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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a measure of coping in high stress security occupations: a stress management model approach / Ontwikkeling van 'n maatstaf vir streshantering in stresvolle sekuriteitsberoepe: 'n stresbestuursmodel benadering / Ukwenza isu lokubhekana nesimo sengcindezi ephezulu kwimisebenzi yezokuphepha: indlela yemodeli yokubhekana nokuphatha ingcindezi

Schoeman, Petrus Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Orientation: Security personnel work in a high risk and consequently high stress environment. This may negatively affect their wellbeing. Owing to the high crime rate in South Africa, one of the continuous stressors security personnel experience might be fearing for their lives. If security personnel fail to use effective coping strategies they will remain stressed, and this may have a negative impact on them, and their organisation or community. Challenges such as work stress in the South African security industry have not been comprehensively researched or documented (Sibanyoni, 2014). Consequently, no South African questionnaire measuring coping with stress or a stress management model for dealing with stress in a security environment, could be found. Research purpose: The general aim of the research was to develop a valid and reliable coping questionnaire and stress management model for high stress security occupations. Research methodology: A questionnaire development process, as suggested by scientific literature, was followed. The process entailed (1) determining coping strategies by means of a literature review, (2) developing the coping questionnaire, (3) administering the questionnaire to the target population, and (4) statistical analysis. The stress management model was developed by combining the results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The development of the questionnaire was based on a sample of 381 active duty security personnel working in a high stress security environment in South Africa. Main findings: The study resulted in the development of a psychometrically sound 39-item questionnaire. The following 12 empirically validated healthy and unhealthy coping strategies were identified: (1) social support, (2) group cohesion, (3) physical exercise, (4) relaxation, (5) social media addiction, (6) healthy sleeping habits, (7) healthy diet, (8) training, (9) humour, (10) religion, (11) avoidance, and (12) denial. CFA confirmed both the construct and content validity, and composite reliability. The questionnaire was found to be invariant, and could thus be applied to different groups in high stress security occupations. A stress management model indicating the interrelationship between personality and coping was also developed. Contribution/value-add: The main contribution of this study was the development of a valid coping questionnaire and stress management model. By identifying the specific coping strategies, targeted stress management interventions could be developed. This could contribute to the overall wellness of security personnel working in high stress occupations, resulting in a healthy organisation and sound relationships with the community. Security organisations could also use the model during assessments to identify candidates with personality traits that would lead to healthier coping strategies, thereby selecting personnel that could better adapt to a security environment. / Oriëntasie: Sekuriteitspersoneel werk in ’n hoë risiko en gevolglik ’n stresvolle omgewing. Dit kan hulle welstand negatief beïnvloed. As gevolg van die hoë misdaadsyfer in Suid-Afrika kan een van die deurlopende stressors wat sekuriteitspersoneel ervaar ’n vrees vir hulle lewens wees. Indien sekuriteitspersoneel nie effektiewe streshantering strategieë gebruik nie, kan hulle voortdurend stres ervaar en dit kan ’n negatiewe impak op hulleself, hulle organisasie of gemeenskap hê. Uitdagings soos beroepstres in die Suid-Afrikaanse sekuriteitsindustrie is nog nie deeglik nagevors of gedokumenteer nie (Sibanyoni, 2014). Gevolglik kon daar vir die sekuriteitsomgewing geen Suid-Afrikaanse vraelys wat streshantering meet of ’n stresbestuursmodel gevind word nie. Doel van die navorsing: Die algemene doel van die navorsing was om vir stresvolle sekuriteitsberoepe ’n geldige en betroubare streshanteringsvraelys en stresbestuursmodel te ontwikkel. Navorsingsmetodologie: ’n Vraelys ontwikkelingsproses, soos deur wetenskaplike literatuur voorgestel, is gevolg. Die proses het die volgende behels: (1) die vasstel van die streshantering strategieë deur middel van ’n literatuuroorsig, (2) die ontwikkeling van die streshanteringsvraelys, (3) administrasie van die vraelys aan die teiken populasie en (4) statistiese analise. Die stresbestuursmodel is ontwikkel deur die resultate van die bevestigende faktoranalise (BFA) en die kanoniese korrelasie analise te kombineer. Die ontwikkeling van die vraelys is gebaseer op ’n steekproef van 381 aktiewe diens sekuriteitspersoneel wat in Suid-Afrika in ’n stresvolle sekuriteitsomgewing werk. Hoofbevindinge: Die studie het tot ’n psigometries betroubare 39-item vraelys gelei. Twaalf empiries gestaafde gesonde en ongesonde streshantering strategieë is geïdentifiseer naamlik: (1) sosiale ondersteuning, (2) groep kohesie, (3) fisiese oefening, (4) ontspanning, (5) sosiale media verslawing, (6) gesonde slaapgewoontes, (7) gesonde dieet, (8) opleiding, (9) humor, (10) godsdiens, (11) vermyding en (12) ontkenning. BFA het die konstruk- en inhoudsgeldigheid so wel as die saamgestelde betroubaarheid bevestig. Die vraelys is invariant en kan dus op verskillende groepe in hoë stres sekuriteitsberoepe toegepas word. ’n Stresbestuursmodel wat die verwantskap tussen persoonlikheid en streshantering aandui is ook ontwikkel. Bydrae/waardetoevoeging: Die belangrikste bydrae van hierdie studie was die ontwikkeling van ’n geldige streshanteringsvraelys en stresbestuursmodel. Deur die spesifieke streshantering strategieë te identifiseer kan gefokusde streshantering intervensies ontwikkel word. Dit kan tot die algehele welstand van sekuriteitspersoneel wat in stresvolle beroepe werk bydra en derhalwe ’n gesonde organisasie en goeie verhoudings met die gemeenskap. Sekuriteitsorganisasies kan ook tydens keurings die model gebruik om kandidate met persoonlikheidstrekke, wat tot gesonder streshantering strategieë sal lei, te identifiseer en dus personeel kies wat beter by ’n sekuriteitsomgewing sal aanpas. / Isimo somqondo: Abasebenzi bezokuphepha basebenza ezindaweni ezinobungozi obuphakeme nengcindezi ephakeme. Lokhu kungaba nomthelela omubi esimeni sabo sempilo. Ngenxa yezinga lobugebengu eliphezulu eNingizimu Afrika, okukodwa okudala ingcindezi ngokuqhubekayo kubasebenzi bezokuphepha ukwesabela izimpilo zabo. Uma abasebenzi bezokuphepha bengasebenzisi amasu aphumelelayo okubhekana nalezi zimo, bazohlala benengcindezi futhi lokhu kungaba nomphumela omubi kubona, enhlanganweni yabo noma emphakathini wabo. Ucwaningo ngezinselelo ezinjengokucindezeleka emsebenzini ezimbonini zokuphepha lapha eNingizimu Afrika alwenziwanga futhi akubhaliwe kabanzi ngakho (Sibanyoni, 2014). Kanjalo, alutholakalanga uhlu lwemibuzo lwaseNingizimu Afrika olungalinganisa ukuthi abasebenzi bezokuphepha babhekana kanjani nengcindezi kanye nomlinganiso olawula ingcindezi ukubhekana nengcindezi ezindaweni zezokuphepha. Inhloso yocwaningo: Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo kwakuwukuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile noluthembekile ukubhekana nengcindezi nomlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi emisebenzini yezokuphepha enengcindezi ephakeme. Indlela yokwenza ucwaningo: Isenzo sokuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo njengoba kuhlongozwa yimibhalo yezesayensi silandelwe kulolu cwaningo. Lesi senzo sibe (1) nokuthola amasu okubhekana nengcindezi ngokubhekisa emibhalweni ehloliwe, (2) nokuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo ephathelene nokubhekana nengcindezi, (3) nokunikeza uhlu lwemibuzo kubantu abathintekayo, kanye (4) nokwenza uhlaziyo lwezibalo. Umlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi wenziwe ngokuhlanganisa imiphumela yeConfirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) neyeCanonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). Ukuqanjwa kohlu lwemibuzo kweyeme esampuleni labasebenzi bezokuphepha abangama-381 abamatasa emsebenzini abasebenza ezindaweni ezinengcindezi ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. Okukhulu okutholakele ocwaningweni: Ucwaningo lube nomphumela ekuqanjweni kohlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile ngokwesayikhomethri olunemibuzo angama-39. Kukhonjwe amasu okubhekana nengcindezi ayishumi nambili aqinisekiswe ngokubukisiswa asesimeni esiphilile nesingaphilile sempilo, okubalwa kuwo, (1) uxhaso lomphakathi, (2) ukuba ndawonye kweqembu, (3) ukuzivocavoca umzimba, (4) ukuziphumuza, (5) ukuba yisigqili semithombo yomphakathi, (6) imikhuba emihle yokulala, (7) uqeqesho, (8) amahlaya, (10) inkolo, (11) ukuxwaya, kanye (12) nokwala. ICFA iqinisekise ukuba neqiniso kombono nokuqukethwe, kanye nokwethembeka okuxubile. Kutholakele ukuthi uhlu lwemibuzo aluguquki futhi lungasetshenziswa emaqenjini ehlukene emisebenzini yezokuphepha anengcindezi ephakeme. Kuthuthukiswe nomlinganiso olawula ingcindezi okhombisa ubudlelwano phakathi komuntu isibili nokubhekana nengcindezi. Umnikelo: Umnikelo omkhulu walolu cwaningo kube ukuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile ukubhekana nengcindezi kanye nomlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi. Ngokukhomba amasu aqondene nokubhekana nengcindezi, kungathuthukiswa izindlela ezihlosiwe zokulawula ingcindezi. Lokhu kunganikela esimeni esihle sempilo yabasebenzi bezokuphepha abasebenza imisebenzi enengcindezi ephakeme, okuzoholela enhlanganweni esesimeni esihle nasebudlelwaneni obuhle nomphakathi. Izinhlangano zezokuphepha nazo zingawusebenzisa lomlinganiso ngesikhathi sokuhlola ukubona abafundi abanezici ezinomthelela omuhle, kumasu abhekana nengcindezi asesimeni esihle, ezizobenza bakhethe abasebenzi abazongena kahle ezindaweni zokuphepha. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The psychosocial outcomes of adult siblings of adults with autism and Down syndrome

Belkin, Teri 31 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Little is known regarding the psychosocial outcomes of adult siblings of adults with autism. Accordingly, the current study sought to: (1) illuminate factors that predict health-related quality of life, caregiver burden, and reported benefits in adult siblings of adults with autism, using a stress and coping framework and (2) compare outcomes of siblings of adults with autism (n = 31) to siblings of adults with Down syndrome (DS) (n = 54). For the within subject hypotheses, analyses were repeated within the DS group and an overall Disability group (n = 97). The Disability group consisted of participants in the Autism and Down syndrome groups plus twelve individuals in a mixed group of adult siblings of adults with DS who presented with co-morbid symptoms of autism. Variables were organized using The Adult Sibling Caregiver Conceptual Model (ASCCM) into three categories: antecedents (e.g., sibling relationship quality, problem behaviors of the disabled sibling), mediators (e.g., coping strategies, cognitive appraisal types), and psychosocial outcome variables (i.e., mental and physical health-related quality of life, caregiver burden, and reported benefits). For the within subject primary hypotheses, I posited a series of relationships between the antecedents and outcomes based on prior literature on demographic and individual difference predictors (e.g., siblings of adults with autism with fewer problem behaviors would have increased health-related quality of life [HRQOL], decreased caregiver burden, and increased reported benefits) and on stress and coping factors related to the burden of providing care for an individual with autism (e.g., greater use of avoidant coping strategies would be related to lower HRQOL, increased caregiver burden, and decreased reports of benefits). Exploratory hypotheses also were examined (e.g., being married would be associated with increased HRQOL, decreased burden, and increased reported benefits). The within-subject results indicated support for eight of the ten primary hypotheses and five of the six exploratory hypotheses when examined within at least one of the study groups: Autism, DS, or Disability. Overall, sibling caregivers, regardless of their sibling’s disability, reported more favorable psychosocial outcomes when demands were lower (e.g., less severe levels of problem behaviors, fewer autism symptoms exhibited by their disabled sibling, decreased additional pile-up stress), when resources were available to cope with stress (e.g., social support, respite care), and when healthy responses to stress were reported (e.g., use of emotion focused vs. avoidant coping strategies, use of challenge vs. threat appraisal types). Of note, reported benefits, which have rarely been examined in the autism literature, were strongly related to the quality of a sibling relationship across all study groups, and with the helpfulness of received services and perceived social support within the Autism group. The between subject hypotheses also were largely supported. As expected, compared to siblings of those with Down syndrome, siblings of those with autism demonstrated greater levels of caregiver burden and lower mental HRQOL. Moreover, there was a rank ordering in levels of caregiver burden across disability groups; siblings of adults with DS reported the lowest burden, siblings of adults with DS with symptoms of autism reported significantly higher levels of burden, and siblings of those with autism reported the most burden. The results imply that autism, either alone or co-morbid with another diagnosis, presents an increased risk of stress and caregiver burden, not only in parent caregivers, but also in sibling caregivers. Interestingly, there was also evidence for higher levels of stress related growth within the Autism group compared to the DS group. Future research will be needed to generalize the results of this study to broader samples of adult siblings while taking a life course perspective to assess changes in non-disabled siblings’ outcomes over time.

An investigation into the experiences of remaining nurse tutors during transformation of nursing colleges in the Free State

Van Dyk, Ellie Catharina 01 January 2002 (has links)
The study investigated the experiences of remaining nurse tutors at the Free State School of Nursing during the transformation of Nursing Colleges and downsizing of personnel. The study aimed at describing the experiences of individuals during changes in their work environment, with the purpose of contributing to the identification of guidelines for 'surviving' transformation and downsizing at the workplace. Three themes emerged from this study through the narrative descriptions and unstructured interviews. The first theme, affective responses, dealt with emotions, low morale, depressive moods and anxiety caused by transformation and downsizing. The second theme, cognitive and perceptual view, revealed the thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of remaining nurse tutors regarding transformation and downsizing. Perceptions of and opinions on how nursing education and human dignity were affected were also expressed. The third theme portrayed the coping responses, which described work-related personal and social adjustments nurse tutors made during the transformation of nursing colleges. Recommendations included communication, participation and counseling of nurse tutors and to meet the requirements of nursing colleges during transformation and downsizing. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Bemagtiging van SAPD maatskaplike werkers deur die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie: `n sterkteperspektief / The empowerment of SAPS social workers through the supportive functions in supervision : a strenght perspective

Goliath, Brian Athur 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The purpose of this research study is to determine how Police Social Workers experience the supportive function in supervision, and how they can be empowered through the strenghts perspective. The respondents were fifteen (15) Police Social Workers in the Western Cape. The findings of the empirical study proved that Police Social Workers also experience the profession to be stressful in nature. The respondents do have inherent strenghts, that can be utilised optimally during supervision, to enhance service delivery to their different client systems. It is recommended that all SAPS social workers be exposed to supervision / consultation, as a stress management mechanism. SAPS supervisors must be empowered, eg. Inservice training, to develop an effective supervion programme. / Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel hoe Polisie Maatskaplike Werkers die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie ervaar, en hoe hulle bemagtig kan word deur die sterkteperspektief. Die respondente was vyftien (15) maatskaplike werkers indiens van die SAPD in die Wes Kaap. Die empiriese studie het getoon dat Polisie Maatskaplike Werkers ook die professie as stresvol ervaar. Die respondente beskik almal oor inherente sterkpunte en vaardighede, wat optimaal benut kan word tydens supervisie om sodoende 'n effektiewe diens aan hul onderskeie klientsisteme te lewer. Daar word aanbeveel dat alle SAPD maatskaplike werkers aan supervisie / konsultasie blootgestel word, en dat supervisie / konsultasie as 'n streshanteringsmeganisme benut moet word. SAPD supervisors moet ook bemagtig word, deur byvoorbeeld indiensopleiding, om 'n effektiewe supervisie program te ontwikel. / Social work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

Bemagtiging van SAPD maatskaplike werkers deur die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie: `n sterkteperspektief / The empowerment of SAPS social workers through the supportive functions in supervision : a strenght perspective

Goliath, Brian Athur 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The purpose of this research study is to determine how Police Social Workers experience the supportive function in supervision, and how they can be empowered through the strenghts perspective. The respondents were fifteen (15) Police Social Workers in the Western Cape. The findings of the empirical study proved that Police Social Workers also experience the profession to be stressful in nature. The respondents do have inherent strenghts, that can be utilised optimally during supervision, to enhance service delivery to their different client systems. It is recommended that all SAPS social workers be exposed to supervision / consultation, as a stress management mechanism. SAPS supervisors must be empowered, eg. Inservice training, to develop an effective supervion programme. / Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel hoe Polisie Maatskaplike Werkers die ondersteuningsfunksie in supervisie ervaar, en hoe hulle bemagtig kan word deur die sterkteperspektief. Die respondente was vyftien (15) maatskaplike werkers indiens van die SAPD in die Wes Kaap. Die empiriese studie het getoon dat Polisie Maatskaplike Werkers ook die professie as stresvol ervaar. Die respondente beskik almal oor inherente sterkpunte en vaardighede, wat optimaal benut kan word tydens supervisie om sodoende 'n effektiewe diens aan hul onderskeie klientsisteme te lewer. Daar word aanbeveel dat alle SAPD maatskaplike werkers aan supervisie / konsultasie blootgestel word, en dat supervisie / konsultasie as 'n streshanteringsmeganisme benut moet word. SAPD supervisors moet ook bemagtig word, deur byvoorbeeld indiensopleiding, om 'n effektiewe supervisie program te ontwikel. / Social work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

An investigation into the experiences of remaining nurse tutors during transformation of nursing colleges in the Free State

Van Dyk, Ellie Catharina 01 January 2002 (has links)
The study investigated the experiences of remaining nurse tutors at the Free State School of Nursing during the transformation of Nursing Colleges and downsizing of personnel. The study aimed at describing the experiences of individuals during changes in their work environment, with the purpose of contributing to the identification of guidelines for 'surviving' transformation and downsizing at the workplace. Three themes emerged from this study through the narrative descriptions and unstructured interviews. The first theme, affective responses, dealt with emotions, low morale, depressive moods and anxiety caused by transformation and downsizing. The second theme, cognitive and perceptual view, revealed the thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of remaining nurse tutors regarding transformation and downsizing. Perceptions of and opinions on how nursing education and human dignity were affected were also expressed. The third theme portrayed the coping responses, which described work-related personal and social adjustments nurse tutors made during the transformation of nursing colleges. Recommendations included communication, participation and counseling of nurse tutors and to meet the requirements of nursing colleges during transformation and downsizing. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Life coaching for female high school learners : a case study in Gauteng province

Preston, Candice 09 1900 (has links)
This research aimed to investigate how life coaching influenced five female high school learners (aged 16 and 17 years old) at an independent school in Gauteng province. The learners attended four life-coaching sessions with an experienced and accredited life coach over a period of eight weeks. Data was collected from a literature review of previous research on life coaching and coaching in general, interviews with the learners both before and after the life coaching experience and from journal entries kept by the learners during the process. All learners learnt through the process and experienced positive changes in their lives. This included improved balance in their lives; improved time management, reduced stress and more positive mind-sets. They were able to set goals and achieve some success during the process. They expressed increased confidence in themselves and their abilities to overcome challenges in their lives and recommended life coaching for other learners. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

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