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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BOSONI, MARIA LETIZIA 20 February 2012 (has links)
Questa tesi affronta il tema della trasformazione dell’identità maschile e del ruolo paterno, in relazione con il contesto lavorativo. La riflessione sull’identità maschile viene considerata entro la più ampia questione delle differenze di genere, attraverso il contributo dei men’s studies; il ruolo paterno viene studiato in relazione alla sfida della conciliazione tra famiglia e lavoro. La ricerca empirica condotta è quindi volta a studiare come la paternità è vissuta in relazione al ruolo professionale. Il fronte lavorativo viene indagato da una prospettiva specifica e particolare, ovvero quella aziendale. Dal punto di vista metodologico sono stati realizzati tre studi di caso aziendali, con metodo qualitativo, con interviste in profondità volte a cogliere sia la cultura aziendale in termini di supporto per i dipendenti sia l’esperienza concreta dei padri. La complessità che caratterizza il contesto odierno rende difficile scindere i diversi aspetti che costituiscono il sociale. Far convivere in modo armonioso i differenti ruoli è frutto di una capacità personale di riflettere sul contesto in cui ci si inserisce e sulle proprie azioni, in modo da gestire con abilità le sfide quotidiane. / This thesis addresses the issue of the male identity and father's role transformation, in relation to the work context. The reflection on male identity is considered within the broader question of gender differences, through the contribution of men's studies; the father's role is studied in relation to the challenge of the family and work reconciliation. The empirical research is aimed to investigate how fatherhood is experienced in relation to the professional role. The work context is investigated from a specific and particular perspective: the companies. Methodologically, 3 case studies have been carried out, using a qualitative research technique, aimed both to understand the corporate culture in terms of care for employees and the personal experience of fathers. The complexity that characterizes today's context makes it difficult to separate the different aspects that constitute the social world. The ability to harmoniously integrate the different roles comes from a personal capacity to reflect on the context and actions, in order to manage the daily challenges.

Independent to what? An analys is of the live music scene in Milan

TARASSI, SILVIA MARIA 26 June 2012 (has links)
Questa tesi cerca di fornire un quadro di analisi delle azioni e interazione che caratterizzano la produzione di musica indipendente a Milano. Il punto di partenza del progetto è stato uno studio della letteratura collegata alle ‘scene musicali’ (Peterson & Bennett, 2004), termine utilizzato per comprendere una vasta gamma di studi che condividono una visione comune di scena musicale come legata a affinità di genere o a un contesto territoriale. Facendo riferimento a prospettive diverse, la tesi critica la nozione di scena musicale (Webb, 2007) perché non permette di analizzare la complessità e la mobilità delle pratiche musicali (Urry, 2005), e non considera le interazioni esterne con forze politiche ed economiche (Bourdieu, 1993). Per questo motivo, la tesi fornisce un modello per l'analisi di circuiti di produzione di musica indipendente. Il modello comprende tre livelli di analisi, uno relativo alla necessità di analizzare la scena musicale per le sue caratteristiche produttive e organizzative, come circuiti di produzione culturale; il secondo considera la scena come interconnessa a un contesto mediale, economico, normativo, politico e culturale; e il terzo livello cerca di analizzare la natura complessa del territorio in cui pratiche si svolgono, che non può essere limitata ai confini delle città. / This thesis attempts to provide a new analytical framework for the study of actions and interactions of small-scale independent live music production in Milan. The starting point of the project has been the literature connected to the music scene perspective (e.g. Peterson & Bennett, 2004), which comprises a wide range of studies sharing a common understanding of scenes as either genre-based or locally specific. Referring to different frameworks, the thesis criticizes the music scene perspective (e.g Webb, 2007) because it doesn’t allow to analyze the complexity and mobility of music-making practices (Urry, 2005), and the need of considering the external interactions with political and economic forces (Bourdieu, 1993). For this reason, the thesis provides a multi-layered model for the analysis of circuits of independent music production. The model comprises three levels of analysis, one concerning the need to analyze the music scene for its productive and organizational characteristics as circuits of cultural production, the second one considers the scene as interconnected to the media, economic, regulatory, political and cultural environment and the third level that seeks to analyze the complex nature of the territory in which such practices take place which cannot be restricted to physical space of the city.

Tratta di esseri umani per lo scopo sessuale e corruzione in Brasile: un'analisi approfondita sul collegamento tra due fenomeni criminali / Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation, and Official Corruption in Brazil

CIRINEO SACCO, ANDREA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Questa tesi versa sull'interrelazione tra due fenomeni criminali: tratta di esseri umani, particolarmente donne e bambini allo scopo di sfruttamento sessuale, e corruzione in Brasile. Lo studio è basato su quattro fonti diverse di dati empirici: tre fonti secondarie e un questionario (survey). Il capitolo I esplora l'importanza del tema, i problemi affrontati nello studio e gli obbiettivi della tesi. Il capitolo II presenta la letteratura scientifica sulla quale la tesi è basata, l'ipotesi principale, la metodologia applicata e i dati utilizzati. Il capitolo III analizza i risultati empirici provenienti dalle quattro fonti di dati, i quali dimostrano 1) la dipendenza della tratta di esseri umani sulla corruzione; 2) i punti più vulnerabili per la corruzione durante la catena della tratta e la catena della giustizia penale; 3) le differenze regionali e la tendenza della tratta di esseri umani e della corruzione in Brasile. L'analisi multivariata é utilizzata per dimostrare la forza della correlazione tra i due fenomeni. La dipendenza della tratta di esseri umani sulla corruzione è analizzata attraverso l'utilizzo del metodo qualitativo. Il capitolo V discute i risultati e presenta le conclusioni. / This thesis deals with the interrelationship between two criminal phenomena: trafficking in human beings, particularly women and minors for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and official corruption in Brazil. The study is based on empirical data from four different sources: three sets of secondary data and a survey. Chapter I highlights the importance of the study, the problems addressed by the thesis, as well as its objectives. Chapter II explores up-to-date scientific literature, the working hypothesis, applied methodology, and research design. Chapter III presents the empirical findings of each set of data which shows: 1) the dependence of Trafficking in Human Beings on Corruption; 2) the most vulnerable points for corruption during the trafficking and criminal justice chains; 3) and regional differences and trends on THB and Corruption in Brazil. Multivariate analysis is used: 1) to highlight the strength and of the interrelationship between Trafficking in Human Beings and Corruption; 2) and to establish predictability. The dependence of Trafficking on Official Corruption is analysed by means of qualitative method. Chapter V discusses the results and presents conclusions.

CHOKORA O STREET CHILDREN?: RAPPRESENTAZIONI SOCIALI E PARADOSSI IDENTITARI DEI BAMBINI CHE VIVONO SULLE STRADE DI NAIROBI / Chokora o street children? Social representations and identity paradoxes of the children living on the streets of Nairobi

MEDA, STEFANIA GIADA 19 February 2010 (has links)
La ricerca rappresenta un'indagine qualitativa di carattere esplorativo in merito al tema dell’identità e delle rappresentazioni sociali dei bambini che vivono sulle strade di Nairobi (Kenya). Sono state messe in luce e analizzate le numerose rappresentazioni degli street children, tra cui quella spregiativa – chokora – elaborata dalla comunità locale, che li assimila a rifiuti) per far emergere quanto l’identità del bambino di strada possa essere compresa facendo riferimento al soggetto come a un prodotto di condizionamenti sociali e culturali o anche come entità potenzialmente capace, all’interno di una continuità narrativa, di elaborare riflessivamente la propria esperienza e di produrre attivamente nuovi significati e nuove forme sociali. Sotto il profilo metodologico sono state realizzate quarantanove interviste strutturate, dodici semistrutturate e sessantacinque in profondità a street dwellers, ex street boys, famigliari di street children, operatori di ONG e CBO, testimoni privilegiati e soggetti della comunità locale. Si è fatto inoltre uso della tecnica visuale del diario fotografico e dell’osservazione partecipante. La ricerca empirica ha messo in luce che l’identità degli street children si struttura su relazioni di appartenenza e di differenziazione. Le rappresentazioni sociali sono determinanti per il processo identitario degli street children, ma è possibile un margine di negoziazione della propria identità, alla luce della conversazione interiore, che consente una ristrutturazione attorno a un perno positivo del sé relazionale. Questo avviene quando la negoziazione dell’identità viene vissuta come un processo relazionale, guidato dalle premure fondamentali del soggetto e all’interno di relazioni fiduciarie che consentono una rappresentazione positiva del sé. / The research is a qualitative exploratory study on the identity and social representations of the children living on the streets of Nairobi (Kenya). A number of representations of street children are shown and analysed(including the one – chokora – elaborated by the local community that assimilates the children to garbage) to demonstrate how the identity of the street children may be understood making reference to the subject as the product of social and cultural conditioning or as an entity possibly able – within a narrative continuity – to elaborate reflexively his own experience and to actively produce new meanings and social forms. Methodologically, forty-nine structured, twelve semi-structure and sixty-five in depth interviews were carried out with street dwellers, ex street boys, family members of street children, NGOs and CBOs’ social workers, privileged witnesses and individuals from the local community. Moreover, a visual technique (photo diary) and participatory observation were used. The empirical research has shown that the identity of the street children is formed on the relations of belonging and differentiation. Furthermore, social representations are determinant for the identity process of the street children, but there is also room for one’s own identity negotiation, in the light of the internal conversation, that allows a restructuring of the relational self around a positive mainstay. This happens when the negotiation of the identity is experienced as a relational process, oriented by the ultimate concerns, within trustworthy relations, that allow a positive representation of the self.

Processi di Integrazione Regionale: il Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo ed il Maghreb / Processes of Regional Integration: the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Maghreb

MALLIA, LIVIO 18 May 2010 (has links)
A partire dai primi anni Novanta il mondo ha assistito allo sviluppo ed al consolidamento di importanti organizzazioni e/o accordi a carattere regionale. Da allora il fenomeno dell' integrazione regionale si è notevolmente consolidato contribuendo allo sviluppo di un rinnovato interesse teorico verso il Regionalismo e, più in generale, verso i processi di integrazione regionale. Oggigiorno il Regionalismo è un tema centrale in diverse scienze sociali, ed in particolar modo nell’ambito dell’Economia Internazionale e delle Relazioni Internazionali. Concentrandosi su un ampio gruppo di accordi regionali caratterizzati dallo stretto rapporto tra il perseguimento dell’integrazione economica, da una parte, ed il raggiungimento di importanti fini geo-politici e nell’ambito della sicurezza dall'altra, lo scopo di questa ricerca è di dimostrare che un approccio multi-disciplinare è utile per un’analisi più completa ed approfondita di tali accordi, e nel caso specifico del Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo. A tal proposito, i principali obiettivi del presente lavoro sono due: da una parte, analizzare se il Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo ha effettivamente favorito lo sviluppo di un processo di integrazione regionale tra i Paesi del Bacino Mediterraneo; dall’altra, analizzare questa iniziativa alla luce dei principali contributi teorici dell’Economia Internazionale e delle Relazioni Internazionali. / Starting in the early 1990s the world witnessed the development and the strengthening of important regional organizations and arrangements. Since then many changes have occurred and the phenomenon of regional integration has strengthened. The recent upsurge in regional agreements has led to a renewed theoretical interest in Regionalism and regional integration processes. As a matter of fact, today Regionalism is a relevant issue for many social sciences; in particular, in the field of International Economics and International Relations. By focusing on a large group of regional agreements, which are characterised by a strong binomial relationship between economic integration and the achievement of geo-political and security goals, the purpose of the research is to demonstrate that a multi-disciplinary approach drawing from both International Economics and International Relations is necessary for a deeper understanding of such agreements. In order to test this line of reasoning, the present research will analyse a recent regional agreement: the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. On the basis of the theoretical contributions on Regionalism and RIAs, the research will have two main aims: the first one is to analyse whether the Partnership has effectively contributed to the establishment of an integration process in the Mediterranean Basin, both in the political and in the economic spheres; the second one is to analyse the same initiative according to International Relations and the International Economics theories.

Kan man tillämpa bilindustrins krav på småserietillverkare? / Is it possible to apply car manufactures demands on short run manufacturers?

Bash, Daniel, Kilstam, Jacob, Carlsson, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>This report is a part of the education at the School of Engineering, Jönköping. The content of the report is based on work conducted at Huskvarna Prototyper AB (HPAB). The task of the report is to find out what reasonable quality demands would be for a short run manufacturer and what short run manufactures should do to satisfy the demands.</p><p>The car manufacturing industry is currently setting high quality demands through QS 9000, Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), on their suppliers. They have to show that they have reliable processes and no quality failures on supplied parts. Statistical process control (SPC) methods are used to comply with the demands set. SPC helps the suppliers to secure that their products are shifting within a small interval. Suppliers can with the help of control charts with a upper control limit and a lower control limit see if their process needs adjustment.</p><p>The car manufacturing industry demands that their suppliers have stable processes. In order to show that the processes are stable a Cpk value is used. It has to be greater than 1.33 to assure a stable process.</p><p>HPAB has got problems with a component called Scuff Plate (a part of Volvo XC 90) which has got its standards set by the car manufacturing industry. The authors of this paper have measured the Cpk value at four different occasions with the help of the measurement program, Rektron. The value on observation 1, was 0.15 but has increased to 1.34, on observation 4, thanks to adjustments made.</p><p>The autors have produced an instruction manual for dealing with future short and long run production.</p> / <p>Denna rapport är en del i en högskoleingenjörsutbildning vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Arbetet är utfört på Huskvarna Prototyper AB (HPAB). Uppgiften var att ta reda på vilka kvalitetskrav som är rimliga att ställa på småserietillverkare och vad småserietillverkarna kan göra för att uppfylla kraven.</p><p>Bilindustrin ställer i dag höga krav på sina underleverantörer. De ska kunna visa att de har dugliga processer och på de detaljer de levererar ska det inte finnas några kvalitetsbrister. För att säkerställa hög kvalité jobbar många företag med statistiska metoder där man med hög säkerhet kan visa att ens måttvariation skiftar inom ett litet intervall.</p><p>Statistisk processstyrning (SPS) är ett hjälpmedel för att säkerhetsställa god kvalité. Genom regelbundna mätningar får man fram värden som man för in i ett styrdiagram. Med hjälp av detta styrdiagram, som består av en övre och en undre styrgräns, kan man avläsa när processen måste justeras.</p><p>Bilindustrin kräver att deras underleverantörer har stabila processer. Detta kan man visa genom att ta fram ett korrigeradat maskinduglighetsvärde, Cpk. QS 9000 med dess Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), är den standard som har tagits fram av bilindustrin kräver att processerna ska ha ett Cpk som är större än 1,33 för att processen ska vara godkänd.</p><p>HPAB har problem med detaljen Scuff Plate som är en detalj till Volvo XC90. Vid fyra olika tillfällen har maskinduglighetstest utförst på HPAB:s quintusspress. I rapporten kan man följa hur Cpk-värdet vid första observationen på 0,15 har ökat till 1,34 vid det fjärde testet. Att Cpk-värdet har ökat beror på att man ändrat inställningar mellan de olika observationstillfällena.</p><p>Författarna har tagit fram en mall för hur HPAB, som mestadels tillverkar små volymer, ska hantera de krav som bilindustrin ställer vid både långa och korta serier.</p>

Porting DotGNU to Embedded Linux

Stein, Alexander 29 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Programming PLC systems is limited by the provided libraries. In contrary, hardware-near programming needs bigger efforts in e. g. initializing the hardware. This work others a foundation to combine advantages of both development sides. Therefore, Portable.NET from the DotGNU project has been used, which is an implementation of CLI, better known as “.NET”. The target system is the PLCcore-5484 microcontroller board, developed by SYS TEC electronic GmbH. Built upon the porting, two variants to use interrupt routines withing the Portabe.NET runtime environment have been analyzed. Finally, the reaction times to occuring interrupt events have been examined and compared. / Die Programmierung für SPS-Systeme ist durch die gegebenen Bibliotheken beschränkt, während hardwarenahe Programmierung einen größeren Aufwand durch z.B. Initialisierungen hat. Diese Arbeit bietet eine Grundlage, um die Vorteile beider Entwicklungsseiten zu kombinieren. Dafür wurde Portable.NET des DotGNU-Projekts, eine Implementierung des CLI, bekannter unter dem Namen “.NET”, benutzt. Das Zielsystem ist das PLCcore-5484 Mikrocontrollerboard der SYS TEC electronic GmbH. Aufbauend auf der Portierung wurden zwei Varianten zur Einbindung von Interrupt-Routinen in die Portable.NET Laufzeitumgebung untersucht. Abschließend wurden die Reaktionszeiten zu eintretenden Interrupts analysiert und verglichen.

Kan man tillämpa bilindustrins krav på småserietillverkare? / Is it possible to apply car manufactures demands on short run manufacturers?

Bash, Daniel, Kilstam, Jacob, Carlsson, Johan January 2007 (has links)
This report is a part of the education at the School of Engineering, Jönköping. The content of the report is based on work conducted at Huskvarna Prototyper AB (HPAB). The task of the report is to find out what reasonable quality demands would be for a short run manufacturer and what short run manufactures should do to satisfy the demands. The car manufacturing industry is currently setting high quality demands through QS 9000, Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), on their suppliers. They have to show that they have reliable processes and no quality failures on supplied parts. Statistical process control (SPC) methods are used to comply with the demands set. SPC helps the suppliers to secure that their products are shifting within a small interval. Suppliers can with the help of control charts with a upper control limit and a lower control limit see if their process needs adjustment. The car manufacturing industry demands that their suppliers have stable processes. In order to show that the processes are stable a Cpk value is used. It has to be greater than 1.33 to assure a stable process. HPAB has got problems with a component called Scuff Plate (a part of Volvo XC 90) which has got its standards set by the car manufacturing industry. The authors of this paper have measured the Cpk value at four different occasions with the help of the measurement program, Rektron. The value on observation 1, was 0.15 but has increased to 1.34, on observation 4, thanks to adjustments made. The autors have produced an instruction manual for dealing with future short and long run production. / Denna rapport är en del i en högskoleingenjörsutbildning vid Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping. Arbetet är utfört på Huskvarna Prototyper AB (HPAB). Uppgiften var att ta reda på vilka kvalitetskrav som är rimliga att ställa på småserietillverkare och vad småserietillverkarna kan göra för att uppfylla kraven. Bilindustrin ställer i dag höga krav på sina underleverantörer. De ska kunna visa att de har dugliga processer och på de detaljer de levererar ska det inte finnas några kvalitetsbrister. För att säkerställa hög kvalité jobbar många företag med statistiska metoder där man med hög säkerhet kan visa att ens måttvariation skiftar inom ett litet intervall. Statistisk processstyrning (SPS) är ett hjälpmedel för att säkerhetsställa god kvalité. Genom regelbundna mätningar får man fram värden som man för in i ett styrdiagram. Med hjälp av detta styrdiagram, som består av en övre och en undre styrgräns, kan man avläsa när processen måste justeras. Bilindustrin kräver att deras underleverantörer har stabila processer. Detta kan man visa genom att ta fram ett korrigeradat maskinduglighetsvärde, Cpk. QS 9000 med dess Production Part Approval Process (PPAP), är den standard som har tagits fram av bilindustrin kräver att processerna ska ha ett Cpk som är större än 1,33 för att processen ska vara godkänd. HPAB har problem med detaljen Scuff Plate som är en detalj till Volvo XC90. Vid fyra olika tillfällen har maskinduglighetstest utförst på HPAB:s quintusspress. I rapporten kan man följa hur Cpk-värdet vid första observationen på 0,15 har ökat till 1,34 vid det fjärde testet. Att Cpk-värdet har ökat beror på att man ändrat inställningar mellan de olika observationstillfällena. Författarna har tagit fram en mall för hur HPAB, som mestadels tillverkar små volymer, ska hantera de krav som bilindustrin ställer vid både långa och korta serier.

Obtention d'alumines α dopées polycristallines transparentes par Spark Plasma Sintering

Lallemant, Lucile 28 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'élaboration de céramiques polycristallines transparentes constitue un défi technologique important. Les matériaux transparents actuellement utilisés (verres ou monocristaux) possèdent des propriétés mécaniques (dureté, résistance à l'usure) et physico-chimiques (résistance à la corrosion) moins intéressantes que celles des céramiques polycristallines. Par ailleurs, le coût de production de ces dernières est inférieur à celui des monocristaux. Les deux principaux paramètres à contrôler afin d'augmenter les propriétés optiques de l'alumine alpha polycristalline sont sa porosité, comme pour tout matériau transparent, et sa taille de grains, du fait de sa biréfringence. Aussi on cherchera à obtenir après frittage un matériau possédant une très faible porosité (inférieure à 0,05%) avec une distribution fine en taille de pores centrée sur des porosités nanométriques, et une taille de grains très fine (plus grand que 0,5 µm). Actuellement, cette microstructure particulière est obtenue en ~ 15 heures en combinant un frittage naturel suivi d'un traitement par Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). La technique de Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) utilisée dans cette étude permet d'obtenir des céramiques denses possédant une microstructure fine en des temps plus courts. Premièrement, un protocole d'élaboration d'une alumine pure transparente a été mis au point. Il repose sur la préparation de crus à microstructure contrôlée avant l'étape de frittage. Principalement, ils doivent présenter une distribution fine en taille de pores avec un empilement particulaire macroscopique homogène dépourvu d'agglomérats. Le cycle de frittage SPS a également été optimisé afin d'obtenir les meilleures transmissions optiques possibles. Ensuite, un protocole de dopage par des inhibiteurs de croissance de grains a été optimisé. La nature du sel dopant influe au second ordre sur les propriétés optiques des échantillons par rapport à une calcination préalable au frittage. La nature et/ou la quantité de dopant induisent un décalage plus ou moins important de la densification vers les hautes températures. Le cycle de frittage SPS doit donc être adapté en conséquence. Le taux de dopant doit être optimisé afin d'obtenir une microstructure fine après frittage sans présence de particules de seconde phase. Différents dopants ont été comparés (magnésium Mg, lanthane La et zirconium Zr) et l'échantillon possédant les meilleures propriétés optiques a été obtenu grâce à un dopage à 200 cat ppm de lanthane. Des optimisations au niveau de la morphologie des poudres (plus fines et plus sphériques) et de la préparation des suspensions d'alumine alpha dopées au lanthane (lavage par centrifugation) ont permis d'obtenir l'un des meilleurs échantillons d'alumine transparente reporté dans la littérature. Il possède une transmission optique de 68% et une taille de grains de l'ordre de 300 nm. Ses propriétés mécaniques (dureté, résistance à l'abrasion) sont supérieures à celles d'un monocristal de saphir.

LE RELAZIONI DIPLOMATICHE TRA IL REGNO UNITO E LA SANTA SEDE DURANTE IL PONTIFICATO DI PIO XI (1922 - 1939) / The Diplomatic Relations between the United Kingdom and the Holy See during the pontificate of Pius XI (1922-1939)

BOTRUGNO, LORENZO 31 March 2015 (has links)
I rapporti anglo-vaticani, storicamente segnati da reciproche diffidenze, si distinsero per cordialità nel corso della prima parte del pontificato di Papa Achille Ratti - Pio XI (1922-1939). Tra il 1927 e il 1932 un doloroso conflitto tra Chiesa e Stato a Malta, cattolicissima colonia britannica, si trasformò gradualmente in un aspro scontro diplomatico tra la Segreteria di Stato di Sua Santità ed il Foreign Office. I legami tra Regno Unito e Santa Sede si indebolirono ulteriormente nel biennio 1935-1936, durante la Guerra d’Etiopia: a torto, Londra interpretò l’iniziativa di pace della diplomazia pontificia come funzionale a sostenere le rivendicazioni imperiali dell’Italia fascista. Nel 1937, a seguito della pubblicazione dell’enciclica “Mit Brennender Sorge”, ebbe principio un effettivo riavvicinamento: gli inglesi percepirono il Papato allineato alle democrazie e contrapposto ai totalitarismi, ovverosia Germania e Italia. L’istituzione della Delegazione apostolica in Gran Bretagna (novembre 1938) costituiva sintomo e manifestazione concreta di tale nuova e profonda armonia. / Anglo-vatican relations, historically marked by reciprocal diffidences, were characterized by cordiality during the first part of the pontificate of Pope Achille Ratti - Pius XI (1922-1939). From 1927 to 1932 a painful conflict between Church and State in Malta, the Roman Catholic British colony, gradually turned into a bitter diplomatic confrontation between the Secretariat of State of His Holiness and the Foreign Office. The ties between United Kingdom and Holy See weakened further in the years 1935-1936, during the Ethiopian War: wrongly, London interpreted Papal Diplomacy’s peace initiative as conceived to support the imperial claims of Fascist Italy. In 1937, following the publication of the Encyclical “Mit Brennender Sorge”, a factual rapprochement started: the British perceived the Papacy as lined up with democracies and opposed to Totalitarian States, that is to say Germany and Italy. The institution of the Apostolic Delegation to Great Britain (November 1938) constituted symptom and concrete manifestation of a new and deep harmony.

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