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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de fatores determinantes do uso de intranets e portais corporativos

Seffrin, Vinícius January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para uma compreensão mais clara sobre o desenvolvimento de intranets e portais corporativos nas organizações, através da análise do principal determinante do sucesso desses projetos: o uso efetivo da tecnologia. Para atingir esse objetivo, esta pesquisa adota uma visão multidimensional, considerando tanto a perspectiva individual como a organizacional. O suporte teórico advém de extensa revisão das pesquisas já publicadas sobre o tema, compreendendo elementos retirados da teoria da estruturação de Giddens e de modelos consagrados de aceitação da tecnologia, como UTAUT e TAM. A metodologia consiste de estudo de caso em três organizações do setor público, com estruturas bastante semelhantes, mas que desenvolveram suas intranets de modo independente. A análise dos contextos organizacionais demonstrou que o uso da tecnologia nos casos estudados, na prática, ainda é muito limitado. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que esse uso é resultado da conjunção de complexos elementos. Além das deficiências na funcionalidade da tecnologia, os indivíduos não reconheceram a utilidade prática das intranets e, do mesmo modo, não se sentem estimulados a usar a tecnologia. Essa realidade é consequência de problemas na gestão da tecnologia, como a falta de participação efetiva de setores estratégicos, que aliados a aspectos estruturais das organizações, como a divisão entre os setores e a acentuada especialização funcional, contribuem para a manutenção desse quadro. Em sua maioria, esses elementos constituem práticas já institucionalizadas nas organizações, reforçadas pelo comportamento de seus membros no fluir de suas interações. / The goal of this paper is to help provide a clearer understanding of the development of intranets and corporate portals in organizations, by examining the main determinant behind the success of these projects: the effective use of technology. To achieve this goal, this study uses a multidimensional approach, considering both the individual and organizational perspective. The theoretical support is based on an extensive review of already published research on the subject, including elements drawn from Gidden's theory of structuration and renowned technology acceptance models, such as UTAUT and TAM. The methodology consists of a case study in three public sector organizations, with very similar structures, but which developed their intranets independently. The analysis of the organizational contexts demonstrated that the use of technology in the cases studied is still, in practice, very limited. The research findings show that using it is the result of a complex conjunction of elements. Besides the shortcomings in the functionality of the technology, people have not recognized the usefulness of intranets and, likewise, do not feel attracted to use the technology. This reality is a consequence of problems in technology management, such as lack of effective participation of strategic sectors, which combined with structural aspects of organizations, like the division between sectors and accentuated job specialization, contribute toward maintaining this state of affairs. Most of these elements are already institutionalized practices in organizations, reinforced by the behavior of their members in the course of their interactions.

Développement d'une plateforme de simulation atomistique pour les procédés en phase vapeur par une approche multi-niveaux : application au dépôt de CuO sur Al(111) / Development of an atomistic simulation platform for vapor phase processes using a multi-level approach : application to the deposition of CuO on Al (111)

Guiltat, Mathilde 14 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d'établir le lien entre la microstructure des matériaux et leurs propriétés macroscopiques qui est un verrou technologique et scientifique important, dans un contexte de conception de matériaux miniaturisés, directement intégrés et aux performances améliorées. Pour permettre le plein essor de ces nouveaux matériaux, des efforts doivent notamment être fournis sur le développement de nouveaux procédés technologiques, capables de déposer la matière avec un contrôle à l'échelle atomique. Ceci ne peut se faire sans un accompagnement théorique pour accéder à une compréhension fondamentale des mécanismes gérant la croissance de ces matériaux. Dans ce contexte, la modélisation prédictive du procédé de dépôt s'avère stratégique pour guider les technologues vers la conception de matériaux nanostructurés avancés. Pour répondre au mieux à cette problématique, les travaux présentés dans cette thèse suivent une approche multi-niveaux. Dans un premier temps, une étude à l'échelle atomique avec des calculs DFT est faite, afin de relever des énergies, des mécanismes et des structures, localement. Ces résultats sont ensuite utilisés comme paramètres d'entrée dans un outil de simulation utilisant la méthodologie Monte Carlo cinétique, développé spécialement au cours de ces travaux. Cet outil permet de simuler des systèmes de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'atomes sur des temps longs, pour des coûts en calculs faibles. Les résultats obtenus avec cet outil sont directement comparables avec des résultats expérimentaux. Nous avons donc un outil doté d'une granularité à l'échelle atomique équipé d'une plateforme de simulation pour permettre à l'ingénieur une utilisation simple et intuitive de celui-ci. Cet outil se veut prédictif et permettra ainsi au technologue de réaliser des simulations prédictives et par suite de limiter les coûts et les essais en salle blanche. L'objectif est d'établir un lien entre la nanostructuration à l'échelle atomique et le procédé de fabrication, à travers cette plateforme de simulation simple d'utilisation. Ici, nous proposons un modèle basé sur une méthodologie de type Monte Carlo cinétique pour simuler le dépôt PVD de matériaux multicouches Al/CuO. / The aim of this thesis is to link materials microstructure and their macroscopic properties which are a very important technologic and scientific barrier, especially for material miniaturising, directly integrated and with improved specifications. Enabling this new material booming implies efforts in the development of new technological processes able to make mater deposition with atomic scale control. This can't be done without a theoretical support in order to access to a fondamental understanding of material growth mechanisms. In this context, predictive modelling of deposition process is strategic, leading technologists toward advanced nanostructured materials conception. We choose the multi-scale approach to answer this problematic. First, an atomic scale study is done, using DFT, in order to measure local energies, mechanisms and structures. Then, those results are used as input parameters in a home made simulation tool using kinetic Monte Carlo. This tool is able to simulate systems with several tens of thousands atoms, during long simulation time, for low calculation time. The outputs are directly comparable to experimental data. In summary, we obtain an atomic grain texture tool, fitted with simulation platform, for an easy and intuitive use for the engineer. This tool is predictive and allows technologists to make predictive simulations, restricting cost and test in clean room. The aim is to set up a link between the atomic scale nanostructuration and the fabrication process, toward this user-friendly simulation platform. We suggest a model based on kinetic Monte Carlo, for the PVD deposition simulation of Al/CuO multilayered materials.

Modélisation hyperfréquence de problèmes multi-échelles appliquée au cas des antennes à métamatériaux diélectriques / Microwave modeling of multi-scale problems applied to dielectric metamaterial antennas

Diallo, Alpha Ousmane 30 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse à l’amélioration de la compacité des antennes destinées en priorité aux systèmes embarqués tout en respectant les exigences de performance et de compétitivité. L’approche explorée consiste à utiliser des matériaux artificiels fonctionnant en transmission et conçus en structurant la matière diélectrique à une échelle plus petite que la longueur d’onde (sub-longueur d’onde). Cette structuration permet en pratique d’opérer une variation de l’indice de réfraction effectif afin de réaliser des éléments diffractifs aptes à remplir une fonction hyperfréquence. Cependant, la particularité de ce type d’élément structuré est de mêler plusieurs échelles physiques engendrant une complexité dans leur étude. La plus grande dimension d’un composant structuré peut atteindre plusieurs dizaines de longueur d’onde, par exemple 20λ, alors que la taille minimale des structures sub-longueur d’onde peut être inférieure à une fraction de la longueur d’onde, tel que λ/20. Cet aspect multi-échelle allonge les temps de simulation des dispositifs antennaires intégrant ces éléments structurés, empêchant ainsi toute possibilité d’optimisation multi-paramètres dans des temps raisonnables. Afin de pouvoir exploiter pleinement le potentiel de ces matériaux structurés, un modèle numérique de calcul a été développé sur la base des chemins optiques. Ce modèle restitue des résultats sur le maximum de gain des antennes lentilles diffractives structurées avec une précision de 0,5 dB. Le temps de calcul du modèle est de l’ordre de la minute comparée à plus de 6 heures pour une simulation complète avec le logiciel de calcul électromagnétique CST. La rapidité et la précision de ce modèle ont été mises à profit pour optimiser la conception d’une lentille diffractive structurée. Pour illustrer la pertinence de cette approche structurée, ses performances ont été comparées à celles des antennes lentilles de Fresnel et à profil hyperbolique. Cette comparaison s’est faite dans des conditions d’encombrement identiques avec un rapport longueur sur diamètre L/D de 0,5. Le gain de la lentille structurée se révèle être plus élevé de 1,6 dB par rapport à celui de la lentille de Fresnel et de 2,7 dB par rapport à celui de la lentille hyperbolique. / This work focuses on the improvement of the antennas compactness used primarily for embedded systems while respecting the performance and competitiveness requirements. The approach explored consists in using artificial materials operating in transmission and designed by structuring the dielectric material on a scale smaller than the wavelength (sub-wavelength). This structuring makes it possible in practice to achieve a variation in the effective refractive index in order to produce diffractive elements capable of performing a microwave function. However, the particularity of this type of structured element is to mix several physical scales generating complexity in their study. The largest dimension of a structured component can reach several tens of wavelength, for example 20λ, while the minimum size of the sub-wavelength structures may be less than a fraction of the wavelength, as than λ / 20. This multi-scale aspect increases the simulation times of antenna devices integrating these structured elements, thus preventing any possibility of multi-parameter optimization in reasonable times. In order to exploit fully the potential of these structured materials, a numerical model of computation has been developed on the basis of optical paths. This model gives results on the maximum gain of structured diffractive lens antennas with an accuracy of 0.5 dB. The computation time of the model is of the order of the minute compared to more than 6 hours for a complete simulation with the electromagnetic calculation software CST Microwave Studio. The speed and precision of this model have been used to optimize the design of a structured diffractive lens. To illustrate the relevance of this structured approach, its performances were compared with those of Fresnel lens antenna and hyperbolic lens antenna. This comparison was carried out under identical footprint conditions with a length to diameter ratio L / D of 0.5. The gain of the structured lens was found to be 1.6 dB higher than the Fresnel lens and 2.7 dB higher than the hyperbolic lens.

O setor de cachaça artesanal da região do Litoral Norte Gaúcho : processo de estruturação?

Fernandes, Elieti Biques January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por foco analisar e compreender o processo de estruturação do setor de produção de cachaça artesanal da região do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Com o objetivo de delinear o processo de estruturação do setor e desvelar as práticas que estão sendo construídas, incluindo o modo como o são e a que(m) favorecem, buscou-se elementos da teoria da estruturação proposta por Giddens (2009) que traz a interação ação-estrutura que dinamiza as articulações iniciais de um processo de institucionalização. Outros insights são advindos de conceitos desenvolvidos por Berger e Luckmann (2009) na obra “A construção social da realidade” e da teoria neo-institucionalista (ZUCKER, 1977, DIMAGGIO; POWELL, 1999, DiMAGGIO, 1988, 1991, TOLBERT; ZUCKER, 1999, MEYER; ROWAN, 1999, SCOTT; MEYER, 1999, SCOTT, 1999, 2001). O esforço de análise e compreensão desse processo de estruturação, considerando uma correlação entre a ação dos atores do setor e sua estruturação, foi apoiada pela perspectiva da análise de discurso através do modelo discursivo de institucionalização proposto por Phillips et al. (2004). Esse modelo é composto por 7 proposições teóricas e considera uma relação mutuamente constitutiva entre discurso, texto e ação, e objetiva demonstrar a importância dos textos e dos discursos no processo de institucionalização. A partir da aplicação parcial desse modelo, proposições anteriores ao processo de institucionalização, foram analisadas as ações e textos dos atores que compõem o setor e prospectados seus respectivos discursos. Dentro do escopo desse trabalho, o modelo discursivo de institucionalização sinalizou as ações e textos indicativos de um processo de estruturação e revelou as relações desiguais de forças entre os atores que compõem o setor. A pesquisa de campo revelou que o processo de estruturação está sendo delineado por dois discursos: um discurso que se destaca em que um conjunto de atores, que detém interesses específicos e recursos dentro do setor, desenvolve ações estratégicas para se distinguirem das demais organizações através do produto cachaça artesanal; e, um discurso em que um conjunto de atores busca minimizar a relação de dependência das organizações informais e garantir a sobrevivência dos produtores rurais através do desenvolvimento de alternativas de produção para a região em que estão inseridos. Perceber o delineamento desse processo de estruturação e as possíveis conseqüências para o setor de cachaça artesanal permitiu desvelar relações construídas a partir de interesses específicos de algumas organizações. Esta pesquisa apresenta insights que podem ser úteis sobre as possibilidades de um eminente processo de institucionalização do setor. Fato que pode resultar na construção de uma legitimidade limitada ao entendimento de alguns propósitos específicos, acarretando em um enrijecimento nas relações entre os atores que, seguramente, trará implicações, econômicas, sócio-culturais e organizativas para a totalidade dos atores envolvidos, representando um “risco” a demandas mais particulares das comunidades onde se inserem as organizações. / This work focuses on the analysis and comprehension of the structuring process of the craft cachaça’s productive sector that is located in the region of the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul. In order to delineate this sector’s structuring process and unveil the practices that are being built, including how and who(m) they favor, we sought evidence of the struturation theory proposed by Giddens (2009) that brings the action-structure interaction which drives the joints of an initial process of institutionalization. Other insights are coming from concepts developed by Berger and Luckmann (2009) on his work "The Social Construction of Reality" and the neo-institutional theory (ZUCKER, 1977, DIMAGGIO, POWELL, 1999, DiMaggio, 1988, 1991 TOLBERT, ZUCKER, 1999 MEYER, ROWAN, 1999, SCOTT, MEYER, 1999, SCOTT, 1999, 2001). The analysis and understanding effort of this structuring process, in which the correlation between the sector actors’ actions and its structuring process, was supported by discursive analysis perspective through the discursive model of institutionalization proposed by Phillips et al. (2004). This model consists of seven theoretical propositions and considers a mutually constitutive relationship among discourse, text and action, and aims to demonstrate the importance of texts and discourses in the institutionalization process. Departing from this model’s partial implementation, which are propositions prior to the institutionalization process; we analyzed the sector actor’s actions and texts and prospected their respective discourses. Within this work’s scope, the institutionalization’s discursive model signaled the actions and texts proper of a structuring process and revealed the unequal power relations between the sector’s actors. The research field revealed that the structuring process is outlined by two discourses. First, a discourse that stands in an actors’ group which has specific interests and resources within the sector and develops strategic actions to distinguish themselves from other organizations across the craft cachaça product, and second, a discourse in which a set of actors seeks to minimize the informal organizations’ interdependence and ensure the farmers’ survival through the development of production alternatives for the region where they live. The realization of this structuring process’ design and the possible craftwork industry’s consequences allowed us to reveal relations constructed from some organizations’ special interests. This research provides insights that can be useful on the possibility of an imminent institutionalization process of the sector. The fact, in which may result in the construction of a limited legitimacy to the understanding of some specific purposes and also may result in stiffened relations between actors, will undoubtedly bring, to all the actors involved, economic, socio-cultural and organizational implications, which mean a “risk” to more specific demands for the communities where this organizations are inserted.

Análise de fatores determinantes do uso de intranets e portais corporativos

Seffrin, Vinícius January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para uma compreensão mais clara sobre o desenvolvimento de intranets e portais corporativos nas organizações, através da análise do principal determinante do sucesso desses projetos: o uso efetivo da tecnologia. Para atingir esse objetivo, esta pesquisa adota uma visão multidimensional, considerando tanto a perspectiva individual como a organizacional. O suporte teórico advém de extensa revisão das pesquisas já publicadas sobre o tema, compreendendo elementos retirados da teoria da estruturação de Giddens e de modelos consagrados de aceitação da tecnologia, como UTAUT e TAM. A metodologia consiste de estudo de caso em três organizações do setor público, com estruturas bastante semelhantes, mas que desenvolveram suas intranets de modo independente. A análise dos contextos organizacionais demonstrou que o uso da tecnologia nos casos estudados, na prática, ainda é muito limitado. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam que esse uso é resultado da conjunção de complexos elementos. Além das deficiências na funcionalidade da tecnologia, os indivíduos não reconheceram a utilidade prática das intranets e, do mesmo modo, não se sentem estimulados a usar a tecnologia. Essa realidade é consequência de problemas na gestão da tecnologia, como a falta de participação efetiva de setores estratégicos, que aliados a aspectos estruturais das organizações, como a divisão entre os setores e a acentuada especialização funcional, contribuem para a manutenção desse quadro. Em sua maioria, esses elementos constituem práticas já institucionalizadas nas organizações, reforçadas pelo comportamento de seus membros no fluir de suas interações. / The goal of this paper is to help provide a clearer understanding of the development of intranets and corporate portals in organizations, by examining the main determinant behind the success of these projects: the effective use of technology. To achieve this goal, this study uses a multidimensional approach, considering both the individual and organizational perspective. The theoretical support is based on an extensive review of already published research on the subject, including elements drawn from Gidden's theory of structuration and renowned technology acceptance models, such as UTAUT and TAM. The methodology consists of a case study in three public sector organizations, with very similar structures, but which developed their intranets independently. The analysis of the organizational contexts demonstrated that the use of technology in the cases studied is still, in practice, very limited. The research findings show that using it is the result of a complex conjunction of elements. Besides the shortcomings in the functionality of the technology, people have not recognized the usefulness of intranets and, likewise, do not feel attracted to use the technology. This reality is a consequence of problems in technology management, such as lack of effective participation of strategic sectors, which combined with structural aspects of organizations, like the division between sectors and accentuated job specialization, contribute toward maintaining this state of affairs. Most of these elements are already institutionalized practices in organizations, reinforced by the behavior of their members in the course of their interactions.

It “breaks down this wall”: Dualities in Journalists’ Engagement with Twitter Followers

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Scholars have identified that journalists have a strong occupational identity, leading to ideological conceptions of the rules of the field. However, while journalists are often the first to embrace technological change, they often do so in different ways than most people. With the arrival of digital technologies, journalists are often faced with practices that run contrary to long-established ideology, and they often carry traditional practices over to new media. Using the theoretical lens of Giddens’s structuration theory, this research identifies traditional journalism structures that encourage or discourage journalists to interact with their followers on the social network Twitter. Using constant comparative analysis to interpret 23 interviews with contemporary journalists, this study identified multiple dualities between the use of Twitter and traditional newsgathering. It also recognized a cognitive dissonance among journalists who use Twitter. Though they can see advantages to using the platform to engage with followers, particularly other journalists and members of their audience, journalists do not seek out Twitter interaction and often avoid or resist it. Finally, this dissertation suggests three walls that block journalists from engaging in the Internet’s facilitation of personal connectivity, engagement, and a true community forum with followers. Although a wall of objectivity has somewhat been broached by Twitter use, walls of storytelling and routine and traditional news values continue to hold strong. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Journalism and Mass Communication 2015

Rail-route et dynamiques spatiales en Côte d'Ivoire / Railway-road and spatial dynamics in Ivory Coast

Dagnogo, Foussata 26 March 2014 (has links)
Comme dans les autres pays ouest africains, les transports en Côte d'Ivoire ont connu un programme d'ajustement qui a notamment conduit à la dérégulation du secteur. Les conséquences de cette politique furent, entre autres, la libéralisation du transport routier et la privatisation du chemin de fer «Abidjan-Niger ». Malgré ces réformes, les infrastructures de transport sont dégradées et les services restent très inégaux. C'est dans ce contexte que se pose aujourd'hui la question du rôle du corridor rail/route ivoiro-burkinabé en Côte d'Ivoire. Ce corridor de transport qui relie le port d'Abidjan à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso ne participe-t-il pas davantage au désenclavement des pays limitrophes qu'à celui des territoires ivoiriens? L'analyse des circulations au niveau de l'axe montre deux faits. D'une part, il se présente comme un axe majeur qui participe à la structuration des territoires traversés comme à Bouaké ou à Ouangolodougou, et d'autre part, il apparaît comme un axe qui produit de l'enclavement comme par exemple pour les localités de Loho, Boli, Raviart ou Céchi qui, bien que situées sur le chemin de fer, restent difficiles d'accès. Ces deux phénomènes révèlent le rôle ambivalent du corridor et amène à relativiser son importance dans la structuration du territoire national ivoirien. / Like in other West African countries, transportation in Ivory Coast has gone through a structural adjustment program which has led to the deregulation of the industry. Among others, the consequences of this policy have been both the liberalization of road transports and the privatization of the "Abidjan-Niger" railway. Following these reforms, transport infrastructures are scratched and services remain unequal. ln this nowadays context, the issue of the function of the Ivory Coast-Burkina Faso railway/road corridor in Ivory Coast can be considered. Does this corridor which links the Abidjan harbor to Ouagadougou, in Burkina Faso, participate more to the opening up of the adjacent countries or to Ivorian territories? The analysis of the circulations on the corridor highlights two major elements. On the one hand, it appears as a major axis which participates to the setting-up of the territories it goes through, such as Bouaké or Ouangolodougou. On the other hand, it appears as an axis which generates inaccessibility such as regarding Loho, Boli, Raviart or Céchi, which, despite located along the railway, remain difficult to reach. The two phenomena show the ambivalent role of the corridor and lead to consider with relativeness its importance in the Ivorian national territory structuration.

Adoption of cloud computing to enhance project management processes and outcomes in South Africa in the private sector

Pekane, Ayanda January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Information Technology Department of Information Technology in the Faculty of Informatics and Design at Cape Peninsula University of Technology / Project Management (PM) is defined as the application of tools and techniques to direct the use of diverse resources toward the accomplishment of a task within time, cost and quality constraints. In the information age, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has emerged as an enabling tool, resource and a facilitator of the PM practice. With ICT as a major enabler of efficiencies in PM, the adoption of new ICT systems and tools have improved processes and outcomes in PM. The main argument is that cloud computing has a great potential to improve efficiencies in PM. The problem at the time of writing however, was that it was not clear whether this innovation was understood and maximally exploited by the PM community of practice in South Africa. Efficiency of PM is critical to competitiveness and growth in all sectors. Thus, the objective of this study was to explore the adoption of ICT systems and tools particularly cloud computing, to advance the practical objectives PM in the private sector. Due to the socio-technical nature of the current study, the interpretivist approach together with a qualitative research method, as well as the purposive sampling technique were adopted for the study. In essence, 8 respondents consisting of 2 academic experts, 4 technology literate project managers and 2 client service providers of cloud computing were selected. Together with the Structuration Theory (ST) as an analytical framework and the content analysis technique was used to contextualise and to analyse data. Findings show an acceptable level of awareness of cloud computing in the private sector. Nevertheless, negative perceptions that may threaten the adoption of cloud computing in PM in the private sector also emerged in the findings. Otherwise, PM has gained popularity in the sector. As the findings further reflect however, standards have tended to be compromised by cynics in the discipline. Positive developments are that the project failure rate is on the decline, which is further enhanced by the adoption of new innovative technological tools and systems. Rigid organisational norms also re-enforce resistance to change. It is, thus, recommended for project managers to review cloud-computing benefits in accordance with their requirements. In conclusion then, resources have not only proved to be a significant matter in PM, but also instrumental in advancing PM efficiencies, leading to improved PM successes. In the light of emergent shortfalls however, executive managers and project managers should keep themselves informed and be open to changes that can advance the organisational course.

Synthèse et structuration de sulfure de molybdène promu nickel en présence de liquide ionique ou de polymère hydrosoluble amphiphile : application en catalyse hétérogène / Synthesis and structuring of nickel promoted molybdenum sulfide with addition of ionic liquid or amphiphilic water-soluble polymer : application in heterogeneous catalysis

Leyral, Géraldine 30 October 2013 (has links)
Avec l’épuisement progressif des ressources pétrolières, la production de biocarburant est actuellement en plein développement. Utiliser la biomasse en tant que source d’énergie permettrait également de limiter la concentration en dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère et ainsi l’effet de serre. Cependant son processus de transformation implique une étape d’hydrodésoxygénation qui nécessite d’avoir recours à des catalyseurs de type sulfure de molybdène dopé par du cobalt ou du nickel. Ces catalyseurs sont également indispensables au cours du traitement du pétrole lors du procédé d’hydrodésulfuration qui est primordial pour limiter la pollution de l’air par les gaz de combustion des carburants. Cette thèse propose une méthode de synthèse et de structuration de catalyseurs massiques NiMoS facile à mettre en œuvre et rapide. Deux solvants ont été utilisés : l’eau et le formamide. L’ajout d’un polymère hydrosoluble amphiphile, le PEO113-b-PLLA32, dans l’eau et de liquides ioniques (BMIMNTf2 et BMIMBF4) dans le formamide ont permis la structuration des matériaux et l’obtention de surfaces spécifiques atteignant 55 m2g-1. Ceci représente une surface importante pour ce type de composé, en particulier dans le cadre d’une synthèse par chimie douce. Les premiers tests catalytiques réalisés vis-à-vis de la réaction d’hydrodésoxygénation de l’acide décanoïque montrent une activité catalytique très prometteuse pour ces matériaux. / With the progressive decrease of oil resources, the production of biomass fuel is a fast growing field. This could limit the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thus the global warming. The production of this kind of fuel requires the use of catalysts such as nickel or cobalt promoted molybdenum sulfide. These materials are also crucial during the refining of oil, an essential step to limit atmospheric pollution during the classic fuel combustion. New methods to synthesize and structure NiMoS catalysts have been developed in this work. Two solvants have been studied: formamide and water. The addition of an amphiphilic water-soluble polymer (PEO113-b-PLLA32) in water and of ionic liquids (BMIMNTf2 and BMIMBF4) in formamide led to the structuring of the materials with specific surface areas up to 55 m2g-1. This is a high value for this kind of material, especially since the synthesis is carried out under soft conditions. The first catalytic tests dealt with decanoïc acid hydrodesoxygenation and highlighted a promising activity for these materials

A terminologia da Genética Molecular: aspectos morfológicos e semânticos / The Terminology of the Molecular Genetics: morphologic and semantic aspects

Luciana Pissolato de Oliveira 16 May 2007 (has links)
Tendo em vista que as unidades de conhecimento especializado (UCEs) formam parte de um universo dinâmico, no panorama das inovações científico-tecnológicas, e que são fundamentais para a comunicação especializada, o presente trabalho, de viés lingüístico/comunicativo, tem por objetivo a sistematização, organização e estruturação do vocabulário da Genética Molecular. Para o empreendimento de tal tarefa, foram necessárias as seguintes etapas: elaboração de um corpus de pesquisa, formado por materiais autênticos que refletissem a área com maior correção; extração das unidades terminológicas representativas do domínio, baseada em critérios lingüísticos, pragmáticos e tipográficos como: caráter morfológico (com significado especializado no campo de conhecimento), condicionamentos sintagmáticos (coocorrência e comutação), grau de coesão e fixação sintática, proximidade de glosas explicativas, grau de lexicalização do termo, relação unívoca com o conceito especializado que designam (monossemia), artifícios tipográficos, análise contextual, seleção dos tipos de documentação adequados e também verificação das particularidades estilísticas dos diferentes níveis de linguagem; análise da constituição morfossintática das unidades elencadas, por meio da investigação de seus formantes e de suas características sintáticas, bem como de seu funcionamento em contexto, exame que apresentou características bastante interessantes ? prefixos (bio-) e sufixos (-oma) caracterizando a área, presença marcante de formantes de língua geral (-agem, -ção, - mento) na nomeação de métodos e técnicas de trabalho, predominância de composições sintagmáticas (com 69% das formações) e preponderância de formantes greco-latinos nas derivações e composições cultas; e, finalmente, a elaboração de uma estrutura de conceitos que evidenciasse as relações de significação que se estabelecem entre os conceitos da área, trabalho para o qual em muito contribuiu o conhecimento dos formantes das unidades terminológicas, já que os mesmos podem traduzir-se em pistas para a adequada alocação de um termo em determinado campo semântico. Por fim, este trabalho pretende expandir-se, a posteriori, em forma de obra de referência para alunos e pesquisadores da Genética Molecular, cooperando com a ciência em sua aprendizagem e divulgação. / Taking into consideration that the units of specialized knowledge take part of a dynamic universe, in the scenery of the scientific innovations, and that they are basic for the specialized communication, the present work, in the fields of communicative/linguistic, has as main objective the systematization, organization and structuration of the vocabulary of the Molecular Genetics. To undertake such task, the following stages were necessary: elaboration of a corpus of research, formed by authentic material that reflected the area with larger correction; removal of the representative terminological units of the domain, based on linguistic, pragmatic and typographical criteria as: morphologic character (with specialized meaning inside the knowledge field), syntactic conditioning (coherence and the commutation), degree of cohesion and syntactic fixation of the terms, proximity of explanatory comments, degree of lexicalization of the term, univocal relation with the specialized concept that is assigned (monosomy), typographical artifices, contextual analysis, election of adequate types of documentation and also verification of precise statistics of the different levels of language; analysis of the morphosyntactic constitution of the chosen units, through the inquiry of its content and its syntactic characteristics, as well as of its functioning in context, examination that presented interesting characteristics - prefixes (bio-) and suffixes (- oma) characterizing the area, notable presence in the composition of general language (- agem, - ção, - mento) in the nomination of methods and techniques of work, predominance of syntagmatic compositions (with 69% of the formations) and superiority of composition Greek-Latin in the derivations and cultured compositions; and finally, the elaboration of a structure of concepts that could evidence the meaning relations that were established between the concepts of the area, work that contributed to the knowledge of the composition of the terminological units, since the same ones can be expressed in instructions for the correct allocation of a term in a specific semantic field. Finally, this work is intended to be extended, a posteriori, in form of reference for pupils and researchers of Molecular Genetics, cooperating with science in its learning and spreading.

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