Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ciences - study anda teaching"" "subject:"ciences - study ando teaching""
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Physical science activities and skills development in the school curriculum of NamibiaMkandawire, Myness 08 1900 (has links)
Grade 12 learners in one Namibian secondary school participated in a study
of science process skills implied in their International General Certificate of
Secondary Education (IGCSE) physical science syllabus. The study aimed at
finding out learners’ ability to identify science process skills in their physical
science syllabus, criteria used to identify skills and whether any relationship
existed between learners’ achievement in performing skills and learners’
ability in identifying the skills. Four physical science syllabus topics were
taught. Learners performed and identified science process skills in learning
and assessment tasks. A One Group Pretest-Posttest research design was
used in a combined qualitative and quantitative research method. Data
revealed that learners identified science process skills. Science processes
performed during learning experiences were used as criteria to confirm
presence of the skills. Learners’ achievement increased in performing and
identifying science process skills after intervention activities. There seemed
no relationship between learners’ achievement in performing and learners’
ability in identifying science process skills. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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An exploration into the school related factors that causes high matriculation failure rates in Physical Science in public high schools of Alexandra TownshipMuzah, Patson 21 November 2011 (has links)
The exploratory study investigated school related factors responsible for high matriculaion failure rates in physical science in public high schools of
Alexandra Township in South Africa. The target population included all Further Education and Training (FET) science educators and learners in Alexandra
Township. An extreme-case sampling method was used to select a sample of two schools. Data was collected through two different closed questionnaires, one for educators (n=10) and the other for learners (n=250). The results were analyzed using mainly descriptive tatistics.
The results, according to the views and opinions of educators and learners showed that the main causes of high failure rates are poor educator qualifications, outdated teaching methods, massive workloads, high levels of
absenteeism and acute deficiencies in aspects related to: resources, subject content, classroom management skills, proficiency in language of instruction and assessment, motivation and perseverance.
Recommendations for practice and policy are suggested. / Further Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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Improvisation as a strategy for the teaching of physical science in Venda with reference to teacher trainingSirestarajah, Kulandaivelu 11 1900 (has links)
Practical work forms an integral part of physical science. Most schools in Venda have no laboratories for practical work. Teachers use the telling method. Students learn by rote. They learn without understanding science concepts. They cannot apply their knowledge to real life situations. This research investigates the use of equipment from inexpensive material in teaching physical science. Teachers trained to improvise equipment use them in classroom teaching. These help teachers to understand many science concepts and use the process approach in their teaching. The research found that when science is taught through experiments with improvised apparatus, student learning occurs at various domains of science education. The bad effects of lack of facilities
for practical work are mostly eliminated. Meaningful learning leads to the understanding of science concepts. Students construct their own knowledge, apply it to any situation and enjoy learning the subject. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
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History teaching in South Africa within the context of the human and social sciences : an outcomes-based approach with reference to anti-racismManyane, R. Motse 11 1900 (has links)
This study begins by analysing and exploring problems associated with (a) history
teaching as part of the Human and Social Sciences learning area, (b) history teaching
within an Outcomes-based approach, and (c) history teaching and racism. In an effort
to provide solutions to these problems the study proceeds to propose a framework for
teaching history within the Human and Social Sciences learning area, to suggest a
viable Outcomes-based approach to teaching history in the context of this learning area,
and an attempt is also made to provide criteria for an anti-racist approach to history
teaching. Further, teaching and learning strategies of how far learners can exhibit antiracist
perspectives and attitudes have been developed.
Overall, the study found that an interdisciplinary approach - intended to preserve
history's identity within the Human and Social Sciences learning area- is worthwhile
and essential, given the rich potential of the discipline to enrich and even gain from the
unique insights that other disciplines within the learning area can provide. It is evident
that history, either by itself or in association with other disciplines, lends itself well to
Outcomes-based Education; and that while it is important and necessary to differentiate
between learning outcomes on the one hand, and aims and objectives on the other, the
former and the latter two demonstrate some significant overlaps.
Given the crucial importance of improving race and a range of other relations in South
Africa, the findings of the study seem to prove to be a feasible and indeed critically
important way in which history teaching could deal with racial and other forms of viprejudice,
injustice and discrimination. This seems to be the case because the findings
reveal that learners registered progress in various aspects of anti-racist history
teaching. Given the gains by learners, therefore, an Outcomes-based history teaching
within the Human and Social Sciences learning area would seem to be an essential
approach to learning programme development in the South African system of education
and training. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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Factors affecting the academic achievement of learners in Physical Sciences in selected Limpopo rural secondary schoolsZenda, Rekai 01 1900 (has links)
The study explored factors that affect learner academic achievement in Physical Sciences in Limpopo rural secondary schools. The motivation for the research was based on the high failure in Physical Sciences in South African schools. The new Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) has brought changes in the teaching and learning of Physical Sciences such as assessment processes, methodology and new content. It was worth pointing out that the achievement of Physical Sciences learners gives an indication of the effectiveness and efficiency of Physical Sciences teaching and learning. Therefore, identifying the factors entails important issues which are of great relevance to the way Physical Sciences should be taught in schools to improve learner academic achievement. The primary question was “Which factors impact on learners’ academic achievement in Physical Sciences in Limpopo rural secondary schools?” In order to answer this question a qualitative approach and qualitative survey design were used and individual interviews were carried out with Physical Sciences teachers, principals, parents and curriculum advisors. Data was further collected through focus group interviews with Physical Sciences learners. Purposeful sampling was used to identify the participants.
Data analysis in this research was aimed at giving appropriate meaning to the views of the Physical Sciences teachers, Physical Sciences learners, principals, curriculum advisors and parents on factors affecting learner academic achievement in Physical Sciences. The data was audio-recorded, transcribed and printed. The interview transcriptions were organised into themes by coding. The coded data was used to form the true analysis of the activity system by identifying the purpose of the activity in order to get clarifications. This included the context of the Physical Sciences teaching and learning and learner academic achievement.
The results according to the perceptions of Physical Sciences teachers, Physical Sciences learners, principals, curriculum advisors and parents showed that the main issues of high failure rate are lack of adequate resources, teacher effectiveness, lack of motivation, high teacher-learner ratio, workload, discipline of learners, supervision of teachers, parental involvement, management and leadership skills, and appropriate teaching methods. Recommendations for practice and policy are suggested and the indication was that provision of common tasks to teachers and formation of subject committees decreases the workload. The availability of resources allows learners to do practical work and improve performance. The goal was to engage learners in challenging and stimulating tasks with appropriate help from the teachers to improve achievement. In order for the teacher to provide assistance to the learners there must be maximum teacher-learner ratio. Effective supervision ensures that teachers and learners are punctual, which will ensure maximum use of available teaching time and timely completion of the work schedules or pace setters. A smaller number of learners per class could result in improved performance in Physical Sciences. It is important for principals to instil discipline in learners. The support and value of NGOs to assist in sharing workload by carrying out experiments in secondary schools was acknowledged. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Challenges experienced by Physical Sciences teachers with the implementation of the Curriculum and assessment policy statement in selected Eastern Cape schoolsKoti, Mandla 02 1900 (has links)
Learners who take Physical Sciences in the Further Education and Training Phase in Eastern Cape schools have been performing poorly in the subject in the final examinations in Grade 12. This raised the concern of the researcher to determine issues that underlie this. In attempting to determine the cause of the poor results, a Physical Sciences subject advisor and six Physical Sciences teachers were interviewed to gather information on this problem. The following issues were considered: the Physical Sciences curriculum, the nature and structure of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (Physical Sciences), learner performance in Physical Sciences, a review of literature on science teaching, strategies of teaching and learning, the role of science teachers, classroom interaction between teachers and learners and the challenges experienced with science teaching. Data collected through the interviews were analysed leading to the identification of core issues and recommendations on how to address these. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Empowering pre-adolescent second-language learners in the middle school yearsQuintana, Robert Charles 01 January 2005 (has links)
The thesis explores sociolinguistic issues facing pre-adolescent English-as-second-language learners. Topics covered include literacy issues, communicative competence issues at the intermediate and advanced English language development (ELD) levels, language and power relationships that affect pre-adolescent English language learners, politeness as a sociolinguistic tool, and the benefits of students acquiring the language of cooperative learning. The implications of these topics culminate in the development of a social studies curriculum unit designed for the middle-school classroom.
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Investigating the interactive use of computer simulations and videos in teaching grade 10 magnetism: a case study of four high schools in Mpumalanga provinceDzikiti, Lister Munodawafa 01 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the interactive use of computer simulations (CS) and videos on magnetism in Grade 10 at four high schools in the Mpumalanga province. Magnetism is one of the sections of the Physical Sciences CAPS curriculum. Four MST high schools in the Badplaas/Mashishila circuits of the Gert Sibande district in Mpumalanga were used as a case study.
Three schools were used as experimental groups while the fourth school was used as control group. The first group was taught using computer simulations. The second group was taught using videos. The third group was taught using both computer simulations and videos, and the fourth group was taught using normal traditional methods. Using the pre-post test non-equivalent control group design, it was found that learners in all the experimental groups, who were taught using either computer simulations or videos or both, achieved significantly higher scores after being subjected to the post-test than learners in the control group, who were taught only by the normal traditional method. Furthermore, learners who were taught using a combination of CS and videos achieved significantly higher scores than learners who were exposed to only CS or only videos. Class observations conducted during the study reported that the use of information communication technology (ICT) tools with learners in the experimental groups proved to be informative, motivational and inspirational. This was evidenced by active learner participation, the learners being able to make predictions after observations and provide scientific explanations of concepts through discussions. The use of ICT tools in the form of CS and videos proved to be an effective instrument which can enhance learning. / Physics / M. Sc. (Physics Education)
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Becoming democratic in the Life Sciences : reframing Life Sciences teaching and learning through posthumanism / Om demokraties in die Lewenswetenskappe te word : die heropstel van Lewenswetenskappe-onderrig en -leer deur posthumanisme / Ukuba yintando yeningi kusayensi yezempilo : ukuvuselela ukufundiswa nokufunda isayenzi yezempilo ngokusebenzisa okwakhiwa emva kokuphila komuntuMamutse, Kudakwashe 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of the study was to develop a critical posthumanist and democratic theory that may be applied in the teaching and learning of Life Sciences in South Africa in order to achieve an expanded form of democracy that would not discriminate between human and nonhuman. Though both critical posthumanist and democratic theories have been used in pedagogical studies separately, this study focused on the development of a merged and broader theory that has elements of both of the theories. The term nonhuman, as used here, does not specifically refer to non-person individuals only. Rather, it also refers to people who are regarded by the dominant humans as nonhumans – inferiors and subalterns. The latter group of people include the poor, women, children, people of colour and the disabled. Owing to this binarisation characteristic of the Life Sciences as a subject – which it adopts from the nature of science, its curriculum, and pedagogical approaches – the impression is given that as the master of the universe, the human has unlimited power over all other entities. These other nonhuman entities are then regarded as resources for the use of humans. Yet, it is this attitude which has caused humans to abuse nonhumans to the extent that the earth is facing the catastrophe of the Anthropocene.
The adoption of a critical education approach characterised by the development of a critical posthumanist and democratic theory that may be applied in the teaching and learning of Life Sciences is essential in dealing with the issue of the Anthropocene that is threatening the earth currently. This study thus seeks to adopt a critical education approach through the introduction of democracy into the teaching and learning of Life Sciences, specifically so that humans would get to a position where they would consider nonhumans as entities with which they co-exist, and entities with equal agency within the environment. The recognition of the need for democracy would allow the humans to treat the nonhumans (such as the environment and ‘subalterns’) with respect, as their compatriots; and by doing that, the harrowing issues leading to the catastrophe of the Anthropocene could be either avoided or averted. / Die doel van die studie was om ’n kritiese posthumanistiese en demokratiese teorie te ontwikkel wat op die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika toegepas kan word om ’n uitgebreide vorm van demokrasie daar te stel wat nie tussen menslik en niemenslik sal diskrimineer nie. Hoewel kritiese posthumanistiese sowel as demokratiese teorieë apart in pedagogiese studies gebruik word, het hierdie studie op die ontwikkeling van ’n saamgesmelte en breër teorie wat elemente van beide teorieë bevat, gefokus. Die term niemenslik soos wat dit hier gebruik word, verwys nie spesifiek net na niepersoon-individue nie. Dit verwys eerder ook na mense wat deur die dominante mense as niemense – minderes en ondergeskiktes – beskou word. Die laasgenoemde groep mense sluit die armes, vroue, kinders, mense van kleur en gestremde mense in. Vanweë hierdie binêre eienskap van die Lewenswetenskappe as ’n vak – wat dit as gevolg van die aard van wetenskap, sy kurrikulum en pedagogiese benaderings aanvaar het – word die indruk geskep dat die mens as heerser van die heelal onbeperkte mag oor al die ander entiteite het. Hierdie ander niemenslike entiteite word dan as hulpbronne vir gebruik deur mense gesien. Dit is egter hierdie houding wat veroorsaak het dat mense niemense misbruik, in so ’n mate dat die aarde die katastrofe van die Antroposeen in die gesig staar.
Die aanneem van ’n kritiese onderrigbenadering wat gekenmerk word deur die ontwikkeling van ’n kritiese posthumanistiese en demokratiese teorie wat by die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe gebruik kan word, is noodsaaklik om die kwessie van die Antroposeen wat die aarde tans bedreig, te hanteer. Hierdie studie wil dus ’n kritiese onderrigbenadering volg deur middel van die bekendstelling van demokrasie by die onderrig en leer van Lewenswetenskappe, in die besonder sodat mense in ’n posisie sal wees waar hulle niemense as entiteite saam met wie hulle ’n bestaan moet voer, en entiteite met gelyke verteenwoordiging in die omgewing, sal beskou. Om die behoefte aan demokrasie te erken, sal die mense toelaat om die niemense (soos die omgewing en “ondergeskiktes”) as hulle landgenote met respek te behandel; en deur dit te doen, kan die pynlike kwessies wat tot die katastrofe van die Antroposeen sal lei, moontlik vermy of afgeweer word. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakungukusungula umbono obucayi owenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu nentando yeningi engasetshenziswa ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayensi yezempilo eNingizimu Afrika ukuze kuzuzwe uhlobo olwandisiwe lwentando yeningi olungeke lubandlulule phakathi kwabantu kanye nokungebona abantu. Yize zombili izinkolelo ezibucayi ezenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu nezentando yeningi zisetshenzisiwe ezifundweni zokufundisa ngokwehlukana, lolu cwaningo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni kombono ohlanganisiwe futhi obanzi onezici zombili zale mibono.
Igama elithi okungebona abantu njengoba lisetshenziswa lapha, alibhekiseli ngqo kubantu abangebona abantu kuphela. Esikhundleni salokho, libhekise nakubantu ababhekwa ngabantu abaphezulu njengabantu abangebona abantu – abaphansi nabasezingeni eliphansi. Iqembu lokugcina labantu lifaka phakathi abampofu, abesifazane, izingane, abantu bebala nabakhubazekile.
Ngenxa yalesi sici sokuhlukaniswa kwesayensi yezempilo njengesifundo – emukela emvelweni yesayensi, ikharikhulamu yayo, kanye nezindlela zokufundisa - kunikezwa umbono wokuthi njengomphathi wendawo yonke, umuntu unamandla angenamkhawulo kuzo zonke ezinye izinhlangano. Lezi ezinye izinto ezingezona abantu zithathwa njengezinsiza ukusetshenziswa abantu. Kodwa-ke, yilesi simo sengqondo esidale ukuthi abantu bahlukumeze abantu abangebona abantu kuze kufike lapho umhlaba ubhekene nenhlekelele yokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba.
Ukwamukelwa kwendlela ebucayi yezemfundo ebonakala ngokuthuthukiswa kombono obucayi owenziwa ngemuva kokuphila komuntu kanye nentando yeningi engasetshenziswa ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayenzi yezempilo kubalulekile ekubhekaneni nodaba lokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba olusongela umhlaba njengamanje. Lolu cwaningo-ke lufuna ukwamukela indlela yezemfundo ebucayi ngokwethulwa kwentando yeningi ekufundisweni nasekufundeni kwesayensi yezempilo, ikakhulukazi ukuze abantu bafike esikhundeni lapho bezobheka khona abantu abangebona abantu njengezinhlangano abaphila nazo, nezinhlangano ezinokumela ngokulinganayo ngaphakathi kwemvelo. Ukwamukelwa kwesidingo sentando yeningi kuzovumela abantu ukuthi baphathe abantu abangebona abantu (njengemvelo kanye nabasezingeni eliphansi) ngenhlonipho, njengabantu bakubo; futhi ngokwenza lokho, izingqinamba ezihlasimulisayo eziholela enhlekeleleni yokwakhiwa nokuthuthukiswa komhlaba zingagwenywa noma zivinjelwe. / Educational Foundations / Ph. D. (Philosophy of Education)
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Teachers' perceptions of environmental education integration in Grade 10 subjects in selected Thohoyandou secondary schoolsTshivhase, Patrick Vhulahani 10 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which grade 10 Thohoyandou secondary teachers’ integrated Environmental Education (EE) themes in Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) subjects and to suggest teaching approaches that can be used in the integration of EE themes. The theoretical framework was drawn from four key learning theories: place-based learning, social constructivism, outdoor experiential learning and connectivism. A qualitative research approach was employed as the researcher sought in-depth understanding of teachers’ perceptions to- wards the integration of EE themes in their subjects. The study population comprised teachers integrating EE themes in grade 10 subjects. Convenient purposive sampling was used to select five (n=5) schools and ten (n=10) teachers as participants in this single case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews using a re- searcher-designed interview guide, document analysis and non-participatory observation. Content analysis was used to analyse data obtained. Results indicated that all teachers in this study were qualified to teach the subject and the grades they were teaching. Qualifications ranged from a secondary teaching diploma to the Masters in Education. However, no teacher had received prior training to integrate EE themes in their subjects. Teachers possessed knowledge and could apply some of the theories foregrounding EE in their subjects. Challenges faced by teachers in integrating EE themes in their subjects were lack of resources, overcrowded classes and poor learner involvement and understanding. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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