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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Home Schooling in Virginia: An Analysis of the Fiscal Relationship between Home Schooling and Virginia Public School Finances

Davis, Evelina McIntire 24 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Home School Enrollment and Virginia Public School Finances. Enrollment trends were examined from Fall 2001 through Fall 2010 to determine if there was an increase in Home School Enrollment over the ten year examination period. Also, two sets of Virginia Standards of Quality Variables (SOQs), Expenditures (Instructional Salaries, Administrative Salaries, Per Pupil Expenditures) and Revenues (State Portion of Basic Aid, State Portion of ADM funds and Enumerated Funds) were examined in relation with Home School Enrollment to determine if Home School Enrollment influenced Virginia Public School Finances at all. Superintendents’ Region I, one of Virginia’s eight superintendents’ regions, served as the sample population. The study revealed that Instructional and Administrative Salaries were correlated to an increase in Home School Enrollment while Per Pupil Expenditures correlations revealed no relationship. Strong correlations were revealed between an increase in Home School Enrollment and State Portion of Basic Aid while correlations between State Portion of ADM funds and Enumerated revealed no relationship. The study results revealed that Home School Enrollment does not cost or save Virginia Public Schools. Significant relationships were found but whether Home School Enrollment presents a savings or an expense to Virginia Public School Finances was not concluded. The relationships, results, implications and recommendations are presented and discuss

An exploration of children in middle childhood`s homeschooling experience

Mills, Kathryn Jean 11 1900 (has links)
The study explores children in middle childhood’s experiences of homeschooling. The researcher makes use of a qualitative research design in the form of a case study, studying the participants’ experiences of homeschooling in their natural setting. The sample consisted of children in middle childhood who participated in semi-structured interviews exploring their individual experiences pertaining to learning at home, their familial relationships and their social learning in the homeschooling environment. Developmental aspects relating specifically to middle childhood are discussed and utilised along with the views of the participants in this study, those of experts, and literature reviews in order to gain a genuine understanding of the child’s experience of homeschooling. / Sociology / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Trends in Participation Rates of Home Educating in B.C., 1993 to 2013

Gardner, Nicole 21 August 2015 (has links)
When a family in British Columbia (B.C.) chooses to educate their child at home, they have two legal options: enrollment in a Distributed Learning (DL) program or registration under Section 12 (S12) of the School Act as a homeschooler. To date, there has been very little published on trends in participation rates and growth rates with regards to home educating options in B.C. The current study employs a quantitative archival design to document trends in DL and S12 across age, gender and location. Home educating is on the rise in B.C. over the past twenty years, largely due to an increase in enrollment in DL programs while registration under S12 has declined. Distinct patterns in age, gender and location between S12 and DL are apparent in the data. Growth rates among age categories in DL mirror declines in S12. While there are slightly more males than females in the total school-aged population in B.C., within DL programs there are more females than males at the secondary level. In 1993/1994 rural children were more likely to be educated at home than urban children in B.C.; today the opposite is true. Further research is needed to ascertain why these trends persist. / Graduate / 0525 / 0529 / ngardner@uvic.ca

Evolution of inequalities in access to secondary schooling in Uganda / Évolution des inégalités d'accès à l'enseignement secondaire en Ouganda

Kakuba, Christian 25 November 2014 (has links)
Alors que l’accès à l’éducation est au cœur du développement, le fait qu’une éducation soutenue et de qualité soit un facteur critique pour l’émancipation d’individus et de sociétés entières ne fait plus l’objet de débats. En effet, la myriade d’avantages liés à une éducation de masse soutenue et de qualité présuppose qu’elle soit à la portée de tous, comme il est décrit dans l’objectif 2 de l’Education pour tous et les buts 2 et 3 des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. L’Ouganda étant l’un des premiers pays d’Afrique Subsaharienne à introduire l’éducation primaire et secondaire universelle, respectivement en 1997 et 2007, cette thèse s’attache à comprendre jusqu’à quel point ces politiques de démocratisation de l’éducation ont permis de réduire les inégalités d’accès à l’école secondaire. Ce travail utilise principalement les données des enquêtes nationales de ménages de 2005/2006 et 2009/2010 qui procurent des informations sur le profil éducatif des membres du ménage ainsi que d’autres caractéristiques qui, selon les études préalables influent sur les parcours scolaires. Par le moyen de modèles multivariés pertinents, il a été possible de décrire l’évolution des inégalités d’accès à l’école secondaire, de transition du primaire au secondaire, et d’accès aux internats, ce pour l’ensemble des enfants de 13 à 24 ans. L’universalisation de l’éducation au niveau primaire comme secondaire n’a ni pu améliorer l’achèvement du cycle primaire ni réduire les inégalités d’accès au secondaire. En effet, achever le cycle primaire et accéder au secondaire demeurent principalement la prérogative d’enfants issus de milieux socio-économiques privilégiés, de zones urbaines et de la région centrale. Lorsque le chef de ménage n’est pas lui-même allé au secondaire, ou que le ménage se situe en deçà du 25e percentile de revenus, lorsqu’il est en milieu rural, ou situé dans l’Est, l’Ouest ou le Nord du pays, ses jeunes membres demeurent largement exclus du cycle secondaire. En outre, alors que les internats (dont certains sont des écoles publiques) sont connus pour offrir une éducation de meilleure qualité qui permettrait la mobilité sociale pour les enfants défavorisés, ils sont généralement inaccessibles aux pauvres selon la politique sur les internats ce qui accroît les inégalités d'accès à l'enseignement secondaire de qualité. Alors que les inégalités d’accès au niveau secondaire pour tous les enfants persistent, la transition du primaire au secondaire, pour les enfants de milieux socio-économiques les moins aisés, semble plus difficile dans le passé récent qu’auparavant, ce qui implique que la plupart des enfants qui se trouvaient dans un cercle vicieux du désavantage, très probablement y demeureront. / While access to basic education is at the heart of development, the fact that sustained and meaningful education is critical for emancipation of the individual and entire society is no longer a matter of debate. Indeed, the myriad of advantages associated with sustained and quality mass education presuppose that it should be enjoyed by all as espoused in Education for All Goal 2 and Millennium Development Goals 2 and 3. Since Uganda was one of the first countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to introduce universal primary and secondary education in 1997 and 2007 respectively, this study endeavored to understand the extent to which the said democratization of education has eclipsed inequalities in accessing secondary schooling. This study largely used Uganda National Household Survey data for 2005/6 and 2009/10 that had information on schooling profiles of the household population and other characteristics that have been found to explain schooling outcome differentials. Through appropriate multivariate models, it was possible to map the evolution of inequalities in accessing secondary schooling for all children aged 13-24, making a transition for the ones that completed primary and accessing boarding facilities. Universalizing education at both levels has failed both to enhance completion of primary and dampen inequalities in accessing secondary schooling. Indeed, completion of primary and transition to secondary remain a prerogative of largely children from better socio-economic backgrounds, urban areas and the central region. Children in households below the 25th top percentile of household income, those in the rural, East, West and North, and those under household heads with less than secondary education, remain largely excluded from secondary schooling. Besides, whereas boarding schools (some of which are government schools) are known to offer better quality education that would enable social mobility for disadvantaged children, they are largely inaccessible to the poor as a matter of policy and this exacerbates inequalities in accessing quality secondary schooling. While inequalities in accessing secondary education for all eligible children have largely persisted, making a transition by children from poorer socio-economic backgrounds seems to be more difficult in the recent past than before implying that most children previously entangled in a vicious cycle of disadvantage, are most likely to remain so.

Liens familiaux et socialisation de l’adolescent trisomique 21 scolarisé : Etude clinique à partir de l’écoute des adolescents et des parents / Family bounds and socialization of adolescents with Down’s syndrome are they sent to school : A clinical research operated from the speech of these adolescents and of their parents

Ferrère, Nathalie 29 November 2012 (has links)
Avec une démarche clinique et à l’aide d’outils originaux, cette thèse explore et analyse les mouvements psychiques et sociaux que provoque l’adolescence chez les jeunes trisomiques 21 et leurs parents. Le vécu des adolescents est apprécié grâce à une méthodologie croisée (entretien, supports projectifs, observations, groupe de parole). Des entretiens semi-directifs ont permis d’explorer le vécu des parents. Les transformations liées à l’adolescence ont eu des répercussions sur l’évolution du rapport à soi et aux autres de l’adolescent trisomique 21 et sur l’expérience des parents. Au cours de cette période marquée par le changement, les blessures psychiques et affectives causées par les effets traumatiques du handicap sont réactivées. L’adolescent et le parent sont retraversés par un vécu de violence (en lien avec l’émergence de la sexualité, les limites et les formes de rejet qu’imposent le handicap) qui les fragilisent sur le plan narcissique. Chacun développe des stratégies défensives, pour y faire face. Dans ce contexte, il apparaît que l’investissement de la sphère sociale par le parent et l’adolescent, l’acceptation d’un Tiers dans la relation puissent offrir des voies de dégagement au jeune pour poursuivre sa construction. Les réflexions méthodologiques permettent de souligner l’importance de donner la parole à ces jeunes, qui traduisent un grand désir de se raconter. Elles montrent aussi les limites de l’utilisation des outils cliniques classiques auprès de cette population, et de la nécessaire adaptation des supports / With a clinical approach and by means of original implement, this thesis explores and analyses the psychological and social movements which adolescence engenders for the Down's syndrome young persons and their parents. The adolescent's living experience is appreciated thanks to a mixed methodology (interviews, projective tests, observations, group talks). Semi-direct interviews enabled to explore the parent's personal experience. The transformations related to adolescence had repercussions on the evolution of the Down's syndrome adolescent's relation to the self and the others and on the parents' experience. During this period of time marked by changing, the psychological and affective wounds caused by the handicap's trauma effects are reactivated. The adolescent and the parent go again through a living experience of violence (linked to the emergence of sexuality, the limits and forms of reject imposed by the handicap) which weaken themselves on the narcissistic point of view. To confront it, each of them develops defensive strategies. In that context, it appears that the adolescent's and the parents' investment in the social sphere, the acceptance of a third party in the relationship, would offer ways to liberation so that the adolescent is able to pursue their construction. The methodological reflexions enable to underline how important it is to talk for these young persons, who reveal a great desire to tell about themselves. These reflexions also show the limits in the use of standard clinical implement with this population, as well as the back-ups' required adjustment

Citizenship education in South Africa : a critique of post-apartheid citizenship education policy.

Mathebula, Philemon Thokozani 04 March 2010 (has links)
It is widely agreed that effective citizenship, whether in well-established democracies or in those in transition to democracy, require some educational preparation. In post-apartheid South Africa, education policy and subsequent curriculum development placed participatory democracy and active citizenship at its centre. Although South African education policy documents have a maximalist tone in places, they collectively reflect a minimalist conception of citizenship and of citizenship education. The focus of my critique of citizenship education policy is the tendency manifest in the state policy documents to undermine democratic participation and active citizenry, conceptions first developed and put into practice in the Greek city-state of Athens. The conception of education for citizenship does not guide the practice in terms accessible to the school’s democratic community. State policy’s concept of students’ democratic participation and representation does not reflect a representative model of democracy in South African schools. Furthermore, extant policy does not envisage democratic citizenship education that is enjoyed by a significant proportion of the South African learners. This minimalist conception of citizenship and of citizenship education is not appropriate for the South African context. This thesis, further, mounts a defence of compulsion, arguing that within the theoretical framework of current theories of the Athenian prototype of democracy, deliberative and representative democracy, compulsory schooling and compulsory citizenship education can be justified on the grounds that they promote individual autonomy and build social cohesion ― towards the common good in South Africa. The recently proposed compulsory citizenship education programmes are not compatible with compulsory citizenship education that is designed to promote active, critical and inquiring South African citizens. These value-based education documents promote obedience, if not unquestioning loyalty, to the South African government. Moreover, neither the Bill of Responsibilities nor the School Pledge offer possible strategies for getting from where we are to where we ought to be. In the final analysis, post-apartheid citizenship education policy’s lack of conceptual clarity, coherence and consistency can be attributed in large part to the conflicting forms and conceptions of citizenship in South Africa. The goals of citizenship education in South Africa would be better served by cosmopolitan ideals, that is, preparing South African learners to act in a local, national and global scale.

Portfólios de produção textual na escola: relações sujeito-escrita e sujeito-instituição / Portfolios of texts at school: the subject-writing and subject-institution relationships

Moraes, Luiza Guimarães de 20 March 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação se desenvolveu com o propósito de investigar as relações sujeito-escrita e sujeito-instituição escolar estabelecidas por alunos do Ensino Fundamental 2 (F2) quando postos sistematicamente em situação de autoavaliação, escrevendo sobre a própria escrita. A partir da análise de portfólios de produção textual compostos por alunos ano a ano durante o F2, objetivou-se investigar de que maneiras as respostas dos sujeitos ao chamado institucional escolar de tomar a palavra sobre a própria escrita e sobre a própria aprendizagem impactam a constituição do sujeito enquanto escritor. Buscou-se mostrar tipos de respostas geradas pela tensão posta na situação de autoavaliação; deslocamentos dos sujeitos em relação à forma como respondem à instituição; e impactos na escrita dos alunos pelo processo de extradição do sujeito promovido pela escola. O corpus da pesquisa foi composto por cartas elaboradas pelos alunos para seus professores, em que comentam a própria escrita e os próprios textos. A análise se fundamentou nos conceitos de diálogo, enunciação, excedente de visão e polifonia, propostos por Bakhtin, além de valer-se de conceitos vindos da Análise do Discurso: heterogeneidade e metaenunciação (Authier-Revuz, 1990, 1998; Possenti, 2002, 2009). A partir dos resultados obtidos, foi possível concluir que o embate entre sujeito e instituição, na situação de (auto)avaliação, gera diferentes tensões que, mais ou menos intensas, promovem diferentes respostas dos sujeitos: (1) a repetição do discurso institucional; (2) o domínio da metalinguagem escolar e o posicionamento no lugar do avaliador; (3) a possibilidade de o sujeito constituir a sua escrita a partir de uma posição singular, por meio da metaenunciação e da polifonia. Neste último caso, perguntamo-nos que fatores levariam à possibilidade de deslocamento dos sujeitos de uma posição enunciativa para uma posição metaenunciativa. Além do posicionamento sistemático no lugar da avaliação, outorgado pela instituição, concluímos que para o sujeito escritor constituir-se mais autoralmente e escrever com autonomia dentro da escola, é preciso encontrar um lugar de complexidade com a instituição escolar, em que a institucionalização e a subjetivação se dão de forma não dicotômica. Vimos pelas análises que esse lugar de complexidade fica favorecido quando há uma articulação entre o intra e o extraescolar, já que ele se compõe pela possibilidade de o sujeito estar dentro e fora do discurso escolar ao mesmo tempo; submeter-se e posicionar-se autonomamente. Por fim, concluímos que, na tensão produzida entre sujeito e instituição, quando houve adesão plena do sujeito à instituição, a singularidade do sujeito escritor não se constituiu, assim como quando não houve adesão. Na tensão entre adesão e autonomia, o sujeito escritor pode se constituir em sua singularidade. / This dissertation has been developed to investigate the subject/writing and subject/institution relationships established by students in Ensino Fundamental (F2) when they were systematically put in a situation of self-assessment, writing about their own writing. From the analysis of portfolios of texts produced by students year after year during F2, our goal has been to investigate in what ways the responses of the subjects to the school institutional calling - to speak about their own writing and their own learning - impact the constitution of the subject as a writer. We tried to show types of responses generated by the tension of the self-assessment; shifts in the subjects regarding the way they respond to the institution; and impacts in the writings of the students caused by the process of extradition of the subject carried out by the school. The corpus of the research comprises a collection of letters written by the students to their teachers, letters in which they comment on their own writing and their own texts. Our analysis is based on the concepts of dialogue, enunciation, surplus of vision, and polyphony, as put forth by Bakhtin, as well as on concepts taken from Análise do Discurso: heterogeneidade and metaenunciação (Authier-Revuz, 1990, 1998; Possenti, 2002, 2009). It has been possible to conclude from our results that the clash between subject and institution, in the setting of the (self)assessment, begets varied tensions that, more or less intense, elicit different responses from the subjects: (1) the repetition of the institutional discourse; (2) mastery of the school metalanguage and putting themselves in the place of the evaluator; (3) the possibility that the writer builds their own writing from a singular perspective, by means of metaenunciation and polyphony. Regarding the latter point, we have asked ourselves what factors could lead to the possibility of a shift in the subjects from an enunciative to a meataenunciative stance. Besides the systematic placement in the assessment situation, granted by the institution, we have come to conclude that in order for the subjectwriter to become more authorial and write with more autonomy inside the school, we have to find a place of complexity with the school institution in which institutionalization and subjectification take place in a non-dichotomic way. Our analysis has shown us that this place of complexity is favored when there is a connection between intra and extra-school elements, given that it is created by the possibility that the subject can be simultaneously in and out the school discourse; abyding by it and taking an autonomous stance. Finally, we conclude that, in the tension produced between subject and institution, when the subject adhered fully to the institution, the singularity of the subject-writer did not come to be, as well as when there was no adherence. In the tension between adherence and autonomy, the subject-writer might come to be in their singularity.

Skolgång i samhällets vård : En intervjustudie om unga vuxnas erfarenheter av sin skolgång under placeringstiden / Schooling in out-of-home care : an interview-study of young adults’ experience with schooling while in placement

Al-idani, Dua, Habib, Daniella January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftade till att förstå hur unga vuxna som tidigare varit samhällsplacerade retrospektivt beskriver sin skolgång. Fem unga vuxna i åldrarna 21-26 år intervjuades i en kvalitativ studie. Teorin KASAM hjälpte oss att identifiera de resurser och faktorer som bidrog till graden av informanternas känsla av sammanhang. Resultatet visade att samtliga intervjupersoner blev placerade i olika åldrar och hade skilda erfarenheter av sin skolgång under placeringstiden. Samtliga intervjupersoner fick stöd från vuxna med sina studier vilket hade en positiv inverkan på deras skolgång. Resultatet visade även att vissa informanter hade en negativ erfarenhet av skolgången under placeringstiden på grund av mobbning, psykisk ohälsa och ett flertal omplaceringar. Då vi endast intervjuade fem personer gick det inte att generalisera resultatet till en större kontext i förhållande till tidigare forskning. Gemensamt för samtliga informanter var att de hade läst på högskolenivå eller hade planer på att göra det. / The aim of this study was to understand how young adults whom previously had been in out-of-home care retrospectively described their schooling. Five young adults between the ages of 21-26 were interviewed in a qualitative study. The theory KASAM helped identify the resources and factors that influenced the informants’ sense of coherence. The results showed that the informants were put in out-of-home care at different ages and had different experiences with their studies while in care. They received help from adults in regards to their studies, which had a positive impact on their schooling. Some informants had negative experiences from their schooling while in care caused by bullying, mental health issues and having to move multiple times. Because of our small sample we could not generalize the results. What the informants had in common was the fact that they had college-level education or were planning to receive it.

Processos de escolarização precária de jovens em um bairro de classe média na cidade de São Paulo / Processes of precarious schooling among youngsters in a middle class neighbourhood in São Paulo city

Cremasco, Marilda José 06 July 2006 (has links)
Muito se fala sobre os problemas do cotidiano escolar, o fracasso escolar e sobre os alunos considerados problemas. Pouco discutimos sobre as práticas pedagógicas cotidianas no interior das escolas. Menor ênfase ainda é dada ao relato dos jovens sobre suas vivências escolares e os modos como as experimentam. Com o intuito de analisar esta temática, abordamos o assunto a partir de uma pesquisa realizada no site da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES - em que percebemos que os alunos têm sido pouco ouvidos e que as publicações acadêmicas focalizam em geral \"sujeitos\" advindos das classes mais pobres e dos bairros periféricos. O inusitado do presente estudo refere-se à sua localização: um bairro de classe média na cidade de São Paulo. Procuramos ouvir, observar e analisar um grupo de jovens que diariamente permanece na porta de uma escola pública de ensino fundamental e médio, os quais, a princípio, imaginávamos não estudarem mais. Com o decorrer do trabalho de campo, apreendemos que eles ainda são matriculados na escola e que, em alguns dias, entram e assistem às aulas: \"Dependendo do professor\", segundo suas próprias palavras. Nos demais dias, ficam na entrada da escola, conversando, tocando violão e fumando. No processo de compreender o que permeia este ato de \"ficar na porta\" descobrimos que se trata de uma resistência em abandonar de vez a instituição. É importante destacar que as autoridades escolares passam por eles diariamente sem demonstram interesse algum em reinseri-los em seus papéis de alunos freqüentes à escola. E eles, por sua vez, participam ativamente do jogo quando lhes convém. Prática esta que aprenderam dentro da escola quando seus professores os retiravam da sala de aula e eles ficavam livres para estar onde quisessem. Práticas como estas compõe o que denominamos de processo de escolarização precária . Este estudo apresenta algumas contribuições relacionadas a este processo. / There is much talk about the problems in the everyday life of schools, about school failure and the so-called troublesome students, but very little has been discussed about the pedagogical practices inside schools. Little attention has been given to the youngsters\' accounts of their school experiences and their way of going through them. With the purpose of analysing this latter issue, we initiate our study with a bibliographical search inside the CAPES academic resources website - in which we noticed that the presence of the students´ voice in the published research is minimal, and that the academic studies have largely focused on the subjects of the poorer urban neighbourhoods. The new element in our study refers to the locus in which it was carried out: a middle class neighbourhood in São Paulo city. We tried to observe, to listen to and to analyse a group of youngsters that used to hang around the gateway of a public primary and secondary school. We thought initially that they were out of school. During the fieldwork we learned that they were still enrolled at the school and that some days they come in to attend the classes: In their own words: \"It depends on the teacher\". On the other days they stay at the gateway, lingering, playing guitar and smoking. In the process of understanding what was underlying their act of \"staying at the school gateway\" we realized that it was a way of resisting to definitively abandoning the institution. It is important to notice that the school authorities pass by them on a daily basis and do not show any interest in bringing them back to their place as regular students. And the students, in their turn, take active part in this game, as long as it is convenient for them. A practice they learned inside the school, when their teachers put them out of the classroom freeing them to be wherever they wanted. Practices such as that comprise what we denominate here the process of precarious schooling. This study presents contributions related to this process.

Os determinantes dos gastos educacionais e seus impactos sobre a qualidade do ensino / The determinants of educational expenditures and their impacts on school performance

Amaral, Luiz Felipe Leite Estanislau do 12 May 2011 (has links)
O objetivo dessa dissertação é estimar de forma apropriada o impacto dos gastos públicos em educação sobre o desempenho escolar. Tal questão ainda não está devidamente esclarecida na literatura especializada: de fronte de uma aparente ausência de relação entre as variáveis, determinados autores argumentam que esse é um resultado da estrutura de incentivos dos sistemas públicos de ensino enquanto outros argumentam que se trata de um problema de identificação empírica, especificamente de endogeneidade dos gastos. O presente trabalho busca usar, no Brasil, a transição do FUNDEF para o FUNDEB como instrumento para os gastos municipais no ensino fundamental. O FUNDEF e o FUNDEB são fundos de redistribuição de recursos que devem ser empregados obrigatoriamente no ensino. O primeiro teve vigência de 1996 a 2006 e se restringia ao ensino fundamental enquanto o segundo teve início em 2007 e engloba todo o ensino básico. Argumenta-se que tal transição pode ser encarada de como exógena e, com isso, técnicas de variáveis instrumentais são usadas para obter o impacto de aumentos nos gastos no ensino fundamental por aluno no ensino fundamental sobre a nota padronizada da Prova Brasil, tanto quarta e oitava série, das redes municipais de ensino. As estimativas obtidas são em geral significantes, mas não grandes: um aumento de mil reais no gasto por aluno no ensino fundamental aumenta em média o desempenho escolar em algo entre 25% e 90% de um desvio-padrão. Há também, leve evidência de que existem variáveis omitidas positivamente relacionadas aos gastos. / The objective of this dissertation is to properly estimate the impact of public schooling expenditures over school performance. This issue is not yet clear dealt in the specialized literature: facing an apparent lack of relationship between the two variables, some authors argue that this is a result of the incentive structure of public schooling systems while others claim that this is the result of an empirical identification problem, specifically of endogeneity of expenditures. The present research seeks to use, for Brazil, a schooling finance reform (the transition from FUNDEF to FUNDEB) as an instrument for municipalities expenditures in primary education. FUNDEF and FUNDEB redistribution funds that must be necessarily have its resources employed on education. The first one functioned between 1996 and 2006 and was restricted to primary education while the second one started in 2007 and encompasses basic education. It is argued that such transition can be taken as exogenous and, thus, instrumental variables techniques are used to obtain the impacts of increases on per pupil expenditures on primary education on the standardized scores of Prova Brasil, for both fourth and eighth grades. The estimates obtained are in general significant, but not big: a thousand reais increase in expenditures per pupil on primary education increases on average school performance in something between 25% and 90% of a standard deviation. There is also light evidence that there are omitted variables positively related to expenditures.

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