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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pseudo wh-fronting: a diagnosis of wh-constructions in Jordanian Arabic

Al-Daher, Zeyad 29 November 2016 (has links)
This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of wh-question formation in Jordanian Arabic (JA) and presents a uniform approach that can accommodate all of its various wh-constructions. JA makes use of five different wh-constructions, four of which involve clause-initial wh-phrases and the fifth is a typical in-situ wh-construction. Although wh-phrases surface clause-initially in four different wh-constructions in JA, I propose that bona fide wh-movement to [Spec, CP] does not occur in any of these constructions, whether overtly in syntax or covertly at LF. I abandon the classification of JA as a wh-movement language (Abdel Razaq 2011) and focus instead on identifying the syntactic role that wh-phrases realize and the underlying structures that feed each wh-construction. I propose that the clause-initial position of the wh-phrase results either from the syntactic function that the wh-phrase serves or from other syntactic operations that are independently attested in JA. There are three clause-initial positions that the wh-phrase can occupy: it surfaces in [Spec, TP] when functioning as the subject of a verbal or verbless structure, in [Spec, TopP] when functioning as a clitic-left-dislocated element (as in CLLD questions and ʔilli-interrogatives involving PRON), or in [Spec, FocP] when undergoing focus fronting. Thus, all instances of clause-initial wh-phrases in JA constitute what I refer to as “pseudo wh-fronting”, as the clause-initial position of the wh-phrase arises from mechanisms other than canonical wh-movement to [Spec, CP]. To account for the interpretation of wh-phrases in JA, I adopt a binding approach in which a null interrogative morpheme (Baker 1970; Pesetsky 1987; Chomsky 1995) unselectively binds the wh-phrase regardless of its surface position, whether clause-initial or clause-internal (in-situ). A major implication of this analysis is that JA is a concealed wh-in-situ language of the Chinese type although it looks at a cursory glance as though it were a wh-movement language of the English type. A broader typological implication of my analysis is the convergence of Cheng’s (1991) Clausal Typing Hypothesis to which JA previously appeared to constitute a counterexample. The recognition of the null interrogative particle, or its optional overt realization as the Q-particle huwweh, as the locus of interrogative clause typing in all JA wh-questions entails that JA employs just one unique strategy to type a clause as a wh-question, as predicted by Cheng’s Clausal Typing Hypothesis, regardless of whether the wh-phrase surfaces clause-initially or clause-internally. / February 2017

Staroanglická kauzativní slovesa, jejich formální struktura a následný vývoj / Old English causative verbs, their formal build-up and subsequent development

Filipová, Helena January 2015 (has links)
The present work provides a comprehensive overview of causativity - its definition, classification and characteristics - in a typological perspective. It outlines the development of causativity in English, from Indo-European to Present Day English with main emphasis on the Old English period and the factors that had led to the state of causative verbs at that time. In Research Part, it inquires into the possible competition between morphological and syntactic causatives and its future after- effects with respect to the described typology. Key words: causation, causativity, causative verb, causative opposition, morphological causative verb, syntactic causative expression, labile causative opposition, Old English

Modélisation et formalisation de l'aspect et du temps verbal arabe et français : implémentation didactique vers le français sur Internet. / Modling and formalization of aspect and tense verbal arabic and french : implementation to teaching french on the internet

Al Wohaib, Mona 29 June 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse s'adresse aux francophones qui veulent apprendre l'arabe, son lexique, sa syntaxe et sa sémantique. L'une des difficultés majeures que rencontre l'apprenant dès qu'il entre en contact avec notre langue, est le traitement des aspects et des temps, localement et dans l'ensemble de l'énoncé. Dans le cadre, d'une description des aspects et des temps nous sommes contraints de faire une étude générale de la morphologie verbale et des catégories grammaticales de l'arabe standard. Mais nous devons aussi travailler sur les mêmes structures en français qui est la langue source de nos apprenants afin de mettre en regard les deux systèmes linguistiques. Le second visage de ce travail est nettement plus technologique. Nous avons insisté sur les interfaces des leçons que nous présentons sur Internet afin de montrer comment elles participent de façon active à la compréhension des contenus par les apprenants. / Our thesis is intended for francophones wishing to learn Arab, its lexicon, its syntax and its semantics. One of the main difficulties which the learner encounters as soon as he enters into contact with our language is the treatment of aspects and of tenses, bath locally and throughout the whole statement or text. The description of aspects and tenses requires us to make a general study of the verbal morphology of the grammatical structures of standard Arab. But we are also brought to work on the same structures in French which is the source language of the learners in order to make a comparative study of the two language-systems. The second face of this work is considerab1y more technical. We have insisted on the interfaces of the lessons that we present on Internet in order to show how they contribute in an active way to the understanding of the contents by the learners

Citoslovce inspirované zvuky s lidským původcem jako slovní druh ve finštině / Interjections inspired by human sounds as a lexical category in Finnish language

Soukupová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Explicitnost a explicitace v překladu / Explicitness and explicitationin Translation

Keclíková, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with explicitness and semantic explicitations in translation. Its goal is to confirm or disprove the explicitation hypothesis of S. Blum-Kulka, according to which translated texts are more explicit than their originals, regardless of the language of translation. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of explicitness and explicitation, presents explicitation from the point of view of terminology, translation universals, the cognitive process of translating and the contribution of corpus linguistics to the research of different forms of explicitation. The theoretical part also contains division of explicitation into different types and its classification among other translation procedures. The empirical part is based on a detailed analysis of excerpts obtained from French and Czech belletristic originals and their translations through which the semantic explicitations are researched. The analysis is concluded by a summary of all obtained results and by their confrontation with the explicitation hypothesis.

Types de prédication en vietnamien : dynamique et variété des structures

Manente, Amélie 07 December 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une analyse syntaxique du vietnamien de Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville, dans la lignée de la syntaxe fonctionnelle mise en place par André Martinet et développée par la suite par ses continuateurs. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressée au degré d’opposition verbo-nominal en vietnamien : nous proposons tout d’abord une synthèse des travaux menés à ce sujet, avant d’exposer notre analyse en classes, en nous appuyant sur des critères strictement syntaxiques. Une étude syntaxique détaillée des modalités (déterminants non déterminables) – les modalités nominalisantes, les modalités de degré, les modalités prédicatives et les modalités injonctives – a été nécessaire. Ces unités permettent de distinguer des comportements différents, et l’identification des grandes classes lexicales du vietnamien : nominaux, adjectifs, modaux et verbaux. Il apparait que ces classes d’unités s’organisent en un continuum, avec à un pôle les nominaux, à l’autre les verbaux. Dans un second temps, l’analyse porte sur les différents types de structures prédicatives du vietnamien. La variété des constructions – nucléaires et connectives – est au centre de l’étude, ainsi que l’identification des différentes fonctions. Enfin, nous exposons une analyse des “séries verbales”, phénomène très courant en vietnamien, mais décrivant en fait des réalités très diverses. Tout au long de l’analyse, nous accordons une importance particulière à la variation et aux zones de changements (réanalyses, lexicalisations, grammaticalisations), faisant état de la dynamique des différentes structures et de la langue elle-même. / We present here a syntaxic analysis of the Vietnamese language spoken in Ho Chi Minh City, in line with the functional syntax introduced by André Martinet and developed later by his followers. In a first part, we examined the extent of noun/verb opposition in Vietnamese. After a synthesis of work on this subject, we present our own analysis of the lexical classes, relying on strictly syntactic criteria. A detailed study of the syntactic modalités (undeterminable determinants) - nominalizing undeterminable determinants, undeterminable determinants of degree, predicative undeterminable determinants and injunctive undeterminable determinants - was necessary. These units are used to distinguish different behaviors, and leads to the identification of major lexical classes in Vietnamese: nominals, adjectives, modals and ‘verbals’. It appears that these classes of units are organized along a continuum. In a second part, the analysis focuses on the different types of predicative structures in Vietnamese. The variety of structures - nuclear and connective - is central to the study as well as the identification of the different functions. Finally, we present an analysis of "serial verb constructions" very common in Vietnamese, but actually reflecting very different realities. Throughout this study, we pay particular attention to the variation and change (reanalysis, lexicalizations, grammaticalizations), referring to the dynamics of the various structures and of the Vietnamese language itself.

Usages syntaxiques et dialogue parent-enfant. Etude de dyades mère-enfant et père-enfant dans deux activités ludiques / Syntactic uses and parent-child dialogue. A study of mother-child and father-child dyads in two playful activities

Heurdier, Julien 24 January 2015 (has links)
De nombreux chercheurs se sont intéressés aux particularités lexicales et pragmatico-discursives du langage que les parents adressent à leur jeune enfant. La revue de la littérature sur ce point montre qu’il existe tantôt des différences tantôt des ressemblances entre les mères et les pères. Cependant, les caractéristiques syntaxiques du langage qu’adressent les parents à leur enfant font rarement l’objet d’études. Par ailleurs, les études portant sur les effets du dialogue, des genres de discours déployés durant celui-ci et des activités dans lesquelles interagissent les dyades parent-enfant sur le développement syntaxique de l’enfant sont encore peu développées.Cette thèse s’articule ainsi autour de trois objectifs : i) mieux cerner les différences et les similitudes qui existent dans le langage maternel et paternel aux niveaux syntaxique et pragmatico-discursif, et d’en observer l’influence sur le langage de l’enfant, ii) évaluer l’effet de l’activité en cours sur les productions et les conduites de dyades mère-enfant et père-enfant, iii) interroger les liens qui existent entre dimension syntaxique et dimension pragmatico-discursive dans le processus d’acquisition du langage.Sept enfants francophones natifs, âgés de 3 à 4 ans, et leurs parents ont été observés dans deux activités : un jeu symbolique et un jeu de cartes illustrées. Leurs productions ont été analysées au niveau syntaxique, tout en considérant certaines propriétés discursives et pragmatiques liées aux usages de ces productions (statut de l’interlocuteur de l’enfant, types d’activité et aspects pragmatico-discursifs). Nos résultats suggèrent que le statut de l’interlocuteur de l’enfant, associé aux types d’activités et aux spécificités du dialogue, constituent un faisceau de variables qu’il convient de considérer si l’on veut mieux décrire les usages syntaxiques des enfants et la variabilité de ceux-ci. / Many researchers have studied lexical and pragmatic-discursive particularities of the language that parents use to address their young child. A literature review shows that there are both differences and similarities between mothers and fathers. However, characteristics of the language that parents use for addressing their child have rarely been studied. Moreover, there is a paucity of studies examining the effects on the child’s syntactic development of dialogue, speech genres and activities during which parent-child dyads interact.This thesis has three goals: i) improve understanding of differences and similarities in the syntactic and pragmatic-discursive aspects of maternal and paternal language and their effect on the child’s language, ii) evaluate the effect of the ongoing activity on the production and the use of mother-child and father-child dyads, iii) investigate the relation between syntactic and pragmatic-discursive dimensions during the language learning process.Seven 3-4 years old native French-speaking children and their parents were observed during two activities: a symbolic play and a picture card game. The syntactic dimensions of their productions were analyzed while considering certain discursive and pragmatic properties related to the use of these productions (status of the child’s interlocutor, type of activity and pragmatic-discursive aspects). Our results suggest that the status of the child’s interlocutor, associated with the type of activity and the dialogue’s specificities, form a body of variables that should be taken into account in order to better describe children’s syntactic uses and their variability.

Inferência de gramáticas estocásticas para reconhecimento de padrões de imagens utilizando quadtrees / Inference of stochastic grammars for pattern recognition in images using quadtrees

Pedro, Ricardo Wandre Dias 26 November 2013 (has links)
Na última década métodos sintáticos vêm sendo bastante empregados para reconhecimento de padrões em imagens. Uma revisão sistemática sobre o assunto indicou que há trabalhos sobre a utilização de gramáticas para reconhecimento de objetos específicos em imagens, reconhecimento de texturas, construção de objetos, segmentação de imagens, mudança de escala de imagens e reconhecimento de layouts de páginas e documentos. Foi percebido que apenas alguns dos trabalhos analisados apresentavam métodos de inferência gramatical. Percebida essa lacuna, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a utilização de gramáticas estocásticas inferidas a partir de amostras de treinamento que continham as estruturas de quadtrees das imagens no problema de classificação de imagens. Para atingir tal objetivo foram utilizados e adaptados dois algoritmos de inferência gramatical e um algoritmo de estimação de probabilidades responsável por transformar as gramáticas livres de contexto inferidas em gramáticas livres de contexto estocásticas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as técnicas propostas podem ser utilizadas na classificação de figuras geométricas. Entretanto, embora o desempenho com quadtrees não tenha sido excelente, ficou claro que o uso de gramáticas pode ser uma abordagem interessante para a classificação de imagens. / In the last decade syntactic methods have been widely used for pattern recognition in images. A systematic review on this subject indicated that there are works about the usage of grammars for recognizing specific objects in images, recognition of textures, construction of objects, image segmentation, image scaling, and recognition of layouts in documents. It was noticed that only some of the analyzed studies showed methods of grammatical inference. Perceived this gap, this study aimed to evaluate the usage of stochastic grammars inferred from training samples containing structures of quadtrees of images in image classification problem. To achieve this goal it was used and adapted two algorithms for grammatical inference and one algorithm of probability estimation responsible for transforming the inferred context-free grammars in stochastic context-free grammars. The results show that the proposed techniques can be used in the classification of geometric figures. However, although the performance with quadtrees has not been excellent, it was clear that the use of grammars can be an interesting approach for image classification.

Uso de informação linguística e análise de conceitos formais no aprendizado de ontologias / Use of linguistic information and formal concept analysis for ontology learning.

Torres, Carlos Eduardo Atencio 08 October 2012 (has links)
Na atualidade, o interesse pelo uso de ontologias tem sido incrementado. No entanto, o processo de construção pode ser custoso em termos de tempo. Para uma ontologia ser construída, precisa-se de um especialista com conhecimentos de um editor de ontologias. Com a finalidade de reduzir tal processo de construção pelo especialista, analisamos e propomos um método para realizar aprendizado de ontologias (AO) de forma supervisionada. O presente trabalho consiste em uma abordagem combinada de diferentes técnicas no AO. Primeiro, usamos uma técnica estatística chamada C/NC-values, acompanhada da ferramenta Cogroo, para extrair os termos mais representativos do texto. Esses termos são considerados por sua vez como conceitos. Projetamos também uma gramática de restrições (GR), com base na informação linguística do Português, com o objetivo de reconhecer e estabelecer relações entre conceitos. Para poder enriquecer a informação na ontologia, usamos a análise de conceitos formais (ACF) com o objetivo de identificar possíveis superconceitos entre dois conceitos. Finalmente, extraímos ontologias para os textos de três temas, submetendo-as à avaliação dos especialistas na área. Um web site foi feito para tornar o processo de avaliação mais amigável para os avaliadores e usamos o questionário de marcos de características proposto pelo método OntoMetrics. Os resultados mostram que nosso método provê um ponto de partida aceitável para a construção de ontologias. / Nowadays, the interest in the use of ontologies has increased, nevertheless, the process of ontology construction can be very time consuming. To build an ontology, we need a domain expert with knowledge in an ontology editor. In order to reduce the time needed by the expert, we propose and analyse a supervised ontology learning (OL) method. The present work consists of a combined approach of different techniques in OL. First, we use a statistic technique called C/NC-values, with the help of the Cogroo tool, to extract the most significant terms. These terms are considered as concepts consequently. We also design a constraint grammar (CG) based in linguistic information of Portuguese to recognize relations between concepts. To enrich the ontology information, we use the formal concept analysis (FCA) in order to discover a parent for a set of concepts. In order to evaluate the method, we have extracted ontologies from text on three different domains and tested them with corresponding experts. A web site was built to make the evaluation process friendlier for the experts and we used an evaluation framework proposed in the OntoMetrics method. The results show that our method provides an acceptable starting point for the construction of ontologies.

Définissabilité et synthèse de transductions / Definability and synthesis of transductions

Lhote, Nathan 12 October 2018 (has links)
Dans la première partie de ce manuscrit nous étudions les fonctions rationnelles, c'est-à-dire définies par des transducteurs unidirectionnels. Notre objectif est d'étendre aux transductions les nombreuses correspondances logique-algèbre qui ont été établies concernant les langages, notamment le célèbre théorème de Schützenberger-McNaughton-Papert. Dans le cadre des fonctions rationnelles sur les mots finis, nous obtenons une caractérisation à la Myhill-Nerode en termes de congruences d'indice fini. Cette caractérisation nous permet d'obtenir un résultat de transfert, à partir d'équivalences logique-algèbre pour les langages vers des équivalences pour les transductions. En particulier nous montrons comment décider si une fonction rationnelle est définissable en logique du premier ordre. Sur les mots infinis, nous pouvons également décider la définissabilité en logique du premier ordre, mais avec des résultats moins généraux.Dans la seconde partie nous introduisons une logique pour les transductions et nous résolvons le problème de synthèse régulière : étant donnée une formule de la logique, peut-on obtenir un transducteur bidirectionnel déterministe satisfaisant la formule ? Les fonctions réalisées par des transducteurs bidirectionnels déterministes sont caractérisés par plusieurs modèles différents, y compris par les transducteurs MSO, et ont ainsi été nommées transductions régulières. Plus précisément nous fournissons un algorithme qui produit toujours une fonction régulière satisfaisant une spécification donnée en entrée.Nous exposons également un lien intéressant entre les transductions et les mots avec données. Par conséquent nous obtenons une logique expressive pour les mots avec données, pour laquelle le problème de satisfiabilité est décidable. / In the first part of this manuscript we focus on the study of rational functions, functions defined by one-way transducers.Our goal is to extend to transductions the many logic-algebra correspondences that have been established for languages, such as the celebrated Schützenberger-McNaughton-Papert Theorem. In the case of rational functions over finite words, we obtain a Myhill-Nerode-like characterization in terms of congruences of finite index. This characterization allows us to obtain a transfer result from logic-algebra equivalences for languages to logic-algebra equivalences for transductions. In particular, we show that one can decide if a rational function can be defined in first-order logic.Over infinite words, we obtain weaker results but are still able to decide first-order definability.In the second part we introduce a logic for transductions and solve the regular synthesis problem: given a formula in the logic, can we obtain a two-way deterministic transducer satisfying the formula?More precisely, we give an algorithm that always produces a regular function satisfying a given specification.We also exhibit an interesting link between transductions and words with ordered data. Thus we obtain as a side result an expressive logic for data words with decidable satisfiability.

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