Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cafety behavior"" "subject:"asafety behavior""
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Evaluating the Impact of Training on the Effectiveness of Peer Change Agents: A Campus-wide InterventionRoediger, Micah 12 August 2015 (has links)
The current study investigated the impact of a training program on a peer-to-peer intervention designed to increase the use of bicycle helmets on a large college campus. The training program was evaluated by the number of interactions a peer change agent--an individual who attempts to make a positive change in another person's behavior, had with bicyclists. The results suggest the training program may be effective in increasing change agent interactions for change agents who are already commitment to the intervention leading to more interactions per capita between committed trained change agents and bicyclists than untrained change agent and bicyclists. However, these results must be interpreted with caution due to small and unequal sample sizes. / Master of Science
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Study of Distracted Pedestrians' Behavior when using CrosswalksHarrison, Dean Patrick 06 May 2017 (has links)
The dangers of using a cell phone while driving are well documented, but recently studies have aimed at determining the effect cell phones have on a pedestrians’ walking behaviors. This observational experiment captured video footage of distracted pedestrians, or pedestrians using cell phones, when using two different crosswalks (midblock and intersection) on the campus of Mississippi State University in order to study safety behaviors, such as speed, number of looks, and wait time. Two types of crosswalks were filmed until a sufficient number of pedestrians (N=982) were recorded. All variables (cell phone use, gender, type of crosswalk, presence of car, time of day, and density) significantly influenced speed and number of looks. Gender, type of crosswalk and presence of car all showed significant effects on wait time of pedestrians. Pedestrians observed using earphones were observed to look more and to walk slower than any other level of cell phone use.
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Safety Culture and Safety Behaviors Among FirefightersFreaney, Christine 01 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety culture and safety behaviors of metropolitan professional firefighters. A validated and reliable safety culture survey was used to assess the safety culture of a metropolitan fire department. A safety behavioral checklist was created and used to assess the safety behaviors of professional fire fighters. The sample for the study included 156 firefighters from a metropolitan fire department in North Carolina. A Pearson correlation was used to determine if there was a significant relationship between safety culture and safety behaviors. ANOVA and t-tests were used to determine if significant differences existed in safety culture and/or safety behavior on selected demographic factors. Data analysis revealed a significant correlation between safety culture and safety behavior. Results indicated the more positive safety culture is viewed, the more likely the firefighter is to practice safe behaviors. Findings also indicate that demographic factors such as education, marital status, work experience, and dependent status have no significance on how firefighters view safety culture and on the safety behaviors of firefighters. Data analysis did indicate a marginal significance in safety culture by participants who reported being moderately or severely injured ‘on the job’.
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The Effect of Safety Management by Promoting Safety Caring Activities in Steel-Making Plant of China Steel CorporationChou, Sheng-Chih 30 June 2012 (has links)
China Steel Corporation (CSC) has introduced OHSAS 18001 system since 2000, and has acquired good performance and credits, but it seems hard to get further progress in performance. One of the major reasons is that industrial safety awareness does not take root in every employer¡¦s mind. So it is important to make an all-purpose safety concept environment. In 2011, Safety-Caring program was put into action plant widely to build safety culture. This study focuses on the effect of safety management by promoting safety caring activities in steel-making plant. It hopefully improves the safety performance through verification of practical experiment according to theoretical analysis. The study processes and conclusion are as followings:
1. Two rounds of questionnaires were issued; the first one was done about one year later of safety caring project started, this questionnaire was to understand the effect of safety caring program in steel plant. The second one was to evaluate the key factors of success to run safety caring program, and the later questionnaire was issued about five months later following the first one.
2. The culture of CSC is based on the kindheartedness and humanity priority. So safety caring program is suitable to build an all-purpose safety culture in CSC.
3. The results from the two rounds of questionnaires show the highly approval of safety caring program. The successive safety education, the promise of the authority, the proclamation of the labor union and steel plant, and the safety knowledge sharing consistently promoted, therefore, the safety performance is getting higher.
4. The major factors of running safety program are: active safety caring, the promise of the authority, personal safety knowledge, the proclamation and the support of the labor union, and the notification performance of steel-making plant. The factor of the promise of the authority is the most outstanding. On the other hand, the following factors are not so obvious, such as: safety management system, safety feeling, service leading, commanding leading, rewards and punishments, working pressure, and income satisfaction.
5. The more the safety caring is done, the more approval of safety program, and the more willingness to obey the safety rules. It is evident that keeping the promotion of safety activities can lower the industrial accidents.
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”Det ska vara coolt att jobba med säkerhet” : En kvalitativ studie om chefer i en stålindustri och deras uppfattningar av säkerhetsklimatEnström, Julia, Wandler, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med kandidatuppsatsen var att undersöka hur chefer uppfattar säkerhetsklimat och sinroll i säkerhetsklimatet. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metod där det empiriska materialet harsamlats in med hjälp av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer.Resultatet av studien visar på att det finns olika uppfattningar av begreppet säkerhetsklimat menatt cheferna ser att de har en betydande roll för det upplevda säkerhetsklimatet. Detframkommer även i resultatet att cheferna har ett likvärdigt sätt att arbeta med säkerhetsklimatsom innebär att anamma organisationens systematiska arbetsmiljöarbete i vardagen. Studiensteoretiska ramverk redogör för att arbetet med säkerhetsklimatet även kräver insatser utöver detsystematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet. Chefens roll i säkerhetsklimatet är att agera förebild utifrån detorganisationen förespråkar. Cheferna beskriver att deras roll och arbete med säkerhetsklimatethar utvecklats i och med organisationens ökade prioritering av säkerhet. Resultatet frånintervjuerna samt teorier inom området belyser att arbetsgruppens inställning till säkerhet haren stark inverkan på det individuella säkerhetsbeteendet. Detta eftersom gruppens normer ärstarkare än individens vilket kan generera både positiva och negativa effekter för klimatet.Kulturen inom arbetsgruppen kan skapa ett risknormaliserande beteende och för att ökariskmedvetenheten krävs det att organisationen arbetar konsekvent och att det utförs insatserbåde på individ- och gruppnivå. Det framkommer i studien att det krävs både kortsiktigt ochlångsiktigt arbete med säkerhetsklimatet. Ytterligare en aspekt som går att utläsa ur resultatetär att medarbetarna tillämpar ett mer säkert beteende om de vet att en chef är i närheten. Enslutsats av studien är att ett svagt säkerhetsklimat kan indikera på att det finns ögontjänare blandmedarbetarna. En ytterligare slutsats som framkom i studien är att organisationens prioriteringav säkerhet har en avgörande roll för det upplevda säkerhetsklimatet. / The aim of this Bachelor’s essay was to investigate how managers perceive the safety climateand their role in the safety climate. The study takes on a quantitative approach where data hasbeen collected through eight semi-structured interviews.The result of this study shows that there are different perceptions of the safety climate concept,but supervisors agree that they play a significant role in the perceived safety climate in thestainless-steel industry. The results also indicate that supervisors have a similar way of workingwith the safety climate which is based on the systematic work environment management of theorganization. The study's theoretical framework explains that working with the safety climatealso require specific contributions in addition to the systematic work environment efforts. Thesupervisor´s role in the safety climate is to act as a role model with regards to the organization´sstandards. Supervisors describe that their role and work with the safety climate has developedwith the organizations increased prioritization of security. The results from the interviewscombined with theories in the studied area highlight that the collective safety attitude of thework group has a strong impact on the individual safety behavior. That is because the norms ofthe work group are considered stronger than the individual’s, which can generate both positiveand negative effects to the safety climate. The culture within the work groups can create asituation where risk blindness becomes normalized. It requires consistent work on the part ofthe organization and to carry out initiatives at both individual and group level to increase therisk awareness. The study also shows that it takes both short-term and long-term work with thesafety climate. Another aspect that can be deduced from the results is that employees apply amore safety-oriented behavior if they know that a supervisor is present. A conclusion from thestudy is that a weak safety climate can indicate that there are eye servants among the employees.Another conclusion is that to what level safety is prioritized by the organization is crucial forthe perceived safety climate.
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Croyances et comportements de sécurité des usagers et agents du trafic routier : une étude des perceptions et de l'explication naïve des accidents de la route au Cameroun. / Beliefs and safety behaviors of road users and road agents : a study of perceptions and naïve explanation of traffic accidents in CameroonNgueutsa, Robert 12 November 2012 (has links)
La présente thèse envisage de cerner les comportements des Camerounais sur les routes.En l’occurrence, nous voulons savoir comment les croyances fatalistes, les croyances decontrôle, les croyances au contrôle divin, les croyances et valeurs culturelles, l’explicationnaïve des accidents et la perception du risque peuvent affecter les comportements des usagerset agents du trafic routier au Cameroun. Cinq études sont réalisées dans le cadre de notrethèse. La première étude examine 522 procès-verbaux d’accidents réels et montre qu’unegrande majorité des accidents surviennent dans de bonnes conditions de conduite. De plus, lesconducteurs se rejettent mutuellement la faute, mais s’accordent avec les gendarmes pour direque le comportement des conducteurs est la première cause des accidents de la route auCameroun. Une deuxième étude évalue la variation des comportements en fonction des explicationscausales et des croyances, sur un échantillon de 525 participants. On observe que lesparticipants présentent davantage des comportements sécuritaires lorsqu’ils expliquent lesaccidents par le comportement des conducteurs, mais leurs comportements tendent à êtremoins sécuritaires lorsqu’ils expliquent ceux-ci par des causes externes non contrôlables. Lesexplications causales tendent à être externes aux conducteurs lorsque les participants sontfatalistes, croient qu’ils peuvent affronter les situations de trafic dangereuses sans en êtreinquiété, croient que Dieu contrôle les situations dangereuses auxquelles ils peuvent faire faceou lorsqu’ils adhèrent fortement aux croyances et valeurs culturelles. En particulier, lescroyances et valeurs culturelles qui sont supposées protéger la vie, les croyances fatalistes etles croyances au contrôle divin se distinguent par leur capacité à favoriser l’explication desaccidents par des forces invisibles et à induire des comportements insécuritaires. Enfin, le rôlemédiateur des explications causales se révèlent pour toutes les croyances.A partir d’une quasi-expérimentation réalisée auprès de 444 participants, l’étude 3analyse la variation des explications causales et de l’attitude vis-à-vis des mesures deprévention, en fonction de la pertinence situationnelle, de la pertinence personnelle et de lagravité de l’accident. On observe que les participants ont tendance à fournir des explicationscausales défensives d’autant plus que la situation accidentelle leur est pertinente, qu’ilss’identifient à la victime et que l’accident est grave. De plus ils ont une préférence pour desmesures de prévention orientées vers les conducteurs lorsqu’ils expliquent les accidents par lecomportement de ces derniers. L’étude 4 montre une tendance à adopter des comportements moins sécuritaires lorsque les participants sous-estiment le risque routier. En outre, ces derniers ont tendance à sousestimer le risque lorsqu’ils sont fatalistes alors qu’ils ont davantage peur du risque lorsqu’ils sont attachés à leur identité culturelle. Enfin, les participants ont tendance à se croire capables d’affronter le risque routier sans en être inquiété lorsqu’ils croient que Dieu contrôle lessituations dangereuses ou lorsqu’ils croient aux pratiques culturelles supposées protéger lavie. Dans l’étude 5, on montre que les participants ont tendance à adopter descomportements davantage sécuritaires lorsqu’ils ont une perception élevée du risque etexpliquent les accidents par des causes contrôlables. Par contre, ils se montrent plutôtimprudents sur les routes lorsqu’ils ont une perception élevée du risque et croient que lesaccidents sont causés par des forces invisibles. Les résultats vont dans le sens des travaux antérieurs et sont discutés en rapport avec les connaissances théoriques. Enfin, des suggestions encouragent une prévention fondée sur les croyances de la population cible. / This thesis intends to examine Cameroonians behaviors on the roads. Our objective is toknow how fatalistic beliefs, control beliefs, divine control beliefs, cultural beliefs and values,naive explanation of accidents and risk perception can affect road users and traffic agents’behaviors. Five studies are carried out within the framework of our thesis. The first study examined 522 actual accidents reports and shows that a large majority of accidents occur in good driving conditions. In addition, drivers accused each other of wrongdoing, but agree with the gendarmes that, drivers’ behavior is the main cause of trafic accidents in Cameroon. A second study evaluates the variability of behaviors according to the causal explanations and beliefs, on a sample of 525 participants. It is shown that, participants adopt safer behaviors when they explain accidents by drivers’ behavior, but their behavior tend to be less safe when they explain accidents by external and uncontrollable causes. Causal explanations tend to be external to drivers when participants are fatalists, believe they can face dangerous traffic situations without being worried, believe that God is in control of dangerous situations that they may faced or when they adhere strongly to cultural beliefs and values. In particular, cultural beliefs and values that are supposed to protect the life, fatalistic beliefs, divine control beliefs tend to promote the explanation of accidents in terms ofinvisible forces and induce unsafe behaviors. Finally, the mediating role of causalexplanations is confirmed on all the beliefs. From a quasi-experiment conducted with 444 participants, the third study analyzes the variation of the causal explanations and attitude towards prevention measures, according to the situational relevance, personal relevance, and the severity of the accident. It is shown that participants tend to provide defensive causal explanations especially when the accident situation is relevant to them, they identify themselves to the victim and when the accident is serious. In addition they prefer drivers-oriented preventive measures when they explainaccidents by the drivers’ behaviors. Study 4 shows a tendency to adopt unsafe behaviors when participants underestimate traffic risk. Moreover, they tend to underestimate the traffic risk when they are fatalistic, but they fear risk when they are attached to their cultural identity. Finally, participants tend to believe that they can face traffic risk without being worried when they believe that God controls dangerous situations, or when they believe on cultural practices intended to protect life. In Study 5, we show that participants tend to adopt safer behaviors when they feartraffic risk and explain accidents by controllable causes. They are rather careless on the roadswhen they fear risk but believe that accidents are caused by invisible forces. The results are consistent with previous studies and are discussed in relation to the theoretical knowledge. Finally, suggestions encourage preventive measures based on the beliefs of the target population.
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Ledarskap inom högriskbranscher : Om utveckling av ledarskap och ledarskapsmodeller inom högriskindustrin med fokus på medarbetares säkerhetsbeteende.Ekberg Berry, Emma January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras teorier om ledarskap kopplat till högriskbranscher. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka ledarskapsstilar och kvaliteter som är dominerande bland ledare inom dessa branscher. Tidigare forskning visar att bemyndigande- och transformativt ledarskap är fördelaktiga ledarskapsstilar inom högriskbranscher. Tidigare forskning visar emellertid att vidare studier inom detta område behövs. I arbetssituationer utanför högriskbranscher har studier visat att förändringsorienterat-, relationsorienterat- och uppgiftsorienterat ledarskap är dominerande bland ledare. För att skapa en helhetsbild av de olika ledarskapsstilarna inom branschen skapar dessa tre ledarskapsstilar tillsammans med det transformativa och det bemyndigande ledarskapet den teoretiska ramen för denna studie. I denna kvalitativa studie genomförs semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex anställda inom ett företag i högriskbranschen, Forsmarks kärnkraftverk (Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB). De anställda intervjuades angående deras erfarenheter av sin närmaste chefs ledaregenskaper. De dominerande ledarskapsstilarna som har identifierats inom företaget är relationsorienterat ledarskap tillsammans med bemyndigande ledarskap. Detta följdes av transformativt ledarskap tillsammans med förändringsorienterat ledarskap, som var förekommande men inte dominerande. Mitt bidrag till detta forskningsområde är att bygga en djupare förståelse för ledaregenskaper och ledarskapsstilar i högriskbranscher. / In this essay, theories regarding leadership linked to high-risk industries are studied. The aim for this study is to investigate which leadership styles and qualities that are dominant among leaders in those industries. Previous research shows that empowering and transformative leadership are beneficial leadership styles within high risk industries. However, previous research have requested that further studies in this area are needed. In work situations outside high risk industries, studies have shown that change-oriented, relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership is dominant among leaders. To construct an overall picture of the different leadership styles among the industry, these three leadership styles together with the transformative and the empowering leadership is creating the theoretical framework for this study. In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews are conducted with six employees within a company in high risk industries, Forsmark nuclear power plant (Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB). They were interviewed regarding their experiences of their closest manager's leadership qualities. The dominant leadership styles that have been identified within the company are relationship-oriented leadership along with empowering leadership. This is followed by transformative leadership together with change-oriented leadership, which seemed prevalent but not dominant. My contribution to this research area is to build a deeper understanding of the leadership qualities and leadership styles in high-risk industries.
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Обележја страдања пешака на пешачким прелазима регулисаним светлосном сигнализацијом / Obeležja stradanja pešaka na pešačkim prelazima regulisanim svetlosnom signalizacijom / PEDESTRIAN FATALITY CHARACTERISTICS AT TRAFFIC LIGHTCONTROLLEDCROSSWALKSBulajić Aleksandar 23 November 2016 (has links)
<p>Основни предмет истраживања докторске дисертације представљала су обележја страдања пешака на пешачким прелазима регулисаним светлосном сигнализацијом са дефинисаним захтевима у погледу идентификације специфичних карактеристика страдања пешака и дефинисања модела понашања пешака на овим прелазима. У оквиру истраживања у циљу дефинисања обележја страдања пешака на територији града Новог Сада спроведена је свеобухватна анализа релевантних података. Резултати спроведеног истраживања указују да је намера пешака да чине недозвољени прелазак коловоза у већој мери одређена друштвеним утицајима (тј. субјективне, дескриптивне, нормативне и персоналне норме), него на основу личног мишљења (ставови и опажена контрола понашања). Анализа података показује да саобраћајне незгоде са пешацима као рањивим корисницима пута и њихове последице захтевају приступ који ће узети у обзир све специфичности као што су пол, старост, просторне и временске карактеристике, присуство алкохола, брзину итд.</p> / <p>Osnovni predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije predstavljala su obeležja stradanja pešaka na pešačkim prelazima regulisanim svetlosnom signalizacijom sa definisanim zahtevima u pogledu identifikacije specifičnih karakteristika stradanja pešaka i definisanja modela ponašanja pešaka na ovim prelazima. U okviru istraživanja u cilju definisanja obeležja stradanja pešaka na teritoriji grada Novog Sada sprovedena je sveobuhvatna analiza relevantnih podataka. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja ukazuju da je namera pešaka da čine nedozvoljeni prelazak kolovoza u većoj meri određena društvenim uticajima (tj. subjektivne, deskriptivne, normativne i personalne norme), nego na osnovu ličnog mišljenja (stavovi i opažena kontrola ponašanja). Analiza podataka pokazuje da saobraćajne nezgode sa pešacima kao ranjivim korisnicima puta i njihove posledice zahtevaju pristup koji će uzeti u obzir sve specifičnosti kao što su pol, starost, prostorne i vremenske karakteristike, prisustvo alkohola, brzinu itd.</p> / <p>The main subject researched by this doctoral disseration were the characteristics<br />of pedestrian accidents at traffic light-controlled crosswalks with the defined<br />requirements for the identification of specific characteristics of pedestrian accidents<br />and for structuring the models of pedestrian behavior at these crosswalks. Within the<br />scope of the reseach, with an aim to define the characteristics of pedestrian accidents<br />in the City of Novi Sad, a comprehensive analysis of relevant data was conducted.<br />The analysis of data indicate that traffic accidents involving pedestrians as<br />vulnerable road users and their consequences require an approach that will include<br />all specific elements, such as gender, age, space and time characteristics, amount of<br />alcohol, speed, etc.</p>
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Metodologia de gestão do comportamento seguro aplicada na redução dos acidentes de trabalho: estudo de caso em uma indústria de cosmético. / Management methodology behave safely applied in reduction of accidents at work:Case study in cosmetic industry.Flávio Eduardo do Rio Brandão 16 December 2009 (has links)
Acidentes do trabalho podem comprometer a competitividade das empresas e
até a sua sobrevivência, pois elevam os custos, reduzem a produtividade devido à
baixa disponibilidade de pessoal e clima organizacional, além de poderem afetar a
imagem da organização perante a sociedade. Geram grandes problemas para as
pessoas (acidentados) e seus familiares, assim como para o país. No Brasil, as
estatísticas oficiais de acidentes de trabalho apontam números elevados, mesmo
considerando que ocorre subnotificação. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar,
implantar e avaliar um processo de gestão de comportamento seguro, ferramenta
voltada para prevenção de acidentes, em uma indústria de cosmético. Para tal
elaboração, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica (sobre legislação brasileira,
acidente do trabalho, prevenção, gestão do comportamento seguro, cultura de
segurança e sistema de gestão de segurança e saúde ocupacional), entrevistas com
lideranças e trabalhadores, treinamentos e reuniões de acompanhamento
(coaching), inspeções nos postos de trabalho, auditoria de observações
comportamentais e consulta a registros da empresa para avaliação do envolvimento
dos gestores e trabalhadores. Verificou-se uma redução de 40% do número de
acidentes no primeiro ano e redução de 79% dos acidentes até o segundo ano, além
da melhoria da postura prevencionista de gestores e trabalhadores. Espera-se que
esta dissertação possa ajudar e incentivar organizações a implantarem a
metodologia de gestão do comportamento seguro, assim como estudantes e
pesquisadores a fazerem testes, ajustes e adaptações para melhorar a performance
de segurança dessas organizações, reduzindo os acidentes de trabalho e as agruras
e sofrimentos que eles impõem para a classe trabalhadora.
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Metodologia de gestão do comportamento seguro aplicada na redução dos acidentes de trabalho: estudo de caso em uma indústria de cosmético. / Management methodology behave safely applied in reduction of accidents at work:Case study in cosmetic industry.Flávio Eduardo do Rio Brandão 16 December 2009 (has links)
Acidentes do trabalho podem comprometer a competitividade das empresas e
até a sua sobrevivência, pois elevam os custos, reduzem a produtividade devido à
baixa disponibilidade de pessoal e clima organizacional, além de poderem afetar a
imagem da organização perante a sociedade. Geram grandes problemas para as
pessoas (acidentados) e seus familiares, assim como para o país. No Brasil, as
estatísticas oficiais de acidentes de trabalho apontam números elevados, mesmo
considerando que ocorre subnotificação. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar,
implantar e avaliar um processo de gestão de comportamento seguro, ferramenta
voltada para prevenção de acidentes, em uma indústria de cosmético. Para tal
elaboração, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica (sobre legislação brasileira,
acidente do trabalho, prevenção, gestão do comportamento seguro, cultura de
segurança e sistema de gestão de segurança e saúde ocupacional), entrevistas com
lideranças e trabalhadores, treinamentos e reuniões de acompanhamento
(coaching), inspeções nos postos de trabalho, auditoria de observações
comportamentais e consulta a registros da empresa para avaliação do envolvimento
dos gestores e trabalhadores. Verificou-se uma redução de 40% do número de
acidentes no primeiro ano e redução de 79% dos acidentes até o segundo ano, além
da melhoria da postura prevencionista de gestores e trabalhadores. Espera-se que
esta dissertação possa ajudar e incentivar organizações a implantarem a
metodologia de gestão do comportamento seguro, assim como estudantes e
pesquisadores a fazerem testes, ajustes e adaptações para melhorar a performance
de segurança dessas organizações, reduzindo os acidentes de trabalho e as agruras
e sofrimentos que eles impõem para a classe trabalhadora.
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