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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining consequences of principal-agent and corporate governance interactions in South Africa : a study of FTSA/JSE TOP40 companies

Muzata, Tapiwa 15 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract in Zulu, English and Afrikaans / This study examined the consequences of Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance interactions within South Africa’s FTSE/JSE Top40 listed companies from 2008 to 2016. The study’s objectives were to examine the prevalence of Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems, to ascertain potential costs of these problems, to establish their socio-economic consequences, and evaluate the effectiveness of the governance codes. The study is anchored in Principal-Agent theory. Mixed methods methodology was employed, specifically Concurrent and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods design logics. The main findings include that, 23.91% of sample companies experienced Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems- significantly exceeding the study’s expectations that negligible governance problems exist and reveals the pervasiveness of these problems; executive compensation plays a bigger role in exacerbating Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems than expected and often considered in governance mechanisms; multi-billion rands potential costs are ascribed to Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance problems incurred by principals; unjustifiable salary inequalities resulting in other inequalities that build social mistrust; and there is limited conviction that current governance codes are effective. This study’s contributions include; proposing an executive remuneration model that considers governance of the company in determining executive compensation; formulating a governance index calculated based on King III and King IV recommendations to standardise the measurement of the quality of governance in companies; the salary Gini was used to establish compensation gaps and red-flag potential Principal-Agent problems and flaws in governance systems; and used value at risk procedures to quantify potential Principal-Agent and Corporate Governance costs. The main theoretical implications of the study’s findings are; agency theory needs extension to capture socio-economic costs and not only focus on the principal; remuneration models should consider the executive’s company governance and social and economic egalitarianism; flexibility of ‘comply or explain’ should subordinate socio-economic consequences, suggesting a hybrid approach which makes certain governance code provisions compulsory; and finally, behavioural finance theories should be used in governance research for better insights. / Lolu cwaningo lwacubungula futhi lwahlolisisa imiphumela yokuxhumana phakathi kwesimo seNhloko ne-Ejenti, i-Principal-Agent, (lapho umuntu eqoka omunye ukuba athathe izinqumo kanye/noma izinyathelo egameni lakhe) nokuPhathwa nokuLawulwa Kwenkampani, ezinkampanini ezingama-40 ebezikleliswe phezulu ohlwini lwe-FTSE/JSE eNingizimu Afrika kusukela ngowezi-2008 kuya kowezi-2016. Izinhloso zalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukubheka ukuthi zivamise kangakanani futhi zisabalele kangakanani izinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani ukuze kutholakale ukuthi zingakanani izindleko ezibangelwa yilezi zinkinga, nokuthola umthelela walokhu kwinhlalomnotho, kanye nokuhlola ukuthi zisebenza kahle kangakanani izinkambiso zokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwezinkampani. Lolu cwaningo lwakhelwe phezu kwethiyori yeNhloko ne-Ejenti. Kwasetshenziswa izindlela zocwaningo ezixubile, ikakhulukazi izindlela ezixubile zokuhlola kusetshenziswa izinyathelo ezenziwa kanyekanye noma ngesikhathi esisodwa kanye nezinyathelo ezilandelanayo. Okusemqoka okwatholakala ocwaningweni kubandakanya nokuthi izinkampani okwenziwa kuzona ucwaningo ezingama-23.91% zahlangabezana nezinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani – okuyinani elingaphezulu kakhulu kwalokho obekulindelekile ocwaningweni, ngoba phela kwakulindeleke ukuthi zibe yingcosana kakhulu izinkinga ezikhona eziphathelene nalokhu, kepha-ke ucwaningo lwaveza ukuthi lezi zinkinga zixhaphakile impela; imiholo yabaphathi abakhulu bezinkampani idlala indima enkulu ekubhebhethekiseni izinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani kunalokho obekulindelekile futhi esikhathini esiningi lokhu akuyona neze into evamise ukubhekisiswa uma kwenziwa izinqubo zokuphatha nokulawula; zibalelwa kwizigidigidi zamarandi izindleko ezingena kuzona izinhloko zezinkampani okucatshangwa ukuthi zibangelwa yizinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani; ukungalingani ngokwemiholo, ngaphandle kwesizathu esizwakalayo salokhu, okuyinto eholela kokunye futhi ukungalingani, okudala ukungathembani emphakathini; futhi kuncane kakhulu ukuqiniseka nokukholelwa ekutheni zisebenza kahle izinkambiso zokuphatha nokulawula ezikhona njengamanje. Igalelo lalolu cwaningo libandakanya isiphakamiso semodeli yemiholo yabaphathi abakhulu ebhekisisa nodaba lokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwenkampani ngenkathi kucutshungulwa udaba lwemiholo yabaphathi abakhulu; ukuhlanganiswa kwenkomba yokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwenkampani ebalwa ngokususela kwizincomo ze-King III kanye ne-King IV zokusetshenziswa kwesikali esifanayo sokukala ikhwalithi yokuphathwa nokulawulwa kwezinkampani; isikali semiholo se-Gini sasetshenziswa ukuhlonza amagebe akhona phakathi kwemiholo kanye nokuxwayisa ngezinkinga ezingahle zivele eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani kanye namaphutha nobuthakathaka obukhona ezinhlelweni zokuphatha nokulawula; futhi kwasetshenziswa izinqubo zezikali zobungozi bokulahlekelwa kwenkampani ukubala inani lezindleko okungenzeka kungenwe kuzona ngenxa yezinkinga eziphathelene neNhloko ne-Ejenti kanye nokuPhathwa Nokulawulwa Kwenkampani. Imibonongqangi evele kulokho okutholakale ocwaningweni yilena elandelayo; ithiyori echaza ubudlelwano phakathi kwenhloko ne-ejenti kumele yelulwe ukuze ifake phakathi nezindleko eziphathelene nenhlalomnotho futhi lokhu kungagcini nje kuphela kwinhloko; amamodeli omholo kumele abhekisise nendlela ephethwe ngayo inkampani ngabaphathi abakhulu kanye nemfundiso yokulingana kwabantu bonke ngokwenhlalo nangokomnotho; ukuguquguquka ‘kokuthobela umthetho noma ukuchaza’ (‘comply or explain’) kumele kube ngaphansi uma kuqhathaniswa nemiphumela yenhlalomnotho, ukuze kuqhanyukwe nendlela exubile ephoqelela ukusetshenziswa kwezinkambiso zokuphatha nokulawula ezithile; kanti futhi, okokugcina, ocwaningweni lokuphatha nokulawula kumele kusetshenziswe amathiyori aphathelene nesimo somqondo sabaphathi ngenkathi bethatha izinqumo nezinyathelo eziphathelene nokuphathwa nokusetshenziswa kwezimali ukuze kuqondakale kangcono konke okuphathelene nalokhu. / Hierdie studie het van 2008 tot 2016 die gevolge van die wisselwerking tussen hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering in Suid-Afrikaanse FTSE/JSE Top 40- genoteerde maatskappye bestudeer. Die oogmerke was om die voorkoms van probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering te ondersoek; die moontlike koste en die sosio-ekonomiese gevolge daarvan te bepaal; en die doeltreffendheid van die regeerkodes te evalueer. Hierdie studie berus op die hoofagentteorie. Gemengde metodes is as metodologie gebruik, in die besonder gelyklopende en verkennende, opeenvolgende metodes. Die belangrikste bevindings is dat 23,91% van steekproefmaatskappye probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering ondervind. Dit is beduidend hoër as die persentasie wat verwag is, en ʼn aanduiding van hoe diepgaande hierdie probleme is. Die vergoeding van uitvoerende beamptes is ʼn groter oorsaak van die probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering as wat verwag is en waarvoor in regeermeganismes voorsiening gemaak word. Die potensiële koste, wat miljarde rande beloop, word gewyt aan die probleme met hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering wat prinsipale hulle op die hals haal. Onregverdigbare salarisverskille lei tot ongelykheid wat sosiale wantroue wek. Hierbenewens is daar bedenkinge oor die doeltreffendheid van die huidige regeerkodes. Die bydrae van hierdie studie behels ʼn vergoedingsmodel vir uitvoerende beamptes wat korporatiewe regering in ag neem. Hierdie studie formuleer ʼn regeerindeks wat op King III- en King IV-aanbevelings berus, en die meting van die gehalte van korporatiewe regering standaardiseer. Verskille in vergoeding, potensiële rooivlag-hoofagentprobleme en gebreke in regeerstelsels is met behulp van die salaris-gini bepaal. Waarde-op-risikoprosedures is gebruik om die potensiële koste van hoofagent- en korporatiewe regering te kwantifiseer. Die belangrikste teoretiese implikasie van die bevindings is dat die agentskapsteorie uitgebrei moet word sodat die sosio-ekonomiese koste vasgestel word, en daar nie alleen op die hoofsom gekonsentreer word nie. Afgesien hiervan moet vergoedingsmodelle rekening hou met ʼn uitvoerende beampte se korporatiewe regering en met maatskaplike en ekonomiese egalitarisme. Voorts moet die sosio-ekonomiese gevolge ondergeskik wees aan die buigsaamheid van “voldoen of verduidelik”. Dit impliseer ʼn hibridiese benadering wat die bepalings van sekere regeerkodes verpligtend maak. Ten slotte behoort finansieringsgedragteorieë in regeernavorsing aangewend te word om groter insig te verkry. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies (Finance))

A case study of factors contributing to discipline problems of security officers : Eskom distribution centres, KwaZulu-Natal North Coast region

Govender, Remone 27 May 2014 (has links)
Private security forms part of a key strategy component in South Africa in terms of the alignment of the safety and security sector. Both private and public sector businesses in South Africa depend on private security systems to safeguard their assets. Although the growth in the private security sector has not provided for outstanding qualities and high levels of qualification criteria for employment in the sector, this quiet transformation of South Africa’s every day security landscape has potentially wide-ranging concerns. It raises important questions about the accountability and responsibility of security companies in providing their clients with disciplined security officers. There are reasons for concerns at Eskom because of the disciplinary problems experienced by security officers. These disciplinary problems create an environment of instability and uncertainty, which impacts on the core purpose of Eskom which is to provide sustainable electricity solutions to grow the economy and improve the quality of life of people in South Africa. Accordingly, the main purpose for the deployment of security officers to Eskom centres is to create a safer environment for Eskom and to safeguard its assets. Currently, disciplinary problems in the workplace constitute one of the most basic problems facing employers in both the public and private sectors. Therefore, developing and maintaining a disciplined security workforce is a priority that should be on the agenda of all private security companies. The objectives of this research included the following:  Examine which factors contribute to disciplinary problems;  Determine what the causes of these factors are that contribute to disciplinary problems; and  Identify what solutions can be used to address the factors contributing to disciplinary problems. A qualitative research approach was used in this study, in that verbal non-numerical data was collected from people in their natural environments who experience xiv everyday situations in the workplace in order to gain a more complete understanding of the problem area. The main method of data collection was by means of face-to-face interviews between the researcher and the interviewees which took place according to a standardised interview schedule. Thirty (30) respondents drawn by means of probability and non-probability sampling processes and were individually interviewed by the interviewer. Accordingly, this study has examined issues as to why security officers do not reliably uphold the discipline that is required of them in the provision of security services at the Eskom centres. The problem of poor discipline at Eskom centres compromises security, which impacts negatively on profitability when a site experiences losses and theft because security officers do not adhere to Eskom’s security requirements while they are deployed at Eskom centres. It is important for any institution to first examine and identify the disciplinary problems experienced by its employees before those problems can be addressed successfully. Accordingly, the nature and extent of disciplinary problems by security officers were examined within this study to assess the effectiveness of security management practices within the private security companies supplying a security service to Eskom. This study, therefore, examined disciplinary problems at Eskom centres (on the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal) to identify the specific problems which the security officers have been experiencing and to indicate how effective their company management systems were in dealing with those problems. The study also assisted with formulating adequate recommendations with regard to managing the disciplinary problems at Eskom centres. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Security Management)

Jak zvýšit životní úroveň? Komise ÚV KSČ pro otázky životní úrovně v letech 1963-1968 / How to heighten the level of living? Comittee ÚV KSČ for questions of the level of living 1963-1968

RÁMIŠOVÁ, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
The Diploma thesis {\clqq}How to heighten the level of living, with the subtitle Comittee ÚV KSČ for questions of the level of living 1963-1968, deals about the standard of living of the people in Czechoslovakia of 1960s. The Sixties is evaluated for high quality of culture. Althought it was not the priority for the political leadership. Therefore neither do I in my thesis. The interest was rather addressed to the material satisfaction of citizen´s needs before their cultural and spiritual demands. The hightening of the level of living happened one of the partie´s priorities. The aim of the work is to get closer to an everyday live of the citizens on the basics of economic and social policy of the state. All foundations of the comitee UV KSC for the questions of life level became the source basement, which were determined to it by another comitee and organs of authority importance interested in it. On the base of the source it was possible to analyse economic and social conditions of Czechoslovakia and reforms before all, wchich above mentioned comitee was proposing. Before all it concerned to changes having the influence on the state of life standard. Population, flat, salary, price, socila policy of the state induce its quality. I ellected population problemacy, flat crisis, economic reforms, role of women, mainly the employment of women, shortening of working time, a question of free time and socilailist family as the crucial topic of the thesis. Politicaly relieved period of the sixties enabled an introduction of a new system of conducting national economy with the outsanding influence on material satiation of the citizens. Simultaneously with economic reform even a short period feeling of freedom came in. Interviews with contemporaries helped to disclose personal impressions of people.

Diferenças de salário entre cidades médias e regiões metropolitanas do Sul do Brasil / Differences of salaries between medium sized cities and metropolitan regions.of south of Brazil

Dutra, Ricardo de Lemos 05 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:34:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo de Lemos Dutra.pdf: 1151994 bytes, checksum: 590789ecd324e92bb24592fd01c8b671 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study has examined the main labor income of employed people, in the medium sized cities and metropolitan regions of Brazil s South region, aiming for the identification of how much they are due to the employee characteristics and how much is due to the location in which they are inserted. In order to achieve the objective a brief literature review was taken upon the unbalanced salaries distribution, Chow s structural break test was used, salaries equations were estimated for medium sized cities and metropolitan regions and Oaxaca s decomposition method was used along with Heckman s correction. The database was taken from Pnad 2009 s micro data. Chow test was significant justifying the distinct labor market analysis, in the medium sized cities and metropolitan region, for Parana state as much as for Rio Grande do Sul state. The estimated parameters of Lambda variable concerning the four units were significantly different from zero, what suggests the presence of sample selection bias, so Heckman procedure was applied to produce non-biased estimators. In Parana state, it was verified that dispersion of income was favorable to the metropolitan region once the regional return effect is responsible for 69,76% of that dispersion. In Rio Grande do Sul state, however, the dispersion was favorable to medium sized cities and the attributes effect is responsible for most of the 93,83% income difference of the dispersion. Human capital and segmentation theories were applied upon the case in study, making it evident that the region where the employees are inserted determines their income as much as their personal characteristics. The region has a strong impact in the salary determination, which gets clearer in the case of Rio Grande do Sul state. However, only living in a higher salary region does not ensure the employee the prize, it is necessary that the individuals seek qualification in order to participate in the labor market and receive their remuneration. / O presente estudo examinou as diferenças de rendimento do trabalho principal das pessoas ocupadas, nas cidades médias e regiões metropolitanas da região Sul do Brasil, buscando identificar o quanto se devem a características do trabalhador e o quanto se devem a características do local em que ele está inserido. Para atingir o objetivo proposto foi feita uma breve revisão da literatura sobre distribuição desigual dos salários, realizou-se o teste de quebra estrutural de Chow, estimou-se equações de salários paras as cidades médias e regiões metropolitanas e utilizou-se o método de decomposição de Oaxaca com a correção de Heckman. A base de dados utilizada foi extraída dos microdados da Pnad 2009. O teste de Chow foi significativo justificando a análise do mercado de trabalho distintos, da região metropolitana e das cidades médias, tanto para o estado do Paraná como para o Rio Grande do Sul. Os parâmetros estimados da variável Lambda para as quatro unidades foram significativamente diferente de zero, sugerindo a presença de viés de seleção na amostra, portanto o procedimento de Heckman foi aplicado para produzir estimadores não viesados. No estado do Paraná constatou-se que a dispersão do rendimento foi favorável à região metropolitana sendo o efeito retorno regional responsável por 69,76% dessa dispersão. Já no estado do Rio Grande do Sul a dispersão foi favorável às cidades médias e o efeito atributos responsável pela maior parte da diferença de rendimentos 93,83% da dispersão. As teorias do capital humano e segmentação se aplicaram ao caso estudado, evidenciando que a tanto a região em que o trabalhador está inserido como suas características pessoas são determinantes do seu rendimento. A região possui um forte peso na determinação do salário o que fica mais claro no caso do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Porém somente se encontrar em uma região que paga maiores salários não garante ao trabalhador esse prêmio é necessário que indivíduo busque se qualificar para poder participar do mercado de trabalho e receber sua remuneração.

A determinação do salário na indústria tradicional na região Sul / Wages determination in traditional industry in the South region

Antoniazzi, Elisiane Aparecida 06 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:34:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elisiane Aparecida Antoniazzi.pdf: 1469340 bytes, checksum: e33ddca5da7f42bd80bced8fddd4e830 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-06 / The aim of this research was to develop empirically a model of wage determination for traditional industry in the South region which is intensive in hand labor and classified as low magnitude in technology, regarding the period of analysis, the time frame of 1996-2010. The discussions in relation to the determination of wages have expanded in the institutional context in recent decades and social importance of (minimum) wage is expressed in its scope as the basic pay of millions of Brazilians, and considering that its variations may have several effects on the functioning of the labor market. In Brazil, the research of the causes of the wage gap is of particular relevance due to the existence of a high income inequality. Regarding the methodology, models have been developed and estimated for wage determination, through panel data, based on data from IBGE and MTE/RAIS. The results demonstrated that the most appropriate estimated model was in the log-log form, which had as explanatory variables: productivity, education and real minimum wage. Regarding the model, the coefficients showed positive signal, indicating a direct relation between endogenous and exogenous variables. In terms of explanatory variables, the one with the highest coefficient was the real minimum wage, as compared with other variables, these were consistent with economic theory, besides contributing to the estimation of this model. / O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi desenvolver empiricamente um modelo de determinação de salários para a indústria tradicional na região Sul, a qual é intensiva em mão de obra e classificada como baixa magnitude tecnológica, tendo como período de análise o recorte temporal de 1996 a 2010. Os debates em relação à determinação dos salários se expandiram no contexto institucional nas últimas décadas e a importância social do salário (mínimo) se expressa na sua abrangência como remuneração básica de milhões de brasileiros, sendo que suas variações podem ter inúmeros efeitos sobre o funcionamento do mercado de trabalho. No Brasil, a investigação das causas do diferencial de salários tem particular relevância devido à existência da alta desigualdade de renda. Em relação à metodologia, desenvolveu-se e estimou-se alguns modelos para determinação dos salários, por meio de dados em painel, tendo como base de dados o IBGE e o MTE/RAIS. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o modelo estimado mais adequado estava na forma log-log, o qual tinha como variáveis explicativas: produtividade, escolaridade e salário mínimo real. Com relação ao modelo, os coeficientes apresentaram sinal positivo, indicando uma relação direta entre as variáveis endógenas e a exógena. Em termos de variáveis explicativas, a que apresentou o maior coeficiente foi a variável de salário mínimo real, já em relação às demais variáveis, estas foram consistentes com a teoria econômica, além de contribuírem para a estimação deste modelo.

Dohody o pracích konaných mimo pracovní poměr z ekonomických a účetních hledisek v porovnání ČR a SR / Economic and accounting aspects of the part-time contracts in comparing Czech and Slovak Republic

Prenerová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The thesis discusses the advantages (disadvantages) of the employing part-time workers in the Czech and Slovak Republic. In each country, the part-time contracts are divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part of thesis the part-time contracts are described in terms of legislation. The practical part applies the theoretical part on illustrative examples. Conclusion includes evaluation of results and suggestions for possible improvements.

Faculty Senate Minutes May 2, 2016

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 14 September 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

The Role of Transit in the Upward Mobility of Low-Income Indianapolis Residents

Arianna Michaela Rambaram (11546773) 18 October 2021 (has links)
<p>This study examines the extent to which transit may be able to assist with the upward mobility of low-income groups, specifically those making less than a living wage. Previous studies relating to job accessibility have examined the feasibility of reaching jobs using various modes of transportation, and some have factored educational requirements into the attainability of those jobs. However, no studies thus far have attempted to determine transit accessibility to jobs that can facilitate and enable upward mobility for low-income households. Employment data relevant to the labor force of Marion County, Indiana, is used to determine the earnings (mainly wages or salaries) associated with occupations, and which occupations require no more than a high school education. Those occupations are then paired with the various industries they are found in, and the earnings belonging to the industry’s highest-earning occupation is associated with that industry. The median household incomes of low-income Census block groups (CBGs) are then compared to the earnings of each transit-accessible industry to evaluate whether those earnings are large enough to induce upward mobility for those living in the CBGs. Bus routes and bus stops for the local transit system (IndyGo) along with workplace locations are mapped in ArcGIS to assess the low-income population’s accessibility to workplaces belonging to a select group of industries. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Bus routes that serve both downtown Indianapolis and low-income CBGs were found to provide people living in those CBGs with access to some of the most lucrative jobs, particularly those found in the <i>Finance and Insurance</i> industries. Over half of Indianapolis’ transit-accessible industries have earnings amounts large enough to induce upward mobility for those living in all the low-income CBGs; this corresponds to 6,748 unique workplaces. Findings from this study suggest that low-income people would benefit from having access to transit routes that serve downtowns and other areas with high concentrations of white-collar jobs. Low-income Indianapolis residents informed of this study’s results may be motivated to explore the possibilities for better-paying jobs accessible to them by transit. Furthermore, methods used in this study can help in ranking different transit routes for accessibility to workplaces conducive to upward mobility. The rankings can be updated periodically to assist in addressing equity goals for transit planning.</p>

Ocenění stavby v realizační a provozní fázi životního cyklu / The valuation of construction in implementing and operating phases of the life cycle

Hudeček, Gabriel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis treats about evaluation of construction in the operating phase and in the implementing phase of the life cycle, too. The thesis is e.g. about theoretical and practical budgeting of building object, real estate evaluation and implementing costs of concrete object. The main aim of this thesis is compilation of price concrete object with the help of budget and valuation by methods for real estate evaluation. In this thesis is done the valuation of object in the actual price level and in the price level of 1976. The price and the material development is illustrated between these ages, too. The real operating costs of object and their development and comparing with average wages are illustrated since 1980 until today.

New Teacher Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Strategies for the Canton Public School District

Luckett, W K, Jr 11 August 2017 (has links)
This investigation focused on identifying model foundational strategies to assist Canton Public School District (CPSD) officials in recruiting new teachers, successfully hiring them, and then retaining them the district. Located within the boundaries of the city of Canton, Mississippi, CSPD is geographically located in the central portion of the state. The district consists of 1 high school, 2 middle schools, 4 elementary schools and Canton Education Services Center. CSPD is continually affected by an ever-increasing teacher shortage because new teachers tend to leave the district after they are hired. More than 50% of new teachers leave their teaching positions in the district’s schools within 5 years. The investigation utilized published literature and other archival data (e.g., scholarly papers presented at conferences) accessible to the public in the form of books, chapters in published books, journal articles, and scholarly papers presented at learned societies and associations. Two research questions guided the investigation. The first research question asked: What does the published literature and related archival data (e.g., available scholarly papers retrievable from sources such as colleges, universities, foundations, conferences, etc.) accessible to the public reveal about recruiting, hiring, and retaining teachers? Overall, the material collected and analyzed yielded abundant information. Much of the available information proved valuable because the material focused attention the “how-to-do-it” aspects of recruiting, hiring, and retaining quality new teachers. The second research question asked: Will information gleamed from an analysis of the published literature and other archival data (e.g., unpublished scholarly papers) lead to the development of foundational strategies for assisting school district officials in recruiting, hiring, and retaining new teachers for CPSD? It was possible to develop a model holding potential for improving teacher recruitment, hiring, and retention at CPSD. The model that was developed features seven foundational strategies that if implemented, hold potential for improving teacher recruitment, hiring, and retention at CPSD. The seven strategies are: (1) identify the vacancy and write the job description, (2) announce and advertise the teacher vacancy, (3) develop a customized application form, (4) paper screening process, (5) interviewing process, (6) salary and benefit package, and (7) induction and mentoring.

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