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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Управление процессами командообразования в сфере образовательной деятельности : магистерская диссертация / Management of team building processes in the field of educational activities

Сокерин, Е. Е., Sokerin, E. E. January 2022 (has links)
ВКР (магистерская диссертация) состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 64 наименования, 4 приложений. Работа включает 19 таблиц и 7 рисунков. Общий объем ВКР (магистерской диссертации) – 99 страниц. Цель исследования – обоснование возможности и целесообразности адаптированного применения технологий проектного командообразования в сфере образования, как социальном институте и разработка комплекса практических рекомендаций по формированию проектных команд для исследуемой организации. Научная новизна исследования состоит в применении методологического подхода К. Уилбера «Мышление в 4 квадратах» применительно к проблематике командообразования в рамках образовательных организаций дополнительного профессионального образования. В работе показана адаптация технократических механизмов и технологий командообразования применительно к образовательной сфере и возможность их применения в других социальных сферах. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в применении комплекса разработанных рекомендаций в проектной деятельности учреждений дополнительного профессионального образования. Эффективность социальных по своей сути рекомендаций, связанных с применением социальной технологии командообразования, носит опосредованный, косвенный и прогностический характер и показана через последовательную цепочку факторов, позволяющих оценить эффективность социальной технологии через осязаемые и измеряемые критерии. / Master's thesis) consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, including 64 titles, 4 appendices. The work includes 19 tables and 7 figures. The total volume of the WRC (master's thesis) is 99 pages. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibility and expediency of the adapted application of project team building technologies in the field of education as a social institution and the development of a set of practical recommendations for the formation of project teams for the organization under study. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the application of the methodological approach of K. Wilber "Thinking in 4 squares" in relation to the problem of team building within educational institutions of additional professional education. The work shows the adaptation of technocratic mechanisms and team building technologies in relation to the educational sphere and the possibility of their application in other social spheres. The practical significance of the study lies in the application of a set of developed recommendations in the design activities of institutions of additional professional education. The effectiveness of inherently social recommendations associated with the use of social technology of team building is of an indirect, indirect and predictive nature and is shown through a consistent chain of factors that allow evaluating the effectiveness of social technology through tangible and measurable criteria.

The Practical Application of Social Bonds in the Real Estate Sector / Den praktiska tillämpningen av sociala obligationer i fastighetssektorn

Jansson, Jeremias, Lundvall, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
During the last years a new trend has been recognized where real estate owners and institutesissue social bonds in the bond exchange market in Sweden. This together with the stronggrowth of green bonds gives the issuer better opportunities to develop sustainable projects.This study examinate the practical application of social bonds in the real estate sector. Thecriteria used in social projects vary by issuer, and one example is provided by the Swedishissuer Kommuninvest, where their main requirements to be qualified as a social project aresocial issues regarding 1. housing and living environment, 2. safety and availability 3. sports,education, culture and health. Kommuninvest is using a secondary opinion to ensuretrustworthiness of the bonds. However, the goals of the projects for actors issuing socialbonds can to some extent be unclear and especially hard to evaluate. A better measurability ofsocial bonds would make it easier for actors in the market to clarify the potential of theprojects and increase the interest for social bonds from investors. The findings of this studyshows that criteria, motivations and practice of social bonds differs between actors in themarket, and that the differences are particularly pronounced between investors and issuers.The study also shows that there is currently limited development of a common social bondframework, although a social taxonomy is underway. According to the findings, the maincornerstone for issuing social bonds in Sweden is the Social Bond Principles produced byICMA. In addition, the Sustainable Development goals by the United Nations are commongoals the actors connect their social projects to. Instead of using theoretical methods forevaluation of social projects, actors use different statistics such as crime rate, safety level andrelocation statistics. According to the actors interviewed, the social bond market is still newand will go through changes in policies and standards in the upcoming years. / Under de senaste åren har en ny trend uppmärksammats där fastighetsägare och institut ger utsociala obligationer på obligationsmarknaden i Sverige. Detta tillsammans med den storatillväxten av gröna obligationer ger emittenten bättre möjligheter att utveckla hållbaraprojekt. Denna studie undersöker den praktiska tillämpningen av sociala obligationer ifastighetssektorn. Kriterierna för att ett projekt ska kvalificeras som ett socialt projektvarierar för olika emittenter, och ett exempel är den svenska emittenten Kommuninvest, därderas främsta krav för att kvalificeras som ett socialt projekt är sociala frågor kring 1. boendeoch boendemiljö, 2. trygghet och tillgänglighet 3. idrott, utbildning, kultur och hälsa.Kommuninvest använder ett andrahandsutlåtande för att säkerställa obligationernastrovärdighet. Målen för projekten kopplade till sociala obligationer kan dock till viss del varaoklara och särskilt svåra att utvärdera. En bättre mätbarhet av sociala obligationer skulle göradet lättare för aktörer på marknaden att tydliggöra projektets potential och även öka intressetför sociala obligationer från investerare. Resultaten av denna studie visar att kriterier, motivoch praxis för sociala obligationer skiljer sig åt mellan aktörer på marknaden, och attskillnaderna är särskilt uttalade mellan investerare och emittenter. Studien visar också att detför närvarande är begränsad utveckling av ett gemensamt ramverk för sociala bindningar,även om en social taxonomi är på gång. Den huvudsakliga grundstenen för att emitterasociala obligationer i Sverige är “The Social Bond Principles” som tagits fram av ICMA.Dessutom är FN:s globala mål för hållbar utveckling något som aktörerna kopplar sinasociala projekt till. Användning av teoretiska metoder i praktiken för att utvärdera socialaprojekt är sällsynt bland aktörerna. I stället använder aktörerna statistik i form av exempelvisbrottslighet, säkerhet och flyttfrekvens för att utvärdera sociala projekt. Enligt de intervjuadeaktörerna är marknaden för sociala obligationer fortfarande ny och kommer att gå igenomförändringar vad gäller policyer och standarder under de kommande åren.

Tem gente ali que estuda música para a vida! : um estudo de caso sobre jovens que musicam no projeto social Orquestra Jovem de Uberlândia.

Arantes, Lucielle Farias 27 June 2011 (has links)
This work is situated among the Youth Studies, specifically in the debate on Youth and music . While academic field, it is part of the sociocultural Musical Education approach. Characterized as a case study, the qualitative research has as purpose to know how musical practices experienced by young people of a social project called Orquestra Jovem de Uberlândia (Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil) takes place in the constitution of their youth condition (ABAD, 2002; ABRAMO, 2008; DAYRELL, 2007; SINGER, 2008; SPOSITO, 2008). For this, the study seeks to apprehend the circumstances of the involvement of those actors with musical practices in the social project, configured as a space for teaching and learning string instruments; the means by which they build their knowledge of musical practices; and the meanings they attach to such practices in front of their youth condition. The research data shows young people have experiences that mark their life, reflecting on their relationship with instances as the family, school and work. Whereas they experience to make music in that context, they build knowledge and constitute themselves as subjects exercising and recognizing their potential, constructing and regulating their self-identity, idealizing life projects, establishing ties of affection, feeling within a group, relating to traditional instances of socialization, taking responsibility for themselves, thinking and acting autonomously. This is because they are motivated by the participation in the project as a space of sociability known as pedaço (MAGNANI, 2002, 2007a, 2007b), by the opportunity for experimentation of musical practices valued as a process of experiential and community character (SMALL, 1989, 1998, 1999), by the possibility of interaction with music in specific circumstances, incurring in semiotic force of music (DENORA, 2000, 2003), by the expansion of relation with musical practices experienced in the project to other spaces of circuito (MAGNANI, 2002, 2007a, 2007b) and also by the limited influence of adults in that context. The case study aims to contribute to reflections concerning Music Education insofar as it focuses on the subject to whom the processes of teaching and learning are addressed, considering in her/his living conditions and highlighting the complexity of her/his relation to the musical practices involved in the constitution of youth condition of those actors. / Esta pesquisa situa-se dentre os estudos sobre Juventudes, especificamente no debate sobre juventudes e músicas . Enquanto campo acadêmico insere-se na Educação Musical, em sua abordagem sociocultural. Caracterizada como um estudo de caso qualitativo, a investigação tem como propósito conhecer como as práticas musicais vivenciadas por jovens do projeto social Orquestra Jovem de Uberlândia (Uberlândia MG) incidem sobre a constituição de sua condição juvenil (ABAD, 2002; ABRAMO, 2008; DAYRELL, 2007; SINGER, 2008; SPOSITO, 2008). Para isso, busca apreender as circunstâncias do envolvimento desses atores com as práticas musicais no projeto social configurado como um espaço de ensino e aprendizagem de instrumentos de cordas friccionadas; os modos como constroem seu conhecimento sobre práticas musicais e os significados que atribuem a tais práticas frente à sua condição juvenil. Os dados da pesquisa mostram que no projeto, os jovens têm experiências que marcam sua vivência, repercutindo em seu relacionamento com instâncias como a familiar, a escolar e a do trabalho. Ao passo em que experimentam o fazer musical naquele contexto, constroem conhecimentos e constituem-se como sujeitos exercitando e reconhecendo suas potencialidades; construindo e regulando sua auto-identidade; idealizando projetos de vida; estabelecendo laços de afetividade; sentindo-se pertencentes a um grupo; relacionando-se com instâncias socializadoras tradicionais; tomando responsabilidades para si, pensando e agindo de forma autônoma. Isso, motivados pela participação no projeto enquanto um espaço de sociabilidade tomado como o seu pedaço (MAGNANI, 2002, 2007); pela oportunidade de experimentação das práticas musicais valorizadas enquanto um processo de caráter vivencial e comunitário (SMALL, 1989, 1998, 1999); pela possibilidade de interação com a música em circunstâncias específicas, incorrendo na força semiótica da música (DENORA, 2000, 2003); pela expansão do relacionamento com as práticas musicais vivenciadas no projeto a outros espaços integrantes do circuito (MAGNANI, 2002, 2007) e, ainda, pela restrita influência dos adultos naquele contexto. O estudo de caso pretende contribuir às reflexões concernentes à Educação Musical na medida em que focaliza o sujeito a quem se destinam os processos de ensino e aprendizagem, tomando-o em sua condição de vida e evidenciando a complexidade de sua relação com as práticas musicais, implicadas na própria constituição da condição juvenil desses atores. / Mestre em Artes

Создание системы оценки социальных проектов молодежных НКО в Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / Creating a system of evaluation of social projects of youth NPOs in the Sverdlovsk region

Санников, М. Н., Sannikov, M. N. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация «Создание системы оценки социальных проектов молодежных НКО в Свердловской области» состоит из 2 глав, введения, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. Целью диссертационной работы являлось разработать и предложить для внедрения в Министерстве образования и молодежной политики Свердловской области научно-обоснованную систему оценки социальных проектов НКО в сферах работы с молодежью и патриотического воспитания молодых граждан в Свердловской области. Объектом диссертационного исследования являлась система оценки социальных проектов НКО в сферах молодежной политики и патриотического воспитания молодых граждан в Свердловской области. Предмет диссертационного исследования – технология оценки социальных проектов молодежных НКО в Свердловской области. Объем работы составил 221 страницу. В работе содержатся 8 приложений, 18 таблиц, 30 рисунков. В библиографическом списке представлено 119 источников. / Master's thesis "Creating a system of evaluation of social projects of youth NPOs in the Sverdlovsk region" consists of 2 chapters, introduction, conclusion, bibliography and applications. The aim of the thesis was to develop and propose for implementation in the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Sverdlovsk region a scientifically-based system of evaluation of social projects of NPOs in the areas of work with youth and Patriotic education of young citizens in the Sverdlovsk region. The object of the dissertation research was the system of evaluation of social projects of NPOs in the areas of youth policy and Patriotic education of young citizens in the Sverdlovsk region. The subject of the dissertation research is the technology of evaluation of social projects of youth NPOs in the Sverdlovsk region. The volume of work was 221 pages. The work contains 8 applications, 18 tables, 30 figures. The bibliographic list includes 119 sources.

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