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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JOAO VICTOR DE OLIVEIRA M E SILVA 26 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação é um estudo teórico-experimental sobre linguagem na esquizofrenia, com foco no uso de pronomes em textos escritos por nativos do inglês, disponíveis na plataforma Reddit, com análise adicional da complexidade sintática no nível sentencial. A esquizofrenia é um distúrbio mental que se apresenta como uma heterogeneidade de disfunções neuropsicológicas, sendo uma de suas principais características disfunções linguísticas, em especial no uso e compreensão de expressões nominais e na redução da complexidade sintática. Foram coletados, analisados e comparados um total de 78 textos (39 de usuários com autodeclaração de esquizofrenia e 39 de controles pareados). Os textos coletados foram anotados sintaticamente e tratados estatisticamente considerando fatores relativos à complexidade sintática no nível sentencial e pronominal. Comparações intergrupais revelaram diferenças significativas no domínio sentencial e pronominal, com o grupo esquizofrenia apresentando menor volume de truncamento sentencial não-anômalo e maior volume de anomalias no emprego de pronomes plenos de terceira pessoa com leitura referencial. Estes resultados estão de acordo com as conclusões de estudos anteriores. Partindo do entendimento de que a Gramática é um mecanismo computacional cognitivo, as observações obtidas indicam que a esquizofrenia leva a uma redução na complexidade sintática de processos gramaticais responsáveis pela construção do significado. / [en] The present dissertation is a theoretical-experimental study on language in schizophrenia, focusing on the usage of pronouns in written texts produced by native speakers of English and published on Reddit, considering in addition syntactic complexity at the sentential level. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a set of heterogeneous dysfunctions, with language-malfunctioning being one of its main characteristics. In particular, misuse and misinterpretation of nominal expressions and syntactic-complexity reduction are linguistic hallmarks of schizophrenia. 78 texts (39 from Reddit users with self-declaration of schizophrenia and 39 from paired controls) were automatically collected, manually tagged and statistically compared. The tagging process was based on syntactic complexity at the sentential and nominal level. Between-group statistical comparisons showed significant differences, with the schizophrenic group exhibiting less non-anomalous sentential truncations (ellipsis) and more anomalous 3Person referential pronouns. This is in accordance with previous independent studies. Assuming human Grammar to be a computational apparatus of the cognitive system, we interpret the obtained results as suggesting that schizophrenia leads to reductions on meaning-building derivational grammatical processes.


LARISSA RANGEL FERRARI 23 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esse trabalho se voltou para o desenvolvimento de um teste de avaliação do processamento sintático na compreensão da linguagem no envelhecimento. Esse teste tem como objetivo oferecer um auxílio no diagnóstico de Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve (CCL). Este é um quadro que pode evoluir para a Doença de Alzheimer (DA). Por isso, o diagnóstico o mais cedo possível de um comprometimento cognitivo no envelhecimento pode oferecer um melhor prognóstico para o paciente, a partir de acompanhamento médico e reabilitação neuropsicológica. Sabe-se que a idade avançada é um dos principais fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da DA. Esta pesquisa se justifica na medida em que a população mundial vem envelhecendo em ritmo acelerado e também pela enorme carência de um instrumento de avaliação voltado para o processamento sintático no envelhecimento e, principalmente, pela carência de um instrumento em português brasileiro. Uma revisão sistemática feita nas plataformas PubMed, LILACS e SciELO revelou que por volta dos últimos 5 anos pouquíssimos estudos avaliaram o processamento sintático de pacientes com CCL. E o número de estudos que consideraram o processamento sintático de sentenças com estrutura mais complexa é mais reduzido ainda. Apresentamos, portanto, neste trabalho, um protótipo de um teste de compreensão de sentenças que variam em nível de complexidade sintática, construído com base em pesquisas na área de Psicolinguística e de Neuropsicologia Clínica. Trata-se de um teste de identificação de figura a partir de uma tarefa de verificação de correspondência entre sentença e imagem. Esse teste explora a compreensão de sentenças com oração relativa de sujeito e de objeto; interrogativas de sujeito e de objeto; clivadas de sujeito e de objeto; passivas reversíveis (implausíveis e neutras) e irreversíveis; estruturas com verbo de perspectiva; e ativas simples reversíveis e irreversíveis. Como a literatura reporta, até mesmo no envelhecimento saudável, espera-se um declínio no processamento dessas estruturas sintáticas mais complexas, que acarretam maior demanda cognitiva. Em um quadro de envelhecimento não saudável, esse declínio estaria mais acentuado e evidente. Por isso, esse teste pode ser uma medida promissora na detecção de um CCL que afete o domínio da linguagem. Foi realizado um estudo piloto com um grupo de 43 adultos mais jovens e um grupo de 10 idosos sem comprometimento cognitivo, para avaliar a funcionalidade do teste desenvolvido. Os dois grupos realizaram a tarefa de identificação de imagens sem dificuldades, com média de tempo similar e baixo percentual de erros, tendo estes ocorrido com as estruturas mais complexas do conjunto de sentenças examinadas. Os resultados do piloto sugerem, portanto, que o teste pode ser um instrumento sensível na avaliação do processamento sintático na compreensão de sentenças por parte de adultos e idosos. / [en] This work focused on the development of a test to assess syntactic processing in language comprehension in aging. This test aims to help in the diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition that can progress to Alzheimer s Disease (AD). Thus, the early diagnosis of cognitive impairment in aging can offer a better prognosis for the patient, based on medical follow-up and neuropsychological rehabilitation. It is known that one that greatest risk factor for AD is advancing age. This research is very relevant because the world population has been aging at an accelerated pace and because there is a huge lack of an assessment instrument aimed at syntactic processing in aging, mainly due to the lack of a test in Brazilian Portuguese. A systematic review carried out on the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO platforms revealed that over the last 5 years very few studies have evaluated the syntactic processing of patients with MCI. And the number of studies that considered the processing of syntactically complex sentences is even smaller. Therefore, in this work, we present a prototype of a test of comprehension of sentences that vary in level of syntactic complexity, developed on the basis of research in the fields of Psycholinguistics and Clinical Neuropsychology. It is a sentence-picture matching task, in which participants must evaluate the correspondence between the sentence and the correct illustration. This test explores the comprehension of sentences with subject and object relative clause; subject and object interrogatives; sentences with subject and object topicalization; reversible (implausible and neutral) and irreversible passive sentences; structures with perspective verb; and reversible and irreversible active sentences. As the literature reports, even in healthy aging, a decline in the processing of more complex syntactic structures is expected, which entail greater cognitive demand. In a context of unhealthy aging, this decline would be more accentuated and evident. Therefore, this test can be a promising measure in the detection of a MCI that affects the language domain. A pilot study was conducted with a group of 43 younger adults and a group of 10 elderly people without cognitive impairment, to evaluate the functionality of the developed test. Both groups performed the image identification task without difficulties, with a similar average time and a low percentage of errors, which occurred with the most complex structures of the set of the examined sentences. Therefore, the pilot study results suggest that the test can be a sensitive measure in the evaluation of syntactic processing in sentence comprehension by adults and the elderly.

Evaluating Data Quality in a Data Warehouse Environment / Utvärdering av datakvalitet i ett datalager

Redgert, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
The amount of data accumulated by organizations have grown significantly during the last couple of years, increasing the importance of data quality. Ensuring data quality for large amounts of data is a complicated task, but crucial to subsequent analysis. This study investigates how to maintain and improve data quality in a data warehouse. A case study of the errors in a data warehouse was conducted at the Swedish company Kaplan, and resulted in guiding principles on how to improve the data quality. The investigation was done by manually comparing data from the source systems to the data integrated in the data warehouse and applying a quality framework based on semiotic theory to identify errors. The three main guiding principles given are (1) to implement a standardized format for the source data, (2) to implement a check prior to integration where the source data are reviewed and corrected if necessary, and (3) to create and implement specific database integrity rules. Further work is encouraged on establishing a guide for the framework on how to best perform a manual approach for comparing data, and quality assurance of source data. / Mängden data som ackumulerats av organisationer har ökat betydligt under de senaste åren, vilket har ökat betydelsen för datakvalitet. Att säkerställa datakvalitet för stora mängder data är en komplicerad uppgift, men avgörande för efterföljande analys. Denna studie undersöker hur man underhåller och förbättrar datakvaliteten i ett datalager. En fallstudie av fel i ett datalager på det svenska företaget Kaplan genomfördes och resulterade i riktlinjer för hur datakvaliteten kan förbättras. Undersökningen gjordes genom att manuellt jämföra data från källsystemen med datat integrerat i datalagret och genom att tillämpa ett kvalitetsramverk grundat på semiotisk teori för att kunna identifiera fel. De tre huvudsakliga riktlinjerna som gavs är att (1) implementera ett standardiserat format för källdatat, (2) genomföra en kontroll före integration där källdatat granskas och korrigeras vid behov, och (3) att skapa och implementera specifika databasintegritetsregler. Vidare forskning uppmuntras för att skapa en guide till ramverket om hur man bäst jämför data genom en manuell undersökning, och kvalitetssäkring av källdata.


LARISSA CORREA BATISTA GUIMARAES 03 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo tem como foco habilidades linguísticas de crianças pré-escolares no espectro autista. Os objetivos foram identificar e avaliar o tratamento dado à linguagem nas abordagens terapêuticas para o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) mais utilizadas na prática fonoaudiológica, em amostra coletada no Rio de Janeiro; e propor um instrumento de avaliação de habilidades linguísticas de préescolares com TEA, visando a rastrear dificuldades gramaticais no desempenho de tarefas de compreensão. O instrumento desenvolvido visa a avaliar aspectos sintáticos (sentenças simples variando quanto a transitividade e tempo/aspecto verbal; sentenças interrogativas e relativas, sentenças coordenadas), morfossintáticos (gênero e número gramatical) e pertinentes à interface sintaxesemântica (pronomes reflexivos e referenciais). Sentenças com reversibilidade temática são incluídas visando a dar seguimento à avaliação das crianças cujo desempenho não revelou dificuldades com sentenças irreversíveis. Metodologia psicolinguística que explora o direcionamento do olhar da criança foi adaptada para adequar as tarefas propostas ao ambiente terapêutico fonoaudiológico. Um estudopiloto conduzido com 12 crianças com TEA é relatado. 3 grupos foram caracterizados com base na produção linguística oral demonstrada em sessões clínicas - da mais desenvolvida (grupo 1) à menos desenvolvida (grupo 3). Os resultados são compatíveis com a literatura que distingue crianças no espectro autista como ALN (Language Normal) e ALI (Language Impaired). Dificuldades em todos os aspectos investigados foram identificadas nas crianças com baixa produção. Contudo, as crianças de todos os grupos revelam dificuldades na interface sintaxe-semântica e no número gramatical. Crianças do grupo intermediário apresentam maior dificuldade em sentenças complexas e sentenças reversíveis. / [en] This study focuses on the linguistic abilities of preschool children in the autistic spectrum. The objectives were to identify and evaluate the approaches to language in the most frequently used therapeutic approaches for ASD in the speech therapy practice, in a sample collected in Rio de Janeiro, and to propose an instrument to assess ADS children s language skills, by tracking specific difficulties in comprehension tasks. The instrument aims to evaluate syntactic structures (simple sentences varying in transitivity and tense/aspect of the verb; interrogative sentences; coordinate sentences; completive clauses; and relative clauses), morphosyntactic distinctions (gender and grammatical number) and aspects pertaining to the syntax-semantic interface (reflexive and referential pronouns), by avoiding the cost of thematic reversibility. In addition, reversible sentences were included to continue the evaluation of children whose performance on irreversible sentences did not present difficulties. A pilot study was developed with 12 autistic children. 3 groups were characterized based on their oral linguistic performance in speech therapy sections, from the less developed (group 1) to the most developed ones (group 3). The results are in line with the literature that distinguishes ALN (language normal) and ALI (language impaired) ASD children. Difficulties in all aspects investigated were identified in children with low production. However, children from all groups revealed difficulties in the syntax-semantic interface and in grammatical number. Children in the intermediate group had greater difficulty in complex sentences and reversible sentences.

Portable language technology: a resource-light approach to morpho-syntactic taggin

Feldman, Anna 19 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.


DANIELLE NOVAIS UCHOA 10 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese investiga a compreensão de orações relativas resumptivas no Português do Brasil. O trabalho busca articular teoria linguística de orientação gerativista e processamento linguístico. Estudos de orientação gerativista, baseados, principalmente, em julgamentos de aceitabilidade, sustentam que os pronomes resumptivos envolvem custo nas interfaces (pronomes como estratégias de último recurso - ROSS, 1967; SELLS, 1984; SHLONSKY, 1992; HORNSTEIN, 2001; GROLLA, 2005). Do ponto de vista do processamento, sua ocorrência está relacionada a situações não planejadas (FERREIRA e SWETS, 2005; CORRÊA et al., 2018) e a contextos de alto custo, que tornam o antecedente menos acessível (ARIEL, 1999): distância entre elemento anafórico e antecedente, posição sintática do elemento anafórico, natureza e características do antecedente, etc. No Português do Brasil, os pronomes resumptivos permanecem como estrutura marginal, embora sejam licenciados em diferentes posições sintáticas (TARALLO, 1988; LESSADE- OLIVEIRA, 2008,2009; RIBEIRO, 2009; MIRANDA, 2005). Pretendemos investigar, por meio de uma metodologia experimental, possíveis fatores de custos associados à compreensão dessas estruturas. Reportam-se quatro experimentos: dois de julgamento de aceitabilidade e dois de escuta automonitorada. No primeiro, contrastou-se a aceitabilidade de relativas padrão vs resumptivas na posição de sujeito e em outras posições mais complexas (objeto direto, objeto preposicionado e genitivo), em que há sempre um elemento interveniente (FRIEDMANN, BELLETTI e RIZZI, 2009). No segundo experimento, foi avaliada a aceitabilidade de relativas padrão, cortadoras e resumptivas nas posições de oblíquo e genitivo. Os resultados mostraram uma preferência pela estratégia padrão. Resumptivos foram altamente rejeitados na posição de sujeito e apresentaram notas bem distribuídas pela escala nas demais posições investigadas. O terceiro e quarto experimentos avaliaram o processo de compreensão de relativas padrão e resumptivas (experimento 3) e de cortadoras e resumptivas (experimento 4) em função da posição sintática ocupada pelo elemento anafórcio (pronome/lacuna) e da distância linear (curta, média e longa) entre os elementos correferentes na compreensão de relativas. Nesses dois experimentos, observou-se que os pronomes resumptivos tornam o processamento mais rápido quando fatores adicionais de custo são evidentes (intervenção de DP e/ou distância linear). Na posição de sujeito, em que não há efeito de interveniência, os resumptivos tornaram o processamento mais fácil em distância longa, convergindo com os estudos de corpora (MOLLICA, 2003) e com o princípio da acessibilidade (ARIEL, 1999). Na posição de objeto direto, foram encontrados resultados significativos para distância curta (quando há somente o DP interveniente) e distância longa. Nas posições de oblíquo e genitivo, relativas resumptivas apresentam tempo de escuta menor e, à medida que a distância linear aumenta, o processamento de resumptivas se torna mais rápido que das cortadoras. Em conjunto, os experimentos mostram que, a despeito de os resumptivos terem sido menos aceitos que a estratégia padrão, eles não parecem comprometer o processo de compreensão, podendo servir como elementos facilitadores em situações de alta demanda, em termos de distância linear e de pouca acessibilidade do antecedente. / [en] This thesis investigates the comprehension of resumptive relative clauses in Brazilian Portuguese. The study seeks to reconcile a linguistic theory grounded in generativism and language processing. Generativism-guided studies based mainly on acceptability judgment tasks support that resumptive pronouns have cost at the interfaces (pronouns as last resource strategy - ROSS, 1967; SELLS, 1984; SHLONSKY, 1992; HORNSTEIN, 2001; GROLLA, 2005). From the point of view of processing, its occurrence is related to non-planned situations (FERREIRA e SWETS, 2005; CORRÊA et al., 2018) and to high-cost contexts, being licensed in whenever the antecedent less accessible (ARIEL, 1999), when distance between the anaphoric element and its antecedent is too long, syntactic position of the anaphoric element, the nature and features of the antecedent etc. In Brazilian Portuguese, resumptive pronouns remain a marginal structure, although they are licensed in different syntactic positions (TARALLO, 1988; LESSA DE OLIVEIRA, 2008,2009; RIBEIRO, 2009; MIRANDA, 2005). We intend to investigate, through an experimental methodology, the possible costs of resumptives related to comprehension. We conducted four experiments: two acceptability judgment tasks, and two self-paced listening tasks. In the first one, it was contrasted the acceptability of standard vs resumptive strategies in subject position and in other more complex positions (direct object, prepositional object, and genitive) in which there is always an intervening element (FRIEDMANN, BELLETTI e RIZZI, 2009). In the second experiment, the acceptability of standard, chopped and resumptive relatives in oblique and genitive positions was evaluated. The results showed a preference for the standard strategy. Resumptives were highly rejected in subject position and had quite spread values through the scale in the other examined positions. The third and fourth experiments evaluated the comprehension process of standard and resumptive relatives (experiment 3) and of chopped and resumptive relatives (experiment 4), according to the syntactic position of the pronoun/gap and to the linear distance (short, middle, long) between the coreferent elements. In these two experiments, it was observed that resumptive pronouns seem to make processing faster when additional cost factors are added (intervention effects and linear distance). In the subject position, in which there is no intervention effect, resumptives made processing easier in long distance contexts. This result is in accordance with corpora studies (MOLLICA, 2003) and with the accessibility principle (ARIEL, 1999). In the direct object position, it was found significative results on short and long distance. In oblique and genitive positions, resumptive relatives have shorter listening times than chopped relatives, and as linear distance increases, the processing of resumptive relatives become faster than that of chopped ones. Taken together the experiments show that, despite resumptives being less acceptable than standard strategy, they do not compromise the process of comprehension, being able to act as a facilitator element in high-demand situations, in terms of linear distance and little accessibility of the antecedent.

Les stratégies de scripteurs avancés dans la révision de phrases complexes : description et implications didactiques

Roussel, Katrine 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.


町田, 健 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:17520256 研究代表者:町田 健 研究期間:2005-2007年度

Ḥurūf al-muʻānīyah bayna al-adah al-lughāwī wa-al-waẓīfah al-naḥwīyah muqaddimah min al-nāḥath / Linguistic and grammatical functions of Arabic semantic particles / حروف المعاني بين الأداء اللغوي والوظيفة النحويةمقدمة من الباحث

Abdullahi, Abdullahi Hassan 11 1900 (has links)
In the Arabic language a “word/particle” is divided into three classes: noun verb and particle. After research of relevant literature it became evident to this researcher that the bulk of research related to signifying particles has stressed their complementary relation to nouns and verbs which has created shortcomings in these studies. The most noteworthy of them has been to restrict a study of particles either to their linguistic or grammatical functions or to confine this endeavor to some particles only. This study aims to study all particles as independent components of Arabic signifiers. In the first section , the researcher reviews relevant grammatical terminologies relating to and associated with the particles such as: speech ,word , noun, verb…etc, and outlines both instances of similarities and differences found among them. He then elucidates the three categories of word particles by referring to the peculiarities of each of them. The remaining chapters are devoted to presenting the linguistic definitions of each word particle , beginning with single phoneme particles and systematically progressing to higher ones. Essentially all word particles fulfill linguistic functions before they may fulfill any syntactic or other functions. After reviewing their linguistic functions, the researcher queries , or proposes the possibility of using linguistic terminology for them instead of using syntactical or grammatical terminology because the former embraces all word particles whereas the latter is restricted to just some of them. In the final section, he focuses on the syntactical functions of the semantic particles, and their influence grammatically , wehter it is permanent or occasional influence. He also explains word particles associated with whether nouns or verbs , or with both of them. / الكلمة في اللغة العربية تنقسم الى ثلاثة أقسام :اسم وفعل وحرف، ولقد تبين للباحث بعد مراجعته للأدبيات أن معظم الدراسات التى تناولت حروف المعاني تناولتها من منظور انها مكملة للقسمين الآخرين، هذه النظرية أدّت إلى قصور في الدراسة، وقد تجلى اهم أوجه هذا القصور أولا في التركيز على جانب واحد من جوانب دراسة الحروف، اعني الجانب اللغوي او الوظيفة النحوية، او الإقتصار على بعض الحروف دون سائرها. هذا البحث يعتبر محاولة لدراسة جميع الحروف كقسم مستقل من أقسام الكلمة العربية، يبتدأ الباحث فيه - في الفصل الأول - باستعراض المصطلحات النحوية المحيطة والمرتبطة بالحروف من قبيل : الكلام والكلمة واللفظ والقول ...الخ مبيناً كيفة تداخل وترابط تلك المصطلحات وأوجه إختلافها، ثم أقسام الكلام الثلاثة مع الإشارة إلى مميزات كل قسمٍ وخصائصه ، وتتناول بقية الفصول المعاني اللغوية للحروف- إبتداء بالحروف الأحادية ثم الثنائية والثلاثية والرباعية و الخماسية - لأنّ الأصل في كل الكلمات أن تؤدّي وظائف لغوية محدّدة قبل أن يكون لها دورٌ نحويٌ او لايكون، ويتساءل الباحث او يقترح – بعد استعراض المعاني الللغوية للحروف – امكانية استخدام التسميات اللغوية للحروف بدلاً من التسمية النحوية، لأنّ الأولى تشمل كلّ الحروف ، بينما تقتصر الثانية على قسمٍ من الحروف . ثمّ يتدرج إلى الفصل الأخير المخصص للعمل النحوي للحروف ، مستعرضاً أوجه عملها – سواء كانت دائمة العمل أو عاملة أحياناً ومهملة في بعض الأحوال- ومبيناً ما يختص منها بالعمل بالاسم او بالفعل وما يشترك في الدخول عليهما. / Linguistics

A Schema and Ontology-Assisted Heterogeneous Information Integration Study / 運用綱要和本體論以協助異質資訊整合之研究

龔怡寧, Kung, Yi-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
由於對資訊科技以及網際網路/和企業內網路的依賴持續加深,異質資訊整合在電子化企業中已經成為一個普遍存在而且相當重要的議題。因為在缺乏整合的情形下個別地存取異質資訊來源可能會造成資訊的混亂,而且在電子化企業的環境中,這麼做也不符合成本效益決策支援管理分析。在傳統異質資訊整合的研究中,通常會創造一個共同資料模式來處理異質性的問題,而可延伸性標記語言已經成為網路上交換資訊時的標準文件格式,使得XML成為整合工作中共同資料模式的一個很好的候選者;然而,XML僅能夠處理結構異質性,無法處理語意異質性,而本體論被視為是一個重要而且自然的工具可以用來表現真實世界中模糊不清的語意和關係,因此,在本研究中也加入了本體論以期達到異質資訊整合中的語意互動性。 在本篇論文中,我們提出一個以學名結構導向非特殊隨機式對應的方法來產生全區域綱要方法(Global Schema),以促成非傳統而是以網路為基礎的異質資訊整合。我們也提出一個對異質資訊來源較具智慧性的查詢方法,該查詢方法應用了global-as-view (GAV)全區域景觀導向方法加上本體論觀念運用,可以同時提高對底層異質資訊來源的結構互動性和語意互動性。我們透過雛型系統的實作來驗證本研究所提供的異質資訊整合方法的可行性。 / The research issues of heterogeneous information integration have become ubiquitous and critically important in e-business (EB) with the increasing dependence on Internet/Intranet and information technology (IT). Accessing the heterogeneous information sources separately without integration may lead to the chaos of information requested. It is also not cost-effective in EB settings. A common general way to deal with heterogeneity problems in traditional HII is to create a common data model. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been the standard data document format for exchanging information on the Web. XML only deals with the structural heterogeneity; it can barely handle the semantic heterogeneity. Ontologies are regarded as an important and natural means to represent the implicit semantics and relationships in the real world. And they are used to assist to reach semantic interoperability in HII in this research. In this thesis, we provide a generic construct orientation no ad hoc method to generate the global schema to enable the web-based alternative to traditional HII. We provide a wiser query method over multiple heterogeneous information sources by applying global-as-view (GAV) approach with the use of ontology to enhance both structural and semantic interoperability of the underlying heterogeneous information sources. We construct a prototype implementing the method to provide a proof on the validity and feasibility.

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