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Sura dryckers påverkan på biaxial böjhållfasthet på litiumdisilkatbaserad glaskeram med olika ytor / Biaxial flexural strength on lithium disilicate based glass ceramic with different surface submerged in acidic beveragesBromé, Nathalie, Jonung, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate if biaxial flexural strength for pressed glass ceramic with glazed, polished and grinded surface is affected by the acidic beverages Coca Cola and red wine. Material and method: 63 specimens were manufactured in IPS e.max Press®, divided into 6 test groups and one control group (KG) with 9 specimens in each group, in the dimensions 12 mm in diameter and in thickness, 1,8 mm without notch and 2,2 mm with notch. The specimens subdivided by different surface treatments; glazed surface (CCG, RVG), polished surface (CCP, RVP) and ground surface (CCS, RVS). Three groups underwent thermocycling for 970 cycles in 8°C Coca Cola® and three groups red wine at room temperature. Results: The results show significant difference between the groups with α=0,001. Biaxial flexural strength test showed that the CCS group had the highest mean value (340 MPa) and CCP the lowest mean value (214 MPa). CCS showed significant differences to all groups except RVP and RVS. Furthermore the RVP group showed no significant difference to any other group and RVS only towards CCP. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this in vitro study the following conclusions can be made; Acidic beverages do not affect the flexural strength for pressed lithium disilicate based glass ceramics. The flexural strength is affected by surface treatment, where grinding with sandpaper results in higher flexural strength. / Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om den biaxiala böjhållfastheten på litiumdisilikatbaserad glaskeram som framställts genom pressteknik med tre olika ytbehandlingar (glansbränd yta eller för att efterlikna ocklusal inslipning eller abraderat slitage) påverkas av de sura dryckerna Coca Cola® och rödvin.Material och metod: 63 provkroppar tillverkades av IPS e.max Press®. Provkropparna delades in i 6 testgrupper, och en kontrollgrupp (KG), á 9 i varje, med måtten 12 mm i diameter och tjocklek 1,8 mm utan notch och 2,2 mm med notch. Provkropparna delades in utifrån olika ytbehandlingar, glansbränd (CCG, RVG), polerad (CCP, RVP) och slipad med sandpapper (CCS, RVS). 3 grupper genomgick termocykling i 970 cykler i 8°C Coca Cola®, och 3 grupper i rödvin i rumstemperatur, varvat med destillerat vatten i 37°C. Därefter utfördes biaxialt böjhållfasthetstest och resultaten analyserades med One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test, signifikansnivå α= 0,05.Resultat: Resultaten visar att det finns signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna α=0,001. Det biaxiala böjhållfasthetstestet påvisade att gruppen CCS hade högst medelvärde (340 MPa) och CCP hade lägst medelvärde (214 MPa). CCS visade signifikant skillnad jämfört med samtliga grupper, förutom RVP och RVS. Vidare uppvisade RVP ingen signifikant skillnad jämfört med någon av de övriga grupperna och RVS endast mot CCP.Slutsats: Inom denna in vitro-studies begränsningar kan följande slutsatser dras; Sura drycker påverkar inte böjhållfastheten på litiumdisilikatbaserad glaskeram som framställts genom pressteknik. Hållfastheten påverkas beroende på ytbehandling. Genom att slipa ytan med slippapper resulterade det i högre biaxial böjhållfasthet.
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Brown impasto at San Giovenale : Technological change and use of a fine-ware ceramic during the Orientalizing period (730–580 BCE) / Brun impasto från San Giovenale : Teknologisk förändring och användning av ett keramiskt fingods under den Orientaliserande perioden (c. 730–580 f. Kr.)Linusson, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Brown impasto is a fine, commonly burnished ceramic ware in use during the Orientalizing period in South Etruria. In previous scholarship, it has only been described, and understood mainly from funerary contexts. This thesis sets out to unravel the performance and use of the ware, targeting a local understanding at San Giovenale, the settlement whose published brown impasto assemblage is arguably the largest. A statistical approach is applied within a framework of behavioural archaeology in order to understand why brown impasto technology and use changed over time and between use contexts. To elucidate patterns of change clearly, the analysis is carried out on three different scales: from side-wide, to context-specific, to artefact-specific levels. The results expose the complexity of the published material but open up brown impasto to new interpretations. Aware of the caveats of San Giovenale’s recorded archaeology, the thesis suggests ways forward to test the validity of the new findings made. / Brun impasto är ett keramiskt fingods som användes under Södra Etruriens Orientaliserande period. Godset har enbart beskrivits i tidigare forskning, dessutom endast i gravsammanhang. Den här uppsatsen reder ut dess materialegenskaper och användningsområden i boplatskontexten av San Giovenale, vars utgrävda mängd brun impasto bör ses vara större än andra undersökta Etruskiska boplatser. En statistisk analys inom ramarna av Michael Schiffers beteendearkeologi har tillämpats för att närma sig en förståelse om varför brun impasto-teknologi och dess användning förändrades med tiden och emellan de utrymmen godset användes i. För att tydligt påvisa förändringsmönster har analysen delats in i tre olika steg: ett allmänt, ett kontextspecifikt, och inom det senare, ett föremålsspecifikt. Resultaten belyser problematiken med det undersökta materialet men öppnar brun impasto för nya tolkningar. Med den stundtals bristfälliga dokumentationen av San Giovenale-materialet i åtanke, föreslår uppsatsen framtida forskningsriktningar att validera de gjorda upptäckterna med.
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Topographic and Surface Chemical Aspects of the Adhesion of Structural Epoxy Resins to Phosphorus Oxo Acid Treated Aluminum AdherendsNitowski, Gary Alan 11 May 1998 (has links)
Structural adhesive bonding offers several advantages over other types of joining. These include improved stress distribution and increased design flexibility. Adhesive bonding is important in aerospace, automotive, and packaging applications. However, the full potential of the technology has not been exploited because the understanding of the basic mechanisms of adhesion and adhesion failure is incomplete.
This investigation elucidates the chemical and mechanical mechanisms responsible for durable adhesion of epoxy resins to phosphorus oxo acid treated aluminum alloys. By systematically altering the adherend surface chemistry, surface topography, and adhesive formulation, combined with accelerated testing, the chemical and mechanical factors that influence the properties of adhesively bonded aluminum are isolated and assessed.
It is postulated that a combination of two factors determines the strength and environmental durability of epoxy-bonded aluminum. One is the formation of hydrolytically stable, primary bonds between the adhesive and the adherend, and the second is the hydrolytic stability of the surface oxide, which is always present on the surface of aluminum and aluminum alloys.
These conditions can best be met by chemical pretreatment of the oxide surface, which renders the oxide insoluble and creates, at the same time, functional surface sites. These sites can form chemical bonds with reactive components of the adhesive.
Morphological and mechanical alteration of the metal surface oxide through hydroxide formation requires liquid water. Liquid water can only form by capillary condensation in interfacial gaps from molecularly diffusing water. A hydrolytically stable oxide will prevent bond failure due to mechanical weakening of the substrate surface, while a high density of hydrolytically stable surface bonding sites will minimize the occurrence of capillary gaps at the interface, thus decreasing the formation of liquid water. It is shown that highly chemically active, although not inherently stable, oxide surfaces can provide environmentally stable adhesive bonds. Conversely, certain highly stable oxide surfaces with few chemically active sites provide no environmental stability to adhesive joints, regardless of the topography of the surface. / Ph. D.
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Reducing Highway Crashes with Network-Level Continuous Friction MeasurementsMcCarthy, Ross James 16 December 2019 (has links)
When a vehicle changes speed or direction, the interaction between the contacting surfaces of the tire and the pavement form frictional forces. The pavement's contribution to tire-pavement friction is referred to as skid resistance and is provided by pavement microtexture and macrotexture. The amount of skid resistance depreciates over time due to the polishing action of traffic, and for this reason, the skid resistance should be monitored with friction testing equipment. The equipment use one of four test methods to measure network-level friction: ASTM E 274 locked-wheel, ASTM E 2340 fixed-slip technique, ASTM E 1859 variable-slip technique, and sideways-force coefficient (SFC) technique. The fixed-slip, variable-slip, and SFC techniques are used in continuous friction measurement equipment (CFME).
In the United States, skid resistance is traditionally measured with a locked-wheel skid trailer (LWST) equipped with either a ASTM E 501 ribbed or a ASTM E 524 smooth 'no tread' tire. Since the LWST fully-locks the test wheel to measure friction, it is only capable of spot testing tangent sections of roadway. By contrast, the remaining three test methods never lock their test wheels and, therefore, they can collect friction measurements continuously on all types of roadway, including curves and t-intersections. For this reason, highway agencies in the U.S. are interested in transitioning from using a LWST to using one of three continuous methods. This dissertation explores the use of continuous friction measurements, collected with a Sideways-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine (SCRIM), in a systemic highway safety management approach to reduce crashes that result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage only.
The dissertation presents four manuscripts. In the first manuscript, orthogonal regression is used to develop models for converting between friction measurements with a SCRIM and LWST with both a ribbed and smooth tire. The results indicated that the LWST smooth tire measured friction with greater sensitivity to changes in macrotexture than the SCRIM and LWST ribbed tire. The SCRIM also had greater correlation to the LWST ribbed tire than the LWST smooth tire. The second investigation establishes the relationship between friction measured with a SCRIM and the risk of crashes on dry and wet pavement surfaces. The results of this showed that increasing friction decreases both dry and wet pavement crashes; however, friction was found to have greater impact in wet conditions.
Due to the negative relationship between friction and crashes, eventually there will be a point where further losses in friction can result in a rapid increase in crash risk. This point can be identified with a friction threshold known as an investigatory level. When measured friction is at or below the investigatory level, an in- and out-of-field investigation is required to determine whether a countermeasure is necessary to improve safety. The third manuscript proposes a statistical regression approach for determining investigatory levels. Since this approach relies on statistical regression, the results are objective and should be the same for any analyst reviewing the same data. The investigatory levels can be used in a systemic approach that identifies locations where crashes can be reduced based on a benefit-cost analysis of surface treatments. Last, the forth manuscript demonstrates a benefit-cost analysis that selects surface treatments based on crash reductions predicted with continuous friction measurements. / Doctor of Philosophy / When a vehicle changes speed or direction, the tires slide over the pavement surface, creating friction that produces the traction that is necessary for the vehicle to change speed or direction. Friction can diminish when water, dust, and other contaminants are present, or over time due to traffic. Over time, the loss in friction causes the risk of a crash to increase. However, this relationship is non-linear, and therefore, eventually there will be a point where further losses in friction can cause a rapid increase in crash risk. For this reason, the pavement friction is monitored with equipment that slides a rubber tire with known properties over a pavement surface. Since friction is lowest when the pavement is wet, the equipment applies a film of water to the surface directly in front of the sliding tire.
There are different types of equipment used to measure friction. The physical designs of the equipment and their method of testing may be different. For example, some devices measure friction by sliding a wheel that is angled away from the path of the vehicle, while others slide a wheel that is aligned with the vehicle but reduced in speed compared to the vehicle. The factors that make the equipment different can affect the quantity of friction that is measured, as well as the timing between each consecutive measurement. The advantages that some equipment offers can entice highway agencies to transition from a pre-existing system to a more advantageous system. Before transitioning, the measurements from the two types of equipment should be compared directly to determine their correlation. Statistical regression can also be used to develop models for converting the measurements from the new equipment to the units of the current, which can help engineers interpret the measurements, and to integrate them into an existing database.
The presence of water on a pavement surface can result in a temporary loss of friction that can increase the risk of a crash beyond the normal, dry pavement state. This does not guarantee that dry pavements have sufficient friction as is suggested in most literature. In this dissertation, the relationship between friction and the risk of a crash on dry and wet pavements are evaluated together. The results show that increasing friction can decrease the crash risk on both dry and wet pavement surfaces.
The amount of friction that is needed to maintain low crash risk is not the same for every section of road. Locations such as approaches to curves or intersections can increase the risk of a crash, and for that reason, some sections of roadway require more friction than others. Minimum levels of friction called investigatory levels can be established to trigger an in- and out-of-field investigation to determine whether improving friction can improve safety when the measured friction is at or below a specific value. This dissertation proposes a methodology for determining the investigatory levels of friction for different sections of roadway using a statistical regression approach. The investigatory levels are then used to identify locations where pavement surface treatments can reduce crashes based on a benefit-cost analysis. Last, the ability of a surface treatment to reduce crashes is evaluated using another statistical regression approach that predicts changes in crash risk using friction measurements. Since there are several treatment options, a treatment is selected based on estimated cost and benefit.
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Effectiveness of thin surface treatment in KansasRahman, Md. Shaidur January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Mustaque A. Hossain / Preventive maintenance strategies are applied to pavement to bring it back to appropriate serviceability when it starts to deteriorate soon after construction due to several factors, e.g., traffic loading, deterioration of pavement materials, and climatic effects. In recent years, more and more highway agencies are adopting preventive maintenance strategies and moving away from rehabilitation actions since rehabilitating pavements at near failure is not a cost-effective pavement management technique. A variety of preventive maintenance treatments or thin surface treatments are available to bring pavements back to appropriate serviceability for road users. The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) has adopted several preventive maintenance treatments including thin overlay, ultra-thin bonded asphalt surface (Nova Chip), chip seal, and slurry seal. This thesis discusses the effectiveness of thin surface or preventive maintenance treatments applied in 2007 on 16 highway sections in Kansas. Three types of thin surface treatments, 25-mm Hot-Mix-Asphalt (1” HMA) overlay, ultra-thin bonded asphalt surface (Nova Chip), and chip seal, were examined in this study. These treatments were applied on three types of surface preparation, namely, bare surface, 25-mm surface recycle (1” SR), and 50-mm surface recycle (2” SR). Effectiveness of the thin surface or preventive maintenance treatments for mitigating typical distresses and enhancing pavement performance was evaluated by conducting before-and-after (BAA) comparisons. All data required for this study were extracted from the Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) database of KDOT. It was observed that transverse and fatigue cracking significantly decreased and rutting conditions were improved after the thin surface treatments were applied. Roughness conditions were observed to be better on the highway test sections treated with 25-mm (1”) HMA and Nova Chip, while the effects of chip seals on reducing roughness were not as obvious. Benefit and performance levels of the pavements were observed to rise after the thin surface treatments were applied.
The Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Device (HWTD) test was conducted on core samples taken from the highway sections under this study. Laboratory test results showed that most projects exceeded the maximum rut-depth limit (20 mm) specified for 20,000 wheel passes, and the number of wheel passes to failure varied significantly among the projects. Cores from only three projects, two treated with Nova Chip and one with 25-mm (1”) HMA, carried 20,000 wheel passes without exceeding the maximum rut limit of 20 mm (0.8 inch). Pair-wise comparisons or contrasts among the treatments were also performed with the statistical analysis software, SAS. Air void of the HWTD test cores was found to be a significant factor affecting performance of thin surface treatments. The results also revealed that performance was significantly affected by the type of treatment and surface preparation.
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Avaliação da taxa de sobrevida de implantes unitários instalados em maxila com diferentes tratamentos de superfície: estudo retrospectivo / Survival rate of implants with different surface treatments placed in maxilla for single tooth replacement: retrospective studyRotundo, Ligia Drovandi Braga 09 June 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as taxas de sobrevida de implantes unitários, instalados na maxila, com diferentes tratamentos de superfícies: oxidação anódica (AO), duplo ataque ácido (DAE), ataque ácido e jateamento (SAE) e ataque ácido e jateamento modificada (SAE modificada). Também avaliou a influência de outras variáveis sobre estas taxas. Foram avaliados pacientes com implantes unitários em maxila, atendidos no Centro Odontológico da Polícia Militar de São Paulo e do Centro de Excelência em Prótese e Implantes da Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil), entre janeiro de 2008 e julho de 2013. Os seguintes dados foram coletados: sexo do paciente, características do implante (forma, diâmetro, comprimento), tratamento de superfície, localização do implante (maxila anterior ou posterior), presença de enxerto ósseo e falhas de implantes. O desfecho primário foi a perda do implante (falha). Estatísticas descritivas foram realizadas para caracterizar a distribuição de frequência de implantes em relação às variáveis. A análise da falha do implante foi feita por curvas de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier. O teste de Mantel-Cox identificou as variáveis associadas à falha do implante ao longo do tempo. A amostra analisada foi constituída por 1076 implantes em 549 pacientes. As falhas ocorreram em 20 implantes (1,9%), 15 deles (75%) em homens e 5 em mulheres (25%). A frequência de falha foi maior em regiões de enxerto ósseo, e esta diferença ocorreu nos implantes em homens e com superfície DAE. A presença de enxerto aumentou em seis vezes as chances de falha do implante em relação às áreas de osso natural. Nos pacientes com implantes com superfície DAE estimou-se que essa chance de falha do implante em área de enxerto aumentou em nove vezes. / The purpose was evaluate the survival rates of single implants installed in maxilla with different surface treatments: anodic oxidation (AO), dual acid-etching (DAE), sandblasted and acid-etched (SAE) e sandblasted and acid-etched modified (SAE modified). It also evaluated the influence of other variables on these rates. Patients with installed single implants in the maxilla treated at Dental Center of Military Police of São Paulo and the Center for Excellence in Prosthodontics and Implants of the University of São Paulo (Brazil) between January 2008 and July 2013 were evaluated. The following data were collected: patient gender, implant characteristics (shape, diameter, length), surface treatment, location of the implant (anterior or posterior maxilla), presence of bone graft and implant failures. The primary outcome was the loss of the implant (failure). Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the frequency distribution of implants in relation to the variables. The analysis of implant failure was made by survival curves of Kaplan-Meier. The Mantel-Cox test was performed to identify variables associated with implant failure over time. The sample consisted of 1076 implants in 549 patients. Failures occurred in 20 implants (1.9%), while 15 of them (75%) were men and 5 women (25%). The frequency of failure was higher in regions of bone graft, and this difference was related to implants in men and in DAE implants. The presence of graft area increased by 6 times the chances of implant failure in relation to areas of natural bone. In DAE implants was estimated that the chance of failure of the implant graft area increased by 9 times.
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Comportamento mecânico, resistência de união e longevidade de pilares e coroas de zircônia obtidas por sistema CAD-CAM: influência de diferentes tratamentos de superfície / Mechanical behavior, bond strength and reliability of YTZP abutments and crowns processed by CAD/CAM: The role of surface treatmentsDantas, Talita Souza 29 April 2015 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união à zircônia após diferentes tratamentos de superfície e o comportamento mecânico de pilares e coroas de zircônia associados aos mesmos tratamentos. Na primeira fase, 95 discos em zircônia foram obtidos e divididos em cinco grupos (n = 19): GC (grupo controle, sem nenhum tipo de tratamento); GAL (jateamento com partículas de Al2O3 antes da sinterização); GALS (jateamento com partículas de Al2O3 após sinterização); GRO (silanização com sistema Rocatec antes da sinterização) e GROS (silanização com sistema Rocatec após sinterização). Três amostras de cada grupo tiveram a superfície analisada em MEV e MCVL. Dez amostras de cada grupo foram submetidas a ensaio de microcisalhamento e as seis restantes foram submetidas à análise de interface por meio de MEV. A análise estatística utilizou modelo de regressão linear com efeitos mistos e teste de Tukey (p < 0,01). Na segunda fase, 70 pilares do tipo hexágono externo foram obtidos em zircônia e associados a coroas totais com copings de zircônia. Os conjuntos análogo-pilar-coroa também foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=14) e submetidos aos mesmos tratamentos previamente descritos. Ainda, foram realizadas mensurações para verificação da adaptação dos copings sobre os pilares e rugosidade superficial dos discos, copings e pilares em MCVL. Foi realizado ensaio de fadiga mecânica dos conjuntos com carga progressiva de 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280 e 320 N, frequência de 5 Hz, totalizando 20.000 ciclos em cada estágio. A ciclagem térmica foi realizada com temperaturas entre 5º C e 55º C. Após os ensaios mecânicos, os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística (probabilidade de sobrevida, teste de Log-Rang, p < 0,05) Os resultados apontaram que o grupo ROS apresentou valores de resistência de união significativamente superiores (p < 0,01) e que a rugosidade superficial foi semelhante para discos e copings (p = 0,22) e para discos e pilares (p = 0,96), e diferente entre copings e pilares (p < 0,01). A desadaptação marginal foi maior para o grupo RO (p < 0,01) e a probabilidade de sobrevida dos conjuntos foi similar para todos os grupos testados (p = 0,57). Concluiu-se que a utilização do Rocatec aumenta os valores de resistência de união à zircônia, não compromete o comportamento mecânico do material e sua utilização é viável em peças já sinterizadas. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength to zirconia after different surface treatments and to evaluate the mechanical behavior of zirconia abutments and crowns associated with these treatments. In the first phase, 95 discs in zirconia were obtained and divided into five groups (n = 19): GC (control group, without any treatment), GAL (air particle abrasion with Al2O3 particles before sintering), GALS (air particle abrasion with Al2O3 particles after sintering), GRO (silanization with Rocatec system before sintering) and GROS (silanization with Rocatec system after sintering). Three samples of each group had the surfaces analyzed in SEM and CLSM. Ten samples of each group were subjected to microshear test and the other remaining six had their interface examined by SEM. The statistical analysis used a linear regression model with mixed effects and Tukey test (p <0.01). In the second stage, 70 external hex abutments were obtained in zirconia and associated with crowns and zirconia copings. The analog-abutment-crown assemblies were also divided into five groups (n = 14) and subjected to the same treatments described previously. Measurements to verify the adaptation of copings on the abutments and surface roughness of the discs, copings and abutments were performed in CLSM. A fatigue test was carried with progressive load of 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280 and 320 N, frequency of 5 Hz and 20,000 cycles at each stage. Thermal cycling was performed with temperatures between 5° C and 55° C. After mechanical tests, the results were subjected to statistical analysis (survival probability, Log-Rang test, p <0.05) The results showed that the ROS group had significantly higher bond strength values (p < 0.01) and that the surface roughness was similar for discs and copings (p = 0.22) and for discs and abutments (p = 0.96), and was different between copings and abutments (p < 0.01). The marginal gap was higher for RO group (p < 0.01) and the survival probability of the sets was similar for all tested groups (p = 0.57). It was concluded that the use of Rocatec increases the bond strength values to zirconia, does not compromise the mechanical behavior of the material and its use is now feasible in sintered parts.
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Avaliação da influência de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência de união ao cisalhamento entre zircônia Y-TZP e o cimento resinoso / Influence of different surface treatments on shear bond strength between zirconia Y-TZP and resin cementMaeda, Fernando Akio 12 September 2012 (has links)
OBJETIVOS:1a etapa: validar teste de cisalhamento utilizando um novo dispositivo de padronização através da comparação dos valores de resistência de união (RU) entre a zircônia com dois tratamentos de superfície e um cimento resinoso, aos resultados obtidos com testes de cisalhamento convencional e microcisalhamento; 2a etapa: avaliar o efeito dos primers metálicos à base de MDP por meio da RU entre zircônia Y-TZP e diferentes tipos de cimentos resinosos (de ativação química, duais e auto-adesivo); 3a etapa: avaliar o efeito de dois lasers Nd:YAG e Er:YAG e do jateamento com óxido de alumínio (JAT) na superfície da zircônia Y-TZP antes da sua sinterização final e da abrasão triboquímica mais silano (controle positivo) após a sinterização final, por meio da resistência à flexão (RF), rugosidade superficial (RS) e RU; 4a etapa: avaliar a estabilidade da união entre a zircônia e um cimento resinoso com um primer à base de MDP e de um laser de alta potência após a termociclagem. Os tratamentos superficiais utilizados nesta etapa foram escolhidos com base nos resultados da 2a e 3a etapas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: para os testes de RU foram confeccionados corpos de prova de Y-TZP com dimensões 6x6x3mm, e para o teste de RF 2,5x4,5x20 mm. Para 1a etapa os tratamentos de superfície foram JAT+Signum Ziconia Bond (SZB Heraeus), abrasão triboquímica foi realizada Rocatec (ROC 3M Espe), o silano utilizado foi RelyX Ceramic Primer (3M Espe) e os cimentos resinosos: Panavia F (Kuraray), NX3 (Kerr), seT (SDI), Multilink (Ivoclair). Durante a 3a etapa a abrasão triboquímica foi realizada ROC, o laser Nd:YAG (Power Laser ST6, Lares Research - 1,2W, 10 Hz) e Er:YAG (Kavo Key II, KaVo Co. - 120 mJ, 6 Hz). O teste de cisalhamento com dispositivo de padronização foi o método de avaliação da RU utilizado para as 2a, 3a e 4a etapas. Os dados dos testes de RU, RG foram analisados pela ANOVA e Tukey (=0,05) e RF por Kruskall-Wallis (=0,05). RESULTADOS: 1a etapa: pelo teste de microcisalhamento os materiais se comportaram da seguinte forma: JAT+SZB>ROC>CO, sendo que para os outros dois testes de cisalhamento o seguinte ranqueamente foi obtido: JAT+SZB=ROC>CO. 2a etapa: o SZB apresentou maiores valores de RU para todos os cimentos quando comparados aos grupos controle. O ZP aumento os valores para o cimento Panavia F e NX3. Já o AP aumentou os valores para o cimento seT. 3a etapa: para o teste de RU o JAT e Er:YAG resultaram em valores similares ao ROC, sendo que Nd:YAG resultou em maiores valores comparado ao ROC. Quando avaliados por RS: Nd:YAG>Er:YAG>JAT>ROC; já para RF: ROC>JAT=Nd:YAG= Er:YAG. 4a etapa: Após o teste de cisalhamento os seguinte ranqueamento foi obtido: Nd:YAG 24h>Nd:YAG termociclado=SZB 24h>SZB termociclado. CONCLUSÕES: Uma vez que o teste de cisalhamento com dispositivo de padronização mostrou resultados similares ao teste de cisalhamento convencional pode ser um método viável para avaliação da RU. O tratamento com Nd:YAG antes da sinterização final se mostrou efetivo nos valores de RU. / OBJECTIVES: first stage: validate shear test using a new device for standardized by comparing the values of bond strength (BS) with conventional shear test and microshear test, between zirconia and a resin cement with two surface treatments. Second stage: evaluate the effect of metal primers based on MDP by BS between YTZP and different types of resin cements. Third stage: evaluate Y-TZP surface treatments effect of two lasers (Nd:YAG and Er:YAG) and two sandblasting procedures, with Al2O3 (JAT) before final sintering and tribochemical slicatization after the final sintering, through the flexural resistance (FR) surface roughness (SR) and BS. Fourth stage: evaluate the bonding stability between zirconia and resin cement using a MDP-based primer or a high power laser, after thermal cycling. MATERIAL AND METHODS: BS Y-TZP specimens were prepared with dimensions of 6x6x3mm, and for FS test with 2,5x4,5x20 mm. In the first stage the surface treatments of the specimens were JAT+ Signum Ziconia Bond (SZB - Heraeus), tibochemical silicatization using Rocatec (ROC - 3MEspe) and control (CO - without treatment). In the second stage the primers used were Alloy-Primer (AP - Kuraray), SZB, Z-Prime Plus (ZP - Bisco), and the resin cements: Panavia F (Kuraray), NX3 (Kerr), set (SDI), Multilink (Ivoclair). During the third stage the tribochemical silicatization was perfomed using ROC. The shear bond strength device standardized was used to evaluate the BS of second, third and fourth stage. Test data for BS, SR were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test ( = 0.05) and FS by Kruskall-Wallis test ( = 0.05). RESULTS: first Stage: the microshear test groups behave as follow: JAT+SZB> ROC>CO, and for the other two shear tests following the ranking were obtained: JAT+SZB=ROC>CO. Second stage: the SZB showed higher BS for all cements when compared to control groups. The ZP values increased for Panavia F and NX3. AP values increased only for the seT cement. Third stage: BS values for JAT and Er:YAG were similar to ROC, and Nd:YAG was higher compared to the ROC. When evaluated by SR: Nd:YAG> Er:YAG>JAT> ROC, while for FS: ROC> JAT = Nd:YAG = Er:YAG. Fourth stage: after the shear test the following ranking was obtained: Nd:YAG 24h> Nd:YAG thermocycled = SZB 24h> SZB thermocycled. CONCLUSIONS: shear bond strength test with standardized device showed similar result to the conventional shear bond strength, and it can be considered a viable method for evaluating the BS. Treatment with Nd:YAG before the final sintering was effective in BS.
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Comportamento mecânico, resistência de união e longevidade de pilares e coroas de zircônia obtidas por sistema CAD-CAM: influência de diferentes tratamentos de superfície / Mechanical behavior, bond strength and reliability of YTZP abutments and crowns processed by CAD/CAM: The role of surface treatmentsTalita Souza Dantas 29 April 2015 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união à zircônia após diferentes tratamentos de superfície e o comportamento mecânico de pilares e coroas de zircônia associados aos mesmos tratamentos. Na primeira fase, 95 discos em zircônia foram obtidos e divididos em cinco grupos (n = 19): GC (grupo controle, sem nenhum tipo de tratamento); GAL (jateamento com partículas de Al2O3 antes da sinterização); GALS (jateamento com partículas de Al2O3 após sinterização); GRO (silanização com sistema Rocatec antes da sinterização) e GROS (silanização com sistema Rocatec após sinterização). Três amostras de cada grupo tiveram a superfície analisada em MEV e MCVL. Dez amostras de cada grupo foram submetidas a ensaio de microcisalhamento e as seis restantes foram submetidas à análise de interface por meio de MEV. A análise estatística utilizou modelo de regressão linear com efeitos mistos e teste de Tukey (p < 0,01). Na segunda fase, 70 pilares do tipo hexágono externo foram obtidos em zircônia e associados a coroas totais com copings de zircônia. Os conjuntos análogo-pilar-coroa também foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=14) e submetidos aos mesmos tratamentos previamente descritos. Ainda, foram realizadas mensurações para verificação da adaptação dos copings sobre os pilares e rugosidade superficial dos discos, copings e pilares em MCVL. Foi realizado ensaio de fadiga mecânica dos conjuntos com carga progressiva de 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280 e 320 N, frequência de 5 Hz, totalizando 20.000 ciclos em cada estágio. A ciclagem térmica foi realizada com temperaturas entre 5º C e 55º C. Após os ensaios mecânicos, os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística (probabilidade de sobrevida, teste de Log-Rang, p < 0,05) Os resultados apontaram que o grupo ROS apresentou valores de resistência de união significativamente superiores (p < 0,01) e que a rugosidade superficial foi semelhante para discos e copings (p = 0,22) e para discos e pilares (p = 0,96), e diferente entre copings e pilares (p < 0,01). A desadaptação marginal foi maior para o grupo RO (p < 0,01) e a probabilidade de sobrevida dos conjuntos foi similar para todos os grupos testados (p = 0,57). Concluiu-se que a utilização do Rocatec aumenta os valores de resistência de união à zircônia, não compromete o comportamento mecânico do material e sua utilização é viável em peças já sinterizadas. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the bond strength to zirconia after different surface treatments and to evaluate the mechanical behavior of zirconia abutments and crowns associated with these treatments. In the first phase, 95 discs in zirconia were obtained and divided into five groups (n = 19): GC (control group, without any treatment), GAL (air particle abrasion with Al2O3 particles before sintering), GALS (air particle abrasion with Al2O3 particles after sintering), GRO (silanization with Rocatec system before sintering) and GROS (silanization with Rocatec system after sintering). Three samples of each group had the surfaces analyzed in SEM and CLSM. Ten samples of each group were subjected to microshear test and the other remaining six had their interface examined by SEM. The statistical analysis used a linear regression model with mixed effects and Tukey test (p <0.01). In the second stage, 70 external hex abutments were obtained in zirconia and associated with crowns and zirconia copings. The analog-abutment-crown assemblies were also divided into five groups (n = 14) and subjected to the same treatments described previously. Measurements to verify the adaptation of copings on the abutments and surface roughness of the discs, copings and abutments were performed in CLSM. A fatigue test was carried with progressive load of 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280 and 320 N, frequency of 5 Hz and 20,000 cycles at each stage. Thermal cycling was performed with temperatures between 5° C and 55° C. After mechanical tests, the results were subjected to statistical analysis (survival probability, Log-Rang test, p <0.05) The results showed that the ROS group had significantly higher bond strength values (p < 0.01) and that the surface roughness was similar for discs and copings (p = 0.22) and for discs and abutments (p = 0.96), and was different between copings and abutments (p < 0.01). The marginal gap was higher for RO group (p < 0.01) and the survival probability of the sets was similar for all tested groups (p = 0.57). It was concluded that the use of Rocatec increases the bond strength values to zirconia, does not compromise the mechanical behavior of the material and its use is now feasible in sintered parts.
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