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Utbildad för elever i behov av särskilt stöd : Om uppdraget och läroplanen / Educated for pupils with special educational needs : About the mission and curriculumCarlsson, Helene January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie är kvalitativ med intervjuer och litteraturstudier. Syftet har varit att undersöka läroplanen och uppdraget hos några anställda som har som målgrupp ”elever i behov av särskilt stöd”. Lärarna har inte likadan vidareutbildning. Min uppsats handlar om en del av den utbildning som finns för att kunna arbeta med elever i behov av särskilt stöd. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är allmänna och gäller även för lärare med grundutbildning. Läroplanen, Lgr 11, griper tag i texten genomgående. Efter vidareutbildning för elever i behov av särskilt stöd kan man få många olika anställningar och uppdrag. Denna undersökning har belyst tre porträtt av två speciallärare och en specialpedagog. De har trots namnet inte samma uppdrag, men i vissa avsnitt har de vissa likheter. I intervjuerna framkommer att alla tre arbetar med elever i behov av särskilt stöd och den mesta undervisningen är organiserad på det viset att den är enskild. Alla tre, fyra med ett bortfall, arbetar på samma skola på landsbygden, dvs inte i storstadsområde. De ser möjligheterna med sitt uppdrag, men det är inte alltid som kunskaperna och kompetensen får chans att komma fram. I resultatredovisningen och analysen blir det tydligt att det finns något karakteristiskt med de lärare som vidareutbildar sig för uppdrag med elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Jag vill dock påpeka att detta är endast tre lärares uppfattning. Teoriavsnittet, med läroplanen som övergripande styrdokument, är valt för att läroplanen är så pass ny att den ännu inte har hunnit implementeras i skolorna, medan man säger att den är en del av uppdraget. Alla tre har de erfarenhet av att ingå i skolans pedagogiska ledningsgrupp. Studien tar även upp förväntningar med utbildning och anställning hos de intervjuade lärarna. En slutsats är: utbildning har betydelse både för att utföra uppdraget och för att få uppdraget. / This study is based on qualitative interviews and literature studies. The aim was to examine the mission statement of teachers who have been targeting “students in need of special support”. The teachers do not have the same training. My essay is about teacher training available to work with pupils with special needs. The theoretical approach is general and also applies to teachers with basic training. The curriculum, LGR 11, grabs the text throughout. After education for pupils with special needs it is possible to have many different jobs and assignments. This study has highlighted three portraits of specially educated teachers. They have, despite the name, not the same mission, but in some sections they have some similarities. The interviews reveal that all three are working with pupils with special needs and most of the teaching is organized in the sense that it is individual. All three, four with a dropout, are working at the same school in a rural area, that is, not in a metropolitan area. They see the potential of their mission, but it is not always that knowledge and expertise have the chance to surface. In the performance reporting and analysis, it becomes clear that there are a characteristic of the teachers in training for the mission with students in need of special support. I would point out that this is only three teachers' perception. Theory section, with the curriculum as an overall policy documents, is chosen as the curriculum is so new that it still had yet to be implemented in schools, while it is part of the mission. All three have experience to be part of the school's educational team. The study also outlines expectations with education and employment with the informants. One conclusion is that education is important both for performing the task and to get the assignment.
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Vaikų dienos centrų vaidmuo tenkinant mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius / The role of day care centers in meeting needs of pupils with special educatinal needsVisockytė, Gerda 01 February 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas vaikų dienos centrų vaidmuo tenkinant mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius.
Tyrime dalyvavo 109 dalyviai: 60 Šiaulių miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogų, 40 Lietuvoje veikiančių vaikų dienos centrų darbuotojų, 5 Šiauliuose įsikūrusio dienos centro ugdytiniai, 3 minėto dienos centro ugdytinių tėvai (globėjai) ir specialioji pedagogė.
Anketinės apklausos metodu siekta išsiaiškinti, bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų atstovų žinių pobūdį apie vaikų dienos centrus ir požiūrį į juose vykdomą veiklą bei galimą bendradarbiavimą. Taip pat, tirta Lietuvje veikiančių dienos centrų darbuotojų nuomonė, apie jų įstaigų veiklą, siūlomas paslaugas, pagalbos pobūdį. Siekta įvertinti vaikų dienos centrų teikiamų paslaugų įvairovę ir kryptingumą mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams ir jų tėvams. Užsibrėžta išsiaiškinti, kiek vaikų dienos centrus lankančių mokinių turi specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių.
Interviu apklausa tirta specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių bei jų tėvų nuomonė apie dienos centrus ir juose teikiamas paslaugas. Taip pat, siekta atskleisti vaikų dienos centro, kaip papildomo resurso, tenkinant specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių turinčių mokinių poreikius galimybę.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad didelė dalis mokyklų pedagogų mažai domisi vaikų užimtumu po pamokų, nežino, ar jų klasės ugdytiniai lanko dienos centrą. Pripažįstamas informacijos apie vaikų dienos centrus trūkumas. Labiau pabrėžiamas teigiamas vaikų dienos centrų vaidmuo mokinių užimtumo ir ugdymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master‘s thesis analyses the role of day care centers in meeting needs of pupils with special educational needs.
To reach the result, was used questinnaire method. 109 people were involved in researc: 60 school pedagogues from Siauliai, 40 day care center specialists from all over Lithuania, 5 pupils from the day care center of Siauliai, 3 patents and a special needs educator who works in the same day care center.
The main task of the questinnaire method was to find out the schools of general education knowledge of the nature of the child day care centers, and they approach to their current activities and possible cooperation. Also to find out the day care center specialist opinion about their institutions, the services offered and the nature of assistance. The objective was to assess the children's day care centers for the various services provided and the orientation of school-age children and their parents. Aims to determine the number of children attending day care centers to students with special educational needs.
Interview Survey were studied the special needs students and their parents' views on a day care center and its services. It also aimed to reveal the child day care center as an additional resource to meet the needs of special education (learning) needs of students with access needs.
The study found that a large part of the school teachers have little interest in children's after-school jobs, do not know whether the class of learners attending day care... [to full text]
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Vzdělávání osob s poruchou autistického spektra v ČR / Education for people with autism spectrum disorder in the Czech RepublicŽilincová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the education of autistic children. It is divided into ten chapters where further presents the history of autism, autistic spectrum disorders division, the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders, then focuses on the triad problem areas, which include communication, social behavior and imagination. Another chapter deals with the education of children with autism. The last chapter consists of methods for educating children with autism. In the practical part presents research that I conducted using a questionnaire. Furthermore, there are some interviews with experts on autism and teaching assistants.
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Možnosti individualizace a diferenciace výuky v současné škole / Possibilities of individualization and differentiation of instruction methods in current educationBredová, Romana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis elaborates on the matters of individualisation and differentiation of education in elementary schooling. The theoretical part is focusing on technical and theoretical problem solution. The aim of the practical part is to look at the variety of possibilities between individualisation and differentiation of education of the instructor's own 4th grade class, while looking at a particular example of two students in that class. The practical part finds solutions from this active research that is interpreted as a case study, and describes the process of individualisation and differentiation from the point of view of working with teaching devices.
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Inkluzivní vzdělávání v současné základní škole / Inclusive education in modern primary schoolMiltrová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This thesisi deals with the inclusive education of children, pupils and students with special educational needs in the current elementary school. In the theoretical part of the thesis there are defined terms as inclusion and inclusive education, pupils with special educational needs, assistant teacher, school advisory facilities. I have tried to clarify inclusive education and summarize the conditions that are important for the integration of pupils with special educational needs in primary school. As a goal in the practical part, I have set the specification of the advantages or disadvantages of inclusive education in a particular case at school that is engaged in this form of education. The class of celected school, where incorporated nine pupils are educated according to an individual education plan, is described in more detail. Supporting investigation, guided interview technique is shown in the next section of inclusive education from the perspective of legal representatives - mothers of pupils with special educational needs. The questionnaire survey was to determine how schools in the district of Kladno work with inclusive education. Keywords: inclusion, inclusive education, pupils with special educational needs, individual education plan, inclusive teacher, assistant teacher
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Dítě s diagnostikovaným syndromem poruchy pozornosti s hyperaktivitou ve vzdělávacím procesu základního školství / Child with diagnosed syndrome of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the learning process of basic educationCupa, Dalimil January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with various approaches of primary school teachers to pupils with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The theoretical part describes in detail the etiology of ADHD, the problems of ADHD children experienced in the learning process of primary education, as well as individual needs of ADHD students and recommended approaches of teachers to these students. It deals with possibilities of treatments. The empirical part is based on a survey performed among parents of primary school students with ADHD focusing on parents' perceptions of teachers' attitude toward pupils. Teachers' point of view and perceptions were gained through interviews. The results are summared and suggestions for thinking about it have been made in the end of the thesis.
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Kooperativní učení a diverzita žáků / Cooperative education and diversity of pupilsOuředníčková, Libuše January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on issues of inclusive education and diversity of pupils at common basic schools, specifically on the pupils with specific learning disabilities integrated in mainstream schools and using cooperative learning in these classes. The thesis is devided into theoretical part and research part, in the first part there are written up necessary theoretical basis for reasearch part and there are also outlined controversial questions of current school system. Research part is focused on using cooperative learning in classes where children with specific learning disabilities are integrated. Results of research executed at basic schools of Prague and central bohemian region are included.
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Problematika inkluze na málotřídní škole / Inclusion problems at small school with composite classesVlčková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of inclusion, which is currently up to date and extensive because it affects many lives. Teachers and pupils, teacher assistants, parents, professionals and the wider public. This work deals with the theoretical definition of inclusion as such, based on current laws and literature. It provides a comprehensive view of information about inclusion, including its impact on school climate and individual classes that directly affect the health of all school life participants. It also describes in detail the environment of a small school with composite classes in the Czech Republic, which is crucial in the practical part of this work. The aim of the thesis is to find out the opinions, experiences and feelings of the teaching assistants at the village class school, which concern the education of pupils with special educational needs. It also includes a description of the real situation at the first stage of a small school with composite classes and the finding of the number and type of pupils with special educational needs. The key method was to select interviews with teacher assistants, with questions focused on day-to-day activities and relationships between teacher assistants and other school life participants. Subsequently they are analyzed and on the basis of evaluation...
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Needs for development towards a more inclusive education system: The case of Finland : A systematic literature review from 2009 to 2019Puomila, Iida January 2019 (has links)
The movement towards developing existing education systems to be more inclusive can be seen worldwide. However, even in a country such as Finland where inclusive ideology has been promoted in national policies for a considerable time, there are existing needs for development that need to be examined. The aim of this systematic review was to examine these existing needs for development in primary schools in Finland. Inclusive education means the inclusion of all children. In this systematic review, the focus was on those children in risk of exclusion with special educational needs due to a disability. The results are analyzed by utilizing a framework inspired by the framework developed by Ainscow and Miles (2009). The results show that there are several needs for development especially related to systems and structures, and practice. Furthermore, more systematic actions are needed moving from policies to effective implementation of inclusive practices. Overall, inclusion is a complex concept and future research conducted with diverse groups of children of all ages is greatly needed.
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L'expérience des enseignants spécialisés avec des élèves "autistes" : une approche clinique / The experience of specialized teachers with students with autism : a clinical approachHélie, Thierry 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, écrite par un praticien qui a l'expérience de l'enseignement avec les élèves autistes, s'inscrit en sciences de l'éducation dans une approche clinique d'orientation psychanalytique. Elle interroge l'expérience des enseignants spécialisés travaillant auprès d'élèves avec des troubles autistiques. L'enjeu pour ces enseignants est de créer un espace psychique et des liens permettant la transmission et l'apprentissage de savoirs. Des transformations accompagnent la posture professionnelle qu'ils ont à construire avec ce public spécifique. En effet, ces élèves, entourés par de nombreux professionnels du soin, de l'éducation et de leurs familles, déstabilisent l'enseignant et les connaissances acquises pendant sa formation. Après un retour sur le cheminement du parcours de recherche, ces questions sont problématisées. Quatre entretiens cliniques réalisés auprès d'enseignants travaillant avec des élèves autistes sont analysés. Des concepts venus des sciences de l'éducation, comme celui de soi-professionnel, et de la psychanalyse, avec certains apports de Donald Woods Winnicott, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion ou Jacques Lacan, sont mis au travail pour explorer les sens possibles de l'expérience rapportée. Certains résultats se dégagent : les enseignants mobilisent des ressources psychiques variées, présentes et passées, personnelles et professionnelles, pour pouvoir entrer en contact avec ces élèves et soutenir un lien d'enseignement inédit. Il apparaît que cet enseignement s'appuie sur les bases fondatrices d'une relation, constituées par la création d'un « espace transitionnel et potentiel » (Winnicott), pour que des liens et des apprentissages se mettent en place. / The author is both a teacher with a vast experience in teaching autistic pupils, and a student of Paris Descartes University in Science of Education, with on a clinical and psychoanalytical approach. The thesis questions the experience of special educational needs (SEN) teachers, specialised in the teaching of pupils with autism. The challenge is to create a psychologically healthy and supportive place as well as bonds conducive to the transfer and acquisition of knowledge. Changes must be done in the professional attitude teachers must adopt. Indeed, their pupils, cared for by numerous healthcare professionals, teachers, as well as their own families are bound to shake the teachers confidence in themselves and in what they have learnt in their professional training. The research trajectory is first analysed, then the questions raised above are presented as problematics. Four clinical interviews carried out by teachers, all working with autistic pupils are analysed. Science of Education concepts such as the self-professional, and psychoanalysis, as well as the works of Donald Woods Winnicott, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion or Jacques Lacan, are used to explore the possible meanings of the reported experience. Some results emerge: teachers conjure up varied psychological resources, present or past, personal or professional, to make contact with their pupils and maintain this unique teaching bond. Their teaching appears to rely on the bases of a relationship created by a transitional and potential space (Winnicott), so that bonds and learning can be set up.
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