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Posters, Politics and immigration during the May 1968 Protests in FranceMcNamara, Sara 17 December 2010 (has links)
How were immigrants, immigrant issues and their histories represented through radical poster art created during the 1968 protests and strikes in France? The May 1968 protests remain one of the most significant moments in contemporary French history and it occurred during a time when immigrant populations were rapidly increasing. There is a multitude of research, analysis and reflections on the protests and strikes; yet there is very little mention of the place of immigrants during this event. Art collectives that were created during the protests designed and produced posters that later became a symbol of the strike. By using a variety of primary and secondary sources including small press publications, interviews, manifestos, historical and artistic secondary soured this work argues that it is during this social movement that immigrants and immigrant issues entered French social discourse and this can be seen by exploring the messages presented in the posters.
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Transitional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphic Complexity of Shallow-Marine Star Point Formation to Coastal-Plain Blackhawk Formation Along Depositional-Strike, Wasatch Plateau, UtahRanson, Andrew M 18 May 2012 (has links)
Facies and stratigraphic architecture right at the transition from marine to non-marine environments is poorly documented. In the Cretaceous outcrops of Utah, Star Point and Blackhawk Formations are well studied. The nature of spatio-temporal transition of these two Formations, in the deposition-strike orientation, remains undocumented. This study characterizes facies and stratigraphic complexity at the transition of the two Formations that crop out in depositional-strike orientation in the Wasatch Plateau. Data from outcrop including photomosiacs and measured sections demonstrate this complexity at a range of scales. The Star Point constitutes a shoreface environment. The Blackhawk constitutes a coastal-fluvial environment.
In the northern part of study area, the transition from marine to continental strata is expressed by intertonguing succession. The dip-oriented outcrops show pinch-outs of two parasequences into coastal-plain deposits. This complexity decreases southward, the southern outcrops show a simple transition. At least two sequence boundaries are correlated across the outcrop belt.
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"A Rite of September: " Rhode Island Teachers' Unions & the Right to StrikeDiPardo, Elizabeth Marie January 2005 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Mark Gelfand / Labor in the United States has been commonly associated with images of industrialism, factories, and skilled craftsmen. This narrow vision of labor ignores the millions of Americans employed by the federal, state, and local governments. As early national labor law failed to define the rights of government employees, each state was forced to create their own public labor law through judicial rulings and state legislation. This study is framed around the struggles of Rhode Island public employees, specifically public school teachers, to obtain the right to organize and employ labor's greatest weapon, the strike. An in-depth examination of the 1975 Woonsocket Teachers' Guild strike incorporating the experiences of union officers, labor lawyers, and other participants provides a concrete example of the difficulties encountered by government employees against the courts, legislature, and public opinion. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2005. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: History. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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Some ethical and legal consideration concerning strike action by doctors in the South African public serviceZeijlstra, Irene Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Medicine in the branch of Bioethics and Health Law, Johannesburg, May 2012 / Doctors in the South African public services went on strike in mid-2007, 2009 and 2010. The main issue related to salaries. In my research report I will present arguments concerning the justifiability or not of strike action by South African doctors
Thus the laws, codes, and oaths subscribed to by medical practitioners in South Africa will be presented. Doctor's obligations stated in such declarations, and some ethical theories will be presented as they relate to the moral justifiability of doctor's strikes, and to the individual doctor-patient relationship. Arguably, the individual doctor-patient relationship is crucial for a flourishing population and social justice.
In the context of this relationship, the potential harms and benefits of strike action for both parties will be discussed. I will suggest that whether justified or not, strikes may not be the right means to achieving the end of excellent healthcare. The aim of the research, ultimately, is optimal health for the South African population with retention of doctors in the public service.
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Triênio trágico: flutuações econômicas e conflito social em Buenos Aires, 1919-1921 / Tragic triennium: economic fluctuations and social conflict in Buenos Aires, 1919-1921Ferreira, Fernando Sarti 09 May 2014 (has links)
A história do século XX teve como grande divisor de águas a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Por mais que o conflito tenha devastado apenas partes do Velho Mundo, este foi seguido do que Eric Hobsbawm chamou de um tipo de colapso verdadeiramente mundial, sentido pelo menos em todos os lugares em que homens e mulheres se envolviam ou faziam uso de transações impessoais de mercado. A militarização da economia e a crise do fim da guerra foram fenômenos mundiais, assim como o acirramento das lutas sociais. A Argentina, como uma das principais economias da América do Sul, não ficou imune à estas perturbações, transformando a cidade de Buenos Aires durante este período em um importante palco de mobilizações operárias. Este trabalho, que tem como principal objeto de investigação a trajetória da Federación Obrera Regional Argentina IXª e sua interação com o Estado, patronais e outras agrupações operárias e de esquerda, pretende realizar uma análise desse período, relacionando os efeitos das flutuações econômicas desencadeadas pela guerra com a ascensão e o refluxo das mobilizações operárias naquela cidade / The history of the twentieth century had as its great watershed the First World War. As the conflict had devastated only some parts of the Old World, it was followed by what Eric Hobsbawm has called \"a kind of truly global collapse, felt at least everywhere where men and women were involved or were using the impersonal transactions of market\". The militarization of the economy and the war crisis were a global phenomenon, as well as the intensification of social struggles. Argentina, as one of the leading economies in South America, was not immune to these disorders, transforming the city of Buenos Aires during this period into an important stage for workers mobilizations. This work, which has as its main object the investigation of the trajectory of the Federación Obrera Regional Argentina IXth and its interaction with the state, employers and other workers and leftist groups, intends to conduct an analysis of this period, in which the effects of the economic fluctuations triggered by war relate to the rise and flow of workers mobilizations in that city
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A greve de 1980: redes sociais e mobilização coletiva dos metalúrgicos de São Bernardo do Campo / The strike of 1980: social networks and collective mobilization of metalworkers in São Bernardo do CampoMacedo, Francisco Barbosa de 13 August 2010 (has links)
Partindo da análise da greve empreendida, em 1980, pelos metalúrgicos do ABC paulista, esta pesquisa investiga as redes sociais tecidas pelos metalúrgicos residentes em São Bernardo do Campo e suas relações com a mobilização coletiva que, na conjuntura da Abertura, sustentou, entre 1º de abril e 11 de maio, um dos maiores e mais importantes movimentos paredistas do operariado brasileiro. Tal enfoque revelou-nos que o intenso e durável engajamento dos operários na Greve de 1980 derivou, em boa medida, da interação, em um contexto de crise de legitimidade do regime militar vigente, entre vínculos formais e informais, ou seja, da articulação entre vigorosa ação de organizações especialmente, do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São Bernardo do Campo e Diadema e denso tecido relacional existente entre os trabalhadores sambernardenses. Assim, fomos levados a considerar a tessitura de redes densas como parte do processo de formação de classe, o que nos levou a enfatizar a ação dos trabalhadores sob(re) os processos de industrialização, migração e urbanização que se intensificaram, a partir da década 50, em São Bernardo do Campo. Com isso, pudemos constatar que, se as fábricas eram, para os trabalhadores sambernardenses, importante âmbito de experiência comum, esta incluía, também, práticas socioculturais encetadas em outros loci do espaço urbano local, especialmente nos bairros em que os trabalhadores residiam. / From the analyses of the strike undertaken in 1980 by the metalworkers of ABC Paulista, this research aims to investigate the social networks that have been made by the metalworkers who lived in São Bernardo do Campo. This research has also the purpose of verifying the relationship of the worker s social networks with the collective mobilization, which in the juncture of the Abertura, sustained, between April 1 and May 11, one of the most important strike movements of the Brazilian laborers. Such focus has revealed to us that the intense and durable laborers´ engagement on the strike in 1980 stemmed, in a way, from the interaction between formal and informal connections in a context of the crisis of the in vigor military regime, in other words, the articulation among forceful action of the organizations specially of the Metalworkers Union of São Bernardo do Campo and Diadema as well as the dense relationship extant among the workers of São Bernardo. Thus, we have been leaded to consider the organization of the dense networks as part of the class formation which has leaded us to emphasize the workers action on the process of industrialization, migration and urbanization which was intensified from the 50´s in São Bernardo do Campo. In this manner, we could testify that if the factories were an important ambit of common experience for the workers of São Bernardo, such common experience would also include socio-cultural practices started in other loci of the urban space, mainly in neighborhoods where the workers lived.
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Conflitos e potencialidades na educação pública: uma reflexão a partir da análise da Escola Estadual Francisco Escobar / Conflicts and potentialities in public education: a reflection from the analysis of Francisco Escobar State SchoolTereza, Cleiton Donizete Correa 27 September 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o propósito de averiguar alguns dos principais problemas da Educação e do trabalho em Educação, utilizando o método regressivo-progressivo formulado por Henry Lefebvre. Partimos da descrição de dilemas do presente analisando a Escola Estadual Francisco Escobar de Poços de Caldas, pertencente à rede pública de Minas Gerais. Para isso levantamos fontes da Escola e de sua história, além de produzirmos novos documentos, como questionários e entrevistas com os profissionais, e relatos de alunos. Com o movimento regressivo recorremos às greves dos educadores de 1979, muito significativas para a cidade e região, num contexto de efervescência cultural dos movimentos sociais durante a ditadura cívico-militar brasileira. Estudamos a Greve em Poços de Caldas e retomamos o presente, movimento progressivo, que possibilitou uma reflexão dos conflitos e das potencialidades da educação pública em nossos dias, indicando perspectivas relevantes à superação da desafiadora conjuntura em que nos encontramos. Nessa caminhada investigativa valorizamos o estudo do cotidiano apoiados em referências de diversas áreas, contribuintes para a compreensão de questões complexas dos conflitos contemporâneos como trabalho, ocupação do espaço urbano, produção do conhecimento, estruturas de poder e democracia. / This research was conducted in order to investigate some of the major Educational problems and the work in Education, using the regressive-progressive method formulated by Henry Lefebvre. We started from the discussion of Francisco Escobar State Schools present dilemmas in Poços de Caldas city, which belongs to the public system in Minas Gerais State. Therefore, we compiled the school data and its history, in addition, we produced new documents, such as questionnaires and interviews with professionals as well as students reports. With the regressive movement we turned to 1979s educators strike, which was very significant for the city and region in a context of cultural effervescence of social movements during the Brazilian civic-military dictatorship. We studied the strike in Poços de Caldas and returned to the present - progressive movement - what enabled a reflection of conflicts and the potential of public education today, indicating relevant perspectives to overcome the challenging environment in which we find ourselves. In this investigative walk, supported by references from different areas, we treasured the study of the daily routine contributing to the understanding of complex issues of contemporary conflicts such as labor, urban space occupation, knowledge production, power structures and democracy.
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Aléa sismique le long des grands décrochements vénézuéliens / Seismic hazards along the major Venezuelan strike-slipPousse, Léa 08 December 2016 (has links)
Le Venezuela est traversé par une zone de limite de plaque. Ce système tectonique accommode les mouvements relatifs de trois plaques majeures: la plaque Sud-Américaine, la plaque Caraïbe et la plaque de Nazca. Ce système est constitué de failles décrochantes actives qui ont généré au Venezuela de nombreux séismes de magnitude supérieure à 6-7. Parmi ces failles, cette thèse se focalise sur la faille de Boconó et la faille d’El Pilar.Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier l'activité de ces failles sur plusieurs échelles de temps en utilisant une approche multidisciplinaire qui combine analyses morphotectonique, paléosismologique et géodésique. Cette approche a permis de préciser le régime de déformation de ces failles indispensable à l'estimation de l'aléa sismique.Antérieurement à cette thèse, dans la région de Yaracuy, l’activité tectonique du segment nord de la faille de Boconó était mal contrainte faute de données géodésiques ou géochronologiques suffisantes. Or cette partie de la faille a provoqué en 1812 un séisme de Mwi 7.4 qui a détruit les villes de la région.Grâce à la datation par Béryllium-10 de la surface d’exposition de cônes alluviaux décalés par la cinématique dextre de la faille, cette thèse montre que la vitesse quaternaire de la faille est comprise entre 5.0 et 11.2 mm/an.En comparant cette vitesse estimée sur ~ 200 ka et le taux de glissement estimé en champ lointain par des mesures géodésiques (~ 12 mm/an), il peut être proposé que la faille de Boconó accommode une grande partie de l'extrusion du Bloc Nord Andin. La réalisation de carte de vitesses moyennes de déformation à partir d'images SAR a montré l'absence de glissement asismique le long de la faille de Boconó entre 2007 et 2011. En extrapolant ce comportement aux derniers 200 ans, il en résulte que, depuis le dernier séisme en 1812 il y a une accumulation de déficit de glissement de quelques mètres selon la vitesse de glissement considérée. Cette faille représente donc un aléa sismique important pour la région. Une tranchée réalisée pour préciser cet aléa a montré que trois évènements sismiques de Mw > 6-6.5 ont lieu depuis 1300 ap. J.-C., le dernier de ces événements étant probablement le séisme historique de 1812.Au Nord Est du Venezuela, la faille d’El Pilar accommode l’intégralité du mouvement relatif entre la plaque Sud-Américaine et la plaque Caraïbe (~ 20 mm/an). Après le séisme de Ms 6.8 en 1997, le segment émergé de cette faille a subit un important « afterslip ». Des mesures géodésique réalisées en 2003, 2005 et 2013 ont montré que ce segment glisse encore asismiquement (~12 – 13 mm/an). Cette thèse présente une carte des vitesses de déformation entre 2007 et 2011 calculée par interférométrie radar. Celle-ci a permis de montrer que cette faille glisse asismiquement de façon non uniforme dans l’espace et le temps. L’analyse en série temporelle des déplacements a révélé que le glissement asismique de certains tronçons de la faille subit une accélération en Juin 2009 avec des vitesses de glissement asismiques supérieures au déplacement relatif entre les plaques. Cette observation permet d’interpréter que le glissement asismique a un comportement transitoire, en effet, des périodes de blocage et des périodes de larges glissements se succèdent. Cette succession doit probablement se poursuivre tout le long de la période intersismique comme le suggèrent le faible nombre de séismes historiques et préhistoriques au regard de la vitesse de coulissage le long de la faille. Enfin ce glissement asismique présentant des variations spatiales et temporelles est probablement contrôlé par la présence de serpentinites et d’une activité hydrothermale le long de la zone de faille, contexte connu pour favoriser des comportements rhéologiques de ce type. / Venezuela is crosscut by a plate boundary zone, this tectonic setting accommodates the relative displacements of three plates: the South America, the Caribbean and the Nazca Plate. This tectonic system is constituted of active strike-slip faults which have provoked several events of Mw > 6-7. Among these faults, this thesis focuses on the Boconó Fault and on the El Pilar Fault.The aim of this dissertation is to study fault activities on several time scales using a multidisciplinary approach. This approach, which combines morphotectonic, paleoseismologic and geodetic analyses, leads to clarify the deformation pattern. This knowledge is essential to the seismic hazard assessment.Previously to this thesis, in the Yaracuy valley, the tectonic activity of the Boconó fault was poorly constrained due to the lack of geodetic and geochronological data; although a part of this fault triggered in 1812 an earthquake of Mwi 7.4. Through 10-Beryllium surface exposition dating of two alluvial fans shifted by the fault, this thesis shows that the Quaternary slip rate of the fault ranges from 5.0 to 11.2 mm/yr. By comparing this rate estimated on ~ 200 ka with the slip rate estimated in far field with geodesy (~ 12 mm/yr), it can be proposed that the Boconó fault accommodates a major part of the North Andean Block extrusion. Velocity map of ground displacements calculated using SAR images shows the lack of aseismic slip along the Boconó Fault during the 2007-2011 period. The extrapolation of this locked activity since the 1812 event, implies that there is a slip deficit of several meters. Therefore, the Boconó Fault have to be taken into account in the regional seismic hazard assessment. A paleoseismological trench across the studied segment is also presented in this thesis in order to constrain this assessment. Three events of Mw > 6 - 6.5 have been recorded in this trench since 1300 CE, the last of these events is probably the 1812 historical earthquake.In the north-western region of Venezuela, the El Pilar Fault accommodates the whole relative displacement between South-America and Caribbean Plates (~ 20 mm/yr). After the last event in 1997 (Ms 6.8) the on-shore segment of this fault undergoes an important afterslip. Geodetic campaign measurements performed in 2003, 2005 and 2013 showed that this segment was still creeping (~ 12 - 13 mm/yr). This thesis presents an InSAR analysis performed with 18 SAR images spanning the 2007-2011 period. The velocity map shows that the aseismic slip is not uniform along the El Pilar Fault. Time-series analysis reveals locally a creep acceleration. This transient is characterised by a rate exceeding the rate of surrounding plate motion. Therefore, the El Pilar fault seems to be partially locked during several years and then undergoes transient creep during several months. This succession should last during the whole interseismic period as suggested by the low seismic activity and paleoseismological trenches. This creep showing spatio-temporal variations is probably controlled by the existence of serpentinites lenses and the hydrothermal activity, which are known to promote this kind of rheological behaviour.
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A CUT e a reforma sindical do Fórum Nacional do Trabalho : posições e divergências /Sanches, Mateus Alvarenga. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Giovanni Antonio Pinto Alves / Banca: Ariovaldo Santos / Banca: Geraldo Poker / Resumo: A história da CUT conheceu seu mais recente capítulo com a vitória eleitoral da candidatura Lula em 2002. Esse segmento do movimento sindical brasileiro sempre esteve acostumado a relacionar-se com sucessivos governos que não apresentavam vínculos com setores do sindicalismo. Logo que assumiu o governo, Lula organizou um Fórum onde seriam discutidas reformas que iriam indicar o futuro da organização sindical no país. Este trabalho se propôs analisar as posições da CUT no processo de implementação da Reforma Sindical elaborada a partir das discussões realizadas no Fórum Nacional do Trabalho (2003-2004). Procurou-se investigar os conflitos que ganharam expressão dentro da CUT a partir dos debates sobre alteração na organização e estrutura sindical, financiamento dos sindicatos, direito de greve e legislação trabalhista. / Abstract: The history of the CUT knows his more recent capituly with the electoral vitory Lula's candidature in 2002. This segment of the brazilian trad unionism always relationship with successive government that don't presents link with sectores of the trad unionism. Immediately strike on pose, Lula organized on Forum where would talk over reforms that would indicate the future of the trad unionism in the country. This work had as proposition analyse the positions of the CUT over process from sophistication trad unionism's reform create of the discussions realiseds in Work's National Forum (2003-2004). Look for check up the conflits that makes expression inside of the CUT with the debates alteration in the trad unionism's structure and organization, sindicate's finance, straight of the strike and labor legislation. / Mestre
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A greve de 1980: redes sociais e mobilização coletiva dos metalúrgicos de São Bernardo do Campo / The strike of 1980: social networks and collective mobilization of metalworkers in São Bernardo do CampoFrancisco Barbosa de Macedo 13 August 2010 (has links)
Partindo da análise da greve empreendida, em 1980, pelos metalúrgicos do ABC paulista, esta pesquisa investiga as redes sociais tecidas pelos metalúrgicos residentes em São Bernardo do Campo e suas relações com a mobilização coletiva que, na conjuntura da Abertura, sustentou, entre 1º de abril e 11 de maio, um dos maiores e mais importantes movimentos paredistas do operariado brasileiro. Tal enfoque revelou-nos que o intenso e durável engajamento dos operários na Greve de 1980 derivou, em boa medida, da interação, em um contexto de crise de legitimidade do regime militar vigente, entre vínculos formais e informais, ou seja, da articulação entre vigorosa ação de organizações especialmente, do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São Bernardo do Campo e Diadema e denso tecido relacional existente entre os trabalhadores sambernardenses. Assim, fomos levados a considerar a tessitura de redes densas como parte do processo de formação de classe, o que nos levou a enfatizar a ação dos trabalhadores sob(re) os processos de industrialização, migração e urbanização que se intensificaram, a partir da década 50, em São Bernardo do Campo. Com isso, pudemos constatar que, se as fábricas eram, para os trabalhadores sambernardenses, importante âmbito de experiência comum, esta incluía, também, práticas socioculturais encetadas em outros loci do espaço urbano local, especialmente nos bairros em que os trabalhadores residiam. / From the analyses of the strike undertaken in 1980 by the metalworkers of ABC Paulista, this research aims to investigate the social networks that have been made by the metalworkers who lived in São Bernardo do Campo. This research has also the purpose of verifying the relationship of the worker s social networks with the collective mobilization, which in the juncture of the Abertura, sustained, between April 1 and May 11, one of the most important strike movements of the Brazilian laborers. Such focus has revealed to us that the intense and durable laborers´ engagement on the strike in 1980 stemmed, in a way, from the interaction between formal and informal connections in a context of the crisis of the in vigor military regime, in other words, the articulation among forceful action of the organizations specially of the Metalworkers Union of São Bernardo do Campo and Diadema as well as the dense relationship extant among the workers of São Bernardo. Thus, we have been leaded to consider the organization of the dense networks as part of the class formation which has leaded us to emphasize the workers action on the process of industrialization, migration and urbanization which was intensified from the 50´s in São Bernardo do Campo. In this manner, we could testify that if the factories were an important ambit of common experience for the workers of São Bernardo, such common experience would also include socio-cultural practices started in other loci of the urban space, mainly in neighborhoods where the workers lived.
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