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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Savremene metode ekstrakcije očajnice (Marrubium vulgare L.) i sušenje odabranih ekstrakata, hemijski sastav i biološke aktivnosti / Contemporary methods of extraction of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) and drying of selected extracts, chemical composition and biological activities

Gavarić Aleksandra 11 December 2020 (has links)
<p>U okviru ove disertacije ispitane su mogućnosti primene savremenih metoda za dobijanje tečnih ekstrakata (ultrazvučna ekstrakcija, mikrotalasna ekstrakcija i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom) i lipofilnih ekstrakata (ekstrakcija superkritičnim ugljendioksidom) bogatih polifenolima iz nadzemnog dela očajnice (Marrubium vulgare L.). Tečni ekstrakti su optimizovani primenom eksperimentalnog dizajna i metode odzivne povr&scaron;ine, i podvrgnuti su spray drying tehnici su&scaron;enja. Tečni i suvi ekstrakti su detaljno ispitani po pitanju hemijskog sastava i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti, antimikrobne i in vitro antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti.<br />Za svaku od navedenih ekstrakcionih tehnika ispitan je uticaj glavnih parametara: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija (temperatura, vreme ekstrakcije i snaga ultrazvuka), mikrotalasna ekstrakcija (koncentracija etanola, vreme ekstrakcije i snaga mikrotalasa) i ekstrakcija subkritičnom vodom (temperatura, vreme ekstrakcije i koncentracija HCl u ekstragensu). Kod tečnih ekstrakata dobijenih ultrazvučnom i mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom na optimizovanim uslovima utvrđeno je prisustvo hlorogenske kiseline i kvercetina koji nisu detektovani u maceratima. Ispitana je antimikrobna aktivnost oba ekstrakta i utvrđeno da je B. cereus najosetljiviji bakterijski soj, dok je u slučaju kvasaca S. cerevisiae posebno osetljiv na oba ekstrakta. Pored ove aktivnosti ispitana je i in vitro antihiperglikemijska aktivnost oba ekstrakta prema &alpha;-amilazi i &alpha;-glukozidazi, pri čemu ultrazvučni ekstrakt pokazuje veću antihiperglikemijsku aktivnost (50,63% inhibira &alpha;-amilazu i 48,67% inhibira &alpha;-glukozidazu) &scaron;to se potencijalno može objasniti prisustvom hlorogenske kiseline (33,11 &mu;g/mL) i kvercetina (34,88 &mu;g/mL). U subkritičnom ekstraktu, dobijenom na optimalnim uslovima, detektovano je jedino prisustvo hidroksi metilfurfurala usled čega ovaj ekstrakt nije podvrgnut ispitivanju antimikrobne i antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti.<br />U cilju ekstrakcije lipofilnih komponenata M. vulgare primenjene su destilacija etarskog ulja (0,05%), Soxhlet ekstrakcija (3,23%) i ekstrakcija superkritičnim ugljendioksidom na pritiscima 100, 200 i 300 bar i temperaturama 40, 50 i 60 &deg;C. Najdominantnija komponenta u svim dobijenim superkritičnim ekstraktima je hemotaksonomski marker marubiin koji nije identifikovan u Soxhlet ekstraktu.<br />Tečni ekstrakti dobijeni ultrazvučnom i mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom na optimizovanim uslovima i macerat su osu&scaron;eni spray drying tehnikom (uz dodatak 10 i 50% maltodekstrina) u cilju dobijanja stabilnije forme suvog ekstrakta. Suvim ekstraktima su određene najznačajnije fizičke osobine i hemijski sastav kao i antimikrobna i antihiperglikemijska aktivnost kako bi se procenila mogućnost njihove inkorporacije u funkcionalnu hranu, dijetetske suplemente ili u formulaciji različitih gotovih proizvoda koji se primenjuju preventivno ili radi pobolj&scaron;anja zdravlja ljudi.</p> / <p>Within the scope of this dissertation, the possibilities of applying modern methods for obtaining liquid (ultrasonic extraction, microwave extraction and subcritical water extraction) and lipophilic extracts (extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide) rich in polyphenols from the aboveground part of white horehound (Marrubium vulgare L.) were examined. Liquid extracts were optimized using an experimental design and response surface method, and subjected to spray drying. Liquid and dry extracts have been extensively examined for their chemical composition and biological activity, antimicrobial and in vitro antihyperglycaemic activities.<br />For each of these extraction techniques, the influence of the main parameters was examined: ultrasonic extraction (temperature, extraction time and ultrasound power), microwave extraction (ethanol concentration, extraction time and microwave power) and subcritical water extraction (temperature, extraction time and HCl concentration in the extractant). Liquid extracts obtained by ultrasonic and microwave extraction under optimized conditions revealed the presence of chlorogenic acid and quercetin, which were not detected in macerates. The antimicrobial activity of both extracts was examined and B. cereus was found to be the most sensitive bacterial strain, whereas in the case of yeast S. cerevisiae was particularly sensitive to both extracts. In addition to this activity, the in vitro antihyperglycaemic activities of both extracts against &alpha;-amylase and &alpha;-glucosidase were investigated, with ultrasound extract showing higher antihyperglycemic activity (50.63% inhibited &alpha;-amylase and 48.67% inhibited &alpha;-glucosidase) which could potentially be explained by the presence of chlorogenic acid (33.11 &mu;g/mL) and quercetin (34.88 &mu;g/mL). In the subcritical extract, obtained under optimal conditions, only the presence of hydroxy methylfurfural was detected, and this extract was not subjected to antimicrobial and antihyperglycemic activity.<br />For the extraction of lipophilic components of M. vulgare, distillation of essential oil (0.05%), Soxhlet extraction (3.23%) and extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide at pressures of 100, 200 and 300 bar and at temperatures of 40, 50 and 60 &deg; C were applied. The most dominant component in all the supercritical extracts obtained is the chemotaxonomic marker marubiin, which was not identified in the Soxhlet extract.<br />The liquid extracts obtained by the ultrasound and microwave extraction under optimized conditions and the macerate were spray dried (with the addition of 10 and 50% maltodextrin) to obtain a more stable form of the dry extract. Dry extracts underwent determination of the most important physical properties and chemical composition as well as antimicrobial and antihyperglycemic activities to evaluate their incorporation into functional foods, dietary supplements or in the formulation of various finished dosage forms that are administered preventively or to improve human health.</p>

Etude et fonctionnalisation de protéines végétales en vue de leur application en microencapsulation / Study and functionalization of vegetable proteins and their application in microencapsulation

Nesterenko, Alla 05 December 2012 (has links)
Les protéines extraites des végétaux sont des matériaux relativement peu coûteux, non toxiques, biocompatibles et biodégradables. Elles représentent une bonne alternative aux protéines d’origine animale et aux polymères dérivés du pétrole. Dans le cadre de cette étude, les protéines extraites de graines de soja et de tournesol ont été utilisées en tant que matériaux enrobants pour la microencapsulation de la matière active hydrophobe (α-tocophérol) ou hydrophile (acide ascorbique) par le procédé d’atomisation. Les protéines de soja sont largement utilisées dans les applications alimentaires et non-alimentaires, notamment en microencapsulation. Elles sont donc étudiées dans ce travail comme matériau enrobant de référence. Les protéines de tournesol n’ont quant à elles pas d’application industrielle concrète, si ce n’est sous la forme de tourteaux dans l’alimentation animale. C’est pourquoi il nous semble pertinent de trouver des nouvelles voies de valorisation pour ce coproduit d’origine agricole. Plusieurs modifications des protéines, telles que l’hydrolyse enzymatique, l’acylation, la réticulation enzymatique et la cationisation ont été étudiées dans le but d’améliorer les propriétés encapsulantes du matériau enrobant. Dans le contexte de la chimie verte, toutes les modifications ont été effectuées sans utilisation de solvants organiques ni de catalyseurs chimiques. L’influence des modifications chimiques et enzymatiques des protéines, et des paramètres du procédé (pression d’homogénéisation, ratio matériau enrobant/matière active et concentration en protéines) sur les différentes caractéristiques des préparations liquides et des microparticules (viscosité, taille des gouttelettes dans le cas des émulsions, morphologie et taille des microparticules), ainsi que sur les paramètres liés au procédé d’atomisation (rendement et efficacité de microencapsulation) a été particulièrement étudiée au cours de ce travail. Les résultats obtenus confirment que l’extrait protéique de tournesol est tout à fait pertinent comme matériau enrobant et permet d’obtenir des efficacités de microencapsulation significativement plus élevées par rapport à celles obtenues avec l’extrait protéique de soja. / Proteins extracted from vegetables are relatively low-cost, non-toxic, biocompatible and biodegradable raw materials. They represent a good alternative to animal-based proteins and petroleum-extracted polymers. In this study, proteins derived from soybean and sunflower seeds were used as wall materials for microencapsulation of hydrophobic (-tocopherol) or hydrophilic (ascorbic acid) active material by spray-drying technique. Soybean proteins are widely used in food and non-food applications, especially in microencapsulation. They were studied in this work as wall material of reference. Sunflower proteins are not actually used in industrial application, but only in the form of oil-cake for animal feeding. That’s why new ways of valorization of this agricultural by-product should be investigated. Several proteins’ modifications such as enzymatic hydrolysis, acylation, cross-linking and cationization were studied in order to improve encapsulating properties of wall material. In the context of green chemistry, all the modifications and preparations were performed without use of organic solvents and chemical catalysts. The effect of protein chemical and enzymatic modifications, and process parameters (homogenization pressure, wall/core ratio and protein concentration) on different characteristics of liquid preparations and microparticles (viscosity, emulsion droplet size, microparticle size and morphology) and on parameters related to the spray-drying process (yield and efficiency of microencapsulation) was particularly investigated in this study. The obtained results confirmed that sunflower proteins are quite suitable as encapsulating agent and provide the microencapsulation efficiencies significantly higher compared to those obtained with soy proteins.

Preparação de micropartículas de quitosana incorporadas de nanogéis de poli-(N-vinilcaprolactama-co-ácido itacônico-co-dimetacrilato de etilenoglicol) via secagem por pulverização para liberação controlada de cetoprofeno / Preparation of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam-co-itaconic acid-coethylene glycol dimethacrylate)-based nanogels embedded in chitosan matrix for controlled release of ketoprofen by spray-drying technique

Fonseca, Jéssica de Matos 16 September 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidas micropartículas híbridas em pó constituídas de uma matriz biodegradável de quitosana incorporada de partículas de nanogéis biocompatíveis sensíveis à temperatura e/ou ao pH para controlar a liberação de cetoprofeno e aumentar sua solubilidade. Cetoprofeno foi encapsulado em nanopartículas de poli(Nvinilcaprolactama- co-ácido itacônico-co-dimetacrilato de etilenoglicol) (poli(NVCL-co- AI-co-EGDMA)-cetoprofeno), sintetizadas via polimerização por precipitação, as quais foram incorporadas em matriz de quitosana (95% desacetilada e Mv) com os objetivos de melhorar a adesão das micropartículas híbridas no local de liberação e de auxiliar no controle de liberação do fármaco. As micropartículas híbridas de quitosana/poli(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA)-cetoprofeno foram preparadas por interação eletrostática entre os polímeros dispersos em meio aquoso, seguida de secagem por pulverização (spray drying) a fim de melhorar a estabilidadedas micropartículas. Inicialmente foi realizado um estudo sobre a influência das concentrações de monômeros e de iniciador no diâmetro hidrodinâmico (Dh) e na sensibilidade à temperatura e ao pH das partículas de nanogéis. Duas formulações de nanogéis contendo partículas com diferentes valores de Dh (R51 = 185,9 nm e R50 = 120,6 nm) foram utilizadas para a encapsulação de cetoprofeno. As morfologias das partículas de nanogel e das micropartículas híbridas foram avaliadas por microscopias eletrônicas de transmissão e de varredura, respectivamente. Calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), difração de raios X (DRX) e espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) foram utilizadas para analisar as propriedades térmicas, confirmar a encapsulação de cetoprofeno e avaliar qualitativamente a composição dos materiais e interações entre as matrizes poliméricas, respectivamente. Os resultados mostraram que o cetoprofeno foi amorfizado e encapsulado pela matriz de poli(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA), com uma eficiência de encapsulação de 39,6% e 57,8% para as partículas R50 e R51, respectivamente. As matrizes poliméricas de quitosana e de poli(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA) interagiram durante a sua mistura física e durante o processo de secagem, e a cristalinidade da quitosana diminuiu com a incorporação de partículas de nanogel em sua matriz. Os testes de liberação de cetoprofeno in vitro mostraram que as partículas de nanogéis conseguiram controlar a liberação de cetoprofeno e que liberaram 100% do fármaco encapsulado durante 52h de teste, na condição de pH 7,4 e a 37°C. Os testes também evidenciaram que o tamanho das partículas de nanogel foi o parâmetro que mais interferiu na difusão do cetoprofeno pelas partículas, e que a liberação de cetoprofeno foi mais acelerada para as partículas menores (reação R50). Nas mesmas condições de teste, a incorporação das partículas de nanogel na matriz de quitosana causou um retardo na liberação do cetoprofeno, devido à insolubilidade da quitosana no pH 7,4. E os resultados mostraram que para as micropartículas híbridas com maior concentração de partículas de nanogel com relação à massa de quitosana, a liberação de cetoprofeno foi menos acentuada. Isso ocorreu devido ao maior número de interações entre as matrizes poliméricas, o que limitou o contato das partículas de nanogel com o meio de liberação e diminuiu o grau de liberdade de suas cadeias poliméricas. / In this work, powdered hybrid microparticles composed by a chitosan biodegradable matrix embedded with biocompatible and thermo- and pH-responsive particles-based nanogels were developed and used to control the ketoprofen release and to increase its solubility. Ketoprofen was loaded in poly(N-vinylcaprolactam-co-itaconic acid-coethylene glycol dimethacrylate)-based nanogels (poly(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA)- ketoprofen) synthetized by precipitation polymerization, which were embedded in chitosan matrix (95% deacetilation and Mv) aiming to improve the mucoadhesive properties of hybrid microparticles on the targeted tissue and to support in the control of drug release. Hybrid microparticles of chitosan/poly(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA)- ketoprofen were prepared by electrostatic interactions between polymers dispersed in aqueous media and spray-dried in order to improve the microparticles stability. First, it was carried out a study about the influence of monomers and initiator concentrations in the size (hydrodynamic diameter) and thermo- and pH-responsiveness properties of particles-based nanogels. Two formulations of nanogels with different particle sizes (R51 = 185.9 nm e R50 = 120.6 nm) were used to encapsulate ketoprofen. The morphology of particles-based nanogels and hybrid microparticles was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopies, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to study thermal properties, to confirm encapsulation of ketoprofen and qualitatively evaluate the composition of materials and interactions between polymeric matrices, respectively. The results showed that ketoprofen was converted from the crystalline to the amorphous state and was encapsulated by poly(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA) matrix, with an encapsulation efficiency of 39.6% and 57.8%, for particles R50 and R51, respectively. Polymeric matrices of chitosan and poly(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA) interacted during their mixture and drying process, and chitosan crystallinity decreased as a result of the incorporation of particles-based nanogels in their matrix. In vitro release tests of ketoprofen showed that poly(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA)-based nanogels controlled the delivery of ketoprofen and 100% of ketoprofen-loaded has been released after 52h of the tests, carried out in pH 7.4 at 37°C. These tests also showed that the particles-based nanogels size was the parameter that most interfered in the ketoprofen diffusion by particles and that the ketoprofen release from smaller particles (R50 reaction) was faster. Under the same conditions, the incorporation of poly(NVCL-co-AI-co-EGDMA)-based nanogels in chitosan matrix slowed the ketoprofen release, due to insolubility of chitosan in the media at pH 7.4. The results showed that hybrid microparticles with a higher concentration of particles-based nanogels, with respect to the mass of chitosan, the release of ketoprofen was less pronounced. It was due to the greater number of interactions between the polymer matrices, which limited the contact of particles-based nanogels with the media of release and reduced the degree of freedom of the polymeric chains.

Optimisation de la pH-sensibilité de protéines végétales en vue d'améliorer leurs capacités d'encapsulation de principes actifs destinés à la voie orale / Optimization of pH-sensitivity of vegetable proteins in order to improve their capacity to encapsulate Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients for oral administration

Anaya Castro, Maria Antonieta 21 February 2018 (has links)
Dans le domaine pharmaceutique, la voie orale demeure la voie d’administration de prédilection, car plus simple et mieux acceptée par les patients. Cependant, ce mode d’administration pose problème pour de nombreux principes actifs (PA) présentant une faible solubilité, une faible perméabilité et/ou une instabilité dans l’environnement gastro-intestinal. Leur micro-encapsulation dans des matrices polymériques peut permettre d’y répondre, notamment si les microparticules générées résistent aux environnements rencontrés lors du tractus gastro-intestinal et jouent alors un rôle protecteur, tant pour le principe actif que pour les muqueuses rencontrées. La recherche de nouveaux excipients, issus des agro-ressources tels que les polymères naturels, est en plein essor. Les protéines végétales, grâce à leurs propriétés fonctionnelles telles qu’une bonne solubilité, une viscosité relativement basse, et des propriétés émulsifiantes et filmogènes, représentent des candidats privilégiés. De plus, la grande diversité de leurs groupements fonctionnels permet d’envisager des modifications chimiques ou enzymatiques variées. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier l’intérêt de la protéine de soja en tant que matériau enrobant de principes actifs pharmaceutiques destinés à la voie orale, et plus particulièrement en tant que candidat pour l’élaboration de formes gastro-résistantes. Un isolat protéique de soja (SPI) été utilisé comme matière enrobante et l’atomisation comme procédé. L’ibuprofène, anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien, a été choisi comme molécule modèle du fait de sa faible solubilité nécessitant une amélioration de sa biodisponibilité, et de ses effets indésirables gastriques nécessitant une mise en forme entérique. Deux modifications chimiques des protéines (l’acylation et la succinylation) ont été étudiées dans le but de modifier la solubilité de la protéine de soja. Ces modifications ont été effectuées dans le respect des principes de la Chimie Verte, notamment en absence de solvant organique. Les microcapsules obtenues par atomisation ont été caractérisées en termes de taux et efficacité d'encapsulation, morphologie et distribution de tailles des particules, état physique du PA encapsulé et capacité de libération en milieu gastrique et intestinal simulé. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de valider l’intérêt des modifications chimiques de la protéine de soja pour moduler les cinétiques de libération d’actif. Les modifications chimiques sont apparues particulièrement adaptées pour l’encapsulation de principes actifs hydrophobes, et ont permis de l’obtention de cinétiques de libération d’ibuprofène ralenties à pH acide (gastrique). La dernière partie de ce travail a permis de valider cette dernière hypothèse par la réalisation de formes gastro-résistantes sur le modèle des comprimés MUPS (multiple unit pellet system). Les résultats de ce travail exploratoire démontrent que les protéines de soja, associées à un procédé de mise en forme multi-particulaire couplé à de la compression directe, peuvent constituer une alternative biosourcée, respectueuse de l’environnement (manipulation en solvant aqueux, temps de séchage et étapes de compression réduits) et sûre à l’enrobage utilisé dans les formes gastro-résistantes traditionnelles. / In the pharmaceutical field, the oral route remains the preferred route of administration because it is simpler and better accepted by patients. However, this mode of administration is problematic for many active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) with low solubility, low permeability and/or instability in the gastrointestinal environment. Their microencapsulation in polymeric matrices can make them able to respond to these factors, especially if the microparticles generated resist the environments encountered during the gastrointestinal tract and then play a protective role, both for the API and for the mucous membranes encountered. The search for new excipients, from agroresources such as natural polymers, is booming. Vegetable proteins, thanks to their functional properties such as good solubility, relatively low viscosity, and emulsifying and film-forming properties, are preferred candidates. In addition, the great diversity of their functional groups makes it possible to envisage various chemical or enzymatic modifications. The aim of this work was to study the interest of soy protein as a coating material for API intended for the oral route, and more particularly as a candidate for the development of gastro-resistant forms. A soy protein isolate (SPI) was used as a coating material and the atomization as a process. Ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was chosen as a model molecule because of its low solubility requiring an improvement in its bioavailability, and its gastric side effects requiring an enteric shaping. Two chemical modifications of proteins (acylation and succinylation) have been studied in order to modify the solubility of the soy protein. These modifications were carried out in accordance with the principles of Green Chemistry, especially in the absence of organic solvent. The microcapsules obtained by spray-drying were characterized in terms of rate and encapsulation efficiency, morphology and size distribution of the particles, physical state of the encapsulated API and capacity of release in simulated gastric and intestinal medium. The results obtained validated the interest of the chemical modifications of the soy protein to modulate the release kinetics of API. The chemical modifications appeared particularly suitable for the encapsulation of hydrophobic active ingredients, and allowed to obtain ibuprofen release kinetics decreased to acidic pH (gastric). The last part of this work allowed to validate this last hypothesis by the realization of gastro-resistant forms on the model of MUPS tablets (multiple unit pellet system). The results of this exploratory work demonstrate that soy protein, combined with a multiparticle shaping process coupled with direct compression, can be a biosourced, environmentally friendly alternative (aqueous solvent handling, drying and compression steps reduced) and confident to the coating used in traditional gastroresistant forms.

Influência do processamento, de antioxidantes e da estocagem sobre a estabilidade oxidativa lipídica do ovo / Influence of processing, antioxidants and storage on oxidative stability of egg lipids

Carvalho, Michelle Garcêz de 01 November 2012 (has links)
O ovo é consumido in natura ou processado, e usado como matéria-prima em diversos produtos. A pasteurização e a atomização são os principais processamentos aplicados ao ovo. Diferentes condições de processamento, embalagem e estocagem podem afetar a estabilidade oxidativa lipídica e reduzir a proteção antioxidante natural do ovo. O uso de embalagens onde não haja contato do ovo com a luz e oxigênio, estocagem em temperaturas baixas e uso de antioxidantes podem prevenir a oxidação lipídica. Atualmente, os antioxidantes sintéticos são cada vez mais substituídos por antioxidantes naturais ou feita uma associação entre eles. O alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) e o chá verde (Camelia sinensis L) constam entre os vegetais com grande potencial antioxidante. Com base no exposto, os objetivos do trabalho foram: a) Padronizar o método do fosfomolibdênio para avaliação da capacidade antioxidante total da fração lipídica (CATL) do ovo; b) Investigar o efeito da pasteurização e da atomização do ovo no que se refere à capacidade antioxidante e à estabilidade oxidativa da fração lipídica do ovo; c) Avaliar a estabilidade oxidativa de ácidos graxos e a capacidade antioxidante do ovo integral pasteurizado atomizado, estocado a 5ºC, por 90 dias; d) Verificar por meio de teste de concentração de antioxidantes, a estabilidade oxidativa lipídica do ovo integral pasteurizado atomizado adicionado da mistura de extrato de alecrim, extrato de chá verde e BHA (butilato de hidroxianisol); e) Otimizar a concentração da mistura de extrato de alecrim, extrato de chá verde e BHA a ser adicionada ao ovo líquido integral pasteurizado, posteriormente atomizado, pelo modelo matemático proposto pela metodologia de superfície de resposta; f) Investigar o efeito da mistura otimizada de extrato de alecrim, extrato de chá verde e BHA na estabilidade oxidativa lipídica do ovo integral pasteurizado atomizado, estocado sob as temperaturas de 5°C e 25ºC, por 90 dias. O método do fosfomolidênio para medir a CATL do ovo apresentou adequação analítica, indicada pela equação de regressão (y = 13,705x + 0,0808), coeficiente de determinação (R2 = 0,9931), limite de detecção (0,005mg &#945;-tocoferol/ mL), limite de quantificação (0,017mg &#945;-tocoferol/ mL), coeficiente de correlação (r = 0,9965), sendo que a precisão não indicou dispersão ao redor da média. A CATL diminuiu com o progresso do processamento e o inverso foi observado quanto aos lipídios, 7-CETO (7-cetocolesterol) e TBARS (substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico). O ovo integral pasteurizado atomizado (OIPA) mantido sob condições de estocagem consideradas ideais permaneceu estável em relação à hidratação, a CATL e as TBARS. Pelo teste de concentração de antioxidantes, foram ensaiadas dez misturas (alecrim, chá verde e BHA) no OIPA e refletiu na sua estabilidade oxidativa lipídica, verificada pelas TBARS, CATL, CT-F (capacidade redutora pelo reativo de Folin - Ciocalteau), AGL (ácidos graxos livres) e AS-233 (substâncias absorvidas a 233 nm). Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM) foi adequada para descrever a formação dos AGL e AS-233 no OIPA, podendo serem usadas para fins preditivos. A otimização da mistura de antioxidantes baseou-se no modelo matemático obtido com as AS-233, onde foi proposto como sistema antioxidante 150ppm de BHA, 600ppm de alecrim e 300ppm de chá verde. As condições de estocagem adotadas e a adição dos antioxidantes foram efetivas para manter estável o OIPA, sendo mais efetivo quando estocado a 5°C. Concluíu-se que o método do fosfomolibdênio apresentou adequação analítica. A pasteurização não afetou os parâmetros analisados (lipídios, TBARS, CATL e 7-CETO), mas a atomização provocou diminuição significativa da CATL, e elevação dos lipídios, TBARS e 7-CETO. Foi mantida a hidratação e a estabilidade oxidativa do OIPA estocado por 90 dias a 5°C, indicando que as condições de embalagem e estocagem foram efetivas. Pelo modelo matemático proposto pela RSM foi constatado que apenas os AGL e AS-233 podem ser usados para fins preditivos, optando-se pela otimização da concentração da mistura de antioxidantes, usando apenas o modelo matemático obtido nas AS-233. Com a presença ou não de antioxidantes, o OIPA estocado a 5°C, ao longo dos 90 dias, apresentou-se mais estável quanto à hidratação e à oxidação lipídica. / Egg is consumed in natura or processed and is used as raw material in various food products. The pasteurization and spray-drying processes are the main processing applied to the egg. Different processing conditions, packaging and storage can affect the lipid oxidative stability and may reduce the natural antioxidant protection of this product. The use of packages in which the egg has no contact with light and oxygen, storage at low temperatures, and the use of antioxidants can prevent lipid oxidation. Currently, synthetic antioxidants have been increasingly replaced by natural antioxidants or an association between synthetic and natural antioxidants is adopted by food companies. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and green tea (Camellia sinensis L) are among the vegetables that present the highest antioxidant potential. Based on the above-mentioned considerations, the objectives of this research were: a) To standardize the method of phosphomolybdenum to evaluate the total antioxidant capacity of lipid fraction (CATL) egg; b)To investigate the effect of pasteurization and spray-drying on the antioxidant capacity and oxidative stability of the lipid fraction of egg; c) To assess the oxidative stability of fatty acids and the antioxidant capacity of whole egg subjected to pasteurization followed by spray-drying, stored at 5ºC for 90 days, d) To evaluate the by testing the concentration of antioxidants, oxidative stability of the lipid fraction of egg subjected to pasteurization and spray drying, added with a mixture of rosemary and green tea extracts and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole); e) To optimize the concentration of the mixture composed of rosemary and green tea extracts and BHA to be added to pasteurized liquid egg (and further subjected to spray-drying) by using Response Surface Methodology; f) To investigate the effect of the addition of this optimized mixture of antioxidants on of the lipid fraction of spray-dried egg, stored at temperatures of 5 and 25°C for 90 days. The phosphomolybdenum method CATL of egg presented analytical suitability once it presented a high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0,9931), a regression equation expressed as y = 13.705 + 0.0808 x, a limit of detection of 0.005 mg &#945;- tocopherol/mL, a limit of quantitation of 0.017 mg &#945;-tocopherol/mL, a significant and high correlation coefficient (r = 0.9965), and the accuracy did not indicate dispersion around the mean. The CATL decreased with the progress of processing and the reverse was observed for the lipids, 7-CETO (7-ketocholesterol) and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances). The pasteurized spray-dried egg (OIPA), which was kept under ideal storage conditions, remained stable in relation to moisture content, CATL and TBARS. In order to test the concentration of antioxidants to be added to OIPA, a total of 10 mixtures (rosemary, green tea and BHA) were assayed. The addition of antioxidants resulted in a higher oxidative stability of the lipid fraction as measured by TBARS, CATL, CT-F (reduction capacity by using the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent), AGL (free fat acids) and AS-233 (substances that absorb at 233 nm). The results showed that the response surface methodology (RSM) was adequate to describe the development of free fat acids and AS-233 in OIPA, and the RSM model proposed for AS-233 can be used for prediction purposes. The optimization of the antioxidant mixture based on the mathematical model proposed for AS-233 indicated that the mixture of 150ppm of BHA, 600ppm of rosemary extract and 300ppm of green tea extract was the best combination of antioxidants. The adopted storage conditions and the addition of antioxidants to OIPA were effective to maintain the response variables stable, and the stability was higher when OIPA was stored at 5°C. It was concluded that the method of phosphomolybdenum suitability presented analytically. The pasteurization did not affect the analyzed parameters (lipids, TBARS, CATL and 7-CETO), but the spray-drying caused a significant decrease CATL, and an increase in lipids, TBARS and 7-CETO. The hydration and the oxidative stability of OIPA remained stable for 90 days at 5°C, indicating that the packaging and storage conditions were effective. The RSM models proposed for free fat acids and AS-233 could be used for predictive purposes; however, the optimization procedure was performed taken into account only the AS-233 model. The OIPA stored at 5°C for 90 days, with or without the addition of the antioxidant mixture, was more stable in relation to hydration and lipid oxidation.

Aislamiento, identificación y conservación de cultivos de bacterias lácticas antagonistas de microbiota contaminante de sangre de matadero

Zamora Rodríguez, Lucero M. 20 November 2003 (has links)
La sangre obtenida en el matadero es un producto altamente contaminado que requiere un procesamiento inmediato si se pretende utilizarla como insumo alimentario en la fabricación de productos destinados al consumo humano. Si bien es cierto que los sistemas de higienización podrían ser muy eficientes desde el punto de vista de calidad microbiológica, su instalación en la línea de sacrificio comportaría muchas dificultades desde el punto de vista técnico y en algún caso sería muy costoso. La bioconservación podría ser una alternativa para mejorar la calidad microbiológica de la sangre, alargar su vida útil y reducir las posibilidades de procesamiento inmediato. El presente estudio nos permitiría formular la posibilidad de aplicar la bioconservación en sangre de cerdo procedente de matadero industrial, utilizando bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL) como cultivo bioprotector, para lo cual se aislaron cepas de BAL autóctonas y se confeccionaron dos colecciones una de BAL mesófilas y otra de psicrótrofas.Se evaluó el potencial antagonista de la colección de BAL mesófilas y psicrótrofas a 30ºC y a 15ºC respectivamente frente a bacterias contaminantes habituales de este subproducto. Las BAL que demostraron antagonismo en placa (7,1% a 30ºC y 11% a 15ºC) fueron seleccionadas para evaluar el potencial antagonista en sangre, donde el efecto inhibitorio se vio favorecido por la adición de un 2% glucosa. S.aureus y P. fluorescens fueron los indicadores más inhibidos por las cepas mesófilas, en algunos casos con reducciones superiores a 7 unidades logarítmicas. En condiciones psicrótrofas la bacteria más sensible a la presencia de BAL fue Bacillus sp., donde 8 de las 11 BAL ensayadas permitieron reducciones superiores a 4 logs y 1cepa incluso superiores a 7 logs; se obtuvieron reducciones máximas de 3 logs de E.coli y Pseudomonas fue inhibida por todas las BAL ensayadas, en algún caso con reducciones superiores a 5 logs.Las 5 que cepas que presentaron el espectro de inhibición más amplio en condiciones mesófilas y 7 en condiciones psicrótrofas frente a los microorganismos indicadores contaminantes de sangre de matadero se identificaron mediante técnicas moleculares por comparación de la secuencias correspondientes al gen que codifica la síntesis de 16S ARNr (16S ADNr) con las secuencias publicadas en las bases de datos. De las 7 cepas antagonistas en condiciones psicrótrofas 5 se identificaron como Lactococcus garvieae y 2 como Enterococcus malodoratus/gilvius raffinosus. Todas las BAL con potencial antagonista en condiciones mesófilas pertenecían al género Lactobacillus, 3 de elllas se identificaron como Lactobacillus murinus/animalis y una se identificó como Lactobacillus reuteri. TA20 que tuvo un gran espectro de inhibición a ambas temperaturas se identificó como Lactococcus garvieae.En este estudio se evaluaron tres métodos de conservación a largo plazo de las cepas que mostraron potencial antagonista. Se comparó la liofilización, la atomización frente a la congelación a -80ºC que era método que se había utilizado hasta el momento para conservar ambas colecciones de BAL. En general, los métodos de deshidratación (atomización y liofilización) y mantenimiento en refrigeración a 5ºC de los cultivos deshidratados se han mostrado más eficaces que la congelación. / Blood from slaughtered animals is a product with a high contamination level that requires an immediately processing after collection if the object is to use it as a food ingredient destined to human consumption. Nevertheless, even if hygienic collection systems used in abattoirs were be efficient enough to control the microbiological quality, their installation in the slaughtered line would be technically complicate and in some case would be so expensive.Bioconservation is an alternative to improve microbiological quality, to extend its shelf life and reducing the possibility of immediate processing after collection.The present study would permit us to formulate the possibility to applicate bioconservation in porcine blood from industrial abattoirs, using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains as biopreservative cultures. So a mesophylic and a psicrotrophyc LAB strains collections were confectioned.The antagonistic capacity toward usual contaminant bacteria in blood of the mesophylic and psicrotrophyc collections at 30ºC and 15ºC respectively were investigated. The LAB that demonstrated the widest inhibitory spectrum in agar plate evaluation (7,1% at 30ºC and 11% at 15ºC) were screened in order to evaluate their inhibitory activity in blood, where was observed that the addition of glucose at 2% had a positive effect in the inhibitory levels. The most sensible indicators to the mesophylic LAB were S. aureus and P. fluorescens. In some cases it was obtained reductions of 7 logarithmic units. In psicotrophic conditions the most sensible bacteria to LAB presence was Bacillus spp. where 8 of the 11 strains assayed inhibited in more than 4 logarithmic units and 1 of them inhibited this indicator in 7 logarithmic units..It was obtained maxim reductions of 3 logs versus E. coli. P. fluorescens was inhibited by all the assayed strains and in some case it was obtained reductions superior to 5 logs.The 5 mesophylic and 7 psictrophyc strains that demonstrated the widest inhibitory spectrum toward the indicators microorganisms from abattoir blood were identified using molecular techniques though comparison of the gene sequences that codify the synthesis of 16S RNAr (16S DNAr) with the sequences in the data base.5 from the 7 strains with antagonistic capacity in psicotrophyc conditions were identified like Lactococcus garvieae and the other two strains were identified like Enterococcus malodoratus/gilvius/raffinosus. All the antagonistic LAB in mesophylic conditions belonged to genus Lactobacillus, 3 of them were identified like Lactobacillus murinus/animalis and one of them as Lactobacillus reuteri. TA20 that had a widest spectrum at both assay temperatures was identified as Lactococcus garvieae.In this study there were evaluated three methods of conservation of cultures belonged to those LAB that demonstrated antagonistic capacity. It was compared freeze-drying, spray drying against freezing at -80ºC, that is the method used to conserve both LAB collections. Generally, the dehydration methods (freeze-drying and spray drying) and maintaining in refrigeration at 5ºC of dehydrated cultures showed to be better than freezing at -80ºC.

Parâmetros de produção e caracterização de produto seco de maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek - celastraceae - em torre de secagem por aspersão / Process parameters and characterization of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek – Celastraceae spray dried products

Oliveira, Olivia Werner January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos do processo de secagem por aspersão sobre as características do produto obtido a partir de extrato seco de Maytenus ilicifolia. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório, utilizado um desenho experimental fatorial, analisando quatro parâmetros: a concentração de dióxido de silício coloidal (10 e 30 %), o tempo de dispersão em meio líquido das matérias-primas (0,5 e 4 horas), a temperatura de entrada do ar de secagem na torre de aspersão (150 e 180 ºC), e a velocidade de rotação do disco aspersor (9.500 e 11.000 rpm). O teor de umidade residual, a morfologia, a distribuição granulométrica e o fluxo dos pós obtidos, assim como o rendimento do processo e a concentração do marcador catequina foram considerados como respostas ao desenho fatorial. O aumento da temperatura de entrada conduziu a produtos com umidade reduzida e a maior eficiência do processo. A concentração do dióxido de silício coloidal afetou principalmente as propriedades de fluxo e o teor de catequina nos pós produzidos. A maior velocidade de rotação influenciou de modo positivo somente sobre o rendimento do processo. / The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of technological parameters related to the spray drying process over the product obtained from a Maytenus ilicifolia spray dried extract. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried out using an experimental factorial design assessing four parameters: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), dispersion time of the feed material (0.5 – 4 h), air inlet temperature in the spray dryer (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). According to an experimental factorial design four parameters were assessed: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), mixing time (0.5 – 4 h), inlet temperature (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). Moisture content, morphology, particle size, flow, process yield and catechin concentration were considered as responses of the factorial design. Increasing inlet temperature led to dried products with reduced moisture content and higher process yield. Aerosil content mainly affected flow properties and catechin content in the powders. Atomizer speed at high level only enhanced process yield.

Elaboração e secagem em spray dryer de bebida probiótica formulada a partir da fermentação do suco de caju / Production and spray drying of probiotic beverage made from the fermentation of cashew apple juice

Pereira, Ana Lucia Fernandes January 2013 (has links)
PEREIRA, Ana Lucia Fernandes. Elaboração e secagem em spray dryer de bebida probiótica formulada a partir da fermentação do suco de caju. 2013. 114 f. : Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos, Fortaleza-CE, 2013 / Submitted by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-07-07T15:22:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_alfpereira.pdf: 23321259 bytes, checksum: 8664c9c00f28dc1b79e6eb068f4d265d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-07-07T15:22:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_alfpereira.pdf: 23321259 bytes, checksum: 8664c9c00f28dc1b79e6eb068f4d265d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-07T15:22:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_alfpereira.pdf: 23321259 bytes, checksum: 8664c9c00f28dc1b79e6eb068f4d265d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / The objective of this study was to develop a probiotic cashew apple juice ready to drink and in the dehydrated form through spray drying. The first stage of the study was the optimization of Lactobacillus casei NRRL B-442 cultivation in cashew apple juice, to optimize the proper inoculum amount and the fermentation time. The optimum conditions for probiotic cashew apple juice production were: initial pH 6.4, fermentation temperature of 30°C, inoculation level of 7.48 log CFU/mL (L. casei) and 16 h of fermentation process. Cashew apple juice showed to be as efficient as dairy products for L. casei growth. In a second stage, the stability of probiotic cashew apple juice stored for 42 days at 4°C was evaluated. Analyses were conducted in the non fermented cashew apple juice (control), and in the fermented juices with L. casei NRRL B-442, with 8% (w/v) of sucrose (sugar table), after fermentation, and without the addition of sugar. The viability of the probiotic bacteria, sugars and organic acids content, color, antioxidant and enzymatic activity, and sensory characteristics were evaluated during the storage. Viable cell counts increased in the probiotic cashew apple containing sucrose along the storage period. Moreover, the fermentation lead to the preservation of the ascorbic acid content, which had a less intense reduction in the fermented cashew apple juices compared to the non fermented sample. The antioxidant activity and total polyphenolic compounds of cashew apple juice had a similar trend. Browning reactions and nutritional breakdown caused by enzymes were minimized in the fermented samples during storage. In these samples, a higher reduction of the enzymatic activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activity was observed. During the storage, the increase in the chroma values indicated that yellowness was reinforced, being well accepted by consumers. The sensory attributes (aroma, flavor, acidity and color) of probiotic cashew apple juice were positively influenced by storage under refrigeration for 42 days. In the third stage of the research, the effects of dehydration by spray drying in cashew apple juice containing L. casei NRRL B-442 was assessed and the influence of storage temperature on the viability of L. casei NRRL B-442 and physical properties of the powder were evaluated during 35 days of storage. The drying agents used were: 20% (w/v) maltodextrin or 10% (w/v) maltodextrin + 10% (w/v) arabic gum. The powder of probiotic cashew apple juice showed satisfactory levels of L. casei survival, during drying. During storage, the addition of 10% (w/v) maltodextrin + 10% (w/v) arabic gum kept microbial viability within satisfactory levels when the powder was subjected to cooling at 4°C. However, greater differences in the reconstituted powder color and higher rehydration time were obtained in this condition. On the other hand, the addition of 20% (w/v) maltodextrin provided better yield. In conclusion, cashew apple juice is a good substrate for the probiotic beverage production, and the condition of drying agents 10% maltodextrin + 10% arabic gum is adequate to maintain satisfactory levels of L. casei NRRL B-442 survival for 35 days, in the powder of probiotic cashew juice stored at 4°C. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi elaborar um produto probiótico à base de suco de caju pronto para beber, como também, na forma desidratada obtida pela secagem por aspersão (spray drying). A primeira etapa da pesquisa consistiu em otimizar as condições de crescimento do Lactobacillus casei NRRL B-442 em suco de caju, a quantidade adequada de inóculo e o tempo de fermentação. As condições ótimas para produção do suco de caju probiótico foram: pH inicial de 6,4, temperatura de fermentação de 30°C, quantidade de inóculo de 7,48 log UFC/mL (L. casei) e 16 h de fermentação. O suco de caju mostrou ser tão eficiente quanto os produtos lácteos para o crescimento de L. casei. Em uma segunda etapa, foi avaliada a estabilidade da bebida probiótica de caju estocada por 42 dias a 4°C. Foram realizadas análises no suco de caju não fermentado (controle) e nos sucos fermentados com L. casei NRRL B-442, adicionado ou não de 8% (p/v) de sacarose depois da fermentação. Durante a estocagem, foram realizadas as determinações de viabilidade de L. casei NRRL B-442, conteúdo de açúcares e ácidos orgânicos, cor, atividade antioxidante e enzimática e aceitação sensorial. Foi observado que o número de células viáveis aumentou no suco de caju contendo sacarose ao longo da estocagem. Além disso, a fermentação proporcionou um efeito conservante no conteúdo de ácido ascórbico que teve uma redução menos intensa, com a estocagem, nos sucos fermentados, quando comparados com o controle. A atividade antioxidante e o conteúdo de polifenóis apresentaram similar tendência. Reações que reduzem o valor nutricional causadas por enzimas foram minimizadas nas amostras fermentadas durante a estocagem. Nessas amostras foi observada maior redução da atividade enzimática da polifenoloxidase e peroxidase. Durante a estocagem, o aumento do croma indicou que a cor amarela foi intensificada, sendo bem aceita pelos consumidores. Os atributos sensoriais (aroma, sabor, acidez e cor) do suco de caju probiótico foram positivamente influenciados pela estocagem sob refrigeração por 42 dias. Na terceira etapa da pesquisa, foi avaliado o efeito da desidratação por spray drying no suco de caju contendo L. casei NRRL B-442, além de avaliar a influência da temperatura de estocagem sobre a viabilidade de L. casei e nas propriedades físicas do pó, durante 35 dias de estocagem. Os agentes de secagem usados foram: 20% (p/v) de maltodextrina ou 10% (p/v) de maltodextrina + 10% (p/v) de goma arábica. O suco de caju probiótico desidratado por spray drying apresentou níveis satisfatórios de sobrevivência de L. casei NRRL B-442, durante a secagem. Durante a estocagem, a adição de 10% (p/v) de maltodextrina + 10% (p/v) de goma arábica manteve a viabilidade microbiana dentro de níveis satisfatórios quando o pó foi submetido à refrigeração a 4ºC. Entretanto, maiores diferenças na coloração do pó reconstituído e maior tempo de reidratação foram obtidos nesta condição. Já a adição de 20% (p/v) de maltodextrina proporcionou melhor rendimento. Em conclusão, o suco de caju pode ser utilizado como substrato para o desenvolvimento de bebida probiótica, e a condição dos agentes de secagem de 10% de maltodextrina + 10% de goma arábica mostra-se adequada para manter os níveis satisfatórios de L. casei NRRL B-442 por até 35 dias, no suco de caju probiótico desidratado estocado a 4°C.

Elaboração e secagem em spray dryer de bebida probiótica formulada a partir da fermentação do suco de caju / Production and spray drying of probiotic beverage made from the fermentation of cashew apple juice

Pereira, Ana Lucia Fernandes January 2013 (has links)
PEREIRA, Ana Lucia Fernandes. Elaboração e secagem em spray dryer de bebida probiótica formulada a partir da fermentação do suco de caju. 2013. 116 f. Tese (Doutorado em tecnologia de alimentos)- Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, 2013. / Submitted by Elineudson Ribeiro (elineudsonr@gmail.com) on 2016-07-07T17:55:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_alfpereira.pdf: 24437687 bytes, checksum: 9e9963b2d25536d6bfb0cbe06acecac0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by José Jairo Viana de Sousa (jairo@ufc.br) on 2016-07-21T20:24:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_alfpereira.pdf: 24437687 bytes, checksum: 9e9963b2d25536d6bfb0cbe06acecac0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-21T20:24:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_tese_alfpereira.pdf: 24437687 bytes, checksum: 9e9963b2d25536d6bfb0cbe06acecac0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / The objective of this study was to develop a probiotic cashew apple juice ready to drink and in the dehydrated form through spray drying. The first stage of the study was the optimization of Lactobacillus casei NRRL B-442 cultivation in cashew apple juice, to optimize the proper inoculum amount and the fermentation time. The optimum conditions for probiotic cashew apple juice production were: initial pH 6.4, fermentation temperature of 30°C, inoculation level of 7.48 log CFU/mL (L. casei) and 16 h of fermentation process. Cashew apple juice showed to be as efficient as dairy products for L. casei growth. In a second stage, the stability of probiotic cashew apple juice stored for 42 days at 4°C was evaluated. Analyses were conducted in the non fermented cashew apple juice (control), and in the fermented juices with L. casei NRRL B-442, with 8% (w/v) of sucrose (sugar table), after fermentation, and without the addition of sugar. The viability of the probiotic bacteria, sugars and organic acids content, color, antioxidant and enzymatic activity, and sensory characteristics were evaluated during the storage. Viable cell counts increased in the probiotic cashew apple containing sucrose along the storage period. Moreover, the fermentation lead to the preservation of the ascorbic acid content, which had a less intense reduction in the fermented cashew apple juices compared to the non fermented sample. The antioxidant activity and total polyphenolic compounds of cashew apple juice had a similar trend. Browning reactions and nutritional breakdown caused by enzymes were minimized in the fermented samples during storage. In these samples, a higher reduction of the enzymatic activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activity was observed. During the storage, the increase in the chroma values indicated that yellowness was reinforced, being well accepted by consumers. The sensory attributes (aroma, flavor, acidity and color) of probiotic cashew apple juice were positively influenced by storage under refrigeration for 42 days. In the third stage of the research, the effects of dehydration by spray drying in cashew apple juice containing L. casei NRRL B-442 was assessed and the influence of storage temperature on the viability of L. casei NRRL B-442 and physical properties of the powder were evaluated during 35 days of storage. The drying agents used were: 20% (w/v) maltodextrin or 10% (w/v) maltodextrin + 10% (w/v) arabic gum. The powder of probiotic cashew apple juice showed satisfactory levels of L. casei survival, during drying. During storage, the addition of 10% (w/v) maltodextrin + 10% (w/v) arabic gum kept microbial viability within satisfactory levels when the powder was subjected to cooling at 4°C. However, greater differences in the reconstituted powder color and higher rehydration time were obtained in this condition. On the other hand, the addition of 20% (w/v) maltodextrin provided better yield. In conclusion, cashew apple juice is a good substrate for the probiotic beverage production, and the condition of drying agents 10% maltodextrin + 10% arabic gum is adequate to maintain satisfactory levels of L. casei NRRL B-442 survival for 35 days, in the powder of probiotic cashew juice stored at 4°C. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi elaborar um produto probiótico à base de suco de caju pronto para beber, como também, na forma desidratada obtida pela secagem por aspersão (spray drying). A primeira etapa da pesquisa consistiu em otimizar as condições de crescimento do Lactobacillus casei NRRL B-442 em suco de caju, a quantidade adequada de inóculo e o tempo de fermentação. As condições ótimas para produção do suco de caju probiótico foram: pH inicial de 6,4, temperatura de fermentação de 30°C, quantidade de inóculo de 7,48 log UFC/mL (L. casei) e 16 h de fermentação. O suco de caju mostrou ser tão eficiente quanto os produtos lácteos para o crescimento de L. casei. Em uma segunda etapa, foi avaliada a estabilidade da bebida probiótica de caju estocada por 42 dias a 4°C. Foram realizadas análises no suco de caju não fermentado (controle) e nos sucos fermentados com L. casei NRRL B-442, adicionado ou não de 8% (p/v) de sacarose depois da fermentação. Durante a estocagem, foram realizadas as determinações de viabilidade de L. casei NRRL B-442, conteúdo de açúcares e ácidos orgânicos, cor, atividade antioxidante e enzimática e aceitação sensorial. Foi observado que o número de células viáveis aumentou no suco de caju contendo sacarose ao longo da estocagem. Além disso, a fermentação proporcionou um efeito conservante no conteúdo de ácido ascórbico que teve uma redução menos intensa, com a estocagem, nos sucos fermentados, quando comparados com o controle. A atividade antioxidante e o conteúdo de polifenóis apresentaram similar tendência. Reações que reduzem o valor nutricional causadas por enzimas foram minimizadas nas amostras fermentadas durante a estocagem. Nessas amostras foi observada maior redução da atividade enzimática da polifenoloxidase e peroxidase. Durante a estocagem, o aumento do croma indicou que a cor amarela foi intensificada, sendo bem aceita pelos consumidores. Os atributos sensoriais (aroma, sabor, acidez e cor) do suco de caju probiótico foram positivamente influenciados pela estocagem sob refrigeração por 42 dias. Na terceira etapa da pesquisa, foi avaliado o efeito da desidratação por spray drying no suco de caju contendo L. casei NRRL B-442, além de avaliar a influência da temperatura de estocagem sobre a viabilidade de L. casei e nas propriedades físicas do pó, durante 35 dias de estocagem. Os agentes de secagem usados foram: 20% (p/v) de maltodextrina ou 10% (p/v) de maltodextrina + 10% (p/v) de goma arábica. O suco de caju probiótico desidratado por spray drying apresentou níveis satisfatórios de sobrevivência de L. casei NRRL B-442, durante a secagem. Durante a estocagem, a adição de 10% (p/v) de maltodextrina + 10% (p/v) de goma arábica manteve a viabilidade microbiana dentro de níveis satisfatórios quando o pó foi submetido à refrigeração a 4ºC. Entretanto, maiores diferenças na coloração do pó reconstituído e maior tempo de reidratação foram obtidos nesta condição. Já a adição de 20% (p/v) de maltodextrina proporcionou melhor rendimento. Em conclusão, o suco de caju pode ser utilizado como substrato para o desenvolvimento de bebida probiótica, e a condição dos agentes de secagem de 10% de maltodextrina + 10% de goma arábica mostra-se adequada para manter os níveis satisfatórios de L. casei NRRL B-442 por até 35 dias, no suco de caju probiótico desidratado estocado a 4°C.

Parâmetros de produção e caracterização de produto seco de maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek - celastraceae - em torre de secagem por aspersão / Process parameters and characterization of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek – Celastraceae spray dried products

Oliveira, Olivia Werner January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos do processo de secagem por aspersão sobre as características do produto obtido a partir de extrato seco de Maytenus ilicifolia. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório, utilizado um desenho experimental fatorial, analisando quatro parâmetros: a concentração de dióxido de silício coloidal (10 e 30 %), o tempo de dispersão em meio líquido das matérias-primas (0,5 e 4 horas), a temperatura de entrada do ar de secagem na torre de aspersão (150 e 180 ºC), e a velocidade de rotação do disco aspersor (9.500 e 11.000 rpm). O teor de umidade residual, a morfologia, a distribuição granulométrica e o fluxo dos pós obtidos, assim como o rendimento do processo e a concentração do marcador catequina foram considerados como respostas ao desenho fatorial. O aumento da temperatura de entrada conduziu a produtos com umidade reduzida e a maior eficiência do processo. A concentração do dióxido de silício coloidal afetou principalmente as propriedades de fluxo e o teor de catequina nos pós produzidos. A maior velocidade de rotação influenciou de modo positivo somente sobre o rendimento do processo. / The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of technological parameters related to the spray drying process over the product obtained from a Maytenus ilicifolia spray dried extract. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried out using an experimental factorial design assessing four parameters: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), dispersion time of the feed material (0.5 – 4 h), air inlet temperature in the spray dryer (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). According to an experimental factorial design four parameters were assessed: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), mixing time (0.5 – 4 h), inlet temperature (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). Moisture content, morphology, particle size, flow, process yield and catechin concentration were considered as responses of the factorial design. Increasing inlet temperature led to dried products with reduced moisture content and higher process yield. Aerosil content mainly affected flow properties and catechin content in the powders. Atomizer speed at high level only enhanced process yield.

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