Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool curriculum"" "subject:"bschool curriculum""
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The Status and Content of Middle/Junior High School Art Programs in TexasGentry, Sharon K. (Sharon Kay) 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the status and the content of the middle/junior high school art- programs in Texas. A questionnaire designed to elicit information concerning the art program was sent to middle/junior high school art teachers in Texas. The responses were analyzed according to the school district size, the grades comprising the school, and the school enrollment using simple descriptive statistics. This study revealed the following areas concerning the typical middle/junior high school art program in Texas: school district size, school enrollment, art enrollment, grades in school, types of art courses, teaching objectives and approaches, art budget, resource materials, and art equipment.
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Crenças de futuros professores de física em contexto de inovação curricular: o caso de um curso de física moderna e contemporânea no ensino médio / Physics preservice teachers\' beliefs in curriculum innovation context: The case of one course of Modern and Contemporary Physics in High SchoolMarques Filho, Edson Cesar 19 May 2011 (has links)
Um movimento geral de inovação curricular tem ocorrido em muitos países nas últimas décadas. O ensino, porém, tem permanecido resistente a essas novas formulações, em grande parte, em função dos conhecimentos e crenças educacionais de professores de modo que se faz necessário levar em consideração estes fatores para o êxito real das reformulações curriculares. Nesta pesquisa nosso objetivo consistiu em identificar e analisar as crenças de futuros professores de Física em um contexto de inovação curricular particular: a inserção de tópicos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea (FMC) para alunos do Ensino Médio. Para tanto, utilizamos como referência teórica um artigo de revisão basilar sobre as crenças de professores (Pajares, 1992). Nossa metodologia foi qualitativa com 4 sujeitos estudados de um grupo de 11 alunos do curso Licenciatura em Ciências Exatas (Habilitação: Física) do Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, em 2009. Foram oferecidos aos licenciandos minicursos de dois temas de Física Moderna e Contemporânea: Física de Partículas e Nanociência, ambos com 16 horas, e, posteriormente, os futuros professores adaptaram e organizaram tais conceitos e atividades em um módulo de ensino com 4 horas para o Ensino Médio. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e aplicados questionários Likert no início e ao fim desta investigação, bem como foram realizadas gravações em vídeo. As entrevistas foram analisadas com a Análise Textual Discursiva (Moraes, 2003) e os questionários com Mapas Cognitivos (Mellado et al., 2002). Destacamos que conhecer as crenças de futuros professores sobre implementar tópicos de Física Moderna e Contemporânea no Ensino Médio é um primeiro passo importante para se buscar interferir sobre as crenças de futuros professores sobre o tema, fornecendo aos formadores de futuros professores uma perspectiva em relação às crenças deste público sobre a inserção de Física Moderna e Contemporânea no Ensino Médio, bem como ainda salientamos a importância da continuidade de 9 futuras investigações neste sentido a fim nos proporcionar um quadro geral sobre esta questão. / A general movement of curricular innovation has occurred in many countries in recent decades. The teaching, however, has remained resistant to these new formulations, largely on the basis of knowledge and educational beliefs of teachers so that it is necessary to consider these factors to the success of real curricular changes. In this research our goal was to identify and analyze the beliefs of preservice teachers of physics in the context of a particular curriculum innovation: the inclusion of Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) topics for high school students. We used as theoretical reference a review paper on basic teachers\' beliefs (Pajares, 1992). Our methodology was qualitative, with four preservice teachers studied from a group of 11 science future teachers (Physics License), from Physics Institute of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, in 2009. It was offered a minicourse to undergraduates of two Modern and Contemporary Physics topics: Particle Physics and Nanoscience, both in 16 hours, and thereafter, future teachers have adapted and arranged such concepts and activities into a teaching module with 4 hours for High School. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and were apllied Likert questionnaires at the beginning and the end of this investigation, as well as video recordings were made. The interviews were analyzed with the Discourse Textual Analysis (Moraes, 2003) and questionnaires with Cognitive Maps (Mellado et al., 2002). We stress that knowing the beliefs of teachers about implementing Modern and Contemporary Physics topics in high school is an important first step to seek to interfere in the beliefs of prospective teachers on the subject, providing trainers of future teachers a perspective on the beliefs of the public on the inclusion of Modern and Contemporary Physics in high school and still emphasize the continued importance of future investigations in this direction in order to provide a general framework on this issue.
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Consumindo a física na escola básica: a sociedade do espetáculo e as novas propostas curriculares / Consuming physics in elementary school: the society of the spectacle and the new curriculum proposalsRenato Marcon Pugliese 14 October 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação descreve uma análise do conteúdo didático de física e da implementação de duas propostas pedagógicas sob a ótica do conceito de Sociedade do Espetáculo, de Guy Debord. As propostas estudadas estão presentes na rede estadual de educação básica de São Paulo e são: i. São Paulo Faz Escola - Nova proposta curricular do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e; ii. Plano Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio - PNLEM 2007. Ambas as propostas foram implementadas durante o biênio 2008-2009 na unidade escolar investigada, no que diz respeito particularmente à disciplina de física. O conceito de espetáculo foi utilizado para contrapor os modelos de ensino autoritário, liberal ou libertador, visto que se apresenta como uma boa ferramenta para estudo da construção e da implementação dessas propostas curriculares, onde o autoritarismo aparece implícito através da publicidade e da propaganda. A escola, o governo e outras instituições participantes da implementação das novas propostas, como as editoras, apresentam caráter espetacular em diversos processos, atos e discursos que as envolvem, o que permite essa interpretação. Quando é analisado o conteúdo de física destas propostas e suas implementações, entendendo a física como cultura e, portanto, parte integrante da estrutura social atual, encontramos a negação do diálogo - crítico e consciente, como afirma Paulo Freire - e um constante autoritarismo conceitual. No entanto, sua divulgação oficial e veiculação midiática é repleta de afirmações da presença do diálogo e de ações colaborativas, o que demonstra a presença do espetáculo. São processos que se auto afirmam dialógicos, mas que cotidianamente se mostram autoritários. É a lógica da Sociedade do Espetáculo, que parece ter uma possível saída políticopedagógica a partir da valorização do diálogo consciente entre homem-mundo, homemhomem e homem-mundo-homem, o qual possui especial dedicação pelo trabalho do educador Paulo Freire. / This thesis describes an analysis of the educational content of physics and the implementation of two educational proposals from the perspective of the concept of Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord. The proposals being studied are present in public high schools of basic education from São Paulo state, and are: i. São Paulo Faz Escola - New curriculum of the state government of Sao Paulo and; ii. National Textbook for Secondary Education - PNLEM 2007. Both proposals were implemented during the 2008-2009 biennium at schools investigated, particularly with regard to the discipline of physics. The concept of spectacle was used to oppose the authoritarian, liberal or liberating models of teaching, since it presents as a good tool to study the construction and implementation of the proposed curriculum, where authoritarianism is implicit through advertising and propaganda. The school, government and other institutions participating in the implementation of the new proposals, such as publishers, have spectacular character in several processes, actions and discourses that surround them, which allows this interpretation. When analyzing the physical content of these proposals and their implementation, understanding the physics as culture and therefore part of the current social structure, we find the denial of dialogue - critical and consciously, like Paulo Freire says - and a constant conceptual authoritarianism. However, their official release and broadcast media is filled with claims from the presence of dialogue and collaborative actions, which demonstrates the presence of the spectacle. Processes that are self affirm dialogical, but who daily prove authoritarian. It is the logic of the Society of the Spectacle, which seems to have a possible solution from the political and pedagogical enhancement of conscious dialogue between man-world, man-man and man-world-man, who has special dedication for the work of educator Paulo Freire.
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Recontextualizações curriculares : uma análise sobre os processos curriculares no âmbito do planejamento e das práticas pedagógicas dos professoresSantos, Graziella Souza dos January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar os processos de recontextualização curricular protagonizados por professores da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre no âmbito dos seus planejamentos e práticas pedagógicas de ensino. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa etnográfica em duas instituições de ensino desta rede ao longo de sete meses. Com o intuito de verificar a existência e atuação do efeito-território (ANDRADE; SILVEIRA, 2013), as escolas foram selecionadas considerando a sua localização utilizando, para isso, o critério do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal, obtidos através do Censo. Assim, uma escola examinada encontrava-se em uma região da cidade com baixo IDHM e a outra em região com um IDHM mais elevado. A coleta de dados se utilizou de observações de campo, entrevistas semi-estruturadas individuais e coletivas com professores, com supervisores e com diretores escolares. Em cada escola o trabalho de cinco professores que atuam nos anos finais foi acompanhado sistematicamente no período da pesquisa. Como pressupostos teórico-metodológicos, além dos princípios da etnografia crítica (CARSPECKEN, 2011; MAINARDES; MARCONDES, 2011), o conceito de análise relacional (APPLE, 2006) foi fundante para a coleta e análise dos dados, trazendo para o trabalho a preocupação em explicitar as diversas relações que compõe os fenômenos curriculares examinados. Em se tratando de uma tese que tinha como objeto processos curriculares, as noções de currículo de Apple (2006), Sacristán (2000) e Moreira (2006, 2012) foram centrais. A partir destes autores o currículo escolar é entendido como conjunto de práticas materiais e simbólicas que orbitam em torno do conhecimento escolar, por meio do qual se constrói um determinado modo de ver e compreender o mundo. Para a compreensão dos processos de mediação do currículo escolar realizados pelos professores utilizou-se o conceito de recontextualização de Bernstein (1996). A partir dele se compreendeu que os processos realizados pelos docentes em relação ao currículo, no âmbito de seus planejamentos e práticas pedagógicas, envolvem adaptações, recriações, reconstruções e por fim a criação de novos sentidos. A análise de dados evidenciou que em ambas as escolas os processos de planejamento eram semelhantes e ocorriam através de um processo híbrido de seleção de conhecimentos a partir da atuação de alguns elementos recontextualizadores: o currículo institucional, as políticas curriculares multiescalares, os saberes docentes e a supervisão pedagógica. A análise das práticas pedagógicas levou em conta, baseada em Sacristan (2000), o tipo de tarefa privilegiada e o nível de exigência conceitual com a qual ela operava. A análise longitudinal das aulas observadas evidenciou que os professores acabavam utilizando alguns tipos de atividades de forma predominante. Os dados evidenciaram que no âmbito das práticas pedagógicas havia uma diferença mais significativa entre as escolas. Na escola situada em região com melhor IDHM predominavam atividades mais complexas e de maior nível conceitual. De outro lado, na escola situada em uma região de maior vulnerabilidade social e menor IDHM os professores tendiam a utilizar práticas pedagógicas mais simplificadas e com menor nível de exigência conceitual. Apesar de haver nuances diversas no trabalho dos professores de ambas as escolas os resultados permitem afirmar que o efeito território, junto de outros fatores identificados, se traduziram em elementos importantes que atuam e conformam os processos curriculares protagonizados pelos professores. / This dissertation aims at analyzing the processes of curricular recontextualization carried out by teachers of the Municipal Teaching Network of Porto Alegre within the framework of their planning and pedagogical teaching practices. For so, an ethnographic research was conducted in two teaching institutions of this network along seven months. With the purpose of verifying the existence and operation of the territory-effect (ANDRADE; SILVEIRA, 2013), the schools were selected considering their localization making use, for this, the criteria of the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI), obtained through Census. Thus, a school examined is located in a region of the city with low MHDI and the other with a higher MHDI. The data collection made use of field observations, individual and collective semi-structured interviews with teachers, supervisors and principals. The work of five teachers who act in the final years of the Elementary School in each school was systematically accompanied during the period of the research. As theoretical-methodological assumptions, besides the principles of critical ethnography (MAINARDES; MARCONDES, 2011), the concept of relational analysis (APPLE, 2006) was the basis for the collection and analysis of data, bringing to the paper the concern to make explicit the diverse relationships which compose the curricular phenomena examined. In the case of a dissertation which had as its object curricular processes, Apple’s (2006), Sacristán’s (2000) and Moreira’s (2006, 2012) notions of curriculum were central. From these authors the school curriculum is understood as a set of material and symbolic practices which orbit around school knowledge, through which a certain way of seeing and understanding the world is constructed. For the understanding of the processes of mediation of the school curriculum performed by teachers Bernstein’s (1996) concept of recontextualization was used. From it, it was understood that the processes carried out by the teachers in relation to the curriculum, within their planning and pedagogical practices, involve adaptations, recreations, reconstructions and, finally, the creation of new senses. The data analysis showed that in both schools the planning processes were similar and occurred through a hybrid process of selection of knowledge from the work of some recontextualizing elements: the institutional curriculum, the multiscale curricular policies, the teaching knowledge and the pedagogical supervision. The analysis of the pedagogical practices took into consideration, based on Sacristan (2000), the type of privileged task and the level of conceptual requirement with which it operated. The longitudinal analysis of the classes observed showed that the teachers ended up using, predominantly, some types of activities. The data showed that in the scope of pedagogical practices there was a more significant difference between schools. In the school located in a region with better MHDI more complex and of high conceptual level activities predominated. On the other hand, in the school located in a region of greater social vulnerability and lower MHDI, teachers tended to use more simplified pedagogical practices. Although there are diverse nuances in the work of the teachers of both schools the results allow to affirm that the territorial effect, along with other identified factors, have translated into important elements which act and conform the curricular processes carried out by the teachers.
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A mulher indígena no processo de formação social e cultural e a construção de propostas curriculares para a escola na Comunidade Indígena Araçá da Serra / T. I. Raposa Serra do SolRamos, Léia da Silva 16 November 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Kamila Costa (kamilavasconceloscosta@gmail.com) on 2015-06-22T19:02:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-16 / Não Informada / In this paper we study the transmission and acquisition processes of knowledge of the Social Process Training for Indigenous Women, to thus be able to think curricular proposals for the in Araçá da Serra community school, Raposa Serra do Sol. This is a qualitative research through ethnography describes and analyzes the knowledge associated with cassava planting and processing flour and “caxiri”. Thus, deepened the understanding of the knowledge of indigenous women and the social mechanisms of transmission thereof, or of indigenous education in the perspective of women. From the activities carried out by women and using intercultural inductive method, we propose feasible educational activities to be developed in the indigenous school, to think proposals based on community reality and activities that children know. In the study of knowledge also appeared several conflicts due to the school levy, churches and other institutions and situations that have led to changes within families and the community. Finally this work invited us to reflect on the relationship between indigenous education and indigenous education and the current challenges of Araçá da Serra community, that lives renewal processes and cultural change, which is not without conflict. / No presente trabalho estudamos os processos de transmissão e aquisição dos conhecimentos relativos ao Processo Social de Formação da Mulher Indígena, para, assim poder pensar propostas curriculares para a Escola na comunidade Araçá da Serra, Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que através da etnografia descreve e analisa os conhecimentos associados ao cultivo de mandioca e ao processamento de farinha e caxiri. Com isso, aprofundamos a compreensão sobre os conhecimentos das mulheres indígenas e os mecanismos sociais de transmissão dos mesmos, ou seja, da educação indígena na perspectiva das mulheres. Deste modo, a partir das atividades realizadas por mulheres e utilizando o método indutivo intercultural, propomos ações educativas factíveis de serem desenvolvidas na escola indígena, de forma a pensar propostas baseadas na realidade da comunidade e nas atividades que as crianças conhecem. No estudo dos conhecimentos apareceram também diversos conflitos, devido à imposição da escola, de igrejas e de outras instituições e situações que vêm provocando mudanças no interior das famílias e da comunidade. Finalmente este trabalho nos convidou a refletir sobre a relação entre educação indígena e educação escolar indígena e os desafios atuais da comunidade Araçá, que vive processos de renovação e mudança cultural, o que não está isenta de conflitos.
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Consumindo a física na escola básica: a sociedade do espetáculo e as novas propostas curriculares / Consuming physics in elementary school: the society of the spectacle and the new curriculum proposalsPugliese, Renato Marcon 14 October 2011 (has links)
A presente dissertação descreve uma análise do conteúdo didático de física e da implementação de duas propostas pedagógicas sob a ótica do conceito de Sociedade do Espetáculo, de Guy Debord. As propostas estudadas estão presentes na rede estadual de educação básica de São Paulo e são: i. São Paulo Faz Escola - Nova proposta curricular do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e; ii. Plano Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio - PNLEM 2007. Ambas as propostas foram implementadas durante o biênio 2008-2009 na unidade escolar investigada, no que diz respeito particularmente à disciplina de física. O conceito de espetáculo foi utilizado para contrapor os modelos de ensino autoritário, liberal ou libertador, visto que se apresenta como uma boa ferramenta para estudo da construção e da implementação dessas propostas curriculares, onde o autoritarismo aparece implícito através da publicidade e da propaganda. A escola, o governo e outras instituições participantes da implementação das novas propostas, como as editoras, apresentam caráter espetacular em diversos processos, atos e discursos que as envolvem, o que permite essa interpretação. Quando é analisado o conteúdo de física destas propostas e suas implementações, entendendo a física como cultura e, portanto, parte integrante da estrutura social atual, encontramos a negação do diálogo - crítico e consciente, como afirma Paulo Freire - e um constante autoritarismo conceitual. No entanto, sua divulgação oficial e veiculação midiática é repleta de afirmações da presença do diálogo e de ações colaborativas, o que demonstra a presença do espetáculo. São processos que se auto afirmam dialógicos, mas que cotidianamente se mostram autoritários. É a lógica da Sociedade do Espetáculo, que parece ter uma possível saída políticopedagógica a partir da valorização do diálogo consciente entre homem-mundo, homemhomem e homem-mundo-homem, o qual possui especial dedicação pelo trabalho do educador Paulo Freire. / This thesis describes an analysis of the educational content of physics and the implementation of two educational proposals from the perspective of the concept of Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord. The proposals being studied are present in public high schools of basic education from São Paulo state, and are: i. São Paulo Faz Escola - New curriculum of the state government of Sao Paulo and; ii. National Textbook for Secondary Education - PNLEM 2007. Both proposals were implemented during the 2008-2009 biennium at schools investigated, particularly with regard to the discipline of physics. The concept of spectacle was used to oppose the authoritarian, liberal or liberating models of teaching, since it presents as a good tool to study the construction and implementation of the proposed curriculum, where authoritarianism is implicit through advertising and propaganda. The school, government and other institutions participating in the implementation of the new proposals, such as publishers, have spectacular character in several processes, actions and discourses that surround them, which allows this interpretation. When analyzing the physical content of these proposals and their implementation, understanding the physics as culture and therefore part of the current social structure, we find the denial of dialogue - critical and consciously, like Paulo Freire says - and a constant conceptual authoritarianism. However, their official release and broadcast media is filled with claims from the presence of dialogue and collaborative actions, which demonstrates the presence of the spectacle. Processes that are self affirm dialogical, but who daily prove authoritarian. It is the logic of the Society of the Spectacle, which seems to have a possible solution from the political and pedagogical enhancement of conscious dialogue between man-world, man-man and man-world-man, who has special dedication for the work of educator Paulo Freire.
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Teaching the Japanese American internment : a case study of social studies curriculum contention /Camicia, Steven Paul. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2007. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 223-238).
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Individen i centrum! : En diskursanalytisk studie av individframställningen i läroplanerna från 60-talet till 90-talet / Focusing on the individual! : A discourse analysis of the portrayal of the individual in the compulsory school - curriculums, from the 60's to the 90'sHayyoun, Dounya January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper was to look into how the individual has been portrayed in the different curriculums for Swedish compulsory school from the 60’s to the 90’s. This was done in order to see what type of discourse –monocultural- multicultural- or intercultural- the understanding of the individual has led to.</p><p>The purpose was divided into five questions: <em>Who is the individual in the curriculums? How is the individual portrayed in relation to education in the curriculums? How is the individual portrayed in relation to society in the curriculums? What type of discourse - monocultural- multicultural- or intercultural- is mirrored in the different curriculums? Is it possible to see tendencies in the discourses that lead closer to, or farther away from, an intercultural perspective? </em></p><p><em></em>The material that was analysed consists of four different curriculums: Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80, and Lpo 94.</p><p>The method used was a discourse analytic approach based on the theory of social constructionism. The answers to the questions asked were structured with the support from definitions of monocultural discourse, multicultural discourse, and intercultural discourse, derived from Pirjo Lahdenperäs (2008) descriptions of different organizational cultures.</p><p>The main conclusion drawn from this analysis was the fact that the intercultural discourse about the individual has not been obtained. Instead, the monocultural discourse has been dominant for a long time. There have been tendencies showing a move towards a more multicultural-, or intercultural discourse in Lgr 80 and Lpo 94, but these perspectives have not been fully accomplished due to there always existing a cultural norm.</p>
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Individen i centrum! : En diskursanalytisk studie av individframställningen i läroplanerna från 60-talet till 90-talet / Focusing on the individual! : A discourse analysis of the portrayal of the individual in the compulsory school - curriculums, from the 60's to the 90'sHayyoun, Dounya January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to look into how the individual has been portrayed in the different curriculums for Swedish compulsory school from the 60’s to the 90’s. This was done in order to see what type of discourse –monocultural- multicultural- or intercultural- the understanding of the individual has led to. The purpose was divided into five questions: Who is the individual in the curriculums? How is the individual portrayed in relation to education in the curriculums? How is the individual portrayed in relation to society in the curriculums? What type of discourse - monocultural- multicultural- or intercultural- is mirrored in the different curriculums? Is it possible to see tendencies in the discourses that lead closer to, or farther away from, an intercultural perspective? The material that was analysed consists of four different curriculums: Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80, and Lpo 94. The method used was a discourse analytic approach based on the theory of social constructionism. The answers to the questions asked were structured with the support from definitions of monocultural discourse, multicultural discourse, and intercultural discourse, derived from Pirjo Lahdenperäs (2008) descriptions of different organizational cultures. The main conclusion drawn from this analysis was the fact that the intercultural discourse about the individual has not been obtained. Instead, the monocultural discourse has been dominant for a long time. There have been tendencies showing a move towards a more multicultural-, or intercultural discourse in Lgr 80 and Lpo 94, but these perspectives have not been fully accomplished due to there always existing a cultural norm.
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Naturvetenskap i förskolan : Mekanismer som påverkar lärarens planering och realisering av naturvetenskapen i förskolan. / Natural science in the Pre - school : Mechanisms that influence planning and implementation of natural science in the Pre - SchoolJansson, Hjördis January 2007 (has links)
Den här rapporten undersöker vilken uppfattning och kunskap lärarna i förskolan har om naturvetenskap och hur den införlivas i praktiken enligt förskolans läroplan och lokala styrdokument. Syftet med den här undersökningen är att ta reda på: (i) Vad är naturvetenskap för lärarna i förskolan? (ii) Vilka mekanismer styr lärarnas planering och realisering av naturvetenskapen i det pedagogiska vardagsarbetet? Material och data till undersökningen har samlats ihop genom kvalitativa intervjuer med sju lärare i förskolan. Rapporten visar att övervägande delen av lärarna i förskolan ser naturvetenskapen som att vistas i skog och mark. Vad det gäller faktorer som påverkar planering och realisering av naturvetenskapen framkom det genom intervjumaterialet att det är: (i) Kompetens, (ii) förståelse av naturvetenskapen och dess innehåll och (iii) insikten av de styrdokument som förskolan lyder under. Utifrån gällanden styrdokument i förskolan är naturvetenskapen ett kunskapsområde som bör lyftas och synliggöras i den pedagogiska vardagen. För att uppfylla dessa krav bör lärarna i förskolan öka sin kunskap inom denna vetenskapsgren. / This report investigates the perception and knowledge of natural science amongst pre-school teachers and how natural science is currently incorporated into the pre-school curriculum. The aims of these investigations are in particular to: (i) Establish what natural science means (and implicates) to pre-school teachers. (ii) Identify factors that influence planning and implementation of natural science in the pre-school curriculum. Material and data for the abovementioned investigations have been gathered through qualitative interviews with seven active pre-school teachers. The report finds that a majority of the interviewees only have a very basic understanding of natural science and therefore often fail to adequately incorporate natural science in the daily pre-school curriculum. The report furthermore finds that amongst the interviewees the factors that influence planning and implementation of natural science in the pre-school curriculum are: (i) competence, (ii) perception and knowledge of natural science and (iii) interpretation of the pre-school curriculum guidelines. Current pre-school curriculum guidelines stresses the importance of natural science and encourages pre-school teachers to increase the awareness of natural science by incorporating it in the daily curriculum. This report argues that in order to increase the awareness of natural science the knowledge and perception of natural science amongst pre-school teachers must first be improved.
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