Spelling suggestions: "subject:"savings"" "subject:"pavings""
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Optimalizace rozvozu pekárenských výrobků / Optimization of distribution of bakery goodsGebauerová, Monika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the optimization of distribution of bakery products. Firstly there are the fundamental types of vehicle routing problems and their optimization models introduced. Next part is dedicated to heuristic algorithms. The heuristic methods are introduced in general, then there are the chosen methods described. Later there are two chosen algorithms formulated. First one based on the nearest neighbour method and another one based on the savings algorithm. Both of algorithms were programmed in the Visual Basic of Applications MS Excel 2010. These algorithms were applied for the solution of the real problem dealing with the distribution of goods. The bakery company has provided the data about its customers for this purpose. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to the summary and comparison of the solution of the assigned problem that was gained by the proposed algorithms with the solution that the bakery company has put into practice.
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Finanční systém Španělska / The Spanish Financial SystemZdeněk, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
In the first chapter of my thesis titled "The Spanish Financial System", I introduce a concept of a financial system in general and a historical development of the Spanish financial system including legislation from the beginning of the 20th century till today. The second part describes a current structure of the Spanish financial system and component entities operating within its framework structured from a point of supervising institutions. The last and crucial chapter is focused on reforms of the Spanish banking sector which have got no parallel in a modern history of the country. Restructuring and consolidation of the banking sector have been primarily carried out by mergers of traditional savings banks which became vulnerable during a period of an international liquidity crisis and an excessive exposure to the construction industry and real estate developments. I explain reasons for reforms, their starting points, progresses and difficulties during the restructuring processes. In conclusion I assess their results and impacts not only on credit institutions but the whole society as well.
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A study of Washington Mutual a formidible competitor in the Southern California marketBoni, Margaret Mary 01 January 2003 (has links)
This project examines the Southern California and Inland Empire banking environment during the period from 1992 to 1997. It includes an analysis of Washington Mutual's market strategy, and financial strategy for entering this fiercely competitive environment. Washington Mutual's competitive advantages and weaknesses will be analyzed to understand its approach to capturing strong market presence.
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Monto : Att skapa engagemang i privatekonomi för unga / Monto : Creating engagement in matters of personal finance for youthsModin, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Det här är ett examensarbete som avhandlar ämnet privatekonomi och unga, i detta abete definieras unga som personer mellan 16 - 21 år. Arbetet har utförs med kvalitativa och kvantitativa undersökningsmetoder. Samarbetspartners i projektet är Malgomajskolan i Vilhelmina, Dragonskolan i Umeå samt Järfälla Gymnasium i Järfälla. Resultatet är ett mobilt gränssnitt som hanterar och visualiserar tillgångar, sparande och betalningar med ambitionen att öka engagemanget och inspirationen kring ämnet privatekonomi. / This is a degreework that touches the subject of matters of personal finance for young people, in this thesis young persons is defined as people aged 16 -2. This thesis has been carried out with both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Collaboration partners are Malgomajskolan in Vilhelmina, Dragonskolan in Umeå and Järfälla Gymnasium in Järfälla, all located in Sweden. The result is a mobile application that handles and visualises assets, savings and payments with the aspiration of increasing engagement and sense of inspiration for personal finance.
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Konsten att släcka bränder - Boendepersonalens upplevel-ser av sina arbetsförhållanden när kommunala besparingar påverkar LSS-boenden (pk1)Nilsson, Julia, Seldén, Erica January 2020 (has links)
Kommunala besparingar är ett återkommande, och högaktuellt, fenomen. I bespa-ringstider försätts lokala politiker i situationer där prioriteringar behöver göras, gällande resursfördelning. Historien visar att redan utsatta människor, som har be-gränsade möjligheter till att få sina röster hörda, i tillfällen som dessa kan hamna än mer i skymundan. Det är ofta verksamheter som vänder sig till att kunna stötta enskilda individer som lever med funktionsnedsättning som blir bortprioriterade. Dessa former av verksamheter kan exempelvis vara den som är i fokus för denna studie; särskilda bostäder inom LSS för individer inom pk1, som lever med intel-lektuella- eller neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar, såsom autism.I besparingstider kan det hävdas att både enskilda individerna, samt det yrkesverk-samma inom särskilda LSS-boenden för pk1 blir påverkade. Denna kandidatupp-sats syftar därför till att försöka redogöra för upplevelser som boendepersonal kan tänkas ha kring arbetssituationen, under dessa förhållanden. Både gällande deras arbetsmiljö, deras insatser till stödanvändare och gällande hanteringen av ett allt mer begränsat handlingsutrymme. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att boen-depersonalen befinner sig i en så kallad “ond cirkel”, där arbetsmiljö och insatser till stödanvändare brister men kvalitetssäkring genom avvikelsehanteringen bort-prioriteras. Boendepersonalen åtar sig ansvaret för att de ej kan tillfredsställa de behov som stödanvändarna har, i den omfattning som behövs. Således blir vissa målformuleringar, enligt LSS (1993:387), emellanåt svåra att uppfylla, till följd av olika målkonflikter, som kan hävdas bli än mer aktuella i besparingstider. / The Swedish law called LSS can enable extensive support for people with special needs so they can live a life like any other. While the Swedish municipalities have the main responsibility to enable this support, economic savings are now current in many of the different municipalities. The aim of this study was therefore to ex-plore the staff's experiences from working in LSS-operations, like group homes for individuals with autism, cognitive- and developmental disabilities, during mu-nicipality savings. To explore this, semi-structured interviews were used as a base for a thematic analysis.The findings show that staff within LSS group homes sometimes feel that their re-sources are inadequate, that their work conditions are stressful and sometimes can result in an emotional tare regarding bad consciousness towards the individuals living there. The results also show a vicious circle, where lack of time often means that the staff priorities other assignments other than paperwork regarding quality improvements. The consequences of a municipality saving mode can nonetheless be the most noticeable for the individual in need of the support. It can harm an individual's living conditions and empowerment. The conclusion from this is that the conflicting objectives from politicians, organizations, and the law LSS, often results in consequences for staff and individuals during municipality savings.
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Způsob financování výstavby rodinného domu z pohledu investora / The Way of Financing the Construction of a House from the Investor's PerspectiveBlažková, Klára January 2018 (has links)
The main subject of diploma thesis is definition and description of different possibilities of financing the construction of family house, then processing and evaluation of variants offered by selected bank companies in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical part, there are basic knowledge about given issue, which are further applied in the practical part. The practical part deals with the comparison of various financing and selection of the most suitable ones according to selected criteria.
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Návrh financování výstavby nízkoenergetického domu / Financing the Construction og a Low Energy HouseHorák, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of optimal options for financing the construction og a low energy house. In the introductory section describes the characteristics of the two products designed to finance housing, mortgage loan and building savings. Another section is devoted to the characteristics and principles of construction of a low energy house, which is related to low energy and less than saving the house. The final section focuses on the selection of a suitable vision of the comparable financial products.
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Aerodynamická interakce autonomních vozidel / Aerodynamic interaction of autonomous vehiclesOpátová, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with CFD simulation of platooning vehicles and their aerodynamic characteristics, created in Star CCM+ software. The main focus is on their aerodynamic drag dependency on different spacing between vehicles which allowed to evaluate the most energy efficient distance for platoon of vehicles. Furthermore, the procedure how to calculate the fuel consumption is described for set of variables.
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Kapitálový trh jako zdroj financování bydlení / Capital market as source financing habitationHanák, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores methods of financing real estate. It illustrates the fundamental means of financing as well as various alternate combinations. It primarily focuses on a comparison of methods in an effort to find the optimal choice for a given situation. This thesis will ultimately provide a thorough overview of the real estate market for anyone with an interest in financing residential developments.
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Zhodnocení projektu centralizace vybraných procesů v podniku / Project Evaluation of Centralisation of Chosen Processes in OrganisationVeselý, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on project controls in the company Veolia Voda Česká republika a.s. It analyses and evaluates specific project, which is already running in the company and on the basis of acquired data it is seeking to optimalise the preparation of another project. It contents many of comparisions and evaluations, which should be helpful for the company´s management.
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