can be prevented – through awareness.</p> / <p>De sociala nätverken på Internet blir allt fler och får allt fler användare, något som i sin tur även påverkar marknadsföringen på Internet. Genom att marknadsföringen tar allt större plats på de sociala nätverken, anar vi att det kan störa relationers sociala ordning. Därför undersöker vi i den här uppsatsen vilken roll marknadsföring har, och kan få, inom sociala nätverk på Internet, och vilken konsekvens det kan få för sociala relationer.</p><p>Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från PR-byråer och användare av sociala forum på Internet, tog vi del av de förekommande strategierna och användarnas uppfattning av dessa. I intervjumaterialet hittade vi intressanta motsägelser, och det är det som uppsatsen är byggd på. Som verktyg för att reda ut intervjumaterialet har vi tittat närmre på vad nätverk egentligen är och vad det har för betydelse för både relationer och marknadsföring, eftersom det är lite av ett nyckelord båda parter. Gemensamt är bland annat att olika roller är något som vi människor klär i oss varje dag, hela tiden, för att fungera i relationer. Och företagens kundrelationer är a och o för att lyckas bevara kunderna och skapa förtroende sinsemellan. I kapitlet om just kundrelationer får vi veta att det primära för företagen gällande Internetmarknadsföring är att hitta målgruppen och lära sig deras språk, annars kan de lätt bli genomskådade. PR-byråerna betonar öppenhet och ärlighet, lika så användarna. Skillnaden är däremot att de har olika definitioner på vad det egentligen innebär. Från byråernas sida menar man att öppenhet i det första steget är det viktigaste och att då mun-till-mun-metoden tar fart är det inte längre i deras händer. Denna mun-till-mun-metod blir en ”ringar på vattnet”-effekt och budskapet får sig en rejäl skjuts. Användarna å andra sidan vill ha öppenhet och ärlighet genom att få möjlighet att välja vilket reklambudskap de tar till sig. Att tipset från vännen är en del av en genomarbetad marknadsföring har de ingen aning om.</p><p>Att användarna inte har riktigt koll på hur det hela funkar är något som vi ser som ett etiskt problem. Främst för att vänskapens regler ändras, och att människans sociala liv blir en del av marknadsföringen. Något som kanske kan förhindras – genom medvetenhet.</p>
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Disclosing Personal Information to Social Networking Site Providers : The role of trust, risk and perceived benefitsGhamari, Nima, Mellbin, Lovisa January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is set to investigate the factors that affect the intention to disclose personal information to SNS providers. The purpose of this study is to identify factors and how these factors affect the behavioral intention to disclose personal information to SNS from a new angle of analysis, namely through a user-to-organizational approach. By examining this phenomenon in a new context, this study seeks to provide an understanding of this phenomenon in a new setting and test if previous research can be used to explain the stated behavioral intention. With this argumentation in mind, the thesis aims to contribute to existing theory in consumer behavior, social networking sites, privacy concerns and personal information disclosure. In order to do so this paper is built on a quantitative research approach where the main research strategy is based on the results of a questionnaire. Through the questionnaire, a proposed framework was tested in order to identify factors affecting peoples’ intentions to disclose personal information to SNS providers. The model was built upon the structure of privacy calculation theory, which has been proven to identify intentions to disclose personal information in online settings. The results show that the factors that significantly affect behavioral intentions are trusting beliefs and self-presentations. They are factors leading to personal information disclosure to SNS providers. Limitations of this study is that it suffers a sampling restrictions due to its sampling of only Swedish inhabitants. This paper is the first to develop and empirically test an integrated model of personal information disclosure to SNS, taking on a user-to-organizational approach to privacy. Since SNS are financially evaluated by number of active users of their SNS it is crucial to understand the factors that affect consumers’ intention to disclose their personal information. From the empirical findings, this study proved that trust and self-presentation determine the intentions to disclose personal information to SNS providers. The results shows a discrepancy of existing literature, explaining differences between user-to-user and user-to-organizational context, and thus broadening the context of personal disclosure in the SNS realm. Practitioners can, by using the insights, tailor their strategies in order to maximize the efforts of affecting potential users’ to disclose their personal information, which SNS providers are dependent upon.
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網路科技在娛樂人才媒介產業之應用 / The application of internet on entertainment human resources industry鄭邁, Mai Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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It Is All About the Content : A Quantitative Study of Content Marketing Characteristics on Social Networking SitesErzmoneit, Hanna, Thisell, Caroline January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to extend the understanding of content marketing, content characteristics and its effects on attitudes towards the advertisement and advertising value on social networking sites. Methodology: This study had an explanatory research design with a quantitative research approach. The data used in this study was gathered through an online questionnaire. Conclusion: The results of this study shows that there is a difference between different SNS and the effects that arises from different content characteristics in SNS advertisements. Different SNS can not be treated the same, these differences need to be addressed when communicating and creating advertisements and when being present on different SNS. Implications: This study contributed to the field by providing additional information on how advertising value is affected by attitudes towards the advertisement. The results of this study also show what effect the different content characteristics have on affective and cognitive responses, and gives information regarding what type of content marketers should emphasize, depending on which of the two SNS investigated in this study they are currently operating on.
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Student Voice in School-Based and SNS-Delivered Sex EducationTanisha L Watkins (8097815) 06 December 2019 (has links)
Student voice could improve the effectiveness of sex education curricula, student input, however, is generally limited or totally absent in sex education development. This dissertation explores student content preferences in sex education curricula and how school officials can incorporate student feedback to ensure content is relevant, relatable, and reliable. Results also show that adolescents are in favor of receiving social media-delivered sex education from local health departments. To build an adolescent following and greater awareness about SNS accounts that disseminate sex education, participants suggested LHDs 1) inform intended audiences about products by building offline connections 2) use promotions to create awareness 3) emphasize price during giveaways, publicize free services and 4) use the right people to motivate others to follow accounts.
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Facebook as a tool to integrate : A qualitative- and quantitative historically contextual analysis of the use of Facebook among international students at Stockholm University in 2011 – and how they use it 10 years later in 2021Lindholm, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
This research study investigates if and how international students in Stockholm, Sweden use Facebook as a tool to make friends and integrate themselves within their new society. To gather information and data for the first part in 2011 a qualitative- and a quantitative approach was used. An online survey was applied to gather numerical data and in-depth interviews were conducted for the qualitative insights. Ten years later, in 2021, follow-up interviews were done with the interviewee subjects of the qualitative data gathering. This to contextualize the findings from 2011, as well as put in perspective with scholarly insights about Facebook and international students presented between the years 2011 and 2021. During the first part of the study, in 2011, Facebook had been available outside the United States for five years and not a significant amount of research had been conducted on the subject. Findings indicated that international students in Stockholm used Facebook to a wider extent when having arrived in a new country. Additional findings showcased that Facebook usage increased in terms of using the site to retrieve information about events and activities. Findings from both 2011 and 2021 showcased that Facebook and other social media applications are mainly used as means to maintain existing relationships, not to search for new friends. Findings also indicated that messenger services have obtained user patterns that originally existed on traditional social networks, such as Facebook. More research must be done on the topic to state whether these findings hold any statistical truthfulness. Suggested topics for further research are included in the conclusions and discussion section of this paper.
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