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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilisation des bactériophages pour le contrôle de "Staphylococcus aureus" dans les produits laitiers

El Haddad, Lynn 20 April 2018 (has links)
Staphylococcus aureus et ses entérotoxines constituent un risque pour l’industrie alimentaire ainsi que pour les consommateurs. Environ la moitié des souches de S. aureus peuvent libérer des toxines menant à des symptômes de nausées, de diarrhées et de vomissements chez la personne ayant ingéré un produit contaminé. Une des solutions envisagées pour éliminer S. aureus et éviter la production d’entérotoxines, est l’utilisation d’un cocktail de phages. Au cours de ce projet de doctorat, trois objectifs ont été développés afin de poursuivre une stratégie de sélection d’un cocktail de phages anti-S. aureus. Tout d’abord, deux phages isolés du milieu laitier, adaptés à celui-ci et respectant des critères de sélection, ont été caractérisés. Ensuite, afin d’éviter un transfert de facteurs de virulence, des myophages anti-S. aureus ont été produits sur une souche de Staphylococcus xylosus, une espèce non-pathogène utilisée en transformation alimentaire et ont été caractérisés afin de confirmer leur identité lorsqu’amplifiés sur les deux espèces. D’un autre côté, l’efficacité contre une panoplie de souches de S. aureus isolées de sources distinctes, l’absence de gènes de virulence dans les génomes phagiques et la résistance à différentes conditions environnementales ont permis de sélectionner des phages différents. Ceux-ci ont fait l’objet de deux cocktails de phages efficaces menant à une réduction significative de la concentration de S. aureus dans des fromages de type Cheddar produits en laboratoire. De plus, ces phages n’ont pas déclenché une surproduction d’entérotoxines staphylococciques C, confirmant la sécurité de leur utilisation dans le milieu laitier. Enfin, la conservation des phages sous forme encapsulée et congelée dans des microbilles de gel d’alginate/calcium semble une approche à approfondir. Les phages staphylococciques virulents analysés dans cette thèse constituent d’excellents agents de biocontrôle étant non nocifs et infectant spécifiquement une espèce bactérienne donnée. Ayant confirmé l’efficacité de deux cocktails de phages, l’utilisation du produit phagique permettra de diminuer le risque d’apparition de souches bactériennes résistantes aux phages. De plus, entreprendre une mise à jour constante du cocktail phagique permettra de réduire la contamination causée par S. aureus, préservant ainsi l’innocuité et la qualité des aliments. / Staphylococcus aureus and its enterotoxins pose a risk to the food industry and for consumers. Approximately half of the S. aureus strains can release toxins leading to symptoms of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting to the person who ingests a contaminated product. One emerging solution to eliminating and preventing S. aureus enterotoxin production is the use of a phage cocktail. Through this doctoral project, three objectives were developed to pursue a strategy for selecting an anti-S. aureus phage cocktail based on well-defined criteria. First, a methodology was developed leading to the isolation and characterization of two phages from raw milk. Then, in order to avoid a transfer of virulence factors, anti-staphylococcal myophages were produced on a strain of Staphylococcus xylosus, a non-pathogenic species used in food processing. Their genomic identity when propagated separately on the two species was confirmed. Moreover, the host range of these phages was tested against a panel of S. aureus strains isolated from different sources. Their genome was analyzed to confirm the lack of virulence genes. In addition, their resistance to different environmental conditions was used to select different phages for application purposes. These data helped design two efficient phage cocktails leading to a significant drop of S. aureus concentration in small-scale laboratory-based Cheddar cheeses. In addition, they did not trigger the overproduction of staphylococcal enterotoxin C confirming the safety of their use in the dairy environment. Finally, in the aim of commercializing the product, conservation methods were investigated and the encapsulation and freeze of phages in micro-beads consisting of alginate/calcium gel particles appear promising. Staphylococcal virulent phages seem to be excellent biocontrol agents, being harmless and infecting specifically a given bacterial species. Having confirmed the efficacy of two phage cocktails, the use of the phage product could help decreasing the risk of emergence of phage resistant bacteria. Furthermore, undertaking a constant update of the phage cocktail could also help reducing contamination caused by S. aureus and thereby preserving safety and food quality.

Évaluation de l'expérience de l'isolement en unité dédiée chez la clientèle colonisée par le Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la Méthicilline

Beaulieu, Fanny 18 April 2018 (has links)
En milieu hospitalier, des mesures de prévention et contrôle des infections sont mises en place. Dans le cas du SARM, l'isolement sur une unité dédiée où les patients ne sont pas confinés à leur chambre semble bénéfique. Une étude qualitative d'inspiration naturaliste a été réalisée afin de décrire l'effet de l'acquisition de la bactérie SARM et de l'isolement sur une unité dédiée. Les résultats ont mis en évidence que l'unité dédiée, par son mode de fonctionnement, n'entraine pas les effets négatifs attendus et décrits dans la littérature. Ces conclusions guident le choix d'interventions cliniques et structurelles permettant de limiter les effets de l'isolement relié à la colonisation par une bactérie dont l'acquisition est avant tout nosocomiale. Ainsi, les milieux de soins pourront, en contrepartie, offrir un milieu de soins moins contraignant à cette clientèle.

Utvärdering av resistensbestämning med diskdiffusionstest från selektiva agarmedier för MRSA, ESBL och VRE i jämförelse med från blodagar / Evaluation of disk diffusion susceptibility test from selective agar media for MRSA, ESBL and VRE in comparison with blood agar

Frisk, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Multiresistenta bakterier så som meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), bakterier som producerar extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) och vancomycinresistenta enterokocker (VRE) är ett problem sedan årtionden tillbaka och som ökar för varje år. Idag på mikrobiologen, Unilabs Skövde, isoleras bakteriestammar från selektiva medier för just MRSA, ESBL och VRE på blodagar innan resistensbestämningarna utförs. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka möjligheten att göra diskdiffusionstest direkt från de selektiva medierna och således kunna svara ut resultaten tidigare. Utvärdering av detta gjordes genom att undersöka om storleken på antibiotikazonerna för sammanlagt 64 isolat påverkades av att bakterierna som användes vuxit på ett selektivt agarmedium i förhållande till om de vuxit på blodagar. Resultatet visade vad som ansågs vara en normal variation på maximalt ±2 mm för alla parvisa zoner utom en på 3 mm. Av alla zoner som undersöktes för MRSA, ESBL och VRE var majoriteten identiska i antal millimeter, 62 %, 89 % och 98 % respektive. Baserat på det goda resultatet ansågs materialet vara tillräckligt stort för att göra bedömningen att metoden är utförbar. Med tanke på de positiva effekterna av att göra resistensbestämningar direkt från de selektiva agarmedierna görs rekommendationen till mikrobiologen, Unilabs Skövde, att övergå till denna metod. / Multiresistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) have been a problem for decades with an increasing rate. Today, at mikrobiologen, Unilabs Skövde, bacterial strains are isolated from selective media for MRSA, ESBL and VRE onto blood agar before the susceptibility testing. The aim of the study was to examine the possibility of disk diffusion susceptibility testing directly from the selective media and thus be able to reply the findings earlier. The zones of inhibition were examined for a total of 64 isolates after disk diffusion testing from both the selective and blood agar plates in order to evaluate if the zone sizes were affected. The results showed what was considered a normal variation of ±2 mm for all pairwise zones except for a difference in 3 mm. The majority of all zones tested for MRSA, ESBL and VRE had equally large zones, 62%, 89% and 98% respectively. Based on the good results, the material was considered enough to make the conclusion that the method is feasible. Considering the positive effects of making susceptibility testing directly from selective agar, a change to this method is recommended to mikrobiologen, Unilabs Skövde.

Smittad av den moderna pesten : Att vara smittbärare av meticillinresistenta staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Kristensson, Nina, Lindberg, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
Historiskt sett har personer med smittsamma infektioner uteslutits från samhället. Personerna har setts med avsky och rädsla från omgivningen med risk för att överföra smittan. Multiresistenta bakterier (MRB) är ett ökande problem världen över och orsakar stort lidande för patienter. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka patienters upplevelse av att vara smittbärare av meticillinresistenta staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Litteraturstudiens resultat baseras på nio vetenskapliga artiklar, där resultatet utföll i två kategorier. I kategorin känslan av att vara smittsam framkom underkategorierna att vara smutsig, skuld och skam samt rädsla och oro. I kategorin känslan av att vara annorlunda framkom underkategorierna känna sig kränkt, ilska och frustration samt känna sig stigmatiserad. För att patienter med MRSA-smitta ska få en god vård krävs det att vårdpersonalen har evidensbaserad kunskap. Därför skulle det vara av stort intresse att forskning i framtiden fokuserar på patienters upplevelse av att vara smittbärare. Ytterligare forskning behövs inom området på grund av ett ökat globalt problem med MRB. / Historically, people with contagious infections has been excluded from society. The characters have been seen with disgust and fear from the environment with the risk of transmitting the infection. Multi-drug resistant bacteria (MRB) is a growing problem worldwide and causes great suffering for patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate patients' experience of being carriers of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Literature study results are based on nine scientific articles, which precipitated the result of two categories. In the category of feeling of being contagious emerged subcategories to be dirty, guilt and shame and fear and anxiety. In the category of the feeling of being different subcategories emerged feel hurt, anger and frustration, and feel stigmatized. For patients with MRSA infection should get good care requires that health professionals have evidence-based knowledge. Therefore, it would be of great interest to future research focusing on patient experience of being contaminated. Further research is needed in this area because of the increasing global problem of MRB.

Riskfaktorer för spridning av MRSA på somatisk vårdavdelning : En litteraturstudie

Hård af Segerstad, Maja, Larsson, Elsa January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antibiotikaresistenta bakterier är idag ett stort hot mot folkhälsan. Det här arbetet fokuserar på MRSA och lyfter fram problematiken som dess spridning innebär för patienten, samhället och vårdpersonal. MRSA-bärarskap kan ge både fysiskt och psykiskt lidande och en infektion orsakad av MRSA kan i värsta fall leda till döden för patienten. Sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att upprätthålla sin kompetens och arbeta preventivt för att förhindra spridning av MRSA. Syfte: Syftet var att identifiera och beskriva faktorer som leder till spridning av MRSA vid vårdarbetet av patienter på somatisk vårdavdelning. Metod: En litteraturstudie där 11 kvantitativa och en kvalitativ artikel analyserades utifrån Graneheim och Lundmans (2004) metod för innehållsanalys. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades med hjälp av Forsberg och Wengströms (2016) granskningsmallar. Resultat: Resultatet delades in i fem huvudkategorier med nio underkategorier som var och en visar på kompetensbrist hos sjuksköterskor. Litteraturstudien påvisar att faktorerna som leder till spridning av MRSA kan vara flera och att hela vårdteamet bär ett ansvar för att förhindra smittspridning. Sjuksköterskans roll i vårdteamet är att undervisa patienter och närstående, följa gällande rutiner och att upprätthålla sin egen kompetens för att arbeta evidensbaserat. Slutsats: Förhindra spridning av antibiotikaresistenta bakterier är en av sjuksköterskans viktigaste arbetsuppgifter i sin roll att lindra lidande hos patienten. Det är många faktorer som kan göra att MRSA sprids, sjuksköterskor måste reflektera och vara självkritiska i sitt arbete på vårdavdelningar. Evidensbaserat arbete var enligt Nightingale sjuksköterskans möjlighet att förhindra lidande för patienten och ligger till grund för den sjuksköterskeutbildning som finns idag. / Background: Antibiotic resistant bacteria are today a major threat to the public health. This work focuses on methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, highlighting the problem that it involves for the patient, society and healthcare professionals. MRSA carriership can cause both physical and mental suffering and an infection caused by MRSA can in worst case lead to the patient’s death. Nurses play an important role in maintaining their work skills to prevent MRSA from spreading in the somatic care. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify and describe factors that lead to the spread of MRSA to patients in somatic care. Method: A literature study where 11 quantitative and one qualitative article were analyzed based on Graneheim and Lundman's (2004) method. The articles quality were reviewed using Forsberg and Wengström’s (2016) checklists. Results: The results were divided into five main categories with nine subcategories; each showing that nurses had a lack of competence. The study shows that the factors that lead to the spread of MRSA may be several, and that the entire healthcare team has a responsibility to prevent infection. The nurse's role in the team is to teach patients and close relatives, follow current procedures and maintain their own skills to work evidence based. Conclusion: Preventing the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is one of the most important tasks in role of nursing and in alleviating patient suffering. There are many factors that can cause MRSA to spread. Nurses must reflect and be self-critical in their work in health care departments. Evidence based work was, according to Nightingale, the nurse's ability to prevent suffering for the patient and is the baseline in nursing education currently available today.

Determinación de la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de cepas de Staphylococcus coagulasa positivo de gatos con lesiones dermatológicas

Lubí Flores, Paulo Enrique January 2011 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario / El presente trabajo corresponde a un estudio transversal que incluyó cepas de Staphylococcus spp. coagulasa positivo de gatos con diversas patologías dermatológicas atendidos en el Hospital Clínico Veterinario de la Universidad de Chile entre marzo a diciembre del año 2010. Se ingresaron 68 muestras de 68 pacientes con afecciones dermatológicas, obteniéndose 30 cepas (44%) de Staphylococcus spp. coagulasa positiva de 30 pacientes, las cuales se identificaron mediante el kit BBL Crystal TM para Gram positivas y se les realizó el estudio de sensibilidad antimicrobiana mediante el método de difusión en placa de Kirby-Bauer, según las normas de Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, 2008). Los antimicrobianos en estudio fueron: oxacilina, amoxicilina con ácido clavulánico, ampicilina, clindamicina, eritromocina, cefadroxilo, doxiciclina, tetraciclina, sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim, vancomicina, ciprofloxacino y enrofloxacino. Staphylococcus intermedius fue la especie más frecuentemente aislada alcanzando el 67% (20 cepas), seguido por Staphylococcus aureus con un 33% (10 cepas). El 10% del total de cepas en estudio (3 cepas) fueron sensibles a todos los antimicrobianos utilizados, el 37% (11 cepas) fueron resistentes a un antimicrobiano y un 53% (16 cepas) fueron multirresistentes. El 13,3% del total de cepas (4 cepas) fueron resistentes a meticilina, siendo todas identificadas como S. intermedius, todas éstas fueron resistentes a fluoroquinolonas, lincosamidas, macrólidos y sulfonamidas. Ninguna cepa fue resistente a vancomicina / FIV 2009 Código: 12101401.9102.008

Staphylococcus aureus em pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids hospitalizadas e as interfaces com a adesão à terapêutica antirretroviral / Staphylococcus aureus in people living with HIV/AIDS hospitalized and interfaces with antiretroviral therapy adherence

Pio, Daiana Patricia Marchetti 25 April 2017 (has links)
O estudo objetivou identificar a colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus em PVHA hospitalizadas e relacionar com adesão a TARV. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em duas unidades de cuidados especializados às doenças infecciosas de um hospital universitário, do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período entre 01 de agosto de 2011 e 31 de janeiro de 2015, procedida do levantamento dos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e imunológicos; os quais foram obtidos através do prontuário e entrevista individual; da coleta de duas amostras de swab nasal; e da identificação da retirada dos medicamentos antirretrovirais, através do SICLOM. Todos os aspectos éticos foram contemplados. Os swabs foram coletados, encaminhadas e processadas pelo Laboratório de Microbiologia e Sorologia onde foram utilizados cartões AST-P585 para avaliar a sensibilidade dos Staphylococcus aureus aos antibióticos. A organização dos dados foi feita no Microsoft® Office Excel® 2010 for Windows 8 e transportada para o software IBM® SPSS®, versão 23.0 for Windows para a análise descritiva e analítica. Utilizouse o procedimento PROC LOGISTIC do software SAS 9.4®, para a análise exploratória pela variável resposta. Adotou-se o nível de significância de todos os testes de 5%. Dos 236 participantes elegíveis, a maioria era do sexo masculino (59,3%), na faixa etária entre 40 e 49 anos (48,3%), de etnia branca (66,1%), procedente de Ribeirão Preto-SP (59,7%), com ensino primário incompleto (40,2%), com ocupação profissional (52,5%), heterossexual (81,8%) e não teve parceria sexual nos últimos 6 meses (57,6%). Houve a predominância do tempo de diagnóstico pelo HIV em > 5 e <= 10 anos (44,4%), a contaminação se deu pela via sexual (66,1%), a admissão foi via o ambulatório da intituição (45,5%), a carga viral foi detectável (56,4%), a contagem de linfócitos T+ CD4 foi menor que 350 células/mm3 (61,8%), a antibioticoterapia estava prescrita (65,3%), assim como a terapia antirretroviral (51,7%) e haviam recebido procedimentos invasivos (67,4%). Quanto a colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus, 36,0% foram identificados como colonizados, no primeiro dia de internação hospitalar. Dos 137 participantes que permaneceram internados no sétimo dia, em 37 (27,0%) houve a identificação da colonização nasal por Staphyloccocus aureus. Quanto a classificação da adesão aos medicamentos antirretrovirais, houve o predomínio dos participantes na categoria de adesão indesejável (67,8%). Concluiu-se que a prevalência da colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus foi de 38,13%. A classificação quanto a categoria da adesão aos antirretrovirais interfere na presença/ausência da colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus, assim as PVHA hospitalizadas e categorizadas em adesão indesejável possuem 2,597 vezes o risco de obter presença de colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus, em relação àquelas classificadas na categoria de adesão desejável / The research aimed to identify nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus in hospitalized PLWHA and to correlate with ART adherence. It was a cross-sectional study carried out in two specialized care units for infectious diseases at a university hospital in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The data collection took place between August 1, 2011 and January 31, 2015, proceeding from the survey of sociodemographic, clinical and immunological data, which were obtained through the medical record and individual interview; the collection of two samples of nasal swab and the identification of the withdrawal of antiretroviral drugs through SICLOM. All ethical aspects have been contemplated. The swabs were collected, sent and processed by the Laboratory of Microbiology and Serology, AST-P585 cards were used to evaluate the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus to antibiotics. Data organization was done in Microsoft® Office Excel® 2010 for Windows 8 and shipped to IBM® SPSS® software, version 23.0 for Windows for descriptive and analytical analysis. The PROC LOGISTIC procedure of the SAS 9.4® software was used for the exploratory analysis by the response variable. The level of significance was 5%. Results: From the 236 eligible participants, the majority were male (59.3%), aged 4049 (48.3%), white (66.1%), from Ribeirão Preto-SP (59.7%), with incomplete primary education (40.2%), with occupational (52.5%), heterosexual (81.8%) and had no sexual partner in the last 6 months (57.6% ). There was a predominance of HIV diagnosis time in > 5 and <= 10 years (44.4%), contamination occurred through the sexual route (66.1%), admission was from the outpatient clinic (45.5%), the viral load was detectable (56.4%), the T + CD4 count was lower than 350 cells / mL (61.8%), antibiotic therapy was prescribed (65.3%), and antiretroviral therapy (51.7%) and had received invasive procedures (67.4%). Regarding nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus, 36.0% were identified as colonized, on the first day of hospital admission. From the 137 participants who remained hospitalized on the seventh day, 37 (27.0%) were identified the nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus. Regarding the classification of adherence to antiretroviral drugs, the participants were predominant in the category of undesirable adherence (67.8%). Concludes that the prevalence of nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus was 38.13%. The classification as to the category of antiretroviral adherence interferes with the presence/absence of nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus, so the hospitalized PLWHA and categorized as undesirable adherence have 2,597 times the risk of nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus in relation to those classified in desirable membership category

Aplicação de ramnolipídeo no controle de biofilmes de patógenos alimentares / Aplication of rhamnolipid to control food pathogens biofilms

Silva, Sumária Sousa e 01 August 2016 (has links)
A formação de biofilme representa preocupação à indústria de alimentos pois é uma fonte crônica de contaminação. Encontrar estratégias eficientes para controlar o crescimento de microrganismos continua a ser um importante desafio. Uma delas é o uso dos ramnolipídeos (RLs), um biossurfatante produzido tipicamente por P. aeruginosa que apresenta potencial como agente antimicrobiano, anti-adesivo e dispersivo. Sua baixa toxicidade, biodegradabilidade, eficiência e especificidade em comparação aos surfatantes sintéticos podem torná-los promissores agentes de biocontrole. O presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar o potencial de uso de ramnolipídeos, em diferentes condições de concentração e temperatura, no controle e remoção de biofilmes de patógenos alimentares formados em meio de cultura e leite. Foram utilizadas Escherichia coli ATCC 43895, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19112, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 8095, reconhecidos patógenos alimentares. Os biofilmes foram formados em placas de microtitulação de poliestireno nos meios de cultivo: caldo nutriente (CN), extrato de levedura com triptona de soja (TSYE) e matriz alimentar (leite) à 37 &deg;C, por 24 h (E. coli) e 48 h (S. aureus e L. monocytogenes). Os biofilmes foram avaliados pela quantificação da biomassa, viabilidade celular, hidrofobicidade de superfície e análises qualitativa (microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de fluorescência) e quantitativa (caracterização da matriz polimérica). O ramnolipídeo foi submetido à análise físico-química de espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS), espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS). Os resultados obtidos para E. coli mostraram que a concentração de RL que mais removeu o biofilme foi 2 &permil;, porém em temperaturas diferentes, para o CN à 25 &deg;C e para o leite à 37 &deg;C, com 33 &permil; e 80 &permil; de remoção, respectivamente. Para o biofilme de S. aureus em caldo nutriente os resultados mais eficientes foram à 25 &deg;C, na concentração de 0,1 &permil; de RL e em leite 4 &deg;C, na concentração de 0,05 &permil; de RL, com remoção de 35 &permil; e 89 &permil;, respectivamente. O biofilme de L. monocytogenes em TSYE mostrou-se mais sensível à 37 &deg;C, na concentração 0,5 &permil; de RL, o qual foi possível remover 35,3 &permil; da biomassa. Enquanto que em leite a 4 °C e 0,5 &permil; de RL, com remoção de 63,6 &permil; .Quanto à redução das células viáveis foi observado que para as bactérias Gram-positivas o tratamento mais efetivo foi à 4 &deg;C com 0,05 &permil; de RL, nos meios CN e TSYEe 1 &permil; em leite. Para os biofilmes de E. coli a maior redução da viabilidade ocorreu em leite, após tratamento com RL 0,05 &permil; à 37 &deg;C. As imagens de microscopia mostraram uma morfologia heterogênea na presença dos diferentes meios de cultivos, com destaque para os biofilmes de S. aureus (leite) e L. monocytogenes (TSYE), nos quais houve grande produção de matriz polimérica extracelular (MPE), e também apresentaram as maiores quantidades de carboidratos e proteínas. O tratamento com o ramnolipídeo reduziu a hidrofobicidade dos biofilmes. As análises de DLS e SAXS mostraram uma predominância em número de micelas com diâmetro entre 1-10 nm, independente das concentrações e temperaturas analisadas. De modo geral, a aplicação de ramnolipídeo promoveu remoção da biomassa celular como também redução de células viáveis presentes no biofilme. As evidências obtidas aqui, podem ser importantes subsídios para futuras investigações sobre as interações físico-químicas entre ramnolipídeos e a camada de biofilme visando aplicação como agentes sanitizantes em indústria de alimentos. / Biofilm formation is a concern to the food industry because it is a chronic source of contamination. Finding effective strategies to control the growth of microorganisms remains a major challenge. One strategy is the use of rhamnolipids (RLs), a biosurfactant typically produced by P. aeruginosa that has potential as antimicrobial, anti-adhesive and biofilm disrupting agent. RLs low toxicity, biodegradability, efficiency and specificity comparatively to synthetic surfactants, makes them promising biocontrol agents. This work aimed to study the potential use of rhamnolipid at different conditions of concentration and temperature, to control and removal of biofilms of food pathogens established in culture medium and milk. The bacterial strain utilized Escherichia coli ATCC 43895, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19112, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 8095, are well-recognized food pathogens. The biofilms were formed in polystyrene microtiter plates in culture media: nutrient broth (NB), yeast extract and tryptone soya (TSYE) and in food matrix (milk) at 37 &deg;C for 24 h (E. coli) and 48 h (S. aureus and L. monocytogenes). Biofilms were assessed by biomass quantification, cell viability, surface hydrophobicity, qualitative (scanning electron microscopy and fluorescence) and quantitative (characterization of polymer matrix) analysis. The rhamnolipid was subjected to physical and chemical analysis of dynamic light scattering (DLS) and X-ray small angle scattering (SAXS). E. coli biofilms were removed more efficiently using 2 &permil; RL, but at different temperatures for NB (25 °C) and milk (37 &deg;C) showing 33 &permil; and 80 &permil; respectively. For the biofilm of S. aureus in NB the best results was obtained at 25 &deg;C and 0.1 &permil; RL and in milk medium at 4 &deg;C with 0.05 &permil; RL showing 35 &permil; and 89 &permil; of biofilm disruption, respectively. The biofilm of L. monocytogenes in TSYE was more sensitive to the treatment at 37 &deg;C with 0.5 &permil; RL, removing 35.3 &permil; of the biofilm; while in milk at 4 °C and 0.5 &permil; RL, biofilm removal reached 63.6 &permil;. Reduction on cell viability was more effective for Gram-positive bacteria at 4 &deg;C with 0.05 &permil; RL, for NB and TSYE and at 1 &permil; in milk. For E. coli biofilms the largest reduction of viability occurred in milk after treatment with 0.05 &permil; RL at 37 &deg;C. The microscopy images showed a heterogeneous morphology in the presence of different media, especially biofilms of S. aureus (milk) and L. monocytogenes (TSYE), in which there was a great production of extracellular polymeric matrix (EPM), and also the highest amounts of carbohydrates and protein. The treatment with RL reduced the hydrophobicity of biofilms. The DLS and SAXS analysis of RL showed a predominance of micelles with diameters between 1-10 nm, independent of the concentrations and temperatures utilized. In general, the application of rhamnolipid promoted a reduction in biofilm mass as well in cell viability. The evidences obtained can provide a basis for future research on the physical and chemical interactions between rhamnolipid and biofilm layer aiming their application as sanitizers in food industry.

Biofilmes de Staphylococcus aureus isolados de laticínios produtores de queijo minas frescal / Biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from dairies producers of Minas frescal cheese

Martin, José Guilherme Prado 11 February 2015 (has links)
Biofilmes de estafilococos têm se tornado uma das grandes preocupações da indústria de lácteos, principalmente em decorrência do ritmo de produção intenso, automação das plantas de processamento e exigência cada vez maior quanto à qualidade microbiológica de leite e derivados. O presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar cepas de S. aureus potencialmente produtoras de biofilmes isoladas de 3 laticínios produtores de queijo Minas frescal, avaliar a influência da temperatura e da superfície de contato (aço inoxidável e polipropileno) no processo de adesão bacteriana, bem como a eficácia de um protocolo simulado de limpeza e sanificação na remoção das células aderidas. Para as análises genotípicas pesquisaram-se os genes icaA e icaD nos isolados, relacionados à produção de polissacarídeos de adesão celular e exopolissacarídeos da matriz de biofilmes. Os ensaios de biofilmes foram realizados em cupons incubados em um reator de biofilmes, comparando-se a adesão frente a duas temperaturas (5°C e 35°C), duas superfícies (aço inoxidável e polipropileno) e quatro tempos de contato (3, 6, 12 horas e após processo de limpeza e sanificação). Para avaliação da eficácia do processo na remoção das células aderidas, foram utilizados detergente neutro (3,5% v/v) e sanificante à base de hipoclorito de sódio (1000 mg.L-1), de modo a simular a situação observada em um dos laticínios estudados. Foi detectada a presença dos genes icaA e icaD em 74% e 77% dos isolados, respectivamente; 70% dos isolados apresentaram ambos os genes, enquanto 19% não apresentaram nenhum. O número de células aderidas em ambas as superfícies foi em torno de 3 e 6 log10 UFC.cm-2 nas temperaturas de 5°C e 35°C, respectivamente, para a maioria das situações avaliadas, com aumento significativo no decorrer dos períodos avaliados. De maneira geral, a temperatura de 35°C favoreceu uma maior adesão de S. aureus. A 5°C, houve considerável número de células aderidas, mas em populações significativamente inferiores às observadas a 35°C. O protocolo de limpeza e sanificação mostrou-se ineficaz na remoção das células aderidas; uma melhor atuação do hipoclorito de sódio foi observada a 5°C, o que deve estar relacionado à menor adesão observada nessa temperatura. De qualquer forma, o processo não foi capaz de reduzir a níveis seguros a quantidade de S. aureus aderida a ambas as superfícies, nas condições avaliadas. O estudo demonstrou a capacidade de adesão de S. aureus isolados de laticínios em superfícies comumente encontradas na produção de queijo Minas frescal, situação que pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de biofilmes em equipamentos e utensílios, conferindo risco à saúde dos consumidores. / Staphylococci biofilms have become a major concern for the dairy industry, mainly due to the intensive production flow, automation of processing plants and increased demand on the microbiological quality of dairy products. This study aims to identify isolated S. aureus strains potentially producers of biofilms from 3 dairies of Minas fresh cheese, evaluate the influence of temperature and the contact surface (stainless steel and polypropylene) in the bacterial adhesion process, as well as the efficacy of an hygiene and sanitation simulated protocol in removing the adhered cells. For genotypic analyzes, the presence of icaA and icaD in strains were sought related to polysaccharide production in cell adhesion and exopolysaccharide of biofilm matrix. Biofilms trials were performed in biofilm coupons incubated in biofilm reactor, comparing the adhesion with two temperatures (5°C and 35°C), two surfaces (stainless steel and polypropylene) and four contact times (3, 6, 12 hours and after cleaning and sanitizing process). To evaluate the process effectiveness in removing the adhered cells, neutral detergent (3.5% v/v) and sanitizing based on sodium hypochlorite (1000 mg.L-1) were used in order to simulate the observed situation in one of the dairy products studied. The presence of icaA and icaD genes was detected in 74% and 77% of strains, respectively; 70% of the isolates showed both genes, whereas 19% of it showed no genes. The number of cells adhered on both surfaces was about 3 and 6 log10 FCU.cm-2 in temperatures of 5 °C and 35 °C, respectively, for most situations evaluated, with a significant increase over the evaluation period. In general, the temperature of 35°C favored a greater adherence of S. aureus. At 5°C, there was a considerable number of adhered cells, but in populations significantly lower than those observed at 35°C. The cleaning and sanitizing protocol was ineffective in removing adhered cells; a better performance of sodium hypochlorite was observed at 5°C, which should be related to lower adherence observed at this temperature. At all, the process was not able to reduce the amount of S. aureus adhered on both surfaces to safe levels under the conditions evaluated. The study demonstrated the ability of adhesion of isolated S. aureus from dairy on surfaces commonly found in Minas fresh cheese production, a situation that may favor the development of biofilms on equipment and utensils, indicating health risk to the consumers.

Pesquisa de genes codificadores de adesinas em Staphylococcus spp. isolados de amostras clínicas em cães e gatos / Search for adhesins-encoding genes in Staphylococcus spp. Isolated from dogs and cats

Bacca, Juan David Valencia 13 March 2015 (has links)
Os Staphylococcus spp., são bactérias Gram positivas com importância clinica, as quais são capazes de causar uma ampla variedade de doenças em seres humanos e animais. O uso excessivo de antimicrobianos pode selecionar bactérias resistentes aos antimicrobianos de uso comum em Veterinária, o que representa uma grande ameaça para a saúde animal, e a saúde publica no mundo inteiro. Apesar de sua importância clinica, existe um conhecimento limitado sobre a patogênese das infecções estafilococicas em animais de estimação, e os fatores de virulência bacterianos específicos envolvidos em estas doenças. A Infecção estafilocócica iniciasse a partir da adesão do micro-organismo ao tecido do hospedeiro. A adesão é favorecida pela presença de fatores de virulência conhecidos como adesinas, que estão agrupadas em uma família conhecidas como as microbial surface components recognising adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMM). Após o isolamento e identificação dos micro-organismos, 118 estirpes de Staphylococcus spp., foram identificadas, 111 (94.07%), estirpes em cães, e 7 (5.93%) em gatos. Entre os Staphylococcus, sete espécies diferentes foram isoladas: 82 (69.49%) Staphylococcus pseudointermedius, 19 (16.10%) Staphylococcus epidermidis, 7 (5.93%) Staphylococcus xylosus, 4 (3.39%) Staphylococcus chromogenes, 3 (2.54%) Staphylococcus spp., 2 (1.69%) Staphylococcus aureus, 1 (0.85%) Staphylococcus schleiferi. A susceptibilidade a 26 agentes antimicrobianos foi determinada em todos os isolados. A pesquisa pelas MSCRAMM e o gene formador de biofilme nas estirpes de Staphylococcus spp., foi realizada usando a reação em cadeia da polimerasa (PCR), foram usados diferentes pares de primers para detectar os genes que codificam para a proteína ligadora de colágeno (cna), proteína ligadora de laminina (eno), proteína ligadora de elastina (ebpS), proteína ligadora de fibrinogênio (fib), proteína A ligadora de fibronectina (FnbA), proteína B ligadora de fibronectina (FnbB), e proteína associada a formação de biofilme (Bap). A resistência apresentada pelas estirpes isoladas aos diversos antimicrobianos foi observada com frequência, a percentagem de resistência geral das cepas de Staphylococcus spp isoladas foi: 54,32% para eritromicina, 40,79% para clindamicina, e 29,91% para norfloxacina. A susceptibilidade a oxacilina tambem foi testada, o 85,96% das estirpes isoladas foram susceptíveis. Todos os genes foram identificados com exceção do Bap e EbpS, o gene mais frequentemente isolado foi o Eno (89,9%), a associação entre os genes Eno/Fib/FnbA e Eno/FnbB foram também detectadas. Nossos resultados evidenciaram que os membros do gênero Staphylococcus apresentam frequentemente resistência in vitro aos antimicrobianos usados comumente. É necessário fazer um uso criterioso de antibióticos em animais de estimação em Medicina Veterinária. A informação sobre o assunto pode permitir o desenvolvimento de estratégias mais eficazes para o tratamento e controle das infeções causadas por Staphylococcus spp., em pequenos animais / Staphylococcus spp., are clinically important Gram-positive bacteria that are capable of causing a wide variety of diseases in humans and animals. The overuse of antimicrobials can select resistant bacteria strains, that represents a major threat to animal and public health worldwide. Despite its clinical importance, there is only very limited knowledge about the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections in small animals, and the specific bacterial virulence factors involved in causing these diseases. Staphylococcal infection initiates from the adhesion of the microorganism to the tissue of the host. Adhesion is favoured by the presence of virulence factors known as adhesins, which are grouped in a family known as the microbial surface components recognising adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMM). After isolation and identification of microorganisms, 118 Staphylococcus strains were identified, 111 (94.07%) strains from canine and 7 (5.93%) from feline origin. Among Staphylococcus, seven different species were isolated: 82 (69.49%) Staphylococcus pseudointermedius, 19 (16.10%) Staphylococcus epidermidis, 7 (5.93%) Staphylococcus xylosus, 4 (3.39%) Staphylococcus chromogenes, 3 (2.54%) Staphylococcus spp., 2 (1.69%) Staphylococcus aureus, 1 (0.85%) Staphylococcus schleiferi. The susceptibility to 26 antimicrobials was determined in all the isolates. The search for MSCRAMM and biofilm-encoding genes in the strains of Staphylococcus spp. was performed using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Primers were used to detect the genes encoding for collagen-binding protein (cna), laminin-binding protein (eno), elastin-binding protein (ebpS), fibrinogen-binding protein (fib), fibronectin-binding protein A (fnbA) and fibronectin-binding protein B (fnbB) and biofilm formation-encoding genes (bap). Resistance of isolates to antibiotics was frequently observed, the percentage of resistance in the general Staphylococcus strains was: 54,32% to erythromycin, 40,79% to clindamycin, and 29,91% to norfloxacin. Susceptibility to oxacilin was also tested, 85,96%) % of the isolates were susceptible. All genes were detected except for ebpS and bap. The most frequently detected gene in both species was eno (89, 9%). Association of genes Eno/Fib/FnbA and Eno/FnbB were also detected. Our results highligthed that members of the Staphylococcus genus often exhibit in vitro resistance to commonly used antimicrobials. Its necessary a judicious use of antibiotics in small animals Veterinary Medicine. Such information on the subject allows the development of more efficient strategies for treatment and control of Staphylococcus infection in small animals

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