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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guide till upprättande av säkerhetshandbok

Karlsson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This Projects goal was to develop a manual, which was to be used as help for a fishing company in the making of an SMS (Safety Management System). The manual was going to follow the guidelines presented by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and the Swedish Transport Agency.   The projects client was a smaller fishing company that was about to build a fishing vessel. The work has been carried out as a project, it was finished within the schedule and the client was most satisfied with the result. The client has used the manual in the making of the Safety Booklet (SMS) and they are now certified according to the rules of the Swedish Transport Agency.

Desenvolvimento de uma solução robótica para operações de acabamento de solas de sapatos

Viana, Diogo Gigante January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2010


Cheng, Chien-Yu 29 August 2002 (has links)
Abstract Marine transportation is a crucial activity in the development of human civilization. Following the track of the history, the focus has been shifted not only on the safety of vessels, but the protection of the ocean environment and the keep of the working space and accommodation for crews. Therefore, the Port State Control (PSC) is getting popular around the world. This paper is trying to introduce the origin, contents, working scope of the Port State Control, and summarize the PSC executive condition of foreign countries, the local area MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) organizations, the international marine organization, and the regulations of Port State Control. Based on the concept and spirit of Total Quality Control (TQM), i.e. PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action), the Port State Control (PSC) could be managed smoothly and efficiently, for either the Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) or the marine transportation. In this paper, we introduced the present condition of PSC of our country and the concept of PSC. And an ideal PSC flow chart has been proposed for the Kaohsiung Port and Taiwan, ROC. This thesis is proposing several substantial suggestions for the PSC in Taiwan, ROC. For fulfilling the obligations as a member of the earth village, I do hope these suggestions could be a useful reference for PSCOs in the country.

Fartygsbefäls upplevelser av övningar sett till intresse och motivation / Ship's officers' experiences of drills in regards to interest and motivation

Andersson, Oscar, Hedberg, Nathanael January 2024 (has links)
Säkerhetsövningar på fartyg är en central del i verksamheten ombord. Genom övningar kan besättningen förbättra sina kunskaper, och vara beredd på eventuella nödsituationer. Studien syftar till att undersöka och finna faktorer som påverkar besättningens intresse samt motivation kopplat till övningar. Studien genomförs som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex svenska nautiska befäl inom handelssjöfarten. Studien använder sig utav ett experturval, detta ansågs vara fördelaktigt då urvalsgruppen bidrar till relevant information för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. I studien har det framkommit att motivationsbrist kan vara ett problem under övningar, vilket är något som måste tas i åtanke när en övning planeras och genomförs. Motivationsbristen kan exempelvis bero på att besättningsmedlemmen upplever att övningar är repetitiva, görs på besättningsmedlemmens lediga tid och att den som håller i övningen också kan vara omotiverad. Befälen spelar en viktig roll i hur utfallet av övningen blir, beroende på deras inställning till övningarna. Med förståelse om att problemet existerar finns det enligt befälen tekniker för att öka motivationen, till exempel ett quiz eller en tipspromenad. Resultaten av studien förväntas medverka till att ge en större förståelse kring motivationens faktor när det kommer till övningar. Med en större förståelse kring motivationens inverkan, kan övningar utvecklas för att öka motivationen och deltagandet hos besättningen. / Ship safety drills are a central part of shipboard operations. Through drills, the crew can improve their knowledge and be prepared for possible emergencies. The study aims to investigate and find factors that affect the crew's interest and motivation linked to drills. The study is conducted as a qualitative interview study with six Swedish nautical officers in merchant shipping. The study uses an expert sample, this was considered advantageous as the sample group contributes to relevant information to answer the study's questions. The study has shown that lack of motivation can be a problem during drills, which is something that must be considered when a drill is planned and carried out. The lack of motivation may, for example, be due to the crew member feeling that drills are of a repetitive nature, are done in the crew member's free time, and that the person conducting the drill may also be unmotivated. The officers play an important role in the outcome of the drill, depending on their attitude towards the exercises. With the understanding that the problem exists, there are, according to the officers, techniques to increase motivation, for example a quiz or a point walk. The results of the study are expected to contribute to a greater understanding of the factor of motivation when it comes to shipboard drills. With a greater understanding of the impact of motivation, exercises can be developed to increase the motivation and participation of the crew.

Säkerhetsövningar ombord : En statistisk undersökning om studenters upplevelser av säkerhetsövningar ombord / Safety drills onboard

Larrson, Martin, Åkerlund, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Det levs ett isolerat liv till sjöss, det är därför viktigt att besättningen är tränade inför eventuella nödsituationer. Syftet med detta arbete är att kartlägga hur studenterna vid Kalmars Sjöfartshögskola har upplevt kvaliteten av säkerhetsövningarna de genomfört under sin fartygsförlagda utbildning. Genom en kvantitativ surveymetod undersöktes hur den upplevda kvaliteten på säkerhetsövningarna skiljde sig beroende på fartygstyp, besättningsstorlek, språkmässigt samt hur säkerhetsövningar kan förbättras. Resultatmässigt framkom det i undersökningen att respondenterna upplevde kvaliteten på säkerhetsövningarna som bra, men att det fanns utrymme för förbättringar. Dock skiljde sig inte den upplevda kvaliteten beroende på fartygstyp. Däremot föredrog majoriteten av respondenterna mindre besättningar och svensktalande befäl när det kom till det upplevda engagemanget. Mer tid till planering och utförande, mer realistiska och varierande scenarion samt ökat engagemang hos hela besättningen var återkommande förslag till förbättring av säkerhetsövningar från respondenterna. / The life onboard a vessel is isolated, therefore it’s important that the crew is trained to handle emergencies. The purpose of this report is to survey the experience of safety drills according to students at Kalmar Maritime Academy. By using a quantitative survey method, the quality of the safety drills could be compared between different ship types, crew sizes and crew languages. How to improve safety drills were also surveyed. The results show that the quality of safety drills is good but could be improved. According to the results quality doesn’t differ depending on ship types. However, the majority of the respondents preferred smaller crews and Swedish instructors leading the safety drills in order to achieve better commitment among the crew. More time for planning and implementation, more realistic and various scenarios together with better commitment within the entire crew were suggestions as to how to improve safety drills.

Maritime freight transportation and the impact of regulatory changes : A comparison between Spain and Sweden

Blanco Munuera, Luis January 2017 (has links)
Maritime freight is a sector of high importance in the field of international trade. During the last decades, maritime freight transportation has been growing progressively, nowa- days,  in order to transport large quantities of materials and save  great distances,  it is     the most used transport system.   The maritime freight transport involves  a large num-   ber of companies, which generates a greater number of jobs and acquires an additional importance for the economy and trade of the country. However, in order to maritime transportation to be in optimal conditions, it must be accompanied by a network of infrastructures and strategic points that allow different companies to carry out their func- tions. Nowadays, large quantities of goods are transported through the sea, this is why a regulatory framework is needed to control the various limitations and restrictions that must be imposed at sea. The organization in charge of this work is the so-called SOLAS (Safety of Life At Sea), which is part of the United  Nations  department.  This  organi- zation is responsible, as mentioned above, for safety at sea for ships and goods, it acts according to the current situation and responding to different disasters. As a result of certain accidents, whether navigation or breakage, the last law that has implemented is known  as  Verified  Gross  Mass (VGM). This thesis is divided into two parts, the first one analyses the importance of maritime transport for the countries of  Spain  and  Sweden. It  will  show  the  repercussion  it has on the country and its different connections to transport the goods through the country, as well as future trends to move these goods for each country as well. To conclude this part, a comparison will be made between both countries. Secondly, a study will be car- ried out on the effect of the law that was implemented dated back on 1 July 2016, the so-called Verified Gross Mass. A study is carried out in order to assess the challenges and opportunities generated by this law for the different stakeholders involved in maritime transport and how they have been acting in the countries of Spain and Sweden. Hence, fi- nal conclusions can be obtained regarding the conduct of each stakeholder in each country. Finally, the importance of road transport as the large transport system will be high- lighted in combination with the maritime transportation in both countries. On the other hand, regulatory changes will make a cooperation between stakeholders in order to reduce the  impact  in  their activity.

Etude du facteur minéralogique sur la solubilité et la spéciation redox du fer dissous dans le contexte biogéochimique du dépôt atmosphériques des aérosols sahélo-sahariens.

Journet, Emilie 20 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude de la solubilité et de la spéciation redox du fer d'origine désertique en phase aqueuse atmosphérique est essentielle pour estimer l'impact des apports atmosphériques en fer sur la production primaire marine et donc sur le cycle biogéochimique du carbone. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ma thèse était d'étudier les relations entre le statut minéralogique du fer et sa solubilité/spéciation redox en phase aqueuse atmosphérique au cours du cycle atmosphérique des particules désertiques. J'ai ainsi mené en parallèle (i) une étude en laboratoire pour caractériser la solubilité et la spéciation rédox du fer dissous issu des différents minéraux qui constituent l'aérosol désertique et (ii) une caractérisation fine sur le terrain de la physico-chimie, de la minéralogie et de la solubilité/spéciation redox du fer dans les aérosols désertiques et dans les pluies en zones sources désertiques et en zones de transport (axe Afrique de l'Ouest-Atlantique tropical). Un des principaux résultats émanant de ces travaux montre que parmi les minéraux typiquement trouvés dans les aérosols désertiques, ce sont les argiles qui contribuent majoritairement à libérer du fer en phase dissoute, au détriment des (hyd)oxydes de fer jusqu'à présent identifiés comme les principaux fournisseurs de fer dissous. Les mesures réalisées sur des aérosols permettent de conclure que cette approche originale, via la composition minéralogique de l'aérosol, pourrait, à terme, permettre de paramétriser la solubilité du fer, voir même son évolution au cours du cycle atmosphérique des particules. Les mesures réalisées dans les pluies révèlent toutefois qu'il est important de prendre en compte l'ensemble des facteurs d'influence et notamment l'effet de l'irradiation ou de la composition chimique de la phase aqueuse.

Análisis del potencial riesgo de ocurrencia de mareas negras procedentes del mar abierto, por el tráfico de hidrocarburos, en el litoral mediterráneo español

Esparza Lorente, Amable Vicente 22 September 2010 (has links)
El objetivo fundamental de este artículo es el de analizar, identificar y posteriormente cuantificar, las áreas de la costa Española Mediterránea, con mayor riesgo de sufrir un derrame de hidrocarburos procedente del tráfico marítimo de hidrocarburos. En el estudio que fundamenta este artículo, se han tomado en consideración una serie de variables, de entre las que destacamos, las peculiaridades geográficas, climáticas o la densidad de tráfico, que alimenten una función aleatoria. Esta función objetiva ponderará los diferentes puntos de la costa e identificando los que tengan una mayor probabilidad de riesgo.En la investigación aquí presentada, se pretende evidenciar dónde pueden ubicarse las áreas del Mediterráneo Occidental español donde puede haber mayor riesgo de derrame potencialmente.EL ESCENARIO GEOGRÁFICOEl Mar Mediterráneo se extiende sobre unos 3.800 Km. de Este a Oeste y unos 800 Km. de Norte a Sur, cubriendo una superficie aproximada de 2,5 millones de Km2, lo cual representa unas cinco veces la de España. Su cuenca alberga un volumen de 3,7 millones de Km3 con una profundidad media de unos 1.500 metros, la cual es claramente inferior a la media oceánica. Morfológicamente, el Mar Mediterráneo aparece separado del Océano Atlántico por el Estrecho de Gibraltar, de unos 14 Km. de anchura y 300 metros de profundidad. Otras comunicaciones, aunque menos importantes desde el punto de vista hidrológico, conectan el mar Mediterráneo con el Mar Negro y con el Océano Índico a través del Mar Rojo. Se trata, respectivamente de los estrechos del Bósforo y de los Dardanelos, entre los que queda delimitado el pequeño Mar de Mármara y el Canal de Suez, éste último de carácter artificial y de relativamente reciente apertura (1867). A grandes rasgos, podemos afirmar que el Mediterráneo está compuesto de dos grandes cuencas, separadas entre sí por el Canal de Sicilia y denominadas Cuenca Oriental y Cuenca Occidental.La cuenca Mediterránea se caracteriza por los limitados recursos agrícolas, forestales, ganaderos e incluso pesqueros. Por otro lado, también son limitados los recursos energéticos en la margen septentrional, aunque, por el contrario, hay una importante cantidad de gas natural e hidrocarburos en la margen meridional. Ante el mencionado panorama de recursos, nos encontramos con una importante población, la cual se prevé que rondará los 500 millones de habitantes y cerca de 300 millones de turistas anuales, a mediados de la próxima década.En la cuenca meridional se encuentran los principales puertos exportadores de hidrocarburos, destacando Libia como país mediterráneo con mayores reservas. En la margen europea, destaca el puerto de Marsella, con unas importaciones de crudo del orden de 65 millones de toneladas anuales, además de Italia, donde se localizan tres de los principales puertos en este tipo de tráficos, los cuales suman unas 90 millones de toneladas de crudo anuales. / Pollution risks coming from the shipping traffic is one of the real risks that Spanish coast can face. It is much closed the remember of the Fedra bulk carrier in the strait of Gibraltar, the Prestige tanker in Finisterre or the Castor near accident off the Almeria coast. The main objective of this paper is to analyse, identify and further to quantify, the areas in the Mediterranean Spanish coast, with biggest risk of suffering a hydrocarbons spill coming from the tankers maritime traffic. The study, in which this paper is based, has been considered a set of variables among which we can remark the geographic particularities, the climatic issues, the ships' age or the traffic density; that are going to feed an algorithm. This objective function will weight those different parameters in the entire coast and will identify the ones with the biggest risk probability. The results are going to put in evidence where are the most critical areas in the Spanish coast, when talking about its risk of spill.THE GEOGRAPHICAL SCENARIOThe Mediterranean Sea extends approximately on 3,800 km from East to West and 800 km from North to South, covering a surface of 2.5 millions of km2 which represents 5 times the surface of Spain. Its basin keeps a volume of 3.7 million of km3 with an average depth of 1,500 km which is clearly lower than the ocean average. The Mediterranean Sea is linked to the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibraltar Strait that is about 14 km wide and 300 metres deep. Other secondary passes from the hydrological point of view, is the connection with the Black Sea and the Indic Ocean through the Red Sea. From a general point of view we can identify two clear basins in the Mediterranean, limited by the Sicily canal and called Eastern and Western Mediterranean...The Mediterranean basin, is identified by the limited agricultural, forest, cattle and even fishing, resources, including the energetic ones at least in the Northern coast, but with large reserves of natural gas and hydrocarbons in the Southern coast. In a parallel sense we find a population of 500 millions of persons and around 300 millions of tourists per year that are expected in this decade. Also in this coast there are the main hydrocarbons export ports, most of all in Libya, the Mediterranean country with the biggest reserves. In the European coast we must remark the port of Marseilles, as the biggest import port in terms of volume, with 65 millions of metric tonnes per year or Italy where there are placed the three main ports of such kind of traffic, with an added volume of 90 millions of metric tonnes.The Mediterranean hydrocarbon traffic routes, from a internal point of view, are the ones from North to South and East to West, but we should add the crude oil traffic in transit that in the year 2006 sum up to 421 millions of metric tonnes only of crude oil, from which 72 millions where among non intra Mediterranean ports [1].

Sites of struggle : representations of family in Spanish film (1996-2004)

Rutherford, Jennifer R. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyses how ways of thinking about and meanings of family are (re)negotiated and (re)presented in six films that, to varying degrees, are categorised as cine social. The group of films consists of Familia (León de Aranoa, 1996), Solas (Zambrano, 1999), Flores de otro mundo (Bollaín, 1999), Poniente (Gutiérrez, 2002), Te doy mis ojos (Bollaín, 2003) and Cachorro (Albaladejo, 2004). Despite the growing body of critical work on the wide-ranging social themes they deal with, little sustained attention has been given to their representations of family. Scholars tend to mention it only in passing, or refer back to the allegorical/mediating function that family has often played in Spanish cinema. The objective of this thesis is to place the emphasis, as the films do themselves, on the family per se. Insights into family from a range of academic fields including philosophy, sociology, feminist and queer theories and cultural, race and gender studies are combined with close textual readings and a consideration of the modes of representation and address employed in the films to analyse how they function as sites of ideological struggle. The thesis begins by sketching out historically and culturally situated definitions of family and providing an overview of some of its most iconic representations in Spanish cinema. Establishing many of the aspects developed in the main body of the thesis the first chapter concentrates on Familia, which denaturalises the hegemonic family by presenting it as a self-conscious performance. The subsequent four chapters focus on family forms, roles, practices, commitment, power dynamics and domestic space. They explore how the films’ affective and informed modes of address position the spectator in relation to criticisms of the traditional family and evaluations of emerging family ideologies, finally proposing that they could usefully be viewed as a cycle of postmodern family melodramas.

Regelverk för en hamnoperatör : I Östersjöområdet / Regulatory settings for a port operator : In Baltic sea region

Vaghoor Saleh, Kashani January 2019 (has links)
The following study that is the regulatory settings for a port operator has been conducted with the intention to comprehend and highlight the different regulatory settings appropriate for the sea ports in order to ensure safe, reliable and efficient trade and transportations practices at sea ports. The area of focus of this research work was towards the Baltic Sea region ports where the researcher focused on the evaluating the regulatory settings for four different ports in order to compare and contrast each other with the intention to validate every port follows certain regulations. The researcher with the support of secondary quantitative study with the deductive research approach has intended to answer the problem of this research work. The findings of this study have suggested that different regulations on the basis of the international conventions are strongly considered by the range of ports especially Port of Gdansk, Port of Helsinki, Port of Tallinn and Rostock ports that have examined. Nevertheless, there were also some regulations which not all the ports were following thereby confirming all the ports follow certain regulations which are in accordance with their changing scenarios.

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