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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of on-duty killings in the South African Police Service (SAPS) on spouses of deceased members

Moyane, Simon 15 January 2009 (has links)
No abstract available / Dissertation (MSocSci)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

An investigation into the perceptions of police officials regarding the implementation of sector policing in the Limpopo province

Van Niekerk, Rhona January 2016 (has links)
At the root of all new policing approaches is the ever-present quest to find best practices to prevent and reduce crime, to improve the safety of communities and individuals and to enhance the delivery of all kinds of police services to communities. Police practice and policy, inclusive of standing orders, force orders, directives and other forms of guidelines and instructions, have undergone many changes over the years, especially after the constitutional changes in 1994 when community policing and 'rights-based' policing became the foundation of democratic policing in South Africa. On 13 January 2014, an innovative policing approach, namely sector policing was officially 're'-introduced to police stations. National Instruction 3/2013: Sector Policing was rolled out to 1 138 police stations for implementation. Minimum implementation criteria were determined in an effort to assist all police stations to implement sector policing. As a fundamental part of community policing, sector policing is seen as the enabling mechanism which organises and mobilises individuals in communities to establish the driving force in providing a more effective and person-centred service to the community. As such, sector policing is also a step towards the development of a modern, democratic policing style to meet the safety and security needs of every inhabitant of South Africa at local level. Although research on sector policing in South Africa is scant, the available research can be divided into three eras: Era 1 concerns research on 'non-official' sector policing from 1998 to 2009; Era 2 concerns research on National Instruction 3/2009 on Sector Policing from 2009 to 2013 and Era 3 concerns research since the implementation of National Instruction 3/2013 on Sector Policing. The current study pioneered research in terms of National Instruction 3/2013 on Sector Policing. The researcher aimed to gauge the perceptions of South African Police Service (SAPS) officials responsible for sector policing in Limpopo province with regard to the official implementation of sector policing according to National Instruction 3/2013 guidelines. The qualitative research approach was used with the purpose of exploring and describing the phenomenon being studied. Basic research was conducted by using a qualitative collective case study design. The exploration of the cases took place through semi-structured interviewing, a detailed in-depth data collection method. The researcher used the semi-structured interview schedule as research instrument to guide interviews. The non-probability sampling design was used. The selection of the sample depended on the purposive sampling design. During critical case sampling, as a type of purposeful sampling, the researcher purposefully selected and obtained information from the 10 station commanders and 20 sector commanders, from five rural and five urban police stations situated in the five districts of Limpopo province. A rural and an urban station were selected from each district. Data was collected and then processed through analytical procedures, into an understandable, insightful, trustworthy and original analysis. The technique that was used to analyse interviews was interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Some of the data was also presented in a descriptive statistical form to support the qualitative presentation of the data. The current study originated from personal interest but, it was also deemed important by SAPS and the researcher was requested by the Division: Visible Policing to determine the level of implementation of sector policing in Limpopo province in terms of Sector Policing National Instruction 3/2013. In addition, the researcher wanted to determine the perceptions of station commanders and sector commanders regarding the value of sector policing, as a crime reduction strategy, in their relevant policing precincts. The recording of the implementation process, successes and failures as well as perceptions by police officers in this regard was helpful in constructing best practices, which might be used by provinces and police stations countrywide. The findings of the current study stimulate further research. On-going research to monitor implementation levels and to oversee the implementation of Sector Policing National Instruction 3/2013 is important to successfully implement sector policing in South Africa. The study contributed to new knowledge by describing progress made since the official inception of sector policing in South Africa. It ultimately increased literature on the topic and the body of knowledge on sector policing, especially regarding Era 3. Several recommendations for future research are made and the findings of the current study could contribute to the development of training material and the improvement of current implementation guidelines concerning sector policing in South Africa. / Onderliggend tot alle nuwe polisie benaderings is die soeke na die beste praktyk ten einde misdaad te voorkom en te verminder, die veiligheid van gemeenskappe en individue te bevorder en dienslewering aan die gemeenskap te verbeter. Polisiepraktyk en -beleid, met inbegrip van staande orders, magsorders, bevele, riglyne en instruksies, het die afgelope jare baie verander, veral ná die konstitusionele veranderings in 1994 toe gemeenskapspolisiëring en polisiëring wat op regte gefundeer is, die basis van demokratiese polisiëring in Suid-Afrika geword het. Op 13 Januarie 2014 is ? innoverende polisiërings-benadering, naamlik sektor polisiëring, amptelik weer by polisie-stasies ingestel. Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2013 is na 1138 polisie-stasies uitgestuur vir implementering. Minimum implementerings-kriteria is vasgestel ten einde alle polisie-stasies behulpsaam te wees met die implementering van sektor- polisiëring. Sektor-polisiëring as ? fundamentele deel van gemeenskapspolisiëring, word beskou as ? meganisme waardeur individue in gemeenskappe georganiseer en gemobiliseer word om die dryfkrag te vestig vir die voorsiening van ? meer doeltreffende en mens gerigte diens aan die gemeenskap. Sektor-polisiëring is ook ? stap in die ontwikkeling van ? moderne, demokratiese polisiëring-styl met die doel om op plaaslike vlak in elke inwoner van Suid-Afrika se behoefte aan veligheid en sekuriteit te voorsien. Hoewel navorsing oor sektorpolisiëring in Suid-Afrika beperk is, kan die beskikbare navorsing in drie eras verdeel word: die eerste era sluit navorsing in oor 'nie-amptelike' sektor-polisiëring van 1998 tot 2009, die tweede era sluit navorsing in oor Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2009 van 2009 tot 2013 en die derde era sluit navorsing in sedert die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2013. Die bestaande studie fokus op die derde era en het die weg gebaan rakende navorsing in terme van Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2013. Die navorser het gepoog om die persepsies te bepaal van SAPD-beamptes wat verantwoordelik is vir die implementering van sektor-polisiëring in Limpopo-provinsie ingevolge die riglyne van Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2013. Die kwalitatiewe navorsings-benadering is gebruik met die doel om die verskynsel wat bestudeer is te ondersoek en te beskryf. Basiese navorsing is onderneem met behulp van ? kwalitatiewe kollektiewe gevallestudie-ontwerp. Die ondersoek van die gevalle het plaasgevind met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering, ? deeglike data-insamelings-metode. Die navorser het die semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud-skedule as navorsings instrument gebruik om die onderhoude te rig. Die nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproefontwerp is gebruik. Die keuse van die steekproef het op die doelgerigte steekproef-ontwerp berus. As vorm van doelgerigte steekproefontwerk het die navorser 10 stasie-bevelvoerders en 20 sektor-bevelvoerders van vyf stedelike en vyf plattelandse polisie-stasies geleë in die vyf distrikte van die Limpopo-provinsie doelgerig uitgesoek. ? Stedelike en plattelandse polisie-stasie is uit elke distrik gekies. Data is versamel en in 'n verstaanbare, insiggewende, betroubare en oorspronklike analise verwerk. Die interpretatiewe fenomenologiese analitiese (IPA) tegniek is aangewend om die onderhoude te analiseer. Sommige van die data is ook in ? beskrywende, statistiese vorm aangebied om die kwalitatiewe aanbieding van die data te ondersteun. Die motivering vir die huidige navorsingstudie het ontstaan uit persoonlike belangstelling en dit was ook as belangrik beskou deur die SAPD en die navorser is derhalwe versoek deur die sigbare polisiëringsafdeling om die implementeringsvlak van sektor-polisiëring in Limpopo-provinsie ingevolge Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2013 vas te stel. Dit was ook vir die navorser belangrik om stasie- en sektorbevelvoerders se persepsies van die waarde van sektorpolisiëring as misdaadvoorkoming-strategie in hul onderskeie polisiëringsgebiede vas te stel. Die optekening van sowel die implementasieproses, sukses en mislukkings as die persepsies van polisiebeamptes in hierdie verband het bygedra tot die formulering van beste praktyk wat gebruik kan word deur provinsies en polisiestasies landwyd. Die navorsings-bevindings van die onderhawige studie kan verdere navorsing stimuleer. Volgehoue navorsing om die vlak van implementering te monitor en oorsig van die implementering van Sektorpolisiëring Nasionale Instruksie 3/2013 is belangrik om sektor-polisiëring in Suid Afrika te implimenteer. Die navorsing het bygedra tot nuwe kennis ten opsigte van sektor-polisiëring deur die vordering wat reeds gemaak is sedert implementering in Suid Afrika, onder die loep te neem. Die studie dra by tot uitbreiding van literatuur en die inhoud oor sektor-polisiëring, veral ten opsigte van Era 3. Verskeie aanbevelings vir toekomstige naorsing word gemaak wat benut kan word vir die ontwikkeling van opleidings-materiaal en die verbetering van bestaande implementeringsriglyne rakende sektor-polisiëring in Suid Afrika. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Social Work and Criminology / MSW / Unrestricted

The international political economy of structural adjustment programmes and poverty reduction strategy papers in Africa : a comparative analysis

Hartwell, Leon 04 June 2012 (has links)
This study focuses on the debtor-creditor relationship between African states and the International Financial Institutions (IFIs). More specifically, it makes use of ‘post-positivist’ approaches as analytical tools and it compares the controversial Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) with so-called ‘post-SAPs’ in order to establish whether the latter debt relief strategies are an improvement on the former. Post-SAPs include, amongst others, the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC II) and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs). Jointly, the post-SAPs initiatives aim to make debt more sustainable, boost social spending and reduce poverty. The PRSP initiative in particular was full of promise (at least initially), as it entailed that debtors would rightfully be given the scope to create their own developmental strategies and that a blanket approach to development would be abandoned. Upon closer inspection the PRSP initiative is disappointing. The process itself is predetermined and there are additional IFI mechanisms (with traditional SAPs conditionalities) that should be read alongside this initiative. As the Great Recession starting in 2007 unfolded, the IFIs tended to stress the success and ‘resilience’ of HIPC II and PRSP countries. However, this study argues that supposed achievements are somewhat artificial and one needs to remain cautious about its long-term impacts. African economies experienced high economic growth rates in recent years, not because of World Bank and IMF endorsed policies, but because of debt relief and a commodity boom in the 2000s. The IFIs have not done anything to forge the developmental state in Africa. Several HIPC II and PRSP graduates are already starting to show signs of debt distress. Thus, there is a need to seriously rethink the roles of the World Bank and IMF in Africa. This study recommends that true adherence to the PRSP approach could be a first step to empower African states, and it calls for the establishment of an independent mechanism that will hold debtors and the IFIs accountable for unsustainable debt. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Motorsimulering som komplement vid rehabilitering av subacromiellt smärtsyndrom och rotatorcuffrelaterade besvär / Motor imagery in rehabilitation of subacromial pain syndrome and rotatorcuff related disorders

Högdal, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Subacromiellt smärtsyndrom och rotatorcuffrelaterade besvär behandlas vanligtvis med rehabilitering i from av fysisk träning. Forskning visar mer och mer på positiv effekt av motorsimulering (MI) vid både träning och rehabilitering i from av bland annat ökad styrka och rörlighet. Området är dock inte tillräckligt utforskat och det saknas forskning på just SAPS och rotatorcuffproblematik.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om ett tillägg av mental träning genom MI vid rehabilitering av SAPS eller rotatorcuffrelaterade besvär kan bidra till ytterligare effekt i form av minskad smärta och förbättrad upplevd funktionsnivå.Metod: Studien utfördes som en experimentell studie med interventionsgrupp (n=10) som utförde fysisk rehabilitering och MI samt referensgrupp (n=11) som utförde fysisk rehabilitering under 8 veckor. Upplevd funktion och smärta undersöktes med WORC och NRS vid rehabiliteringsperiodens start, efter 4 veckor och efter 8 veckor. Data analyserades med Mann-Whitney U test och ANOVA repeated measures. WORC analyserades i sin helhet samt dess delområden och smärtan utifrån NRS och WORC:s två frågor om smärtaResultat: Det noterades inga signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna vid någon tidpunkt. För interventionsgruppen förelåg en signifikant förbättring på WORC:s totala poäng samt delområdena Fysisk, Arbete och Livsstil samt för smärtskattning VAS skarp smärta. För referensgruppen förelåg en signifikant förbättring för WORC:s delområden Fysiska, Arbete och Känslor samt NRS och smärtskattning VAS skarp smärta.Slutsats: Resultatet visar tendenser till att MI kan ha effekt som komplement till fysisk rehabilitering vid SAPS eller rotatorcuffsrelaterade besvär vad gäller upplevd funktion men inte för smärtminskning. Detta innebär att MI skulle kunna vara ett alternativ vid behandling av dessa besvär. Denna studie genomfördes som en pilotstudie med ett relativt lågt deltagarantal vilket gör att resultaten bör tolkas med försiktighet.

Osteopathische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten beim Subacromialen Schmerzsyndrom: Systematische Literaturübersicht

Spieckermann, Malte 04 January 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund: Das subacromiale Schmerzsyndrom (SAPS) ist ein häufiges muskuloskelettales Krankheitsbild. Patienten haben eine eingeschränkte schmerzhafte Schulterbeweglichkeit. Der Pathomechanismus ist noch nicht ganz geklärt. Umliegende Gelenke können durch Bewegungseinschränkungen das SAPS beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Bachelorthesis soll eine Literaturübersicht über osteopathische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten beim SAPS geben. Methodik: Sieben medizinische Datenbanken wurden auf zwischen 2010 und 2023 veröffentlichte relevante Artikel durchsucht. Eingeschlossen wurden randomisierte klinische Studien (RCT), in deutscher und englischer Sprache, in denen osteopathische Techniken, bei menschlichen Probanden mit einem SAPS, eingesetzt wurden. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit einer Kontrollgruppe oder anderen Interventionen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die Suche ergab 782 einzelne Artikel. 14 Studien erfüllten die Einschlusskriterien und wurden in der PICO Übersicht eingeschlossen. Zehn Studien verwendeten Manipulationstechniken und vier Studien Weichteiltechniken mit Heimübungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Techniken sich positiv auf das SAPS auswirken. Eine Signifikanz zwischen den Gruppen ist häufig nicht vorhanden. Schlussfolgerung: Alle Studien zeigen nach osteopathischen Behandlungen eine Verbesserung der Beschwerden mit SAPS. Manipulation reicht als alleinige Behandlung nicht aus, um einen Langzeiteffekt zu erzeugen. Eine individualisierte Kombinationstherapie mit verschiedenen Behandlungstechniken und Heimübungen, ist für die effektive, klinische, Patientenbehandlung besser geeignet. Zukünftige Untersuchungen sollten vermehrt osteopathische Techniken untersuchen, um das positive Bild der osteopathischen Behandlung zu festigen und das mögliche Ausmaß der Verbesserungen zu ermitteln. / Background: Subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS) is a common musculoskeletal condition. Patients have limited painful shoulder mobility. The pathomechanism has not yet been fully elucidated. Surrounding joints can affect the SAPS through movement restrictions. This bachelor thesis is intended to provide a literature review on osteopathic treatment options for SAPS. Methods: Seven medical databases were searched for relevant articles published between 2010 and 2023. Included were randomized clinical trials (RCT), in German and English, in which osteopathic techniques were used on human subjects with SAPS. The results were compared to a control group or other interven-tions. Results: The search returned 782 individual articles. 14 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the PICO review. Ten studies used manipulation techniques and four studies used soft-tissue techniques with home exercises. The results show that the techniques have a positive effect on the SAPS. Significance between groups is often absent. Conclusion: All studies show an improvement in symptoms with SAPS after osteopathic treatments. Manipulation alone is not enough to produce a long-term effect. An individualized combination therapy with different treatment techniques and home exercises is more suitable for the effective, clinical, patient treatment. Future investigations should examine more osteopathic techniques in order to consolidate the positive image of osteopathic treatment and to determine the pos-sible extent of the improvements.

An evaluation of the "Healthy lifestyle" and "Coping with change" personnel capacity building programmes of the S.A. Police Service / by Anna J.E. Jansen van Vuuren

Jansen van Vuuren, Anna Johanna Elizabeth January 2006 (has links)
Background: Due to various factors, such as the restructuring of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in 1996, Police Social Work Services decided to broaden the scope of its services by developing and introducing proactive personnel capacity building programmes (PCBP's). Fifteen PCB programmes had been developed by 1999, which gave rise to the need for a comprehensive impact assessment of these programmes. This resulted in the Evaluation of Personnel Capacity Building Programmes (EPCBP) research project that was launched in 2001. The evaluation of the Healthy Lifestyle and Coping with Change programmes formed part of this comprehensive study. Objectives: The primary aim of the study was to determine the effect of the Healthy Lifestyle (HLS) and Coping with Change (CWC) programmes on the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of SAPS personnel. Method: The comparison group pre-test and post-test design and triangulation were used during this research. Six measuring scales and a presenter's evaluation questionnaire were developed and completed by 196 (HLS) and 184 (CWC) experimental group respondents, 38 (HLS) and 41 (CWC) comparison group members and 10 (HLS) and 7 (CWC) presenters. Results: With the help of various measuring instruments and the triangulation of measurements, it was determined that the Healthy Lifestyle and Coping with Change programmes had a practical significant effect on the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of the respondents. It was concluded that these programmes were effective tools in the hands of Police Social Work Service (PSWS) because they not only empowered SAPS personnel to lead more productive professional lives, but also enhanced their personal well-being. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Work-personal life interaction of Afrikaans speaking police officers : a phenomenological study / Eva Kefilwe Sekwena

Sekwena, Eva Kefilwe January 2006 (has links)
Effectiveness, productivity and motivation of police members are important factors that contribute to a country's stability, economic growth and development. As such, understanding experiences that police members might have with regard to the relationship between their work and personal life is the main focus area in this study. The objectives of this study were to determine how Afrikaans speaking police members experience work-personal life interaction, and secondly, to determine the main dimensions in the lives of Afrikaans speaking police members that is in interaction with each other, and thirdly, to determine the major antecedents and consequences of work-personal life for Afrikaans speaking police members, and fourthly, to determine which strategies Afrikaans speaking police members use to deal with work-personal life issues. Unstructured interviews were conducted with ten males and females in the police stations based in the Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp areas. Qualitative interviews based on the phenomenological paradigm, were used to determine police officers perception regarding work and personal life interaction. A Content analysis was used to analyse, quantify and interpret the research data. Police members reported experiencing their work as stressful, in that it interfered negatively with their lives and also had certain health implications. They further experienced some aspects in their personal lives (e.g., household duties, family responsibilities) interfering with their work. Furthermore, they reported using certain strategies (e.g., communication, support from a spouse) as a way of bettering the interaction between their work and personal lives. Recommendations for future research were made, / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Factors impacting on the criminal investigation process in Cape Town, South Africa

Prinsloo, Megan Renay January 2004 (has links)
Masters of Public Health - see Magister Public Health / The World Health Organization (WHO) considers violence to be a global public health problem. It is estimated that 1.6 million people worldwide lost their lives to violence in 2000. This translates to a global rate of 28.8 deaths per 100 000 population. The end of Apartheid in South Africa in 1994 brought about various economic, social and political transitions within the country, resulting in rapid urbanization, increasing unemployment and deepening inequalities. Consequently, these conditions also brought about increased incidences of crime and violence. The South African Police Service (SAPS) recorded approximately 2.58 million crimes in 2000. The SAPS faced many challenges in transforming the eleven South African Police Forces to a combined South African Police Service in 1994. Literature has indicated that while serious crimes increased, the chances of an offender being caught and punished declined between 1994 and 2000. During the 2002-2003 financial year the SAPS recorded a national homicide rate of 47.4 per 100 000 population. The Western Cape and Limpopo province had the highest and lowest provincial homicide rate of 84.8 and 12.1 per 100 000 population respectively. Other studies indicated that city-specific homicide rates for Cape Town increased from 84 to 88 per 100 000 population between 1999 and 2001. A pilot study conducted in Cape Town during 2003 to determine victim-perpetrator relationships and motives for homicide that occurred in 1999 was hampered by difficulties in tracing police dockets, inconsistencies in data capturing, and the absence of perpetrator information due to some court cases not being finalized. It was therefore decided to conduct a qualitative, descriptive, comparative study between two police stations in Cape Town. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with police officers at different ranks to document the procedures and route of reported crimes and to explore the factors impacting on the criminal investigation process. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic content analysis. The interviews provided an insight to the contextual environment and the attitudes of police officers regarding the transformation of the SAPS, and identified the factors impacting on the criminal investigation process at the two selected police stations. Issues discussed are discipline, restructuring and motivational factors regarding the transformation process, as well as training courses, the court impact and the relationship between the detectives and prosecutors. The main constraints identified at both police stations were human resources, training courses and vehicles. Social support and community factors are also discussed. The interviews with police officers revealed that there are various issues of management at national and provincial level that need to be addressed, such as detective recruitment standards, training courses and the management of different crime types to reduce the workload of detectives. The need for closer collaboration with the courts to avoid the misplacement of dockets and to minimise delays in the finalisation of court cases was also identified. Previous studies have also identified blockages within the South African criminal justice system and it is hoped that this study could highlight those issues that still need to be addressed.

Work-personal life interaction of Afrikaans speaking police officers : a phenomenological study / E.K. Sekwena

Sekwena, Eva Kefilwe January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

An impact and cost-benefit analysis of some SAPS personnel capacity-building programmes / by Alice May Blignaut

Blignaut, Alice May January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Social Work))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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