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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nelegální migrace a Česká republika po roce 1989 z pohledu bezpečnostních složek státu / Illegal Migration and the Czech Republic after 1989 from the Police Forces Point of View

MAN, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
In this disertation I deal with the problem of illegal migration in our country after the year 1989 from the Police forces point of view. I try to compare streams of migration from the historical aspect {--} which is represented by beginning or fall of iron curtain and evaluace the situation after the entry to the European Union. Next I want to analyze the phenomenon of illegal migration in the frame of graduate spreading of the Schengen Area a I try to resume stats of the illegal migration from The Czech Statistical Office and Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. That is way I want to refer to that illegal migrants we can allure to the final state by legal way when we use unitary and synoptical imigration laws and cooperation with the third countries.

Invävdhet, medlemskap och aktivering : En teoriutveckling av Carnegieskolan och en studie om hur invävdhet i metaorganisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande

Berg Niemelä, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att utveckla Carnegieskolans organisationsteori med en kompletterande teoretisering om hur organisationer hanterar sin invävdhet i meta-organisationer när de fattar beslut och handlar. För att möta syftet fokuserar uppsatsen vid att integrera Carnegieskolans teoribildning med Ahrne & Brunssons teori om metaorganisationer för att utveckla en teori om medlemskap i metaorganisationer som en särskild typ av invävdhet och beskriva hur organisationer relaterar till sitt medlemskap i beslutsfattande och handling. Uppsatsens empiriska del består i en jämförande fallstudie över hur regeringskansliet agerat i samband med medlemskapen i Schengensamarbetet respektive FN:s hållbarhetsagenda, Agenda 2030. Resultaten visar att regeringskansliet svarar mot invävdheten genom aktivering och riktning av enskilda delar av sin organisation mot meta-organisationen för att hantera sådana krav och förväntningar som medlemskapet medför. Resultaten visar därtill på hur invävdheten inverkat på regeringskansliets strukturer för beslutsfattande genom att organisationen integrerade element ur metaorganisationen i sina interna beslutsstrukturer för att underlätta beslutsfattande och konflikthantering. Studien visar även på hur medlemskap i meta-organisationen på ett avsiktligt rationellt sätt används som en extern referenspunkt att rikta regeringskansliets arbete mot. Uppsatsen bidrar till organisationsteorin med begreppet aktivering från ett inomorganisatoriskt perspektiv, en beskrivning av hur medlemskap i internationella meta-organisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande och handling, liksom med grunder för en fördjupad teoretisk förståelse av vilken roll medlemskap tilldelas inom en medlemsorganisation och varför organisationer aktivt väljer att väva in sina beslutsstrukturer i sin omgivning. / The purpose of this thesis is to further develop the organizational theory of the Carnegie school by contributing a theorization of how organizations handle being embedded in meta-organizations when making decisions and acting. To meet this purpose, the thesis focuses on integrating the theory of the Carnegie school with Ahrne & Brunssons theory of meta-organizations to develop a theory of membership in metaorganizations as a certain type of embeddedness and describe how organizations relate to their membership in decision-making and action. The empirical part of the thesis consists of a comparative cross-case study concerning how the government offices of Sweden responded to becoming members in the Schengen Area and the UN:s Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The thesis’ results shows that the government offices responded to their embeddedness by activating and directing certain parts of its organization towards the meta-organization in order to handle the demands and expectations the membership entailed. The results further show that the embeddedness has affected the government offices’ structures for decision-making as the organization has integrated elements from the meta-organization into its own decision-structures to facilitate decision-making and handling conflicts. The thesis also show how membership in a meta-organization is used as an external point of reference for the organization’s operations in an intendedly rational way. The thesis thereby contributes to organizational theory with the concept of activation from a within-organizational perspective, a description of how membership in meta-organizations affect decision-making and action within the government offices, as well as foundations for a further theoretical understanding of the role membership is assigned within a member-organization and why organizations actively choose to embed their decision-structures in their environment.

Bezpečnost hranic Schengenského prostoru z hlediska teorie veřejných statků. / Border Security of the Schengen Area from the Perspective of the Public Goods Theory

Hokovský, Radko January 2016 (has links)
Radko Hokovský Border Security of the Schengen Area from the Perspective of the Public Goods Theory Abstract In the context of increasing illegal immigration to the European Union, doubts arise whether Schengen Area is fit to face this challenge, or whether it needs to be reformed. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to clarify questions surrounding functionality of the Border Security System of the Schengen Area by applying the theory of public goods. The main inquiry of the thesis is, whether it is necessary to further strengthen the EU competences in order to improve the functioning of the Schengen Border Security System (SBSS). First, a model of an ideal- type border security system is constructed in order to identify core functions of border security in relation to protection from illegal immigration: (a) deterrence of illegal immigrants, (b) prevention of illegal border crossings, (c) interdiction of illegal immigrants, (d) apprehension of illegal immigrants, (e) apprehension of illegal residents, and (f) removal of illegal population. Second, theory of public goods is introduced as an analytical framework, which allows to identify possible solutions to collective action problems associated with production of public goods such as security in transnational contexts comparable to the EU. Third, the...

Italský politický diskurs a sekuritizace imigrace: případ revolucí v Maghrebu v roce 2011 / Italian political discourse and securitization of imigration: the case of revolutions on Maghreb in 2011

Kaleta, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis titled Italian Political Discourse and Securitization of Immigration: the Case of the Maghreb revolutions in 2011 deals with the issue of mass immigration waves reaching Italian shores and, in particular, the tiny island of Lampedusa during the initial phase of the so called Arab Spring. Its main goal lies in reconstruction and interpretation of the political discourse led by Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right government presenting the immigration crisis as a serious threat to national and potentially to European security. The first part introduces the general theoretical framework. The securitization theory of the Copenhagen School was used as an instrument for the thesis, including major criticism raised by the authors belonging to the social constructivist approach. In the second part, the author tries to characterize the basic historical and political context and clarifies the specifics of immigration in contemporary Italy. The last segment contains structuralized discourse analysis of the 2011 events and explores the extraordinary measures adopted and implemented in reaction to the government rhetoric at both the national and supranational levels. In this respect, the author pays special attention to how the process of negotiations finally led to the revision of the EU...

Motives, Implementation and Side Effects : An interview study about the regionalisation of Sweden's Schengen visa management in Sub-Saharan Africa

Karlsson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
A challenge when reforming public management is the potential risk of side effects as policy intentions often come with unintended consequences in practice. For the field of International Relations (IR), management reforms affecting the foreign service are particularly relevant as they go beyond the domestic context with potential implications also for state relations with foreign publics. However, little academic attention has been directed towards visa management, which serves not only as a consular function of the diplomatic missions but also plays a key role in facilitating their diplomatic functions as stated in the Vienna Convention. Employing the theoretical perspectives of New Public Management (NPM) and The Visa Dimension of Public Diplomacy, this thesis investigates the intentions and outcomes of Sweden's decision to regionalise its Schengen visa management in Sub-Saharan Africa. The inquiry is based on 15 semi-structured interviews with public officials currently or formerly working at the Swedish Migration Agency, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish embassies in Abuja, Addis Abeba, Dar es Salaam, Lusaka, Nairobi and Pretoria. The thesis finds the regionalisation of Sweden's Schengen visa management to be an NPM-inspired reform intended to establish economies of scale in visa management. While the reform was motivated to improve cost efficiency and quality in terms of increased uniformity and legal certainty in visa processing, it was meantime anticipated to come with challenges related to resource allocation, transfer of local competence and service delivery to applicants. In practice, the reform has led to permanent side effects on applicants by making the visa process more time-consuming and expensive from a user perspective. Thus, the thesis concludes the regionalisation of the Schengen visa management to be an NPM-inspired reform that focused too narrowly on internal efficiency gains that it overlooked the negative effects on applicants to the detriment of Swedish diplomatic functions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Das Schengener Informationssystem / unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vereinbarkeit einer verdeckten Registrierung nach Art. 99 SDÜ mit Art. 8 der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union / The Schengen Information System / with special consideration to the compatibility of discreet surveillance according to Art. 99 Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement with Art. 8 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

Schindehütte, Alexandra 04 June 2013 (has links)
Hauptgegenstand der Arbeit ist das Schengener Informationssystem der ersten Generation, SIS. Dargestellt werden zunächst der Weg zu einem elektronischen europaweiten Fahndungssystem, die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen dieses Fahndungssystems und seine Funktionsweise. Daran anschließend folgt die Prüfung der Verletzung des Demokratieprinzips beim Zustandekommen des Schengener Durchführungsübereinkommens und bei seiner Transformation in innerstaatliches Recht. Weitere Prüfungspunkte sind die Notwendigkeit eines Gesetzes nach Art. 24 Abs. 1 Grundgesetz bei der Umsetzung in innerstaatliches Recht sowie die Vereinbarkeit der Fahndungskategorie der Verdeckten Registrierung nach Art. 99 Schengener Durchführungsübereinkommen mit Art. 8 der Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta.  Während in der Arbeit eine Verletzung von Demokratieprinzip und Art. 24 Absatz 1 Grundgesetz nicht festgestellt werden kann, bestehen im Hinblick auf die Vereinbarkeit mit Art. 8 der Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten durchgreifende Bedenken.  Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Ausblick auf das Schengener Informationssystem der zweiten Generation, SIS II, sowie einer Zusammenfassung und einer Bewertung ab.

Bordering Europe abroad: Schengen visa policy implementation and transnational policy-making from below / Construire les frontières de l'Europe à l'étranger: mise en oeuvre de la politique du visa Schengen et action publique transnationale par le bas

Infantino, Federica 24 November 2014 (has links)
The constitution of the European visa regime has deservingly received much scholarly attention. It has been analyzed as part of the policy toolkit that displaces migration control away from the edges of the territory of Europe. Nevertheless, the street-level implementation of this European policy in national consulates remains understudied. This dissertation sheds ethnographic light on Schengen visa policy implementation that is conceptualized as bordering policy. By delivering Schengen visas, state and nonstate organizations achieve the filtering work of borders; this dissertation therefore investigates the day-to-day bordering of Europe abroad and using a comparative approach and focusing on from the theoretical perspective of street-level policy implementation. The analysis builds on a comparative case study: it focuses on the visa sections of the consulates of two old immigration countries, Belgium and France, and one new immigration country, Italy, which implement visa policy in a same third country, i.e. Morocco. This study highlights cross-national differences of visa policy day-to-day implementation that are due to shifting historical backgrounds, national sense-making of visa policy, and distinct organizational conditions. However, the comparative research design and the inductive epistemological approach deployed have revealed processes of transfer at the implementation level, which result in transnational policy-making from below. Informal interactions between actors constitute a ‘community of practice’ based on the desire to share local and practical knowledge rather than expert knowledge in order to address problems linked to day-to-day implementation.<p><p><p>La construction d’un régime européen de visas représente un domaine de recherche important. Ceci a été analysé comme un des instruments politiques qui déplacent le contrôle migratoire au delà des limites du territoire européen. Cependant, la mise en œuvre dans les consulats nationaux reste très peu étudiée. Cette thèse analyse la mise en œuvre de la politique du visa Schengen conceptualisée comme politique des frontières. Par la délivrance du visa Schengen, organisations étatiques et non-étatiques réalisent le travail de filtrage des frontières. Cette thèse investigue la construction quotidienne de la frontière européenne à l’étranger en privilégiant la perspective théorique de la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. L’analyse s’appuie sur un cas d’étude comparé. Elle se concentre sur les services visas des consulats de deux anciens pays d’immigration, la France et la Belgique, et un nouveau pays d’immigration, l’Italie, qui mettent en œuvre la politique du visa dans un même État tiers :le Maroc. Cette étude met en évidence des différences nationales importantes qui sont dues aux différents passés historiques, à l’attribution d’un sens national à la politique du visa, aux conditions organisationnelles distinctes. Toutefois, la méthodologie comparative et l’approche épistémologique inductive choisis ont permis de mettre en exergue des processus de transferts au niveau de la mise en œuvre qui constituent l’action publique transnationale par le bas. Les interactions informelles entre les acteurs constituent une ‘communauté de pratiques’ basé sur le désir de partager un savoir pratique et local qui sert à adresser des problèmes liés à la mise en œuvre au quotidien. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Právo na vstup a pobyt na území členských států Evropské unie / Right of entry and residence on the territory of member states of the European Union

Vláčil, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis of EU rules on entry and residence on the territory of Member States. These rules are described from the perspective of different groups of people, EU citizens, citizens of EFTA Member States, family members or citizens of Turkey, and also from the perspective of Member States participating in the Schengen Border Area and Member States outside this Area. The core of this thesis consist is the analysis of four key EU rules in this field, namely the Border Code (Regulation 562/2002), the Visa Code (Regulation 810/2009), the 539/2001 Regulation and the 2004/38 Directive, as well as relevant case law of the Court of Justice, that influences the interpretation of the rules in hand significantly. The rules are also assessed from the point of view of principles of legal certainty and legitimacy.

Diferenciace evropského integračního procesu / Differentiation of European Integration Process

Svobodová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The main task of the thesis entitled Differentiation of European Integration Process is historical excursus into the development of the policy of differentiation and flexibility within the European integration member countries. The thesis points out the comparison of the speeches delivered by leading representatives that helped forming theoretical basis of this european policy. The thesis then also characterises the main models of differentiated collaboration and evaluates their present contribution and future utilisation. With help of theoretical foundings the thesis then analyses three particular examples of differentiation in existing European integration process.

Změny azylového a migračního práva EU ve světle současné uprchlické krize / Changes of the EU asylum and migration law in the light of the current refugee crisis

Müller, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the proposed changes in the area of EU asylum and migration law in the light of the current refugee crisis. EU asylum and migration law are two separate areas between which there is a "close connection". The paper describes EU asylum and migration legal framework, then delimits the term "refugee crisis" and reviews recent measures taken or proposed by the EU. The thesis is divided into 3 chapters. In the first part of the paper the author follows up the legal framework which encompasses both international legal instruments (1951 Refugee Convention and others) and EU primary law and secondary acts. The second chapter is dedicated to analysis of the "refugee crisis", its crises factors, as well as to reflections on the characteristic of this crisis as a state of emergency. The last chapter, which is internally divided into two subchapters, concerning asylum and migration law, relates to particular measures taken by the EU during the crisis. The subchapter which deals with the asylum law includes the following topics: on the one hand it describes ad hoc measures to tackle the migration crisis in Italy and Greece, on the other hand it analyzes proposals of a system reform (e.g. proposal for a permanent EU relocation mechanism, reform of the Dublin system, completing the reform of...

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